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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 6:30am-6:52am EET

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in fact, there are very few equipped frontiers to stop, now they have to recapture every village, every part of the village, recently they managed to capture an eagle in this area, but it must be said that in the area of ​​berdychiv, in the area of ​​other settlements, there still the thinness continues, the fighting continues, the fighting continues, well, the thinness has already been captured in principle mostly, but - nevertheless, this is a little bit not the advance that the russians expected, that's absolutely certain, and well , heavy fighting, you can't say anything here, but that's not it at least it was possible to do it a little earlier, well , at earlier stages than was planned immediately and than expected, both the russians, and actually it was possible to hope from our side, and therefore... well, this is the situation, so now we also
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have to say, what is happening in the bakhmut region of the front, which is now also very, very, very active, and we have a guest there, andriy otchanash, commander of the kara nebesne uav crew of the fourth brigade of the operational assignment of the lines of the national guard of ukraine. i congratulate you, mr. andrii, and congratulations on yesterday 's national guard day, also to... good evening, studio, good evening, viewers, thank you for the greetings, and i also want to say that you are currently collecting for the needs of the reconnaissance of the national guard of rubizh, we want, so that our viewers will also join it as much as possible and support specifically your brigade, the fourth brigade of operational assignment rubizh of the national guard of ukraine, these are the intelligence needs of this brigade, please look, we will have this qr code all. during the conversation, the goal is there
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very ambitious, 2 million, but it is worth it, and i hope, maybe a little andrii, say a few words about this collection, so that we also understand, in fact, the intelligence units of the rubizh brigade are currently collecting for night vision equipment, as well as for radio-electronic warfare and other means that will help the intelligence units to work efficiently at night, actually the main task of the intelligence units is to work at night and destroy the enemies in the night time period, so we collect... on all the devices that will help us destroy the enemy in night period and at the same time preserve the personnel of our units, so i ask everyone to join our meetings and help us destroy the enemies, but at the same time protect our personnel. and andriy, we are also waiting for you to tell us a little bit about what is happening in your direction, because from such reports in a day, this is what went down to... repulsed seven
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attacks, er, nearby settlements of ivanovske, bohdanivka, klishchiivka, etc. that, well, actually, it is known that the situation in your direction is very difficult, it does not get easier after at this time, the enemy is making progress in the direction of the time ravine, but still some more details, maybe what is happening, and at the expense of what actually the russians manage to attack there now... and still continue these attacks? the operational situation in the direction is quite complicated for several reasons: the first is the use of guided aerial bombs, as well as fabs, the second is for one soldier of the defense forces of ukraine, currently there are approximately 7-10 servicemen of the russian federation, and we have an urgent need for personnel support composition in reserves and personnel, so i hope that the law on mobilization. will still be accepted
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and we will be able to defend our country much better, when we have in our units and the number of personnel that is really needed for the defense of our country, due to the fact that despite the fact that for each serviceman there is a huge number of russians , most of them die and most of them are wounded, regarding some successful operations of the russian federation, i cannot say, due to the fact that, in principle, taking into account the losses of equipment and personnel, which are currently the representatives of the russian federation have, all their local... it can be several landings, are completely irrational, that is, every time we withdraw from some defensive line, we withdraw to better positions, in order to destroy the enemy more efficiently and in order to in order not to lose our personnel, at the same time destroying the maximum number of personnel of representatives of the russian federation. tell me which forces are storming, what is it from the russian side, that is, what is it, who are you observing there, are they trying to use it?
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more equipment, or has it decreased a little now, well, that is, over the last week at least, what has happened there is a very situational thing, the front is wide enough, and on every front line, even taking into account there itself... chasovogirug or the settlements near it, it is necessary to understand that each brigade that is part of the russian federation operates with completely different strategic maneuvers, roughly speaking, some use a kind of kamikaze buggies in order to storm some advanced positions of the defense forces of ukraine, others try to storm with old ways using technology, but none of these techniques, none of these strategies, unfortunately, fortunately, help the russians. due to the fact that each of these attacks ends with a huge number of deaths of russians, and we actually destroy thanks to unmanned fpv aircraft complexes, etc., all their efforts to achieve some great success, in fact , the representatives of the enemy do not have great success.
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the rubizh brigade, including, is doing everything possible to restrain the enemy on the front line, on which the rubizh brigade is defending, and they will definitely not succeed, because the fact that our pilots destroy the enemy even before the moment and day... the desire to inflict some damage on the defense forces of ukraine directly in the rubizh brigade. well, our previous guest said that, after all, it can be said that some such additional shells arrived at the front, and this somewhat improved the situation, at least in several points. as for you, to what extent did you feel that the projectile hunger is no longer so, not so hungry, let's say, yes. as the commander of the crew of unmanned aircraft systems, i cannot comment in this way. information on one simple side, because i working directly with another type of weapons, we work with unmanned aerial systems, in fact, if such information is available, then it is extremely good information, i hope that in general the system artillery hunger will decrease and we
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will receive the maximum amount of ammunition in order to destroy the enemy, that is, i am more than sure that the ukrainian military-industrial complexes, as well as our partners, will provide us with sufficient quantities. ard of ammunition and other things so that we can normally pound rusnia and at the same time protect your personnel. well, also, well, let's say this, estimator, foreign observers, in general, there was such information that the russians managed to get out there on the ridge, which essentially covers ivanovske from above, and the situation in ivanovske worsened, do you confirm this information , is it so or? this is a bit of an exaggerated impression, let such information be spoken directly by representatives of the higher echelon of command, i should not ask such questions, due to the fact that, after all, i do not fully possess everything information, this is the first, second, any
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information regarding the taking of settlements without official data, accordingly, there is no information, i will throw everything in and you must also understand that when the enemy... it is possible to take some settlement, it is an extremely small territory, this is a small village, a small settlement, that is, it is not some global breakthrough of the enemy, for example, recently they took the avdiyivka and trumpeted that it was a huge victory for the russian federation, while they lost about 17,200 there and i can’t even imagine how many the size of avdiivka is 37 km, that is , no one can say that it is a huge city, but the loss of 17,000 people is a loss. several brigades in order to take a small enough town, so again, any local victory of theirs rubs and rests against the ukrainian defense, which does everything to simply destroy the enemy, and the frontier brigade does everything to ensure that the enemy just rubbed against our fist of defense, well then
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let's talk a little about what you do directly, that is, about drones, that's all, well, how good are you now? did you feel that the state was included in the supply by drones, or is it possible for you that it is not so critical that it is included, how do you evaluate it yourself? it's not a question of criticality, it's a question of duty , that is, the state is obliged to provide units that deal with unmanned aircraft systems, unmanned aircraft systems, because if it creates a certain unit, it has to equip it, nevertheless we are now quite dependent . and from volunteers and from donors, due to the fact that a huge number of copters are still directly at the expense of volunteers , as for fipivishkas, indeed, we are getting more and more fipivich-type copters, units of the border brigade receive fipivich-type copters from the state itself, that is,
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the process has started, what can i say at the expense of large flying unmanned aviation complexes, of course, which is provided by the state and these are flying complexes that cost... millions of hryvnias, and actually it would be extremely difficult for volunteers here, i hope, that this situation will improve and that in the future our military-industrial complexes. also, in general, the ability to buy copters through the state will be much easier and we will receive the necessary resource that we need in order to destroy the enemy and not have a shortage of unmanned aircraft systems at the same time. how would you now assess the general state, at least in your area, of the russians and their equipment, both there with drones and with rebos, that is, have you felt any such interesting changes here recently? situation with electronic warfare. of course, at a better level than the defense forces of ukraine, due to the fact that this is an army that
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has been training for radio-electronic warfare for the past 30 years, and the power of radio-electronic warfare of the russian army is recognized by the whole world, at the expense of copters, well, for example, recently i went out, i'm sorry, to the restroom, and it didn't work out very well for me, due to the fact that an enemy fp flew overhead, actually every 20 minutes we see that the enemy launches its fp. in order to try to attack our forces, the forces of the frontier brigade, but not less, we are strengthening our positions and at the same time we are trying to use the best radio-electronic methods of combat in order to shoot down enemy copters, it is actually necessary to understand that the enemy has more unmanned aircraft systems, especially fipivishkas , at least because they have there is an ally, neighbor china, which provides them with a huge number of components for the manufacture of these fipivishoks, plus you need to understand that, in principle, the military-industrial complex... of the russian federation is ten times larger, than the ukrainian ones, and they currently have the opportunity to produce a much larger number
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of these or other unmanned aircraft systems to fight the defense forces of ukraine, the question here is that the defense forces of ukraine, including the pilots, the rubizh brigades, are of much higher quality, because that we have a certain deficit, we try to protect each copter, and the experience of using it by our pilots is much better than the experience of using it by the russians, which is precisely why we have a much higher efficiency ratio of using unmanned... them complexes, than the enemy's. and tell me, andriy, well, if we evaluate in general, you fly all the time , you see that you shoot up, father’s equipment, what guns are there, there, something else there are tanks, it ’s something new, it’s something not so new, how do you like it do you assess what you have recently seen on the front from the enemy as a technique? well, if you look at it from the point of view of long-range intelligence, then you can be the pilots of our brigade. go to the video, we usually see old guns, old revenges, old saushkas, etc., that is,
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any system that was made back in the soviet union, that is , there is nothing new there, and even their legendary t-90 tanks are nothing more than scrap metal that is being destroyed by ukrainian half-armors and ukrainian anti-tank systems and anti-tank systems. the t-90 was seen, well , so that, usually, an older, older type of tanks, uh, well, you also already mentioned that, in principle, there is a big problem with air raids and with the use of fabs, cabs, all that stuff, and if to compare, it got stronger, it got weaker, that is, how do you feel the situation in this regard, got stronger in many times in comparison. since 2023, they really began to use a huge number of cabs and fabs, you need to understand
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that these missiles, they are cheaper in their manufacture, so the russians have the opportunity to use them in large numbers, at the same time they cause a huge amount of destruction, and actually e- er, that's why they use them, because they can use them just to destroy our positions, in fact, the way they use guided air bombs now, as well as fabs just to destroy residential buildings, that is, they... are trying to erase the times of the spilling of the earth, recently , if i am not mistaken, they used fabs and cabs to attack kharkiv, that is, a city in which a huge number of civilians live, and actually this is another indicator of the fact that that they use their missiles simply to destroy residential areas, entire residential areas, simply to destroy us as a country, as an economic component and as a nation as a whole. well, as far as i understand, there are several things going on in yaeri at the moment months has been happening in avdiivka for the last time, when
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the city is simply being destroyed and bombed. but it cost the enemies dearly. it is necessary to understand, once again, that 1,700 killed during the occupation of 37 km are extraordinary, well, irreparable losses, and the more russians die, the faster we will win this war. unfortunately, we have a war. to attrition, in which either we will destroy the russians or the russians will destroy us, this must be understood, unfortunately, we are not given the second option, so we will wipe out the enemy and... and the fighters of the rubizh brigade will wipe out the enemy until the victorious end. well, by the way , and one more small thing, do you remember, there was a moment when several planes were shot down, not far from the front line, did you feel a decrease in air attacks in your area at that moment, or did it still not mean it was said
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, it's very situational, the front line is extremely large, and one day they can destroy a village that is next to... us, dropping it with guided aerial bombs, the next day they can be flying in a completely different direction, 100% destroyed russian planes , first of all russian pilots were destroyed, this reduces the number of attacks due to the decrease in the quality of pilots, representatives of the russian federation in our enemy, accordingly , this is a very good sign of quality, i hope that such opportunities will increase, and russian planes will fall much more than it was in february, well... we also really hope for all of these , i remind you that, in order to join the gathering of the rubizh brigade for intelligence needs, please give us literally a few seconds this thing to see, please take a quick photo of yourself and join this gathering, and i thank andrii our father, the crew commander of the kara nebesna uav crew of the fourth
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brigade of the rubizh operational assignment of the national guard of ukraine, and actually, i ask you to join all our gatherings . you see, the people on the front line really need them, it's what helps them actually fight, and it's what you can do to help our country fight and win. well, here's our news, join in, iryna koval to you will tell you everything that we have new, well, we will see each other in this format in a week. greetings, i am asking for your help in searching for this boy, his name is vanya gorbachevsky, he is 1:30 p.m. this is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. therefore, if you are in one of the european countries and suddenly see a boy
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who looks like vanya gorbachevskiy, immediately report it. number 116 30. i have told only one of the many difficult stories of children who have gone missing. information about all boys and girls, which we are trying to find, you can see on the website of the children's tracing service. there are pictures of children who have gone missing and need our help, so please don't be indifferent, look into the faces of these children, and if you have any information... about any of them, please contact us immediately. by us, the hotline number of the child tracing service is 11630, calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear that now the vast majority of children we are trying to find have disappeared due to circumstances related to the war in one way or another.
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in occupation in front-line cities or villages, or during evacuation, but at the same time, as before full-scale. invasion, children often disappear due to running away from home, this is mainly done by teenage boys and girls, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or vice versa, excessive parental attention, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or same banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the child tracing service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first. to prevent the child from running away from home. one of these tips is the parents' respect for the child. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we do not notice how our children grow up. and what was normal in behavior with a small child is absolutely unacceptable in behavior with a teenager, for example. we can't walk into a
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teenager's room without knocking. besides, we can't go into the bathroom when he's there. you can't dig into... his personal things without permission, you can't read his correspondence, it all violates his privacy, violates boundaries, makes him feel insecure and prompts him to run away, prompts him to seek safe places somewhere outside the home, don't we need that. so, building a healthy relationship between parents and child. a child should have his own space, where parents should not interfere without consent, and the most important thing is respect from teenagers. age is extremely important.
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, let's get started. khrystyna perubiy works on news information day in the studio. kharkiv oblast is continuously attacked. a 12-year-old boy died as a result of a russian attack on the village of borova. is also one victim of the evening shelling of kharkiv. 19 people were injured, including four children, the head of the region oleg senyugubov said. the russians hit the city with modified guided aerial bombs. one of the blows hit a residential area in the middle of the city. the second - near the building of the institute of surgery. at least 18 residential buildings and objects of civil infrastructure were damaged. and at night the occupiers struck.


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