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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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declarations, one annual, the other for the competition to the constitutional court, he filled them out with a difference of several months, during this time he forgot how much the ford car cost him, whether it was 90 or 70 thousand hryvnias. radutny explains that he bought it abroad and brought it to ukraine almost as scrap metal. i have documents in my hands, in none of which there is an amount, from which how much do you have? and i paid different amounts, like different amounts, i paid for the auction, that's... everything through a private bank, that is, do you have the documents? all these documents are with the state registrar of this vehicle, i only have the certificate in my hands, because after it was imported, after i repaired it, it was not yet considered a vehicle, so how can a doctor of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of criminal law, who... claims for the post of judge,
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decided to fill out the declaration. this was based on my previous experience with the suzuki kisashi car. i roughly calculated that the old one, this new one, it has more engine volume, that one has less engine. how much can it be? about 90. however, a modish group experts found out how much radutny eventually paid for the car. this vehicle is an exact code and description match to the 2020 ford escape. the launch was sold for $7,000, not including the cost of the auction fee, shipping from the us to the eu, customs clearance, and so on. this car was purchased for seven with shipping for $700, well approx shipping 7.800. finally remembered, the purchase of this car was part of an upgrade plan, sell the old car, buy a new car, these funds you'. and it rained again. oleksandr
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radutny bought ford in 2021. he sold his previous suzuki car only a year ago, so he got money from the future. oleksandr radutny's social networks proved to be eloquent as well, testifying to his anti-ukrainian position. on your page in the social network facebook, on june 16, 2014 , you made a link to the material with the title yevgeny gilbo. in 2014 , two posts of ambiguous content were posted, one regarding the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, and the other containing criticism of the euromaidan, where the participants peaceful protests on the maidan are called putschists, since the 14th year, without access to these platforms, anything can happen there...
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anything, any fakes, any inclusions, and to clarify, i finished the answer to this question, in order to explain the difference between my publications and such fake ones, i gave examples from my other documents, where there is a translation into english, my surname, first name, and so on, which just prove the fact that this is not my publication, the explanations are questionable to say the least, but theirs adequacy and compliance with integrity criteria... will be assessed by experts. and finally, we will introduce you to another wonderful candidate, this is volodymyr ratosh, he is a lawyer and a musician. volodymyr ratush has not yet become a judge, but his judicial habits. already has in 2005, he
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was lucky enough to buy an apartment in the center of kyiv for uah 1,000. the average price of similar real estate at that time was four times higher. well, it had technically small dimensions there, 40 by 7, it seems 48 meters of the total area. and this is the last floor, that is, it had its disadvantages, a number of disadvantages. in 2008, candidate to ksu. bought a volvo for uah 3,000, almost nine times cheaper than its real value. the car was in a damaged condition, before that it was standing on the penalty area. in 2022 , volodymyr ratush bought a suzuki and again at half the market price. he explains this by the fact that the car is broken after an accident. maybe volodymyr ratush just likes to fix everything so much? town hall's wife works and receives income, but he does not indicate this in his declaration. the reason, as for the candidate. and in the judge of the constitutional
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court, it is interesting, we are really working together economy, but i believe that if it can be interpreted as a violation. the law, well , maybe i will agree, i have no other way out, i respect the interests of the person i love. don't lend volodymyr ratosh ambitions. in 2019, he wanted to become president. tried to register as a candidate, but did not pay the monetary deposit required by law. so the cec refused him. the man is still trying to challenge it and is claiming another high seat in the constitutional court. true, until i decided why, i want to become one not only a naked member of the judge of the constitutional court of ukraine, i want to lead it, to lead it with satisfaction, yes, to lead it so that
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the three dots continue to go, will volodymyr ratosh sit in the judge's chair and will we be able to see what he meant by with these three points, we will find out soon, already in... in a few days, a group of experts should choose the contestants who will go to the next stage: conducting interviews for the evaluation of a high level of competence. hopefully, the distinguished jury will not have to sit on twine, choosing between stuntmen and singers, virtuous, professional and worthy candidates will be chosen for high positions. i remember atom, i remember atom, you... and for today , that's all for me, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email
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address. see you in exactly a week. see this week in the collaborators program. ministries of the occupiers, whom the rashists appointed as leaders. i want russia to be on the lands of the kherson region, and it will be. but how the fake minister elected his masters on millions of rubles. the accused is detained. greetings, i am olena kononenko. and this is the collaborator program, about traitors who went to serve at the call of their hearts and wallets. for the occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia creates such ministries, they are illegal and illegitimate, but many collaborators prefer to take positions there, become a minister, deputy or at least the director of a department, the main goal of almost every seller. today and in the coming
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issues, i will tell you about such fake institutions, who manages them and how they operate used by the occupiers. this is the so-called kherson ministry of health. region it was created on july 25, 2023 . racists call the department one of the most important, because the issue of health in the occupied territories is very acute. in addition, it can be actively used for agitation, propaganda and pressure on local residents. for example, an appointment and appointment with a doctor, sale of essential medicines, surgery, all this is available only if you have a passport with a chicken. positions in this ministry were given out a lot. thoroughly and only those who have proven their dedication and willingness to work for the kremlin idea. ilmiyev vadim viktorovych, born in 1966, was entrusted with the duties of the minister of the rashists. along with the soldiers on the front line and in the rear are medics.
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they often risk their lives, fulfill their duty to their homeland, providing aid to the wounded and victims. ilmiyev was born in uzbekistan, but later moved to kherson. in 2007, he created a public organization, the hospital fund, which turned out to be a pyramid scheme. then all the leaders of kherson hospitals, teachers, doctors, librarians, were obliged to voluntarily join the organization of the hospital fund. members were required to annually transfer 500 hryvnias from each salary to the fund of the public organization. this contribution was regarded as mutual assistance in case of emergency, which can be applied for by all state employees. but, as it turned out, contributions were collected every year, but no one allocated money. after that, in 2017, ilmiyev was one of the leaders of medvedchuk's public movement ukrainian choice in the kherson region. and in in 2020, he ran for the kherson city council from the block of volodymyr saldo, but did not
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pass. in 2021, ilmiyev tried to get a job as a specialist in the office management department of the kherson city council, where he also got from koshal. at y'. the career of this traitor did not go well with the ukrainian authorities, so he decided to try to become useful to the russian executioners, put on a military uniform of the rashists, puffed out his cheeks, and underlined his poverty with the symbol z and a russian passport, with this whole set of artifacts of underdeveloped beings ilmiev went to engage in propaganda. do you hear that flights are coming and ukraine is now shelling the city of kherson? in this way , it takes revenge for what people want to do with their will. the rashists appointed ilmiyev first as the head of the regional health department. and then she was equated with a minister. under the leadership of this traitor , the kherson region began to prepare for
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medical reforms according to russian standards. we have only one choice, and it is the choice of a peaceful path, so that peace will finally come to us on the fertile tavrian land. order, stability. this minister was in office not long. why? well. robbed his own owners of 26.5 million wooden rubles, the former acting minister of health of the kherson region has been charged with misappropriating the funds entrusted to him in a particularly large amount. the accused is detained and remanded in custody. it turned out that from september 1, 22nd to april 23rd, ilmiev stuffed his wicket with money allocated for the salaries of doctors and employees of the kherson city hospital. night hospital named after karabelesh. during searches cash, jewelry
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and paintings were found in his house. last summer, the traitor was detained in crimea. i think that ilmiyev regrets that he fled to the occupied territory. now i would sit in a comfortable ukrainian cell and repent. the general prosecutor's office announced that he was suspected of collaborationism. but for now, this renegade is forced to try out all the kremlin's methods of re-education. be that as it may , ilmiyev's place is in the occupation system. health care was not vacant for a long time, the rashists quickly found a replacement, he became the new minister the russian artysh sat, but i think he won’t stay in the chair for long, and not at all because of what he will steal, it’s just that the fate of all these soap bubbles is decided in advance: each spherical hollow shell leaves behind only a wet trail on the asphalt, then quickly disappears , like dew on the sun, and this is the so-called minister of health of the fake lpr natalia pashchenko. 49 was born in the city of stakhanov in the luhansk region, trained as a cardiologist. in 2014, she moved to
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severodonetsk, where she started building her career from scratch. but in two years pashchenko offered to lead a cardiology project in the terrorist dpr, which was financed from the budget of russia. medical workers are an industry that largely depends on the russian federation. in the 14th year, we already made our choice, doctor. remained here with their population, this was already the choice of the russian federation. pashchenko diligently served the red star in exchange for illusory prospects and money, and went to the territory controlled by ukraine to spend bloody rubles. according to zmi, the traitor bought an apartment in irpen, which near kyiv, and in 2014 she first sent her daughter to study in the ukrainian capital, then to poland and france. the daughter in... europe is enjoying the advantages of the civilized world, while pashchenko is talking loudly to
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the camera about the good life under the tricolor. the most important thing, probably, is collegiality and the formation of such friendly ties, and the feeling that we are together and we provide medical care together. for three years , pashchenko managed the so-called state cardiology program of the terrorist lpr, until she was appointed in december 2018 a fake minister of health. since then, the zaprodanka began to promote russian lies even more persistently, for example, about the fact that our armed forces are hitting civilian objects in luhansk region, or about how bad the ukrainian health care reform is and how good the russian one is. today's contribution of medical workers to a special military operation, to saving the lives of those fighting for our homeland cannot be overestimated. it seems that nothing will help this zombified creature of the rashish regime. in april last year. along with the other seven traitors, she was suspected by the sbu of collaborative activities
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and treason. so, after the liberation of luhansk region , only 15-year-old inmates, and maybe for life, will be able to talk about how good the kremlin is. this is alla barkhatnova, the occupation minister of labor and social protection of the kherson region. she is 51 and comes from the oryol region. as a child, alla moved with her parents to the city of druzhkivka in... donetsk region, finished school there, then went to study in russia, received an education at the all-union scientific research institute automation of metrology tools, after receiving the diploma was returned again. in donetsk region. at first she worked as an accountant, later she became an entrepreneur. but a powerful career development took place in barkhatnova's life in 2014. she understood who should be served, what should be said, whom to thank, who to betray. at first, zaprodanka helped organize a pro-russian referendum in donetsk. she worked
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as an accountant in the so-called ministry of social policy of the dpr and was elected a deputy to the terrorist parliament from the party. free donbas, and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, she moved to kherson, where she was appointed acting head of the fake ministry of labor and social policy of the kherson region. in order to submit an application, a citizen must bring a certain list of documents, this is a passport of a citizen of the russian federation. even during the occupation of kherson, the fake minister alla told the russian media how ukraine economically destroyed the region for 30 years, and how now people are returning to the russian kherson region, standing for 11 days at a time at the checkpoints, and how without acting, varkhatnova cries on camera, telling how she allegedly survived after being shelled by the armed forces. i swear, everyone will answer for their actions, i am not afraid of death, i want russia to be on the lands of the kherson region, and it will be,
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and then barkhatnova will generally run wild. about ukraine's involvement in the undermining of kakhovskaya hpp. these sick fantasies are too similar to a serious diagnosis. maybe it would be worth contacting the so-called colleagues from the fake ministries of health, so that eventually appoint her treatment? according to the ministry of defense of the russian federation, ukrainian militants are preparing to commit a terrorist act on the kakhovsky hes. in the event of the implementation of this criminal plan, all residents of the coastal settlements below. serious danger threatens downstream of the dnieper. when the traitor felt that our armed forces were about to attack the left bank kherson region, she now pretends to be a minister there. in july 2023 , the sbu completed the investigation into barkhatnova's case. she was accused of collaborationism. for this, the sale is threatened
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from five to 10 years in prison. now the case is being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region and it is similar. barkhatnov's head will already be in a ukrainian prison, there is every chance to get rid of the obsessive thoughts that kherson is russia, the bloody murderers of bolot are liberators. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso. congratulations, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, i congratulate my co-host, ayder muzhdabaev, and glory to ukraine,
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glory to the heroes, salam aleikum, khrystyna, aleikum salam, we will start, as always, with a reminder of , that it is extremely... important to continue helping the defense forces of ukraine, and in this program we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea and the prospects for its de-occupation, which means that it is important to support the military, who are, first of all, representatives of the indigenous people of the crimean peninsula, and secondly, they are actively involved in the activities of the defense forces of ukraine. read more, ayder. in more detail, i am glad to convey to you the gratitude of the commander of the 48th separate assault krymsky. battalion named after noman chilybekzhikhan, major zasu linur islyamov, for what you do, for your support, you see the data and qr codes of the ongoing collection, the collection is on a-ah, well, all kinds of things for the communication of the battalion, this is very important, for the secrecy of the operation, for our soldiers to be able
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to carry out their tasks without hindrance, they complex, they are... very, well , i won't reveal the secret of the military, with your help, our soldiers carry out the task of protecting the state border, now in the sumy and kharkiv regions, and this is very important, they have a good assessment from the command, and i can't go into details nothing to say, but all those who are watching us, all these people have a direct or... ovated relation to the crimea, you should be absolutely justifiably, justifiably proud of our soldiers, soldiers of the 48th shb, on which, as i already said. khrystyna is fighting side by side with crimeans, ukrainians who are related to crimea, or have never been there, but they know that
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crimea is the most important thing, it all started with this and everything will end with this, but right now our soldiers are performing their duties where it is most difficult, where it is most difficult and where it is needed, by order of the command , let's wish them on... real heroes to return and help them to perform their tasks as efficiently as possible. you saw it, help, don't stop, it's extremely important, i can't even imagine how you can watch programs about crimea and not help our soldiers, i think that everyone who us watching now will help more or less less, it doesn't matter. your participation is important, thank you, both from the commander and from the soldiers. well, let us remind you that the topic of crimea has been raised quite actively in the last week. it seems that
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there is a certain political and military one, at least in terms of plans, yes, excuse me for the taftology, it sounds good, to me, the consensus among our partners, that without the return of the crimean peninsula, without breaking the logistics in crimea, what... it will be extraordinary to solve the situation in the south with the occupied, huge occupied territory extremely difficult, and i would like to remind you that this week we followed the visit to ukraine by the minister of defense of great britain and , in fact, representatives of the military leadership of this country, who, according to some sources, very much... prompted our military leadership to focus on one of the directions , it is logical to do it precisely in the south, and so the question arises: are
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our partners ready to provide us with all the necessary tools so that we can work directly in the south, cut off the enemy once again logistics is the most important thing, working on accumulations of enemy forces and equipment and so on , so we are waiting, as they say and... had the opportunity to express the same about his visions of the fate of the crimean peninsula, he says that you will have attacks and you will be able to destroy that cursed kerch bridge, but unfortunately, his words differ. but he's the only one like that, he 's a republican senator, very influential in the party, well, i think that except for trump there, well, and almost already, unfortunately, like in north korea,
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who, who after kimo yes, is influential there unknown, but he is very famous, in general, and he keeps saying, finally you will destroy this damn bridge, but votes against the 95 billion bailout, that big package. which we are talking about, which is still in limbo, and our country still does not know whether it can count on the help of the united states at all , no one knows, not only our country, europe does not know, you have seen the address of mr. stikorsky, this is the minister of foreign affairs of poland, he said frankly that even nuclear weapons will have to be developed, because the united you can no longer count on the states, that they are not reliable, not predictable, that's what it came to, and when we saw these shellings. this week it was a smile that was mentioned, not even a smile, exactly the smile, in my opinion, of speaker johnson, who slows down on the orders
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of his boss, more precisely, boss trump, who, in my opinion, works according to the program of his, in turn, boss putin, mock, mock , rubber to the last, well, as much as it will be possible, unfortunately, it looks like this, they are in no hurry, meanwhile the infrastructure is being destroyed, there is not enough, of course, missiles, no what is there for offensive operations, now it really remains a strategic goal, but right now it would be useful for us, for example, anti-aircraft missiles, they are also in short supply, as we can see, and our anti-aircraft defenses do everything, everything that is needed , everything they can, yes, and they fight very powerfully, i think that no nato country would fight like that in our place, but also... all the europeans actually know this, but something prevents them, like those bad tonsurists. hopefully, what's bothering the bad dancer will finally become
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a century, ugh, and... finally the solution will be will be approved, and just as the corresponding decisions of our verkhovna rada, which also rests a lot, you know, i was surprised when deputy lozovy said that they worked 8.5 hours a month in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. i'm sorry, but what questions do we have for the congress of the united states, they at least go to work, i 'm sorry. we are glad to include in our conversation dmytro snigirov, a military expert, co-chairman of the public. the right to work initiative. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. thanks for invitation. salam aleikum. we are trying to outline the current situation with the temporarily occupied crimea and an understanding of how the situation may develop in the future. in the conditions where in the rhetoric of our partners, it seems that everything is clear. well, listen, even what the russians managed to eavesdrop on, among
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the highest-ranking military in... in germany, shows that there is an understanding, without the destruction of logistics in crimea, it is very difficult to solve anything at all regarding the russian-ukrainian war in favor of our country. it pleases us that there is an understanding of the issues, there is an understanding of how solve these problems. on the other hand, they are in no hurry to provide the appropriate tools. mr. dmytro, when we talk about the logistics of the russians in general in the crimea and in the south of okupo. what are the main features here and what should you pay attention to now? well, let's take turns, first of all, the russians did not eavesdrop on the germans, but the germans made a controlled leak of information so that the russians understood the possible consequences of further escalation, including the use of tauris to strike the critical infrastructure of the occupying forces in crimea, these are different things, and the russians understood it.
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finally, that they were used, actually in the topic. another question, now on the logistics of the occupying forces. the armed forces of ukraine during the time of the commander, kzaluzhny, accordingly conducted operations to block the logistical component of the occupying army. according to nato standards, this is called the first stage of the cascading nature of planning de-occupation operations. i will explain what we are talking about, the blows were delivered at the same time. as for the infrastructural objects themselves, these are not only crimean cities, but also, accordingly, crimean cities bridges, and parallel logistics with the possibility of using large amphibious ships were destroyed, you remember those successful attacks by the force defense forces of ukraine on large amphibious ships, five of them followed the known courses of the russian ship, which completely eliminated the possibility of creating logistics, its parallel component with using these
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large... amphibious ships, i explain to the company, one large amphibious ship is capable of carrying out four raids in a day, taking into account the fact that a large number of them were concentrated there, then, accordingly, the russians calculated that in the case of blocking the crimean bridge, logistics would be carried out by these ships, it did not work out, why, by the way , the british government also made statements that they hoped that the ukrainian side, after an incomprehensible resignation ... the destruction of the logistical component of the occupying forces in crimea, and moreover, expressed caution about the fact that kirsky could be, i quote the language of the original, fixated on the land component of operations, in the time when great britain, which currently positions itself as a world leader, demands from the ukrainian side, in fact, a different
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nature of actions, namely: the deoccupation of crimea, the reduction of the presence of the russian empire in the black sea basin, they mirror the events that took place in the 19th century, when after the triumphant victory of great britain, which led a coalition of forces, it all ended for the russian empire with the paris agreements, according to which the russian empire was not able to keep a navy and naval bases, that too. from we are currently being demanded by our western partners, great britain is not making statements, it is taking certain steps, and this is the transfer of stormheads and, accordingly, scalps, it is no coincidence that britain is currently putting pressure on germany at the moment of the so-called revolver exchange of means of destruction, that is, britain is handing over stormchedels to germany and will , accordingly, receive tauruses, which it transfers armed forces, therefore the further infrastructure of crimea, i
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emphasize once again. because of such activity, it is british.


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