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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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kirill, also known as gundyaev, declared that russia should wage a war with ukraine, a holy war, he says that the whole of ukraine should be the territory of russia, of course, with a branch, or not with a branch, as he thinks with the russian orthodox church, i.e. we are asking you whether it is necessary to ban the activities of the roc in ukraine, since this activity is not prohibited by law, so yes 0800 211 300. 81 no 0800 211 382 this is if you watch us on tv dial this number or one or the second and vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results our tv voting and youtube voting, and most importantly remember that we have great social networks that you can subscribe to right now, we are on almost all social networks, so join us in our large
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information space, and then sometimes a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent ihor lapin, joins our television space. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i won't even ask you what we ask our tv viewers, because that's it a rhetorical question, whether it is necessary to ban the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. let's start our conversation with a statement. that a major russian offensive is expected at the end of may or in june, the president of ukraine stated this in an interview with cbs news, let's hear what zelensky said. and looking at the fact of the shortage of appropriate weapons and ammunition, from this fact, and looking at the fact that we are starting to prepare the brigades for the relevant actions that are important to us, we have stabilized. situation, it is
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better than two or three months ago, but it is important that we share all the information with our partners and say that russia will prepare counteroffensive actions, and it may be the end of may, it may be the month of june. well , today, an economist writes about this, that a new major offensive is possible in june and the ability of... ukraine to contain it this time looks much less confident, writes this publication. how, mr. major, should ukraine prepare for this offensive, or have we already lost that time, and how can ukraine stop this offensive? well, look, the question was missed whether or not they failed, this is already a rhetorical question. i hear an echo very strongly. tell your viewers, i can hear myself very loudly. so, the question is rhetorical, because in principle. we should
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constantly build defensive structures , you will notice that as soon as the russians wrested away some piece of territory, the equipment immediately moves, the concrete mixers immediately start to turn on, and they actually bury their infantry in the ground, ours lives in holes that they dug with shovels, we remember we are trying to stop our counteroffensive, seeing its futility without aviation support and advantages, total advantages in artillery, as well as demining systems, already said then that we need to prepare for defense, that the front becomes static, and i said, a static front without an advantage in artillery is our death, so if we, if it is static, so it must be buried in the ground enough to save the infantry. unfortunately, president zelensky most likely concluded in the context that why should we prepare for defense if we are only going to attack and liberate our territories in order to be able to istanbul-two turkish negotiations. our
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reality on the ground looked better than putin can imagine. the result, the result is that we invested in the best infantry in the world , we invested in raw ukrainian land, i am talking now about my brothers and sisters, well , nevertheless, nothing has taught zelensky, and now he naturally says that we have better than three months ago, of course, we already left avdiivka, we left the lastochkino redoubt, and we did not build new defense lines there, and we see how the enemy is constantly pressing in the avdiivka direction. if we let's look at what is happening today at the time, then very good defense structures at the expense of it, let's say this, the time of sivyar has its own capabilities, but if we look, for example, in the south of the time of yar, the same ivanovske, then the russians are beginning to push there , and the question: why should the flanks crack again and be held at the expense of the bodies of my brothers and sisters? the russians will not
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attack head-on, they could not take avdiivka head-on, they did not take bakhmut head-on, and the same story will happen now, they will take him head-on there will be no brothers, which ones? in this way, the situation improved a little, if you believe the words of the president, i see only one direction, kupinsky, and it improved in the fact that the russians stopped, did not begin to put more pressure on them, well, they say that they transferred some units to bilhorod region, although in principle they already you should not ask ihor lapin, you should ask intelligence. therefore, summarizing the above, if we are talking about the fact that today it is possible that something has improved, then it is only due to the fact that... that even in january, only in january, despite the august the statements are still valid, only in january the cabinet of ministers allocated funds for the construction of defense structures, and they started digging, and not everywhere they started digging in january, i already told you, in zaporizhzhia,
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they played with tenders for a month from january to february, they have 40 km to the front , and they played with the tenders, by the way, they never held the tenders, well, but maybe now i think that it is right, when the zaporizhia regional... council there dissolved itself and handed over all the levers to the military-civilian administration, well, really 40 km to the front, which council is already there, which ones already there is a vote, there should be all power , as they say, in the hands of the military, because otherwise zaporizhzhia is not too far from a possible defeat by the russians, so the issue of defense structures will be acute, the issue of mines will be acute, and of course systems ppo, the situation will improve a lot if our... kirmanichi will stop sitting and waiting for the congress to vote or not to vote there, and ask questions about the conditional purchase of patriot or sumpti, in order to cover kharkiv, in order to cover sumy , in order to cover odesa, zaporizhzhia, well , such big cities, because the russians,
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as far as i can see, they are starting this theory of great chaos in large metropolises, in order to increase the flow of citizens, internally displaced persons. these or other cities, well, look, they are already bombing kharkiv, not the infrastructure, they are just knocking on residential quarters, why? well , that is probably why they are doing it, and they are not only hitting our front-line territory with the help of guided air bombs, but they are with the help of missiles that we cannot shoot down, the same s-300 and so on. sumy is suffering in the same way, so it is time for us to work in this direction, and while there the united states votes, does not vote, but suppresses history. with frozen russian assets for at least the purchase of air defense systems, i think it would be appropriate for president zelensky to turn to france, based on the situation, after hearing macron's readiness to introduce troops, well, troops are not troops, but air defense systems together with service
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personnel could work as a cover odeshchyna, for example, and this should be done, but for this we need an appeal from the president, the introduction of troops into the territory of ukraine, this is necessary. voting of the parliament, well, we see what our parliamentarians are doing, they are coming up with bills to usurp power in ukraine, unfortunately, i do not see the prospect of adopting a law of ukraine on mobilization, i do not see such a prospect yet, i don't know, today yaroslav zheleznyak reported that more than 400 of these considered amendments have already been approved, i.e. 97 or 98%. they passed this bill but there are so many different and contradictory things that as a result , as you think, even if the verkhovna rada passes this draft law in this form and it becomes a law, will zelensky sign it, why is zelensky
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saying now that there is a danger of a new offensive russian, does not say that let's urgently adopt a law on mobilization, because we will need people in the summer. zelensky became a politician, not a statesman. he never became a statesman. these are not popular theses. see about the lowering of the conscription age from 27 to 25 years old. this bill has been voted on, is in dirmak's office for the president's signature, and he has not signed it for almost a year. so what else can we talk about there? the same story can be here. you will see how it will go in the hall, you will see what will be done with those edits. some, i say, some never became a soldier, but decided to become a politician, politicians think for ratings, statesmen think for the state, unpopular decisions should be taken by supreme commander-in-chief zelensky during such a war, well now let's talk frankly, do we have a law on mobilization in ukraine, we do, and what are they
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considering now and then, well, they are considering additions and amendments, and are there any points that can be settled without additions and amendments only thanks to... which resolutions the cabinet of ministers, yes, there is, well, for example, a list, this is a sample certificate of an stcc employee, the rights and duties of an stc employee in the context of serving subpoenas, the algorithm for serving subpoenas is something that the cabinet of ministers can do, there is no need to gather 2,206 deputies for of this, but they they haven’t done it for two years , and that’s it, so what, what reforms do we still lack, and let me take this opportunity to talk about the russian orthodox church, the russian orthodox church, their russian patriarchate of moscow there in russia on the 27th published, well, their document, i don't know. they are all mentioned there, that russia's war against ukraine is sacred. that's how they used
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the terrorist attacks in that korokus, and for them the question of destroying ukrainians as such a nation is already at the level of the orthodox, then their of the moscow patriarchate, this is genocide in its purest form, calls for the destruction of the nation are genocide in its purest form. that is, orthodox jihad, you can also call it that. yes yes. look, mr. igor, one more. the topic is quite relevant in the context of what the russians are going to do, because they are currently doing a lot of information work, and the center for countering disinformation at the nsdc says that the russians are throwing a lot of information about the attack on kharkiv, and this is part of the enemy's campaign to spread fear and do not correspond reality, but this is a tool used by the russians, mostly in ukraine or? through which they jump in is a telegram controlled by the russian durov, and as
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general budanov says, the telegram is actually a matter of national security, and now i suggest that you listen to budanov, that what he said about the telegram, from the point of view of national security, is for sure is a problem, it must be understood, despite the fact that i am absolutely against oppression of freedom of speech, but well, this is already too much, that is, in our country, any person can create a channel, start broadcasting everything on it, whatever he likes, absolutely whatever he wants, and when they start doing something, complain about the fact that it's the freedom of the people, but it's not the freedom of the people, it's a little different, it 's called something else. the people's deputy of ukraine, mykola knyazhytskyi has prepared a bill that proposes to establish for the service, for the messenger, and similar services approximately the same requirements as already established
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by the ukrainian media law for youtube and the eu legislation for the rest of the services, that is, not to ban it, but regulate when it is clear who runs these telegram channels, how are they used in, let's say, in work and whether against ukraine or for ukraine and , accordingly, to normalize the existence of this service, how do you perceive them? initiatives and do you think that telegram in some cases is simply an evil that helps the russians to wage war against us in the fourth dimension, in the information dimension. oh, listen, you know, i want to tell you that for me personally , the question of the media in general is the question of freedom of speech, but in ukraine freedom of propaganda, freedom of lies is hidden behind freedom of speech and there are absolutely no mechanisms to solve this. well, a small example, that is, if you have some media in the media, not even in telegram, in the media, they barked at you, filled with shit and
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published false information, you go to court in good faith, you go to court for three years, and the court obliges this or that mistake, because there is no other way to call it, to disprove the information presented, and if the washing machine does not disprove it, then there is no such thing as algorithms and mechanisms to remove a fake... even by a court decision, especially if a cesspool is some kind of internet resource registered, relatively speaking, it can be in any country in the world, but it can be managed from a ukrainian ip address, so that is not an option, if you listen to budanov that way, then in principle he said that the kid is not useful in our country, because it turns out that there are telegram channels in our country and the counter-intelligence of the sbu cannot determine who is behind the propagandistic things, well, that's all to me... of course, the kid is not useful, as far as mr. mykola knyazhytskyi's draft law is concerned, well, he wears to a certain extent
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risks, because being tied to certain people can also have risks, well, for example, i read a critical article from such a network, we have information on memory, well, you understand that we have information from the president's office, do you remember the thesis , we planned a counteroffensive and it was in putin's hands... that is , it is flowing in yermak's office, so imagine how it is flowing in this national agency for the regulation of television issues there or in any other structure, if it is in the president's office. whose office has a leaking roof, so what else do we want to settle there in other mechanisms? a debatable question, well, for me personally, i emphasize once again that if we cannot settle the issue with the media, then the issue of russian propaganda, that is, it is no longer some kind of personal slander against a person and so on, namely the fight against
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propaganda, if the kid does not cope, well , let him put it report, writes that he cannot cope with this story, that's all. can't figure out who's behind the card office, can't figure out who's behind telegram channel joker and so on, well, if he can't figure out, well, we all know, and he doesn't maybe, well, what can you do, well, life is like that , by the way, the center for countering disinformation has published a list of the main tiktok channels that spread hostile propaganda, another network, a social network, which is being fought, by the way, in the united states of america, which in tiktok there is a center for countering disinformation. notes that there is a long list in this list, they identified the personal channels of russian propagandists, such as volodymyr solov'ov and margarita simonyan, the leading kremlin media are tas, vesti, rntv, etc., the list also included the russian artist shaman and blogger anatoly shariy. in the general context
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of how russia is trying to influence the information space of ukraine, it continues to influence, because... russian television was closed, at one time vkontakte social networks were closed, classmates were closed, they still use tiktok, they still use telegram, and it is obvious , the biggest network, i will also call it the kremlin network , it is still the russian orthodox church, it is an even greater danger that threatens ukraine than any social networks or services, messengers. why has not been decided clearly yet the decision that there should not be a branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, no matter what the name of the church, the ukrainian orthodox church or the orthodox church, well, such a church should not exist during the war. well, i want to say that, unfortunately, in our country, first of all , the law of ukraine has not been implemented for several years, by the way, ihor lapin, the author of this law, that
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there is no ukrainian orthodox church, moscow patriarchy, if... the church has a connection with the aggressor country, the aggressor, with another country, it should be called russian orthodox church, then it will be more clear if there is a russian church sign hanging on it, then i think that many of the citizens will stop even going to it, this is one story that concerns agent networks and the tiktok network and so on, well for budanov the bigger threat, you see, is telegram, not tiktok, although the americans still highlight. i wonder why, i’ll tell you why, well, probably none of the ukrainian politicians or military have such popularity as budanov in tiktok, well, that’s all, well, maybe telegram, maybe telegram just not so popular in the united states of america, it could also be that the t-current is chinese, it is much more aggressive in the united states, i emphasize once again, i
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think that what belongs to the country of the aggressor should be banned in our country. what belongs to countries, allies, countries of aggression, should also be prohibited. lately , narratives and everything else do not associate a country like china with a democratic country, it is still considered an authoritarian country, and we are a democratic country, well, we don't need that crap, i think so, that's it my opinion is subjective, let's put it this way, it's up to you, of course, we were able to ban... klasniki and vkontakte, by the way, i want to boast that ihor lapin wrote the first appeal to the national security council on this matter. i remember very well how much he didn't care about me and freedom of speech at the time, and in general he was so bad, and what's the matter, it's so convenient for classmates to listen to music on vkontakte and so on, i then poured so much crap on my head, but nevertheless thank god,
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we live without that shit, i also think that we need to deal with any... information or so-called information networks that pose a threat to national security, the only thing is, well, you understand, give zelensky today another tool to usurp power, come on, he has five or six managers instead of the parliament, he has a yermak who gives orders, separate orders to the prime minister, i.e. instead of the government, and give him leverage, besides the single marathon, exclude or include sho. this is the biggest risk, i see that we went to war for democratic ukraine, and let's return from the war and be amazed at what will happen here, but god forbid, let's put an end to this, mr. major. it was ihor lapin, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special officer, a deputy of the verkhovna rada of the 8th convocation. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, and on youtube and
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on tv, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today, is it necessary to ban the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine? yes, no, on youtube everything is quite simple, on tv you take it take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the russian orthodox church has, the russian orthodox church's activities should be for... in ukraine 0800 211 381 no 0821382 all calls to these numbers are free of charge at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with taras kuzio, a british political scientist. mr. taras, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory. mr. taras, terrorism against russia and russian terrorism against the world. this is one of the main topics. this week's topics today follow, the so-called spy of the so-called russian federation accused of involvement already that they have evidence of the connection of terrorists from crocus with
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ukrainian nationalists, as they said, although it is absolutely obvious that we should not talk about terrorism and not about the involvement of ukrainians, because this the delusion is complete, and about why the world has not yet recognized the terrorist essence of modern times. of the russian state, do you have versions of why this is not happening, although everyone sees that they are terrorists? well, i think that here it is necessary to understand that this is only the united states and the americans do it, it is not done by great britain or the european union, it is only the united states of america, and as i understand it, it wants to do it, russia determines which state. who supports, is there a terrorist state like north korea, iran, but here it's just the biden administration, it's against
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it, and here it's blocked by the biden administration, why they're blocking it, they haven't said publicly, but i guess it has to do with the fact that i believe that this is a very weak administration, they are, it is visible. that how they very slowly transfer weapons to ukraine, and that's a plus ee the biden administration, it showed a week ago when they complained that ukraine should not attack inside russia, and that they never said that they want russia to lose the war, it is very important, because the british said it, the scandinavian countries they said, poles. the baltics said, but the united states of america has never said that it wants russia to lose the war, and i think it's just this moderate
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attitude towards russia, this very slow transfer of weapons, this is all related to the biden administration, and remember that he is a person with obama's team, and remember, i was in the 14th year , they were also very weak. mr. taras, but what does the defeat of russia mean, i.e. is there a vision, well, in the same great britain , what is the defeat of russia, is it the departure from putin's power, is it the demilitarization, denuclearization of russia, is it the de-fascism of russia, that is, what, what, what will we consider the defeat of russia, or just withdrawal from the territory of the ukrainian state? well, i think that... there are exactly two points here, the first point is that ukraine does not lose and wins the war, and the second point is,
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that russia lost, and this is where they are obviously connected, but it seems to me that on the one hand the united states of america and on the other hand scholz and germany, because he always hides behind biden's back, and they, they are afraid of what will happen to ... russia, how, how it will lose the war and fall apart, and i remember, it was the same, er, more than 30 years ago, in the year 91, when bush the elder came to kyiv, remember let's watch his speech then on august 1, 1991, where he gave advice to ukrainians not to hold on to their independence and... and this one the approach exists even today, they are very afraid that if russia will lose the war in ukraine, what will happen
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, for example, something similar to what happened in the 17th year, when the army of the tsarist empire collapsed, what will happen then, this will happen it will be a country in crisis, it, it will fall apart, non-russian national minorities will demand independence, and they fear what will happen with nuclear weapons, and because of that, it's a matter of escalation, as they say, they just because of... this, they are not ready to support ukraine to the end, and to the end means that russia loses, and they do not want ukraine lost, it will give a little weapons, but in order to give ukraine enough weapons to win, i already see that it will not happen, against this background, mr. taras, literally over the last month there have been sounds or...
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hints or rain some information in the french press about the position of french president emmanuel macron, about the fact that french troops can be on the territory of ukraine, there under such and such conditions, under such and such conditions, there were various statements, and macron let the world understand, that there will suddenly be a worsening of the situation on the territory of ukraine, french troops may be there, while bloomberg wrote that american officials were allegedly ... angered by emmanuel macron's statement, and state department spokesman matthew miller commented on the publication, referring to bloomberg's displeasure on the american side. let's listen to what euler said. i have no reaction to this post, but of course we have made it clear that the united states is not going to send any troops to
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ukraine. macron is the head. a state that is a long-standing ally of the united states, and we are productive we are working with them on a number of issues, including support for ukraine. mr. taras, is it possible for the ukrainians to defeat the russians without opening a second front. well, i don't think that this is about a second front, this is about the fact that, first of all, we need to understand macron. macron wants to show himself that he is new. and the french always wanted to show that they rule europe, that the eu does not have its headquarters in brussels, it has its headquarters in paris, and due to the fact that now there are no more british in europe, there is no more, there is no more american help of ukraine, it means that here macron is using the moment to show that he is the goal, that he will lead europe, that europe will be
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autonomous. from the united states of america, he has dreamed of it for a long time and wants to be, so to speak, the new older brother of europeans, and this is the first reason, the second reason, i think , is the place of kyiv, i think that only in such a scenario it is about it , plus probably also training, security assistance, and weapons, but but in france and as well as what i think is interesting now... that france has completely changed its point of view, for example, at the nato congress in vilnius last july, france for the first time supports ukraine's membership in nato, ah, and this means that the biggest, biggest country that does not support is the united states of america, and behind them obviously, scholz also stands for the germans, and even
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then he will change france. for their points of view, but this does not mean.


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