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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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this story resonates with what soloyov generally proposes in such cases, with such people, and he proposes to shoot them, and against the background of all this, there is a huge campaign to restore the death penalty, er, there is a whole series of politicians and propagandists are called to restore the death penalty, meanwhile it has not been abolished in russia, and also this... now it actually looks like some kind of political campaign, completely separate, with an attempt to hold a referendum in order to, in principle, be removed from power remove all responsibility and even for that, because as speaker volodin explained in his recent speech in the state duma, there is no need, he says, to hold any referendum, because simply a decision of the constitutional court is enough, but the decision of the constitutional court is considered a direct decision putin, and here already... the question
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of whether putin wants to make such a decision is still up in the air, because it is not clear, in fact, if you look at it so broadly, putin does not need the abolition of the death penalty, because if the death penalty is introduced, then she will also refer to the bunch, pedophiles, murderers , that is, the people they are currently sending to the svo, that is, it is such a golden fund of the svo, you know, and it is up to us to abolish the death penalty if all of them are sent to the svo, well, that is, the question that is in principle. .. for the russian authorities , it is not yet fully decided, they are thinking whether to do this or not to do this, or whether it is necessary, well, to go and raise this hysteria and show: here we have introduced the death penalty again, or is it better to quietly all these murderers of the headmasters should be sent to the svo, so let's follow this one event, but well, the trend itself is more or less clear, as you know, a very clear trend in... the fact that russia
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has started such, you know, a new stage of conversations about how to actually destroy ukraine, because , i'll tell you, these problems of belgorod, which he does not want to see, solovyov tells that all of you here, alarmists, ukrainian spies, are actually directly related to what happens when russia bombs, for example, kharkiv, so don't give up from... the belgorod region to kharkiv, well, it doesn't fly in response, but somehow no one has this simple idea does not want to hear, moreover , well, it is somehow unpopular on russian airwaves, on the contrary , on russian airwaves the popular idea is to kill everyone in kharkiv, and this despite the fact that there are a lot of russian-speaking people there, as if the population, and you know, this changes very much in such a approach to the war in general, because it is one thing to say that we are freeing some russian people there, and another thing is that we... we are killing
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everyone who lives simply in ukrainian cities, and now it already sounds like that, no one liberates, it's simple, they say russian propagandists , we will kill them, they must be put in their place, i think kharkiv must be de-energized to such an extent that it becomes unfit for life, so that the 800 thousand people who remained there get into cars, go on foot, with bales on.
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.. 48 hours for everyone to leave kharkiv and demolish it to the devil's mother by the block, there is no need to say anything more, all our people are already here, all our brothers are already here, they found a way to cross the border, and they left, tell me, why kyiv at all exists, why is this nazi city still standing, the mother of russian cities a long time capture'. and why all these cries that all residents of ukrainian cities must now be killed, i say once again, this is an absolute change now from what was said before, before they told how they were liberating literally ukrainian cities, but now no, no one is liberating , as it turned out, ukrainian cities, ukrainian cities are simply demolished, otherwise none of them knows how to fight, does not want to, and actually does not set such a goal. so, the terrorist attack in
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krokushol was the beginning of a new stage of the war against ukraine by the moscow regime. and the russian federation turns into a state of total war. the goals of the war are now officially announced. complete destruction of ukraine, ukrainian statehood and ukrainianness as such. and now this new stage of the war has been officially announced, on the website of the moscow patriarchate on march 27 the so-called order of the universal russian people's council was published. the special military operation is a new stage of the national liberation struggle of the russian people against the criminal kyiv regime and the collective action behind it, it is written on this website, but in the decisions of this as if boru svo has been fought on the lands of southwestern russia since 2004, it suddenly turns out, that is, it turns out that not 8 years ago someone bombed there, but it turns out that all this time russia has been waging its war since
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the 14th year, and finally the russian orthodox the church said this directly, so that no one would invent anything there, moreover, in the same decision they wrote that... that during the war, the russian people with weapons in motion defends, and what does it defend? the right to live on one's own land within the borders of a single russian state, that is, that's all he is announcing now around the russian state, and from a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation, attention is a holy war, finally they call it that now, a holy war, in which russia and... there is a people, protect the single spiritual space of holy russia, fulfilling the mission i don't know what it is that protects the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the west, which fell into satanism, in my opinion,
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gundyaev, the russian orthodox church, and absolutely the entire russian state, which simply turned into some, fell into satanism. you know cannibals who just want to... kill everyone, absolutely. moreover, in the same decision it is said that after the end of this war, the entire territory of modern ukraine must enter the zone of russian influence and no other power can be there. even more, the limits of the russian world, as a spiritual, cultural and civilizational phenomenon, are wider than the state borders of the current russian federation, and even wider. the border of the great historical russia, what does this mean, it means a simple intention to simply fight, it is not known why what, it is not known where, that is, it is like this, you know, war without end, that is, war just for the sake of war, why war for the sake of war, because actually
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putin’s regime cannot exist outside of war, you know, everyone who says that it is not beneficial for putin, something there, some kind of terrorist attack , it is not profitable for putin to attack somewhere, but it is profitable for him to fall somewhere on... because in the 21st year, 2021, and putin's reputation, putin's rating, fell to a very low level. in 2021 , such, you know, some centripetal speeches, some speeches by ecologists began, speeches of some local movements throughout russia, and only the war allowed putin to regain his rating. where he needed, where it was convenient for him, to declare himself again , not just that, well, the president, the president or the ruler, who once again strengthened the power, and actually this war itself gives putin and his group the opportunity to keep this power, only the war,
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nothing else , because as soon as it ends, internal russian turmoil begins, and in fact, they restrain it with war. and therefore yes, now it is a war, and now they have drawn the belarusians into it as well, because lukashenka's last speech, it is also , well, frankly, very interesting, where lukashenko, together with the leaders of his army, is thinking about how they will fight on the territory of poland, for how long they don't all grumble about this suvan corridor, how many kilometers are there to russia to... almost nothing, they behave like that for nothing, but now you have to face the baltic
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republics, and you take part of the foil, the northern part, so to the northeast, are you scheduled to go? is being worked out, the personnel is being prepared , in particular what is provided for, set by your instructions , the order of the minister of defense is already being implemented as part of training in the fortified areas, we are not just going to the areas of the field trip and the areas of the exercises, we are also, as now, in the real districts, so that the personnel, officers knew, they knew the territory, the roads knew where, how, what, what. it was possible to make decisions on the ground and were ready directly
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for real actions. and finally solovyov told about the fact that even if the war with ukraine ends, it does not mean that the war will end at all, no - said solov'ov, now we are waiting for a war without an end. in the next six years , these problems must be fundamentally solved among believers. and you know, of course, this very much contradicts these stories of putin, which he tells there,
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someone is inventing that we are going to attack europe somewhere, but here lukashenko is sitting, talking about the suval corridors, how to enter the territory of poland, the baltic countries, to fight with them, and why exactly, they what are attacking belarus, no, they are not attacking belarus, then what are these talks about? these conversations, i'll tell you, my friends, that's why they exist, because after you know. they saw that they don't give ukraine enough weapons there, you know , there's something similar in poland there, it prefers to block the ukrainian border there than to block the russian and belarusian ones, and that's how it inspired putin, let's put it bluntly, that you can continue to fight like this, it is possible to expand russia's own borders in general, then not necessarily only to ukraine, it is possible to continue there, they in general, they do not end anywhere, well, that is, as much as you give, as much as you like. this does not mean that putin is not ready for negotiations, he says, no, he is ready for negotiations, but he
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is ready for negotiations, so only if they give him everything without war, and with war he also does not want it, but he will this is to scare, it will show, it will show how they are ready to attack, moreover, i will say, they will even possibly attack poland and the baltic countries as well, if they think that they are not enough. showed everyone what they are ready for of these hostilities, so, unfortunately, we have to understand that only by killing all these, well , absolutely knowledgeable gangs that have gathered in moscow, can we really end the war, and any desire to capture something there, and this endless terror, there are no other options for them... there is simply no option, there is no option to agree, because there is no subject for
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agreement, because when you are offered simply, give everything there together with poland, for today it already sounds like that, well, it is not an option for negotiations, i will tell you, this just stupid blackmail, and the one who goes to this blackmail and will try to talk about it, well, he has already lost a lot. and he is actually preparing a war not in 5 years, not in seven, no, he is preparing this war in 2-3 months, but already on a much larger scale. see you, watch this week's judicial control program with tetyana shustrova. the most odious judges-offenders, how to save. position while in sizo. they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. but why vrp kvolo
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considers complaints against the servants of themis. the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, not to clean up the renewal of the judiciary . congratulations, this is judicial control - a program to ensure the declarative and real rule of law in ukraine. the foundation for the further development of our state is, in particular, high-quality judicial reform. it depends on her. ukraine's chance to join the eu. we will talk about those who bring this introduction closer for us, and those who, on the contrary, distance it, but first to the news. specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court against the acting head of the comintern district of odesa, pavlo dobrov, who was found guilty of bribery a year ago in september. according to the investigation materials, the judge promised for $1,300 to assist in making decisions on securing a claim in a civil case in favor of a citizen. tell me, what you
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said for security, it's for, well, for these two things, and for demand, and for security, yes, if the court. finds pavlo dobrov guilty of corruption, he faces a sentence of imprisonment for a term from 5 to 10 years with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions. the odious judge of the kharkiv district administrative court, olena izovitova vakim, is trying to challenge the results of her qualification assessment, which found her unworthy of the position. the judge appealed to the cassation administrative court with the lawsuit. we will remind, the higher qualification commission of judges recommended above after the interview. to the council of justice to dismiss izuvitova from her position as the vakim. as a result of her dismissal, she will also be deprived of life support. in his in izovitov's statement of claim, vakim demands that the actions of the higher qualification commission of judges be recognized as illegal. izovitova vakim - judge of the maidan. in 2013, it passed a decision to ban peaceful gatherings in support of euromaidan in kharkiv. the judge initially
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vetoed the peaceful protests from november 26 to 29, 2013. and the next one. generally banned protests indefinitely. the previous composition of the high council of justice recognized that the judge had violated the rules of procedural law, but exempted her from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. judge olena izovitova vakim has a lot of property, the appearance of which is difficult to explain by income. and not only her, but also her children, who at the minimum salary became owners of expensive cars. mother of judges lidia and zovitova, head of the national association of lawyers of ukraine and associate of putin's godfather, viktor medvedchuk. more than four months ago, the supreme council of justice finally resumed the self-distribution and consideration of disciplinary complaints of judges. however, during this time , she did not consider the most high-profile cases of the most scandalous servants of themis, for on whose shoulders are corruption scandals and property of dubious origin acquired during the judiciary. what's more, these judges are often
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involved in high-profile criminal cases themselves. they are suspended from the administration of justice, but still work as judges. and you and i continue to pay them a considerable salary, we are talking about judges whose names and surnames we all know, in particular the judges of the former already liquidated district administrative court of the city of kyiv, against some of them there are dozens of complaints, disciplinary ones, against the head of this court pavlo- vovku is open only to what extent i know as of today, and the question of whether it is being considered or not is unknown, at least to us, because... this is pavlo vovk, the odious former head of the liquidated most scandalous court in the country, the district administrative court of kyiv, the same one that canceled the new edition of the ukrainian spelling, blocked the renaming of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which, according to the decision of the verkhovna rada , was supposed to include "connection with russia" in its name. and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, the judges of the district administrative court
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kyiv considered a lawsuit filed by viktor yanukovych regarding his return to the position of president of ukraine. the head of kyiv district administrative court, pavlo vovk, appears in the case of interference in the work of the court and influencing the adoption of certain decisions for money. in 2020 , nabu announced that vovka, his deputy yevgeny ablov and five other judges of oask, were suspected of creating a criminal organization and seizing power. there is a huge problem in the fact that the judges of oascu, even after the liquidation of the court, they continue to remain judges and receive a considerable salary. circumferential. the administrative court of kyiv was liquidated at the end of 2022, since then pavlo vovk does absolutely nothing, but still receives a salary. over the past year , taxpayers paid more than uah 1.5 million to a suspect in serious corruption crimes and an attempt to seize power. and he is, of course, not the only one, his first deputy yevhen ablov,
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also involved in the criminal case and also received about 1.5 million. i, as an outside observer, get the impression that there is simply no one in this... interested, or more precisely, the supreme council of justice is interested in keeping tandyr, vovka, ablov, and other figures like them in their positions, and the supreme council, i would really like to be wrong, and i will be happy to be wrong, all that needs to be done in the supreme council of justice is start considering these cases and dismiss those judges who should be dismissed. the case of the judge responsible for the fatal road accident is also pending before the supreme council of justice. last year, on may 26 , the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region. oleksiy tandyr is driving a car lexus ran over national guard soldier vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv. a military serviceman who was originally from cherkasy and raised. three children died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the driver was traveling at a speed of 100 km/h, tandyr himself was intoxicated. this case caused a great public outcry, however
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, it did not attract the attention and priority of the high council of justice. oleksiy tandyr is in the pre-trial detention center, he will probably be found guilty and sentenced to a real prison term, but he still remains a judge. the most interesting thing is that the supreme council of justice itself included in its regulations a rule with... that high-profile cases, cases that have public weight, significant public interest, should be considered as a priority, or at least as a priority, unfortunately, we do not see this, and in fact such thus, the members of the supreme council of justice themselves violate the new regulations. a special category for the dismissal of collaborating judges, those who betrayed the oath and went over to the side of the enemy during full-scale war. they should be released immediately, but the supreme council of justice is in no hurry here either. judge of the northern commercial court of appeal volodymyr kuk. who is accused of collaborationism, after the liberation of kyiv region from the occupiers, he justified the atrocities of the racists and called ukrainians fascists. but it seems to me that it is only the people of bandera, damn
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it, they can fucking rape, and we also have such a situation here, we have half-salaries like these, the supreme court decided to give half-salaries for the war, what is it for me is this war necessary? kuksov was detained by law enforcement officers back in september 2022, since then he has been in a pre-trial detention center, and the vrp has still not found time. consider the issue of his dismissal, as well as the case regarding another collaborator, the former head of the poltava district court, larisa bogomolova, who is suspected of treason due to alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. she was detained last year in august. according to law enforcement officers, she called on the employees of the berdyansk district court, where she previously worked, to support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them. and those who refused to cooperate, turned himself in to the fsb. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the movement of three battles. azov from mariupol to mangusha district. the russians killed these servicemen. today i heard information that three people from azov got out of mariupol by some trick. can you
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hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in mind. if the court finds bogomolova guilty, she faces life imprisonment, but for now she is still a ukrainian judge. i repeat, all these same judges are still very rare an exception continues to deliver so-called justice, one can imagine how they deliver it. so far, the supreme council of justice has considered only a few applications for dismissal from the disciplinary chamber. however , key unscrupulous members of the judiciary still remain in office. it was a judicial control program. if you want to report corrupt or unscrupulous judges or illegal decisions? write to me on facebook or at. this email address, see you in exactly one week.
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what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and place of bravery no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud. this is an adventure that will stay with us until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast
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started, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and... experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we
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will discuss with you today, two hours to find out. about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen postahov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is ready. tell us about the weather on the day of your arrival, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. in... united by football,
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stronger together. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and now to the main events. minus one. a russian su-35 military plane crashed in the temporarily occupied crimea. lchik ejected the information was confirmed by the local governor. however, he did not tell about the reasons for the fall. at the same time , local publics assume that the aircraft
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became another victim. russian anti-aircraft.


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