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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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well, the underground missile complex of the black sea fleet, which they captured in 2014 and used there for training firings, that is , there may be two options, but by the way, if we take into account today's reports, is there a wind turbine of the operational command of the south, that they have several dozen zircons there concentrated in the crimea, it looks like they took all, maybe all the zircons they had to the crimea, and at the same time it turns out that there are officially three ships there, well, that is, two... but these zircons themselves, what are they well, such you know, something new is being added to the situation , well, of course, there is a new missile, but what is so special about it that we haven't seen yet, let's put it this way, it somehow, well, has some kind of greater impressive power, or is it somehow... harder to shoot down, that is
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explain this a little bit, because well , yes, you know, a lot is said about her, why a lot of people say it is not very clear, i think that we need, well, if it does not sound strange, to look at this situation from the enemy's point of view, why he could have gone to use it, but the format is such that it has to be done to quote their, unfortunately, theoretical work, well, yes, they are still there in the summer, especially not hiding, you know in principle, well, if some... people say that they are preparing to kill you, believe the title, they are preparing to kill you , well, they too, but in the summer these russian military theorists wrote that hypersonic weapons are such a very powerful thing for them, that in principle, with one blow, you can destroy the object with one missile, together with the air defense system, and at the same time they pointed there these fake data about the alleged defeat of the patriot with a dagger in may 2023, and they also came up with the concept that this hypersonic missile is just like a tactical
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nuclear weapon, only better, because the red button is always pressed, it is scary, what is better to threaten just a hypersonic missile , there is no one to launch any moral barriers there, but obviously the russians thought that if they now hit, alas, such hyprosic churches around kiev, then it should create the effect, as if they they really hit there right away at us tactically with a nuclear bomb, well, but apparently no one understood this insidious plan of theirs, especially the anti-aircraft gun... who were obviously shooting down these missiles and did not know that they were actually hypersonic, well, in theory, we have sumpti and patriots, they not designed for the disposal of such high-speed missiles. now, if we talk about the characteristics of the zircon itself, it turned out that there is a very small warhead, only 150 kg, of which there are only 40 kg of explosives, well, considering that it was designed as an anti-ship missile, well, that's not enough. you can even sink
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a corvette on a frigate, but no more, that is, on a ship like those that are being sunk there now, well, the defense forces of ukraine in the crimea would definitely not be enough, perhaps the russians simply calculated that since this missile flies from at a very high speed, there are 4.5 waves at the starting stage, i.e. about 500 km/h, the central part of the flight there is seven waves, i.e. roughly up to 800 km/h, and then it drops already when approaching the target. by the way , somewhere roughly speaking, 500 or a little more km/h, well, maybe they thought that it would be like this it is very powerful to drive into the ground , and at the expense of kinetic energy to create appropriate destruction there, well, if you look, then according to the destruction in the area of ​​the boichuk academy, well, maybe they were not mistaken with the calculations, but here it is just a literal miracle and a literal triumph of our air defense, that they shot down missiles to counter which there are no means. theoretically no,
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because no one has yet prepared to shoot down hypersonic missiles, in principle, but it just became clear that it turns out the russians can make not just rockets with hypersonic flight speed, well, like daggers, that is, they simply accelerate to speeds, but it is not hypersonic, but it turned out that there is a hypersonic direct-current engine on the zircon, which allows it to accelerate to such high speeds, which in theory really would make this missile invulnerable to any systems. anti-missile, anti-aircraft defense, well, but i repeat, apparently, our anti-aircraft fighters, who were sitting there at the controls of the corresponding anti-aircraft missile systems, were simply not aware of this, accordingly, the trouble that should have brought an effect there like the use of tactical nuclear weapons, well, it was managed to be diverted, well, it is as usual, you know, whether it is possible to defeat , on the question of whether it is possible to defeat the army of the russian federation, here the question is not whether it is possible, the question will you be enough patriots for this, other weapons,
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if they are enough, then it turns out that all this can be done perfectly, only there are enough questions, in fact, well, the last thing i want to ask, just a minute, well... such a statement was made by the institute for the study of war, which the russian army is forming reserves to support current military operations in ukraine, however, these units will not be able to carry out large-scale offensive operations, they believe, and what do you think, that is, if it is clear that the russians have a desire to attack, but the question is whether they can now attack? and here we just need to separate the issues, well, separate the vectors, because... the russians always have the intention and always have the resources for an offensive, here we cannot ignore, first of all, the statement of the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk that the russians are preparing a group of 100,000, well fortunately, only a group of one hundred thousand for the offensive in the summer of this year, well, maybe it will be enough for them in one of the directions, but here the question is simply always that, well, how you
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put it very well so that it is imagined that if there are only the right numbers, then the army the russian federation cannot be stopped very well, because one thing is the intention... and another thing, what resources will our defenders have to break this intention, well, because, in principle, what we could observe at the same time in the last few weeks in the east, especially after the appearance of the unknown the number of shells from unknown sources, well, this is simply a military miracle from the categories, in principle , there would be chances that in theory the russians could go further, but luckily they managed to be stopped at their current positions, but a little more shells just arrived, than usually a military miracle happened, accordingly , it would be better here if it... the institute for the study of war, if instead of fixing the obvious things, it would write: please give more old men so that another military miracle would happen, when another russian offensive. hey, thank you, thank you very much, it was ivan kyrychevsky, defense express, military expert, well, we will have a break now, i remind
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you about the collection for our three cars, and please, after the break, we will come back, we will talk about the situation near avdiivka and under bakhmut. april 6, blik dead rooster with a program especially for you, favorite fighters of the legendary band, we gather at 7 p.m. on april 6 at the festival tickets for the ua concert. the real one reigns in the fictional country. dad turn on the new hbo satirical series on mekogo mode. can her tyranny lead to freedom? watch in ukrainian in mego's subscription. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety.
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5:39 pm
of the national team presents: ob' united by football, stronger together! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a daily basis using the phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we, the security service of ukraine, fight to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all
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crimes and lives taken. every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places. we sink the russian fleet and burn it. military facilities. we destroy the occupiers and their equipment at the front by the thousands. we will eliminate war criminals, detain agents. and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu, the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. returning to the chronicles of the war, i
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remind you of the collection for our three cars, four-wheel drive vehicles, a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence directorate, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for removal and transportation of fallen heroes. please join this. collection, it is very important, because cars are generally the main mobile means in the war, let's say this, and if you look, well, there are three most active and three, well, the most active zones, they are actually all of them in donbas, the first, now there is an attempt to storm in the direction of leman, the other thing is... er, they are trying to move under the avdiivka in some way, er
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, the russians are trying to storm the yar times and, well , they are also moving in the direction of the ugledar, but now there is a little less of such a kind of revival, well, actually, if we talk about the avdiiv direction, then - well, our previous guest actually noted that a military miracle actually took place there, when... such a miracle, when it still succeeded to stop the russians from active , not to say completely stop, you can’t say that, but from active and such a rapid advance towards our defense line, which is a little further away, they managed to stop, well, practically at very little equipped lines, now they have to win back there every village, every part of the village, in the last time they have managed to drink orlivka in this area, but it must be said that in the area of ​​berdychiv, in the area of ​​other settlements,
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there, well, after all , the fighting is still ongoing, the fighting continues, well, a little bit has already been captured, in principle , mostly, but, nevertheless, this is a little not the advance that the russians expected, that's for sure, and well, heavy fighting, you can't say anything here, but nevertheless, it was done. a little earlier, well, at earlier stages than planned immediately and than expected, as the russians, this is exactly what we could have hoped for from our side, so this is the situation, so now we also have to say what is happening on the bakhmutsky, bakhmutish side of the front, which is now also very, very... active, and we have guest, andriy our father, commander of the kara nebesne uav crew
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of the fourth rubizh operational brigade of the national guard of ukraine. i congratulate you, mr. andriy, and i also congratulate you on yesterday's national guard day. good evening, studio, good evening, audience, thank you you for the greetings. well, i also want to say what you are currently doing for the reconnaissance needs of the national guard of rubizh. gathering, we want our viewers to also join it as much as possible and support your specific brigade, the fourth brigade of operational assignment rubizh of the national guard of ukraine, these are the intelligence needs of this brigade, please look, we will have this qr code hanging during the conversation , the goal there is very ambitious, 2 million, but it is worth it, and i hope that maybe a little andrii, say a few words about this collection so that we also understood actually, the intelligence units of the rubizh brigade are currently collecting night vision equipment, as well as radio-electronic warfare
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and other means that will help the intelligence units work efficiently at night. for all the devices that will help us destroy the enemy at night and at the same time preserve the personnel of our units, so i ask everyone to join our meetings and help us from... because from such reports for the day, it means that in the past day seven attacks were repelled near the settlements of ivanovske, bohdanivka, klishchiivka, and what is actually known is that the situation in your direction is very difficult, it does not become it's easier than this time, the enemy is making progress in the direction of the time
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ravine, but still some more details, maybe of what is happening and... and well, at the expense of what exactly the russians manage to attack there now and still continue these attacks? the operational situation in the direction is rather complicated for several reasons: the first - this is the use of guided aerial bombs, as well as fabs, the second is for one soldier of the defense forces of ukraine, currently there are approximately 70 servicemen of the russian federation, and we have an urgent need for support. personnel in the reserves and in the personnel, so i hope that the law on mobilization will still be adopted and we will be able to defend our country much better, when we will have in the units and the number of personnel that is really needed for the defense of our country , due to the fact that despite on the fact that for each serviceman there is a huge number of russians, most of them die and most of them are wounded, regarding some successful operations of the russian federation,
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i cannot say, because, in principle, taking into account the losses. irrational , that is, every time we withdraw from some defensive line, we withdraw to better positions in order to destroy the enemy more efficiently, and in order not to lose our personnel, while destroying the maximum number of personnel of the representatives of the russian federation. tell me what exactly the forces are are storming that, well, from the side of the russians, that is. so what is it, who are you watching there, are they trying to use more equipment , or has it decreased a little now, well, that is, in the last week at least, what has happened there has been changed, a very situational thing, the front is wide enough, and on every front line, even taking into account the temporary ravine itself or the settlements near it, it is necessary to understand that each brigade that is part of
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the russian federation operates with completely different strategic maneuvers, roughly speaking, the same used... kind of kamikazebags to storm some advanced positions of the defense forces of ukraine, others try to storm in the old ways, using equipment, but none of these, none of these strategies, unfortunately, fortunately, does not help the russians, because , that each of these attacks ends with a huge number of deaths of russians, and actually we destroy thanks to the fpv unmanned aircraft complex, etc., all their efforts to achieve some... great success, in fact , the representatives of the enemy do not have great success. rubizh brigade in including doing everything possible to restrain the enemy on the front line , on which the rubizh brigade is defending, and they will definitely not succeed, due to the fact that our pilots will destroy the enemy even before the moment and before they want to inflict any damage on the defense forces of ukraine directly to the rubizh brigade. well
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, our previous guest said that we can still say that some such additional shells have arrived. to the fronts, it somewhat improved the situation, at least in several points, like you, as far as you felt that, well, shell hunger is no longer so, not so hungry, let's say this, i, as the commander of the crew of unmanned aircraft systems, cannot comment on such information on the one hand, because i work directly for another type of weaponry, we work with unmanned aircraft systems, in fact, if such information is available , that is extremely good information. i hope that in general the system artillery hunger will decrease and we will receive the maximum amount of ammunition in order to destroy the enemy, that is, i am more like i am sure that the ukrainian military-industrial complex, as well as our partners, will provide us with a sufficient amount of artillery ammunition and other things so that we can normally attack russia and at the same time protect our personnel,
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well, let's say this, the evaluation of foreign observers. .. well, there was such information that the russians managed to climb onto the ridge there, which essentially covers ivanovske from above, and the situation in ivanovske worsened, do you confirm this information, is it true, or is it a little exaggerated impression? let such information be spoken directly by representatives of the higher echelon of command, i should not ask such a... questions because i still do not fully possess all the information, this is the first, second, any information regarding the taking of settlements without official data, accordingly is not information. it is also necessary to understand that when the enemy may take some settlement, it is an extremely small territory, it is a small
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village, a small settlement, that is, it is not some global breakthrough of the enemy, for example, recently they took avdiivka like this and trumpeted that it was a huge victory for the russian federation, while they lost about 172 there, and i can’t even imagine how many three hundredths, the size of avdiivka is 37 km, that is, to say that it is some kind of... a huge city no one can, but at the same time the loss of 17,000 men is the loss of several brigades to take a small enough city, so again, any local victory of theirs rubs and rests against the ukrainian defense, which does everything to the enemy was destroyed simply, and the frontier brigade is doing everything so that the enemy simply rubs against our fist of defense, well, then let's talk a little about what you do directly, that is, about drones... and that's all about it, well, to what extent have you actually felt it now, that the state is included in the supply by drones, is
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it possible for you that it is not so critical that it is included, how do you evaluate it yourself? eh, this is not a question of criticality, this is a question of duty, that is, the state is obliged to provide units that deal with unmanned aviation complexes , unmanned aviation complexes, because ... if she creates a certain unit, she has to equip it, however, we are now quite dependent on both volunteers and donors, due to the fact that a huge number of copters are still directly at the expense of volunteers , as far as fipivishoks are concerned, indeed, more and more we are receiving fipivich-type copters, border brigade units are receiving fipivsh-type copters from the state itself, that is , the process has started, what can we say at the expense of large aircraft without unmanned... aviation complexes, of course, that is provided by the state , and these are flying complexes that cost millions of hryvnias, indeed, and actually here it would be extremely difficult for volunteers, so i hope
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that this situation will improve and that in the future our military-industrial complexes, and also, in general, the ability to buy copters through the state will be much easier and we will receive the necessary resource that we need in order to destroy the enemy and not have a shortage of unmanned aircraft at the same time. how would you rate it now? in general, the state, at least in your area , of the russians and their equipment, both there with drones and with rebos, that is, have you felt any such interesting changes here lately? the situation with electronic warfare in the russians is, of course, at a better level than in the defense forces of ukraine, due to the fact that this is an army that has been training for electronic warfare for the past 30 years, and the forces of electronic warfare. the russian army is recognized by the whole world, at the expense of copters, well, for example, recently i went, excuse me, to the toilet, here, and not i was especially successful in this, due to the fact that
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an enemy fpv flew overhead. in fact, every 20 minutes we see the enemy launch their fip-guns in order to try to hit our forces, the forces of the border brigade, nevertheless, we are strengthening our positions and at the same time we are trying to use the best radio-electronic methods of combat in order to plant enemy copters in... in fact , one must understand that the enemy has more unmanned aircraft complexes, especially phipivishki , at least because of what they have ally, neighbor china, which provides them with a huge number of components for the manufacture of these fipvishkas. plus, you need to understand that, in principle, the military-industrial complex of the russian federation is ten times larger than that of ukraine, and they currently have the opportunity to manufacture a much larger number of unmanned aircraft systems to fight the defense forces of ukraine. here the question is that... the defense forces of ukraine, including the pilots of the rubizh brigade, are of much higher quality, due to the fact that we have a certain deficit, we are trying to protect each copter, and the experience of using
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it by our pilots is much better than the experience of using it by the russians, in fact, that is why the efficiency of using unmanned aerial systems is much higher than that of the enemy. and tell me, andriy, well , if we evaluate in general, you, you are constantly flying, you see what you shoot up, father's equipment, what guns are there, what... there are also tanks, this is something new, this is something not so new , this is how you evaluate it, what you have recently seen from the enemy at the front, precisely as a technique, well, if you look from the point of view of long-range intelligence, then by the pilots of our brigade, you can now watch on video, we usually see old guns, old msts, old saushkas, etc., that is, any system that was... still in the soviet union, that is, something new there no, and even their legendary t-90 tanks are nothing more than scrap metal that is being destroyed by the ukrainians. and
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ukrainian anti-tank systems, and lately you have generally seen these t-90s, well, usually older, older type of tanks, ugh, and well, you already talked about it they mentioned that, in principle, there is a big problem with air raids from the use of fabs, because of all this business, and if you compare, it has become stronger, it has weakened, well, that is, how is it? plan do you feel the situation? increased many times, compared to 2023, they really began to use a huge number of cabs and fabs, you need to understand that these missiles, they are cheaper to manufacture, so the russians have the opportunity to use them in large numbers, while they carry a huge the amount of destruction, and the actual uh, that's why they use them, because they can use them specifically to destroy our positions, actually i... they
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use now guided aerial bombs and also fabs just to destroy residential buildings, that is, they try to erase the times, spill the ground , recently, if i'm not mistaken, they used fabs and cabs to attack kharkiv, that is, a city in which a huge number of civilians live, and actually this is another indicator that they use their missiles simply to destroy residential areas, entire residential areas regions of ee simply in order to destroy us as a country, as an economic component and as a nation as a whole, well, as far as i understand, what is happening in the time gap now is what happened in avdiivka for several months during the last time, when they simply destroy, well and bombed the city, but it cost the enemies very dearly, it must be understood , once again, that 1,700 killed during the occupation of 37 km are extraordinary, well, irreparable losses, and the
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more russians die, the faster we will win this war. unfortunately, we have a war on exhaustion, in which either we will destroy the russians or the russians will destroy us, this must be understood, here, unfortunately, we are not given the second option, so we will wipe the enemy to zero, and the fighters of the frontier brigade will wipe the enemy to zero until, until victorious end. well, by the way, and one more small thing, you remember, that was the moment when several planes were shot down. near the front line, did you feel a decrease in air attacks at that time in your area, or was it unrelated , it's very situational, the front line is extremely large, and in one day they can to destroy the village that is next to us, dropping it with guided aerial bombs, the next day they can fly in a completely different direction, 100% destroyed russian planes, this is primarily destroyed russian
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pilots, well, this reduces the number of attacks due to a decrease in quantity and quality pilots of representatives of the russian federation to our enemy, accordingly, this is a very good sign of quality, i hope that such opportunities will increase, and russian planes will fall much more than it was in february. well, we also like all these very much we hope i remind you that in order to join the gathering of the rubizh brigade for the needs of intelligence, please give us literally a few seconds. to see this thing , please quickly take a picture of yourself and join this gathering, and i would like to thank andriy otchanash, the crew commander of the uav kara nebesna of the fourth brigade of the operational assignment rubizh of the national guard of ukraine, and actually, please join us all gatherings, you see, they are very necessary for the people on the front line, this is what helps them really fight, and this is what you can help our country fight and
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win, well... then our news, join, and iryna koval will tell you everything that we have new, well, we will see each other in this format in a week. 18:00 in ukraine, for your attention news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. one person died as a result of the attack on kharkiv. another 18 were seriously injured, including four children. the youngest was injured.


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