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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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and in fact, the boy may still remain in the occupation, or we should not rule out the possibility that he ended up in the territory controlled by ukraine, but for one reason or another, nothing is known about him. therefore, i am asking absolutely everyone, especially the residents of the occupied part of the kherson region, who can see this video on the internet, to look carefully at the face of 13-year-old ivan. if you recognize him, do not delay. and please notify us immediately on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. if it is inconvenient or there is no possibility to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. do not remain indifferent and let's do everything possible together to find the missing boy. i really hope so. that
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everything is fine with vana, that he is alive and well, and with your help we will be able to find him. and by the way, it may well be the case that the boy, for example, together with someone from his relatives, fleeing from the war, ended up in one of the european countries. so please remember or better write this number 116.30. this is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. therefore, if you are in... one of the european countries and you suddenly see a boy who looks like vanya gorbachevskiy, immediately call the short number 116 30. i have told only one of the many difficult stories of children who have gone missing. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the website of the children's search service. here are photos of children who have disappeared and need ours.
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help you, so please don't be indifferent, look at the faces of these children and if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the children's helpline number 11630, calls are free from of all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear that now the vast majority of children we are trying to find are missing due to circumstances one way or another connected with. in occupation, in front-line towns or villages, or during evacuation, but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often disappear due to running away from home, mostly boys and girls resort to this in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary , excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or a banal search for adventure, independence and freedom.
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the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is the parents' respect for the child. show respect for the child's personality, for his personal space, for her things often we do not notice how our children grow up, and what was normal in behavior with a small child, is completely unacceptable in behavior with a teenager, for example. and we cannot enter a teenager's room without knocking, moreover, we cannot enter the bathroom when he is there, we cannot rummage through his personal belongings without permission, we cannot read his correspondence, this all violates his privacy, violates borders, makes him feel insecure and prompts him to run away, prompts him to seek safe places somewhere outside the home, don't we necessary. so, building a healthy relationship between parents and child. a child should have
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his own space, where parents should not interfere without consent, and most importantly, respect in adolescence is extremely important. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on the new satirical one. hbo series on mekogo mode. can her tyranny lead to freedom? see the ukrainian megogo subscription. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in psylansky, ban and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on lactial, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. there are 15% discounts on spasmal tablets in pharmacies, plantain, bam and save.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of prideshnya, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team is represented by: united football, stronger together! there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become of russia, we are countering the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. the football format changes the time of airing.
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from now on, you can immerse yourself in the football atmosphere every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews, goals, highlights. emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel.
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the authorities and security forces are not capable and, i would say, do not even want to really protect russians. in a couple of minutes, the fsb can round up and arrest anyone who goes out with a note saying there is no war or something, even an empty note, without anything at all, but at the same time
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they simply allow the mass murder of people literally across the street without any problems from the omon base, and in the area near moscow, where there are security forces per square meter... of area, well , probably more than anywhere else in the world. well, all this, and the fact that after everything that happened there, well, the very eyes that the terrorists were shooting, they literally did all this in 15 minutes, but in order for the riot police to get there, which i repeat once again, they were across the road from all this, it took 40 minutes, then they entered something, they shot something there, stormed someone. as a result, some absolutely fabulous story came out, when as a result, it was bestrykin bestrykin, the head of the investigative committee of russia , published the figures of the dead, so he named 139 dead, of which 42 people were killed
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directly by terrorists, that is, either gunshot wounds, or there were two people with knife wounds, 45 from above. 45 burned, i.e. more than those people who died from bullets, but it is absolutely unclear what 52 people died from, he doesn't even talk about it and... uh, it's not clear at all and no one asks him about it, it's also it's very strange, er, and that's the whole story, it and the fact that it is the security forces were driving for a long time, and the fact that there are such numbers now, it usually gives rise to a bunch of some conspiracist versions. well , in fact, three versions of events are being discussed: whether the russian special services themselves carried out this terrorist attack, another, whether the russian special services gave the opportunity to carry out this terrorist attack, that is, they knew that something like this was being prepared, and... they just did not react to it very well, or well the third option, that the russian special services really did not know about
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him, could not prevent him from all this shooting, all three versions, of course they such a miracle, how can i say, they are bad for the russian special services in any case, but there is another nuance that, you know, well, among all these conspiracy theories, there are now wandering around on social networks some... such videos and photos, where people, men in blue priests and blue jeans, for some reason walk around this very hall a step away from this city hall, say that all the doors are closed, then they film something, somehow coordinate their actions, and all this gives rise to such rumors, also amazing about that it was still somehow coordinated by the fsb, well, we are not at the moment we can say nothing about it , we can’t say anything at all, because as you know, the russians in...
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all these events began, a very short time passed there, when the deputy secretary of the russian security council came out with a statement that it was necessary to punish, because if we will prove that this is the kyiv regime, then everyone must be punished, that is, and this is how they consider it all, they talk about the fact that there is some connection with ukrainians, that there is some connection with ukraine, and it is necessary to punish ukraine, because no matter who shoots, it is still necessary to destroy everyone in ukraine. well, in principle, this trend was started by putin, who in the literal sense of the word started
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talking about the fact that he does not want to believe that these were some idols, that is, that they were arab extremists, he just literally immediately started talking about that we need to look for some other, well, other culprits, we know that... we know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical islamists, with whose ideology the islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries, but we also see that the usa is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world in the fact that, according to their intelligence , there is allegedly no trace of kyiv in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was committed by followers of islam, members of organizations and activities banned in russia. and this would be an isolated statement, but it is not an isolated
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statement, because practically all of this began to be confirmed in some way by all the other members of this kremlin gang, well, and here is a fresh statement, literally today, it is the director of the fsb bortnikov and secretary of the security council mykola patrushev, simply without any evidence, simply because they believe yes, they blame ukraine. "the bandits intended to go abroad, precisely to the territory of ukraine, according to our operational information, they were waiting there, so here, the president said that there was even a window, they were preparing a window at the border, now this information is being finalized, i don't want to be silent, to say something unverified or to be silent, we must talk about the facts, we will be guided by the facts. in my further work, i will already reveal a little secret, on that side they wanted to be met as heroes, this phrase for the
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moment will remain as i said. idil or ukraine? of course, ukraine. well, you see, the head of the fsb, he wants to be guided by the facts, but sometime later, but not now, but now he is telling something, some fantasies, and these fantasies are there. about the fact that someone paid, and some windows at the border, well, about someone paid, then they even laugh at this in the studios of russian tv channels. when he was interrogated in the forest, that's how he came, i'm one of the authors of this film, so i tell him, don't believe it, the first thing he said in the forest was 500 thousand on a card, also a russian one, he himself ran away to ukraine, what a russian card, and what 500 00 rubles, and he lost the card, well, of course, it was with a russian card that he should somehow
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live there in ukraine, very funny, and the second province on the border, province yes... it didn’t work out at all very funny, because now they have to somehow explain how and why the border of ukraine is there at all, if it is much closer to the border of belarus. it is very difficult to discuss this, because we will probably find out a little later, and we will only know what the special services want to tell us, then special services arrested quickly enough, everything begins. there is no need to discuss this topic, the fact is that whatever versions do not make sense, moreover, we are not professionals, the fact was built, no matter how many deny such versions of the involvement of the special services of ukraine, the fact is the fact, i repeat once again, this is kursk, this is 150 km to the border, and accordingly, warring representatives of the most diverse countries and the same
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nationality on the territory of northern ukraine, let's explain for our tv viewers. to belarus, from this point in the bryansk region is much closer than to the ukrainian border, but the sense of hiding on the territory of belarus, given the relations between russia and belarus, is absolutely absurd, so the version that they moved from the village of hatsu, first from moscow towards belarus , simply falls away, given the fact that it is absolutely absurd, well a very strange explanation why it is meaningless to people with russian cards, it would be very, well, it would be good in belarus, that's the first thing. and secondly, it is one thing to cross the front, where there are soldiers on one side, and soldiers on the other, that is how they were going to break through of the russian military on the border with ukraine, it is interesting, but there is no such border guard with belarus, there is nothing like that, that is, go ahead, drive through the forests there, well, not a problem in principle, but it does not bypass them, and and i would say
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that they don't even care about the fact that belarusian officials have already declared that they helped, it turns out, the russian services, to prevent these people from breaking into the territory of belarus, the head of the border service of belarus stated this, and today it is literally lukashenko even about this, among other things, he said that we helped, and that is why they did not turn in the direction of belarus, but turned in the direction of ukraine. wait, if they had a choice to turn towards belarus or towards ukraine. then we can talk about which window on the border and the window on whose border specifically, i am not talking about the fact that the window on the border assumes that the other side, well, in this case, some russian special services should have provided them with this window, well it's like that, it's a general frenzy that reigns there, eh,
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and at the same time it's absolutely clear that the russian authorities absolutely do not want any... other investigators to work there, they are all involved in this whole terrorist attack, precisely because these investigators will not allow them to falsify the case in order to justify some of these trying to tie ukraine in some way, and you know, well, serhiy lavrov is so stupid that he talks about it directly. we, i'm sure, i'm sure, we will handle this investigation. we need such help, which will clearly be a manifestation of double standards. and will most likely be aimed at promoting a western-friendly theory that the islamic state did it, and ukraine is unlikely to be needed for anything. in general, it is precisely the fact that the isil took responsibility for this terrorist attack, that the isil made a statement, this is terribly annoying to the russians, and
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it is terribly annoying that they were talking about it, well, the special services. of the united states of america, who said that this terrorist attack is being prepared in this way, and it is feeding it, and rather than an idol. they also talked about it, but this is all very annoying, as the official authorities, yes, well, following the official authorities annoys the russian propagandists, and they directly with such irritation that you do you always talk about eating? in the west , they are trying with all their might to prove their innocence. of ukraine before this terrorist attack, they write about our country's baseless accusations against kyiv. here is the most surprising thing that no one has yet officially independently accused. in his address, vladimir putin only said that the terrorists tried to escape to the territory of ukraine, where a corridor was specially prepared for them, but in the west they hear only what they want to hear, and then they use it for
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their own, very correct purposes in the united states, but for sure found guilty, this terrorist organization gel, the president of the united states, kamala harris, without appeal, said that it was idil , the ban in russia, that the terrorist organization is responsible, and they are still 50 years old. they can tell someone who killed their own president kennedy, but in half an hour they immediately realized that an idol was walking around, khuran, who was responsible for this terrorist attack, well, i will tell you that the russian authorities still cannot tell who killed kirov, and that's more , than 50 or 60 years, i'm not saying that they still can't tell who killed myamtsov, so it's not let's talk about this. well, this irritation, you know, is also connected with the fact that they are directly trying to somehow find an explanation, and if the united states, as it is now, well, it is
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also an ordinary one of them, that it was probably prepared by the united states, it is also there and the special services the united states was preparing this entire terrorist attack, but it is not related to the fact that the united states warned on march 7. about the possibility of such acts of terrorism, but you have seen many people who are preparing a terrorist attack and warning that a terrorist attack is being prepared, well , there are practically no such ones, even more so there are no such countries, and now they are trying to explain it somehow, and these explanations, well, they are also extremely inadequate, i would say, well, let's listen to them, in two weeks several visits by those militants, so to speak to kroc city, that's it. the beginning of march, march 7-8, and it is at this time that western embassies warn their citizens not
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to attend any mass events in russia, as they say, i don’t think it’s a coincidence, usually special services come to the embassy, ​​then all other western countries turned to , because they care that none of their citizens perish. and the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, if suddenly the organizers would get, as they say, a capuchin, an american or a british person died, well, you see, they are trying to prevent the americans, the british from killing their citizens, and the russians for some reason do not try to allow this, but they died normally and died, moreover, still this, let 's remember that when the russians were warned that there would be terrorist attacks, how putin reacted, and this is how he reacted, let me remind you... also about recent, frankly, provocative statements by some official western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia. this all resembles direct blackmail and the intention to frighten
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and destabilize our society. well, that's how he said the provocations, that's all, and he doesn't want to hear these explanations, here the horact happened. such a surprise, he was warned about a terrorist attack, a terrorist attack happened, and now he is looking for the culprits. how can this be tied to ukraine. it doesn't work and they all fight together in hysterics, so why doesn't anyone in the world believe that ukrainians were involved? how about yes, for some reason everyone says that we said it was an ideal, it did happen an ideal, and now we can’t get out of it in any way, the russians are inventing something with this, well, very amazing people, well, it must be said that the responsibility a subgroup of the islamic state, called idilka, took responsibility for the shooting, it is from the first letter of khorasan, it is the old name of a tako... region in iran, there in turkmenistan, afghanistan, in fact this idilka, well, this is not the first of its kind at all, even in russia a terrorist attack, that's what it's about, in the past
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they attributed a lot of attacks to themselves, well sometimes they had no relationship with them, but this time this trace was confirmed by american intelligence, moreover, the terrorist attack against the russian federation was already in september 22, when the militants of the same dilkuras. already made themselves known by carrying out a terrorist attack on the russian embassy in kabul, that is, they have such claims against the russians, it must be said, the russians did not draw any conclusions, and now we see this big terrorist attack, moreover, this islamic state, well, also american special services warned the french in the 22nd year, at the same time when there was a terrorist attack together with the russians, and it must be said. that the french special services reacted differently to this warning and they did warn of these terrorist attacks and again it was the same, well, the same
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group. the french react for some reason, the russians for some reason do not, as a result , the french do not have a terrorist attack, but the russians do and they are now looking for the culprits, well, but you know , what is the wildest thing in this story, it is not even that they are trying just to say that the terrorist attacks are not there, they are not happening there, no, it's even worse, because in this statement putin also talks about the fact that in general... the special services of russia need to find evidence that these were not islamic extremists and neidil, but listen to this statement, well, he actually directly says about it, and has already announced that , we know that it is the igil, do you not think that it is strange, our task is first of all to find the real culprits and put the blame on the igil, on ukraine, on crimea, we must understand that despite the fact , that our country is conducting
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a special military operation... the threat of radical islamism has not disappeared, you it was recalled that the russian fsb destroyed a cell of the wilayat harasan group, the so-called unit of the islamic state in pakistan, which wanted to carry out a terrorist attack in a synagogue in moscow. threats against the russian president and russia are regularly published in the social networks of these terrorists from the banned wilayat of harasan. and i am surprised, i completely agree with you, that is why i am asking you a question, to which you should not immediately blame someone, but until you answer, we still need to understand that the use of ethnic tajiks and an attempt to hide, i.e. the immortals , we had it now, it was also in the iranian city of kerman, when the memorial to general suleimani was blown up, and it was in istanbul, and by the way, these are other terrorist attacks in russia
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were also on this matter, and it turns out that they even... detained someone on this matter on march 7, again, no conclusions, and look, well, actually, this statement of putin's, which i was talking about. during the joint work of our special services and law enforcement agencies, we need to get answers to a number of questions. for example, whether really radical and even terrorist? or islamic organizations are interested in striking russia, which is advocating today for a just solution to the escalating middle east conflict, radical islamists, and as radical islamists who position themselves, by the way, as orthodox muslims who practice the so-called pure islam, pure islam , go to commit grave atrocities and crimes in the holy month of ramadan for all muslims, the holy month of ramadan for all muslims, that is
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, come on... let's figure out how radical islamists are attacking russia, putin asks. and why can they not attack russia? it seems that the russian authorities are simply surprised, these are our allies, how did they attack us, this is how this statement should be understood, and find me proof that they cannot attack in ramadan. well , here i have even this, you know, and there are no questions, i can't even comment on it, it's just an unwillingness to see the obvious and an unwillingness, you know, really... to follow this matter simply, if i say so seriously, that is, it's them they came up with some kind of version that ukrainians should be tied there, it doesn't work, no, they don't investigate, they search, but they literally knock out some, well, some strange ties, and, well, it's on russian television, they they already say directly, no, it's not ydil, but literally, that is, in a bunch of russian
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televisions. the judges just say it can't be idol because it can never be. look, with regard to the typicality and atypicality of handwriting and deeds, we are essentially sailing in the same boat. this is definitely not a typical handwriting, at the level of today, the islamic state is forbidden to conduct in a state, they do not have such opportunities. they analyzed in detail why it could not be militants. idol, idol, idol insist on the west. well, you know, they simply already agreed to that in their studios , well, that’s how we are friends, so they can’t, that is, they may not have said so directly, but they were already close to it, so just listen to these unexpected franknesses in these studios. russia now has normal relations with the islamic world and in the near future.


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