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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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equipment and repairs, this is what we will receive, and now we will observe a moment of silence to honor the memory of all those who died at the hands of the russians. let's observe a minute of silence in memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day together with you, in this broadcast we are talking about five scenarios of french participation. ukraine and russia are considered by emmanuel macron, some of them foresee direct clashes with russian troops, so writes the french newspaper anle figaro, what are these scenarios and what is the active position of the french president connected with, and will he manage to find more allies for ukraine? the ukrainian energy system is affected after the russian attack on march 22, where is the greatest damage and how long will the hourly and emergency power outages last? we will ask the deputy minister of energy svitlana grincha about it. nato is considering the possibility of shooting down
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russian missiles near the alliance's borders, the deputy minister said poland's foreign affairs minister andrzej schein, and the pentagon said that the us will defend every inch of nato territory if a nato ally is attacked, what plan of action will the alliance countries choose? important news, exclusive comments, all this is on our morning broadcast, join weekdays from 9:00. svoboda mornings on radio svoboda's youtube channel and on the air of telekanaluso tv. during the past day, the aviation of the defense forces struck two control points and eight areas of concentration of personnel of weapons and military equipment of the russian forces this was reported in the morning summary of the ukrainian general staff. units of the missile forces, they say, damaged one anti-aircraft defense device, one artillery device and an ammunition depot of the russian army there. in general, the general staff declares about 67 combat clashes per day, at night, they add, russian forces attacked ukraine again.
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using 13 bepils of the shachet type. 10 of them were destroyed. the russian ministry of defense , on the other hand, claims that su-25 attack aircraft attacked units of the armed forces of ukraine on donetsk direction. the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine ilya yevlash joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good morning, glory to ukraine studio. glory to the heroes. hitting with shaheds is already a common practice for russian forces, but now the russian army looks like it has changed its tactics somewhat. shelling of ukraine, launch ballistics that fly very fast. what is it associated with in the air force? yes, well, blows with shaheds, unfortunately, it has already become such a commonplace for all ukrainians, and specifically for our servicemen who participate in repelling attacks in mobile fire groups, as well as our servicemen who patrol our skies in various units of the anti-aircraft missile forces, including. and
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on such installations as the cheetah, of course, that for the enemy, this is a very numerous type of weaponry, rockets, yes, which they can use in very large numbers, however, we see quite effectively, yesterday we shot down generally all 100%, today, on unfortunately some of the shaheed managed to break through, unfortunately they hit our civilian infrastructure, but fortunately there were no casualties, a few days ago we saw a fairly massive, powerful attack... by the russians on our energy infrastructure, critical, strategic, of course, that the enemy continues to increase its intensity, including, it is also possible and it is due to the fact that, as everyone expected such an attack in the winter, the enemy decided to wait a bit, of course, to accumulate their missiles for massive, combined air attacks and then deliver them at this very time, presumably, of course, that other ... factors
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factors can affect such strikes, which we cannot know for sure, but which are on the desks of the top military-political leadership in russia, what goals they are pursuing, well, for now ... we do not know yet, of course, they will continue to do so to continue to do, and these two ballistic missiles that were shot down, we are currently establishing, or rather we are not, the scientific research expert center is to establish whether these were the zircon missiles that were talked about earlier, so what kind of missiles they were, yes, and in more detail, then it will be possible to establish, to say what type of launcher it was, however... in any case, it can be said that the ukrainian air defense system is the best in the world and is capable of fighting even powerful missiles, both ballistic and winged, as well as any others, and shoot them down. and is there anything to counter the ballistics of the air force
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today, or can only the patriots shoot it down? well, of course, for example, anti-ballistics still uses such a complex as sumpti, but of course, ballistics is... it is such a complex missile complex, yes, which can strike and intercept it is a little more difficult, but thanks to our partners, partners who support the free world, we have the means of destruction, of course we need more of them, because the front is very large, we have an enemy , unfortunately, there are a lot of different missiles that they use quite intensively, and in order to cover at least some main part, i will use it like that. various non-standard approaches, creative approaches, maneuvering, we need more of these systems, since we also have nuclear power plants, in we have hydroelectric power plants, we have very powerful various objects that have such harmful substances as ammonia, of course, as well as
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the critical infrastructure of the substation, all of this needs powerful reinforcement so that missiles do not fly on the heads of peaceful civilians who calmly they sleep at home in peaceful cities . you noticed that the examination is currently looking into whether the russian forces used zircon missiles, if we talk about the characteristics of these missiles in general, how fast they fly, how far they can reach, for example, if it is kyiv, or if it is western region of ukraine, how much time do people have to hide, what are the features? well, if we are talking about hypersonic weapons, then hypersonic speed, it becomes. when more than five swings, well its speed is more than five swings, one swing is about 1200 km/h, so it's a very, very fast weapon, so if we're talking about zircons, it's about eight or so swings , yes, and it
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’s incredibly fast, however, when these missiles already enter the impact trajectory, their speed decreases and it becomes subsonic, that is, somewhere around mach 4.5, and that’s when... the moment we we can use our complexes , which are anti-ballistic, these are sampti, patriot, which can inflict powerful damage and shoot down even such and such a weapon, and how many of these missiles can be in russia, how expensive and scarce are they, or on the contrary is it for the russian forces is it more profitable to use them than to attack there with dozens of cruise missiles? well, the fact that they use it most likely indicates that they already have a deficit. weapons, otherwise they would not have used them. in general, this type of missile, it is anti-ship, and it is used only there in some cases, using different launchers there, bastion type, yes, bal, there some types of missiles can be launched by these complexes, but we can say
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that what if they, for example, had enough of another type of missiles there, cruise missiles, calibers, iskanders, maybe there are others, they... used them, but now we see that they are being used, quite complex, quite expensive missile, quite powerful, and of course they are already trying to use eggs, in that number, it can to be like a certain experiment, to react , to test our air defense system, how protected, what how covered, in order to use it in the future when planning their next air attacks, and what explanation is there in connection with why russian attacks have increased , is this a reaction to... events or perhaps a natural history, during the winter there were no attacks on the energy sector, but they began in the spring, and what is the logic of the russian forces, why do they act like this, who are in the air forces of opinion on this, to these events? well as we can see they
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used their first already very large volumes of missiles the day before in the first years of the war, then very massive missile attacks were used, and of course russia... in order to accumulate a certain stock of missiles, and not to launch them one at a time- two, they need to make such a certain pause, endurance , in order to form this shock fist, powerful, and we must understand that the more of these missiles they launch, they count on the fact that some higher percentage will fly, it is natural that 150 missiles - it is not one or two rockets which easier to track and easier to hit because of course what we understand is reload time and readiness and all the other details, but including, well, can't be ruled out, because as you say, everyone expected the attack to be in the winter , or in the fall. to make a blackout, to disconnect people from light, heat. it is most likely that they
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also took everything into account, but the goal remains the same, it is a complete destabilization, a blockade of all energy means, yes, that is, it does not matter when exactly this will be done, but the most important for them - this is complete destruction and disabling at any time. thank you for joining our broadcast, ilya yevlash, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. in his evening address, president zelenskyi thanked former nsdc secretary oleksiy danilov for his work in the post and announced that he was being transferred to another direction, although he did not specify which one. yesterday, zelenskyi dismissed danilov from his post without explaining the reasons and appointed the former chairman in his place foreign intelligence services of oleksandr lytvynenko. commenting on his dismissal on facebook, oleksiy danilov noted that he had been in office for four years, 5 months and 24 days. he thanked zelenskyi. for the trust and opportunity to be involved in quote: writing a great story at a time of greatest challenge and greatest
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exaltation. the national security and defense council of ukraine is a coordinating body under the president, the decision of the national security council is put into effect by decrees of the head of state. but the usa is ready to fulfill its obligations within nato and defend allies in the event of a threat of attack, including one related to russian missile attacks. this was said by the pentagon's deputy spokeswoman. sabrina sinh, meanwhile , poland's deputy foreign minister andrzej schejna, in a conversation with polish radio, said that nato began to consider a concept that would allow missiles to be shot down outside the borders of the north atlantic alliance, that is, when they are close to the alliance's border. i will note that these statements are made against the background of recent events. when a few days ago, during the attack on ukraine, a russian missile violated the airspace of poland and was in it. 39 seconds, but the pale military command did not shoot it down, explaining it by saying that they knew that
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the missile would return to ukraine. petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, let's start with this topic, with the non-shooting of a russian missile that got lost on the territory of poland for 39 seconds. in your opinion, this is a political decision, was there really no army... forces to shoot it down, there was military expediency, military expediency , the missile of another state entered the airspace of another state, regardless of the fact that it later returned, it was a purely political moment, why? because if the missile was shot down, without fail, the nato country would be forced to use the fourth article, i emphasize, not the fifth, because the fifth is already entering the war, and the fourth is the beginning of consultations in the part that concerns the potential transition of a single state into a combat position. they don't dare for the time being, will putin continue to raise the stakes, it is inevitable that the missile simply
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could not go there by itself on its own mathematical, computer logic, it was programmed so that it would do it, maybe sooner or later the tipping point will come, when this weapon will be shot down and accordingly they will use their weapons on the target, or do we need it without fail, i am even a little ironic, maybe it is finally time to try the blockade's true strength. and if we talk about the fact that this is not the first time, and probably, obviously, there may not be lastly, in your opinion, in view of this, the nato countries, and there poland, in particular, they will somehow reconsider their position and for the future, maybe their actions will be different, well, there is no doubt that it is necessary to shoot down weapons of this order , but will they dare and cross this line, well, forgive me, i will not undertake to predict such conditions of the case, let's talk about... the replacement of the secretary of the national security council, what and how it can affect and whether this statement, or this replacement, has
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any effect at all connected with something specific, maybe some kind there was a reason, or it is happening within the framework of the changes in the military and political leadership announced by the president, within the framework of the changes announced by the president, i do not see any special position here, the successor is no less a professional man, and in some part somewhere has and more experience in organizing similar work. peter, i would also like to talk about such threats that are being heard, well, against the background of the latest such aggressive russian attacks, there is also an opinion in the media in the medusa material, which refer to... the journalists there refer to sources in the kremlin, and there they say that the russian forces have the goal of taking control of kharkiv, and could this be such a conditional victory for the kremlin in their country, the picture of the world in the so-called svo, because there they write that it can be such a certain point, and whether it can be such a real goal for russian forces
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to capture the city of kharkiv in the near future, in their picture. of the world to destroy all ukrainian statehood is the goal as such and to capture all of ukraine, do they have the strength and means for this? no, they don't, or they have accumulated potential in order to really fight for kharkiv, no, they do not have it, and it is not yet visible that they have it, you cannot push a rabbit into a cylinder of such dimensions, without being noticeable to the enemy, that is , to us, in order to in order for the russians to have any chance of a battle for kharkiv, they need to accumulate a fortieth cork. or maybe 60,000, for this we need 825 tanks, 2,500 armored vehicles and up to 1,000 artillery installations, it is not visible that all this is moving there, is there conditionally within the limits of the personnel division, it is somewhere 12-13, so of course they hold, can they resort to an act of madness, i emphasize madness, because it will be madness, yes they can, why not, but from our side everything that could
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have been fortified there, mined, everything has been done, i emphasize, we held out at the beginning of this ... when they had a really serious, high-quality trained contingent, and we did not expect this strike, if they go, they will go exclusively by roads, and to work on the roads, we learned the reserves of fgm 148 jaavin, second only to the united states states on planet earth, therefore, it is very necessary to be very careful about dispersing such information, because we must not forget that the enemy knows how to act in that part, which is called informational and psychological operations, information is the strongest weapon of all possible. this should also be taken into account, as you note, and if we are talking about odessa, well, we have heard from both putin and medvedev himself, that there is odessa odesa, they say , a russian city, and now in that plan in paris, which as if there is, the edition of le figaro published it, and there is also indicated there odesa, that french troops, they say, can
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go there and defend ukraine in this sense, even find themselves in the trenches with ukrainian soldiers. that given this information and threats specifically to this city, what can you say here? there is no global threat to odessa at the moment, except for missile strikes and mixed strikes together with the shaheds, well, there is, well, who in their right mind can now imagine a large breakthrough rate, we have to pass the dnipro, here we have to pass kherson, well, they left from there , well, they didn't take avdiivka 14 years, so what can be a conversation about odesa, about the naval landing in general to forget. as a phenomenon , we have reached strategic parity, especially in the part that concerns unmanned surface systems, and just regularly , devastatingly, very qualitatively sink their large amphibious ships, then only a large amphibious ship will appear in the zone of damage for the beautiful hgm 84 harpoon missile, and there are literally a few of them left there of the tapir project and
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they will again go to feed the crabs, so odessa remains behind... exclusively in the area of ​​missiles and exclusively in the area of ​​unmanned strike systems shakhe 136-131 is all for now. and if we talk about these five scenarios, which , according to le figaro, are in paris, then what can you say about this, whether it really looks like the french military, they can join and support ukraine on the field battle in this war. there will be no french troops on the battlefield, no distortions. the reality itself, if they will be, then exclusively according to the replacement system, here may be the coefficient of the user, which is meant, throughout ukraine there are many strategic objects where there is a military ukrainian security, these people can be replaced, plus we have a huge ukrainian-belarusian border 100 km behind , we also keep forces and means there,
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we can replace these people, by the way, the french have a wonderful working tool, which is called the "french foreign legion was created back in 1831 and the foot of a legionnaire stepped on ukrainian soil during the so-called crimean war of 1853-56, in the second world war there was a whole light brigade named after taras hryhorovych shevchenko, yes, because 20% of her was staffed by ukrainians, and today's commander is kyrylo yushchenko, a western ukrainian. this is very important, if someone thinks that he was just appointed to this position, it is far from the case. the french are conducting a thorough expert assessment of a potential entry, and if at least a few of our military personnel in such a regime as we have just depicted, as a substitute, it will be a very good success for us. and in the context of the attacks on russian refineries, today we received
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information that the us state has again declared that it has not changed its position regarding these ukrainian strikes on russian refineries, and they do not support the task of strikes by ukraine outside the territory of ukraine. and what can you say about this, that such a global partner of ukraine. does not support such actions, it can affect something, will ukraine still carry out such strikes in the future? ukraine needs to carry out such offensive strikes, internal, internal, not even competition, a certain power diplomacy between the allies, no one canceled it, history is full of it, let's remember the year 1940, the naval battle between the allies, between france and great britain, then more than a thousand frenchmen died, the french did not want to surrender theirs. slot, the british were terribly afraid, and by the way, they were rightly afraid that it would fall into the hands of the hitlerites when france had already fallen after operation anton, and there was a really full-fledged battle
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between the allies, so there is nothing surprising, why exactly, the americans ask questions, think, think, this is again my point of view, i could be wrong, i think the russians are blackmailing, say, by striking the caspian pipeline through which kazakh oil is pumped through russian. to the new russian, and this can raise the price of oil very much, and this will accordingly raise the price of gasoline in the united states itself, now the price of gasoline is going up under the biden administration, well, this is something unacceptable, but on the other hand, we also have to do it, why , because this is putting pressure on our allies, you want us to stop, not really us, some unknown alien forces fighting on the side of ukraine, you want them to stop doing this, give us as many weapons as possible, real weapons. a serious weapon in a large one number, and then we will think about it , a wonderful maneuver on the part of these good, bright forces, and it really subjectivizes us as
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a state already in the real, real international field, and we really capitalize as a strong state. i thank you for joining our broadcast and commenting on such important news and statements . petro chernyk, a military expert and colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. but will emmanuel macron manage to find more allies for ukraine and what are the plans that are the scenario in paris, we let's talk further on our broadcast, and in the meantime, if you haven't done it yet, subscribe to our channel, put it as a favorite and write in the comments where you are watching us, what the situation is in your city. let's talk about kharkiv in different areas of the city, there are no lights from four to six hours a day. the mayor made such a statement on the air of our colleagues from svoboda live. kharkiv ihor terikhov, and the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi stated during the briefing that to fully restore electricity supply in kharkiv after the massive shelling on march 22 may take two
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weeks. this is a forecast in case there are no new destructions of the energy infrastructure. the day before , electric transport, in particular, the metro, where trains are currently running on a weekend schedule, also began to resume in kharkiv. as for the heat supply, it has already started to be turned off, and that's it. with a shortage of energy. after the impact, kharkiv tets-5 cannot power the city, so they do it thanks to other regions. in odesa, which suffered from russian shelling army also introduced electricity blackout schedules on march 25, power engineers managed to stabilize the situation in the power system and implement stabilization schedules for odessa subscribers instead of emergency blackouts. meanwhile, ukrainian cities are preparing for the early end of the heating season. stop and heat supply will take place earlier in order to save money and stabilize the situation in the energy system of ukraine - oleksiy chernyshov, the head of naftogaz of ukraine, announced earlier. according to preliminary data from the ministry of energy, after the russian attacks, 22 and
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on march 23 , more than a million consumers were left without electricity. today, before the broadcast, i managed to talk with the deputy minister of energy of ukraine svitlana grynchuk about the state of the power grid and the consequences of damage to dniprogez, we will talk further. svitlana grynchuk, deputy minister of energy of ukraine, joined svoboda ranok. welcome, thank you for joining. good morning. ms. svitlana, let's start with such a general question. in general, as of this morning, how do you assess the energy system of ukraine, where it is biggest fallout from recent russian attacks? well, i will probably start with the fact that in the last week ukrainian energy has again become the main... target of russian attacks , i cannot say that these attacks stopped, stopped before that, since from the very beginning of the full-scale war, our facilities were under attack, sometimes. more intense, sometimes
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less intense, but in recent months the front-line regions and industrial regions have especially suffered, the enemy tried to damage energy and power supply precisely in those regions where we have the most, the most productions, the most industry works, but in the last week we see that the enemy has changed his tactics a little and is now targeting energy facilities using various types of weapons. both missiles and drones and missiles of various types, and indeed on the night of the 22nd, on march 22, a massive attack was made on energy infrastructure facilities, as a result of which our energy facilities were damaged in many regions, including thermal generation, and hydro, and also of course objects of the transmission system, and to date, where possible and where appropriate.
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repair objects, we are trying to repair and restore power supply to our consumers as quickly as possible, but there are regions, let's say, such as kharkiv, kharkiv region, where there was damage, the damage was large-scale, and it is not possible to repair it in a few days, so in kharkiv for now there are hourly outages, consumer restrictions, this is about 200 thousand consumers. are included in this circuit breaker scheme in order to ensure that the available energy, which is available, should be distributed fairly among all consumers and provide them with access, access to electricity, the subway in kharkiv was revived, hourly blackouts can also be introduced and were partially introduced in the odesa region, when there were significant, significant attacks and...
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damage also yesterday in the khmelnytskyi region, however, we are trying to minimize these outages and provide all our consumers with electricity wherever possible, wherever the security situation allows, and technologically, wherever possible quickly to repair svitlano, if we are talking specifically about kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, how much time and how much money is needed to restore the energy system there by 100%. in order to restore 100%, it really takes a lot of time and a lot of money, but we are trying to restore at least to the level to restore all consumers, using various connection schemes, connecting objects not only in the kharkiv region, and others, so that's the number one challenge for us as far as the complete restoration of objects, it is permissible at the objects of thermal generation there were
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extremely. severe damage , it will take time, it will take time to restore these facilities, it is not clear whether to the level that was before this attack or to use some other technological solutions, we are currently in constant contact with all our energy companies , we are trying to reduce all this, all this work, first of all, as i said, so that all our consumers have electricity. if. talk about dniprogest damage, then about what consequences can we say, what will happen in the future, so why expect ukrainians to understand what, for example, energy failures there might be connected with? as for the damage to dniprogest, today we are still disassembling the rubble and assessing the condition of the equipment and the equipment that
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is subject to repair, which can be... quickly reassembled, we are doing it, the equipment that has suffered significant damage, we are looking for a replacement for it, and will try to repair as soon as possible, but we must understand that the enemy now, as we see, has energy is the number one goal, so of course we have to be ready for various options for the development of events, from our side we are doing everything possible, this is both repairs and possible protection of our energy facilities, of course, we need to strengthen air defense, because a better defense than air defense, including where for energy facilities, we see that there is no more effective defense, but in the complex air defense, physical defense that we built and are building for us.


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