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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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[000:00:00;00] weapons and the number of personnel that is really needed for the defense of our country, due to the fact that, despite the fact that there is a huge number of russians for each serviceman, most of them die and most of them are wounded, in relation to some successful operations of the russian federation, i cannot say, due to the fact that, in principle, taking into account the losses of equipment and personnel that the representatives of the russian federation currently have, all their local victories, these are several landings, are completely irrational, that is, ... each whenever we withdraw from some defensive line, we withdraw to better positions in order to destroy the enemy more efficiently and in order not to lose our personnel, while destroying the maximum number of personnel of the representatives of the russian federation. tell me which forces are storming, what from the russian side, that is, what is it, who are you watching there, are they trying to use more equipment, has it decreased a little now, well, that is, over the last week,
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take it. this is a very situational thing, the front is wide enough, and on each front line, even taking into account the time zone itself or the population centers near it, it is necessary to understand that each brigade that is part of the russian federation operates with completely different strategic maneuvers, roughly speaking, some use peculiar kamikaze bags in order to storm some advanced positions of the defense forces of ukraine, others are trying. to storm in the old ways, using technology, but none of these, none of these strategies, unfortunately, fortunately, help the russians, because each of these attacks ends with a huge number of deaths of the russians, and actually we destroy thanks to unmanned aerial systems fpv, etc., all their efforts to achieve some great success, in fact, the representatives of the enemy have no great success. the rubizh brigade , including, is doing everything possible to
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restrain the enemy. on the front line, on which the rubizh brigade is defending, and they will definitely not succeed, due to the fact that our pilots destroy the enemy even before the moment and before the desire to inflict any damage on the defense forces of ukraine directly in the rubizh brigade. well, that's it our previous guest said that, after all , it can be said that some such additional shells arrived at the front, and this somewhat improved the situation, at least in several points, like yours, to the extent that you felt that, well, the shell hunger is no longer so.. . not so hungry, let's say, i, as the commander of the crew of unmanned aircraft systems, cannot comment on such information, on the one hand, because i work directly with another type of weapons, we work with unmanned aircraft systems, in fact, if such information is available, then this is extremely good information, i hope that in general the system artillery hunger will decrease and we will receive the maximum amount
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of ammunition for... to destroy the enemy, that is, i am more than sure that the ukrainian military-industrial complex, as well as our partners will to provide us with a sufficient amount of artillery ammunition and other things so that we can normally attack russia and at the same time protect our personnel. well , let's just say so, an estimator for foreign observers, in general, there was one information that the russians managed to get there on the ridge, which essentially covers it. ivanovske is from above, and the situation in ivanovske has worsened, do you confirm this information, is it true, or is it a slightly exaggerated impression, let such information be told directly by simple representatives of the higher echelon of command, i have no right to comment on such questions, because everything after all, i do not have all the information in full, this is the first, second, any information regarding the capture of settlements
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without... official data, respectively information, but is just a throw-in, and you also need to understand that when the enemy possibly takes some settlement, it is an extremely small territory, it is a small village, a small settlement, that is, it is not some global breakthrough of the enemy, for example, recently they so they took avdiyivka and trumpeted that it was a huge victory for the russian federation, while they lost about 172 there and i can’t even imagine how many, the size of avdiyivka is 30. that is , no one can say that this is some huge city, but when therefore, the loss of 17,000 men is the loss of several brigades to take a small enough city, so again, any local victory of theirs rubs and rests against the ukrainian defense, which does everything to ensure that the enemy is simply destroyed, and the brigade the border is doing everything so that the enemy simply rubs against our fist of defense, well, then
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let's talk a little about what you are dealing with directly, that is, about drones, that's all, well, to what extent, you have already felt that the state has become involved in in the post' by drones, or for it may not be so critical for you that it should be included, as you yourself assess it, this is not a question of criticality, it is a question of duty, that is, the state is obliged to provide units that deal with unmanned aircraft systems with unmanned aircraft systems, because if it creates a certain unit, it has to equip it , however, we are now quite dependent on both volunteers and donors, due to the fact that a huge number of copters are still... directly at the expense of volunteers, as for the fipivishkas, indeed, more and more we we receive phipivi-type copters, units of the border brigade receive phipivi-type copters from the state itself, that is
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, the process has started, if we talk about large flying unmanned aircraft complexes, of course, this is provided by the state, and these are flying complexes that really cost millions of hryvnias, and actually there were already volunteers here. extremely difficult, here, i hope that this situation will improve and that in the future our military-industrial complexes, as well as in general the ability to buy copters through the state will be significantly lighter and we will receive the necessary resource that we need in order to destroy the enemy and at the same time not have a shortage of unmanned aircraft complexes. how would you now assess the general situation, at least in your area, of the russians and their equipment, both there with drones and... that is , have you felt any such interesting changes here lately? the situation with electronic warfare in the russians is, of course, at a better level than in the defense forces of ukraine, due to the fact that this is an army that has been training in
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electronic warfare for the past 30 years, and well, the power of radio electronic warfare of the russian army is recognized by the whole world, at the expense of copters, well, for example, recently i went, sorry, to the restroom, but not particularly. i managed to do it successfully, due to the fact that an enemy fpvi flew overhead, in fact, every 20 minutes we see that the enemy launches its fipvishkas in order to try to hit our forces, the forces of the frontier brigade, nevertheless, we strengthen the positions and at the same time, we try to use the best radio-electronic methods of combat in order to plant enemies copters, you actually have to understand that the enemy has more unmanned aerial systems, especially drones, at least because they have... an ally, a neighbor of china, which provides them with a huge number of components for the manufacture of these drones. plus, you need to understand that, in principle , the military-industrial complex of the russian federation is ten times larger than that of ukraine, and they currently have the opportunity to manufacture a much larger number of these or other unmanned aerial systems to
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fight the defense forces of ukraine. here the issue is that the defense forces of ukraine, including the pilots of the rubizh brigade, are of much higher quality, due to the fact that we have a certain deficit, we are trying to protect each copter and experience. the use of it by our pilots is much better than the experience of using it by the russians, in fact, that is why the efficiency of using unmanned aircraft systems is much higher in our country than that of the enemy. and tell me, andriy, well, if we evaluate in general, you are constantly flying, you see that you are knocking down, this technique, which there are guns, there there are also tanks, it’s something new, it’s something not so new, how do you assess it, what you see on the front from the enemy lately, just like the equipment, well, if you look from the point of view of long-range reconnaissance, then by the pilots of our brigade , now you can watch on the video, we usually see old guns, old revenges, old saushkas, etc.
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, that is, any system that was produced back in the soviet union, that is , there is nothing new there, and even their legendary tanks t- 90, it's just a scrap metal. which is being destroyed by her ukrainian peasants and ukrainian anti-tank systems , and lately have you generally seen these t-90s, well, no, usually an older, older type of tank, huh, and well, you also already mentioned that, in principle, there is a big problem with air raids and the use of fabs , so that there is all this business, and if you compare. it has intensified, it has weakened, well that is, how do you feel about the situation in this regard, it has intensified many times compared to 2023, they really began to use a huge number of cabs and fabs, you need understand that these missiles, they're cheaper
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to make, so the russians have the ability to use them in large numbers, and they cause a huge amount of destruction, and actually uh, that's why they use them, because they can use to destroy them. our positions, in fact, how they are using guided aerial bombs now, as well as fabs just to destroy habitable buildings, that is, they are trying to erase the times when i spilled the earth, recently, if i am not mistaken, they ... used fabs and cabs to attack kharkiv, that is, a city where a huge number of civilians live, and actually this is another indicator that they use their missiles simply to destroy residential areas, entire residential areas, simply to destroy us as a country , as an economic component and as a nation as a whole. well, as far as i understand, what is happening in yara now is what has been happening in avdiivka for several months now. when they simply
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destroy, well, bombard the city, but that's a lot it cost the enemies dearly , it must be understood, once again, that 17,000 killed during the occupation of 37 km are extraordinary, well, irreparable losses, and the more russians die, the faster we will win this war, unfortunately, we have a war of attrition , in which either we will destroy the russians or... the russians will find us, this must be understood, unfortunately, we are not given the second option, so we will wipe the enemy to zero, and the fighters of the rubizh brigade will wipe the enemy to zero until, to the victorious end. well, by the way, and one more small thing, you remember such was the moment when several planes were shot down, not far from the front line, did you feel a decrease in air attacks in your area at that moment, or was it unrelated. it is very situational, the front line
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is extremely large, and one day they can destroy a village that is next to us with guided aerial bombs, the next day they can be flying in a completely different direction. 100% destroyed russian planes are primarily russian pilots destroyed, this reduces the number of attacks due to the decrease in the quality of pilots , representatives of the russian federation in our enemy, accordingly, this is a very good sign of quality, i hope that such opportunities will increase, and russian planes will fall much more than it was in february, well, we also have high hopes for all of these , i remind you that in order to join the gathering of the rubizh brigade for intelligence purposes, please give us this thing for just a few seconds to see, here please quickly take a picture of yourself and join this gathering, and i thank you very much andriy otchinash, crew commander of the uav karanebe. on the fourth brigade of the operational assignment of the rubizh
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of the national guard of ukraine, well, actually, i ask you to join all our meetings, you see, they are very necessary for the people on the front line , this is what helps them really fight, and this is what you can do to help our country to fight and win. well, here's our news, join in, iryna koval will tell you everything we have new, well, we'll see each other in this format in a week. good evening, we are from ukraine, i congratulate you, dear tv viewers, this great ether, my name is vasyl zema, i am with you and my colleagues for the next hour and 40 minutes, air alert throughout the territory of our state, the mig 31k flew in, which is a potential carrier of the karlato ballistic missile kinzhal, so stay. in shelters, well, we're starting. front-line vehicles are expendable, vehicles operate in
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an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so they break down quickly, so we are calling for an important collection for three four-wheel drive cars this is a powerful cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, it is a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 9,000. support the frontman. together to liberate ukraine from the russian evil, we have collected more than uah 800,000, there is not much left, thank you very much, let's push this collection and close the issues that are now key for our soldiers in terms of logistics, well and now we we will add askad shurbekov to the conversation, he is a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. askad, i congratulate you, i will first of all ask about the security situation in the city. oblast as of the evening of this day , well, maybe we can also talk about the night
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, which passed, was there enemy activity, if so, what kind, please, if we talk about the day, then the situation is relatively calm, directly in the regional center, today all enemy activity is concentrated in the front-line communities, if we speak in general for the day, then the situation is quite tense, because zaporozhye was subjected to a drone attack, last night several drones hit the suburbs, in fact, thunder struck... two people were injured on the outskirts of the city, five houses were destroyed, another 10 there were partially destroyed, that is , this is over the last period, probably that is enough such a massive drug attack, because for a long time zaporizhzhia no longer... indulged in exactly this type of weaponry, i know, i would like to discuss first of all, this is important for zaporizhzhia, of course, right now we are discussing the statement made by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi to the cbs edition, i think, if i am not mistaken , that the enemy is preparing a major offensive in may, june, and we need the help of our partners, well, it is not specified what exactly,
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but we understand very well that the enemy is concentrating its forces and considerable precisely in the direction of zaporizhzhia, if we talk about any offensives, then of course they can be where the enemy is concentrated, they have their own plastarms in order to advance further, in general, whether the construction of defensive fortifications continues, in general, the city is near the front, zaporizhzhia, as it prepares for such possible, to such a possible stage of the war. of course, the construction of fortifications is probably one of the key tasks today, and at the level of the regional government, at the level of the state government, active work is being carried out today, probably that it is in vain that what can be shown in the public sphere is enough a lot of materials from the regional military administration, from the ministry of defense, and we understand that the enemy has actually been accumulating troops there for two years specifically in the direction of zaporizhzhia, because, well, for him it is strategic, priority, and in the last few months we also feel an increase in enemy activity, this is expressed
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in the number of these attacks in general, the way of attempts to break through the defense line and in general the number of shelling of the front-line territories, that is, the enemy does not abandon its intention. still move towards zaporizhzhia, but i would like to point out, to reassure the tv viewers there, that during all this time , the period of the so-called escalation of the situation, the strengthening of the russian offensive, in fact , the front line did not move there by a single meter on the zaporizhzhia section of the front, of course , the military and all other services, they are currently preparing and understand that any, let's say, situations can develop in this direction, and we must today consolidate our efforts and be ready for this, well but let's say that during the... russians shelled the zaporizhzhia region more than 200 times, it's hard to imagine, let's say, in the lviv region, and not only there, but in many other cities of ukraine, but this is the reality in which people live, and this is barrel artillery, long-range, and drones, and missiles, and cabs are not arriving, and this is not only in the zaporizhzhia region, in the occupied part,
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it is also in donetsk region, it is also in kherson region, although i have not read about kherson region, but i have no doubt that the enemy is actively starting to mobilize, that is, the expected paradise of course. the occupier did not and could not bring this to the so-called dpr, but their leader poshirin said that they would mobilize people there in 94/2006, that is, in fact, from 30 to 18 years old, that is, they would take away all citizens of ukraine, well, even those who received russian passports, or passports of the so-called dpr there, they will still be mobilized, actually cleaned , and everything that can be taken away, even including our young men and so on, in the zaporizhzhia region, is there any intensification of this mobilization taking place there. census, are they also ready to push anyone they can, so that putin can achieve his goals, and during this offensive, which the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, is talking about. the zaporozhye region was not an exception; in fact, the russians are strengthening it mobilization processes, and we predicted this before, that they will step by step intensify it, take more and
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more people to participate in this war against their fellow citizens, in fact, if we analyze the activities of the occupation authorities in general, we see that for them... the young generation is one of the priorities, why are there so many of these paramilitary projects, some kind of actions among the high school students there, among the university students, because today they are actually preparing potentially the people they are zombifying, in order to further involve them in lav armed occupation forces and then throw them against their fellow citizens, that is why these processes in zaporizhzhia region, they are not as active as in donetsk or luhansk regions, but there is a basis for this today, today they are trying to mobilize those people. let's say, the older generation who remained in the occupied territory, but they are already preparing the foundation, so that later these young men, zombified, will continue to be mobilized for this war, so it is very important today not to lose communication with those people who remained and still try to keep them from this, you know, let's say propaganda abyss, where
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the russian occupation is pushing, well, i would like to know, maybe you have more information in melitopol today there was a loud explosion in the temporarily occupied city. not long ago, on the seashore, they wrote that a house almost collapsed, don't you know, perhaps through some of your channels, what happened there, what exactly exploded and what the consequences might be? look, now the details are still being clarified, well, we will say frankly that we do not have detailed information we can say about the number of losses of the occupiers or about some affected equipment units, but we can state that these things are happening systematically and in fact... this is not the first attack on melitopol and the explosion in melitopol in the last weeks, that is, it is an understandable story, because melitopol was used by the occupier as a base both for its occupation headquarters and for the accumulation of troops, manpower, equipment, so of course there is a large industrial zone there, there are communities that are near the sea, so they use them for
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the location of their military, so these objects, they are a constant target of the armed forces of ukraine, and this explosion, it became one of, let's say, many explosions that occurred before this, i am sure that there will be more in the future. today i read a story about a trolleybus driver who died on the dniprovsky hes, when, well, on this part of the road. very good words, a very good person who , unfortunately, was killed by the enemy, treacherously, but was also damaged, well, this is not an irreparable loss, of course, everything can be rebuilt, restored, people cannot be brought back, unfortunately, so eternal memory of the fallen and the driver and ukrainians in general, who died during all this time, and regarding dniproges, have the damages and destruction been finally assessed there, and what can and should be done in order to stabilize the work. is it possible to restore in some reasonably short time those powers that
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were actually lost? currently, we only have an assessment of the environmental damage, the environmental damage assessed by the ministry of ecology, there is more than 100 million hryvnias, but again this is due to the oil leak, due to the destruction of the station in general, but i want to emphasize that there is no deterioration of water quality or anything else, but there is enough , let's say significant, significant destruction in the ecosystem. application, what is directly related to the hpp, today work continues to assess the extent to which it can be restored, that it will be in a quantitative dimension, i mean in financial resources, in time resources, and the second issue is the restoration of direct traffic through the dniprovka . today, the traffic is in each lane in one direction, that is, two lanes are non-functional today, and this is very important question, because gets is one of, let's say , such logistical chains that connect two banks of the city of zaporizhia, two large, two large residential areas, so this is... the issue will be resolved more quickly, but again, it is also quite large volume and funds and works in general. well, we see that
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the enemy is hitting the energy sector, kharkiv, kharkiv oblast, kharkiv tets, there are other tets, ladyshyn in vinnytsia, plus lviv oblast, just 20 or so rockets landed there, burshtyn, prykarpattia, well that is, regardless of it is far from the front, close to the front, missiles unfortunately, thousands of kilometers fly. and now there are a large number of rocket weapons flying in large numbers, unfortunately, and we do not have a large number of missiles against air defense systems and missiles for air defense systems, well, except for kyiv and possibly some other important key areas. zaporozhye is not only a city near the front line - it is a city that is a powerful industrial center, but industry is also energy, and the enemy can take it upon himself to strike more actively and harder, or what are the risks here, what is here there is readiness, again now, right now, yes, because we we understand, you need to prepare in advance , i am convinced that the preparation goes to the point that in the event of certain blows, certain destructions, well , again, we are an example of dniproges, how to act,
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how to live, these are big enterprises, again , what simply powerful on a national scale, in fact, and suddenly something will not be able to work, this is now being calculated and there is an understanding of how to act, of course, these are strategic issues in the zaporizhzhia region, which in each region has created a regional defense council, which includes representatives of the regional.. military the administration, specialized structures, the power unit, of course, they work out exactly those possible scenarios that could happen under russian aggression, including turning off the electricity supply, that is, the destruction of electricity generation, in fact, one of the biggest destructions was precisely felt by the industry, because after the strikes according to the dnipro gestures, the local population practically always remains with light, that is, thanks to the energy companies that they work and provided some outages specifically for local residents, but of course that it affects the industry and today together with the representatives of private enterprises, large industrial enterprises, these models are being worked out today, i think that we in the public sphere cannot yet talk
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even about some scenarios, but of course this work is being carried out, because in zaporizhzhia has a very large number of strategic industrial facilities, but i would also like to ask about the humanitarian situation, of course, by the way , the heating season has already ended in zaporizhzhia, tomorrow, tomorrow is the last day, well, the temperature regime allows... it to complete, in fact, this is saving and resources , which are always in limited quantity, and this is again saving the money of payers, say, heat supply subscribers, you know, about a week ago, or maybe more, we had a conversation with the head of the mykolaiv regional trolleybus administration, mr. vitaly kim, and he said that we have from the calculated revenues, well, the way they are currently coming in , the revenues go to the regional budget, there, well, plus what was taken from kyiv, we know, these are taxes from the salaries of military personnel. dsns, well, that's it so on, so on, we, this, that's all , they say, we calculated that, in principle, this is money for us at such rates and with the problems that we have now, that we have to cover, we
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will have enough, says mr. kim, until september . well, this is reality, but it is not something that someone there believes or does not believe, we all believe in the best, but this is reality, and in zaporizhzhia, let's say, and, i can't say in the region at the moment, because the situation is different everywhere, but speaking in zaporizhzhia, as it is now with the receipts, and if possible briefly, and this is an interesting question, are there any critical moments, which, well, there are not, but it is necessary and no, look, of course, there are problems with revenue, because the tax base is decreasing, but the situation in zaporizhia is not critical, but the economy is working, zaporizhzhia has sufficiently large revenues, even in these conditions it... continues to allocate sufficiently large funds for armed forces of ukraine. this year, 200 million was initially allocated. at a recent session in the city council , an additional 150 million was allocated. yes, it may be less than some other regional centers, but taking into account the amount of permanent, daily destruction, taking into account how much there is expenses from a large number of idps, it is related. zaporizhzhia allocates a fairly large amount of money to the defense sector and, in general, to maintaining the life of the city. therefore, i hope that, after all, if
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there are no other legislative initiatives, such as... the taking away of the military pdf, then i think that the city will hold on. thank you very much mr. askade, take care. askada shurubekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council on the consequences of enemy attacks on zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region. in a week, only up to 200 arrivals of artillery, rockets, cabs that do not fly around zaporizhzhia, and this is the rhythm and regime of the city. once again, i remind you of the words of the president, who told the publication that in may-june the enemy is preparing for a major offensive and ukraine needs it now. the help of our partners, well, we will discuss this topic further, it is, as they say, we need to talk here, but, in principle, everyone talked about it, well, thank god, what the head of state said about it, now we will involve the people's deputy of ukraine in the conversation mykola knyazhytsko, let's talk about how the council worked today, and several important legislative initiatives, which have already caused a whole storm of discussions, hate, support for all this in society, mykola ktyazhyskyi is with
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us, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, we will start with this one. an initiative that is already being very actively discussed, you are the author, co-sponsor of this draft law, co-author, by the way , mr. yurchyshyn is the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech and information, regarding the regulation of certain, i will not call it correctly right now, i understand how say, but right, maybe legally do not express, well, not telegram in general , but those platforms or those channels that pretend to be the media and give a lot of information, but are not subject to any regulation, how are things now with convincing the deputies to take it up, support it? and these discussions are very active in society, in the media, in public and in political spheres, at what stage is it now? well, the fact that this bill was signed with me by the head of the humanitarian policy committee, nikita poturaev, and the head of the mass media committee yurchyshyn's information, as you rightly said, and other deputies say that this is
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actually a serious and balanced document, he immediately met it. a lot of people for different reasons, because our social networks are actively used, some for objective normal information, some for manipulation of public opinion, because you can write any lie about anyone and not bear any responsibility for it, and no one can settle it, not even the court, because he does not know who wrote it, or on what note who owns the network this was written on, nor the regulatory bodies. in addition, there are networks that have servers in the territory of ukraine, and as soon as you install them on your own phone, it means that you give access to your whole life, because you give access to contacts, this network sees who you are with communicate, you give access to your location, this network follows you and your movements, this is a huge problem, because many of these networks have servers in
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russia and are actively used in russia, that the same telegram that is constantly praises putin, then piskov, then their leaders of the state duma for full cooperation with russian authorities, deletes anything related to the russian position in minutes, especially before rallies or elections, instead, what concerns ukraine and ukrainian appeals, they actually ignore, but this is not only about telegram, the law does not say that it is a law about telegram, and the law does not propose to ban anyone, all that the law proposes is... it is that such a network, which is essentially a means of mass information, opens representation in ukraine or the countries of the european union, communicated with the national regulator, that is , with the national council of television and radio broadcasting, provided all the necessary information about who their owners are, it is not meant directly everyone there, conventionally speaking, the author


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