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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. kharkiv oblast is continuously attacked. a 12-year-old boy died as a result of a russian strike on... by the way, there is also one victim of the evening shelling of kharkiv. 19 people were injured, including four children, the head of the region oleg senyugubov said. the russians hit the city with modified, guided aerial bombs. one of the blows hit a residential area in the center of the city, the second near the institute building surgery at least 18 residential buildings and objects of civil infrastructure were damaged. and at night the occupiers struck. a second strike on
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the city, a ruined house and a restaurant. elimination of the consequences of the attack continues. at the moment , an apartment-by-apartment tour is being carried out, the difficulty is that the flight arrived during working hours and many people were not there yet. currently, two people have already gone to the hostels to settle down, everyone who needs them will be given places in the hostels, we will not offend anyone, we will accept everyone, everyone... at night, russian terrorists struck drones and on private houses in zaporizhzhia, previously two women were wounded, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. due to the wreckage of the drones, several residential buildings were destroyed. in total , five buildings were significantly destroyed and another 40 were damaged. and in donetsk region, one victim and three injured residents died. tnytsia raigorodka, one more
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person was injured. previously, the enemy attacked the village with cluster munitions, 12 private houses were damaged, - informed the head of the regional military administration vadim filashkin. the occupiers also hit ukrainska. two people were injured there, 29 high-rise buildings in nivychchyna. the russian military attacked dnipropetrovsk region with mortars and heavy artillery. in nikopol because of shelling. a 49-year-old woman was injured, said the head of the region, serhii listak. two high-rise buildings, 12 private houses, two farm buildings and a power line were damaged. also in the evening, air defense forces shot down one drone over the dnipropetrovsk district. residents of the russian border did not sleep at night. in belgorod explosions thundered, as the local governor reported to the russian air defense forces. allegedly destroyed 16
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air targets on the approach to the city, however , as a result of the attack on nivachchyna, 12 apartment buildings, two polyclinics and four educational institutions were not injured. and i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of drones and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. territorial defense forces. these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction. losses drones are constantly growing. they need to be renewed. so that our soldiers do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. and only 700 hryvnias remained to be collected. so join the gathering. you can see all the details on the screen. thousands of artillery shells
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will be handed over to ukraine by germany in the near future - said the head of the situation center of ukraine at the ministry of defense of the country krisian freuding. in addition, berlin promised to finance the purchase of another 180,000 ammunition that will be handed over in the summer. and by the end of the year, another 100,000 shells should arrive. the ambassadors of the eu countries agreed to extend the customs visa-free period for ukraine. quotas and duties are introduced based on the volume of imports of the last three years. this is a compromise with france and poland, which demanded to make calculations based on 2021, when the quotas were the smallest. now the european parliament still has to vote on the decision. the term of trade liberalization between ukraine and the eu ends on june 5. they plan to plant more in the spring in poltava oblast. 5 hundred hectares
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forest, form a mixture of pines and deciduous trees. foresters say that it is important to expand the land now because of the war and the need for wood in the front-line areas. more in anna morozova's plot. i hold in my hands small children of scots pine. these babies are grown from seeds. we prepare them on the territory of our branch from cones. then the cone is processed and we get seeds. a forestry engineer and her colleagues went to the lutensk community to afforest an abandoned pasture. this year they need to cultivate almost 20 hectares of new forest. this is one of the areas that will be prepared in advance... felled for planting pine trees, foresters work with such a device, it is a wheeled sword, it is driven into the ground in a certain area and in this way a hole is made for a pine sapling. foresters say that the weather favors the work, because the frosts are over, there is enough moisture in the soil and the trees
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are in a state of rest. we are now creating such a hole for the seedling, it is made with a sword, wheel-shaped, we make such a hole, then we fill it. the seedling, the root system, so that it is completely hidden there, we fix it so that it straightens out, and the sword is driven from the side, and due to this, we remove all the excess air from the hole. local residents also join in the work, ms. natalya says, weeds and wild trees have been growing here for over 15 years. well, in general , this is a place in our place, it is flooded, here before the river overflowed its banks, all the meadows were completely overgrown, once we planted a little corn. further there, well, there will be beauty, fresh air, we have, we have forests, you see how beautiful it is here, a dense forest, here there will be pine, pine, so the community decided to transfer hectares to the balance forestry, previously this territory
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was used as a hayfield and pasture, yes, previously people received a lot of animals, yes, agricultural, these are cows, yes, and grazed, then, well, the number of livestock decreased, and of course. it was stopped being used and it was overgrown with pears and trees. now it is very important to create new forests, because every year several hundred cubic meters of forestry wood are transferred to the construction of fortifications , says ihor fedyai. in the near future , the haditske forestry branch is gathering transfer 400 cubic meters of wood within the limits of there. god willing, the war will end with us, yes, with our victory, and these areas will no longer be used for fortifications. and for our children and grandchildren in the future they will be used, well, they will serve as lungs for our planet earth. more than 500 hectares of mixed forest, which is almost 4 million trees, are planned to be planted in poltava oblast this spring. work in the region will continue for another two weeks. anna morozova bohdan proskurov from poltava for
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espresso tv channel. theater during the war. such an exhibition presented the ivan franko national academic drama theater for the professional holiday. the photo shows the meeting of the actors with the ukrainian military tour in the de-occupied territory. among the exhibits are also shell casings and ukrainian flags, which were presented as a token of gratitude by our military. the employees of the theater made such an exhibition open to the audience and for such a memory and to inspire the collective itself, those artifacts, those photos. and those iconic, symbolic things that speak of our direct participation in this struggle, i.e. here there are flags signed by e-e in different parts, flags that were provided by different parts, in which,
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to which our team of artists travels with field concerts, with artistic and dramatic programs, the theater is a carrier of the national idea, which shows people who they are, and the theater is like a mirror of society , which looks at itself and sees itself, sees its flaws, its virtues, the theater never answers any questions, it asks them, it makes the viewer experience and think, and this is an incredibly important moment when information comes to us through emotional component this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaiko, on the air, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, roman chaika and oksana vysochenska, we are working for you, and so right from the start we remind you about our collection, because... we are actually at such a final, final stage, we want to collect uah 900,000 for three cars for different units of the armed forces forces of ukraine, and it remains to collect a little more than 100,000 hryvnias. the details you see, copy, rewrite as you like, and please donate as much as you can afford, and if you can do it twice or thrice or daily, then do it as often as you can so that we can. those cars that the defenders are asking to be purchased and handed over as soon as possible. it was a night on which everyone was
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very pessimistic, you remember, just if at the level of the deputy minister, and the announcements of a massive missile strike, it's a bit it was unpleasant and restless. in fact , there were several attacks, yes, and we still do not have consolidated information from the air force and from the general staff. but we definitely know about a sufficiently difficult night in zaporizhzhia, where private houses were damaged as a result of the shaheds hitting, two women were injured, it happened in kharkov, twice, and it is also classic, from the north and from the south, but mainly the attack started from the south, when in four strategic russian bombers went through the waters of the black sea to attack peaceful cities of ukraine. now. about these results of these shelling and everything that happened after, we
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will learn from colonel natalya gomanyuk, the head of the joint coordination press center of the southern defense forces. ms. natalya, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, i congratulate you too. well, we, what we heard in the evening: loud, odessa-explosions, a rocket on odessa, and that, in principle, is the maximum that was officially confirmed information, what... what happened next? i really wish that was all for the occupiers. in fact, they continue their terror, continue their attacks and use all the weapons that they consider the most difficult for our combat response. we continue our combat work in response, from the waters of the black sea, the crow tried to attack with strategic aviation planes. let me remind you that the tu-22 usually carries missiles of the x2 type. they are quite old, but still they are supersonic and
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difficult for a combat response by air defense forces. apparently, the enemy tried to aim somewhere in the south of odesa, because the missiles were aimed in that direction, in the direction of zmiina island and the south of odesa region, but the enemy did not reach the goal. we are still clarifying the results of this attack because still it was deep. in addition, almost immediately the enemy launched a powerful drone attack, here the drone work lasted for almost four hours, the drones went in waves, maneuvering and greatly devaluing their sector of direction, tried as much as possible to pass the territory of the temporarily occupied territories and entered the zaporizhzhia region in a concentrated manner. part of them was also destroyed over dnipropetrovsk region, combat work was also boiling over there, but two targets deviated from
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the general flock and were directed from the black sea water area towards the odesa region. here they are failed because the anti-aircraft defense was on alert and both drones were destroyed. unfortunately, as a result of the attack, there is a fall of debris in zaporizhzhia, where the private sector happened. the combat work, which continued, led to the fact that the falling debris fell right into the private sector and there is damage to houses, there is a fire that has been extinguished, two people have been injured for medical help, what they were looking for in mykolaiv, what with a rocket, here in the evening, and with such terrible consequences, well, iskander is there, yes, probably iskander, we are with... we are still clarifying the results of this attack, because
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only experts can give this conclusion, the very fact that the enemy continues point ballistic strikes in the south speaks of his efforts to put pressure on the southern regions, both psychologically on the population and materially, on the economy of the regions, it is trying to hit as many energy or industrial facilities as possible, because it is here that the economy is powerfully under... we once saw certain waves of missile attacks, that is, when mass strikes were combined. there was enough between them a long period of time, when they were making them, preparing them, here somehow it was the last week , everything was one after the other, one after the other, and the volumes were somehow greater than their industrial capabilities, which, of which we knew, but first of all, they did not stop production, therefore
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the need to tighten sanctions in the sense of their severity continues to exist. and i 'm sure that our diplomats will be talking about it internationally, and our partners see it clearly, besides, they endured a rather long pause, so forced, because of the powerful intervention of the defense forces and were destroying their plans, obviously they were preparing for waves of such massive missile attacks, a tactic they had already rehearsed during the blackout and it was more or less ingrained in them. but due to the loss of one, then the second a50, they lost the coordinator of these processes, and their information gathering slowed down and became more difficult. they tried to deploy an alternative, including more actively using tactical aviation and unmanned reconnaissance for this purpose, but it still did not fully
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replace the 50, and therefore they had more powerful pause, long-lasting. almost a month and a half, during this period they did not stop production, and, of course , the accumulation of missile potential took place. in addition, we see that now they have shifted the emphasis to point strikes using weapons that are more difficult for our anti-aircraft response, these are both supersonic missiles and ballistic missiles, the main intelligence agency warned two months ago that the enemy deployed on... at appropriate distances and for those ready to respond, a number of operational-tactical missiles complexes mrs. natalia, what about those zircons in the crimea, because when two of them flew to kyiv , everyone was really scared, because we saw the scale of the destruction and in general the situation was quite new, but already now we see, firstly
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, we can shoot down, secondly, our colleagues, experts from defense express have already analyzed and seen that these zircons are not so terrible, are the russians stockpiling them in crimea now and do they have the opportunity to strike again? well, first of all, we remember that it is still an experimental development, it is still in the test stage, and unfortunately, we see that they are conducting tests, including in ukraine, but by sending these missiles here, we also see. that they are capable of using similar weapons at such a distance, and this is for us to analyze and understand the degree of threat, that is , when operational-tactical missile complexes or coastal missile complexes are deployed in crimea, the degree of threat is not only for the southern or southeastern regions, it is necessary to realize in order to
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go to the shelter in time and to understand, we react we have now very... operationally, and this is not because the threat has now escalated, but because it continues and the enemy is trying to terrorize us systematically, and we must not lose our advantage. mrs. natalya, it is clear for, for example, whether it should be now or not, we expected massive strikes on the ukrainian energy industry at the beginning of the heating season, and not at the end. what is the current interest and logic in thundering systematically and in blackout in... the city, when it has already actually warmed up outside, well, the actual expectation is just at the beginning of the heating season, this is a certain stereotyping, we understood that at this moment, well , the impact on energy will be most acutely felt, but if you look around, you will understand that our
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dependence, modern dependence on energy is quite high, this is access to information, because... vision and the internet also need electrical power, this is the development and capacity of production about directly industrial, this is also dependence on energy, well, after all, these are also ordinary household amenities, so terror is terror, and it continues to any degree, at any stage, and now they have not been able to carry out what... they planned during the expected, shall we say, blackout, now they are trying for a second one. i also wanted to ask a little, maybe there is already information from the left bank. dnipro, which can be shared with, changes on the deep state map we record a little, but this does not tell us anything, what can we tell? in fact, they are not
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critical, because our work to consolidate the position and expand the platform is as closed as possible, it is ongoing, but it is not for deployment, however we are managing to fend off enemy assaults, they are trying to... press, but are still trapped by the embargo on the use of armored vehicles, it is clear that the command staff is trying to save armored vehicles until drier weather, when it will be more stable, solid ground under their feet, and they will be able to use it more effectively, as they think. so far, we observe that they continue to save on armored vehicles and use meat assaults. general such pressure on our positions is quite regular, he watered in the amount of one to three
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assaults per day, in the past day they conducted three assaults again, but again with a loss of personnel at the level of 60-70%. 30-40 occupiers remain in the direction of the wells every day as non-combat casualties or sanitary in order to somehow... provide security on the dnieper, in the south of the dnieper, near kherson, they came up with the idea of ​​creating their dnieper river flotilla, but it looks like , that we are ready to fight back and fight it, that is, if the ukrainian drones cope well with the golf carts in the eastern front, then can we work in the same way on the fact that they will sail on the ukrainian dnieper. yes, we train regularly, because the enemy boats maneuvering between the islands, where the enemy is trying to rotate personnel, bring provisions or
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ammunition to those observation posts that have been deployed there, we practice, in fact, in each of our daily summaries, it appears from one to three boats, so we already have our hands full, as they say, and we have enough fpv drones to work up to... quite powerful, although such there are never too many weapons, we are ready to accept everything that is delivered to us and use the mountain, but do you have any information, any inside information about how much they are preparing, what will be the scale of this river flotilla of theirs, what they want to attract there? i do not have such information, most likely it is gathering the naval forces, maybe they will tell me, and i wanted to ask about slightly larger ships, because after the ... extreme damage to actually four black sea submarines, well, they are already part of them submarines, others are preparing, here
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the partisan movement and also from crimea says, but another ship enters the bay and it is not simple, but this is a missile ship of the karakurt project in the sevastopol bay, i just want to understand that there were not so many of them in... they reported that the escort was damaged, that’s what one was called, and the cyclone remained, the rest seem to be fresh and still at the stage of preparation, do you know anything about and and whether he is really a carrier of calibers, and such information needs verification, we are engaged in its verification, and in the case, if it's confirmed, we'll just have it another goal, ugh, mrs. natalya, thank you for... participating in our broadcast, for the fact that the vorans were with us, natalya gumenyuk, the head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine was with us, now we
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are leaving for a short break , we will stay in the south, but we will move along our seas, and now we will move to the azov coast, be with espresso. what is bahmut? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is that adventure that will remain with us until the end of our lives. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys, they never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. big broadcast by vasyl zima. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people.
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espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! we return and return, actually from no leaving the southern regions of the motherland, bot, as he wrote. poet, because it was hot there today, i think there are already a hundred statistics from the air force, if possible, the air force, that out of 28 shaheds, 26 were shot down by our defenders, we will also remind you that the rockets were flying in the direction of ukraine, but the explosions were not only in the territory controlled by kyiv , there were also explosions where the occupiers are now temporarily located, and we will ask our
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next guest about this, we must actually apply the following banal arithmetic: 28 were, 26 were shot down, two hits, i think so i understand that these are the ones that got into residential buildings in zaporizhzhia, where we know that they were attacked by shaheds, and there are two women who were injured, but we will now ask viktor dudukalov, the deputy chairman of the bardyansk district council, mr. viktor, good morning, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, congratulations. yes, in zaporizhzhia , you actually had the opportunity to either hear or even see what it was, that two shaheeds of those we just calculated by arithmetic were attacked, well, zaporizhzhia was attacked, i don’t know how many shaheeds, i personally heard, at least, at least five, probably, and the shevchenkivskyi microdistrict and that area heard explosions, respectively, somewhere closer,
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closer there... there may have been hits, but i will say that, if we are talking about two today, those who flew and those who got somewhere at all, in reality all the others were shot down, and they were shot down literally for hours, and they went in new, new groups to zaporizhzhia, to the dnipro, and i will say that our defense forces are very good at them worked out, because i will repeat myself, i personally heard at least five pieces, that's all those that flew over me, ugh, so thank god that... we can put those shaheds in order, mr. viktor, and this is something new, you say that they went and went in new and new groups, all this lasted for several hours, or is this a usual tactic of the occupiers regarding zaporizhzhia? er, i don't know if it's a familiar or unusual tactic here, but it seems, well, it was the first time that they had such a duration in their new attacks, and as i understand it,


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