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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! we are returning to ether, i now understand the mystery of today, today is international theater day and today is international army day. it's not for nothing that they put together these, i don't know, what kind of signs, signs around us, after the ministry and the minister started talking, more and more messages now that the air warning signals should not be ignored today, we always emphasize that to ignore, today we do not know so actively, but at least we will tell you, because this is not some kind of gossip, but these are official statements, and we , our legislators from... know
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exactly what, how and when it will change, what the parliament will pass in the parliamentary-presidential republic, that is, in ukraine during the war. there should be two people's deputies with us, we definitely already have a connection with andrii osadchuk. mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory is the hero, and your colleague should be oleksiy goncherenko, we still don't know if there is a connection, but mr. andriy, let's start together with you. as, for example, joyfully, in their voice, they congratulated their colleagues, according to iq, tretyakov, and without hesitation, because they wrote such a bill that simply, i don't know, in north korea they were surprised, i mean that you will say a bad word, or you will try to go abroad without permission, to talk about the security of ukraine, everything will be taken away from you, and you will also be imprisoned for life, you know. friend, i
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always try to be very discreet because we are all not perfect, we all make mistakes, and it is not really the one who does nothing that makes mistakes, but this bill that you are talking about say, he is certainly, let's say this , already too extraordinary, he is generally beyond any common sense, and you know, for me personally, the problem is not even that the girls wrote there, or someone wrote it and gave them this... i know for me , the problem is that i, going to you now on the air, finished a rather large meeting with the delegation of raniyu. reneau is a new party alliance of liberals, which is going to the european parliament elections, and the main actor there is the french president macron. very competent, professional people who are attentive follow what is happening in ukraine. and here is such a case as yesterday's discussion in ukrainian. the media about this draft law
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is simply causing enormous damage to the interests of ukraine, you understand, this is not just some situational delusion, some slip somewhere, ms. bezugla, in my opinion, wrote on facebook that this is a legislative joke, it is also some clinical term, but she didn't even say a joke, she said a provocation, a deliberate provocation, it's a little different than a joke, well , again, i don't really want to. comment on what's there the girls wrote, because it's just delusional biological, i want to talk about the fact that everyone should understand the level of responsibility that rests on all of us. i have said 10 times that you need to think 100 times before doing something, or writing something, or registering something, thinking whether it helps us win the war or not, whether it strengthens the reputation of ukraine or not, and i am begging my colleagues in the monomajority, you can nothing better
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or not to do anything at all, just come to the session, if god forbid you are in kyiv, vote, as you will be told there or not, but these are pranks, they once again cause enormous damage to the interests of ukraine, they cause enormous damage to the reputation of the same president zelensky, who constantly meets with all european leaders, shakes their hands, promises them a lot, and at the same moment, the deputies of the pro-government coalition ... publicly register bills that can only be commented on, sorry, from a medical point of view, not from a political point of view, i really hope that such a disgrace will be stopped, and if it is continued, then we can simply forget about our european prospects, and we will throw in the trash all those huge efforts that a huge number of people actually make every day both in ukraine and abroad, in order to save ukraine and still join ukraine to the european family. your colleague oleksiy
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goncharenko is currently sitting next to this maryana bezuglai, he wrote to us that there is an urgent meeting of the national security committee, maybe he will join us, mr. andriy? but now i wanted to ask you about general general practice, at the beginning of march we were looking at another no less idiotic cringe situation the law that everyone was against, even part of the monomajority, i'm not talking about our partners who help us in anti-corruption practices, when they saw this law about bep, you remember this reaction, and then it failed and began the practice of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, who voted, well, for example, from opzzh, you can go for a ride around europe on march 8, not even arrive on time for the parliament session, who demolished this law, written somewhere in tatarov's basement, well, that's why we we will not give any business trip, even when we have to represent
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ukraine is on important platforms, everyone tells us, politicians are foreign, there is little communication , little is represented at the level of parliamentary diplomacy, this practice has already been removed, can you, for example, go to any of the parliaments of europe or america? in fact, i just came back from a trip to brussels, where i represented my own party, the voice, at the congress of the alda party, which actually united with other organizations and launched the renew project, which i just mentioned, which will participate in the elections to european parliament at the beginning of june this year, i signed. wrote the business trip, signed it on the last day before the business trip, that is, how i was supposed to organize the tickets, it is already clear, no one is interested, but i think that the, excuse me, scandal that the deputies of the opposition factions were forced to make, after all, gave
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its result, regarding the bep vote, i was the mp who made a public story about trying to stop my previous trip. as part of the delegation of the law enforcement committee in the hague, when they demanded from me to withdraw the already agreed statement, because i allegedly voted badly for bep, i have already spoken about it several times, i was even more offended, as some servants of the people reported to me, that i turned out to be just as bad a boy that i am made it public, but for me it is fundamentally not a question of whether osachuk is going somewhere or not, in fact, for the last year... i have left ukraine very little, i am mostly here, for me it is a question of institutions, for me it is a question of fundamental rights, and if we we drive the verkhovna rada into a table, if we turn people's deputies into some kind of calves, in which there is some kind of owner who when
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he wants to let them out, when he wants to feed them, what he wants to do with them, then we don't need such a democracy, we don't need such a parliament you need, you see, all this penetration of the democrats. in ukraine, and when we say that our life actually depends on european aid, on western aid, when we see that we have not been critically improving all these two years, the third year of the great war, i repeat for the hundredth time i repeat, i have been saying this to my servants since the summer of 2022, that on the contrary, it is necessary to expel politicians from ukraine, especially deputies who are able to speak english well, in order to constantly ensure... a presence abroad, simply constantly, because here we have just been in brussels at the alde congress, this is the alliance of liberals and democrats of europe, which i already mentioned, and believe me, if we were not there, the decisions they made there would not be very good, they were about supporting ukraine , but very optically, we
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need specific formulations, we need categoricalness, we need our language in these statements, and all this can only be done by being physical. there and physically simply correcting mistakes, physically suggesting what and how to do correctly in the interests of ukraine. therefore , once again, the opposition has raised this bar very high, you know, the european parliament separately drew ukraine's attention to this disparity in its decision. i really hope that this story will be finally resolved. if the servants of the people are worried that someone went to bathe in them, that's what happened, you remember that year by aristo. somewhere he was caught in the maldives, i i beg you, deal with your team members separately, deal with them behind closed doors, impose some kind of sanctions on them and so on, but do not destroy the ukrainian parliament, do not engage in populism, do not limit the political
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activity of people's deputies, which is directly prescribed in the legislation of ukraine and in the constitution of ukraine, it's not a luxury, it's not a privilege, it's part of my job when i have to go to... where i see fit and talk to those western politicians or experts i see fit for his contact, and neither stepanchuk nor kornienko can tell me. office of the president, what and how should i do, and again, this is the essence of devocracy, this is the essence of what we are defending for the third year at the front. mr. andrii, the point here is that you not only cannot go, you are abroad, you often cannot come even to the meetings of the verkhovna rada, because, well, we don’t see them in those sessions so often, as long as it is still possible have any insider information, this situation will continue until it is collected. deputies, in order to work, so that you
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remember that you have to come and sometimes just even vote as they say , there is not even such an opportunity here, you understand, we are quickly closing the past, but i claim that the parliamentary crisis in ukraine has begun 29 august 2019, on the first day of work of the verkhovna rada of this convocation, when a monocoalition appeared, some days actually started to ignore the regulations, and on the other hand, which gave all its rights to the office of the president, which turned into the center of making all decisions , political decisions in this state, it's not that i'm fantasizing there, or that i made something up, it's what everyone knows, that is, the constitution of ukraine was ignored from the very beginning, the parliamentary-presidential republic did not work as it should have been, but it should be ... not because it is someone's whim, but it is a system of checks and balances, which is laid down
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in the ukrainian constitution, precisely so that there are not even signs of usurpation of power in a democratic republic, but the first years of this convocation, as i understand it, are a strategy whip and gingerbread at the office worked, because they have them there must have been some gingerbread that they could use to motivate both their deputies and satellites, you remember that the parliamentary groups helped a lot. in the first years of the work of this council, and now, probably, the situation is such that there are fewer and fewer gingerbread, because the state really does not have enough money, all the money from taxes mainly, well, to a large extent, goes to the security and defense sector, and you can see , that most people have lost interest in this story, and they also understand that if we live to see the next political cycle, their the next parliament will not be invited... it will not be, therefore, all questions to the office, which has lost the ability to control and motivate its
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deputies, the movement honestly analyzed the first two years of the war, with 5,300 votes, it seems, how many votes we voted in two years, and believe me, it is a lot, and it is not just a matter of pressing a button, these are prepared decisions that were considered first by sub-committees, committees, then in the hall of the verkhovna rada, it is actually a difficult job, but out of these 5,300 decisions, the servants of the people gave only 17 votes , 226 votes, despite the fact that in we supposedly have a coalition that is guaranteed to give 226, that is , we have a parliamentary crisis for the fifth year, and now it is simply gathering momentum, and the main reason for this crisis is that the president's office from the very beginning monopolized control over the verkhovna rada , the way out of the situation is simple, let... this verkhovna rada work as provided for by the constitution and
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laws of ukraine, return power to the deputies, power to the deputies, including from the servant of the people, so that they are not just obedient, button-pushing, but to they felt like full-fledged members of parliament, and then there is hope that it will all work much better, and this is critically important, because in a state of great war , the verkhovna rada, according to the ukrainian constitution, is the only absolutely indisputable... legitimate body of state power, and for us legitimacy is critical moment, because what vladimir putin and the kremlin have already done and will do is constantly raise the question of the legitimacy of the government in ukraine, therefore the preservation and ability of the verkhovna rada is a question of ukraine's survival in the war. mr. andriy, you see, this is the situation here, and we are too we see that the only meeting in two years with my faction led to disagreements within the monomajority, because... they said that my team is at the bank, and you are the team of arahamia, that
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's why your colleagues are so offended, but let's go back to the fact that you are well you know, as one of the heads of the parliamentary committee on law enforcement, because there are two things that are immutable and inviolable values ​​of ukraine, even in a state of war, and these are andriy yermak and oleg tatarov, tatarov alternately with the hands of his judge. alternately makes a slip, having smeared the noise, from scandals and criminal responsibility, this is what is happening, and against this background, here are such... this case about 70 million and the former head of the antimonopoly committee arises, and here we have to work hard and fast, well, but in such realities of tatariv region, what will happen in we have been living and working in such realities for the fifth year, this is not
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news, the stories with tatarov and the protest of the voice party and factions. the vote against tatarov did not start yesterday, not the day before yesterday, we publicly spoke dozens and hundreds of times about the fact that this is unacceptable, again, unacceptable not since from a personal point of view, and from a political point of view, understanding that all modern ukraine emerged from the maidan, all modern ukraine exists thanks to the heroes of the maidan, respectively, all those who were on the other side of the barricade, they simply do not have any moral right to represent the ukrainian government now , especially on the highest. level, but we understand that the president's office has long ignored this, oleg tatarov was also saved from a criminal case at one time, everyone knows about it, and now they continue to manage virtually the entire law enforcement system. this dyrama the situation, again, similar to the situation with the bezuglai bill, with which we started our conversation, everyone knows about everything,
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all our partners, european and friends, on whom the survival of ukraine depends, they... everyone knows about it, they know about this horror, and unfortunately, the president’s office, well, it just stubbornly does not want to learn, zelensky does not want to draw conclusions from his mistakes, well, he made a lot of mistakes, well, that’s understandable, and again, it’s natural, he couldn’t not to do them, but to learn from mistakes, he is obliged, instead of being nervous with about his legitimacy after may 20 , 2024, so that volodymyr oleksandrovich zlenskyi could do the right thing. is to significantly update his team, this would be really strategically correct in order to present to society, both in ukraine and to western partners, a renewed zelenskyi team that continues to resist ukraine in the war against the russian federation, that learns from its mistakes, that recognizes your mistakes, and believe me,
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it would have a huge positive response, both in ukrainian society and in ukrainians. politicians, but so far the impression is that neither the strength nor the will to fire the same tatarov or shurma in the office has yet been observed, and we only observe that they are engaged in the same practices, which probably have an illegal influence on the judicial system, because the closure the case against shurma, the administrative case for a corruption offense, well, it looks very ugly, very, very ugly. journalists did an investigation, this judge is included in the orbit of interests and connections of oleg tatarov, and all this is again sewn with white threads, namely most importantly, this again causes enormous reputational damage to ukraine. we shoot ourselves in the foot every time on our way to the european union and nato with all these
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stories. that's why i don't stop appealing to volodymyr zelenskyi, to some of his ... closest entourage, although i don't quite understand who these people are now, they should realize their responsibility, they supposedly understand it, but if they don't update their management practices if they don't upgrade their team if they keep doing what they've been doing for years, it will all end very badly, the situation in ukraine at the front and in our international relations remains absolutely critical, this is not a secret for anyone, we have already lived through it. 5 months waiting for american aid, which was supposed to come at the end of october, when it will arrive is unclear, peter pavel saves us, thanks to him in kline, it is not known where he was able to get these 800,000, or they even say 1.5 million shells , by the way, i will remind everyone that this is done to bypass the work of ramstein, that is
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, it can be done, but it was done by peter pavel, and not ukrainian diplomacy, that is, in all these extremely difficult circumstances, we need, at least within the country, not to say nice words, but to work on our mistakes and ensure the efficiency of ukrainian institutions and the true unity of ukrainian politicians as much as possible. unfortunately, we often unite before the shooting, you remember this famous phrase, but it seems that only the approach of the front line or rocket fire in kyiv has a more or less positive effect on unification. politicians, again everything depends on office of the president, the concentration of power is the concentration of responsibility, i really expect that the office will change its practices at least a little. management, because the fate of ukraine in this war depends on it. mr. andriy, do you have insider information about when the committee will finish with the references,
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when the bill on mobilization will finally get to the parliament and it will be possible to vote for it. taking this opportunity, i want to remind everyone for the 1,500th time that the mobilization law has been in force in this country since 1993. all rights and powers are granted by this law to the president of ukraine, as the supreme commander-in-chief and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, to resolve in fact all issues related to mobilization, while mobilization, the very word does not mean in the legal sense of ukrainian legislation conscription into the army, or only conscription into the army. in general, if you open the law on mobilization, you will read that mobilization is the transfer of the entire economy of the country, the enterprise. organization for work during the period of martial law, this is a very comprehensive approach, and again, everyone
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the cabinet of ministers and the president have opportunities to fix some shortcomings, but unfortunately, we are solving the issue of improving the quality of military service, mobilization, military service, demobilization, there is an impression that there is no war, we are just having some kind of summer vacation, we we have been dealing with this issue for the eighth... month as the state of ukraine. ask yourself, this is how you solve your critical questions, if you have them in your life. no, if there is a critical problem, it must be solved immediately, and the problem with the military leaders, military centers with equipment, the president announced on august 10 last year, when the presidential decree came into force, by which he dismissed all the military, military commissars in ukraine, remember, there were a dozen of them. august, and now we are running out , the month of march, and this is how you rule, today the verkhovna rada, the profile committee continues to consider amendments, there they are somewhere on
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the 3000th amendment, this is a common parliamentary practice, all politicians always want to please their voters, someone demands biz lines by one, someone demands demobilization to others, and it turned into some kind of parliamentary hackathon, we generally have a crisis, it's the same... that if you had a fire in your house, and instead of putting it out, you would go to the district or region to organize a round table on the issue of the effectiveness of extinguishing fires, well, this is a complete mess, that is, all these critical issues that had to be worked out, could and should have been resolved many months ago, resolved by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine and the president of ukraine in accordance with the current law on mobilization and mobilization preparation and that why is it happening the way it is happening now, probably says that the office is probably benefiting from any decision, or the verkhovna rada will pass some strict rules,
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some crazy restrictions or something else, and then the office will point the finger at the verkhovna rada and say to the people, it's not us, it's these crazy deputies, and if the verkhovna rada fails this bill, and there is such a chance, because i don't see anyone willing to vote for it, then most likely the president's office will say to the people: oh, you see, the deputies don't want to to protect ukraine, and so on they wash their hands in this way, but the trouble is that the war continues every day, every hour, armies are accumulating, instead of solving them, we turned it into a political show, mr. andriy, thank you very much for answering many important questions, that hang in the air, andriy osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, and we are grateful to him, but it is time for us to pass the baton to our colleagues, so have a peaceful, safe day. take care, don't ignore the alarm signals and stay with the espresso. in just a few minutes, khrystyna parobiy will talk about how schoolchildren from zaporozhye are happy, because for the first time since the full-scale invasion, they will finally
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12:01 pm
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