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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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of dr. tais, a proven tool, the great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, finding solutions, the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must end it. and we must win. all the most important things every thursday at 21:15 in the "great lviv speaks" project on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express s...
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your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. let's continue and now oleksandr morchenko contributed money to us during the war, oleksandr, please welcome the audience, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes we will talk about ukrainian-polish relations regarding agricultural products, exports, you will also learn about excise taxes, what new taxes the government is preparing for us, and we will talk about the current energy crisis, should ukraine expect mass shutdowns throughout ukraine? of electricity,
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an energy expert will join us, all in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. it seems to me that such a late meeting was held today in warsaw between the heads of the government of poland and ukraine, but they say that they paid a lot of attention. complex topics. denys shmyhal and donald tusk met today, talked about agricultural production, consulted on this problem, and also discussed the situation of the common border. according to denys shmigal , the next steps are now clear. well, apparently, we have already agreed on something, but let's listen to the direct speech, maybe we will hear the grain there, and then we will talk more. grain does not enter
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the polish market, our government has introduced a verification procedure for four grain agricultural crops: corn, rapeseed, sunflower and wheat. export of these categories without license is not happening, we do not issue such documents, such permits, we will issue them only upon mutual agreement with the polish government, and accordingly, this is the first element of our cooperation, and this is the first step on our part. we are looking for the best solution for both parties regarding agrarian issues. here we took a step forward, because, as agreed in kyiv, poland started a diplomatic process in the matter of blocking russian and belarusian grain and other agricultural products and got the effect equivalent to an embargo. as much as i i understood that ukraine made concessions to vasyl and will agree to the export of certain
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agricultural products from poland, our agrarian exporters will receive certain permits, well, in particular, for soybeans and other products, and poland, for its part , will block agricultural exports from russia and belarus. this conversation should have happened to vasyl earlier, well, yes , well, obviously, it should not have started with the fact that president zelensky accused poland of the fact that they almost work for russia there, it was not necessary to come to... to stand there like 300 spartans, why did they come, well, that is, i mean, when the ukrainian authorities came to the border, and well, the poles said, we will not go to the border simply, well , that is fine, that an understandable dialogue began , someone, someone stopped standing in a pose, someone stopped too, well, not understanding and doing, i don’t know what is happening, a conversation began, well, any compromise, it must be, it must be mutual advances, well but for now the question of the transit of ukrainian grain through polish the territory remains open. this issue
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is still up for discussion, but i think that if such a dialogue begins, then the transit issue will also be resolved. well, indeed, in continuation of this topic, polish farmers temporarily blocked the movement. trucks at the checkpoint in hryniv, dolgobychiv, cars can pass without delays in both directions. well, currently 120 trucks are waiting to cross the border, they will try to pass them by april 2. i would like to remind you that the blockade continues at the ravarusk and yagodyn checkpoints. protesters are not allowed there not a single car of ours towards poland. well, all the blocks of burshtynska and ladyzhynska tes were damaged during the attack on march 22. dmytro sakharuk, the executive director of dtek, told about it. the degrees of destruction are different - he says, part of the equipment is completely destroyed. the top manager noted that the energy sector was hit by the largest attack since the beginning of the great war. current production was damaged, so our state lost about 50% of its capacity, and
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it also became known about the partial destruction of the zmiiv thermal power plant on kharkiv region. well, we will talk about this in detail with viktoria vaitsitska. an expert on energy issues, ms. victoria was also a people's deputy of the eighth convocation, she was the secretary of the specialized committee of the fuel and energy complex, good evening, good evening, ms. victoria, well , it is already being announced that the schedule of power outages will be 100% effective in kharkiv oblast, but they can include odesa and a few more of our regions, they say in ukrenergo, in particular, well, i am interested... a question that i would like, perhaps, to begin with, to hear from you: an attack on the energy infrastructure was announced, on the part of the government, in particular , which was preparing for this in the winter, why did it now begin to be actively done in the spring, when , firstly, it is warm, and secondly, long days are ahead,
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why does the enemy continue to do it now? well, this is actually the answer to this question only the enemy knows, yes, but i can make a ... assumption that maybe this is an instrument of a kind of coercion for peace, we remember that soon there will be a summit in switzerland, which will devoted precisely to the topic of peace, and perhaps the russians are trying in this way, enemies to force us to make those concessions. which they expect from us, showing their ability to inflict quite serious damage on us, and not only directly on the front line, but also in the rear, so i think that this is
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a kind of strategy of forcing peace on the terms, well, in fact, of partial surrender, well, here in dtt. as i said, they say that 50% of the power has been lost due to attacks on thermal power plants, well, that is a big figure, how much will ukraine be able to sustain now with help from our international partners, who are giving now the system has some support, but what is the way out? this is a very good question, probably the best solution would be to close our completely air. air, well, that is, remember, no fly zone, close the sky, these are the initiatives that have been heard since the very first days of a full-scale invasion, which would involve the military use
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of air forces, our neighbors, partners, nato countries, in fact, in order to protect our civil infrastructure objects, and in that... and energy critical infrastructure. of course it is such a desire is a maximum that is unlikely to be fulfilled right here and now, but on the other hand, we already see with you that we will receive help in the form of modern air defense systems, patriots, arresters, nasamsi and all the rest, just that they are not enough in order for us... to be able to close the whole sky and close at least our space from attacks precisely on the energy infrastructure, that is, we need to ask for more, our partners should look for opportunities to produce more such systems, understanding that they will be able to us
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to help, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, i would now like to talk about the fact that, considering that ukraine is part of the european energy... union, we are in the same boat together with europe, and attacks on the ukrainian energy system are attacks on the common the european energy system, and our ... european partners should be interested in ensuring the security of our common energy system now, and for this, it may be worth considering the option of using nato forces and nato weapons to protect our facilities, and i'm talking about the initiative of president macron, which he voiced, yes, when... it was about providing ukraine with assistance in the form
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of nato troops, why not start by using them to protect our critical infrastructure together with appropriate means of air defense, which we would manage, which they would help us, including support and so on, and this could be one of the first steps. well, of course, i think that international partners will help restore thermal power plants, it is possible there will be some modern modular small theses, but as far as now, especially the beginning of spring, summer, renewable energy sources will help to increase the generation and essentially provide light to ukrainian cities. you and i understand very well that the light shines during the day, and we have load peaks in the morning and evening, and we need it for the power system. additionally electricity in the morning when we wake up and in the evening when we come home, the sun usually doesn't shine early,
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in the summer it's okay, it might already be shining, but still this is not the optimal source to cover our peaks, it could be other solutions, it could be gas piston stations that will work on gas, only very unfortunately, we do not see the appropriate solutions from the ukrainian government so far to would stimulate exactly this direction of replacing large generation facilities with smaller ones and those that could really be connected quite quickly in the event of the need to provide cities and regions with electricity, and by the way, not only we are talking about electricity now , if we look at kharkiv, there has been great damage and... in fact, serious destruction by objects that generate even more heat, and the question of what to do with the city of kharkiv,
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how to prepare it for the next winter, that's what we have to think about today, how to get through the next winter, and here our partners are so ready to help us, but our country also has to do its job, well, there are indeed concrete proposals, i thank you for voicing them, victoria voytsytka was in touch, an expert on energy issues, people's dep... of the eighth convocation, and i continue to talk about money, and in particular, as i promised, about new possible taxes. an increase in excise taxes on fuel is inadmissible, people's deputies from the european solidarity faction said. in their opinion, such a semi-secret decision of the government can lead to a negative effect on the economy and worsen people's living standards. lawmakers advised the authorities to find additional resources in the budget among the gaming business, for example, and the illegal cigarette market, after all. now more than uah 32 billion can be obtained from excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol. let's listen to the direct
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speech. now, even in the course of the negotiation process on joining the european union, we have to agree that ukraine will take much wider steps to approach the minimum european rate. that is, we will take this one. for tens of years, because in our country we are poorly provided for, our economy is suffering the most now. the cost of fuel, the cost of energy, you cannot avoid it in any way, and today it is also in the price of food, and the first to be affected by price increases will be enterprises of the agricultural industry, then this is exactly you... a sharp increase in all food products. and about financial services
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on wheels. in the donetsk region , a mobile branch of oschadbank was created on the basis of an armored car. residents of communities close to the front line can receive social benefits, salaries, issue a card or pay utility bills, for example. the head of the region, vadym filashkin, told about it. the branch has the necessary connection, so it can work in the naiva. mobile phone routes in more remote settlements branches will be determined according to local applications, i.e. there will be applications for receiving a pension or paying utility bills, that's where they will arrive. there will be such a branch on the wheels of the state savings bank, and i will end the issue with this news, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us , a lot of important statements were made today, a lot
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happened, and for sure serhiy rudenko will discuss it with his guests in the program verdict at 20, well, more specifically, what will be discussed, serhii, please. says, good evening, good evening, vasyl, let's talk today about zelenskyi's latest statements, about the possible offensive of the russian federation in may and june, and actually what these statements mean, to whom they are directed and whether they will be heard first in the west, and , of course, we will talk about how in the cities of ukraine are introducing additional security measures, they are already talking about possible countermeasures against saboteurs in... the ukrainian capital, we will talk about all this for the next hour, starting at 20:00, we will have three guests, they are major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, british political scientist taras kuzyo, and military expert oleksandr musienko, in addition to possible threats from the russian federation in may-june,
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let's talk about the threats posed by the telegram network, or rather the messenger. telegram and whether it is necessary in ukraine to regulate the activities of an information platform with russian roots and that platform that is used quite actively by russian special services to collect information on arrivals and other important information that is part of ukraine's national security. by the way, general budanov spoke yesterday about that... the existence of the telegram is actually a matter of ukraine's national security, and another topic that is quite actively being pumped up in russia right now is that the moscow church is declaring a holy war against ukraine, and this is being done at the synod
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of the russian orthodox church, they decided that the war with ukraine is a holy war, and it... must necessarily end with the russian, everything russian, including the russian orthodox church, must be on the territory of ukraine, and everything that is now and called ukraine, should become part of it of russia, and patriarch gundyaev insists that it is imperative that we strive for this, because, according to him, there are nationalists, nazis, and they are doing harm in ukraine. orthodoxy, russian orthodoxy, what this statement means and whether we should react to this statement by deciding to ban the operation of the branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, we will talk about all this for an hour, starting at 20:00. let me remind you once again that
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we will have an officer of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, a british political scientist taras kuzio and a military expert oleksand as guests. musienko, we will meet on the air in literally 12 minutes. vasyl's great evening of winter continues. vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much serhii, so we are waiting for serhiy ravdenko at 8 pm and i, his guest, we have already waited for alina chechenina, but now the preface. to save animals in order to remain human, the premiere of the documentary is currently underway in kyiv. we are our pets and war. this is the work of popular blogger anton ptushkin, who became famous for his travel show. will tell you more, please, have a word, good evening, good evening vasyl, good evening to our viewers, actually i want to say that i am currently at the documentary film festival and i am just about to start watching this film, but i am already ready to tell you about it at least a little, but very... a lot of
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people came to one of the cinemas in kyiv today, all because anton ptushkin is certainly a very popular person, when even before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when a lot of bloggers, unfortunately, ours on youtube, made content in such a way that the russians would also make it, anton probably had the most popular travel shows on this whole large space, after a full-scale invasion, he clearly refused to do anything. a russian speaker switched to ukrainian and he also writes a food blog, talks about different dishes in different cities together with restaurateur mykhalo katsyurin. ukrainians are popularizing ukrainian cuisine, discovering it for themselves, and here anton tushkil shot his first full-length documentary film, i would like to say that in general it is very fashionable now,
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among many people who were previously not familiar with cinema, documentaries, in general nothing to do with it, because now there is such a real boom in documentaries, ukrainians want to watch documentaries, and here we see footage from this film, the film tells about animals saved... during the war, how ukrainians save animals, and i watched the same , like you, i watched only the trailer, but after literally five to seven minutes the show itself begins, and in this trailer we already see many people who tell how they saved animals themselves, or animals that were saved, and we we remember what happened there are a lot of these stories, and they were very colorful and poignant with a good ending, with a not so good ending. we constantly see all these animals, animal rescuers who save people under the rubble, and our unconditional attitude towards animals, it changed a lot
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for the better and with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, it seems to me that, you know, now there are many documentarians and authors in general they say that our film should be shown abroad, because it tells something good about ukraine and about ukrainians, i do not yet know the quality of this film. from an artistic point of view, but i absolutely support that this is our attitude towards animals, all these cases of rescuing animals and how they left the occupied cities together with a group of animals, it seems to me that this is a very good image story for us, well, as for anton ptushkin himself, i don’t want to remind you that he became famous in particular for his really interesting travel blogs, he traveled all over the world, he filmed himself, that is, he did everything himself and... i want to ask him after show, did he really do everything here himself, well, i doubt it, of course, there was a big team here, but here, but i want to watch the tape, it will be released on
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april 4, so i hope that there will be its success and viewers will have fun, and i will also say that together with this film, the film in general opens a big documentary film festival, you can also watch the program in cinemas and go, because... many films about the war, many films that somehow touch on war, and i will remind you once again that almost all colleagues tv people say that documentaries, which were not so popular before, are now very popular among viewers , now they are approaching in terms of ratings to really some entertainment shows, this is extremely cool, such a big push, so we are waiting for new achievements, maybe someone else. a very unexpected person will make a documentary for us, but for now we will watch what anton ptushkin made for us about animals, that's all for me, continue the broadcast. thank you very much, lina chechenii,
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it's cool that people understood after all a full-scale invasion and how many eight years of war, what? that russian is not that and sent to work on the russian market, at least after a full-scale invasion, it ’s cool, it’s cool that these people are now working for the ukrainian viewer, it’s very good, and i urge you, by the way, to watch the verdict program today, because here are the words of the president who voiced what he told the publication, well, the publication, this is cbs, in my opinion, if i am not mistaken, about the offensive and we need help, the president talks a lot , i will not comment on anything, there are actually people who can comment, speak. but again, if the enemy was preparing for an attack, well , they don’t prepare for an attack for two weeks, but at that time we had a race for gold and many other incomprehensible things, and
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then, oh, and we have an attack, and we are not ready, give us something, well that's how it looks, maybe everything is much more complicated, but in principle everything in life is much more complicated, but very often with some people you think that everything is much more complicated there, but it turns out that everything is much simpler there, and it's disappointing , but does not disappoint you espresso, be with us, now the weather from natalka didenko, then the verdict, see, goodbye. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, eh, we are starting our weather meeting, and first we will talk not about air temperature, humidity, precipitation, but about flowers, about the current beautiful spring, which is already gaining. rotations, today we are talking about crocuses, and we will learn, maybe something new about them, we will remember something, crocus, or saffron, a very beautiful word, by the way, it is a genus
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of grasses. perennial plants of the peavnik family. 70 species are known to be common there are a lot of them in the mediterranean, nine species are found in ukraine, which is also quite a lot. saffron is used, well, for spices, as a source of spices and a dyeing plant, it is used in folk medicine, it is a painkiller or diuretic, and it is also used, of course, as an ornamental plant. we have a lot of saffron crocuses and it incredibly decorates our parks, flowerbeds and streets, which are still quite poor in flowers, it is used in the food industry as a yellow dye for cheeses, butter, liqueurs and some types of soft drinks, well, if a natural dye, so be it, saffron, known since the early middle ages, it was known to be very popular in greece, was added.
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together with egg white, and was used to illustrate manuscripts, that is, they painted , and saffron white was also used to make gold varnish, to give the surface such a golden shade, to imitate gold leaf, that's how crocus is, both beautiful and useful, we go further and talk about magnetic storms, tomorrow the situation, as you will now see with the forecast chart is quite calm , there is nothing so special, so we continue our meeting and talk about the weather forecast, just now we happened to be here, who was passing by, who is it here tarasyk, tarasyk, he greets you, but he is very, as you can see, there is a lot to do, but still, let's say hello to everyone, oh such a whirlwind, and talk about the weather that is expected in ukraine in the coming days. an atmospheric front will come to us tomorrow, so some areas
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will see rain sometime during the night. or somewhere in the morning, so tomorrow in the west of ukraine , rainy weather will prevail in the coming night, but in the afternoon the precipitation will stop, the air temperature is high, +12 -19°. in the north of ukraine tomorrow, so to speak, the air temperature will be +10, +15 everywhere and it will rain and strong wind will also be observed. in the east of ukraine, rain is more likely tomorrow already in the evening, air temperature. it is also quite high, in the eastern part of ukraine +12, +16°. in the central part of ukraine there will also be a lot of clouds, rain will fall, strong wind will be observed, but air temperature, i hope will compensate for all these synoptic inconveniences +12 +16. no precipitation is expected in the southern part of ukraine, only in zaporizhzhia it will rain. the air temperature will be high, as befits the south +18 +21°. well, in...
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tomorrow in kyiv, it will cool down to +11° for a short time , it will rain, tomorrow do not forget an umbrella and appropriate clothes, because the rain will also be combined with strong wind, but warm, sunny weather will prevail in most regions of ukraine on the weekend , always keep an eye out for updated forecasts on espresso channels. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour, we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. increasing missile attacks. additional
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security measures are being introduced in the cities of ukraine. what is he preparing for? agresova a threat to national security. ukrainian intelligence warns of harm from telegram. how to regulate the activities of an information platform with russian roots. orthodox jihad. the moscow church declared a holy war in ukraine. why is a branch of the russian orthodox church still thriving in ukrainian orthodoxy? we talk about this and other things during the next hour with ours. as guests with the major of the armed forces of ukraine, special agent ihor lapin, the british political scientist taras kuzyo, and the military expert oleksandr musienko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of the russians shooting down their own su-27 plane over sevastopol, it was probably a russian ppu.


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