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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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decided to invite mr. volodymyr in particular , because today is international theater day, as you know, many theatergoers, actors, artists changed their usual roles, yes, to uniforms, yes, they became military, there is not one of them. well, actually, what russia is doing with our cultural heritage, with our theaters, it is also not surprising, because 38 ukrainian theaters were destroyed or damaged due to the invasion of the russian federation, at least. this figure is given by the ministry of culture and information policy, dozens more theaters at the beginning of the full-scale war , they became shelters for refugees, displaced persons and volunteer centers, later most of them resumed their artistic work to raise the fighting spirit of ukrainians, and to raise funds for the needs of our armed forces. on world theater day , will we remember how the russians destroy theater institutions and how creative collectives have been reborn during this time? let's see together.
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the russians destroyed the mariupol drama theater with aerial bombs on march 16, 2022. despite the fact that at that time hundreds were hiding in the building of mariupol, and in front of the entrance was written children in capital letters. the team of the mariupol drama theater later managed to find shelter in uzhhorod. on the stage. the zakarpattia drama theater performed "mariupol drama" so that no one would forget about their native mariupol. also, in march 2022, russian invaders destroyed a theater in north donetsk, where the troupe evacuated from luhansk in 2014 worked. due to the now full-scale invasion, the theater team was forced to evacuate once again to the dnipro. on august 19, 2023, the russian army
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launched an iskander cruise missile in the center of chernihiv. it exploded over the building of the taras shevchenko chernihiv drama theater. according to the ministry of culture, more than 20 ukrainian theaters were destroyed or damaged by the russians. institutions in the donetsk, kharkiv, kherson, mykolaiv, luhansk and zaporizhia regions suffered the greatest losses and damages. in the first months of the full-scale war, theater premises in many ukrainian cities turned into volunteer centers, where humanitarian aid was collected and distributed, camouflage nets were woven , displaced people were accommodated, actors volunteered and prepared food in the middle of the halls, theaters in lviv, ivano-frankivsk, cherkassy, ​​lutsk, etc. offered shelters for displaced people.
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in zhytomyr, when the wave of emigrants subsided, theaters opened their doors to the audience and began to do what they do best, play plays, began staging new plays about modern war, now theater troupes across the country are holding charity performances in support of the armed forces of ukraine. by... the large-scale invasion of the russian federation had a significant impact on de-russification of theaters, from the adjective "russian" , the lesya ukrainka academic theater in kyiv , the drama theater in mykolaiv, the academic drama theater in odesa , the academic drama theater in kharkiv finally got rid of them, plays in the russian language also disappeared from the repertoires, however, many theaters are experiencing staffing problems, someone went to the front, someone went abroad, but despite all the difficulties of a full-scale war, theater... art in
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ukraine is currently at the peak of popularity, new theaters and projects are opening that not only popularize ukrainian culture through experience of war, but also become part of art therapy for the audience. it is an extremely difficult plot, but we understand that the theater and theatergoers are holding on and holding on, including the front. we are in touch with volodymyr rashchuk, call sign artist, officer of section s'. three of the third battalion of freedom of the fourth brigade of the operational assignment of the lines of the national guard of ukraine, bakhmut direction. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr. glory to heroes. well, international theater day, in the literal sense, i think, many with tears in their eyes. yes, we understand that losses, battles are extremely difficult and the situation is not easy. but, first of all, before we move on to the situation in the bakhmut direction, we would like to ask you about... your individual history, from the theater
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to the front line, it's in 10-15 minutes, of course, we won't be able to... to fit into such a framework , because the story is big, and i really started with the mariupol theater, when i was born there, and this story that you showed just moved me to tears, because it hurts me unreal, my sister was there, she was 5 hours before bombs managed to leave the theater, then, when we were defending siversko-donetsk, we came in to that drama theater , it was still intact, everything was fine, i was so nostalgic, how cool it is here, how much you want a stage, but that was only the beginning, it is gone, for now i have great joy, a great victory, because we are with
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my as a wife, they fought for the fact that klesya is a ukrainian woman, er, the name of lesya ukrainka's theater in kyiv. she stopped turning over in her grave and finally she became a ukrainian drama, the artistic director finally changed, now it is kyrylo kashlykov, whom i love and respect, finally there is air in the theater, people began to breathe freely, because serfdom left the walls of this theater, and now i am at war. i have another theater, the theater of war, and i am learning a completely different profession, but my acting profession helps a lot, in this difficult
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task, because, by the way, yesterday was national guard day, uh, my mother congratulated me, and she congratulates me today, she says, you have so many holidays, i say, believe me, i'm ready to stick with only the theater day, but unfortunately, the national guard is also my holiday now. we would like to ask you, mr. volodymyr, which one you are now in general, the situation in the bakhmut direction. we know that the enemy is currently monitoring what resources the enemy is using there, please share information that is not secret, in fact, that can be shared publicly. i am further north than in the time of the yar, i am on the other side of bakhmut, but... i know that there is, so to speak, a tasty morsel for the enemy, last winter we were standing exactly in that direction, it was kurdyumivka-oziryanivka, and then there were wagners, now they are gone, and then it was very, very difficult, very furious, because
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we all remember how crazy they were and trained to fight, there were, at the moment there are not... it’s just that i know that they set as a primary goal to take their time, everything is completely changing in my direction, there were, there were large offensive actions, with equipment, with a large number of infantry, everything was destroyed , i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helps, helps on fp, drops on drones. "they help us a lot, and thanks to them directly we stop the enemy and bring them, we inflict such losses, well, which have not happened during our period of the two-year war, but they are learning, they are already great
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they don't drive vehicles, and they already use motorcycles with sidecars, buggies, bmps, already 5 km each, the assault vehicle goes to..." assault they have, because we messed up their front line, logistics very badly, but for now they still have assault potential , but because of the large number of fra losses and any logistics chain that is happening, we are destroying, they have some problems, and it cannot help but comfort us if we talk about their strategic. reserves in your opinion, that is, the donetsk direction can be one of the central ones, if we talk about their activation during the summer , spring-summer campaign, yes, well, you very clearly noted that they are suffering huge losses, but, i don't know whether the blocking
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units or some other motivation, still withdraws and withdraws new russian fighters interventionists to new firing positions, and again losses, but still, and this... has been going on for more than one month, we must realize that they hate us, and they are against our existence as a nation, it is on the level.. .. i don't know, genetics, flesh, they will always do it, and we have to realize too, no matter how much we destroy, there were 142 million of them, and this is a lot, well, it is a fantastic amount , even if we destroy 50 times more, there will still be a lot of them, we strongly hope that our strategic direction has improved, the refinery is being destroyed ,
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the flotilla is destroyed, the aviation is destroyed, this is very motivating here, and it is actually visible, because they do not leave any equipment, but any equipment they take, they make frankensteins, yes, donors, let’s say, they preserve it as much as possible , but still tactics and... this column continues, you know, as it is written in the book, deployment of battle orders and so on, we, it is not known how they will be and where to advance, we have many fronts and each one is not easy, that is why we stand, fight, tear out the kadiks, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr rashchuk, call sign artist, officer of the c-3 section, the third freedom battalion, the fourth brigade of the border operational assignment of the national guard of ukraine. congratulations on yesterday's national guard day and today's international theater day. we are going now for
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a short break, after it we will have a etheri of the spokesman for the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine to talk about the tactics of the enemy and not only the tactics of the enemy, but many other things, so stay with us, don't switch. laughter, physical activity, pee. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost uro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. the real one reigns in the fictional country dictatorship. turn on hbo's new satirical series nameko, mode. can her tyranny lead to freedom? watch in... ukrainian in mego's subscription. there are 10% discounts on lyzak in
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of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. we, the security service of ukraine, we are fighting to protect every ukrainian, and to repay the enemy for all the crimes and lives taken. every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places, we sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, we destroy the occupiers by the thousands. and their equipment at the front, eliminate war criminals, arrest agents and traitors, and our strikes will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu, the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day continues tv channel well, ilya yevlash, the spokesman of the command of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. speaker. glory to heroes. well, we are glad to see, yes, we understand that the new direction of work, well, but still, the main thing is with us, and we have the honor and opportunity to discuss it with you now. the most important certain directions, well, in particular, zircons and the activation of the enemy in the work on our civilian objects, which prospects do you see, why zircons in particular, they demonstrate to our euro-atlantic friends that they already have a fixed system launch of these supersonic missiles from the ground,
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so we understand that this can be a hint about, god forbid, of course, but that other poison. the composition of such missiles, which are carriers , and accordingly, what do you think we should expect in the near future, taking into account the fact that they hint that they will strike at our senior leadership, thank you for the question, well, information has already appeared from scientific institute of scientific examinations, research so that these were indeed zircon missiles, thus... we can confirm that we really managed to shoot down the so-called analogue of avnet in the phase when this missile reached exactly subsonic speed, when it turns into, let's say, ballistic, so our patriots were able to get it and, of course, that they failed the task without giving an opportunity
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to reach their target, of course, that the very application of these missiles can be... related to various situations, we will be able to learn more from our colleagues from gur, but first of all, of course, it is necessary to check our air defense systems, or how they are able to deal with such a new type of weaponry, which is quite powerful, quite fast, yes, because the speed of this type of cirkon missile, it is extremely high, it is thousands, thousands of kilometers, which are maintained for almost everything. missiles, yes, but at the same time, our military, our defenders of the sky, so they proved to the whole world that we can work and shoot down even this type of missiles, besides, of course, that the enemy has now intensified his strikes precisely on our critical infrastructure, on our energy infrastructure, everyone expected
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it to happen either in the fall or in the winter, in order to lead to the so-called b... would like to disable our energy facilities, but this did not happen, as xiongzi said, war is a way of deception, and of course, now the goal remains the same, of course, that they are now trying to attack with all types, checking our weak points, trying to attack various hydroelectric power plants, our powerful storage facilities, and critical objects, however, using all... efforts by uniting the defense forces of ukraine, as well as mobile groups, who work according to the standards, they show a pretty, pretty good result. ballistics, how many they have in the resource, well, it is approximate, if they will be repeated, to our great regret, we understand that it is more likely that something like this is possible, ballistic strikes on kyiv or other cities
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of our country, we understand that it is better to warn civilians, as far as they it is enough that they are here. collected during the last months. well, in fact, this information needs to be clarified, it is difficult to say exactly how many units of ballistic missiles are stored in the russian federation. however, we see that the enemy is no longer able to carry out such frequent strikes as they were before. yes, it withstands the groove in order to accumulate a certain number of missiles, to deliver powerful blows, of course, that part, the greater part. these missiles miss, but, unfortunately, sometimes their missiles still miss, yes, with combat units, explode, and that's why we ask people to be sure to go down to the shelter not to... ignore the air alarms, because you see how unfortunately, the consequences of falling and explosions of such can be terrible missiles, probably, along with that, they started
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launching these missiles, yes zircon, this is due to the fact that they lack certain means, and to achieve their military goals, they are trying, trying, let's say, to use such namely the types of weapons, well, we'll see, but we are ready for various developments in terms of... actions are constantly alternating, constantly monitoring and ready to protect the sky 24x7. yes, mr. speaker, we agree with you, but on the other hand, we understand that knocking down ballistics is not an easy task, and in particular the southern regions are now suffering greatly from this, and we understand that our diplomacy is trying at all levels to call on our allies and partners to provide us with western-style anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems, for example, the minister's latest statement. of foreign affairs was: give us these damned patriots already, this is a direct quote, and actually, how many of those modern patriots do we need in order to at least protect
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the most vulnerable regions, such as the southern ones, for example, and ukraine in general? well , actually we need launchers a lot, since the line , let's say, threats, yes, this includes belarus, yes , the entire border with russia, temporarily occupied... crimea and pristrovia are more than 200 km 2200, if i'm not mistaken, and cover, if all our borders, strategically important objects, launchers are needed quite a lot. we need to understand that we need not only patriots, but also short-range air defenses , such as chepard, for example, german, as well as skynexes of various types, avengers, yes, which can work. let's say more cheaper means of fire damage to air threats, besides, of course
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, that we also need training, maintenance of replacements, spare parts, yes, that fail, of course, that all this requires constant technical proper maintenance, as well as training, and crews, in including mechanics, and of course rockets, quite a lot is needed. because now we see that russia does not spare its resources, does not save missiles, and of course we have installations, but they need it, just as a car needs fuel, and installations need exactly these missiles, that is why we constantly thank our partners, we do not get tired of thanking them for the air defense equipment provided by them, since we ourselves have already learned to defeat quite serious threats from a rather serious enemy of russia. federation, however, of course, to protect our great ukraine, we need more different air defense systems. yes, this is a very important signal, and we
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hope, we hope, you know, i'm no longer harboring the rosy illusions that we had, no i know, more than a year ago, yes, when we talk about the supply of f-16 aircraft, well, but it’s like some kind of squadron, they still plan to transfer it to us, most likely in the summer somewhere , maybe that... they heard something, well, in general, if talk about the functionals in the 16th , in your opinion, as much as they could, well, we understand that the number is important, the number decides, well, but even the chwi squadron, it can also be unexpected for the enemy, well, in general, in terms of the ability to shoot down that ballistics itself, what, what in the f-16s? of course, come on we will wait for official comments from representatives of the authorities, when they will officially announce what will be said, the number, exactly how much, from whom, we will wait for official messages from our authorities, but i can only say one thing that the f-16 will greatly strengthen our capabilities
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and capacities in the fight against russian planes, which are now quite actively terrorizing the frontline cities, in the east of ukraine, in the south of ukraine, it will also allow us to fight against the missiles that they launch, of course, that this will be a powerful reinforcement and... and air defense ours, yes, will be quite a big obstacle for enemy planes in the sky, of course, the plane itself, its avionics are very important, but no less important, exactly which ones, what will be inside, what type of radar will be, for example, at what distance it will allow you to detect targets, yes, track them, and of course, what kind of weapons will these weapons be, there they are fully automated homing. yes, exactly what kind of missiles will they be, of course, that the success of the tasks and the destruction of military objects depends a lot on this. sir speaker, are there any signals now? from
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our partners, who are already testifying that when we get f-16s, there will actually be missiles for them, because this is probably still more the prerogative of the united states, which now, as we see, is delaying a little with our help, well, actually, i would like to understand, because the f-16s themselves will not bring benefits as such, we need them to be able to actually be carriers of missiles that need to be attached to them, yes, well, actually. the coalition, as it was christened even earlier, during the meeting there in the format ramstein, of course, we have many partners who provide not only the provision of, for example, aircraft or missiles, this is a very large complex that involves the development of infrastructure, the training of the pilots themselves, that is, the provision, as you correctly pointed out, of weapons, maintenance , so fuel and many, many other components , that is, it is quite a large complex, in which
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not only the united states would participate, but also denmark, great britain, we recently saw photos of the training of our pilots, of course, it is quite long process, and no everything can be done quite quickly, since this is a completely new aircraft, it is not a soviet aircraft, which is new to our system, but we have already proven that we can master quite complex, different, probably ukraine is the only country that can possess such a nomen' . a round of weapons mastered in a fairly short period of time and not only wielding them, but also effectively inflicting fire damage, so of course what we are waiting for in the near future, we hope for good news as soon as the f-16s take to the sky and start to shoot down the first enemy planes, of course i will be glad to inform you about it. mr. speaker, in the end , you know, such a naive, perhaps even such a luhiv question, but please explain: in kyiv and odesa, law enforcement officers detained two
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fsb agents who were preparing rocket... about strikes on military units of the defense forces, the kyiv tv tower and about energy projects, well , we understand that the gunner collaborators, thank god, detained everything, document it and go for a walk, but just explain to our tv viewers like this: the enemy, he has no coordinators and gunners, it’s more difficult for him to somehow aim there, well, we understand that there are some maps, some satellite tracking systems, it’s just that it’s still worth keeping an eye on the so-called correctors, well... look, this is probably a question more for our special services , but in general, of course, that our citizens should watch, yes, for suspicious persons who may be able to put some marks, yes, to photograph some military objects, objects of important, critical strategic infrastructure, of course, that you should not lose vigilance and in case of discovery persons who are suspicious, yes, it should be reported to the relevant authorities, and of course, what should
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be... thank you, well, it is clear, that is , it is somehow more difficult for them to do this whole thing through a satellite, well, you know, satellite by satellite, but when people directly from the place of events , information is conveyed almost online, it is a little different kind, therefore not only with one single satellite, you need to be vigilant and watch, thank you ilye yevlash , spokesman for the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, there was espresso ether, they talked about why. .. now i have become so active about these the tsirkons that the russians speak have no analogues, but we can see that modern anti-missile and air defense systems can successfully shoot down even such hypersonic missiles as the tsirkon, well, but you have to be careful, because the enemy can and is preparing something, so you must always be on the lookout get ready, but iryna koval will tell us more news very soon, to whom we are already giving the floor and we are asking
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you, ira, to tell us what this issue will be about. thanks marta, well, just a few minutes ago the enemy struck at mykolaiv, about the shooting in zhytomyr and much more. wait literally a moment. 3 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the enemy attacked mykolaiv in the city, several explosions rang out, the mayor of the city, oleksandr sinkevich, said. preliminary arrivals of ballistic missiles. details will be announced in the next issues. and in the morning, the enemy attacked the center of kherson. the occupiers broke into the office building. blast wave.


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