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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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we are simply united by the struggle against a common enemy, mr. boris, thank you for your thoughts, for your analysis, boris varga, a journalist and political scientist from serbia, was in touch with us, and now it's news time and khrystyna parubiy already has a prepared information you are willing to share. thank you, colleagues, the russians attacked odesa in the morning, i will tell you the details of the attack in the issue, as well as the situation in other regions of ukraine, in a moment, wait. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. the russians continue to terrorize odesa. in the morning, the occupiers hit the region with an kh-59 missile. it was destroyed over the waters of the black sea , the forces reported. defense of the south. in addition,
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the occupiers attacked odesa at night with kh-22 missiles and shaheds. the air force managed to destroy two enemy drones. fortunately, people were not injured - said oleg kiper, the head of the region. 12 people were injured as a result of the russian attack on mykolaiv - said the head of the regional military administration , vitaly kim. presumably, the enemy attacked the city with an iskander m ballistic missile . an industrial facility caught fire. fire, the fire was quickly extinguished. in the morning, russian troops attacked beryslav in the kherson region from drones. a local resident was wounded in the arm and leg. during the day, two victims of enemy attacks and five wounded in the region. the occupiers targeted port and critical infrastructure, a shopping center, farm buildings and residential quarters, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. two multi-parts are damaged. vky and 10 private houses.
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the number of victims of the night attack in dnipropetrovsk region has increased. enemy at night attacked nikopol with drones and artillery. a 65-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman received shrapnel wounds. they were hospitalized - said the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak. a farm building was destroyed, a hotel, four private houses and a power line were also damaged. kharkiv region is continuously attacked, a 12-year-old boy died due to a russian attack on the village of borova. there is also one victim of the evening shelling of kharkiv. 19 people were injured, among them four children - oleg oleg, the head of the region, said senigubov the russians hit the city with modified, guided aerial bombs. one of the blows hit a residential area in the middle of the city. the second - near the building of the institute of surgery. damaged to say the least. 18 residential
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buildings and objects of civil infrastructure, at night the occupiers hit the city again, a restaurant, shop and office premises were destroyed, luckily people were not injured. at night, russian terrorists hit private houses in zaporizhzhia with drones, and two women aged 72 and 74 were wounded, the leader said ivan fedorov of the regional military administration. by. several residential buildings have occupied drone frames. in total , five buildings were significantly destroyed and another 40 were damaged. on world washing machine day, another 780 russian occupiers forever lost the opportunity to steal appliances from ukrainian homes. instead, on a day auspicious for long journeys, they set off for hell forever. almost 440,000 russian soldiers are already waiting for them there, who died on... our land since the beginning
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of the full-scale invasion, but the russian military scrap metal travels no longer shine, only yesterday, the armed forces of ukraine burned 10 tanks, 21 bmps, 32 artillery systems, two anti-aircraft guns, anti-occupant vehicles and 62 units of cars and special equipment. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 60 combat clashes from at the front in a day. in donetsk region, the russians continue their assault in four directions, the hottest in novopavlovsk. there, the enemy tried 27 times to break through our defense near georgiivka and novomykhaivka. 14 more attacks stopped the defense forces in the avdiiv direction. unrest also in zaporizhzhia, near staromayorskyi and robotiny, our defenders repelled four russian assaults. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck 10 areas of personnel concentration. of
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the occupiers, rocket launchers and gunners hit an air defense vehicle, two personnel concentration areas , three drone control points, a rep station and one important object of the muscovites. and i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable fund are asking for help with the purchase maviks and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers defend our country in the zaporozhye direction, the losses of drones are constantly increasing, they need to be renewed. so that our soldiers do not risk their lives and do not go to attack the changelings. fields we can help. our goal is uah 500,000, and it remains to collect only uah 2,500. so get involved, every donation is important. you can see all the details on the screen. an increase in excise taxes on fuel is unacceptable, the people said
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deputies of ukraine from the european solidarity faction. in their opinion, such a semi-secret decision of the government will lead to a negative effect on the economy and people's living standards. they advised the authorities to find additional resources in the budget from the gaming business and the illegal cigarette market, because currently more than uah 32 billion can be obtained from excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol. now, even in the process of negotiations on joining the european union, we have to agree that ukraine will take much wider steps. to enter the minimum european rate, that is, we will take this installment for tens of years, because here we are low-income, our economy is suffering the most now, the cost of fuel, the cost of energy, there is no way to avoid it, even today in the price of food,
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and the first to be affected by the increase prices will be enterprises. industry, this will definitely cause a sharp increase in all food products. in the spring , they plan to plant more than 5 hundred hectares of forest in poltava region, forming mixed and pine and deciduous trees. foresters say to expand the land is now important because of the war and the need for wood in the frontline areas. more in anna morozova's story. i am holding in my hands small children of scots pine, these babies are grown from seeds, we harvest them on the territory of our branch, from cones, then the cone is processed and you get seeds. a forestry engineer and her colleagues went to the lutensk community to afforest an abandoned pasture. this year they
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need to cultivate almost 20 hectares of forest. this is one of the areas prepared in advance for planting pine trees. foresters from here work and... with such an aggregate, it is a sword wheel, it is driven into the ground in a certain area and in this way a hole is made for a pine seedling. foresters say that the weather favors the work, because the frosts are over, there is enough moisture in the soil and the trees are in a state of rest. we are now creating such a pit for the seedling, it is made with a sword, wheel-shaped, we make such a hole, then we insert the seedling, the root system, so that it is completely hidden there. we correct it so that it straightens out, and the sword is driven from the side, and due to this we remove all the excess air and from the pit. local residents also join in the work, ms. natalya says, weeds and wild trees have been growing here for over 15 years. well, in general, this is a place in ours, it is flooded, here
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before the river overflowed its banks , all the meadows were completely covered, since we planted the gooseberries a little further there, well , the beauty is in... we will have all the air, we will have forests, you see how beautiful they are here mixed forest, there will be pine conifers, therefore the community decided to transfer hectares to the balance of forestry, previously this area was used as a hayfield and pasture, yes previously, people received many animals , including agricultural cows, and grazed them, then the herd decreased, and of course, they stopped using it. it was overgrown with pears, children. now it is very important to create new forests, because every year several hundred cubic meters of forestry wood are transferred to the construction of fortifications , says ihor fedyai. in the near future , the hadiatsk forestry branch is going to transfer 400 cubic meters of wood there.
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god willing, the war will end with our victory, and these areas will no longer serve for fortifications, and for our children and grandchildren in the future they will use, well... serve as lungs for our planet earth. this spring , more than 500 hectares of mixed forest, which is almost 4 million trees, are planned to be planted in poltava oblast. work in the region will continue for another two weeks. anna morozova. bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. the next issue is at 11:00, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, then my colleagues oksana will continue with the analysis vasychanska and roman chaika. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. thank you to the team for the operational news
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, but there are other news that are difficult to verify, because this morning german chancellor olaf scholz is being quoted, and remember, before that it was very interesting that they were trying to explain why they were providing huge military financial aid to ukraine , scholz leaned on taurosy, there was even such a conspiracy theory that the taichekists in moscow have something on scholz. it is difficult to understand, but angela merkel is from the soviet union the gdr is silent, we cannot confirm anything , and today it is being quoted again, only now information allegedly comes from it that a number of countries, including ukraine, are discussing a possible peace agreement with the russian federation, this is such an information leak, and this is all happening in parallel with publications in various media, for example, divvelt, they write that... that this war cannot continue for several more years and not because, in their opinion, ukraine will win, they
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believe that the war may end in the 24th year , because now there is a huge the risk that the russian occupation troops will advance and reach the dnieper along almost the entire front line, that ukraine is too weak now to defend itself and return its territories, that we do not have the resources for this, i propose to postpone the divelt. editorial for a week in the time of yar, i did not write such nonsense, yes, but the phrase quoted from scholz is taken in such a way that currently the discussion continues at the level of security advisers, regarding what something that could lead to a peace process might look like, or whether it is i don't know about zaradetian treason, but let's do it now to talk about this, what dievelt writes, in particular, with the veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, reserve major of the national guard, oleksiy hetman, in contact with us. mr. oleksiy , i don't know if you have heard, because we quoted various german sources and quotes here, maybe
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briefly, but the germans write that the situation at the front is tense, ukraine has learned to retreat well, without losing much strength, but everything well, it's about retreat and about their offensive, well, they can, well, you know, let's do it, there would be... a lot of information from our headquarters intelligence, security services, in general from various intelligence services, including the informational component of this war will intensify sometime in the spring, well, what we are seeing now, if we analyze the leaks that are taking place, well , here we can only deal with these, what to analyze, mr. scholes says that we are conducting negotiations with the russian federation, well , he says, we do not know about this for sure, although i am sure that some... talks are being conducted, they were always conducted between warring countries, but these are not official negotiations,
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well, diplomats are working, intelligence is working, well you know, talking about the fact that there is some kind of preparation for peace, for some kind of peace, separate peace, or some kind of peace that is not acceptable for ukraine, i am sure that such conversations, conversations do not take place, but that such ancestral information, that stoltz, well, they were still there, he said that we knew it at the beginning of the war. all that there were certain negotiations with the russian federation, we tried to stop it, we tried to agree on something there, but the situation and the conditions put forward by russia were unpleasant for us, and these negotiations, as this same scholz says, the russians used it only to regroup the troops, raise additional forces there and continue the offensive. are these negotiations taking place now? well, it can be assumed that on an unofficial level , someone somewhere is talking to whom, well, that's what scholz says. that at the level of some advisers, i.e. somewhere, i just imagine it, at the level
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of the poles, some conversations are going on, this does not mean anything. let's take what is already, as they say, confirmed and verified, but when the commander of the ground forces, the armed forces of ukraine, general pavlyuk says that russia may go on the offensive in the summer, they are creating a group of more than 100,000 russian soldiers, he says that he will try to ... carry out an offensive in one of the directions, he does not say which one, but which one they could to use this new group, well, you know, it is a russian... component of the information war, it, unfortunately, also works inside our country, when someone starts thinking and talking about the possibility of offensives on some part of the front on the west, well, the eastern part or the northern part, then immediately is rising, i am sure that there is an army of bots controlled by the russians that are starting to stop, and the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk
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, wait, i'm waiting, i'm not talking about , well, well... taken out of context, someone says so, i and i know for myself, i said that there might be offensive actions in kharkiv oblast about two weeks ago, in kharkiv oblast, in sumy oblast, there are signs of preparations there, so many bots have flown in that you have no idea that i am suggesting a panicky mood here, that there is something else, well not only, anyone who said it, immediately flew in, well, said pavlyuk, the commander of the ground forces, that there is a sign that they, well, not a sign, they are preparing 1,000. their army is already people who are not planning to mobilize, who have already been mobilized, who have already and who have already are ready to turn into an army, or at least two armies, after training him, and this is the first information, well , pavlyuk said correctly that we see it, we, we understand it, that these people would not be included in the armed forces just like that, then there was medusa, then there were her telegram channel, then
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there were american studies of the war, which they said that it is quite possible that this will be the case, in the north of the kharkiv region, the bots have quieted down a little, but is it possible that it is not, and in which region the russians will try to take offensive actions, and we can assume together with reputable publications, together with the british, together with the american development, together with our development, we can assume that the russians plan to carry out offensive actions in half of the north-west of our country, that is , it is black, it is sumy region, it is kharkiv region, it is the kupinsky direction. that is, most likely there they will try to attack, although we can only assume this, we do not know this, but what we do know is, however, what mr. pavlyuk says, that they have already prepared 100,000, and they want to mobilize another 300,000, these 300,00 additional they will be used, well, first they will be trained a little, then they will compensate for the losses of those parts that we
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ragged during their winter offensive, well, a respectable intelligence publication is being prepared again. british, american, because it is not frequent there, they expect that they are like that offensive actions will not just take place in the summer, even deadlines are mentioned, that it could be the end of may, that it could be the beginning of june, the former head of the luhansk military-civilian administration, zakarpatskyi, he omits in general that it could happen earlier, that it could be take place in april, what should we do, well, this does not mean that everything is bad here, we understand it perfectly and... we are building, we are trying to build a separate conversation here, i do not want to go into it, such fortifications, which would be extremely difficult for the enemy overcome, and the same referring to the commander of the satellites , mr. polyuk, he said that so far the initiative is on the side of the russians, but as our main intelligence agency and other official structures say that the russians
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are suspending the activity of offensive actions a little , they are exhaling, as they say, and then from pavlyuk's words, when they exhale... and there will be no such powerful offensive actions, the initiative can already pass to our side, and we have the opportunity and we have, well, we owe this initiative, which we can intercept in a month, for two, use to to do at least active defense , i.e. locally offensive actions along the entire front, this is our know-how in war, we do defense not sitting directly , even during the day in well-fortified positions, but immediately take counteroffensive actions, i.e. active defense as active armor on the tank mr. oleksiy. you mentioned sumy oblast, and is it not related to zelenskyi's trip yesterday, in particular to inspect the construction of fortifications in sumy oblast and the relevant ones at the meeting, right there on the northern border. well you know first of all, referring to president zelenskyi, he repeatedly said that the northern borders should be strengthened, there is
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a danger in this direction as well. about sumy region, well, there are all signs that they are planning something there. what kind of signs are these, they are building on its adjacent, as they say , territories for their camps, where half of the camps can be moved, where a large number of military personnel can move, well, if someone comes, they won't, if they want to bring the army there, they don't have them in the field to be, they have to be somewhere, well, somewhere to be in order to get ready for bed, which, to put it simply, then the activities of sabotage and intelligence groups intensified there. there, attacks on the front-line territories have intensified, attacks on the systems of our communication system, on the systems of our enemy have intensified, well, that's all, these are all the signs that are written in the textbooks that people study in the first and second year. in any military headquarters, these are signs of preparation for an offensive, signs, this does not mean that it will take place there, but all the signs of preparation for an offensive are there, and you see, more and the president went to these regions, specifically to
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sumy oblast, to see how seriously the fortifications were built there, we have, here we can refer to commander syrskyi, we have, we do not have to defeat the russians head-on, we have fewer people, equipment, everything another, but we can do asymmetric actions. and to win, i once said uh, i don’t want to mention his last name, one person who wins is not with numbers, but with skill, but we want to win with skill, these are symmetrical answers, firstly, these are powerful fortifications, secondly, these are long-range high-precision weapons and so on and so forth, all that is all that we know very well, so we are trying to build our defensive actions and possibly in the future our offensive actions, not at the expense of a large number of tanks or a large number people, but thanks to firstly, competent tactics were used, and secondly, highly high-tech weapons, which should prevail over the weapons of the russians, well , mr. zaluzhnyi also said about this, that in order
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for us to win with a smaller number, we need to make a technological breakthrough and use weapons that are more modern, well, and one that is an order of magnitude higher there , well, 10 times, that is, higher than the weapons of the russian federation, then this is an asymmetric answer and it is the chances of victory, there is no other way, since we are already talking about fortifications . and in the end we show it all on video, then we will also ask you about these fortifications, which they said could withstand being hit by a 150 mm projectile, how do you assess it, how powerful are they, and well , we understand that it is necessary in tempi is to build everything, well, powerful, there are even capsules the so-called preserved life, that is , we made this special construction, well , it is from the outside, well, it is not visible from the outside, something will not weaken the egg. urginovo, and there people can hide there when there is massed shelling, and they can withstand really powerful blows, even direct ones, there, well, if nearby, it is generally dangerous, that is, it makes it possible
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to wait out massed shelling and save life, that is, not only in of land there in the dugout, namely, the capsule of saving life is also such a thing, which will definitely come in handy, as far as our powerful fortifications are concerned, how modern they are from an engineering point of view. it is not just a line to dig a trench, they must be built according to the rules according to the military rules according to the rules of the engineering troops, that is, there , for example, the trench cannot be long, it must be zigzag, why did the splinter fly so that it did not fly 100 m there, along the way, you see, they are made in such a zigzag way, this is because, well , in order to save those who are nearby from the debris, a straight line would be, well, for example, a straight line of fragments fell and he followed that the corridor would fly by 100 by 200 meters, so you see a 20-30 m turn. 20-30 m turn, this is how it is built, for example , stratification, well, this is one of the examples, then these dugouts, they have to be built, then the communication system and so on, that is, it is not
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just dug trenches and put dragon teeth, no , these are serious engineering, military , and fortification structures, they are all right, well, i won’t cheat, they are built according to military rules, and what we see now in the pictures, well, for now, this is exactly what we see, there are no comments , well it should be this is what the first line should look like, mr. oleksiy , yesterday... there was a very interesting thing, one of the putins, well at least someone like him, went to the tvirsk region and there he talked a little more talking to people with big bellies, stars in khaki , and among those statements that he uttered as a pot-bellied general, one related and was very emotional about the f-16, that is, judging by the fact that he began to say that you cannot have a nuclear weapon, that the f6. can fly from third countries, which i consider to be a legitimate goal of pounding the airfields of countries, neighbors of ukraine, this is all bravado,
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is it real in the f-16, this is the weapon that can break, at least the course of the summer campaign of the 24th war, the f16 can break, but not in the number of six and 10 aircraft, it is in how many 200 planes can break through in the number of 5-6 planes, no, although these weapons are really modern, they can carry nuclear charges, well, you know, that’s right, that, well, he himself came to be there for the sake of coming, they once said, the fact is that any , any missiles flying at us, ikh101, ikh 550, and daggers, caliber and, they all have, can carry a nuclear charge, well, any weapon that is placed on russian aircraft, it can some missiles. can carry a nuclear charge, those weapons that are used in-16, they can also carry, listen, a large number of weapons that are used without
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a nuclear charge. it can, it is not theoretical, it was built in such a way that a nuclear charge could also be placed on it, and that and what does this mean, we are being flown, we are constantly being flown by rabbit ballistic missiles, all of which were developed with taking into account the fact that you can put tactical air weapons on them, and it is very easy to do, very quickly, so mark it, well, that’s right , putin said it that way to scare people about what can attack, well, a missile has already flown into poland, it ... it flew, it wasn’t the pilot who fell asleep there and oh , they flew to the wrong place, the rocket flies according to a pre-written program, it cannot reprogram itself and fly as it pleases, that is , it was programmed to fly , flew at least partially over the territory poland, well, in a different way, she is a fool, she executes the command like a calculator, you dialed 2 * 2, it gives you four, he can’t decide for himself what to do...
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that’s all, now the logical chain is built like this, as you said , they first programmed the missile, made a provocation for 39 seconds, then made a rude provocation with the ambassador, who, by the way, had already fled to russia when he was summoned, who refused and violated all international protocols, well, now in the third series peace-loving putin says that we never planned and do not want to fight with nato, but that's it, but it's the third one. which you
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commented on today, there are many such sub-series, sub-series that piskov said, he is already svo, he is no longer wrong, he calls it a war more than once and so on, that is, there is a lot that lavrov said, who said that they are defending themselves , that there are literally 10 seconds here, what was the logic, that preparation for an attack, and they are sure that we were preparing for an attack on russia, that is, nato was planning to attack russia through ukraine, preparation for an attack is equal to an attack, so ... they are defending themselves, now they are waging a defensive war, well, you see, they have returned to the old circle of that lukashenko, and right now i will show you, yes, it is somewhere approximately, mr. oleksiy, thank you for the analysis of the situation, oleksiy hetman, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine was with us, if you will be polite and stay for espresso, then we will continue to talk with the military, so a few minutes of short pause, you will give during this time and you will be rewarded, because we will
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also have... tymochko in the studio, a military serviceman and chairman of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. be with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong will unpack the tv just for you. with it, you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from 1499 hryvnias, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, everything you can do it in one go with the strong saw, just look how quickly it handles even thick branches, once it's ready, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, it comes with a powerful battery, a wrench and a screwdriver, and also
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