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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call, the premium sponsor of the national team represents the united. stronger together. well, we continue to inform you about all the most important things, so disconnection schedules are valid only in kharkiv oblast, ukrenergo informs about this, but it is possible to apply in two more regions, among them odesa and khmelnytskyi, so we will inform you as soon as information is updated about certain changes in light supply schedules. now we will have the opportunity to communicate directly with kharkiv. , who is already in touch with us,
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is ready to share all the details with us, we welcome yevgeny to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so what, please tell us about the operational situation in the kharkiv region and in particular in kharkiv, how did you survive that night and, in fact, were there shellings , please share, yes, yesterday there were shellings, an aerial bomb flew over one of the residential areas, and... very reacted quickly, the whole community, and volunteer , utility workers, emergency services were all already on the ground, they very quickly provided all the necessary help to the people who suffered here, you can also see the results of the joint work of all volunteer organizations, utility workers, the contours of buildings are being stitched up, here, even now the works are being carried out, already on the second day we returned here to continue the recovery and help people here and sew up the contours, also after we returned
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home, already at night there were shelling again with rockets on one of the housing estates of kharkiv near this area , but there is also zoning, no victims, but there is destruction of infrastructure and broken windows, we will also work there. mr. yevgeny, look, i would also like to clarify with you about the situation with the energy industry, here ukrenergo is now informing that in kharkiv oblast they continue to to operate shutdown schedules, but we know that there was also and is possible, now the relevant minister is visiting kharkiv oblast, what is the situation, what... about the possibilities, possibly shortening these schedules, or somehow changing them, we would actually like to ask you. yes, everything is correct, there are schedules, district schedules, so it is possible that somehow our energy workers, our utility workers can adapt to them, they are just
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very, very cool guys and specialists who are very skillful in repairing everything related to energy, so a big thank you to them for this, and in we have light, and people in two... years of war could already adapt to such changes and to such living conditions for now, i hope that all these schedules will return to normal, and we will already have light constantly, without interruptions, there will also be subway schedules, even now they are being reduced and in the future they will be reduced and will return to normal, because we have very, very cool ukrainian specialists who will fix and restore all this, but a few days ago... when the enemy there took aim at another once in tets-5, there was information that the enemy had brought out the evil, there or in whole or in part, this huge station , and it will take years to restore it, and all of a sudden, the vuks are lowered, you think, well, years - it’s how long and at what cost, and
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if it flies again, when will any restoration work be carried out, and is it known what is the situation really like for you, is it not an exaggeration to stretch one for years. and look, according to the information that i have, unfortunately, this shelling was one of the largest, i think even the largest of all time in terms of energy, and a very critical situation was in kharkiv, almost all the stations were attacked and many things were destroyed, also 35, it was very badly damaged, there is a lot of destruction, but i hope that it will not be years, but... sooner, because we have international organizations , who help us , and donors, and our utility workers, and our people who work there, so i think we will do it sooner and not years, i hope, i am not an expert in this field, but i hope, as a ukrainian, who is ready to help and
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do something, that it will not be years, well, i would like so that you can tell, the enemy continues to talk about the preparations through various mass media or outlets. offensive on kharkiv, that kharkiv must be taken, and then there will be what they want, some, well , in one word, kharkiv must be taken, and how does it affect, how, how is it perceived in the city, because again, whatever - what kind of throw -ins can cause panic attacks in many people, people are not in the mood, people do not understand what is happening, what forces the enemy is concentrating, in which directions, what are the prepared boundaries, how can this happen, but words have an effect, that especially in such a situation, when there are arrivals, destruction, there is no light, there is no water, and this, of course, affects the psyche. logically, in pursuit of these words, what is the mood of kharkiv residents now? and why, kharkiv is not glorious, as always , it has been fighting this attack for two years, we are the first to meet the enemy, and kharkiv is standing, kharkiv is strong, motivated, there are very cool, cool
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hardworking people here, they, and our armed forces, they simply incredible, we all believe in them and help, with everything we can, all the volunteer team, all the people, you see our work results, as if we somehow doubted that kharkiv would grow kharkiv into a ukrainian city, we may not have made this story, but we are doing it, we believe in ukraine, we believe in kharkiv, because kharkiv is an infamous strong city, we will help it and it will be good , everything will be in ukraine, but please, eh, i just wanted to add about the shutdown schedules, yes, because it is important, people still hope that the situation will improve with this and... today herman galushchenko announced about that are now working to reduce the time without daylight up to four hours a day, you have already mentioned the operation of the subway, and in general , we would like to ask about the underground school in kharkiv, but the war dictates its own rules, we understand that you want children and
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students to study in the usual way, yes and no online, do you know anything about how the educational process is currently developing and how it can be reconfigured in such a way. in a way that they can study at their desks? and look, due to the fact that kharkiv is located directly close to the enemy from the east, due to the fact that there is constant shelling from almost every day, every week yes... exactly, the kharkiv region is shelled every day, because of this , my personal opinion is that education should be online at the moment, but if such opportunities are created, underground schools are now being built, eh, and there are such projects , we have a school in kharkiv, where children study, er, people who have the desire and are able to study offline, because they have such an opportunity, there are, there are such institutions that can work now, or will ... to work in the near future, but now the situation is so dangerous and
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dangerous for children, especially for students , that education, well, unfortunately, but should be online, this is my personal opinion, thank you, thank you, mr. yevhen, yevhen bilov, a volunteer from kharkiv was in touch with us, we were investigating , what is the situation there now, let me remind you that the relevant minister, minister of energy herman galushchenko, is in kharkiv region today, he gave a joint statement today. fing, together with the head of ova oleg synigubov, briefly just want to quote theses: specialists continue to analyze the situation for further understanding terms of the cost, restoration and condition of the equipment, the destruction is significant and not only at the generation facilities, but also at the electricity transmission facilities, the blackout schedules continue to operate, they are working to reduce the time without power to four hours a day, which i already pointed out that we have reached the peak of our capabilities regarding the connections of household consumers. questions regarding the heating season of 2024 and 2025 are in the focus of attention and under control, we have developments that we plan
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to implement before the autumn cold, well, i will also give news, but this is not relevant of energy, it concerns millions of ukrainians who have gone abroad, in particular those who currently live in the territory of the republic of poland, so the polish-lithuanian commonwealth writes that poland will change the rules for providing assistance to ukrainian refugees, i will briefly quote, well, maybe this is of interest to many people, no it is possible for sure, on march 29 the government will present a draft of amendments to the law, the change will be the cancellation of the norm, which provides for the financing of food and accommodation of ukrainians at 40 zlotys per day, well, in poland, i say drink tea somewhere around 7-8 zlotys, i don't know how to live there on 40 zlotys, but it's still some money , and today there are almost 40,000 people living in the centers, 4.2% of all ukrainian refugees, and they are still there children also think about how to study online, well, there are many problems, but the problem is that in poland they are starting to think about how to change something and... here, but what is important, what is interesting and correct, they say, that all this should take place in
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agreement with ukrainian colleagues, and because ukraine is also, like no one else, interested in for ukrainians to return home, but again, it is a question of security, because if a person comes from melitopol or berdyansk or bakhmut, well, he has nowhere to return, yes, if he does not have housing in other cities of ukraine, and it is possible for him there is no money to rent an apartment in another city, or there is no job now, so there is a problem. this is a difficult one, now we will take a short break, after it we will talk about the corruption scandal that arose in hungary, viktor orbán and his team were surprised, and what made hungarians go to protests, that's all we'll be talking in just a few minutes, so stay with espresso. attention, move from unpack tv: sofa kp covers from only uah 599. your sofa is dirty. sofa cape covers,
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of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must end it must win all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the air of the tv channel. the premium sponsor of the national team was presented. united by football, stronger together. well, let's continue with you to analyze the things that are happening around us now, there are many events today, and now we will add
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tibor tomp, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region, to our broadcast, together with him we will talk about... scandal , which flared up in hungary due to the release of audio about corruption in the orbán government. and what are you? you think, but you know who exposed this corruption. santa barbara, the protests were led by petr madyar, he is the ex-husband of the former minister of justice judit varga, he left orbán's entourage and now talks about the prime minister's corruption risks. that's why it's interesting to understand, understand all of them , all of them so. schedules of hungarian politics, and the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region, mr. tibor, will help us in this, welcome you to our airwaves, good day, ms. marta, good day, mr. vasyl, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so what, therefore, hungarians protested because of this
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corruption scandal, i wanted you to first explain to our audience what it is actually about, what kind of scandal it is, with whom? he is connected, and what made people go out on the streets like that? well, first of all, this is not the first time that people have come out for protests, since the end of january, from the beginning of february, in hungary, a permanent demonstration, but they were called with the fact that journalists, professionals, oppositionists, exposed, however, orbán, personally, and his party is higher. the leadership pardoned hungarian pedophiles in hungary, who were close to orbán's family, family, to his business interests, and after that , mrs. president katalin novak and katalin judith already mentioned above,
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or rather judith varga, the former head of the e-e ministry of justice of hungary, resigned. which claimed and was led by the fidesz party to the european parliament, so you correctly mentioned that the former husband, after that, who was a high-ranking government official, an official and received a very close relationship directly with the prime minister, with orbán, was at the meeting of everyone from the hungarian government, and he is immediately in favor. tested and stated that, and today, there is already evidence, corruption, bribery, under orbán - this is a permanent state, and it has been happening for 14 years. we are talking about huge funds, huge money, tens of billions of euros, and as you know, hungary mainly receives these funds as
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aid from the european union, so after all these revelations, we have young peter molyar in front of us, he announced the so-called 12 points, first of all, that orbán should resign and... hungary really needs it to establish normal relations with all european states, to restore normal relations with brussels, including with ukraine. well, there are such scandals, and you know, now ukraine is a candidate for the european union, a candidate, and we are always told, and we do not say here that we are so holy, no, well , you have corruption risks there, there were in the ministry of defense spillage, still somewhere else. somewhere else somewhere we say: well, yes, we are not yet worthy, we will still work, here the countries are members of the european union and you are talking about tens of billions, but how does it all correlate with the fact that you are in the eu, you have to comply with certain
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norms and rules, and at the same time , this one just turns a blind eye to it, meaning the official brussels, well , not quite like that, because already for several years, an investigation has been conducted in relation to the hungarian authorities and... as is known, more than 21 billion euros are still being detained by the european union in vorshchyna and not allocated, precisely in connection with the violation of the rule of law and in connection with the fact that , which the european union exposed to the relevant commissions, in hungary, under orban, the highest corruption, the highest bribery of all the countries of the european union. uhu, ah... i am, but these protests that we see taking place, what is their purpose, because when the maidan gathers in ukraine, and already everyone understands that the matter is serious, we understand that either the government will leave
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for certain concessions, or for some agreements, or in the current like yanukovych , or there will be some re-elections, that is, ukrainians come out with the fact that we want to achieve some goal, and, despite the fact that these may be force scenarios, well, but i don't know how budapest, if people come out, it's like, it's, it's what should be the goal, what should it reach? before the resignation, before re-elections, before any investigations, arrests, arrests , trials, please, uh, well, of course, the ukrainian maidan is unappreciated, such a situation, an unappreciated historical event is extraordinary, and there is no such maidan in hungary yet, and unlikely to be for many reasons, first of all. reasons, but there is a real demand, a democratic demand, that orbán should resign, and i
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think all these demonstrations, and by the way, peter magyar has announced new demonstrations, protests not only in budapest, already throughout hungary and in the province on april 6, i think that this will lead to... the fact that peter modor himself will form a party, break away from fidesz, from orban, and orban will be forced to change his tactics and, to a certain extent, his strategy, because this change is already ripe in fidesz, orbán is no longer in such a mental and physical condition that he will be able to continue the attack and ... unworthy politics, both inside the country and abroad boundaries mr. tibor, are you ready? do you think, if necessary, orbán will suppress
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these protests by force, use law enforcement levers of influence, or could this result in some, well, acts, acts of violence. see hungary today. vska is famous not so much for such forceful manifestations, in hungary the so-called character assassination flourishes very much, that is, they themselves are the special means of orbán’s propaganda, which is simply to demoralize a person and simply to raze him, well, between us, morally to the ground, this policy and ... and this relationship has already begun with peter madior, orbán's press is simply raging , it's just starting to dig into... those connections,
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what kind of relationship he had with his ex-wife and so on, that is, instead of such forceful procedures, orbán uses, and this is a very widespread phenomenon in hungary, korokter in hungarian dilkushak, or murder, total murder of a person's character, well, that's how i understand it, and the whole media thing begins. pouring dirt on a person, so completely discrediting any of his achievements, well , in short, they do everything so that a person has a bad reputation as much as possible among society, definitely , definitely, definitely, ms. marta , you put it very well, yes, this is exactly true, apart from corruption, this is what orbán is very good at doing, and please tell me, in this story, i don't know from which side , because in ukraine
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, by the way, there was such a story when on... even non-russian certain provocateurs tried to get into the middle of the representatives of the maidan and, well, to do certain things there, to provoke, and then to cause clashes and so on, well, at some stage there was, that is, such things always happen, here of course, in budapest, is it possible to talk about a possible trace of russia in this story, but russia can always get into any environment with some special, absolutely sick goal, which they may not even guess, well , i think that the special services of hungary should guess, but.. . can there be a noticeable role of russia here in some way, or push orbán even further away from the european union, well, also make him a hostage of some power units, god forbid murders, god forbid shootings, god forbid wounding of people, then russia loves such people very much when everyone they reject you, you are our client, we will do whatever we want with you, well, i think that such forceful events are unlikely to happen, why, because
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russia is also at the level of... propaganda at the level of the media very, very strongly present in the hungarian mediaptori, the most important e-e newspaper , the media resource of hungary, where it is the central press, modor nemzet, please, it is called the hungarian nation, but it is not a hungarian nation, i would rename it to the red star or... to tas e-e declares , purely russian narratives appear literally every day, purely ee russian reprints, ee materials , ee, so today it is very, very strongly ee present in hungary, but what is interesting, first of all it affects the lumpen on such short-sighted, monolingual people who ee...
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there with education to the eighth grade, thank you, thank you, yes tibor, tibor pompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region was on our airwaves, but now there are literally only a few minutes left of our news, we did not have time to ask it, but this is also an indicative situation, when hungary without at all permission and without any communication with ukraine, i am returning 11 military personnel, by the way, there is also such a complex detective. history, because they were forced to say, allegedly , that they have hungarian roots so that russia would agree to exchange them and not return them to ukraine, but you want such a cherry on the cake now, so today the council met, but did not make any decision, failed three resolutions, there were only, attention, 109 people's deputies in the hall, and this is what deputy zheleznyak writes, he says, well, they worked hard at this meeting in march it's over, everything needs to be done , well, really, well, but i think it's us
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... it should be popular, we'll have iryna fristu today at the next hour, we 'll talk with her, but now we'll hand it over to our colleagues word. iryna koval is ready to share relevant information. iro, we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you very much, marta, well, the official visit of our prime minister has just ended in the polish capital, he met donald tusk there, what was agreed, we will learn in the news release that today is the second anniversary of the deoccupation of irpin. in the city and how, let's say, they celebrated this anniversary, we will see more about everything later.


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