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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EET

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let me still try to say something positive, it should also be in the most difficult situations, for example, in kherson region, in particular, we managed to triple the sown area, we understand what a problem this is, this is demining and, in principle, the work of agrarians, again under the threat of drones or missiles there, well, it is a front-line zone, in fact, it is almost a front-line zone there, so how did you manage to do it , can we really say that it will be possible to sow more this year, well, it has already been possible to partially and collect more there. what are the risks associated with it, is there enough equipment , let's say, for the same farmers to do all this, because the equipment is also destroyed, and someone somewhere, maybe relocated somewhere to another region of the farmers there, well , first of all , i also want to start with such good news that already one hundred percent of our agrarians plan to sow three times more watermelons, first of all, therefore there will be three times more kherson watermelons, compared to other areas, why is this, what is it connected with, that... there is such
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an opportunity, first of all, of course, with demining , which accelerated, again, thanks to the central government in one of the congresses of local communities under the chairmanship of andriy yarmak, it was decided to increase the number of demining teams, these are pyrotechnicians, explosives, sappers, who worked, if we say that a year ago there were 170 personnel working here, then now there are 1160 people working from these voregats and of course they have actually increased it by 10 times the number is by 700%, and of course we can look even more into the bright future and demine as soon as possible, because now 235 hectares of 683 thousand hatars of the right-bank kherson region have been demined, of which 203 are rural agricultural.
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156,000 hectares have already been designated and sown. thank you very much, take care. oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, by the way, interestingly, in the kherson region, they also continue to identify and detain collaborators, traitors, and in particular, in kherson , an ex-guard of a russian torture chamber was detained. two more collaborators from the kherson region were also detained. and there and there a whole history of different. abused people in the occupied territories, there were sexual crimes and other crimes, but it is strange that these people, having committed these crimes, come to kherson and think that no one will find them, well, the honor and glory of the security service of ukraine, first of all, who deals with this, halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council. suffering kharkiv, not suffering, well , kharkiv, which i will leave.
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it won't happen, the enemy hit kharkiv, they say with an aerial bomb, tell us about it, let's listen to the head of the kharkiv regional military administration and then continue our conversation. it's smaller than a cap, but the vindictive force is quite serious, quite actually powerful, i think it was just some kind of test, yes, on the civilian population of the city of kharkiv, this is so cynical, in fact, in the city of kharkiv , this is the first time such ammunition is used, but again , our experts and specialists will still be working there and will provide more factual information.
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well, we did not hear the details, but in essence we understood that it was something that had arrived that had never arrived before, something that could not be shot down with a rocket, or could not be shot down even from a tank of some kind of machine gun, such a bomb arrived, how it was and the consequences , because well there is information, but i would like to hear more from you, we had two explosions in the shevchenkivsky district around 3:52 p.m., this is half a power plant. area, well, of course, i immediately started calling my friends who live there, and one of them was hit by an inexplicable air missile or a guided air bomb, it hit the children's playground, and the second hit near the institute of emergency surgery, apparently they survived the institute of emergency surgery, because there many wounded people are being treated, but the windows of the houses there were blown out, and this is the first one arrived, then we all call each other and also figure out what it is... because since the 22nd year
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we have not been dropped by aerial bombs, it is some kind of incomprehensible reminder, it was quieter than a rocket, it was flying, and... it is really , maybe something is being experimented on us, and i see that kharkiv has been under russian experiments since february, when we first bombed the oil depot, and all the rivers of kharkiv are still covered in oil stains, and we still have groundwater in oil, and people are not they can drink water from wells, and we buy that water all the time, now it is unclear such an aerial bomb of some design from... was launched from the alleged border from belgorod from an airplane and allegedly this aerial bomb can fly up to 90 km, but it is quite powerful, because 14 buildings were destroyed, but the worst thing is the people, because four children were injured, one
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the baby is 3 months old, there is one dead person, there are already 18 wounded, at the moment there are already 18 wounded, and this happened in broad daylight, and in fact it was just a hoax... everyone, they blackouts and blackouts did to us, starting from march 22, i'm talking to you now, i don't know if they hear me or not, because i have for example, at home only when there is light, but now it is, i then have a mobile connection and then i have the internet, if there is no light, i have no connection, we do not even hear an alarm, and people are also around then they don't hear the alarm, the regional administration started sending us information on mobile phones when there is an alarm, but if there is no z'. you don't know anything at all, something falls somewhere and fell and how, it is almost impossible to withdraw cash from us now, because due to the lack of electricity, atms rarely work, it is very difficult to find, and the small shops, they cannot accept cards due to the lack of electricity, we
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have no heating, it is cold in the apartments, well , it will be warm soon, i think that somehow we will survive, they give water with such a light pressure, they ask you not to ride in the elevators... because if it gets stuck, then who will pull it out, that is, we have such a situation, well, it is quite tense, and they decided to add us every day, well, yesterday there were flights, today there were flights, but i will tell you that there is no panic, russia is probably trying, you know, what about kharkiv , so don't get to anyone, but there is no need to panic, we now have free time in northern slavtovka, when there is no light , what people are doing is going out and planting their gardens under the houses, this is what... people are doing now, this is the situation, that is, the enemy is trying to push, and you know, here are these rumors, again i want you to tell me what people say and write about, this morning i read my good friend, kirill sezonov, he is now fighting in the
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kupyanskoye area, and he is actually there, and he says , that now a lot of people are writing what will happen to kharkov, well, since you are fighting there, tell me well, kirill wrote such a rather detailed text and said that in principle now... to speak, well, that is, as of now, based on the information that the armed forces of ukraine have, there is intelligence, the enemy does not have enough accumulated capabilities to go on a wide front, like that they say to kharkiv , but if the situation changes, well, we will let you know , but what do people say, because here is this information that the enemy will go to odesa, to sumy, to zaporizhzhia, to kharkiv, to kherson, they will be taken back there and so on, it spreads, and this affects - can affect, people can evacuate, leave, leave, etc some things can happen, and plus this constant pressure, these blows, blows. strikes of the destruction of tets-5, now you say that there is light , there is no light, there is no communication, the sirens do not work, it is clear that this is very, very, very difficult, what do they say about it, how, what is the expectation here , and the mood of the people is the most important thing, well, look, yesterday, well, since i was a volunteer at the hospital yesterday, i
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was on duty there on shifts, and i got there, but now the electric transport does not work, there are no trams, there are no trolleybuses, the subway is very rarely used, the subway many people, well, i went back by bus, well, that is, the route is new, and i listened to what people were saying, people were exchanging the schedule of bus routes, at what time what goes where, people are interested in where , who bought what, where there is an atm that works to withdraw cash, what time it is turned off the light in which area, these are people's conversations, i don't hear any panic, that's how russia is pushing, but the fact is that in kharkiv at the moment there are only those people who have already spent a lot. they endured a lot and are gradually adapting and i also want to say separately, a big thank you to the kharkiv rescuers, utility workers, to all services, they just keep us all afloat, they are like those bees, endlessly helping and working, helping and working, and
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this creates such an effect that kharkiv is a living city and everything is fine, thank you very much, take care, mrs. galina, galina kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about... the consequences of today's enemy attack with an aerial bomb, the construction is still unclear, and also about these blackouts and the situation of the infrastructure, well, you guys. well, probably in the city, it is very difficult. well, we are now joining the conversation volodymyr tsibulka, he is a political scientist and also a deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let me be brief then, since we were talking about kharkiv now and the enemy is pushing, what did medusa write there the day before yesterday or when the information came out of the kremlin that the enemy putin says yes, i will take kharkiv and yes, let’s negotiate, well, sorry , i won’t be in russian, because we don't... it's possible , everything should be there, no, well, we have rules, and that's why these empty fillings, on
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in your opinion, why is this done, if you look at it from the point of view of political and military necessity, because even battles in a city like kharkiv, where there is a subway, underground communications, thousands of houses that you will not sweep off the face of the earth in a few months, it can be battles for years, well, in fact, well, in fact, there are still angry kharkiv residents who will stand. for my city as a wall, i would say very rich people of kharkiv, very rich people of kharkiv there, very rich people of kharkiv, i want to remind you that kharkiv residents are such a particularly economically active class, and when they don't prevent them from earning their peaceful penny, then they take up arms and make a fool of anyone who wants to harm them, so putin can of course play trump cards, but putin is adamant about no way out, he doesn’t have any positive scenario for getting out of his war,
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first of all , an incredible number of people died, now as a result of a terrorist attack, which was clearly staged with the participation of the fsb, because the idol was created at one time by yevgeny primakov, the head of the russian foreign intelligence service, precisely so that saddam's officers could be trained. hussein is nowhere to be found scattered and could serve russian interests, but under these circumstances , russia is pushing for another conflict, about which everyone is silent, because there was a mass accusation against the tajiks, now an incredible number of wage earners from central asian countries are trying to somehow save. its people, well, how can they, because tajikistan itself
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kicked out a part of its active citizens from the territory of the country. now, when russian society simply, well, begins to reorient all its hatred towards foreigners, uh , in fact, an internal russian conflict with elements of a civil war begins to spin up. i have a suspicion that when this part of the wage-earners leaves the territory of russia, the economic crisis will simply collapse, that is, putin has no opportunity to end this crisis, his economically active population has either been eliminated or has fled abroad. we now now, well, in any case, we wish them the fastest collapse, and now about... our realities, maybe today it became more clear and known about the unexpected resignation, well
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, the unexpected dismissal from the post of secretary of the council of security and defense oleksiy myacheslavovich danilov and the appointment of another gentleman in his place, who found out about his appointment on the day he was appointed, that is, it was some sudden action, explain if nothing so strange happened here, just one was removed, another was installed, and that’s it, well, the fact is that lytvynenko is from the nsdc, he, however,... recently worked as the director of the institute strategic studies, but in general he came to the nsdc with gorbulin, an academician, and spent his entire career in the nsdc, so he is well oriented within the nsdc, and it seems to me that such a raiding function was associated with danilov national security council, because the national security council cleaned the ranks of ukrainian business led by danilov very well, well, that is, the national security council led by danilov, and business
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has finally united with perelyak, we remember this memorandum of 42 entrepreneurs who united to protect himself, we recall the last scandal with igor mazepa, when business united and scared the bank with a big strike, so it seems to me that even at the request of western partners... they got rid of danilov, especially since he himself signaled in every possible way that he was tired of this position, and our westerners, please, please, i'm just going to say it, so that we've already finished literally two minutes there. i will not name their names, we perfectly understand who we are talking about, yes, yes, yes, yes, simple, why danilov, because i remember that it was the decision of the nsdc that, businesses from the ukrainian business environment were eliminated, these entire campaigns
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were eliminated, but regarding, well, this floodplain list of enemies, business, the western partners have been signaling to zelenskyi for a long time, well , it seems that from under the foundations of the bank there are all kinds of desires to engage in major personnel reshuffles in april, we are already hearing signals that the government will be reformatted, whether this will calm the partners and restore trust between the western and ukrainian partners. by the local government, i hope not, because we have the catastrophe in the parliament, the most important thing that is required from the current government is still a return to the constitutional norms to the parliamentary-presidential republic, which the bank is resisting with all its might. and by the way,
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the parliamentary crisis, yes, it is obvious, and it can only intensify, if we talk about the fact that it can... it is impossible to weaken, well , plus, as one of the apogees, well, at a certain stage , this parliamentary crisis, draft laws bezuz and tretyhkovi about the fact that let's imprison for life those who think that what usurp the state functions of the bailiffs of ukraine there, such as the typovy of the name of ukraine, although no one authorized them, although, for example, the people's deputies were authorized to represent the people and the legislation of ukraine, first of all the law on the verkhovna rada of ukraine, please, what is it, that is, even the eu viola von kramen reacted, said: "what, this is a draft law for the sake of provocation, and what's possible." and you are serious people, or are we talking with adults, mr. vasyl, this is a mockery of ukrainian law, and this is, well, this is characteristic of a servant of the people and the current government, when bezugla, together with tretyakov, will come up with a similar law, they think in absolutely such, well, green-centric categories,
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in order for a person to represent any interests abroad, it is necessary that abroad perceive this... person capable of representing an interest, that's what is important , in their, in their law, it is not taken into account if they are imposters and they have a culture of impersonation, then if this law is directed against petro poroshenko, then poroshenko has never been distinguished by the desire to act as an impostor from the authorities, you know, and there is only us here, i can say that even bohdan vasiliyovych yaremenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, who at one time got into a bit of a scandal there with certain correspondence, but less so, he is, after all, a diplomat and worked as a consul of ukraine in the united states america and in the republic of turkey, and not even, he wrote as a professional person that galya, call on god, i will say this, this law is not invented, that is , even the servants of the people understand that, oh my god, this is it
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just some kind of stupid, but well, but that is, on yours opinion, will they still try further... hand in their tickets and become free from obligations in the session hall? in general, this type of behavior is very much a kind of italian strike, that is, in fact, the final , so to speak, well, those who eat shit with spoons, will be banned from such legislation, that is, it is a kind of revenge of the deputy corps on the bank for... what, well, on the bank all power is concentrated, and deputies begin to invent completely idiotic laws that worsen our reputation in international relations, and most importantly, now there is a threat of such a perfect storm, when sometime in the middle of may and the question
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of zelensky's legitimacy will be so, well, shaky, and the council will not work, and also... that there will be a rotation in the cabinet of ministers, then the cabinet will also be half-powered , and in addition to that , the lack of ammunition, the fatigue of the troops, and we may just get a big one in may, but, but, but there is time to act actively now, there would be a desire and an understanding of what to do, thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr tsepolko, political scientist, was in touch with us, he is now joining us conversations of serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, congratulations, please, i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk less about the front. and more about weapons, about the enemy's weapons and about our developments, which are needed on the front line, about that in a moment. today, for the first time since the 22nd year, the rashists carried out an attack on kharkiv with aerial
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bombs, although this is actually a new ammunition, if earlier they were forced to enter the airspace of our country and came under the control of our anti-aircraft systems defense, now this ammunition is called umpd30s. has certain advantages, in fact, here is a combination of a conventional fab-250 aviation bomb, a guidance module with wings, and a rocket engine was also added, so this ammunition can operate from a distance of 90 km, and this is quite such an unpleasant situation, because we also have to look for in methods of combating this munition, but here again it is necessary to focus primarily on destruction. carriers than these new bombs, which are now used against kharkiv. here you can use, of course, prospects and f-16, well, of course, the complex
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a patriot who knocks down everything, both daggers and zircons. and then a little about zircon, because new details have become known based on the analysis of the fragments of this hypersonic missile, which was used in kyiv, in particular on march 25. this missile, as we know, is presented by the enemy as hypersonic, has a speed of, say , nine beats, a range of 100 km and a warhead weight of 400 kg. so, relatively speaking, the wreckage has now been analyzed, and there is a lot of interesting information related, first of all, to the analysis of the warhead of this missile, which turned out to be inadequately small compared to with this missile, because if we know that the kh22 missile has a warhead weight of 1 ton, the kh101 cruise missile weighs 400 kg,
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the ballistic dagger weighs 150 kg, then the analysis of the fragments of the zirkol warhead has shown that it weighs within 100 kg , why so little, disproportionately little, and there are several explanations here, we on the website... analyzed it on the defense express website, one of the explanations is that in order to ensure a range of a thousand kilometers, the designers were forced to significantly reduce the mass combat unit, this is one of the explanations, but another explanation is more disturbing, because relatively speaking, with such a small combat unit , it is impossible to fight the main goals for which this zircon was created, in particular, well, with the same aircraft carriers, because such a... unit is simply not enough in terms of power, yes here is an assumption that the main use of zircon is considered with a special
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war unit, a special war unit is actually a nuclear warhead, and the russians have the remains of these nuclear tactical ammunition for artillery there, which just have a mass in the range of 100 kg, this is such a certain assumption. but only it can explain why the design of this missile has such a small warhead, so that, so far, it can be stated that all these launches of zircons in ukraine, in zaporizhzhia, twice in kyiv are such that rather connected with the attempts of the developers to check certain capabilities of a still rather raw sample of weapons, and the most expensive of all that are manufactured... in russia, and from a practical point of view we can say that these weapons in use against ukraine are rather weapons of terrorist attacks, because
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to ensure accuracy, even if they could aim at some military targets on the territory of ukraine, so far it is actually impossible with these weapons, so we are talking about the fact that this type of weapon is still a weapon of terror, in fact, as and all that russia does using certain types of weapons. against our peaceful cities, so in any case we understand that the enemy is treacherous and unpredictable, and against this background we need to have more of our own weapons, of different purposes, in order to ask for more weapons the enemy and speed up our victory, how to ensure this, primarily through the activities of our defense enterprises, and there are nuances here, because there are a number of publications in the foreign press, which say that our... is developing, but there are a number of problems that sometimes act as such a burden in the manufacture of weapons and the creation of new models, why, what problems exist,
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we will talk about this now... and we will talk with our next guest, kateryna mikhalko joins us, this is the executive director of the association of technological forces of ukraine, this is about unity combines, well, in my opinion , the most powerful private enterprises that make really cool technological samples of weapons. mr. kateryna, welcome, mrs. kateryna, welcome , nice to see and hear you on the espresso channel. good evening, thank you for the invitation. i would like you to explain to our viewers exactly which enterprises are now part of your association, what they manufacture, what are the main areas of their activity? today, we have almost 30 enterprises in the association, they are the leading suppliers of the ministry of defense, other departments of the security and defense forces,
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mainly. we have companies that make unmanned systems, that is, drones, ground, flying, and we also have companies that make other military technologies, for example, software products, communications, optical systems and ammunition, among others. madam, kateryna, regarding the predictability of purchases, because there have been such, well , significant personnel and structural changes in the ministry of defense, a defense procurement agency has been formed. well , new procedures were created, how did it affect the predictability of orders for your companies, do they have contracts there that, in particular, go beyond one year, how is the situation with this? unfortunately, there is still no predictability of orders in the ukrainian market for the purchase of weapons and drones, because our purchases are tied to the annual
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redistribution of the budget, and this is included. it is the responsibility not only of the cabinet of ministers, but also of the parliament, to make sure that we have special defense budgets that are not formed in december, but that are sufficiently thought out for several years ahead, so that we can was to produce military technology and ukrainian enterprises knew that their product would be needed by our army, our state, because you rightly said that the industry is growing now, but there is a reverse effect of this growth, and it is the field. in the fact that we now need bigger budgets to purchase and use these weapons, including that it is important to open exports, because within ukraine such budgets for the purchase of all weapons from all companies, unfortunately, there simply aren't any. if we talk about the possibility of discovery exports, it now depends on who, because there seems to be a feeling around the minister of defense that
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it is necessary to open exports... but they are not the ones who cannot solve this political paradigm, how can we ask for weapons from our foreign partners, or buy abroad and at the same time sell your own, do your enterprises or the management of your association have any such proposal, which can really be such a platform for that, or a solution for giving the opportunity to export? my main message will be that... export is not at all is equal to a decrease in the number of weapons in ukraine, exports are equal to an increase in the number of weapons, because the more currency enters the enterprises, the more currency enters the country, the greater our capacity to manufacture various types of weapons, besides, of course, we still ask for certain types of weapons abroad , for example, it is quite difficult to manufacture air defense systems, and it takes a certain number of years to localize such systems and manufacture them in
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ukraine, so... we still ask for them, but in such fields, for example, as uavs, drones, in we already have about 200, maybe even 300 companies in the country that can manufacture various drones, and some of them are really not so needed at the front, and they can be exported, and the fact that they are not needed at the front proves, for example, the lack of need from the general staff, i.e. those samples of weapons that are not needed by our army, they should be free in order to... be sold abroad in our friendly countries, in the countries of western democracies, regarding, by the way, drones, i read one from telegram channels, where it is written that it is french del air company will deliver 400 reconnaissance uavs in ukraine, i look at the appearance of these uavs, i look at the characteristics and inside.


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