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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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tanners and fights with the military, even if they are war criminals. we are not at war with civilians and civilians, period. and everything else, whether the putin regime is involved, to what extent it is involved in this terrorist attack, or only because it did not take the necessary measures, despite the fact that it was warned, or whether there are other more compelling reasons to blame it, these are matters of separate investigations, and they will definitely be conducted, and it is not about the investigation of putin's criminals. because no one in the world believes in justice or an independent investigation in russia for a long time. you earlier said that this was a deliberate provocation by the special services, the special services of russia, that is, as you said, did they simply ignore the warning, did not want to do anything, or did they somehow consciously participate in it , that is, at this time, at which is more indicative? the entire history of putin's stay in power is a history including similar provocations and terrorist attacks against his own population. he started his political career with this. way and to believe that he has corrected himself
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and changed, there is no reason, even if we talk about the situation when we knew, but did not act, then this is also a conscious participation and complicity in this crime, but i think a little more time is needed for more real circumstances and facts to become known, including public. well, the us has already stated that they are convinced that this is idil harasan. do you agree with this assessment? we have heard this assessment. and of course such official statements are not made without reason, this is a weighty statement that carries a serious basis and argumentation. well, the audience, for example, points to such moments as why this is so the police of omon, who are practically next to this krokosven with a concert hall, drove slowly, or why, why the terrorists who had just shot more than a hundred people, why they did not resist during the detention, that is, some such moments evoke in you, or why the terrorists who ... they just shot
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people, drove hundreds of kilometers unhindered, and actually without changing transport and without changing clothes, for example, so yes, there are a lot of such questions, and all these questions are specifically addressed to putin's security forces and putin's regime and adequate answers, apart from another anti-ukrainian hysteria to these questions, which the whole world asks, the putin regime today cannot provide. how big a threat do you see in the fact that putin is trying to connect it with ukraine, that is, will it help him with mobilization or not? this will lead to an escalation of hostilities against ukraine, is there no place to escalate? well, when we talk about escalation, what is meant is that putin and putin's russia are waging a genocidal war against ukraine, against ukraine, using the entire arsenal of weapons, in addition to weapons of mass destruction, our critical objects of civil infrastructure, energy, cultural objects, social sphere, medicine, hundreds are being destroyed. thousands of such objects
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have been destroyed by putin's missiles and drones, and putin's tanks are killing our civilians and our defenders, what kind of escalation can we talk about now , that he will somehow try to mobilize or support the mobilization of his own population in a political sense, yes we see it, what he will try to use this terrorist attack in order to to reset the image of russia in... from an aggressor , which state that kills peaceful ukrainians, attacked a neighbor that did not commit any aggressive actions, violates international humanitarian law, the geneva convention to turn it into the image of a victim, that's what putin is trying to do today, but neither putin, nor lavrov, nor shaigu, nor other killers of victims are exactly alike, putin remains the biggest and main terrorist in the world, together with his regime and the leaders of this regime.
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us officials, well, they are clear about this, they say that ukraine has nothing to do with this irrelevant, it's all disinformation and propaganda, nevertheless, this disinformation and propaganda, it is being spread in the united states, including, and americans and including, and do you have any concerns that this may affect and in some way for support, help from the us and allies? ukraine is as public and open as possible with the free world, with its partners, and of course, the united states of america is exactly that partner. who helps a lot, provides key help in many issues, and the fact that there is the same assessment in ukraine and in the united states this is very good and eloquent for the states of this event, and regarding the natural non-involvement and falsity of putin's accusations in this terrorist attack against ukraine. it is clear that putin's propaganda is based not on the truth, not on facts, but on lies, which must be superimposed on even bigger lies. and from this point of view, we simply
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believe that free media, that critical thinking, fact-checking, information verification will win this time, and the truth. will be established one way or another, after all, not so many people remain, who believe that the earth is flat, yet most people understand that it is necessary to move away from proven evidence, and that this terrorist attack can indicate the strength of the regime in the kremlin, can it indicate that there are some under-the-carpet, under-the-carpet wars are happening, that is, it’s very , well, it’s strange that it happened, well, of course we see different reactions from different circles and in putin’s entourage and... and on the one hand, the fact that even the formal remains of civil rights and freedoms will be dismantled, as a result of these events, and on the other hand certain redistribution of power and authority within putin's security forces, and do you expect a possible increase in attacks against russia, or an aggravation of inter-confessional struggle or
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ethnic struggle in russia, or is this evidence of a weakening of society and the regime in russia, well, from the point of view of a classic voter. putin and even his supporter , the person who may have supported him with a strong hand, for the fact that he can restore order in the country, well, it is a complete collapse, a country that spends enormous resources on the power apparatus, on financing the special services, in the end reacted properly even to public reports, in fact the suspicions and accusations can be even much more serious against putin, so of course this is the collapse of his power model, a dictator who does not control the situation in... well, he is becoming more and more vulnerable, including for his own environment , but in general russia, the russian federation, as such, the newest form, or in fact the name of the federation, but it is a continental empire, which is a very unstable entity, a mass
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of conflicts, both international, potential, yes, interreligious, social, political, others, which are kept by the power apparatus, but do not disappear anywhere and... and these dozens and hundreds of peoples, nations living on the territory of the russian federation, who are deprived of any rights, civil, cultural, religious, they will demand more and more voice, right to vote and protection of their rights. meanwhile, in poland, the possibility of shooting down russian missiles close to its borders is frowned upon, at least this is the opinion expressed by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of poland , andrzej shejna. he mentioned this in an interview polish radio rmf-24. at the same time, when the pentagon's deputy spokeswoman sabrina sing was asked about the response to the russian missile in polish airspace, she replied that she had not seen this particular news, but the general policy of the united states is commitment to the principle of nato's collective security. we will talk more about this with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin, whom
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we hope we can join now on the air. bohdan, i congratulate you. bohdan, so let's talk about this conversation, the interview of the polish representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, what exactly is he said bohdan and how much of him. do the words reflect poland's readiness for possibly more decisive actions now? ostape, i would at the outset challenge the suggestion that poland is somehow showing signs of a willingness to change its position or change its actions in response to what is not the first time this has happened. the violation of polish airspace by a russian missile, and what we are currently hearing, what we are seeing from polish representatives, rather indicates that poland's position remains as it
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was before, that is, if we are talking about e signs a targeted attack on poland , then the poles will obviously... act in response and defend themselves, but if we are talking about incidents or accidents, then it is obvious that now it is limited, well, first of all, first of all to diplomatic protests, and we know that the polish minister of foreign affairs radoslav sikorskyi spoke with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg this week. on the phone and he raised the issue of the violation of polish airspace by a russian missile, but again in that official message about the conversation was not about any change
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in poland's doctrine in such cases, in cases of incidents, and likewise the deputy polish minister of foreign affairs, andrzej shejna, he... the interview that you ostape mentioned at the beginning, in an interview with the polish rmf radio station -24, also did not say that poland is changing somehow. his position or doctrine, on the contrary, he emphasized that the question of how to act in these situations lies with the polish military, it is about the fact that we are discussing politicians now, we are discussing what the minister said sikorski or his deputy sheyna, poland's deputy foreign minister, emphasized that politicians do not interfere. in such specific issues of defense actions that are the responsibility of the polish military, that is
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, the doctrine of poland does not change at the moment, that is , it is necessary to distinguish between the words of diplomats, political statements and decisions made directly by the command. bohdan, this is not the first time, we know that russian missiles cross the airspace of poland, there were cases when they fell on the territory of poland as well, is warsaw considering it as a case again. or still sees it now as a deliberate russian provocation in order to test the polish reaction now? i would also add to what you listed, ostapa, that not only rockets fell, but even as a result of shelling, rocket shelling of ukraine, polish citizens died, at least two people in the city of przewoda. it is also worth reminding that last year romania
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expressed a protest to russia in connection with the downing of combat drones, unmanned aerial vehicles on the territory of romania, when russia was conducting bombing raids on ukrainian port infrastructure on the danube, that is, we have unique cases, and it is obvious. a situation in which the military has to make a choice, and it is obvious to politicians as well, whether those cases are mistakes, and for example, if we are talking about the last one, about the landing of a russian cruise missile on, as they say, from the polish side, approximately 100 or 200 meters deep into polish territory, actually over the ukrainian-polish border, this flight or this airspace violation lasted
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tens of seconds to one minute, polish representatives say, it is obvious that during at this time, the polish military, who claim that they very clearly observed the trajectory, have to decide whether this is a targeted attack... an attack on an object on the territory of poland or an incident, i have seen different assessments of experts as to how much this is an attack may or may not be an accident, because if we're talking about a cruise missile, its course is programmed, yes, so it's guided, and therefore it goes where it's directed, if it was an incident, then... obviously, that this was an incident to which russian, russian representatives, russian
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the military left because they knew that such proximity threatened such an incident. bohdan, thank you for the detailed analysis, our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin was in touch. march in the usa is the month of women's contribution to world history. voice of america will continue. talk about the struggle for equal rights of women and men in the usa and in ukraine. our next story is about surgery and how women in ukraine are fighting gender discrimination in this profession. american colleagues help them in this. together they founded the searchfem initiative for communication, mentoring, psychological and legal support. maria prus knows the details. at 7 in the morning, despite another sleepless night, due to air alarms in... anastasia prystaya is preparing for a complex perineal operation in feofania hospital. she has been operating on both women
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and men for more than 10 years. however, her path in the profession, like many women in surgery, was not easy. they said, first of all, that surgery is really not for women, because it is physically very hard work. secondly, it was said that women are more emotionally labile, they have menstrual cycle, and all kinds of things that will interfere. the most important thing is that they say that you will go on maternity leave and everything, that is, there is no point in even teaching you, because it will end with children, maternity leave and all that, it was the most insulting, in principle, that... i heard from senior surgeons who in fact, they were supposed to be my mentors, but they said: heh, nastya, i would teach you, but you are a woman, it all makes no sense. prystaya says that the reason for the stereotype is that surgery is more highly paid, and men are still often perceived as the main breadwinners in to the family why can a surgeon defend
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an operation at night, and it is considered a man's work, there 10-12 hours per operation. the table, and the operating nurse who assists him and performs essentially the same work even more so, because the surgeon came when everything was ready, left, and someone cleans up, deals with instruments, sterilization, everything else, and it is always a woman, so the matter not that they stereotypically say that surgery is very difficult and therefore it is male, the fact is that surgery is considered highly paid and therefore it male, although no, again, women treat patients very - assertively, very cool, and they do this job in some situations, even really, thanks to their empathy, better than men. in order to change these perceptions, surgeons in ukraine and the united states joined the sergefem initiative. the founder is ukrainian nelya melnychuk, who
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has been living in the usa for over 25 years, operates at brigham hospital and teaches at harvard medical school. melnychuk also heads the non-governmental organization global medical knowledge alliance, which among another helps with equipment for ukrainian hospitals and field hospitals, and also brings ukrainian doctors to the united states for internships. searchfem - a new project of the organization, aims to provide support and career opportunities for women in surgery. we want to create such a network for female surgeons who could communicate with each other, who could each other. to have such a support in english, it is called, we will also create a few webinars, once a month we plan webinars on various topics, for example, the problem of leadership, or, for example, for young surgeries, what is practical to do when you start your practice there, you also need legal support, the fact that in ukraine there are laws that do not
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allow discrimination, that do not allow discrimination because you are a mother or. due to the fact that you plan to be a mother and so on , but these laws must be observed , we also want to have psychological support, the fact that we all, regardless of gender, all doctors, there is professional burnout, especially now in ukraine. according to preliminary survey data project, in which about 350 ukrainian surgeries took part. 80% of them at least once during their practice heard that women... have a place in surgery, and 70% of women in surgery were mistakenly perceived as nurses and patients and even their male colleagues. 55% of respondents said that they experienced sexual objectification or harassment from colleagues. in the united states , in fact, sexism as a manifestation can be
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punished, there if a woman is asked in an interview: something about, well, like when you plan to have a maternity leave, or how many children, or whether you are married, then she can complain, and a person, who asks this question, she will bear responsibility, we don't have such a thing now, we don't have a list of questions that we can't, we don't have the right to ask a woman in an interview , because it will bring this punishment, society was against it, that's why these problems were raised, associations were created. female surgeons raised their heads and said that it is not ok for us, and they received public support, and that is why this is their situation now. working conditions for women and men in surgery, as in many professions, are still not completely equal even in the united states, says melnychuk. in particular, this is due to the fact that in america there is no guaranteed paid maternity
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leave for all working women, and sometimes gender bias is possible. however, there is generally open discrimination in internships or employment, mostly in the past. the structure of the training itself, the acceptance for residency and practice itself, it differs from what is in ukraine, in america, it is very horizontal, for example, and also transparent. firstly, the interview is standardized, secondly, we have clear selection criteria, and gender is not the criterion, and the residence itself. the tour, when , for example, people are learning is very structured, for example, everyone knows that they have to spend, i don't know, 12 weeks for colorectal surgery, 12 weeks for this one for burn surgery and so on, and it depends on ... also by gender the situation in the usa has improved significantly, thanks to the fact that women have started to talk about inequality, unite in associations, conduct research, - says
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melnychuk. also, the international campaign in social networks in 2015 contributed to the changes year at that time, surgeons displayed their photos from the operating rooms with the hashtag "i look like a surgeon." ukraine needs the same discussion now, she says. it will start to change little by little. a little girl, when she decides what she wants to be, she will see all the other surgeons and it will be normal for her, it will also be normal for a little boy that his mother is a surgeon, or another girl wants to be a surgeon, and his own perception will be change. for example, i have two boys, they are 7 and 9 years old, they, first of all, not even understand what it is, how a woman can't be a surgeon, they say that the one thing that... distinguishes a girl from a boy is the length of her hair. prystaya explains that the changes in the attitude to surgeries in ukraine are not just timely, but are especially important right now, given
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the russian war. in our country , the demographic crisis is now connected with the war and emigration, and we must support women of childbearing age as much as possible and encourage them to give birth to ukrainians. and i believe that now, more than ever, is the time to stop talking about the fact that a woman maternity leave, incompatible things, not only with surgery, but with other professions as well, we must create conditions under which women will want to work, because it is very negative for the country economically if women do not work and at the same time give birth to children , and there should be maximum involvement of men in this. process. maria prus, ivan pavlovich, oleg mushtei, voice of america. download the voice
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kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. help make sense of the present and predict the future, a second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format.
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more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program,
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my name is serhii rodenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. the critical phase is until september. western analysts speculate on how the events will unfold on the front. are there any chances to end the war in ukraine already this year. putin's propaganda on the blood of those killed in... lukashenko refuted the russian version about the terrorists' intention to flee to ukraine. who can believe the kremlin? to protect ukraine from butcher putin? biden is looking for alternative sources of funding. how long will the us congress block military aid to ukraine. we talk about this and other things in the next hour with our guests roman kostenko, ivan stopak and
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oleksandr kraev in the second part. our program will be political experts oleksiy holobutskyi and viktor boberenko. however , before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how the defense forces destroyed the enemy command and observation post on the left bank of the dnieper. it was discovered by fighters of the first separate battalion of the marine corps. let's see how it was.
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friends, during the broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for corruption during the war. if you watch us on youtube, please vote with the button, or yes or no if you are sitting in front of the tv watching us in telecasts, pick up your smart phone or phone and vote if you think
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wartime corruption is responsible. need to increase 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. our first guest is roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mr. colonel, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. mr. polko. let's start with the situation in kharkiv, as we see the enemy trying to hit the city en masse, today the russians hit kharkiv with guided aerial bombs, the first time, the first full-scale invasion, local authorities report one dead and 19 wounded, among they have children, what is it connected with, mr. colonel.


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