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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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was in this direction, for now i will say that they have reserves, yes, human reserves, and technical capabilities, i mean equipment, here they are advancing, uh, strategy, you hear me well, yes, yes, yes, we hear, yes , we hear, here is their tactics in the whole area, yes, so it looks like this... let's say, they want to get closer, to gain a foothold in order to , well, in the future, start an offensive, so that it is convenient for them, well, convenient, so that there were such opportunities, because when they do start their offensives from distant positions, we see them, and even if we say so, contact battles do not take place, because they do not reach the contact line, so let's say the groups that they... go to these assaults are absolutely
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small, well, there are no more than three or four little men, yes 3-4 - as his object, which must be destroyed, and therefore we hunt for them and destroy them, well, let's just say last night there they destroyed their ural car and damaged the hail combat vehicle, that's what you are like. strong active assault actions are currently not observed in the direction of this may day there nevelske and so on, but which of them is there offensive potential now? there are reserves, there are reserves, we see it, we see it, we hear it through interceptions, well, intelligence reports, that is , they have reserves, so we do not just sit there, we carry out, let's say , fortification works, we strengthen.
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we pass the mines, that is, the barrage of mines, we put up, this work is constantly being carried out so that, well , we understand what their plans are there, so we are constantly preparing for this , there is something to fight for, let's say this, there is ammunition, there is something to destroy them, that is why we do not have equipment in our direction, currently in the brigade's defense lane we observe well, in fact, mr. sergey , in fact, if you look at the map, well, in principle, the russian soldiers also say that, semenivka, orlivka, tonenko, these are already captured, the remains of the villages, well, because this is already a village, it has been destroyed, the only , what remains is berdychi, that's how the russians write about the task, let's say, for the next couple of days, but...
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at the same time they note that the bc limit instruction went there, that is, this is the first time such a thing appears in them, well to a certain limit you can apply, do you feel it on the battlefield, the limit on the battlefield, no, we do not feel it, so it is all shooting, yes, airstrikes are also carried out, including on civilian towns and villages. which are there in the lane, because there is no such limit, but again , i would not recommend to anyone to adopt their information, only officially what the general staff announced to us, that's all, because they are, i say, news, they are in the air they rather receive from our means of information than from their command, well, when they speak.
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then we will not talk like this, it will be right, and the enemy is waiting everywhere. death, and i will say this, this is not a slogan, this is what is in reality, but only where we see them, and his, their, or their equipment and so on, that is where all the means capable of destroying them are aimed. mr. serhiy , are the means you have enough for you to achieve your goals, you are just talking about them, we need more, always more and... there will be more, the more we will
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destroy them even further and fearlessly, that is why we are doing and we are collecting donations, and everything is going along the lines of the ministry of defense. as it should be, well, well, by opportunities, yes, that's why there is work, when there is something to work, the mood of all fighters is completely different. actually, right now, at the bottom of the screen , our viewers can see the card number where you can donate, just for mr. serhiy's unit, we ask you to tell us what you are collecting for, and what is the most necessary right now , what you announced the collection for. well , first of all, it is for the components for our unmanned aerial vehicles, that is , for our fpv drones, and secondly, we also collect them for the rep equipment, which we
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let's say from the first donations they protested , showed their effectiveness, so we are increasing, increasing, closing positions in order to... make it impossible for them to work in the lane of our defense line, uh, enemy drones, it means how diverse these drones of theirs are , i'm talking about whether it's always possible to recognize what's flying there and counter it accordingly, we work on it constantly, monitor, improve, study, share among ourselves, this means completely different divisions among ourselves. different brigades, various councils of forces working in the direction of combating these flying unmanned systems, hostile, there is always an exchange of ideas, an exchange of what someone has come up with, so in this, well in this direction, this is the weapon
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of the future, and this is what, well , which is receiving a lot of attention now, you see that these refineries that are exploding. in the rear of the enemy, this is a big effort, and when no matter how many tanks they have there and all other equipment, if there is nothing to fuel it, then it no longer poses a threat, everything, only destroys and they will not be able to use it, this a complex joint struggle, joint of all branches of the military and all the forces involved in it, while our viewers will donate cards under this number. the enemies switch to wheeled vehicles in order to be more mobile, what else is changing on the battlefield and how long until, well, let's say what the military calls zelenka, when everything turns green, how much will have to
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be changed in battle tactics, well, look, that means for the local people know us, the units of our brigade personally say, because we have been standing, let's say, holding the defense in this direction for the second year, that's why all the tracks, everything is so well known, we adjust, we prepare, we are ready to perform any tasks that stand, well, you understand, yes, uh, every day, every night, uh, we have to take turns , we have to compare, follow, conducting, we, we not only, i will say that we stand on the defensive. we are still in some assault troops and there is such a thing, it’s just what is the opportunity, so, let’s put it this way, the enemy must be constantly in tension, that’s how he is in tension, realizing that they are occupiers,
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after all, information reaches them in this direction, but well, we are preparing for the fact that there are constant trainings for everyone as well. units, that is, in their directions , so, let's say, we need only now to carry out the mobilization process more, let's say, more actively, so that we have someone to change the fighters in the positions, so that they can rest more, will rest more, and have the opportunity to recover their your forces, which means that you will be more effective in the fight against the enemy, mr. serhiy, we know that... you don't have them you can only see and hear regularly what directions, that is, in which direction they are going to move further, because the front is wide, it is many hundreds of kilometers, in the avdiiv direction, which way will they go
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, to karlivka or further north, ee karlivka, well, that’s geography this, you know, is not very convenient for an offensive in them, there are such water ... barriers and so on, but they are absolutely novopavlivka, now they are currently throwing very large forces there, well, in the last week, including equipment. are directly active in this direction, but not all success they had, but this is what they are doing all the time, you know, attempts where you can feel the defense, where you can strike, where you can break through it, but not understanding that the command of the armed forces and its general staff foresee these situations and do, let's say, eh additional security measures in order to make it impossible for them to break through, because further... there is a space on the lidov cover and so on, so the enemy smashes against these assaults, er,
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he smashes our defenses with his assaults, and constantly, you see, fires , let's say, these cities, towns, in order to sow panic, continues its such terrorist acts of warfare. yes, confirmation of your words, i will specifically quote you the enemy, because the enemy. writes, there is a military man from the front line in the direction of vdiyiv, he runs his telegram channel for the russians in the armed forces of the armed forces of ukraine, they are putting up serious resistance and they are fighting every meter , you see confirmation of your words from the enemy every meter, and even they, look russian -fascist occupiers are forced to recognize the armed forces of ukraine in their effectiveness. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, thank you for. in our program, serhii tsyhotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov
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handziuk. i hope you had time to donate and support their unit. we will take a short break and analyze with serhii zgurets, in general, what changes are taking place in this phase of military operations. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw. unpack the tv just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, call just order now, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with a saw strong only for... look how quickly it copes, even with thick branches, once and ready, and unlike
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represents. united by football, stronger together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back, and serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, is already in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. serhiy, just now we were talking about both the bakhmutsky and the avdiivsky directions, and we want to ask you about the northern direction, because the russians there are now announcing the beginning of the offensive, we understand that they have not gone anywhere from there and have always been there, but
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the fighters who are in this direction constantly tell us about the activity on our airwaves, as you can see the development of events. in the vicinity of siversk? well, let's separate attacks and offensives, these are still different ordinal indicators, and when we talk about sivets in the context of the actions of the russian federation, we will remember that there is a grouping west, the grouping west of the enemy there is responsible for the kursk-belgorod border areas of the bryansk region and this section of the front, starting from kupyansk. concluding with the crime, and now, relatively speaking, literally for several days, the enemy has become more active in the area, in the liman direction, this is precisely an attempt to conduct combat operations in the direction of the yampolivkatorske thorn, indeed, over the past couple of days, the number of attacks by
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the enemy has increased, and we have it, by the way , good confirmation of how these enemy attacks end, here is a video, i think i saw yesterday from the 95th airborne assault brigade, which together with the azov special forces brigade, the national guard, destroyed at least 30 units of various armored vehicles in a day just under the thorns, that is, the enemy's attempts to advance on the thorns are just like this... here, the enemy will continue to try, despite these colossal losses, to try to push further our troops beyond the zherebets river, and then advance to the leman, thus creating the conditions for the subsequent offensive on sibersk, in principle, these are such rather theoretical things, because when we talk about the pace of advance
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and to the leman direction and the pace of combat actions in the vicinity of white. kicks and the fact that the front line does not change in serebryansk forestry, these two areas and belogorivka and serebryansk forestry will determine the enemy's ability to somehow move towards sibersk from the north, but in these areas of the front, the front line has not changed for a long time, and i still i don't see any prerequisites for the enemy to start attacking the north now, because it's actually irrational in these conditions, it's understandable. the actions in biclen are clear, but we see that even on these priority conditional directions strength of the enemy, if any, then these attacks of the enemy ended with quite significant losses for the enemy. i wanted to ask you about, in fact, a new system, our researchers looked at a new optical guidance system on
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russian missiles that are used. three such optical modules are entered into the computer , as they say, data from previous photos, photo data from aerial reconnaissance, and later, as if a self-guided missile with such and such a system can, because it does not depend on radio-electronic warfare, can safely fly to this object, here about what? well, for example, our specialists also tell us, the russians have been trumpeting this a lot for a long time, do you know anything about this system and what can you say? well, we have news when... it appears in the media, in fact the situation is not like this at all, we are talking about the fact that the russian x101 missile has multiple guidance systems, and had them from the
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beginning , this is a gps guidance system, a guidance system based on altimeter radios, when the topography of the sending area is measured, and the third component of the kh101 missile guidance system is precisely the eyes optical modules which. relatively speaking, this triad is supplemented by the guidance system of the kha-101 missile, this optical guidance system, it just compares the picture that is previously loaded into the machine's processor with what this missile sees on the ground, it really does not fall under the influence of rap means, as, in particular, it concerns the gps radio altimeter system, and... but this optical system can work in conditions when it is visible, that is, this means that this missile hast1 can be used, well, in the daytime, or
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when these optics actually work, but whether it it's a new development, mr. sergey, because they present it like this, as if it's another one of their wunderwaffes, but you already know this, so they've had it for a long time, why are they starting to talk about it now, we're looking at the quantity. the rate of shooting down of these missiles is up to 90%, even more than our anti-aircraft means, despite the fact that this khaos-101 missile had an optical module before, so we are talking about the fact that this is actually a standard equipment of the missile in the latest versions, it does not affect the effectiveness of our anti-aircraft defense, mr. serhiy, according to the law and in very dark conditions and condensed colors now shows the situation. in ukraine, that the next 5-6 months may be decisive, that there is a shortage of ammunition, that there is a lack of manpower in ukraine , and that russia has already advanced several
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kilometers, but in the summer they can make a more powerful push and actually prepare a new offensive. against this background, we see initiatives, in particular by the czech republic, which say that they can transfer twice as much ammunition and shells to ukraine, we are talking about 1.5 million. will it save the situation and on how long can we have enough for that? well, in fact, the czech initiative now remains, well, the cornerstone of our hopes, because in fact now we see the pace of the arrival of american aid, which is now absolutely minimal, almost zero, despite the fact that the united states previously supplied us with about 2 million shells, which were our main strength during driving. hostilities last year, now, if we are talking about the supply of 1.5 million from various countries due to the integration of this process to the czech republic, then this will really provide, well, effective
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defense system. czech projectiles have already begun to arrive to our military, not in the volumes we would like, but in any case, the hopes for this process are high, because in fact now the arrival of these projectiles, which are already caches. different states and the question is only in terms of supply, will close a certain gap while the european defense industry begins to pick up pace with the production of projectiles, this process is also taking place, there are a number of statements from germany and france regarding increasing the pace of ammunition production, in general, the european union, the countries of the european union should go to the rate of 1.2 million munitions per year in addition to those ... volumes that the president of the czech republic is talking about, so in any case, i think that after a certain time the situation on the front with from the point of view of the use of shells by the ukrainian army, well , it will change significantly, so far we have
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a ratio of one to seven, as deputy minister of defense gavryliuk says, that is , in fact, we use there from 2 to 300 shots per day, the enemy uses , accordingly, six times more , but on in different areas of the front , the situation is different, in different ways, and where we lack ammunition, we quite actively use, forcefully use , compensators of drones, in particular near avdiivka, in other directions, the effectiveness of drones, well, it looks colossal, huh , and in this case, it was most interesting to see how a fairly cheap solution for combat drones destroys a fairly expensive solution, such as the russian sam 100s and... they would say that they can’t produce them so quickly, that in fact it goes into the negative , in plus for us french aid in
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the form of a promise is coming. it was announced, but when they can appear, how much in these mobile self-propelled doves can we achieve, at least fire parity, well , van parity is a rather difficult issue, it needs a much wider discussion, when we are now talking about the promised howitzers from france, these howitzers. caesars, which we now see in the video, now we have about three dozen such howitzers, half of them were placed somewhere by france, and we have another 78 to receive, for six we paid with our own money to the ministry of defense of ukraine, the cost of one such helicopter is 4 million euros, and these six vehicles should arrive in the near future, and the remaining 72 helicopters for... in fact, france did
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such a thing as created an art coalition, and now european countries have to come up with money to pay for the order for these goblets for the french company nekster. the rate of production of these howitzers is six howitzers per month, and in fact, if this money is found, then these 72 howitzers that the minister of defense is talking about. although he speaks of 78, but we have already paid for six, and these 72 will go to the armed forces of ukraine during the year. but when we talk about france, france is currently carrying out such an active, media campaign related to political, military-political activity, related to the blurring of these lines of the russian federation, and this is very good, but from the point of view of providing military aid, france, in my opinion
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, is... an excessively thrifty country, it is not even among the twenty countries whose aid in the military sphere is a priority, that is, now france, despite the fact that it supplies us with scalps, about 40 scalps, we will receive a significant amount of ammunition this year, about 30 thousand, we received about 30 thousand ammunition, but in general , the potential of france in the supply of weapons is much greater than what is kept . ukraine, why then, mr. serhiy, are they so, well, not that they delay, but give sparingly? in fact, these are the features of the european french defense industry, it is deployed the slowest of all, but we were promised 80 thousand ammunition in the same the minister of defense of france, the chief of the general staff of france, in an interview with a french newspaper
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just last week, says... that we produce a maximum of 5,000 munitions per month there, that is, in fact, we were promised more than the french munitions industry is currently producing, i hope that these words of the minister will have more weight than the words of the chief of the general staff, and they really have a reserve to quickly increase the production of ammunition. thank you, mr. sergey, for your participation in our broadcast, for the clarification. sergey zgurets was with us. well, it was you who spoke about the peculiarities of the french military bureaucracy, but the coalition of armored vehicles in support of ukraine just today started work in warsaw, it is completely different there, because in this case the coalition works in different countries, they already have different algorithms, let's hope that these tasks, which they announced today, supply, weapons, ammunition, maintenance, heavy equipment and repair,
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this is what we will receive. and now a moment of silence. we will honor the memory of all those who lost their lives russian let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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