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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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in the united states of america, first of all, ukraine was far from the first on the list of what biden wants to do with these funds. ukraine was one of the options, where he wants to spend these funds, how he wants to use them. secondly, this idea is not new. this idea has been pushed by the democratic party for the last few election cycles, and it has been modified quite seriously in the last 10 years. it all started with a basic tax of 1% for everyone with more than 1 million dollars a year in wealth. profit more precisely, and now it comes to the idea of ​​25% taxes for billionaires and those who are actively leaving the status of a millionaire, but have not yet become a billionaire, that is, this question has been in the democratic party for a long time, it is not something new, it is aimed at ukraine or something that was taken from the air, the third one we see is rather not the same, that now the billionaires there will start to react negatively to this new biden policy, we see other trends, we see that ukrainian issues... are now not exclusively
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an international issue, the ukrainian issue is now an issue of domestic politics, an issue of tax reform, because, by the way, tax reform is one of the key issues of this election campaign, they are fundamentally different for biden and trump, and therefore ukraine is now even part of the domestic political agenda for president biden, which is, of course, only positive for us, in terms of large corporations on which these taxes can primarily affect, well, you know, for them, on the contrary , aid to ukraine can become... a way to return these taxes, because for the same general motors or general electric or lock martin, 25% of the tax that was taken from them is stipulated, then it is spent on that to them themselves to place a federal order for the production of their products, and they will be able to return exactly those 25% of taxes thanks to ukraine, so the narrative that ukraine allegedly robs american billionaires, well, for now, it simply will not work. at the same time , the administration. president biden again
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called on congress to pass a bill on aid to ukraine, as this issue is closely related to america's national security. white house spokeswoman karin janiere said house speaker mike johnson is looking for an excuse not to put this bill to the vote. well, we see how over the last three months, or four months , or even five months , this entire epic unfolds with the allocation of six. 13 billion dollars for the needs of ukraine, you correctly pointed out that part of the money will remain in the american budget and will be directed to the production of weapons and then sent to ukraine, why is this a question after all, even if it is transferred to the category of domestic politics, why is it not moves because ultimately the future depends on it.
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ukraine and the lives of ukrainians, because this issue has become politicized, this issue has become politicized in the context of the struggle between trump and the trumpists against biden, and as long as they see a plus in the fact that the ukrainian topic , or rather the inability of the americans to provide aid to ukraine, as long as they see that it is sinking biden's ratings, as long as they see that it actually has an impact and doesn't allow biden to gain new support points, they will unfortunately, they've been pretty good lately. signals in the context of what and himself trump began to use the ukrainian theme in order to gain ratings, we saw his statements that allegedly the blood of 100 thousand ukrainians and israelis is on biden's hands, that he would help ukraine even better, that there was no war at all under him, that is, we expected that the trump narrative would change, but the fact that mike johnson is now trying to be removed, precisely by the trumpists themselves, for the fact that he is working with the democrats, and for the fact that he is trying to present some new alternative ... budget
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that could to help ukraine, it is, unfortunately still indicates that trump and his part of the party are interested in the ukrainian topic only as a tool against biden, only as a tool to weaken biden's rating, and this is the key reason for delaying support for ukraine. even before the start of the election campaign, trump said a lot about the fact that if i win this election, i will do everything to put putin and zelensky at the transition table and in... within 24 hours, end russia's war against ukraine, where trump's campaign ends and whether it is selective, and where we will see the real trump, how they will match, what trump is saying now and what he can do if he wins the election in the united states of america. trump is predictable in his unpredictability, that is, trump for two weeks. back, this
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is no longer the trump that is now, and trump, in two weeks will not be the trump that he is now at all, that is, the changes can be absolutely radical, the only thing that we need to understand for sure is that we can really predict. this is what the trump administration is for at least the first half of the year, if it still exists comes to power, she will not be involved in foreign policy. we see that trump has a huge set of reforms, a huge set of changes that he wants to make, and the elimination of the department of justice, because he wants to transfer its powers to the legal advisers of the white house. and the introduction of a certain censorship commission, which will allow him, as he himself says, to control fake media, and review the composition and reform in general. supreme court, and the fallout from the congressional elections that he will have to deal with, and the impeachment that could happen to him again if the democrats will take over the congress, i.e. trump, or rather, trump's coming to power, first of all indicates a crisis, a crisis that will not allow him to deal with foreign policy, not only ukraine,
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but also relations with nato, relations with israel, with taiwan, and so on . therefore, at the moment , trump's main problem is that when he comes to power, it will be the maximum. prize, maximally chaotic. what will be his policy towards ukraine? here we can say only one thing: we can convince him that ukraine will fulfill his key foreign policy goals task. trump has two foreign policy tasks. this is to earn an image and political weight and earn money. ukraine can give him both that and that. and that is why the key task of our political leadership, our diplomacy, is to explain it to trump very easily and clearly, if he is still on the road to white. his second term, after all, well , mr. oleksandr, who can be more convincing in a conversation with trump, as a potential winner of the next election, putin or zelensky? american business, whatever it is it was strange, but it seems to me that in
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the putin-zelensky dichotomy, the only ones who can really convince trump are american businessmen, especially big business, defense industry, industry, even the automobile industry. and even energy companies , which, thanks to the sanctions against russia, began to earn very well, that is, indeed, zelensky allegedly has a good history of relations with him, and trump himself often said that zelensky is a normal dude and you can have good political and business relations with him, apart from history with except history with this from procedure impeachment, and yes, in principle , it was a normal story, yes, the phone call there was problematic, but trump still says that it was one of the best. phone calls in his life, well, let's catch his words here. if we talk about putin, there relations with trump are very unstable, then putin is a murderer and a violator of international law, who killed navalny, then putin is the last adequate leader of our time, then putin starts bloody wars, he must be stopped, or you can do it with putin to agree, and
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so i repeat, the only stable player, which can definitely convince trump in our case that it is necessary to support ukraine, it is the american one. the defense-industrial complex, for which ukraine is the contract of the century, and the same applies to producers of heavy metals, the same applies to other industries, the same applies even to the fuel industry, which, i repeat, makes a lot of money from sanctions against russia. and very briefly, a short question and preferably a short answer: for putin, which president is better, biden or trump? for putin, as it were it was not surprising, trump. better, because trump is chaos, this is exactly what we talked about with you, trump is not predictable and he will not allow states to be strong in the international arena for a very long time. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr krayev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as
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on our youtube and facebook platforms, and throughout the broadcast we are conducting a survey, which we will continue in the second part of our program, it sounds like this: is it necessary during the war? strengthen accountability for corruption, now we will see the interim results of our survey, 98% yes, almost unanimously, and 2% no, you see, still 2% of people who watch us doubt that we need to strengthen accountability for corruption, and maybe think , that there is already enough responsibility for corruption in ukraine that it does not need to be strengthened, on youtube now the ratio is 97%, yes - 3%. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and shrubs it is so convenient to use it
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project, with olga ley. tuesday, thursday, repeat, tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air of espresso tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, today in the issue. the anti-terrorist phase of the war. the massacre in krokus revealed the weakness of putin's government. how the kremlin uses the moscow terrorist attack against ukraine. rotations. in the power bloc, experts say about the strengthening of budanov, the results of changes in the top
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military leadership of the state. the biggest mistake of the authorities: ukrainians are concerned about the illegal enrichment of officials, whether responsibility for corruption during the war should be strengthened. we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, on youtube and on tv we conducting a survey, we are you today. we ask about this, is it necessary to strengthen the responsibility for corruption during the war? it's pretty simple on youtube, isn't it, or your special opinion, write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think accountability should be increased for wartime corruption , 0800 211 381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will summarize this goal. voting, i want to introduce today's guests, they are political experts, oleksiy holobutsky
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, political technologist, deputy director of the situation modeling agency, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, congratulations, and viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert, policy analysis bureau . mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good health to you. well, since, since we're asking, gentlemen, our tv...viewers and viewers about what they think about corruption, whether we should increase accountability for wartime corruption, let's use the format of a close-up question, let's try to answer this, well, it seemed... a trivial question, but still, mr. viktor, i think that our citizens will definitely answer that yes, yes, our citizens are all against corruption, but for a brother, a matchmaker or an uncle to decide, we forget that we allow corruption, but i think everyone will answer that they should
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be shot on the spot, many will say, how cool it is in china, well, at least the absolute majority answered me in... focus groups the majority is in favor of increasing responsibility to the death penalty, and i think that it is simply necessary for our law enforcement agencies to work properly, because as a rule, they earn it in this way, first they arrest someone, and then they offer a couple of protocols to choose from, yes , one that is drawn up correctly and well, and you will sit down, and one that is drawn up there... conditionally there as it happened and this protocol will allow you to win the court case later from the procedural points there. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. oleksiy, well, i am with a colleague i agree, in principle, well, the schizophrenic state of our society, which demands to fight
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corruption, but at the same time is maximally tolerant of corruption, unfortunately, well, that 's it. such is the absolutely idiotic position of a huge number of people who think that if we call for the execution of people for corruption, hanging them on lampposts or some such terrible actions, plucking off ears, like in russia, yes, then it will change something, really it does not change anything, in china they are shot, every year there are new corruptors, which must be shot, and this has been going on for decades. first, low-level and medium-level corruption must be overcome, and high-level corruption must be kept within certain limits, it exists in almost all countries, and all our anti-corruption bodies have enough legislation to arrest and punish the corrupt, it would only be political will and the main desire of
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the people themselves to fight corruption, and not to imitate na na... at our level, roughly speaking, well, so that it is not as they once said, we are not against the soviet government, or at least not in our village, well, there used to be such a this is a saying from soviet times , why do we talk about corruption , why did we mention it, because yesterday in sumy two deputies of the regional council were arrested for trying to pay a bribe of 100 thousand dollars to the head of the sumy city military administration oleksiy oleksiy drozdenko for... affairs, which relate to the merger of two hospitals, and actually those who manage the market and those who keep one of the hospitals there tried to solve it, but today immediately after this message, as they were detained, today volodymyr zelensky came to sumy oblast, and therefore, it turns out that
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two respectable and respected people were detained during zelenskyi's visit. sumy on the fact that they tried to bribe a third respectable person in sumy. volodymyr zelenskyi got acquainted with the course of construction of fortifications near the city of sumy, let's hear what zelenskyy himself told about what he saw. the second for today is, of course, all issues of protecting sumy oblast, every community, every city, especially difficult in the border areas, there is constant russian terror. there is constant shelling, airstrikes, countering sabotage groups the enemy i am grateful to all the soldiers, all the commanders, and the armed forces, and soldiers of the border guard, and our policemen, and the national guard, the security service of ukraine, all those
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involved, all those we protect. mr. viktor, well, the first question for you. because the city of sumy is not a small city and obviously there are bribes of this size, 100 dollars, it is still not 1 million hryvnias, which is there or how much or 2 million hryvnias that were offered to the head of the communal service or the communal workers offered to someone there, well, there was this story is literally several months ago, what is happening in the border areas of sumy, that is, nearby russians are hunting and shelling sumy and the sumy region, and here ... it turns out that such money is circulating, well , first of all, i would ask volodymyr oleksandrovich, of course, no one will let me near him, i would ask a question, you ask for the platoon support. there was such a tender offer for 45 million, it was simply raised by public organizations and it was removed from the tenders, but imagine a consolidated reference point for 45 million, well
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, that's a lot, but again last year they gave very, very big money for reconstruction, there for more than a billion, but they didn't give it to all communities either. it’s ridiculous for restoration , but they are building a new water main, you know, there in one of the communities, but they couldn’t master part of the money, because they give it, or give it , how they do it cunningly, or give it to the community, but then you understand, the contractor has be ours, or then the region itself conducts the tender, and then the contractor is definitely ours, well, it is conducted, of course, not by the head of the military administration, but by one of those. from the departments, for example, there, er, who, well, there, how is this management of capital construction, something like that, yes
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, or kyiv is conducting it there, that is, mustafa naim conducts it, you understand, from kyiv, which is more visible, in which village, how to install windows, and all this leads me to think that they are demanding kickbacks, kick back, kick back, i.e. from the money even for reconstruction, this is what concerns zelenskyi’s trip, he would have inquired, not there, well, because he is being shown beautifully, i have also seen it being shown there already, here and there, well, they are showing beauty and such a feeling that his head is spinning, but i would just like him in fact, gather several experts who would show, look, here is a tender, here is a tender, here is a tender, here, and here, and why, why is mustafa nayem conducting tenders in kyiv, why not hand over this money? subvention to local communities, and then they are already standing guard so that they do not steal anything somewhere, not at the grassroots level, because if
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the subvention is not transferred, i immediately have a clear suspicion that there is a kickback here and there, so, so, so, so , and the fact that we are shelled every day, that 's it, well, that's what they took on sumy oblast very, very recently, thank you, mr. viktor, mr. oleksiy, but you can somehow... explain why, after all, during the war, corruption does not become less, and why yes, i understand the question, and why should it become less, well, because when the question is about whether to survive or die, here in principle there is no such thing, it somehow changes, first of all, those who are engaged in this, they, they have windows on the border, they there are all the documents, i think they also have... their own bunkers, some storage facilities and so on, that's why they work, like you you think, well, to have a chance, to have a better
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chance to survive and so on, the more so, again, most of these people, they are nobody, neither in an intellectual sense, nor in any other sense, in any country, they are normal, so they at most, they could wash dishes, and i just know my own experience, political technologists, the level of our politicians, funk'. there is no irony, i just personally know people, corrupt people, who are really fighting, who, so to speak, well , i say it again, this is a cash cow, which, if the russians come, they will supply those and the corrupters themselves, so to speak, and these will be thrown somewhere in a landfill, roughly speaking, yes, that's why everything is logical. but , even more so, again, this is some kind of our naivety, i don't know, restaurants are open, expensive cars are bought and driven, but all that
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there are elements of such a normal life, but for some reason, one of the most important elements of our ukrainian normal life, namely, corruption must disappear somewhere, from what the hell, so to speak, for what reason, everything works, moreover, war is possible. for new ones, you know, this takes place in an extreme regime like this , you can steal more, you can take over various other people's businesses more, there are many opportunities, this is a window of opportunity for many, that's why i always say yes, we were not in switzerland before the war and during the war we definitely did not become one , there is a sociological survey from the socis company, and soces itself says that the biggest mistakes of the government, the current government, are considered by ukrainians to be a high level of corruption, poor preparation for the war , and the resignation of an industrious member of those who took
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participation in this survey. 64%, almost 65 of the respondents called the biggest mistake of the government the preservation of a high level of corruption, the distribution of budget funds, and this is a fairly high indicator, mr. viktor, despite the fact that every ukrainian wants to become a king somewhere and to reign for himself, and be the same, well, in the same status and have the same opportunities as those in power, or? this indicator of 65% indicates that 65%, if the question is to vote for zelenskyi or for some new face who will ask zelenskyi, why your friends all with hands intact, why do they still have those hands, or will ukrainians choose a new face, and not and will they accuse zelensky of that level of corruption?
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or, well, the feeling of what they are stealing, and to compare it with what was there in the previous terms of various presidents, well, until recently, when the first scandal broke out, he had already had 17 eggs for a long time, then, society already said, yes, it's too bad that we have so much corruption, but at the same time, when they asked the next question, do you trust the president... it wasn't even like that, i didn't i remember who conducted it, razumkov or sotses or kmis, but the first question there is like, do you think that partly, well, the responsibility lies with the authorities, but in particular with president zelenskyi, and there conditionally from 70%, yes we think , that yes, he is supposed to be there, but do you trust the president, we trust
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the president, he is a good man, normal. i.e. , it is necessary for people to still teach our people that how is it possible for you to do this, but in the meantime, it is possible that we do not have another people, but to be honest, a percentage this is decreasing, that is, people are beginning to realize that since i believe that this person is responsible, although perhaps he himself does not take part, but simply... well, it’s bad , zelensky, for example, does not have such an ability as selection, arrangement personnel , yes, whatever they steal, it’s not a personnel officer, he’s bad, but this is his direct function, and in this case, it means he’s not functioning well, and that’s why he might be a good guy, but i don’t trust him there, for example, now there is less between now, well, there is no such thing anymore, but still it is still a lot, that yes, i think... and i should
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, and i also trust him, thank you, thank you, mr. viktor, i will remind our viewers that we are conducting a survey during this broadcast and we are asking you about whether it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility for corruption during the war , yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have any special opinion of your own, please write in the comments below this video, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on the tv air... dorok smartphone or phone and vote if you think accountability for wartime corruption should be strengthened (0800-211-381) no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we 'll tally it up of this vote , well, it is clear that my government, gentlemen, requires mono-responsibility, including responsibility for personnel decisions, mr. viktor
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mentioned this, but here we see... how over the last month or even two, president zelenskyi is changing the power bloc and first the head of the armed forces of ukraine , the chief of the general staff and 16 other generals who were dismissed from various positions as commanders of various directions resigned. yesterday, rotations in the power bloc of ukraine continued. lytvynenko replaced danilov. lytvynenko was the head of the foreign intelligence service, replaced the secretary. radbeza danilova and oleg ivashchenko, who worked in gura, were replaced by lytvynenko, so what do these personnel values ​​mean, and what do you think about taftology, and do they play any role at all in this reshuffling of these personnel, these figures by the office president of ukraine, mr. oleksiy? well,
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of course the government wants it to mean something. so that it looks like a personnel revolution.


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