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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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look at the news. good health, mrs gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine will be located on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we afford it? imagine all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on
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and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger. good evening, we are from ukraine, well, let's continue, this is a big ether, i will add oleksandr morshchevko to the conversation, money during the war. alexander, please. thank you vasyl for his word, in the next few minutes, dear viewers, i will tell you about the damage to the environment caused by russia's attack on the dniprovska hpp. also , new rules for importing humanitarian aid and grants for business are coming into effect, they exist, all about it in detail in a moment. i
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'm oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start with the financial infusions into the ukrainian economy, the important figure is a billion dollars, the loans were approved by the board of directors of the world bank to ukraine, the funds are expected by the end of the current month, in the coming days, that is, in particular, 984 million will be provided. guarantees of japan, another 516 are guaranteed by great britain. the government says that the money will go to support the state budget and measures to restore the economy. well , of course, this funding will be directed to social payments, humanitarian expenses, pensions, salaries of state employees and current needs. and ukraine will receive a loan of 100 million euros from the development bank of the council of europe. funds -
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this is again a loan will be allocated within the framework of a new project of compensation for destroyed property, this is the name of this initiative, thanks to financing the participants in hostilities people. people with disabilities and families with many children will be able to get certificates to buy new housing instead of the one destroyed by the russians during hostilities and terrorist attacks. well , the ambassadors of the european union will again try to approve the extension of the agreement on duty-free trade with ukraine, this will be the third such meeting of the representatives of the eu countries. a week ago, the ambassadors preliminarily agreed with the european parliament. promise regarding ukrainian imports, but it was later rejected due to the opposition of a group of countries led by poland and france. so, warsaw and paris wanted to include the year 2021 when calculating the volume of such quotas for ukrainian agricultural production. that is, let me remind
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you, it was at that time that the volume of our goods was delivered to the countries of the european union the least, only in the 22nd with the beginning of the great war, this... volume was expanded so that our state, our agrarians could earn, export more and have a higher income, that is, they are trying in this way to somehow return us to the old standards, and in this way to reduce certain agrarian preferences for ukraine. well, if we talk about the same topic, then such an epic battle took place today between a manure spreader and a water cannon in brussels, where the local farmers demanded under... the buildings of the european commission to stop the agreement on free trade with countries outside the eu, in particular, we are talking about our state, the police tried to curb this action with water, let's just see, without comments, what happened there.
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to shoot shit with water, and shit with water, because in ukraine, unfortunately, it is a completely different story when they shoot missiles at missiles, missiles at tanks, tanks at people, and this a real war, and all these things they can only play along in one way or another, well, any destabilization in europe, it can
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play along with russia today, by the way , the telegraph edition so that we understand europe's readiness for war, in which case, the telegraph edition said that modern britain with the capabilities it has could fight against modern russia for two months, we are fighting for a third. year and with the support of our partners, so it is necessary to appreciate it and somehow come to an agreement without these demonstrative such aqua shows and aqualine shows, i agree with you, vasyl, and we are going further, from april 1 only in numbers, it will be possible to bring humanitarian aid to ukraine from next week only through the automated registration system, according to oksana dzholnovych, minister of social policy, over 12,500 people used the service during the four months of testing. times, in addition, more than 800 organizations were registered in the register of rubber aid recipients. the ministry claims that all volunteers' comments about this service will be taken into account. let's listen to the direct speech. we would like to combine the need with the help itself, because
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today it is quite chaotic. everyone drives as they think, as they see fit, without seeing the overall picture, including. and what other donors have already delivered, for example, to that part or to that settlement or to that community, how much has been brought in, and whether there are white spots of individual communities or communities to which no one delivers, those things that are technically possible immediately in the regime online fix are fixed immediately, those things that need a more systematic approach are systematized, and we have such a created list of revisions of what we should finalize, that is, it happens in the mode. here online. well, the submission of applications for the project, which should help veterans and internally displaced persons to open their own business, has started. the public organization time of action together with its partners will select 60 participants and train them in project management, and
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the 10 most active people will receive a grant of €600 to develop or start their own business. the requirements for participating in the project are simple: you must be a veteran or an internally displaced person. up to 35 years old, that's it the deadline for submitting applications is april 30, and you see, here is just the link, follow it, detailed information is just under this qr. as well as on the website of the public organization time of action, you can also find everything, learn, try your hand, write a business plan and start, it can be any person, or who already has a business, or who does not have one, but wants to to open a business, that is, we have no restrictions, everyone can submit, who is included according to the criterion of a veteran, an internally displaced person, our project is specifically to support young veterans and internally of displaced persons is directed. to support them, social rehabilitation, we want to bring them back to life through work,
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through work, we want to connect them with businesses that will help them rebuild their lives, hire them. and on the dniproges, rubble is still being dismantled after the russian attack on march 22. experts cannot yet definitively assess the extent of the damage, deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk said. some of the equipment, according to her, will have to... be replaced completely, a little and repaired, but to predict the terms of resumption of work of dniproges, well , no one is taking it now, emphasize that the energy facility has once again become the main target of russian attacks. well, by the way , a figure appeared, it is interesting that the damage to the environment from muscovy's attacks on the dniproges has already reached the mark of 140 million hryvnias. hryvnias, such calculations from the ministry of environment. well, let's continue
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talking about energy, russia cannot get money for oil from china, turkey and the united arab emirates, of course, because of sanctions, reuters writes. analysts note that payment delays reduce the kremlin's income and make them essentially unstable. in recent weeks, several chinese and turkish banks, as well as financial institutions from some emirates have strengthened their demands for compliance with international economic restrictions on muscovy. it is this that has led to delays or even refusals in money transfers to moscow. and the main activity of the russian gazprom began to bring losses. the company, which in muscovy was called national property. as a result of the aggression against ukraine, it just started lose income last year, the main activity was this. extraction and sale of gas due to the war , the energy monopolist of the aggressor country did not
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calculate almost 300 billion rubles, this is roughly 3 billion dollars, this is evidenced by the accounting reports of this company, the deterioration of the results of gazprom is connected with the fact that it lost the lion's share of the turnover due to the drop in gas exports , well , it is clear that now the world community, well , even in the first year in full scale. invasion of the european union reduced the consumption of russian gas, especially that goes through the ukrainian gas transportation system, now there is a supply of liquefied gas from other countries, and the european union has been working for a long time, even before the great war, to increase the share of renewable energy sources. i hope that when the contract for the supply of russian gas by the ukrainian gas transportation system from gazprom ends, the share. it will be minimal in general, well, i think that this contract will not be extended, except maybe because of
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, well, certain reserves that the european union has made of russian gas, well, there will be to calculate, they will add fuel to what has been accumulated from previous times, we will keep an eye on it, but the figures of gazprom's income are only pleasing. well, to put it bluntly, russian oil companies are really facing vasyl right now. with problems and due to the attacks of russian and ukrainian drones on russian refineries, due to the shortage of processed products of fuel gasoline, this shortage is really growing inside the aggressor country, the only thing is that there is still a problem of tankers, well, of course, officially the tankers of the somorflot are under sanctions, but the shadow fleet of the russian federation is still functioning, well, i think, they also know it for sure. vessels, but in any case it will certainly take a certain amount of time, but the main thing is that there should be progress in this struggle and
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in the pressure on russia, and in the pressure on those countries that purchase this oil, there are certain banking restrictions, well, god forbid, and for philatelists, as they say, to the attention of the city of heroes of okhtyrka, such a postage stamp, postcard and envelope appeared in the arsenal of ukrposhta, there they say that two years ago the active phase of battles for okhtyrka in sumy oblast, stamp circulation. million copies, i will remind you that ukrposhta previously mentioned other cities of heroes, four series have already been published, they are dedicated to kherson, buchi, gostomel, kharkiv, well, contact the branch. mail at the holopo headquarters in the capital as well, replenish your collections, buy and support, in particular, a state company, support the armed forces of ukraine. this was the last information from the world of money, i will say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us. thanks to oleksandr
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wrinkles, thank you, and now we congratulate. his verdict program starts, which will be discussed today. serhii, please tell me, good evening, i have a word for you. vasyl, good evening, today we will talk about analysts' forecasts regarding the end of the war in ukraine, a publication appeared in divelty, where they say that the war in ukraine may end in 2024. is there a chance to end the war this year, and we will talk in our first studio, starting. from 8:00 p.m., we will have the sbu colonel, people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko, former sbu employee, military expert ivan stupak and international, international expert oleksandr kraev. well, of course, let's remember the events at the front and what is happening in the neighboring state, in the aggressor state, because
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putin's propaganda continues to assert the involvement of... ukraine in the terrorist attack that took place in krok city hall last friday , how putin will use this whole story and why he wants to show that he is the victim in the current situation, and according to his plan, ukraine is the aggressor. we talk about this all the time for the next hour, starting on the 20th, at 9:15 p.m. , i will have political experts oleksiy holobutsky. and viktor boberenko. let's talk about today's visit to sumy oblast by president zelensky. yesterday in sumy , two deputies of the regional council were caught trying to bribe the sumy city council. in the front-line city, the guys decided to just solve their problems and brought there 100,000 dollars. well,
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they were caught on these 100 thousand dollars. therefore, with oleksiy holobutsky and viktor boberenko, viktor boberenko, by the way, lives in sumy, we let's talk about how during the war the officials try to continue to live by their unwritten rules, corruption rules, whether there is a place for corruption during the war at all, and what place should be for the corrupt in prisons, and how they should be responsible for it , another topic during the second... of our release, starting at 21:15, this is a story with a rotation in the power unit, danilov was retired, lytvynenko came in his place, well , in a word, what, what do all these rotations mean, and to what they will lead to, and how they change the power bloc of president zelensky, it will all
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be over the next two hours, starting at 20:00, so stick around for espresso. friends, there is another part of vasyl zima's big broadcast ahead, well, we will meet you at 20:00, vasyl, you have a word. thank you, serhiy, serhiy rudenko, 20th. i have two news for you, one, the first, in short. the ministry of defense clearly stated whether ukrainians from the age of 18 are subject to mobilization. everything is not easy there. one word is definitely procrastination, especially for students. military department in universities, military training or military. if you are studying military training, if you are not studying military service, for a certain period of time, that is, read it, tomorrow, maybe we will talk more about it, now there is no time, but, but there is already a certain understanding, and that is all, well , as they say, it is ambiguous , it needs to be clarified, it is for now, again in the draft law on mobilization, it is not, now there is another topic, very important, in fact, people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, a group of co-authors, let's say how yaroslav yurchyshyn, head of the verkhovna rada's committee
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on freedom of speech, prepared a draft law , which has already been called a draft law on... or telegram, in fact it is not so, but it is about, it is not about the introduction of a platform that spreads mass information, telegram is only one of they have approximately the same regulation that is established for platforms such as youtube, and 72% of ukrainians receive news precisely through this . a telegram channel that has, let's say, a million subscribers, 2 million subscribers, 15 million, it releases certain information, and the espressu channel on youtube has more... subscribers, but we are responsible according to the law, and we can be responsible for defamation, for lies, for unreliable information, for hate, for black pr, for the fact that we, say, disgraced someone there. we can be taken to court if, say, we tarnish someone's reputation, but we, well, we are governed by the law, about the media, and about information, there is a council here
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there is no one, there is no one here at all, and here the question is, we need to speak here, because now a lot of hate is poured out on the authors of the law, give us a free platform telegram, hands off telegram, but here we need to find out, again , whether the fsb is behind this and where it is and how, it's very cool to make money on a signature. steaming everything in a row without any regulation, but you can’t touch us, we are saints, saints in heaven, so mykola knyazhytskyi will talk about this in more detail tomorrow at approximately 18:25, i will ask, he will talk, because there are still many nuances that need to be explained with the ukrainians, we need to talk, then everything becomes clearer, and sports, i think that many people experienced nervous moments yesterday, but our national team, well, actually did what evgeny pastukhov will tell more about what she had to do.
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the national team of ukraine will play at the european football championship. the day before , serhiy rebrov's team defeated the icelandic national team in the decisive playoff match in wroclaw. the ukrainians again gained a strong-willed victory, answering with goals from victor tsygankov and mykhailo. in the second half on albert gudmanson's halftime goal. georgy sudakov scored two assists. ukrainian football players won a legitimate and quite important victory, which was dedicated to our soldiers. i think this is a very important victory for the ukrainian people, for our soldiers. i am very happy for the football players, because these two games were very difficult and nervous, and before and after the matches we said that these victories are for our... i
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will win, and the fans, and our armed forces, and i think that everyone deserves today this one team we felt good after the first half, but after halftime things didn't go as we planned. yes, we had opportunities for counterattacks, but due to poor positioning, we instead received counterattacks on our own goal. it seemed to me that in conclusion. part of the match, the team was tired, but still had a chance to equalize the score. we pressed, but it was not destined. perhaps the greater depth of the opponent's squad decided everything, but this is normal when it comes to such a large nation as the ukrainians. at the european championship, our team will play in group i, where it will play against ukraine belgium, romania and slovakia were waiting. the blue and yellows will play their first match at the forum against romania on june 17, against slovakia on the 21st, and... on june 26, the game against the belgians will take place. the european championship will start on june 14 in germany. for the national team of ukraine, this will be the fourth consecutive participation in the final
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parts of the european championship. in addition to ukraine , two more national teams, georgia and poland, won tickets to the euros on tuesday. georgia defeated greece on its own field. the teams did not score in the main time and extra time, so the winner decided in the penalty shootout. 4:2 in favor of sakartvelo. georgians will play at the european championship for the first time in history. mass celebrations of fans took place in tbilisi at night. the football players also actively rejoiced at the achievement. the polish national team also lost to wales 5:4 in the penalty shootout. in the main and additional time, the audience did not see goals. i can only thank our boys, who, by the way, are very actively contributing to the nazba. forces of ukraine and understand who they played for first of all and for whom they played, first of all, as viktor tsygankov said, we played for our boys, i will also add girls who are at the front. thank you, we wish you victory and success, plus
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the armed forces of ukraine, we stay with espress, then the verdict, no, then the weather from natalka didenko, on the 20th verdict, stay with us. synoptic hello to all. our dear viewers , well, the astronomical spring has already arrived, i’m not talking about the calendar spring, but we were still waiting for real warmth, and i want to announce the arrival of real spring warmth in ukraine, about this a little later, at the end of our column, direct weather forecast, but for now we talk about everything that meets us in the spring, and today we will talk about cheremsha, which is literally littered with small, large and small bazaars and bazaars and... that it is very useful, but now we will figure it out together, who knows, maybe update this knowledge, who he doesn't know , it will be a discovery for him, to be honest, i wasn't very fond of it, but i read it and
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it became... interesting, i will try it, maybe you will write me some of your interesting recipes on social networks. so, cheremsha or wild garlic: very useful greens that ripen in may, but of course it is already full now , as i already said, it belongs to the decorative ones, but you can also grow it on your own plot, the leaves of the cherry tree look very similar to the leaves of the lily of the valley, and it is beautiful, the stem, leaves, bulb , edible, that is, everything. and they resemble green onions in taste, they are used for making salads, cooking first courses, filling even for pies, but they say that you should not dry the pine tree, because it loses its beneficial properties. there is more vitamin c in cherry than, for example, in oranges, tangerines and lemons. proven also the benefits of cherry for the cardiovascular system, it lowers blood pressure and prevents
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the formation of cholesterol. dance, well, the bactericidal properties of this plant are known, of course, since it is similar to garlic, and a little to onions, then we know what it is, a very useful useful cherry for the work of the thyroid gland, but, of course, like all contraindications, it has , cannot be used during pregnancy, and it is also not recommended for people who have gastritis, gastric ulcer, these are the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract tract, well... this is how it is beautiful and useful, and it must be used wisely, of course. we go further and talk about the earth's magnetic field. the recent magnetic storms may have made someone uncomfortable, someone felt bad, i want to please you that they have ended, at least temporarily, stopped, and no magnetic storms are expected in the coming days. therefore , we go further and actually talk about this heat,
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which i... just announced, tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine, from which we usually start our weather forecast, the maximum air temperature is expected to be +10, +18°, but the atmospheric front will decrease somewhat, there is such a warm feeling, because there will be rain and strong wind, please take this into account, there will be no rain in the north of ukraine, +10-+15° , but also the south-east wind can reach stormy gusts, be careful in the east of ukraine , a storm wind is not expected in the south-east direction, but it will be just moderate and in the east it will also be very warm +10 +14°. in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow , march 28, a dry air mass will prevail, however, it will also be windy. the southeast wind can reach gusts of 15-20 m/s. the air temperature in the central part of ukraine is +11 +17°. in the southern part of ukraine
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, odesa will be slightly cooler, but in general +14-+19°, in crimea, even up to 20-22° above zero in some places. kyivans, tomorrow, although no precipitation is expected, there will be a wonderful spring sun, a comfortable +15°, but a strong southeast wind is also expected in the capital tomorrow, and possibly even with storm gusts up to 15-18 m/s. carefully. we talked about 28 march, march 29 in ukraine , more short-term cooling is expected in the northern part and sometimes a little rain, but on the weekend the air temperature will rise almost everywhere, it will be 17-22° above zero, and no precipitation is expected, from the nearest perspective, sunday will be the warmest, be careful always follow the updated forecasts on our. good evening, we are from
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ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, about the war and about our victory, today in the program. critical phase until september. western analysts speculate on how events will unfold on the front. are there any chances to end the war in ukraine already this year. putin's propaganda on the blood of those killed in crocus. lukashenko denied the russian version about the terrorists' intention to flee to ukraine. who can believe the kremlin? to protect ukraine from butcher putin. biden is looking.


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