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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio , iryna koval welcomes all viewers, and now to the most important events. in the morning, the enemy attacked the center of kherson. the occupiers aimed at the office building, the blast wave damaged the windows of a house nearby. fortunately, no one was injured, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the russians also hit a residential building in the berislav district with mortars.
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a 61-year-old woman died there, i was just sitting there, drinking tea, i just left the window, i bought it, moms, i flew into that house, i don’t know, i haven’t broken my head yet observant, well, i bought it, you can, and there there was such a column of smoke, all i have is fuhai, my god, when will it end, how much can you be proud of us, ukraine can knock down russian churches with anti-ballistic... complexes are about patriots and sampti - said the spokesman air force ilya yevlash. according to him, zircon hypersonic missiles have a very high speed, but it is possible to shoot them down or damage them. we can say that if they, for example, had enough other types of missiles there, cruise missiles, calibers, iskanders, maybe others, they would have used them. them, but now we see that
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they are being used, quite complex, quite expensive missile, quite powerful, and of course they are already trying to use eggs, including, it can be like a certain experiment, react, test our air defense system. they stole money for the restoration of the energy infrastructure. in odesa, managers of contracting companies are suspected of embezzling more than 3.5 million dollars. this was reported in the office of the generals. prosecutor according to the investigation , the ukrenergo company concluded a contract with the organization for the dismantling and restoration of autotransformers after damage due to russian shelling. the impersonators got to work, but entered false information in the documents regarding the cost of transportation and performed services. the case has now been referred to the court. the russian federation forcibly issues passports. to ukrainian citizens in the temporarily
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occupied territories, which narratives the aggressor country uses, our correspondent dmytro didora knows and he is with us now live. dima, i congratulate you and await all the details from you. i congratulate iro, and i also congratulate our viewers. according to experts, the russian federation has been using such passporting methods since 1991 in all the conflicts in which it... participated, this applies to both the conflicts in transnistria and ossetia, in georgia, and the russian federation has been doing the same thing since 2014 in ukraine, first by annexing crimea, then by simplifying the acquisition of russian citizenship for residents of the temporarily occupied luhansk and donetsk regions. let 's find out exactly what goals the russian federation is pursuing. the federation duplicates the corresponding policy
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of germanization of the occupied territories, which was implemented by nazi germany during the second world war. and then the purpose of imposing citizenship was by no means to provide guarantees, just as it is happening now, and to use, first of all, this narrative about the desire to become part of great russia for the final annexation of the occupied territories of ukraine, this is the first such main strategic goal. the second goal is to use a weighty. demographic resource in the occupied territories for your own purposes, if you renounce russian citizenship in the temporarily occupied territories, russia restricts your rights in education, it is impossible even to enter a higher educational institution, if you are a graduate of the temporarily occupied territories, you also cannot get a medical certificate education, and sometimes, even those who are from... from
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russian citizenship, they are deported to the territory, to the territory under the control of ukraine, as was the case in the zaporizhzhia region, or they are sent to forced labor'. experts have recorded that people who have renounced russian citizenship are being sent, they are sending cops to help the russian army, how many have already received such passports in the temporarily occupied territories, the number is unknown, the russian federation says that it has already passported 100% of the temporarily occupied territories, and the testimony of experts and the testimony of people from the temporarily occupied territories say... that the russians are unable to fully passport the territories annexed to ukraine. iro, that's all i have. thank you, dima, it was our correspondent dmytro didora about the forced passporting of ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories. and in peace, we move on. we will deliver with comfort, and
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not so much in odesa . this was reported in the state border service. the attacker took $100 in advance, the final cost depended on the comfort of the trip. if the uchiland traveled with a sleeper in the cabin, he paid $3,500, and if in a laundry box, then $700. however, the level of comfort did not help, the law enforcement officers still exposed the violators. one person was injured as a result of shooting in zhytomyr. this was reported to the regional police in the city. shots rang out in the courtyard of the high-rise building. at the scene, law enforcement officers found a 43-year-old man with a gunshot wound, he was urgently hospitalized. currently, the police are establishing the circumstances of the incident. ukraine will receive eur 100 million from
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the development bank of the council of europe. credit funds will be allocated within the framework of the new home project. compensation for destroyed property. thanks to this financing, combatants, people with disabilities and large families will be able to receive certificates for the purchase of new housing, instead of the one destroyed by the russians during hostilities and terrorist attacks. i will get my life back. a photo exhibition was created in lviv in memory of the fallen poet and soldier maksym kryvtsov. with a call sign further. the exposition was placed at the entrance to the memorial. museum of totalitarian regimes , territory of terror. our correspondent kateryna oliynyk has already seen the photos and is now live with us. katya, i congratulate you , please tell me which photos impressed you personally, what images are on them, and about the opening of the exhibition itself. greetings irina, greetings
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to all viewers of the tv channel, we are in the square in front of the museum of totalitarian regimes , the territory of terror. and in general, i was impressed by virtually all the photos. there are 11 information stands with 24 photos, created by maksym kryvtsov. in particular, now we see photos of maksym kryvtsov's family cat, which, unfortunately, died with him, and we also see a military man sitting on the ground, perhaps during such a lull at the front. in general, these pictures depict frontline life, as well as many photo portraits. of our defenders, and maksym krytsov died on january 7, 2024, but his photo portraits, his poems, and due to the fact that he did not have time to create an exhibition during his lifetime, his friends remained alive and his relatives decided to create an exhibition
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dedicated to him posthumously, with this exhibition they wanted to thank him for all those services for the protection of our homeland and, so to speak , to honor him, i also want to... note that tonight we will hold a literary evening dedicated to maksym kryvtsov , invite the residents of lviv, the organizers of the guests of the city, here they will read his poems from the collection of poems from the loophole, in particular , i suggest you listen to the details from the co-organizers of the literary evening exhibition. maksym was special... also in what he knew how to find there is beauty in anything, and this is a look at the war, through his eyes, as he saw it, and as he felt it. today, our lviv colleagues, artists, and hrytsko semenchuk,
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and sofia chelyak, ostap slavynskyi will read poetry, and there will also be a free microphone format, where, friends, everyone can read maksym's poem. and i want to note that the exhibition in lviv will last until june 27. it can be viewed for free, then the exhibition will go to the dnipro and odesa, according to the organizers. irina, i advise you to visit and i will pass it on to you word. thank you katya, so i want to emphasize once again to all our viewers who are watching us now, if you are in the city of leva, i will get my life back. visit the photo exhibition, the exhibition was placed at the entrance to the memorial museum of totalitarian regimes, the territory of terror, and today at 18:30 you can. to visit there for a literary evening and we thank our correspondent kateryna oliynyk
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for the information, and we ask you to urgently join the collection, we need a car repair for the 65th separate mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, destroying the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost health or even life. our goal is uah 55,000. there is very little left to... finally close this collection, so we ask you to join in, your help is very important, you can see all the details on the screen. that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. we will see you at 3 p.m. literally in a moment, meet my colleague marta oliarnyk, who will join her a little later. and antin borkovskyi.
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small but powerful mavic drones. our fighters constantly need these drones. such birds are consumables, because they are often shot down, so... the need for them is only growing, that is why the vilna charity fund constantly collects funds specifically for maviks, one of the orders was received from the soldiers of the 56th separate motorized infantry brigade and the ninth border detachment, in order to speed up the dispatch of drones to the front, they turned to charity organization all-ukrainian charitable fund of zhevo, there quickly responded to the request for help. i want to thank the charitable foundation of the living family for... together to victory, thank you.
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mavik drones are already a legend of the modern russian-ukrainian war, a drone that was conceived as a camera for filming holidays has become the eyes of the ukrainian military. thanks to them, aerial reconnaissance can see the enemy in advance and defend its positions. the revolutionaries of the south of ukraine thank the zhiva charitable fund. the drone you provide, which will applied in the struggle on the southern frontiers, together to victory: glory to ukraine. but not the only drones. the zhivago foundation regularly donates necessary tools, generators and cars to the military. the founders of the fund are convinced that only by joint efforts we can bring victory closer.
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greetings to all espresso viewers. in the next few hours, we will analyze and inform you about the most important things together with you. marta oliarnyk is currently in the studio, and before we add our first guest, i want to remind you of what we are currently collecting funds to buy cars for our soldiers at the front. cars are a mother's expense. and actually it needs to be constantly repaired, updated, and we also urge you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive vehicles, this is a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence directorate, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 9,000, if you have the opportunity, please support the front to release together ukraine is unclean from russian. now at monobank we already have... 78,000 hryvnias, 778,000 hryvnias, that is, we have
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to collect approximately 130,000, even less than 12,300 approximately, so if you have the opportunity, please make your donation right now, bank card number and qr - you can see the code on your screens now, we will start informing you, so here is the news from the ukr. energo that after the attack by the russians in kharkiv oblast and odesa oblast , electricity blackout schedules continue to operate, about this reported on ukrenergo's facebook page , the company notes that in all... cities affected by russian attacks , the critical infrastructure has been fully restored, the operation of electric transport has been partially restored, and the ability to supply electricity through oblenergo networks has also been restored for all consumers who were cut off as a result of missile and russian drone attacks. well, kharkiv has a catastrophic lack of electricity, residents are urged to turn off boilers and use
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centralized hot water, but the shortage in there is no power system in ukraine right now. and information from ukrenergo. now we will add oleksandr kovalenko, a military political observer of the information resistance group, to our airwaves. mr. alexander, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes of glory. let's talk about the statements, extreme statements that are heard in certain western media, regarding the war in ukraine. there is such a statement that appeared in the welt publication: "the war in ukraine may end this year." actually what they are saying is they are saying that hostilities are likely will freeze, and the west will not reassess the military potential of russia, and the critical phase for ukraine may be until september, if the west does not promptly transfer more weapons, we would like your analysis, i have also heard the analysis of western analysts
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that ukraine will not last 96 hours there at all pressure from the in 2022, but we have today march 27 , 2024, give us more weapons, give us more and more effectively on request the weapons that we need, that we are requesting, and as soon as possible, and then it won't be there is no freezing of the war, and it cannot be, everything is very simple here, because as soon as... there will be a process of freezing the war or some kind of pause, you can call it whatever you want, but it will be a problem not only for ukraine in the future, but with this also in the short-term perspective, as well as the european one, because russia will have the opportunity, the opportunity not to spend its entire military-industrial complex on anything, to restore the potential of units in the
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combat zone, that is, to compensate for losses, and it will be an opportunity to have... exactly to accumulate a resource, and if it accumulates it, then in, for example, 3 years, it will have not only the potential in terms of quantity, not in terms of quality, but specifically in terms of the number of weapons, which will fully have a relationship with the potential as of february 23, 2022, will even be bigger, because the military-industrial complex in russia is really working much more powerfully now. not so much for production as for restoration, but still it works much more powerfully, and therefore it will be a real problem already for the north atlantic alliance, for baltic countries, for poland and so on, not only for ukraine. and what can we do during this time, well, we tentatively imagine the situation, the situation reaches a dead end, there will be certain,
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i don’t know, peace negotiations, another story, and then they will decide to freeze the war, and how can we use it... time and can we also prepare for the potential next attack of the enemy during this time? and no, there can be no dead end, that's the point, it can't be a priori, why? and because every day, when we are even on the defensive, a not on the offensive, the enemy is exhausted, and we see that the military-industrial complex of the russian federation has certain limitations. does it have the ability to produce new missiles? yes, it does, it has such potential, does it have the ability to produce 200-300 units of new tanks every month? no, there isn't. here is the first point, they do not have serial large-scale production of tanks, they have
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restoration, repair, modernization, but not production. can the russian military and industrial complex produce every month 300-400 units of artillery each, no , it cannot, he does not have such an opportunity, he has the opportunity to restore the soviet potential, therefore, every day of the war and the destruction of russian units of equipment is an influence on russia, this is the exhaustion of russia, there will be a moment when russia may be able to rely exclusively on its own. production is the same as with missiles, we now see what is happening with missiles, every day we feel 70-80 incoming missiles, no, not every day, it happens, now we... can see that a month, a month and a half, if we talk about the year 2023, then since september it was generally a 3 -month pause between large-scale strikes
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of missile potential, they are accumulating because they are producing, they are producing and accumulating, the same will happen at some point with technology, so the pause or some kind of dead end, it is not a solution, but a dead end is not wrong at all. context, we are exhausting the enemy to the point when he will not be able to restore his 200-250-300 tanks per month, which they have left in warehouses since soviet times, they will be able to count only for their own production, and what is their own production? this is generally a horror, if we talk about a large country the size of 1/9 of the planet's territory, but at the expense of their allies? north korea, iran and china, can russia replenish these reserves at the expense of those countries that help it? no to china, right away, china is not
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the country that will start sending its equipment to russia, because china does not want to risk its current status, it is not a country, an exile, but if we are talking about iran and the north korea, they can, but from another side. side , that they will decide how many tanks iran or north korea can send, 100, 200, 300, and these are not the countries that have an unlimited supply of this equipment, even north korea, so it can send ammunition, it can send shells , to russia, by the way, we have heard many times that even the russians themselves are dissatisfied with the quality. of the products they receive, but nevertheless, they receive it. what about tanks? tanks of north korea, they are needed no less than russia, because kimchinin
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- this is the same dictator shizik, who expects an attack from any side, from the usa or from south korea, so he will not send them 100,500 tanks, this is a limited number and the production of these tanks in north korea itself. ah, it is also limited, more limited than the production of ammunition, so you should not count on a large amount, and what are tanks today, and every month the defense forces of ukraine destroy 250-300, or even more tanks of russian restoration and production , and no country in the world can to show off such a potential not only of production, but also of recovery, even. usa, the usa does not currently produce tanks of such a quantity. mr. oleksandr , we would like to discuss with you the situation at the front, the deputy commander
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of the third assault brigade maksym zhorin stated that the russians may open a new offensive direction of the front this year except for avdiivka, he does not specify exactly what direction this may be. do you have any guesses where the enemy might be pressing, other than avdiiv's direction? this is not an assumption, it is a fact, in the second half of 2024, they will launch more intensive and massive offensive actions on chasiv and kupintsi, it will not be one direction, it will be two directions, well, and we would also like to clarify with you about the hunger of projectiles , but the poles say that they have formed a coalition of armored vehicles, that's cool, we also know about the czech republic'. regarding shells , do you think we will have the opportunity this year to equalize this parity in shells, well , armored vehicles are a little different, it would, but i
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i have on, artillery in particular, regarding the shortage of shells, first of all we see that the czech republic, it really occupies such a dominant position regarding the solution of this problem. this is the 800,000 that czech president peter pavel spoke about during the munich conference, and this is the 700,000 that we learned from a publication such as the wall street journals that the czech republic is trying to solve this issue with other partners as well, so this is enough a good potential to provide an average of 500 shots per day per year, everything... except everything more is already a plus, therefore, it seems to me that in the near future the issue of shell hunger, i.e. shortage, will be resolved. thank you, mr.
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oleksandr, for yours. answer oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information resistance group was on our air, now there is a short pause, after it we will continue our air, so stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv, just for you, with you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry things, it's a perfect tool. for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one move, with a strong saw, just look at how quickly it can handle even thick branches, once it's ready, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard-
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the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. and the information day for us is the press itself kindled now we will try to add volodymyr rashchuk, callsign artist, to our ether. it is not for nothing that we decided
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to invite mr. volodymyr today, because... today is international theater day, as you know, many theatergoers, actors, and artists have changed their usual roles, yes, to uniforms, yes, they have become military, there are many of them, actually , what russia is doing, with our cultural heritage, with our theaters, this is also not on our heads, because 38 ukrainian theaters were destroyed or damaged due to the invasion of the russian federation, at least this figure is given by the ministry of culture. information policy, dozens of theaters at the beginning of the full-scale war became shelters for refugees, displaced persons and volunteer centers, later most of them resumed their artistic work to raise the fighting spirit of ukrainians, and also to raise funds for the needs of our armed forces. on world theater day, let's remember how russians destroy theater institutions and how creative teams have been reborn during this time?


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