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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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this person is responsible , although he may not take part himself, but it's just bad, zelensky, for example, does n't have the ability to select and arrange personnel, yes, no matter what they steal, it's not personnel, he's bad, but this his direct function, yes, in this case, it means that it does not function well, and therefore, maybe he is a good guy, but i, for example, do not trust him there, now there is less between, well already... there is no such thing, but it is still there is still a lot that yes, i think he should, and i also trust him, thank you, thank you, mr. viktor, i will remind our viewers that we are conducting a survey during this broadcast, and we are asking you about whether there is a need to strengthen the responsibility for corruption during the war, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have any special opinion of your own opinion, please write in the comments. below
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this video, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that accountability for corruption during war (0800-211-381), no 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up this, tally up the results of this vote, well, it is clear that the monastic authorities, gentlemen, require sole responsibility from. responsibility, including for personnel decisions, mr. viktor mentioned this, but we see how over the last month or even two, president zelenskyi is changing the power bloc, and first the head of the armed forces of ukraine resigned, the chief of the general staff and 16 other generals who were retired from various positions, commanders of various directions. yesterday, rotations in the power bloc of ukraine continued, lytvynenko was replaced.
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lytvynenko was the head of the foreign intelligence service, he replaced the secretary of the radbez danilov, oleg ivashchenko, who worked in gura, replaced lytvynenko, what do these personnel values ​​mean, and forgive me for taftology, and do they at all play any role in this reshuffling of these personnel, these figures by the office of the president of ukraine, mr. oleksiy. well , of course, the authorities want it to mean something, so that it looks like a personnel revolution, like an update, like changes that should take place, which require, in principle , a sufficiently large number of people in ukraine for sociology, but of course this is an absolute imitation, because the position of the secretary of the national security council, in principle, even before the war, so to speak, was not highly valued, then...
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during the war ceased to be listed at all, this is a technical position, we know very well , the president himself speaks about it, he makes decisions in a circle of five or six managers, and i understand that danilov was definitely not part of this cohort, so to speak these managers, this, but this is a political position, this is a public position, he had the opportunity to voice what he wanted to voice, he had an opinion about him... there was a lot of awareness in ukraine, and he even, i don't remember exactly, he was better known in sociology than the same shmyhal , the prime minister of ours, of ukraine, yes, and now at a time when, well, let's put it this way, very difficult times await us, in principle, even more difficult than the previous two years, both at the front, in the economy and so on, it is necessary... it is necessary to narrow the circle of speakers,
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it is necessary to introduce stricter censorship, and therefore we need, so to speak, an absolutely loyal man, in this conspiracy version that i read somewhere on facebook about the fact that they are preparing there for the issue of may 20, this position can be for, well, for someone, for zelenskyi, well, i am absolutely into it, it seems to me that it is not a bruise, but to reduce the circle. speakers and put, well , you have to understand, danilov is loyal, maybe absolutely to zelenskyi, but not to himself, and now there should be only his own people around, which again is absolutely logical from the point of view of the authorities. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. viktor, well , we know, actually, that danilo was there sooner a politician, rather than a professional and a person who was engaged in analytical work there, for example, in the special services, like the same oleksandr. lytvynenko, and it is clear that
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lytvynenko was and remains a pro in his field, and danilov, well, it just so happened that he was secret for 4.5 years. the nsdc arm made various decisions, or was involved in the making of decisions, including the disconnection of the espresso tv channel on the fifth and direct from t2, and therefore he reluctantly agreed to comment on something there, in general, he never joined us on the air, as far as i remember, and yet, from permutations of adjectives , the amount changes or does not change in zelenskyi’s circle, well...
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one thing, to another, if he had shaved off, but i agree with alexiy, that is, he was shaved off, the formal reason was that he was unsuccessful there he made a joke about the chinese, but what about the chinese, well, if, well, he, in particular , there are two problems that the chinese do not need to meddle in their own business, and the second one is generally there in relation to er to one, well.. .. to the breeder who is sent there, who in china is responsible for the ukrainian crisis, how they call it our war, well, in china they always follow the protocols, and according to the protocol, everything is not so simple and you can't
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just take one of the key, one of the key chinese figures there and make fun of him. .. by the last name there on the play on words, yes, here, although i think that he suffered more than danilo in a larger account, because here he is yes, no no, i agree with alexey, he never reached for a word in his pocket there , he said such outrageous things very often, but the most outrageous thing is that i i think, as they say in the army, this is a flight of fighters, yes, this is when he... said in october of last year that only zelenskyy can speak on behalf of ukraine, only zelenskyi can speak, stefanchuk is there as the head of the council, shmyhal, as the head of the government and kuleba as the minister of foreign affairs, and forgot to say about yermak, and
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this was a slip, because they will not mention the great yermak, who is a real intelligence officer, i think. that it was, well, it's not even the beginning, the middle of the conflict, but it started under danilov's cap, and it was used here excuse, and well, maybe this is not the first time when they are not satisfied with him because he babbled, yes, they used an excuse, they said that we now have to apologize to china, and we have to get him out, and in his place really came not a word willing, a person who has always been non-public, litvenenko, who will now be... non -public, will really engage in communications there, convene a council there, analyze what, perhaps, ministries, well, they have some tasks, yes, that is do your direct work, analytical work and bring your staff, but really
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they say the truth is that budanov won from this, because now litvinenko's place has been replaced by budanov's man, that is, budanov is the only one who can really be closed there. drank, well, danilov can now be used either, and we will see it soon, or send some kind of honorary exile to some place in tunisia on a conditional basis, yes, or, he will be offered the role of a wedding general there, they will give him some position there, and he will be, well the same there as the adviser to the president there or something else, and he can be in the role of medvedev in russia, yes there, do there a loud statement, not only that, he can be useful to... the government, why, because he really says very often there putin la-la-la, he is the shoigu there, well that is 80% of what he says , i myself would support him, but there he curses the russians, he looks optimistically into the future, we
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will win, then you can say that you and oleksiy mycheslavovych continue to say that, only sometimes. even when you attacked putin, and you also attacked the internal opposition, but this political oppositionist is actually an internal heel column, that's how... the electoral field, it's a very cool technology, the same aristovych doesn't use it, when he tells 80% of the truth, with which you can't disagree, and there he exaggerates a little, well, but this is new to this team, which came and actually this whole rotation that took place in the power bloc, obviously we will have to face the third phase of putin's war against ukraine, because what actually from... after which the kremlin began
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to talk about the fact that ukraine, great britain and the united states are involved states of america, today the representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova of the federation stated that washington was involved in the terrorist attack in crocus, she says that this is evidenced by the quick reaction of the united states of america to this response, let's listen to what she said. in order to divert suspicions from the collective event, from washington, london, berlin, which literally discussed, as i said, the possible commission of terrorist acts on the territory of our country, paris and other nato countries, they had to find at least something, at least some explanation, so they resorted to idols, pulled the ace out of their sleeve, so to speak, and just a few hours after the terrorist attack , the anglo-saxon media cn and the new york times and others began to spread exactly these versions. mr.
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oleksiy, russia's efforts to transfer full responsibility or partial responsibility for what happened in the moscow region to ukraine, and the fact that the fsb actually leaked this story, maybe not even leaked it, but controlled it, and with this control, they brought it to that so many people died there, or? this gives the kremlin a reason to increase its attacks on ukraine, although it seems to me that they are in fact, it seems that all the weapons they had, except nuclear ones, have already been used on the territory of ukraine. why does russia need this to play the role of a victim and shift the role of the aggressor to ukraine? it's actually, it's quite a difficult question, for what? well, i already hear primitive answers on the ukrainian airwaves 10 times every day, that's enough
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, again, first of all, i'm a supporter of the version that this is really idol and it's really a terrorist act, it's really russian special services, sorry for the words , they just fucked it up, and this cruelty , which they demonstrated, it was in order to divert attention from the fact that, well, in a country where every day they talk about security 100 times. this can happen, but then problems begin , because it is clear that the most optimal thing for russia, especially for the domestic consumer, is to dump everything on ukraine, and even if they wanted to do the wrong thing, it is very difficult for them, because all the propaganda i am convinced that the most important enemy is ukraine and the western world, but hezbollah, hamas... many other terrorist taliban, yes, who come to russia, russia
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is trying to demonstrate to the whole world, the third world, or whatever they call it, the global south, that they are the same as everyone else, that russia is a leader in the anti-colonial, anti-imperial, anti-western struggle, and here there is a serious problem that idilta does not see in russia, and all, i am sure, radical islamist organizations, and muslims in general. they do not see in russia, ah, not that a leader, yes, they consider russia a part of the western world, the same as america, as europe and so on further. and, and, and here arises, so to speak, a very serious problem in identification, and, this is one, secondly, for the internal, again, consumer, if we take the external, internal consumer, well, it is easier, so i will leave. such a version that, well, if this is indeed the case, but still it is somehow connected with ukraine,
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well, today's example is how russian propaganda works, so that we understand that now they are talking about ukraine, the day after tomorrow they can change their mind, and their wonderful people will eat everything and it doesn't bother you, so they showed a person without an ear, moreover, a video where they cut off the ear and force it. to eat it, then they showed a video where they connect a person with their genitals to an electric current, and today skabieva comes out and says that they are in such a state, because they say they all hid in a ditch. in the forest, and the fesshniks had to saw these trees to get them out of there, and in the process of this sawing, falling and everything else, they got such injuries, so to speak, as we saw in court. and i'm sure it will work for most of the russian people, they will eat it all perfectly, that's why, and as for the consequences for
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ukraine, well, again, here i completely agree with you, sergey, so what? precisely because of this, precisely because of the accusation of a terrorist attack, they will finally drop a nuclear bomb on ukraine? well, yes, but the british press writes, well, the times newspaper in particular, writes that this whole story has revealed the shakiness of putin's position, the unpreparedness of the security apparatus of the russian federation for a new threat, the war in ukraine deprived him of his narrow vision, one thing is possible to say, probably simple. the russians , who imagined that they were voting for a trusted leader , are now afraid of the future , the publication says, or is there, mr. viktor, this is this fear, oleksiy, yes, now yes, i am one moment, one moment, it is the british and generally western the press, she has such an impression that they wake up every time anew, so to speak, it was clear from the very beginning of the war,
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how it began, and about kyiv for three days, that she is not ready, she is intellectual. services are not ready to give serious, so to speak, advice to their leadership, then a beautiful riot, he he showed everything that all the mints, all the special services , they disappear somewhere, it's just that now, but we remember the airport in idgushet and in dagestan, that is, yes, where they searched for jews at the airport, where were all the fields, this, this, this has been clear for a long time, the russian people simply do not pay attention to it, the russian people do not pay attention. this attention, but putin understands what happened, because 19 hours passed between what happened in the suburbs of moscow on the steps of city hall and his statement, that is, he was not around as much as he was not when he came to moscow , maybe he slept in after all, a person is 71 years old, maybe he rests for at least 19 hours, this
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is a guess, this is a guess about him, a king, a god, there is everything that is good... one can say, but we try to look at him as an ordinary european or an american politician , they, he lives in a different reality, he wanted to spit what he looks like, he is doing this for the first time, he has been doing it for 24 years, he reacts to events after a very long time, thank you, mr. victor, how do you rate this whole story unfolding before our eyes, well, that's obvious well, no... the end of this story, and we will see, first of all, idil, who will not simply leave this whole story with the tajiks, whom the russian special services tried to humiliate there and humiliated, well, for putin will try to twist this whole story , if only so that the world would start communicating with him, start discussing with him somehow this fight against
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international terrorism, because it turns out that russia is a victim, not an aggressor. yes, i remember a joke from the 80s when, well, a joke with dark humor, so i think that his came up with in the kgb, and then their spaceship challenger broke up, and now the joke is that reagan, well, even then, i think reagan was there, they ask who sent it? there were condolences, there were some telegrams from the governments, he was told by the state secretary that they also sympathized and only he interrupted, and adgorbi had a telegram, and there was a type of gorbachev, and they told him, oh, half an hour before the explosion, yes, i.e. kgb officers who invented such anecdotes and think in such
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terms, they accordingly and especially for for uncles. and cut off in this way and try to explain that of course, well, where, gil gil, and where, the british or the united states, but they act in this way, they, that is , they can work with terrorists, and they expectedly think that they can do the same others can also act, but idil is exactly that organization that is at war with everyone, with... the whole world, yes, it is also at war with iran, and there it is at war with the taliban, conditionally, well, for them already, yes, there, that russia, that the united states, this, the same evil in fact, that is, the russians, they are so acted, they, as i say, they still acted like that when it was still the kgb, and they
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will act like this in the future, but when they are sold to the internal consumer, uncle vanya from ryazan, look there, the russian land is in danger, and what ukrainian fascists over there are ready for... the internal land, our rather holy land, and there is also an internal contingent, and this is an attempt to show that there is still an internal enemy in russia, but again, why should the fsb even more the work was done, still looking for those who are here, against whom, but one more thing, but ramzan kadyrov got out here from... said that there, well, well, there, there, now the russians are attacking muslims, i am the defender of all muslims here, and ramzan kadyrov
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thus cast a rod, let's say, for putin's conditional grave, because, well, putin one day he will die, so ramzan is already thinking, yes, how to maintain his position after putin's power, because he is putin's friend, it is not a fact that he will love him, ottsovska. and therefore , in this way, he will appeal to all muslims in russia and strengthen his position that he is not just anyone here, he is the leader of muslims, and on the external position, he will also appeal to the saudis, to turkey, for example, that he is in the expanses of russia, the main muslim here and will stand to the death for their rights there, that is, they are pedaling.
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on the one hand, putin cements part of society, but part of society understands that they are not russian, and they have to stick to each other, this is a very, very complex political technology, everything is not easy here, yes, but in my opinion, this is always a wrong strategy, you you cement someone, but you push someone away, well, it is clear that now everyone will be to use, to try... to use this story, i mean, everyone in russia, because everyone sings something in their own way, although i looked at the statistics, which was as of 2017, that,
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what was, 3,417 russians fought for idol, on in second place are citizens of saudi arabia, 3,224 people, and in third place, jordan , about 3,00 people, i don't know how many. this story has changed over the last time, the last seven years there, but that's how it was, well, plus today, that's what i wanted to say, budanov said that the russians knew about this terrorist attack on february 15, 2024, he said this publicly at the third international forum on strategic communications that this information passed through the intelligence of the group's management in... syria, and from there it went to moscow, says budana, and let it not tell tales that it all materialized in a strange way, out of nowhere, that is, they knew absolutely everything, what, what would happen
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and how it would happen, mr. oleksiy, but what did they want to squeeze out of this story, if they knew, listen, listen, this is the first , if they knew, well, you understand, general knowledge that russia can be the target of terrorist... well, that's one thing, and another thing is the painstaking work of the special services to engage in preventative measures, first of all, you understand, when a terrorist attack is happening, it's already the end, so to speak, well, what can be done, so to speak, so you don't put a cop on everyone, at every step, and you don't insert a camera, in every place, that is, it's for this, that's how we know the information that appeared in the western press, the same groups were going to carry out the same terrorist attacks acts as far as i remember in austria, in some other country, but there the special services
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worked. they prevented, so to speak, these terrorist attacks, just the austrian, german and other special services, they are engaged in their direct activities, they are engaged in that, including anti-terrorist activities, and when the extremist terrorist in russia is the writer akunin and a tajik, some there , who for half a million, so to speak, are ready to shoot, well, it certainly shifts the emphasis, well, listen, this is it in any country. it was like that in any country, but it's easier here we have 15 seconds on the air, that's why there's no need to exaggerate this myth about the omnipotence of the fsb and the russian special services, they themselves, of course, that they knew everything, they in general, here's this theory that the fsb self-organized, that's in finally, it works just fine, thank you, we have to finish, sorry,
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the program, oleksiy holobutsky viktor. were guests of our program today, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you friends about this, whether it is necessary during the war strengthen responsibility for corruption, 98% yes, 2% against, it was a program of verdict preview and serhii rudenko, goodbye. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags, not for my sick back, from back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on hbo's new satirical series on mekogo, cut.
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