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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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the anti-terrorist phase of the war. the massacre in krokus revealed the weakness of putin's government. how the kremlin uses the moscow terrorist attack against ukraine. rotations in the power unit. experts say that budanov is strengthening. results of changes in the top military leadership of the state. the biggest mistake of the authorities. ukrainians are concerned about the illegal enrichment of officials, should... responsibility for corruption during the war. we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, on youtube and on tv we conducting a survey, we are asking you today whether it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for corruption during the war. everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or write your special opinion in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if
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you think that responsibility should be strengthened for corruption during the war (0800-211-381) no 08021 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce today's our guests are political experts, oleksiy holobutsky, political technologist, deputy director of the situation modeling agency. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. congratulations. and viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good health to you. well, since, since we are asking, gentlemen , our tv viewers and viewers about what they think about corruption, whether we should increase the responsibility for corruption during wartime, let's use the format of a cross-examination, let's try to answer this, well, it would seem like a rhetorical question, but still, mr. viktor. well, i think that our citizens
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will unequivocally answer that yes, yes, citizens, we are all against corruption, but in order for a brother, a matchmaker or an uncle to decide , we forget that we allow corruption, but i think , everyone will answer that there should be an on-the-spot shooting there, many will say, how cool it is in china, well, at least that's what they answer to me in focus groups and majority. the vast majority is in favor of increasing responsibility to the death penalty, and i think that it is simply necessary for our law enforcement agencies to work properly, because as a rule, they make money in this way, first they catch someone, and then they offer a couple of protocols to choose from, yes one that is drawn up correctly and well, and you will sit down one that is drawn up conditionally there, as it happened and this one about... well
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, it will allow you to win the court case later from the procedural points there. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. oleksiy, well, i agree with my colleague, v principles, well, the schizophrenic state of our society, which demands to fight corruption, but at the same time is maximally tolerant of corruption, unfortunately, well, it is so absolute. an idiotic position by a huge number of people who think that if we call for the execution of people for corruption, hanging them on lampposts or some such terrible actions, plucking off their ears, as in russia, yes, then it will change something, in fact it will not changes, they shoot in china, every year there are new corrupt officials who need to be shot, and so on has been going on for decades, first of all it is necessary to overcome low-level and medium-level corruption, and
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high-level corruption must be kept within certain limits, it exists in almost all countries, and all our anti-corruption bodies have sufficient legislation to arrest and punish corrupt people, only political will would be needed and the main desire of the people themselves to really fight corruption, and not to imitate it at their own level, roughly speaking, so that... it was not as they once said, we are not against the soviet government, or just not in our village, well once there was such and such a saying in soviet times, why do we talk about corruption, why did we mention it, because yesterday in sumy two deputies of the regional council were arrested for trying to pay a $100,000 bribe to the head of the sumy city military administration, oleksiy oleksiy drozdenko , for cases, which relate to the association. and
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in fact, those who manage the market and those who keep one of the hospitals there tried to solve it, but today, immediately after this message, how they were detained, today volodymyr zelenskyi came to... sumy oblast, and therefore, it turns out that during zelenskyi's visit, two respectable and respected people of sumy were detained because they tried to bribe a third respectable person in sumy. volodymyr zelenskyi got acquainted with the course of construction of fortifications near the city of sumy. let's listen to what zelensky himself said about what he saw. the second for today is, of course, all issues of defense, sumy oblast, every community, every city, especially difficult ones on the border, there is constant russian terror, there is constant shelling, airstrikes, countermeasures
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sabotage groups of the enemy. i am grateful to all soldiers, all commanders of the armed forces, and soldiers of the border guard. and our policemen, and the national guard, the security service of ukraine, all those involved, all those who protect. mr. viktor, well, the first question for you, because the city of sumy is not a small city, and obviously, there are bribes of this size, there are 100,000 dollars, it is still not 1 million uah, which are there, or how much or 2 million uah, who offered the chief of utilities. services or utility workers offered someone there, well , this story was just a few months ago, what is happening in the border areas of sumy , that is, nearby russians are hunting and shelling sumy and the sumy region, and here it turns out that such money is circulating, well, first i would
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ask volodymyr oleksandrovich, of course no one will let me to him, i would ask a question, you ask for the platoon a reference point for 45 million, there was such a tender offer, it was just that public organizations raised money and it was removed from the tenders, but imagine a consolidated reference point for 45 million, well , that’s a lot, but again last year they gave a lot for the restoration , very big money, it cost more than a billion there, and they didn’t give it to all the communities, they gave it ridiculously for restoration, but they are building a new one... catch up , you see, there in one of the communities, but they couldn’t master part of the money, because they give or give , as they do in a cunning way, or they give it to the community, but then, you understand, the contractor must be ours, or then the region itself conducts the tender, and then the contractor is definitely
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ours, well, it is clear that it is not the head of the military administration, but one of the departments , for example, there ee... ko com, well, there, how is it, capital management of construction, something like that, yes, or kyiv is conducting there, that is, mustafa naim conducts, you understand, from kyiv, which is more visible, in which village, how is he putting spikes, and all this leads me to think that they are demanding to roll back, roll back , kickbacks, that is, from money even for reconstruction, that is what concerns zelenskyi's trip, he would have inquired. not there, well, because they are showing him beautifully, i have also seen it being shown there like this here that, well , they are showing beauty, and this feeling makes his head spin, but i would really like him to collect several experts who would show, look, here is a tender, here is a tender, here is a tender, here, here, here, here
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, and why, why is mustafa nayem conducting tenders in kyiv, why not transfer this money to local communities as a subsidy? and then they already stand with a stick so that they don't steal anything from it somewhere at the grassroots level, because if the subsidy is not transferred, i immediately have an absolutely clear suspicion that there is a kickback here and there, so, so, so, and what we are shelled every day, so that's it, well, that's what they took for sumy oblast very, very recently. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. oleksiy, can you somehow explain why, after all, during the war... corruption does not decrease, and why yes, i understand the question, and why should it decrease, well, because when the question it is about surviving or dying , there is no such thing here in principle, it somehow changes, first of all, those who
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are engaged in this, they, they have windows at the border, they have all the documents, they have, i think , there are also their own bunkers, some schools. and so on, well, that's why they work, as you think, to be able to have more opportunities to survive and so on, all the more so, again, most of these people, they are... no one is normal in any intellectual or any other sense, in any country, so they at most, so that they can wash the dishes, and i just know my own experience, political technologists, the level of our politicians, functionaries, officials and so on, they are the most patriots, only in this country can you steal like that, you know, they are me and now i don’t have any irony, i just know people personally corrupt officials who are really fighting, who, so to speak, are... i say it again, this a cash cow, which, if the russians come , they will appoint the same, so
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to speak, corrupt people, and they will throw them somewhere in a landfill, roughly speaking, yes, so everything is logical, especially, again, this is some our naivety, i don't know, restaurants are open, expensive cars are bought and driven , but whatever, the elements of such... a normal life are there, but for some reason one of the most important elements of our ukrainian normal life, namely corruption, must disappear somewhere, with what the hell, so to speak, from which reasons, everything works, moreover, the war is an opportunity for new ones, you see, everything happens in such an extreme mode, you can steal more, you can take over various other people's businesses more, there are many opportunities, this is a window of opportunity for many, so... i always say this, we were not in switzerland before the war, and during the war we
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certainly did not become one. there is a sociological survey by the company socys, and socys itself says that the biggest mistakes of the government, the current government, ukrainians consider a high level of corruption, poor preparation for the war and the resignation of the serviceman, and of those who took part in this survey, 64%, almost... 55 respondents called the biggest mistake of the government the maintenance of a high level of corruption and the distribution of budget funds, and this is a fairly high indicator, mr. viktor, despite the fact that that every ukrainian wants to become a king somewhere and to reign for himself and be the same, well, in the same status and have the same opportunities as those in power, or this indicator of 65%. indicates that 65%, if the question will be so, what to vote there for
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zelenskyi or for some new face who will ask zelenskyi why all your friends don’t have their hands cut off, why they still have those hands, or whether ukrainians will choose a new face, and not whether they will accuse zelenskyi of that level of corruption, or well here is the feeling that they are stealing... and compare it with what was there in the previous terms of office of various presidents. well, until recently, when the first scandal broke out, he had been with 17 eggs for a long time, then society already said that yes, it is very bad that we have so much corruption, but at the same time, when asked the following questions, do you trust president zelensky, yes. it was not like that, i don’t remember who conducted it, razumkov or sotses or kmis, but the first question there is like,
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do you think that partly, well, that the responsibility lies with the authorities, but in particular with president zelensky, yes, and there conditionally, 70% , yes, we think that yes, he is supposed to be there, but do you trust the president, yes, we trust the president, he is a good man, normal, that is, people need to... still , our people need to be taught , that how is it that it works out so well for you, but in the meantime it works out like that, well we don't have any other people, but , to be honest, the percentage is decreasing, that is , people are beginning to realize that i believe that this person is responsible, although maybe he himself does not participate, but it's just bad, zelensky isn't there. . an example of such an ability, such as the selection and arrangement of personnel, yes, no matter what they steal, he is not
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a personnel officer, he is bad, but this is his direct function, and in this case, it means that he does not function well, and therefore, maybe he is a good guy , but i don't trust him there, for example, now there's less between, well, that's it no, but still it is still a lot, which yes, i think he should, and i trust him. thank you, thank you, mr. viktor, i would like to remind our viewers that we are conducting a survey during this broadcast and we are asking you about whether responsibility should be increased. for corruption during the war, yes, no , everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have any special opinion of yours, please write in the comments below this video, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watch us on tv, pick up your smart phone or phone and vote if you think accountability for wartime corruption should be increased (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382), all
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calls to these numbers are free, please vote. programs, we will summarize this, sum up the results of this vote, well, it is clear that the broadcasting authority, gentlemen, requires mono responsibility, including responsibility for personnel decisions, mr. viktor mentioned this, but we see how over the last month or even two, president zelenskyi is changing the power bloc, and at first the chief of the general staff and 16 other generals who were dismissed from various positions resigned as the head of the armed forces of ukraine. commanders of various directions, yesterday the rotations in the power block of ukraine continued, lytvynenko replaced danilov, lytvynenko was the head of the foreign intelligence service, replaced the secretary of the security council danilov, oleg ivashchenko, who worked in gura, replaced lytvynenko, that's what these personnel values
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​​mean, and forgive me for taftology, and do they at all... play a role in these in this reshuffling of these personnel, these figures by the office of the president of ukraine, mr. oleksiy? well, of course, the authorities want it to mean something, so that it looks like a personnel revolution, as an update, as changes that must take place, which require, in principle, according to sociology, a sufficiently large number of people in ukraine, but of course that this imitation absolutely. or the position of the secretary of the national security council, in principle, before the war, so to speak, was not highly valued, then during the war it stopped being valued at all, this is a technical position, we know very well, myself the president talks about it, he makes decisions in the circle of five or six managers, and i
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understand that danilov was definitely not part of this cohort, so to speak of these managers, but... this is a political position, this the position was public, he had the opportunity to voice what he wanted to voice, he had a job, there was a lot of awareness about him in ukraine, he even, i don’t remember exactly, he was more famous in sociology than the same shmyhal, prem our ukrainian minister, yes, and now at a time when, well, let's put it this way, very difficult things await us times, in principle, are even more difficult than they were in the previous two years, and at the front, in the economy and so on, it is necessary to narrow the circle of speakers, it is necessary to introduce stricter censorship, and therefore we need, so to speak, an absolutely loyal person, in this conspiratorial versions that i read somewhere on facebook, due to
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the fact that they are preparing there for the problem of may 20 this... a position for, well, for someone, for zelenskyy , it is possible , well, it seems absolutely nonsense to me, but to reduce the number of speakers and put, well, you have to understand danilov may be absolutely loyal to zelenskyi, but not their own, and now there should be only their own around, which again is absolutely logical from the point of view of the authorities. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. viktor, well, we know. in fact, for danilo to be a politician rather than a professional and a person who was engaged in analytical work there, for example, in the special services, like the same oleksandr lytvynenko, and it is clear that litvinenko was and remains a professional in his field, and danilov, well, as it turned out, that he was the secretary of the national security council for 4.5 years, made various
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decisions, or was involved in the adoption decisions, including the disconnection of the espresso 5th tv channel. direct from t2, and that's why he reluctantly agreed to comment on something there, in general , he never joined us on the air, as far as i remember, and yet , does the amount change or not change in zelenskyi's environment due to permutations of terms? well, of course, only we say zelensky, and when we say lenin, we understand the party, right? we are talking about zelensky, we think that yermak could have tried it, yes, just imagine, danilov is the secretary of the nsdc, yermak is the secretary there. office of the president, yes, two secretaries had a fight there, and who is cool there in the waiting room, yes, and one of them, to the other, if he shaved, but i
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agree with alexiy, that is, he was shaved there, the formal reason was that he unsuccessfully joked about the chinese there, and the chinese , well, if, well, he, in particular, there are two trablis, there... you don’t need to get into your own business, and the second is in general there in relation to one of the breeders, who is sent there, who in china is responsible for the ukrainian crisis, as they call it our war, well, it's always the same in china adheres to the protocols, and according to the protocol, everything is not so simple and you can't just take one of the key, one of the key chinese figures like that and make fun of her last name there, on the play on words, yes, although i
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think he suffered more danilo, in the larger account, because he, yes, i do not agree with oleksiy, he never went there for a word in his pocket, he said such things. things are outrageous very often, but the most outrageous thing is that to him, i think, as they say in the army, this is the flight of a fighter, yes, it is when he said in october of last year that only zelenskyy can speak on behalf of ukraine , only zelenskyi can speak, stefanchuk as the head of the council, shmyhal as the head of the government, and kuleba as the minister of foreign affairs, and he forgot to say about yermak and... this there was a fly-by, because they won’t mention the big ermak , who is a really real breeder, i think that it was, well, it’s not even the beginning,
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the middle of the conflict, but it started under danilov ’s shadow, here they used an excuse, and well, maybe it’s not the first , when they are not satisfied with the fact that he babbled, yes, they used an excuse, they said that we now have to apologize to china, and we have to leave him, and in his place there really was not the word willing, a person who was always not in public, lytvynenko, who will now not be in public , will really engage in communications there, convene a council there to analyze what ministries are possible, well , they have some tasks, yes, that is , to do their direct work, to bring their staff to analytical work, but they really say the truth is that he won... this budanov, because now lytvynenko has been replaced by budanov, that is, budanov is the only one who has really established himself there, but
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danilov can now be used either, and we will see it soon, or sent to some kind of honorable exile in some tunisian country , yes, or he will be offered the role of a wedding general there, they will give him some position there, and he will be the same adviser to the president there or that he can be in the role of medvedev in russia, yes there, make loud statements there , not only that, it can also be very useful for the government, why, because he really says very often putin la-la-la, he ’s a shoigu there, well, that is, 80% of what he says, i myself would support, and there he curses russians, he looks optimistically into the future, we will win, then you can just say... that you keep saying that, oleksiy mycheslavovych, you keep saying that, but sometimes even when you are slandering putin, and you are slandering
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the internal opposition, what about this one? there is a political oppositionist, in fact there is an internal fifth column, so clean the electoral field in this way, it's very cool technology, the same aristovych does not use it when he speaks... 50% of the truth, with which one cannot disagree, and there he exaggerates a little, well, but this is the new team that came and actually this whole rotation that took place in the power unit , obviously we will have to face the third phase of putin's war against ukraine, because what is actually happening is that a terrorist attack happened within walking distance of city hall, after which kriml started talking about the fact that ukraine, great britain and the united states of america are involved in it... today is a representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova of the federation stated that washington was involved in the terrorist attack in crocus,
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she... says that this is evidenced by the quick reaction of the united states of america to this response, let's listen to what she said. in order to divert suspicion from the collective action of washington, london , and berlin, which literally discussed, as i have already said, the possible commission of terrorist acts on the territory of our country, paris and other nato countries, they had to find at least something , at least some explanation. mr. oleksiy, russia's efforts are now to transfer all responsibility, or partial responsibility, to ukraine for what happened in the suburbs of moscow, and for the fact that, well
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, this story was actually glossed over. in the fsb, maybe they didn't even slip up , but they controlled it, and with this control they brought to the point that so many people died there, or does this give the kremlin a reason to intensify attacks on ukraine, although it seems to me that they actually already had all the weapons that they had , in addition to nuclear, seems to have already been used on the territory of ukraine, why does russia need it, to appear in the role of a victim and... shift the role of aggressor to ukraine? this is actually a rather complicated question , for what, well, i hear primitive answers already on the ukrainian airwaves 10 times a day, that’s enough, again, first of all, i am a supporter of the version that this is really an idol, and it is really a terrorist acts, indeed the russian special services, pardon the pun, just screwed him over, and this brutality they
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demonstrated. but it was in order to divert attention from the fact that, well, in a country where every day 100 times talk about security, this can happen, but then problems begin , because it is clear that the most optimal thing for russia, especially for the domestic consumer, is to dump everything on ukraine, and even if they wanted to do it wrong, they very difficult. because all the propaganda is sharpened that the most important, most important enemy is ukraine and the western world, but hezbollah, hamas, many other terrorist taliban, yes, who are coming to russia, and russia is trying to the whole world, the third world, or whatever they are there , global they call it the south, to show that they are the same, that they are the same, that russia is the leader in the anti-colonial, anti-imperial, anti-western struggle, and here... there is
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a serious problem that dilta does not see in russia, and i am sure all radical islamists organizations, and muslims in general, they do not see russia as a leader, they consider russia a part of the western world, the same as america, europe and so on, and here a very serious problem arises, so to speak, in... this time, secondly, for internal, again consumer, if you take it for an external, internal consumer, well, it's easier, so to speak, to build such a version that, well, if this is indeed the case, but still it is somehow connected with ukraine. well, today's example, yes, this is how russian propaganda works, so that we understand that now they are talking about ukraine, the day after tomorrow they may change their minds and their wonderful people. will eat everything
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and not be fooled, so they showed a person without an ear, moreover, a video where they cut off the ear and make him eat it, then they showed a video where they connect the person with the genitals was electrocuted, and today he comes out of the kabiev and says that they are in this condition, because they say that they all hid in the trees in the forest, and the thesbeshniks had to saw down these trees to get them out of there, and here are the proces... sawing, falling and everything else, they, so to speak, received such injuries as we saw in court. and i am sure that it will suit the majority of the russian people, they will eat it all perfectly, therefore, therefore, and as for the consequences for ukraine, well, again, here i completely agree with you, sergey, well, what exactly it is precisely because of the accusations of terrorism that they will finally drop the nuclear one.


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