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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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at the same time, bloomberg wrote that american officials were allegedly angered by the statement of emmanuel macron, and state department spokesman matthew miller commented on this publication, which is meant in bloomberg, which referred to the dissatisfaction of the american side. let's hear what matthew miller had to say. i have no reaction to this post, but of course we have made it clear that... the united states is not going to send any troops to ukraine. macron is a head of state that is a longtime ally of the united states, and we are working productively with them on a number of issues issues, including support for ukraine. mr. taras, is it possible to defeat the russians and the ukrainians without opening a second front? well, i don't think this is about the second front, this is about the fact that in... first of all, you have to
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understand macron, macron wants to show himself that he is the new de gol, and the french have always wanted to show that they rule europe , that the eu does not have its headquarters in brussels, it has its headquarters in paris, and due to the fact that now there are no more british in europe, there is no more, there is no more american aid to ukraine, which means that here macron uses the moment to show that he is the goal. that he will lead europe, that europe will be autonomous from the united states of america, he has long dreamed of this and wants to be, so to speak, the new elder brother of europeans, and this is the first reason, the second reason, i think that most europeans now, not only eastern europeans, ukraine's neighbors, but also western ukrainians began to be understood as americans. what, what, why, what is the russian
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threat, and it seems to me that macron only speaks in the sense of what would have happened scenario, i don't think it can happen, but what if the scenario that ukraine is already starting to lose the war, and the russian army threatens kyiv, for example, then we could think of different scenarios, so that countries that would like to ... their troops , it is not a question of the au sending out or nato sending out, but individual countries, maybe poles, swedes, finns, lithuanians, french, so that they would help ukraine to defend the central place of kyiv, i think that only in this scenario it is about it, plus probably also training, safety assistance, and weapons, but... but in france and as well as
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what i think is interesting now that france has completely changed its point of view. for example, at the nato congress in vilnius last july, france supported ukraine's membership in nato for the first time. ah, and that means that the biggest biggest country that doesn't support it is the united states of america, and and for. scholz also stands by the germans, and even then france changed its point of view, but this does not mean that it will immediately send out an army, no, this, it is about which, if such a very bad scenario for ukraine were to happen, if kyiv were really threatened, i think so, but so far it is not threatened, i doubt that it would be like that, by the way, the prime minister. the prime minister of italy giorgia
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meloni said that she personally told macron about her disagreement with his words about the deployment of troops to ukraine. to pay attention to what tones we use, well, obviously macron and i in general, the leaders of western europe talk about or allow such possibilities for the participation of their citizens. on the territory of ukraine, taking into account the threats that exist from russia towards western europe, eastern europe, first of all, the baltic states, putin once again said that this is complete nonsense, that the possibility of a russian attack on nato countries is, they say, a disproportionate military the potential of russia and the united states of america, and added that the allies of the united states of america will fear in vain, listen. this is complete nonsense,
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the possibility of attacking some other countries, poland, the baltic countries, they are the czechs. they repent, this is complete delusion, this is another way to deceive their people and squeeze additional costs out of people, to make them carry this burden on their shoulders, that's all. here it could be said very simply, putin always lies when he says something, he always said that he would not attack ukraine, he said that he would not do that, the first, the second, the third, still, in your opinion , mr. taras, the north atlantic... alliance needs to prepare for war with russia, well, they, they are already saying it publicly, so it is here and this and why macron, when he now starts talking about such things, i think that in western europe they already understand, as
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eastern europe understood a long time ago, that if it were to happen that ukraine would lose the war, then they are next, no one no one... trusts putin, he, he is simply the biggest liar in the history of mankind, and there are many examples where his ambassadors or himself, kremlin leaders, they are one day or two days before a full-scale attack on ukraine, they said that no, no, we will not repeat it, no one, no one will believes, and it is obvious, that russia can only be stopped with weapons, and this... understand, i think that here, here, there has already been a revolution of consciousness among europeans, that they are next, and this is very important, and this why macron is less criticized in europe, such as in
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washington, but this is due to the fact that i say that the biden administration is very weak, as it has always been, nothing has changed, the last. the time when the united states and america supported ukraine, ukrainian membership in nato, it was george bush in 2008, it was a long time ago. sir taras, can you imagine that after what putin is doing in ukraine, that something will be agreed with him, and there will be some negotiations, that he will be in the circle of people who previously shook his hand until 2022, and ... he was simply at all the summits there , both of the g7 and the g20, he was one of the main heroes of all these summits, we remember it very well, and whether or not it will turn out that he will be greeted, at all
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do people have anything in the world? well, we must remember that the biggest export from russia was corruption, it wasn't oil and or gas, it was corruption, they did it, they did it... they played sports and it had a certain influence in the west, putin used oligarchs who sat in london, in cyprus, in france, in austria and so on, and and and and poba, we remember schroed, the former german chancellor, who became the leader, the head of northstream first, then i am not surprised that there were many. examples where the west turned a blind eye to what russia was doing, or in georgia, or in ukraine in the 14th year, or in syria, and and and and, but we remember, i think that
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one must remember that a lot has changed in 22, and i doubt very much that it is possible to go back to what was, because there is too much. changed and and well, for example, now europe no longer uses european oil and gas, it imports second sources, and i don't think it will be a return to that, but obviously there will always be prostitutes everywhere, and they will be in western europe as well, and in france, germany, all the more so, unfortunately, but, but this, which was before... in the 22nd year , i doubt that they can return. thank you, mr. taras, for the conversation, it was taras kuzio, a british political scientist. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. throughout our program, we conduct surveys. today we ask you about the following:
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should the activities of the russian orthodox church be banned in ukraine? yes, no, it's quite simple on youtube, if you're sitting in front of the tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the activity should be banned. roc in ukraine 0800 211-381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have oleksandr musienko, director of the center for military legal studies, in touch. mr. alexander, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. today , on the day when a part of zelensky's interview was released to cbs news, that the russians are preparing for a major offensive, and it could take place either in may, or at the beginning, or throughout june, foreign minister sergey lavrov said, what... what until 21 in may, the issue of recognizing volodymyr zelenskyi as the legitimate president of ukraine
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may lose its relevance, i don’t know if it coincided so, or if they are trying to speed up something, let’s say, this offensive until may 21, in order to already prove that the legitimacy of president zelenskyi can, what not will confirm, let's listen to what he said, a very short synchronicity, concerning, concerning... may 20 and what will be may 21, let's live until then, we may not need to admit anything, mr. alexander, that's what he had on mind that that her military offensive will develop so rapidly? i think that this is still an attempt to conduct such a multi-pronged operation for this offensive, that is, for... the preparation of the offensive - a purely military component - is one thing, it is clear that the russian troops and the enemy are preparing
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to intensify combat actions, achieve progress, try somewhere, well, actually pass our front line, break and advance deep - this is understandable, although you know, i have to note here just for the sake of remark that, well, in principle, the offensive is now of russian troops continues, this one is not over yet, there is already so much talk about the offensive. in fact, this is still ongoing, and there are quite intense battles in our east now, but i think that if we now distance ourselves somewhat from the military component itself, and move into such a political and even psychological element of war, then it is clear that now russia will press extremely powerful, they are already doing it, they are being done in several directions, here are these shellings of sumy region, these shellings of kharkiv and kharkiv region. this is the injection, let's say, now of that and this something
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hysteria that russia will go to kharkiv, russia will go to sumy and possibly again to kyiv, and that this may happen soon, and again , no one rules it out, cannot rule it out while the war is going on, all this is possible, but at least now this is not seen as of now, and they are already spreading it, this is one element that constantly follows such psychological pressure and psychological terror. along with missile terror, and the second is that russia is trying to play, including at the international level, and they get again this map about what they say in ukraine there are no presidential elections, and therefore the ukrainian president may lose legitimacy, at the same time manipulating, absolutely distorting, they are already very well aware in principle and the content of ukrainian legislation, i think, and they perfectly understand... that in conditions of martial law to ensure the holding of elections - it is
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technically impossible, let's say, and all the parameters are missing for it to be an election process when the war is going on, but i think that they are trying to shake up this very situation, who is its recipient, here it is necessary understand, because it is clear that it is not the ukrainian people, russia, i think, to the russians there in russia in the hinterland, to them in general, sorry for the cymbals, when the term comes up there, when something from... happens and so on, how they hated ukrainians and, accordingly , the ukrainian president, whoever he is, will do it anyway, and when there are elections there, they are not very interested in it, but the recipients should be in the west, who should react in this way according to the opinion of russia, which after all to convince ukraine to hold elections, you understand what a trap it is, to put pressure on that to hold elections, and they will also conduct offensive actions under this, well, the calculation is very... very primitive, naive, but they are promoting it, that is, to shake up the situation in such
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a way that they say that the elections must be confirmed, how so, the values ​​are there and so further, democratic, it is also necessary to carry out an offensive, so of course, in such conditions, when russia is preparing for a more intensive offensive campaign, this is not an election, here other tasks must be carried out in the defense of the state, we understand that, but russia wants tear it all down. and therefore they will send these signals are actively sent to the west that the president may lose legitimacy and so on. well, kyiv can mutually send a signal that putin is not legitimate. the president, his legitimacy can also not be recognized, since he gained this legitimacy in the occupied territories of the ukrainian state, and the result he showed there cannot be considered legitimate, because there were a lot of violations, temporarily occupied territories, lack of opposition, well, a lot - there was a lot of things there, next to that
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there was information about scholz, the chancellor of germany, who... said, who commented on the prospects of peace talks on ending the war in ukraine, reminded about the regular meetings of national security advisors and political advisors, the leader of the states regarding the implementation of the ukrainian peace formula, i will quote scholz: a number of countries, including ukraine , are currently discussing at the level of security advisers what something that could lead to a peace process might look like, but let me make one thing clear: peace is possible in any... putin just needs to cancel his barbaric campaign and withdraw the troops. everyone is talking about peace, that this peace must be, and it is obvious that in this situation, well, it remains unclear for now, exactly how germany and other countries see any kind of conversation with
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russia about this peace at all, because to tell putin, withdraw the troops there and cancel your... campaign, well, this is not enough, right, that is, in your opinion, does the world have a formula for how peace in ukraine should come about? i think that there is no consolidated position, because you see what the situation is, everyone is talking about what in to ukraine, well, by the way, please note that olaf scholz, he is somewhat diplomatic. wording uses something like this, you know , that is, he says that russia should withdraw its troops, obviously, in order for russia to withdraw its troops, they must be forced to do it, right, that is, putin will not do it voluntarily, we are all fine we understand how to make them do it, support ukraine, provide the necessary weapons and provide,
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in particular, taurus missiles, which are very necessary, and right here in this interview the german chancellor says that no, there will be no taurus. will be, since it can lead to an escalation and to a direct war between russia and nato, that is, he confirms his position, which he expresses, well, during these few weeks, when again the taurus were discussed particularly actively, and when russia ah, wrote this the information of the conversation, luft wafiim bundeswehr in singapore, well, this scandal that was with the leak of information, that is, and here i have a question: well, and russia ... should withdraw troops from ukraine, i agree, we all agree, but how make them do it to do without taurus missiles, for example, which are really needed, and in the context of that, by the way, it is not easy that now, when they are talking about the same missiles, it is not easy to attack, but to defend, to hit russian logistics, and here you see, we approach the question of a consolidated position, the idea that
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international law and order must be renewed, and that russia must be punished as an aggressor, it acts everywhere, this is... an international formula, how to achieve this, here field positions differ, and here we will take the approach of, for example, the french president who says about the fact that it is not excluded that under certain conditions the french troops may also appear, and this is another position, for example, we have the position of the british, who provide the same stormshadows, which at least fly against the occupiers in crimea, and recently passed there. over the weekend there was a very successful attack, they hit the objects, that is, they went further, they provide these weapons, again, there is the position of the united states, and there it is also interesting, because everyone hears very often that ukraine has already won, either russia or russia has already lost, implying that ukraine retains its statehood, and kyiv is the capital,
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it is now actually controlled by the ukrainian authorities and troops. and in principle, bypassing the topic, what to do with the de-occupation of the territories, that is, talking about what is already, and for example, there are statements by the same british minister of defense, grant shabs, who is coming, came to kyiv and wrote this down on mykhailivska square address, where he said that ukraine should win, or from time to time with gramshteyn, we hear such formulations, but this is for ukraine to win, when we approach the question of what give... the moments that ensure this victory, more weapons, what is most needed, here are certain moments that show that, yes, ukraine is supported and will be. support, i have no doubts here, no matter what russia does and no matter what the kremlin says there, no matter what scenarios of discrediting, propaganda, falsification they come up with, but regarding
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the position of how to liberate the occupied territories, well, you see that even the economist writes that ukraine still has hopes for a counteroffensive, some are so skeptical, you know, yes speaking about it, that's why it all means that... the only, the only approach is what, i will say, the only approach is that ukraine must be preserved as an independent state, that ukraine cannot be handed over to russia or under russian rule influence, whether it is occupied by russia, there are no different interpretations of this at all, this is a position that is shared by absolutely everyone, but, but there is no, let’s say unity, regarding how quickly and when to de-occupy the territories and provide weapons for this, that’s what importantly. when everyone understands all this, what ukraine has to be preserved as an independent and sovereign state and that it is a separate state, separate from russia,
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on the contrary, russia is taking and mobilizing the russian orthodox church, the so-called order of the universal russian people's council, the church meeting that took place yesterday in moscow, was published on the website of the russian orthodox church, and it is about the fact that russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. is called a holy war, from a spiritual and moral point of view it is said in this address, a special military operation is a holy war in which russia and its people, defending a single spiritual space of holy russia, fulfill the mission of a deterrent that protects the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the west, which has fallen into satanism, and patriarch kyrylo gundyaev stated during the conclave that this order is aimed at strengthening and developing the so-called russian world, at the same time denying it openly. nazi character, let's listen to a small fragment: the main task of these orders, as well as the long-term activity of the entire world russian people's council, is the protection and
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strengthening of the russian world. separation, weakening of the russian people, deprivation its spiritual and vital forces, always led to the weakening and crisis of the russian state, therefore the restoration of the unity of the russian people, as well as its spiritual and... century, and let no one scare us with russian nationalism, russian nationalism does not exist in nature, everyone knows this , but we know that there is racism, and it is clearly defined, by the way, in ukraine and legislative, by the way, but i must immediately object here, and what can be called the fact that now all over the moscow region there are raids on muslims, on the natives of central asia, and all this is accompanied by openly racist chants and xenophobia, then i
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have a question, if i agree, it is not nationalism, but it is similar to racism and fascism, that is, it is, well, it is that, or even nazism, when it happens on ethnic grounds, in there is a corresponding definition for this in the world, and there are conventions on... the defense of racial discrimination and so on in the world, so this is what is happening now, this is the first moment, the second moment, this is all that kirill gundyaev says, you should know , how to be aware of and break them down by these, let's say arguments, there were such theologians even in their time, solov'ov, bulgakov, not that bulgakov, what a writer, i remember this one very well, i once read it. the story, well, the story most likely, if i am not mistaken, about the antichrist, where it was described exactly that this antichrist will appear and will pretend to be
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a christian first, that is, a righteous person who can save the world, this is me, when i look at gundyaev, who proclaims that the world means satanism in the west, i guess they wrote about him there, ah, several dozen years ago, even earlier... then in russia they wrote about such people, this is the next moment and another moment, well, it all fits into the canvas and the ideology that the kremlin is trying to build, a single spiritual space, that means individuals, you see, dugin is in the first row, so this is all eurasianism, and this is all, i don’t even, well, i don’t know what literary words to choose to sum it all up, what they describe there, and of course, what it is... what proclaims putin. in an interview with kysilov, putin said that the event resembles a vampire ball, which must be destroyed. this one suggests that
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it is factual. and manifestations of satanism and so on, well, this is just such a concept that is trying to unite now, and this is the historical-political schizophrenia that is happening there, when on one side saint nicholas ii, on the other side portraits of stalin, and all this is combined in one, and the great patriotic war, and the fact that the royal family was shot, and the fact that russia created belgium and many other things, it is on... in fact, it is, well, it is archaic, it is totally archaic, which the world is looking at , as for barbarians and dekuns, in a different way you can't, of course there are, you know, in the west i also met, well, i'll be frank , marginals who are fascinated by this whole spirituality, only when i explained to them that this is the spirituality you're thinking about, you 're looking for some kind of orthodox spirituality , and what is happening in russia now has nothing to do with christianity, then they
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were disappointed. well, but russia is trying to reach them there, so this is simply this concept of continuation of the ideology that putin is trying to export, about to speak, efforts to unite the right and ultra-right of the whole world who oppose globalism, satanism, well, by the way, they are all over the world too, well, how were those in the usa looking for a canon, or how was this sect, as they said there and so on, that is, this is an attempt to attract them, fortunately... such people are still a minority in the world, and very briefly, if possible, mr. oleksandr, what should ukraine do in order for the ukrainian orthodox church to have even some, well, contacts anyway , what we call the moscow patriarchate, supports, or well, or supported, or all these priests have contacts with the russian orthodox church, taking into account these new circumstances, which we are witnessing, it is very easy to orient ourselves to the fact
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that... in the world there are completely autonomous orthodox churches, we have a tomos and we have to orient ourselves, we have to orient ourselves to the origins of orthodoxy' i, but the origins of orthodoxy still came from greece, from constantinople, and so on, and to focus on this, in ukraine , of course, to focus primarily on the spiritual healing of the ukrainian people and not to perceive these things that impose russia with its moscow is the third ditch. and so on. thank you, mr. oleksandr, thank you for the conversation, it was oleksandr musienko, director of the center for military legal research. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during the broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine should be banned. now let's look at the final results of our
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95% television survey. yes 5% no, on youtube we have 95 and also 5%, i.e. still 5% of those who watch us on tv and on our youtube platform believes that there is no need to ban the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, although frankly speaking, i think it is a matter of time, the main thing is that this time comes as soon as possible, because we see that hysteria is already unfolding in russia, that the war in... in ukraine this is a holy war, and they are conducting some kind of orthodox jihad here, we are accused of financing terrorists, even though russia was and remains the number one terrorist in the world, led by the number one terrorist putin, who has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court, well, let's wait for the ukrainian decision authorities, let's put an end to this, it was the program of the verdict of serhiy rudenko,
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goodbye, take care of yourself and your relatives. how is ukraine building fortifications and why did they start strengthening the defense line only now, at what stage is the construction and are the ukrainian forces ready? to resist the russian offensive, this will be discussed in the next 15 minutes on bbc live from london, in the jafer umerov studio. after the offensive, which did not live up to expectations, the ukrainian army switched to strategic defense, namely the construction of large-scale defensive borders the authorities have allocated uah 20 billion for this since the beginning of the year, but the ministry of defense emphasizes that this does not cover the general needs for the full implementation of construction works. president
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volodymyr zelenskyi... said that ukraine is building fortifications in


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