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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 10:30am-10:59am EET

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savings, there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in pharmacies, plantains, you and save, there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, ban and save. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent. in america they also say , let's have better roads, we will have even better roads , a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours.
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to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, big broadcast vasyl winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with espresso. premium. the sponsor of the national team represents, united by football, together stronger, as oleg rybachuk joked, he says , well, they want to pretend that sport is outside of politics, but then you mention the russian national team and athletes at the olympics under some circumstances, because they are banned as aggressors, and you think that they are outside of politics, georgia... just like ukraine, they are going to
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euro-2024, what do we congratulate the georgian national team with, and what did they scan? they chanted , the athletes together with the fans chanted abkhazia is georgia, and for them it is actually the same as we know, crimea is ukraine. well, at least here we understand each other, and the direction of the georgians is completely clear to us, and in fact we believe that it is correct, that there is no reason to go to a meeting there. agree on something, allow to open , restore air connections with the same russia , and many similar things, i have to remind again, because i say, just reminding, donats are flying immediately in the last 15 minutes, since we were talking about it, another 7 thousand have flown to account, please donate for our defenders, for the various air reconnaissance units, the gunners who are now at the front, the land cruiser. a pickup truck and a refrigerator are very, very good
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900 00 uah are needed, it is necessary to collect, this is total, and less than 130 00 uah is left to collect. uah 13,000 is not a lot for you , we understand that someone will donate uah 10, someone will donate 20, someone will donate 50, there are many, many such donations, we can see it by the way money falls, how money flies to the card, but there are also large ones to donate several thousand hryvnias, and in total it all allows to close... many meetings, and this morning, as well as yesterday morning, the sad news of one of the founders of ukrainian independence, ihor rafailovich ikhnovsky is gone, he was the leader of the people's council, we remember this meeting in the parliament, and the communists themselves are around, and this morning the former people's deputy and colonel of the national guard andriy antoneshkak is gone, well, we remember him as a maidan citizen and as a battalion fighter kulchytskyi. these are the things, well, but
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besides that, every day we have losses at the front and gains as well, with us is the legendary third assault brigade, maksym zhorin, deputy commander of the third assault brigade and ex-commander of the azov regiment, mr. major, glory to ukraine, to the heroes glory, i congratulate you, let's start from avdiyivka, from the avdiyivsk direction, a brief overview of the current situation, we can see on the maps, yes, we can see those arrows, where they are from. as they advance, but we want from you how everything looks on the spot, tell me, please, at the moment the situation does not cease to be extremely difficult, with the help, let's say, with the help of correctly applied forces in terms of the structure of the defense, with the help of the use of the terrain and using the enemy's mistakes, it was possible to defeat the offensive dynamics of the enemy on the avdiivskyi on... however, the offensive actions themselves, such as
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the attacks, have not ended, they are happening constantly, the enemy continues to try to advance. if everyone previously had a clear understanding that the enemy has not counted the losses of personnel for a long time, now there is also a feeling that he has stopped counting the losses of armored vehicles, because they have lost an extremely large number of vehicles, in just the last few days there only our brigade destroyed more than two dozen armored vehicles, including tanks and bmps. uh, that's why the enemy bears losses, battles difficult, but we are making every effort to repel this desire forever. and how do you catch up with their equipment and all of them, is it drones or something else? for the most part, we
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try to definitely work on the approaches, well, that's what they call, this is when assault groups on armored vehicles roll over during logistics. recently , they have been using tanks a lot as ordinary taxis, that is, a tank with a landing party simply arrives, drops it off and returns, so as a rule , two or three such tanks return back just one, destroy them with anti-tank weapons, and also with drones, fpv, drones, drones with drops, ideally of course it's working on these approaches before they even... reach our front edge because in this case, the infantry will have to work, and , unfortunately, as a rule, there are always one way or another, but there will be losses, so we try to work until they reach our positions, and
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actually, when they reach the positions, yes or otherwise by 100, by 200 m, if you even verify the data that is made public. observers of the fall, we can see that they are pushing and that's how they gradually took the eagle day by day, in berdychi they see that they are not very successful, but in the pervomaisky area too, but if we compare the last couple of days, and at 100 m 200 and they advance, that is, they push through, there is a certain moment when they get stuck and that's it, that is, it is determined by you, for example, or is it very dynamic? and every day you have to watch how the line of contact changes, uh, the fact is that my belief is that they will stop when we we will destroy all of them , there are no other options, even if we now
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get some tactical or other advantage here and there, sooner or later they will still gather strength and continue to try to advance, now these advances that you speak of are small 100 to 200 m each, they mostly occur due to the complete destruction of fortifications, or ukrainian positions there, as a rule, this occurs with the help of extremely dense simply crazy artillery fire with the help of cabs and with the help of enemy drones, therefore , as a rule, where there are such pressures, because if we say so, if the infantry comes out... time and time again, then they will not take us out, they will not be able to advance our positions, but for due to the fact that they simply have an inadequate advantage in the amount of ammunition, considering that it is extremely difficult to conduct a counter-battery fight and in general there is almost no
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possibility to fight with aviation and air guided bombs, with the help of this they simply destroy, turn into just... a solid pit or ashes, whatever is there from our fortifications, but again, as a rule, even in such a case, it rolls back in an organized manner, regroups and immediately our fighters are nearby, our forces arrange positions, that's why you can observe that sometimes there is such a slight advance, their advance is when they simply raze any support point to the ground, only then they pass on this one, do you remember us? it has already been explained more than once that there will be no f-16, then they will be beaten by cabals, they are cabals are improving, and since they also plowed their way in avdiivka, they are also operating now in the chasovoy yar area, i understand that there are no fewer of those cabs near you now, there was
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the first stage, do you remember when we saw , as one after another, and they explained to us then that they were working in... missile installations, but after several cases of their damage, somehow it is not heard that we give battle to those sus that do not reach the front line. they give cabs and turn around, is there work on them now, because from which area are we collecting information today, everywhere cabs, cabs, cabs, yes, the fact is that for a certain time, first of all, we must not forget that the russians are studying, no matter how much we want to laugh at them there, no matter how much we like to say what they are like there stupid and something else, but they adapt, they learn, and so we had some success in the fight against their aviation, at a certain time when we used. effectively and correctly used their anti-aircraft, well
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, they used their air defense systems, including western ones, but the russians were able to adapt even to this, well, first of all, they are one of the larger distances are now being launched, that is why they are remaking all aviation bombs now at kaba, it is not so much the production, yes, of new aviation bombs, it is the processing, modernization of old aviation bombs, which are simply a crazy number of the russian... federations are the most modern, they are finishing this an engine that can fly far enough, and at such a distance that, for example, our air defense systems cannot reach them, this is the first thing, and secondly, they also detect our air defense systems, try and interfere with its work, well, that is, it is not it's just such an easy linear story, it is constantly changing, now our forces are also trying to find and adapt to this and that tactic. of the russian aviation, which is, however, at the present, at the moment, the stage is such that guided aerial bombs
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are constantly arriving at our positions, they cause a lot of damage, and they simply destroy everything in general at the place where they arrived. mr. major, earlier, when there were the fiercest battles for avdiivka, we used to hear figures about thousands of eliminated russians, now in your summaries, it is... up to half thousand, for example, in a week, does this indicate that the intensity of the fighting is lower, or are they somehow withdrawing their troops, is it about people, about personnel, or do you record some kind of rotation of shifts, i don’t know, maybe from one direction to the other is overturned, here on the spot we observe constant replacements of units, because those that take an active part from the enemy side in offensive actions, they are somehow ... otherwise destroyed and completely erased, and therefore we are absolutely used to the fact that, for example ,
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tonight we wiped out some of their mouths there or battalion, the next day a completely fresh new company or battalion is already continuing to attempt offensive actions. as for losses and the fact that they have become a little less for the enemy, this is primarily what i said, it was possible to slightly reduce the dynamics of the enemy's offensive actions at the moment, it was possible to... at the moment , he cannot advance there with the entire wide front in the avdiiv direction, and he is forced to try to carry out his assaults in such a channeled, localized way, well, taking this into account, accordingly, their losses have become a little less there, but believe me, a simply crazy amount of their infantry and equipment is destroyed every day, and so far, unfortunately, this does not significantly affect them. plans, mr. maksym, you , the summer campaign is ahead, is completely different, there will
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be zelenka, there will be heat, there will be hard ground , there will be no swamps, and here you are just sitting here in the rear and reading, the institute of war studies is raising reserves, but it is not enough for to prepare some offensives, you read mick ryan, he says that russia is preparing a large-scale offensive this year, eh, what do they say... your scouts, what do you see, these are the reserves with which they compensate for their meat assaults in order not to reduce the pressure, or are the reserves such that the strike groups can make and go on a breakthrough? well, first of all, as regards winter and summer and war at different times of the year, i will say that the biggest influence is actually the moral component, and in winter it is quite, quite difficult morally in general, because of the following. .. there is constant frost around you, and in addition to the enemy , the frost is also trying to kill you, so
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in the summer it is morally a little easier to always fight and absolutely everyone, especially the infantry, is really looking forward to the warm season, because it's just easier to live, easier to fight when it's warmer, as for the enemy's reserves, the russians clearly define the directions of the main efforts for themselves, and at the moment, avdiyivka is one of the main directions... of their efforts, so they will throw in reserves here until they decide that they have achieved the goal they set for themselves, for them there is no big difference there, how many russians will die here. and if we talk about general ones, well that is, about the entire front line, it is my personal confidence that the russians will accumulate enough personnel and equipment this year to try to open at least one more direction as an active offensive, apart from avdiivskyi, which will be in i don't have any information, but we
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can in principle guess what the directions are. important for them and where there are places that they could try to start putting pressure on, and by the way, this list will also include the border with the russian federation, which the russians also will be considered as one of the directions for possible offensive actions. ugh, and in fact, in order to resist all their potential attacks, we understand that we also need to renew our forces, replace those people who have been fighting for two or more years. some are fighting even longer, i am talking now about mobilization, about recruiting, about renewing the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, we have all heard the story about the young irishman who joined your ranks and very coolly destroyed the russians with the help of his fividron calculation, but there are not many foreigners, young ukrainians,
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how do you see the mobilization, what should be a fair mobilization, who should go with... fight now, who should replace those who are already getting tired, in fact how long? i believe that first of all, we should start the question of mobilization in general, not with the mobilization of men for the army, this is only one of the points, but in this big complex, we should start with the training of the entire civilian population in a mandatory manner. absolutely everyone, because not only military personnel live in the realities of war, but also all ukrainians, and how long will this continue war, none of us knows, and those who call dates are lying, well, because it is unknown to absolutely no one, not even our enemy, therefore mobilization in general must begin with the preparation of the entire civilian population, with the mobilization of the state in general and
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all components of this state, enterprises, civilians. hey, the economy, absolutely everything, all this must be mobilized, and only after that we will come to the question of mobilizing the male population in the army in general, i believe that it is necessary to give the opportunity to fight to young people, whether someone likes it or not i like the fact that young people are dying, young people take risks, but young people approach this issue in a completely different way, they have a completely different energy, others... internal and such a character is definitely easier for young people to do this, and young people today live by the right examples. therefore, i believe that the youth must be given the opportunity to fight without fail, but again, in the matter of mobilization, we must first take stock so that we
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can choose those who are really needed for the army, and not run and... beat there those who remained, although at the same time, i still am still, i think it is very important to add a comment regarding the fact that the somewhat false and distorted image now that the mobilized people look like those who run away, those who hide, those who do not want to fight, this is not true, it is not true, and moreover , these are rare cases that need information for some reason. not inflated, even in the third assault brigade now we have a large number of mobilized people, including filling our ranks, and i can tell you that this fighter, when he gets the right training, when he gets the right yes, the right examples within the unit, he is no different after training
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from a person who came voluntarily, so mobilization is quite difficult. critical today, a critical issue in ukraine in general, but it requires a solution, not a game on this issue, and we always pay attention to this informational and psychological component, and the confirmation of individual cases resembles some kind of ipso or campaign, but i wanted to return to your tour is trusted by the staff, and these are the results at will, these are the main ones things that people through. want to go to our unit, everything else, the recruiting center, billboards and all the social networks there, only helps them get there, and even get to our brigade. at the moment , the recruiting center is actively working, people are leaving, from such an interesting thing i can say that a lot of women recently for some reason want to get into the third
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assault brigade, everyone who suits us there and everyone we can take, we actually take, but , but there are many more willing, willing women than we can take in the third storm troop, it is difficult for me to comment on the number... in other brigades from those brigades that, for example, are close to us, i can say that, well, significantly more people want to get to our brigade, it is related, for me, at least, that's how i see it, first of all with the reputation of the brigade, and not with the work of recruiting, recruiting still helps more people who have already decided to reach their goal and get into the ranks of the third assault team. these positions are the most willingly announced, that is, where there is no rejection of those willing, and in fact the majority of people comes and does not understand where they want
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, well, they just want a third assault unit, and then we start this process, when they undergo training, we determine their capabilities, determine their profession there, if it can be useful for us, some personal parameters , which may be there or in one or another subdivision. there are a lot of people who come and say they want to be a stormtrooper right away, without even understanding what it is, what it even means, and what it actually looks like in real life, not with gopro cameras, therefore, in any case , we take into account the wishes of people when they come to us, but during training and training, we still determine where this person can really be useful, whether as a liaison, or a logistician or . and attack aircraft. mr. maksym, i, as your obolon constituent, say thank you for your service and thank you for being with us today, maksym zhorin, deputy
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commander of the third assault division, former ex-commander of the azov regiment, was with us, now we see that at this moment there is a ballistic threat from the east, and explosions are heard in kherson, literally three minutes ago echoed in the city. therefore, stay in shelters and from there on the trail. please, follow us for espresso in the news in a few minutes, khrystyna parobiy, will tell, details, and in particular about the fact that there are already three victims in the kherson region, stay with us. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in psyllium pharmacies, you and save. there are discounts on amexin ic tablets, 10% in pharmacies , plantain bank. and thrift are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong unboxed tv saw is just for you, with it you you can easily cut trees and bushes , it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work
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by football, stronger together. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world. until now , khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. the russians killed two residents of novohorodivka in donetsk region, another was wounded. the enemy hit the city with two s-300 missiles. two private houses, a bank branch and an enterprise were damaged, the regional police reported. the occupiers dropped a kap-250 aerial bomb on mykhailivka. partially destroyed.


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