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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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due to political provocations for the achievement of putin's terrorist goals. well, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, putin's henchman, dmitry medvedev, in his new post, praised the security forces who used torture during the detention of the tajiks suspected of the terrorist attack and called for revenge for the terrorist attack with mass murders. i quote medvedev: they were caught, well done, everyone who caught, they are needed. kill, it is necessary, and it will be, but it is much more important to kill all those involved, all those who paid, who sympathized, who helped, kill them all, against this background, russia is already talking about the possibility of lifting the moratorium on the death penalty, what does this mean in the current conditions in the russian federation? this means that all of putin's opponents can, can be officially executed, all those who are in trouble are sitting somewhere. in
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prison, and all other opponents can simply be executed, because they will also be considered those who undermine the foundations of the so-called statehood there, the so-called state of the russian federation, putin, when such events took place in russia, if we also remember the houses, which flew into the air, and then nordost, and then beslan, every time there were some novellas and something new in his policy, or is he just limiting himself to what... for now he will point in the direction of ukraine and say: here are the terrorists, or there is russia, all around are terrorists , and now we will kill all terrorists, and this applies to tajikistan, uzbekistan, and kyrgyzstan, that is, he can use simple information as a pretext for entering all those territories, they all support terrorists, that is, he invented new formula, my two grandfathers got acquainted with...
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in the 45th year under the walls of the reichstag, and i was brought up in the spirit that our people and my family were involved in the victory over fascism, i never thought that i would personally witness how in front of our eyes, literally in the very a new fascist state will be created in a short time, the name of which is the russian federation. remember, under yeltsin it was such a soft breakup. the territory of the actually ferodil principality, then putin comes, the country immediately through various political, military, informational, any other measures, first becomes chauvinistic, then imperialist, when it begins to seize the territory of its neighbors, then it becomes racist, and with the attack on ukraine, and especially with the appearance
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of wagner's pmc in the public russian and actually in... in the world space, it becomes a thoroughly fascist state, these ritual murders of russia's enemies with a hammer , when the skull was broken with a hammer. these bloody tools, which became very fashionable among the russian political elite, finally cemented fascism. fascism is not only when all neighbors are inferior, they can be killed. to rob and torture, that's when of their internal enemies e-e assault troops can destroy at their discretion. medvedev is finished, you fool, he is playing the role that zhirynovsky used to play. the only useful thing when reading his rambling texts is that he says what putin thinks. but shut up, they are really
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creating a fascist state in russia today and not only threaten to destroy neighboring countries according to their horde tradition, but also intend to completely destroy internal enemies, because in fact at least 20% of russians oppose this criminal war, and they they want to touch this 20%, they understand that it can... develop into the same process that took place in germany at one time, after the victory over fascism, it is those german 20% who built the current normal, civilized federal republic of germany, it is those 20% of germans tried their fascists, so putin directs these strikes not only against us, he uses all these terrorist attacks, and medvedev simply explains it to us perfectly, perfectly. we
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will also kill internal enemies, regardless of the constitution, regardless of the courts, indifferent to any international obligations , we are a fascist state, and we will do what we want both internally, inside the country and outside, that's what we are fighting today, that's what we are actually fighting against today. yuriy vitaliyovych, why do you think the event does not clearly articulate the task of what will happen next with russia, but says, we will not allow ukraine to be defeated and does not say that the current russia must go through the process of denazification, deputization, demilitarization . that is, everything that they are threatening now, and everything that is their tool must be eradicated in russia, because it is not only about ukraine, but also about the whole world. you understand, this is a very difficult question, because in reality germany did not heal itself, it was occupied,
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divided into zones of responsibility, and a total regime of denazification was created in the western zones, and the bet was made. for the youth, they were brought up in a different spirit, because until the mid-70s, among the older generation, hitler was still an authority, according to sociology, but the youth grew up and made a completely different germany, which is sometimes even, well, from my point of view, too pacifist. now about the world: it is still too early to talk about the plans for victory over russia, its forced denazification, the creation of new educational programs, a new political culture, new... control over their radical elements. unfortunately, today the whole world understands in a daze that we are, well, by historical analogy, not in 1944 on the eve of the victory over fascism, in 1939, when the western world
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stood back and allowed the fascists to destroy the democratic spanish republic and... on today the world has not woken up and decided that this is its war. it's still 1939. and now, when you see macron, a completely different macron than six months ago. when you see the british, who have been absolutely adequate from day one. when you see how the position of many american politicians is changing, we see that the world is beginning to understand that we... are inevitably ahead of 1941, when the fascists will attack the whole world, when the war of civilizations will begin, and moscow will not be the only one here, already everyone now understands that it is a club of dictators
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states that challenged the entire world built after the victory over hitler are gone, putin destroyed the un. it means nothing now, putin destroyed the osce, putin destroyed international agreements on borders, etc., he destroyed the concept of the red cross and many, many other things. today, he is left empty-handed. the fifth article of nato. today, he is probably planning to attack one of the nato countries, and thereby finally destroy the whole world of the victors over hitler. and then the new fascism, this time, strangely enough, moscow's, will triumph, precisely because of that today, our allies, starting with macron and ending with others, well, not ending, together with other representatives of western countries, are beginning to realize that the challenge is
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not only about ukraine, it is about the existence of a democratic world in general, and today poland is mobilizing its armed forces and arriving there all... more military contingents of nato countries. we need to work very well with our western allies in this situation. we need to stop the mental attacks, stop the childish insults, stop pedaling certain moments that we are separated we have a common enemy. and the time is not far off when we will sit with our polish brothers and other western countries in the same trench. unfortunately , it comes to that, so the task of ukraine is very simple: fortification, restoration of ukrainian missile programs so that we do not depend on anyone, this is real, poroshenko did them in two years, why can’t we now restore
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what has already been done, mobilization, because, sorry, the fourth month of sabotage of this issue has already passed, and work with partners, these are the four directions in fact. can allow ukraine must withstand a huge offensive from the outside from the inside, which putin is planning for the months of april and may. thanks to yury vitaliyovych for the inclusion, it was yury lutsenko, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, former prosecutor general of ukraine and ex-minister of internal affairs. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube. please vote in our poll, today we ask you about the following: do you see threats to democracy in ukraine today? yes, no, everything is quite simple, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you want to vote by phone, sit in front of the tv, pick up the phone and
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vote, if you think there is a threat to democracy in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no, 08021 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, then we will be in touch with yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for... joining our broadcast, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. since, mr. yevgeny, we are asking our viewers and tv viewers whether there are threats to democracy in ukraine today, let's be very brief, are there threats to democracy in ukraine today, both internally and possibly externally? the main threat to democracy in ukraine is the desire of the russian federation to destroy ukrainian statehood. everything else. in my opinion , it is still secondary, although in the conditions of martial law certain authoritarianism is usually observed
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tendencies that are sometimes justified, and sometimes not justified, within the administration of ukraine, and therefore i see one of our tasks in this war, not to turn into a small russia, not to turn into a russia that is governed by manual control, democracy is imitated and things are done. for which later the people who will carry them out will be ashamed. well, actually, why are we asking about this, because just yesterday there was information from the deputies from the servant of the people marina bezugluva and galina tretyakova, who prepared a bill on what should be punished by life imprisonment or 10 to 15 years for misappropriation of state functions. bezugla herself called her bill a provocateur. and a test for a political discussion , which she wrote on her facebook page:
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the bill will not be put to the vote, it is really nice to see how colleagues woke up, who are often not moved by urgent matters, who are happy for a cheap chance to show their devotion to the ideals of democracy, bezugla wrote in facebook, well, we know that what is on bezugolo's tongue is what is in the president's office umi, and it is unlikely that it was a provocation... well , maybe it was a provocation, but it could have been testing. how do you perceive such provocations during the war, are they permissible at all? i, mr. serhiy, do not perceive another point well. the fact that the verkhovna rada, in conditions of war, in a parliamentary-presidential republic, which ukraine is according to the constitution, does not work like clockwork or like a conveyor belt. does not adopt the necessary laws on an ongoing basis. and the fact that ukraine has now... turned into an office-presidential republic, where the office of the president sorts through things that do not belong to him
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authority, this is also related to the inability of the verkhovna rada to make the necessary decisions. making the necessary decisions is not controlled from the bank. our parliamentarians somehow gave up their own rights by themselves. well, on the one hand, it is theirs, so to speak. maybe, maybe it's kind of their right , i think you remember, even that they passed a law that for a failed impeachment attempt you should almost apologize, it's good that it's not on the knees and it's good that it's not the whole country, but if we we want to live in a parliamentary-presidential republic if we want to talk about something and to ask something from our colleagues, our partners in the west, we have to work, including on... on parliamentary political culture, and this deputy convocation
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has been working for 4.5 years now, that is , the explanation that they are not experienced , new faces, we will not have better faces until the end of the war, forgive me, unless there will be less, if they will all be at such a pace as they did last year, everything else, what is happening, this well, really, these are problems. thank you, mr. yevgeny, against this background we can see how it is in russia just unfold. anti-ukrainian hysteria surrounding the kroc city hall terrorist attack, russian dictator putin first called the attackers who killed more than 130 people in a moscow concert hall radical islamists, but again suggested that the attack could be linked to ukraine. let's listen to a small fragment. we know that the crime was committed by
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radical islamists, whose ideology the islamic world has been fighting for years. we also see that the usa, on various tv channels , is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that according to their intelligence, there is no trace of kyiv in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was committed by followers of islam, members of the idil organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this crime against russia and its people was committed. we are interested in who the customer is. zelensky says that putin is a sick and cynical being, also a small fragment from zelensky's speech. putin was talking to himself again, and it was televised again. he again blames ukraine, a sick and cynical creature. all of them are terrorists, except himself although
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he has been living with terror for two decades, he is the biggest window for terror. and his special services, and when he is gone, the demand for terror and violence will disappear with him, because this is his west, nothing more. mr. yevgeny, what does it mean to shift attention in this story, a tragic story, when idil is killing people in russia, on the ukrainian topic, on ukrainian territory and attachment, they want to... show that russia is a victim country, and ukraine is an aggressor country, i think the game is a bit more complicated here, i'll try to figure it out points: firstly, russia has shown that it has an algorithm of actions for such a case, that is, it has clearly shown how it can respond
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to such challenges. i'm not sure that... the kremlin inspired this terrorist act, i don't know for sure, but i don't rule it out, but i understand that this terrorist attack, it became an opportunity for putin to conduct such a special psychological influence operation, he is trying to prove to our partners that ukraine... can sponsor terrorism, why? in order to undermine trust in our country. this is us we must all realize that this is the goal. is it unlikely that putin thinks that everyone in the world will believe that ukrainians support terrorists? i think not, but with a high degree
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of probability, it models something like this . we saw that many member countries of the european union expressed their condolences, this is how the western model of democracy works, that if some crime takes place, which is impressive in its size, then it is customary to express condolences. ukraine could not express sympathy to russia, we are at war with it. russia kills almost every week. ours children and kills our peaceful citizens every day, and no one apologizes for this, and hardly anyone in the west spoke about the fact that the crimes in mariupol, in buch, in izyum, and in other places of war crimes in russia were acts of terrorism, and acts of terrorism state-wise, russia
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is trying to shift attention and... undermine the west's willingness to help ukraine, undermine in what way? to say: well , look, they can contact terrorists there, remember, back in 2022 they said that ukraine was preparing to make a dirty bomb, a dirty bomb is an element terrorist organizations. much was said in the world that idil was hunting for materials for a dirty bomb, but that was all. and we have to realize what it was, and we have to understand how it works and in what way it can work. therefore, today we need not only to prove together with our partners that ukraine is not involved in this, but also to send an appropriate signal to the countries of the global south, to speak with them where
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possible and to say that ukraine does not support terrorism, that ukraine is a victim of aggression from the side of russia, that we, fighting for our independence, we observe the rules of warfare that exist, by the way. to show how russian prisoners of war are in our camps, to show that ukraine is protected by representatives of different nationalities, to show how it works in these conditions, and not simply, you know, we cannot simply create a situation where the word of our president is against the word of theirs , which is also selected, not selected, reassigned. including 20% ​​of the ukrainian territory that was occupied by russia, that is, we have clearly
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to speak, a clear message that russia is evil, and we stop this evil in a legal way, and we do not violate anything, and do not commit terrorist acts, unlike the russians, there should be a clear, as emotionless as possible argumentation. and there must be words that will be understood all over the world. this is the only way. how to counteract this? well, against the background of these statements, which came out today from the mouths of putin and bortnikov and other security forces from russia, the basman court of the russian capital granted the request of the investigation and arrested him in absentia. head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk, in the terrorism case. the kid is accused in absentia under the article of terrorist attack. the head of the security service
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of ukraine himself emphasized in an interview with ukrinform that he, like all ukrainians, is much more interested in another arrest and trial. the arrest decision from the kremlin's pocket judges does not deserve any attention. i, like all ukrainians, am interested in only one trial, against their master putler. we do everything that depends on us. would like to see this war criminal on the bench of the hague court as soon as possible. today, oleksandr bortnikov, director the fsb stated that, when asked whether the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, general budanov, was a legitimate target, he said: yes, it is still ahead, he promised, that is, they publicly say what they think. .. well, this is not the first time, but there is already a court decision of this bastard, which, of course, no one in ukraine will pay attention to, but the very fact that they are accusing and they are spreading this
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terrorist hysteria around ukraine, as you think, under cover with this statement that both the kid and budanov are the same terrorists, they will hit objects. of our special services, or what they will do in order to, in some way, justify the strikes on kyiv, for example, they are striking kyiv anyway, there were already more than a thousand air alarms in kyiv, starting from the beginning of the large-scale invasion, russia did not it needs reasons to attack ukraine, it will attack it, it is trying in this way, on the one hand, to reduce support for ukraine, including military support, on the other hand, to say that we, that is, ukrainians, are
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terrorists, and this should raise our doubts western partners. missile attacks, unfortunately, will most likely be as powerful as before, because russia wants to blow up. internal stability, on the eve of the five-year inauguration of volodymyr zelenskyi on may 20, which, unfortunately , our government missed, they want to do everything in order to spin up the situation, to say that ukraine is a failed state, this is their long-standing goal, they will not be in it cannot be stopped, and we must stop them. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was... yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politicians friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube.
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please take it. participation in our vote , today we ask you about this, do you see threats to democracy in ukraine today, yes, no, everything is quite simple, if you have a personal opinion, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you see it signs of a threat to democracy in ukraine (0800-211-381, no), 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will add up. this vote. next, ihor kondratyuk, ukrainian tv presenter, producer and volunteer, will be in touch with us. mr. igor, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr. igor, with the start of a full-scale war , many ukrainians abandoned russian-language content and content produced in a neighboring state, the aggressor. but, despite that, in youtube, in the charts, it doesn't matter there are russian performers who
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are still listened to in ukraine, including morgenstern, matrang, and rapper rem dyga, why do you think ukrainians still listen to and support russian music and performers, several aspects that i can that come to me, come to my head, well, first of all, ukrainians understand russian music, accordingly, a mongolian rapper will never enter the ukrainian charts, unless he writes something like... style, as written by a popular south korean singer, eh well, this is the first aspect, the second aspect is inertia many people still , well, believe that it is normal to listen to russian music, even during the full-scale russian invasion and occupation of ukrainian lands and the killing of ukrainian soldiers and civilians, the reunification of cities, villages, and so on, that is.
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during the war that russia shamefully unleashed against ukraine, the third aspect, it’s just like that, you know, don’t believe it, cultural, in the same vein there are also english singers, probably french, well, i don’t know french, but there are english, american ones , it is not music asks whether we like it or not, it's music, it penetrates everywhere, but the main factor is still that we understand some words, and, for example, for people who are in the city... those people use russian more than ukrainian, and this, and this fact is obvious , not eradicated, and it will be possible to eradicate it soon, taking into account, well, our roots, imperial ukrainians from the russian empire from ukraine and from the ussr, so taking into account the fact that even if we break away from them now for 33 years, for 133 years, their
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population and... and the money they give on propaganda, she will still make sure that the russian song is present everywhere on the planet through spotify, youtube and so on. i don't see any big problem with this, believe me, i believe that this problem will eventually come to nothing, the problem will come to nothing by the fact that ukraine will continue to extend this law, although i do not know what is written in it, it seems indefinite indefinite, about what is in the mass media. on ukrainian stages and generally on the territory of ukraine, artists from a russian passport, period, and this is a bigger factor than the fact that you can find anything on ukrainian airwaves, radio and television, on the internet, including pornohap, but that does not mean that you have to fight with it, it is impossible to fight with it, yes , i mean pornography, well, not pornography , but let’s say erotica, and this is the same thing, well, there are...
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videos of sexual content on the internet and there are videos with russian songs or russian songs, well, such in my opinion , this is the problem now, the main thing is that we do not let any russian artists into ukraine, never at all, well, the next 100 years , as a minimum, so that there will be several generations who will not see them, will not hear them, well , at least on big stages, as it was in the early 2000s or the late 90s, ie when when this wave. who was uplifted, i mean the red routes, territory a, and then, in principle, there was such a large influx of russian artists at all venues, without results and on tv, too, but look, you mentioned these singers with russian passports, there already three new citizens of the russian federation, these are taisia ​​povaliy, anni lorak and regina todarenko, who left for the russian federation and the day before...


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