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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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they fell, not everything went smoothly, more news about the last night, about how everything happened, khrystyna parubiy is ready to tell in a moment. greetings, colleagues, thank you, about the work of our air defense and the situation at the front, i will tell you in the issue, as well as what are the threats from the telegram, about all this in a moment, do not miss it. news espresso, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. 28 shaheds were launched by the russians at night over ukraine, only two could not be destroyed by our defenders of the sky. air defense forces worked in odesa, zaporizhia, kharkiv and dnipropetrovsk regions, - reported the command of the air force. the russians also struck with three winged ones. with kh-22 and anti
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-radar kh-31 missiles, and guided s-300s were launched over donetsk region. the number of victims of the night attack in dnipropetrovsk region has increased. at night, the enemy attacked nikopol with drones and artillery. a 65-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman received shrapnel wounds. they were hospitalized - said the head of the regional military administration , serhii lesak. ruined. gift building, also damaged hotel, four private houses and power line. kharkiv oblast is continuously attacked. a 12-year-old boy died as a result of a russian attack on the village of borova. there is also one victim of the evening shelling of kharkiv. 19 people were injured, including four children. the head of the region oleg senigubov reported. the russians hit the city with modified, guided aerial bombs.
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one of the blows went through a residential area in the middle of the city, the second near the building of the institute of surgery. at least 18 residential buildings and objects of civil infrastructure were damaged. and at night, the occupiers hit the city again, destroying a house and a restaurant. elimination of attack addresses continues. currently, a door-to-door inspection is being carried out. the difficulty is that the arrival was at work. time and there were not many people yet, for now two people have already gone to the hostels to settle down, everyone who needs will be given places in the hostels, we will not offend anyone, we will accept everyone, warm everyone, feed everyone. at night, russian terrorists hit private houses in zaporizhzhia with drones, previously two women received injuries, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. due to the wreckage, the drones were occupied. several residential
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buildings, in total, five buildings were significantly destroyed and another 40 were damaged. and in donetsk region, one victim and three injured, a resident of raihorodka died. another person is injured. previously, the enemy attacked the village with cluster munitions. 12 private houses were damaged, informed the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. the occupiers also struck in ukrainian. two people were injured there, 29 high-rise buildings are invisible. residents of the russian border did not sleep at night, explosions rumbled in belgorod. as the local governor reported, russian air defense allegedly destroyed 16 air targets on the approach to the city. however, as a result of the attack, 12 apartment buildings, two polyclinics and four educational institutions were destroyed in nivychyna. there are no casualties. and
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according to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 60 combat clashes took place at the front in a day. in donetsk region, the russians continue their assault in four directions. the hottest - on novopavlovskyi. there, the enemy tried 27 times to break through our defense near georgiivka and novomykhaivka. another 14 attacks were stopped by the defense forces in the avdiiv direction. it is also restless in zaporizhzhia, near the old town. our defenders of yorskyi and robotiny repelled four russian assaults. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck 10 areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, and rocket launchers and gunners hit an air defense vehicle. two personnel concentration areas , three drone control points, a rep station and one important facility muscovites and i will remind you about our collection. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help. with the purchase
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of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd, a separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers are defending our country in... the zaporizhzhia direction, the losses of drones are constantly increasing, they must be renewed so that our soldiers do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, we can help. our goal is uah 500,000, and it remains to collect a little more than uah 500, therefore get involved, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. 10 00 artillery shells before. ukraine will soon be germany - said the head of the situational center of ukraine at the ministry of defense of the country, christian freuding. in addition, berlin promised to finance the purchase of another 180,000 munitions, which will be delivered in the summer. and by the end of the year, another 100,000 shells should arrive.
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ambassadors of the eu countries agreed to extend customs visa-free travel for ukraine. quotas and duties will be introduced based on... volumes imports of the last three years, this is a compromise with france and poland, which demanded to make calculations on the basis of 2021, when the quotas were the smallest. now this decision still has to be voted by the european parliament, the previous deadline for trade liberalization ends on june 5. it is a problem for national security, as assessed by the telegram messenger, the head of the main intelligence department, kyrylo buda. he emphasized: the danger is that any person can create a page and spread disinformation. at the same time, he noted that telegram remains the only means communication with residents of the occupied territories. on march 25, people's deputy from the eu mykola knyazhytsky submitted
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a bill to the verkhovna rada proposing to regulate the work of this messenger in ukraine. there is no question of complete blocking. a group of people's deputies who developed the draft law. propose to implement the same rules for internet sites that distribute information as for platforms like youtube, i.e. to register in ukraine a representative office of the owner who will be responsible for the published information. he is only eight, he is already a storyteller. timofey from vinnytsia wrote and published his own collection of children's stories. the young volunteer donates all proceeds to the needs of the army. currently working on the second book. about small ukrainians who do great things , further on in the plot, it will be a new one, so let’s go to the movies, well, why not, adventures, grinding our teeth, we write everything, and timofey dictates the idea of ​​​​a new fairy tale to his mother: an eight-year-old boy
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is actively working on creating his own already the second collection of stories, the first book, which included five stories with color illustrations, he wrote at the age of six, here... under dictation , my grandmother wrote down sentences on paper, i wrote this book with my grandmother, little by little, she added different thoughts, it happened that i knew what i wanted to say, because then i was still six, and i am already eight, then it happened that i know what i want to say about, but i don’t know how to formulate it correctly, then she helped me formulate sentences, now timofey is eight, he is actively working on the creation of the second collection and although... he writes stories , when there is inspiration, seeks to complete fairy tales as much as possible rather, to sell a new book and transfer the funds to the needs of the army. if we lose , it will end our life, secondly, there is no such thing as only soldiers fighting for wars, and we also fight for our rights, for our
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independence and so on, we either volunteer, or drink nets, or donate , or we make them warm, protected, and dressed. the second-grader has been volunteering for two years, during the war the boy sold drawings and wove nets, now he trades his own collection of fairy tales for money. the boy managed to sell 180 copies of the first book, and donated the proceeds, which amounted to uah 50,000. fairytales do not have a fixed price, the buyer himself decides how much he is willing to pay. a very daring girl who bragged that she could fly like no one else could, and then got caught during dinner, but luckily she was saved. the parents support the boy's desire to create in every possible way, enrolled the young man in literary classes, organize meetings, printing, selling and sending books. circumstances are such that it is not creativity for the sake of creativity, but as if under these circumstances, in which we all live, it has acquired slightly different
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forms and, well, has been transformed somehow or resulted in such a goal, he wanted, well, actually, at the beginning of the war, he wanted to somehow help to end the war. the young author is planning a new collection of works in autumn, which will include the thematic fairy tale "about war". timofey dreams that until then the word "war" will remain only on paper, and until... this does not happen, he will continue to volunteer. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. see you at 10 o'clock, read on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites. then mine will continue colleagues oksana vasochanska and roman chaika. don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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we are coming back, the south of the country, odesa and kherson region, also mykolayiv region are red, the air force is reporting explosions in odessa and that a missile is moving in the direction of odesa, so stay in shelters , take care of yourself, and from there monitor our airwaves, also report, from there, thank you for joining the congregation. on a car for our defenders, let me remind you that we have to collect 900 00 hryvnias and already almost 800 00 hryvnias a little more has accumulated in the account, and with joint efforts we will be able to buy a lend cruiser and a jeep and a refrigerator, transfer the east, as you can see, these details will help support the collection and make your contribution, your share in our common cause. well, in the meantime, we will talk with the human rights defender. the head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights lyudmila denisova in connection with our studio. good morning,
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mrs. lyudmila. good morning to you. yes, but since march 29, the number of persons who have the right to assistance in case of death is increasing military serviceman can you tell in detail what exactly this is increasing the number of persons and who are they? yes, today, just the day before tomorrow is march 29, it is important to say this. to family members of fallen servicemen, that the circle of people is increasing, at whose expense it is increasing. previously, children were limited in age to receive a share of such support and one-time cash benefits. tomorrow, all the children of the deceased person will be entitled to a share of the one-time cash benefit in connection with the death military serviceman he pretended. - these are parents , including adoptive parents, grandchildren, if their
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own parents died, died at the time of death , deceased grandparents, a woman or a man with whom, with whom a military man lived, lived in the same family, and this was established by a court, and judicial the decision entered into legal force, we have repeatedly told you that civil... wives, husbands, limited in such rights, now it has been corrected and keeping dead and deceased persons, that is, these are all six categories almost, they will have the right of tomorrow for tacos, for such support to receive one-time cash assistance, which is 15 million hryvnias. what is the procedure, ms. ludmila, that is, the procedure remains the same as it was before, or should there be more applications now? for each family member, how does it look in practice? well, you know, in practice it looks like this, if
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the family lives in different regions, in different regions of ukraine, then they all submit the relevant documents according to their place of residence, their list is very rich, but you can see it on the website of the ukrainian protection center of human rights, or apply for ours by phone, we will help, and that is why the procedure is difficult, i will tell you. we have people who have been unable to apply for this assistance for almost a year, so you definitely need to contact the territorial recruitment and social support centers, provide all your documents, then the tsk sp asks for three more important documents about military service and family composition , about that money certificate and the fact that he has already been excluded from the composition of this or that military unit, all... these documents are then sent for verification to the regional tsk, then to the commission, which was created under
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the ministry of defense, they study all this there, and then they already appoint or refuse such a payment, such a very difficult procedure, but you have to endure it, but we will be able to show somewhere now the hotline of the ukrainian center for the protection of rights person in order for people to turn to those who have lost, as the forces of leadership say. this paper struggle on its own, but here is another point, it is somewhat military and cynical, but it resembles a will, and i mean whether... can, for example, a serviceman determine going forward, as they say, who should receive these payments, well, in the event of his death, yes, this is also a new norm from march 29, not only a military serviceman, but also a conscript, a reservist, a member of the rank-and-file leadership of the
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civil service protection, police officers, employees of critical facilities. infrastructure civil servants who perform these official duties, official duties in places where the struggle for our homeland is going on, they get the right in writing, in an arbitrary form , to write such a personal order regarding moreover, if they die during these hostilities, then they can choose the persons themselves, the person and the share of this lump sum. social assistance, who exactly will receive such support, but here it is necessary to know to everyone who has the right to it, to write such a personal commitment that there are still categories of family members who will still have such support, this three categories, these will primarily be
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minor children who will be provided with such support, those who are temporarily unable to work and... capable parents, but their share will already be reduced by 50%, that is, they will receive only 50% of the mandatory share that they would receive if in the event of the death of a serviceman or other employee, if there was no such will, as you say, what is the procedure? the procedure is such that a military officer can write to this... a personal order can be changed at any time and the one that was made last will be valid, its signature is certified by the commander of the military unit or a notary public, and this is a personal order, it is forbidden to divulge, it is stored if in
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the tsksp or at the place of recruitment, or if place of residence was a call to mobilization, then according to the place of residence in the tccp, if these are employees of critical infrastructure facilities, then it is stored according to their place of work in the service. mrs. lyudmyla, this is what we are actually explaining, clarifying about these changes, they in one way or another concern temporarily displaced persons, because the family may be somewhere in the west of ukraine, the war is in the east or in the south, and if... this - a family that moved outside of ukraine, and this is how things start, that is, they also have something to do abroad, or whether it does not concern them, no, no, it applies, of course, they are family members, they need to do all this, well, what about them, for example, people in spain, and here is such sad tragic news, then, they
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do the same, collect documents according to the list, copies of their passports, copies of... birth certificates, from a copy of the marriage certificate, copies of the birth of the deceased, i.e. a relative, to prove again, and everything is submitted by mail, by registered mail, well , by registered letter, and sent tsc, or determine their representative here in ukraine, by power of attorney, and he helps them with this to do, how it can be done, how to use the consular services in the territory. you can call us and we will definitely advise you, ms. ludmila, but is it planned or is there a prospect that all this will happen automatically, that is, when we have servicemen who are fighting, who are protecting us, who are risking their lives and health yam, so the state actually has
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all the necessary information about them, is it possible to somehow organize and this applies not only to payments, but in general and afterwards? treatment, rehabilitation of the entire process of related, all processes related to the military, so that it all happens automatically, that is, no one there needs to go anywhere in particular, a maximum of one application, data, documents, all this to be in some single database, you know, i fully support here, we have all the registers that are there, and there are registers of missing persons under special circumstances, there are registers of defenders, there are registers of the civil status of the population. all of these registers are approved by the ministry of defense in the self-appointed commission. i don't understand why the legislator made such a decision in such a way that it is the commander of the military unit, where the deceased served, who has the duty to provide that certificate about the composition of the deceased's family, and to all those, tsc sp, wherever different
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family members of this deceased turn to. i believe that here the legislation needs to determine who is ultimately responsible for this procedure, the commission of the ministry of defense, so you are right, you need to submit an application. according to the location, residence, of the person who believes that he is a member of the family, and this is enough, because it is indicated in the registers, he is a wife, she is a mother, she is a father, she has children, that is, it is necessary to unify the procedure for all categories and make it accessible and electronic. we hope that you, as a representative of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, will be able to. to do something in that direction and to further make life easier for our defenders and their families. thank you, mrs. lyudmila, for participating in our broadcast, lyudmila delisova was with us, a human rights defender and head of the ukrainian
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center for the protection of human rights. let's go now a short pause, and then we will directly communicate with the military, stay with us. there are discounts on bronholitin phyto. can her tyranny lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian in the mego subscription. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in psyllium pharmacies, you and save.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. tells the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 is the verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in the new in the two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day. on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like a kind of person to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with an espresso. we, the security service of ukraine, fight to protect. every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all the crimes and lives taken, every day we hit the invaders in the most painful
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places, sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, we will destroy the occupiers and their equipment at the front by thousands, we will eliminate war criminals, we will detain agents and traitors, and our strikes will be even stronger until the time of victory arrives. sbu: the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. meanwhile, we return to ether. thanks for watching. remember that small donations do not happen, if the whole community and at least on june 1-2, today we can close the nation itself, what the military calls combat trucks, that is, a jeep, a pickup truck and... a refrigerator car, it is necessary, there there are not so many left, well, literally 100 and a tail of thousands, not even 110, but now we will talk about the situation on the eastern front...
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with a military serviceman with the call sign tycoon mykhailo lukaka, who is still in touch with us, mr. mykhailo, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, in your direction, we will definitely not open geolocations there, but in your direction, i see what the enemy draws on their maps and what the enemy writes, they say that they want to move on. from georgiivka and is trying to break through there in the direction of staromykhaivka, this is what they drew in in the form of arrows, well, they painted over their territory, as usual near novomykhaivka, where it is always very hot, is this how it looks, or is it propaganda? regarding georgiyivka, the enemy advances there from time to time, that is, regarding novomykhaivka, yours is also being fought there... what kind of fighting is going
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on now, uh, regarding staromykhaivka, it looks like a throwback, because the front line there remains stable and more calm, and in general, the enemy has more power now, the enemy threw the most power at novomykhaivka, because they want to align the front line there, and where will the enemy move, for now it is unknown, for example, at the moment everything looks as if the enemy is accumulating reserves, but... we still do not understand in which direction he will move, is it true that sometimes novomykhaivka becomes the record holder for the number of combat clashes, perhaps only for the sake of a couple of blocks align near novomykhai, that's how you have to push, and about the direction you are talking about, if you look at the track, it is certain that they would be interested in going to kurakhovo, but there is a reservoir nearby, in fact, how will it all fit into
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their one concept? well look, like they can't take the uglodar, because the uglodar is at a height, and like, their only option right now, like, is the direction of kurakhovo, that is, they want to level the line now, like, and are trying to advance towards georgiyvka, and its reservoirs are, of course, an obstacle, in general now it is very difficult for them, that is, they are what they call promotion, that is, which they achieve there in, let's say, two or three weeks. like this - i think it is a very bloody price for them, both the loss of equipment and the loss of personnel, er, so some such a mega breakthrough, that is, it is not expected here, but if the enemy uses enough, let's say, reserves, that is, as it happened in the avdian direction, then maybe there will be some new challenges for us, but for now the situation is stable.
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as far as it is possible with the available means that we have, well, that is, their idea is to go through kurakhova from the rear to the ugledar, this is already read, yes, that, that, like, well like, this is their standard technique, like, to surround the cities so that we could, so that we retreat, let's say that when, but like, everyone understands the whole situation, like, and everything is being done to prevent this environment in the future, that is, we have enough. already the number of mistakes on the front, like, and i think that this whole painful experience is taken into account in this direction and forces and means will be applied in time to prevent similar scenarios. tell me, please, what kind of new technologies, what kind of new equipment are they using, like they have with ground drones, with these robotic systems, are they already somewhere under marenka, or have they not reached that point yet, they are actively...
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there is their well-known, as it is called, not a crew, but they have a doomsday formation, but there are enough of them here, they cause us some difficulties, but nothing else is noticeable on the direction, yes, they have the latest systems by moore and astron , with the help of which... they look at our area far from the tericons, that is, they also cause considerable difficulties, these fpvs and currently these observation systems, that is , this is, one might say, the biggest problem in this direction. how often do reconnaissance drones hang over you, or fly even further to the rear, quite often.


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