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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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a huge problem, because many of these networks have servers in russia and are actively used in russia. the same telegram, which constantly praises putin, then piskov, then their leaders of the state duma for full cooperation with russian authorities, deletes anything related to the russian position in minutes, especially before rallies or elections, instead, what concerns ukraine and ukrainians appeals, they actually ignore, but it is not only the telegram that concerns the law. that this is a telegram law, and the law does not propose to ban anyone. all, what the law proposes is that such a network , which is essentially a means of mass information, should open a representative office in ukraine or the countries of the european union, communicate with the national regulator, that is, with the national council on television and radio broadcasting, provide all the necessary information about who are their owners, it does not mean directly everyone there, relatively speaking, the author on facebook or... the telegram channel, the owners
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of facebook itself, telegram itself, this one is already acting in relation to youtube for this, and no there are no problems, but it works only in relation to video services, and there is a lot of information where both text and video, in fact, just like on youtube, remain outside of regulation, therefore the draft law is designed to equalize everyone, the most important thing is to protect our national security, unfortunately, what is the point here the main problem arises, there are certain representatives of the ukrainian authorities, who, thanks to the telegram, throw... black people into society, they do it every day to fight against political opponents, so as not to bear any responsibility for it, they just tell outright lies, and you can't even to refute this lie, because you cannot argue with an anonymous person, and it seems to them that in this way they somehow fight with political opponents in ukraine, get further power, but this is a big mistake, because what the russian federation is doing through social network is hundreds of times more harmful than what you do... each of us is serving
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some of our leaders in order to promote him and destroy his political opponents, and this will harm those leaders and their enemies, because here everyone is in one boat, and this law is absolutely necessary, and now the leader gur budano is also talking about it, he directly says that it is a matter of national security, and representatives of the security service of ukraine and many other state bodies, but those who share the black cash from manipulations and will try to engage in dirty politics through... networks , but they are resisting and doing everything to prevent it from being adopted, although this law will in no way limit freedom of speech, because if such a network does not want to register in ukraine, to respond to the requests of the national council, then the biggest sanction that can be other than a fine , this restrictions on the right to use this network for government officials and officials at workplaces, this means that you will not be able to put these applications on your computer and you will not be able to uh... in the private data of any
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person, if there is a large bank, because this private data, this information immediately goes to the enemy, and this is a real disaster, this is a direct path to defeat, as with the russian church, which now claims to have declared a holy war on us, i initiated this law, and with by this law, we must act immediately and quickly, because if we do not act, we will follow the lead of petty scammers, wage earners who blackmail political opponents with lies through telegram, then we will lose the country, that is why this is an important story, well, general bohdanov actually said what you said , and why time is important, it is the same as the president's statement in an interview with the western media, where he said that russia is preparing a major offensive, another one, we have nothing to defend ourselves, let's help us, well here i don't want to at all no way to comment, it's just a matter of what certain things are possible it should have been done earlier, but in any case it must be done now, at least it must be done now, i second that the meeting took place today after all... and it lasted long
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enough prime ministers of ukraine and poland, can we say about some acceptable results, or is it just, as they say, a dialogue that has progressed, which is the basis for further dialogue? well, that's right, we agreed to agree, of course, this is a dialogue, and it is important for us to continue this dialogue, because on the way to european integration, poland will remain our strategic partner. unfortunately, so far this dialogue is very often conducted for selfish reasons. certain resettlement , in particular the polish one, which helped ukraine a lot, we are sincerely grateful to them, and when it comes to agricultural products, for example, the pressure on us, the closing of the border, it looks not just unfriendly, but selfish, but the polish government depends from their voters, these voters , by the way, are also influenced through social networks, including by the russians, and the russians add fire to it, so it is very difficult task for the governments of ukraine and poland, because they are friendly governments of friendly countries, but... i do not believe
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that this agreement will be reached very quickly. and one more thing, the ope free ukraine movement, proposes to redirect funds from financing telethons to the defense of ukraine. they ask for your support, to distribute the petition to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, by the way, really, go to the free ukraine movement page, if you support this idea, support it, why is it important now, because we are talking about mobilizing people, this is important, but i think that mobilization is also important of the economy, mobilization of the country, if when you start simply counting money and what you can do without, from there money is given for what you cannot do without, the army and weapons are meant, please, well, look, there are many channels that do not receive any funds from the budget, such as espresso. there are many other tv channels, but there is such a pool , which the state allowed to run the marathon, which agreed to do it for the sake of political censorship and obviously for the sake of making money, and the funds that are allocated there are large funds, which do not make any sense, so obviously i
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personally fully support this statement, because we need not to divide ukrainian society by the only news that is united only around the government, but to unite all the media, and the government and the opposition in resistance. enemy, this is the only right way, and i believe that such a way is possible in ukraine, but unfortunately, our authorities are not ready for this yet, thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining, mykola knyazhytskyi, the people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, and i understand that i can see the map there now ahead, flights of alarm, repulse, only luhansk region and the occupied crimea, there is now red, the rest of the regions are white. therefore , we will move to a different studio, we will continue with us the results of the day, news, a lot of interesting things, stay with us, do not switch, take care of yourself and we will meet for a few minutes, vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima and we let's start, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics
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we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now yuriy fizar, yuriy dobry vech, will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. leading that to many people, they have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. and the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis
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of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is for experienced people fans, as well as simply for people who appreciate a non-... disengaged view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. ukraine has already felt the taste of the first asymmetric victory. while at sea, where relatively cheap ukrainian drones destroyed a quarter of the black sea fleet, drove its remnants to novorossiysk and guaranteed the safety of the ukrainian sea corridor without the mediation of turkey. it is much more difficult to implement this strategy on land, on the eve of the so-called elections of vladimir putin, russian volunteers who the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine is helping, they launched a raid to the belgorod and kurt regions, it
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turned into large-scale combat operations, the russian army at least has to divert its forces in this direction and turn it into bakhmut and avdiyivka, that is, raze already... its settlements to the ground . the minimum task is to carry out the war on russian territory. the maximum task is to destabilize the situation inside the russian federation, to sow pessimism about putin's capabilities, to protect one's own territory, both among the russian population and among those there the elite as far as we know, they are not going to stop anytime soon and will do whatever they can, and as we can see, they have enough energy lately. kirill danov, head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine. after the start of the raid, the aggressor intensified terrorist attacks on sumy oblast. for two weeks, putin's forces have been shelling border towns and villages en masse with guided aerial bombs, missiles and kamikaze drones.
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artillery, mortars and small arms are also used. the community of velikopysarov is suffering the most. the civilian population is evacuated. central square, velyka pisarivka, sumyshchyna, settlement. they destroy, bomb, our border villages, the russian army is trying to simply burn them to the ground, only from the beginning of this march and until today, the russian aviation... has already dropped almost 200 guided bombs on the communities of sumy oblast, just on villages, cities, and civilian infrastructure . another way of asymmetric struggle is to deprive the aggressor of the income with which he finances wars. western sanctions do not cope well with this task, that's why ukrainian drones come to their aid, or rather, they fly. since the beginning of the year, drone strikes on russian oil refineries have disabled capacity ranging from 600 to 9,000 barrels, i.e. 10-15% of daily oil refining. these are the estimates of bloomberg. some targets were
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hit at a distance of more than 1000 km. russia is already experiencing a shortage of fuel. it is possible that this is precisely why the russians once again launched large-scale attacks on our energy system. after all, if they... had such opportunities before, it is logical to assume that the missiles would have flown into ukrainian thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants in winter, when ukraine was particularly vulnerable to such strikes, on the night of march 22, when the temperature outside was positive, the enemy fired more than 60 shahed missiles and almost 90 different missiles at ukraine. in particular, according to the office of the prosecutor general, eight rockets landed in dnipro. gs, which was undermined by both the nkvd and the nazis during the second world war. the facility is out of order, but
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there is no threat of a dam breach. the enemy is carrying out the largest attack on the ukrainian energy industry for the last time the goal is not just to damage, to try again, like last year, to cause a large-scale failure of the country's energy system. herman galushchenko, minister of energy of ukraine. in such a situation , support is especially important. allies ukraine is in dire need of more ammunition and air defense systems, and while europe has finally begun to wake up from its lethargic slumber and ramp up supplies, our main ally, the united states, is paralyzed by the pre-election struggle. a vital aid package of more than $60 billion still hasn't passed, and congress went on vacation again. against this background , president biden's national security advisor jake sullivan paid an unannounced visit to ukraine. he in... promised that aid would eventually be agreed, but avoided answering whether the us would provide long-range
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missiles to the attacks. as for atakams, i may disappoint you, but i have nothing to announce today. when we can share something, we will. but i will say that we have had very constructive discussions about our military support and the necessary capabilities that will make that support effective jake salevan, national security adviser. the president of the united states of america. already after the visit, the financial times, citing its own sources, reported that washington allegedly called on kyiv to stop attacks on russian oil plants, saying that the biden administration is afraid of a possible increase in world prices for oil and oil products and an increase in fuel prices in the united states on the eve of the presidential election, as well as an even greater escalation on the part of the russian federation. ukrainian officials denied this information. white house by request the voice of america has shied away from. a specific comment there noted that in general they do not encourage attacks on russian territory.
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whatever the real position of the us, ukraine must continue to look for weaknesses in the defense and economy of the aggressor and use them for asymmetric struggle, even if some allies do not like it.
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see this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova the most outrageous judges-offenders, how to keep their position while in the pre-trial detention center. they continue to be judges. and get a lot salary but why does the vrp weakly consider complaints against the servants of themis? the supreme council of justice acts to maintain the status quo, not to clean up the renewal of the judiciary. watch in... march 28 at 17:45 the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between
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ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care. and thinkers politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. i congratulate you, dear, we continue our broadcast, congratulations to those who joined our broadcast just now. now we will, today i will
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conduct the military summaries of the week instead of serhii zgurets, but i need one second for this. to find the right one, there are certain problems, to find the right data, if the guest is already on the line, then we can, and mr. sergey, i congratulate you, but i just can’t here, it doesn’t work for me, i can’t fully introduce you , and now i will try to do it once, well, but there are different moments, i can do it myself introduce yourself, and if possible, please, serhiy voronov, a fighter of the legion of freedom. i am glad to see and hear you, there are questions that i want to ask you, but i probably would not be a journalist if i did not ask you as a military serviceman to comment on the words that were voiced by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, western zmi , there, if i am not mistaken, there was talk about cbs, and now it is being discussed very actively, i see on social networks, people want to know more, people want to understand what is happening, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi said, in principle, what everyone has been talking about for a long time, but it was not announced
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that the enemy is preparing, i will not say that it is big, but the offensive is in may, june, and we need... help , and here it is necessary to explain, well, if at least we try, what kind of help, troops, a thousand tanks, shells, what exactly, what is being discussed, and why right now it is being talked about in such a way that the whole nation can hear it, and not only nation, and our partners hear it, if possible, please, it would be very important to hear this, well, actually, to be honest, i thought that the offensive was already underway, but it turns out that what will be ahead, well, okay, in fact, we really need it. indeed support, support is multifaceted, multi-vector, it actually applies both to our external partners abroad and to the entire population, because today, more than ever, we must mobilize all available resources, all available opportunities in order to direct them in the right way on the achievement of some kind of ukrainian, to begin
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with stability, and then certainly victory, well in fact, we are really talking about, as well as about... artillery shells, i will not say that today there are none of them on the contact line, but we still need very, very many resources to reach parity, and actually this applies precisely to unmanned vehicles, this concerns the rebs, because today the war has entered such a, you know, technological phase, where not a single shade, not a single fragment of the contact line can actually do without fpv and without the rebs, that is. therefore , i think that actually all these things need to be paid attention to, as well as language, i think talk about long-range weapons, in particular from what i managed to read today from the president's statements, he really stated that the russians have weapons that hit at 20 + km, we have weapons that hit at 20 minus km , and it is true, we
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would like a slightly larger number so that our gunners can fully ... deal with the destruction of the occupiers. well, yes, i will not continue this topic anymore, serhii rudenko will be on the air today, people will actually discuss this issue and these topics. let us now move on to the situation in that area the front, in fact, where your unit is located, what is happening there, and how could these actions be characterized, although we understand that now everywhere the characteristic is the same: the enemy is climbing, our armed forces are not giving, please, i communicate with my brothers every day , in particular by fighters... of the freedom region, who are located along the entire line of contact, and i want to say that there are no light shades, light areas anywhere today, about how it is recorded. the general headquarters and informs the population, indeed, the largest number of assaults, active actions is precisely on ours part of the front, this is the novopavlov direction,
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in particular , the permomayska community, well, the pervomayska village, is traditionally already very hot, the enemy is also trying to advance from maryanka, to develop its bridgeheads, in particular in the direction of kurakhovo, this is through the village of georgiv. from the south they are trying to attack krasnohorivka, well, there is also the strategically important nevelske, in particular for the encirclement of pervomaisky there directly, but directly here what is happening here is what i think you can say is real hell, because it is very hot there, although those settlements or those parts of the front line that i did not name, they are also constantly under fire, and the fp are also constantly working there. enemy, as well as, well, other types of weapons. well, i can say that our guys also carry out certain counter-attack actions,
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they also do not sit and work against the enemy, against the enemy, there, even tricks and attempts to storm, because we try to see in advance how the enemy is trying to approach lines of contact, and just as constantly, so to speak, we work by arms. well and whether the enemy continues to use the tactics of assaults by small groups that move with the support of armored vehicles or perhaps without armored vehicles , it happens differently there, depending on the presence of armored vehicles and the desire of those armored vehicles to attack together with these small groups, of course, especially with regard to populated areas , where you can disperse, the guys told me literally yesterday about one population. the point that the enemy has chosen the tactics of working in twos, they run two people at a time and actually try to slip past ours there past ours
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positions, well, in fact, sometimes they even manage to catch up to our guys, but where they are met by such heavy fire and in fact, well, actual destruction, they also advance with armored vehicles, there they traditionally leave in several directions, you know, in the morning, three bmps, two come up traditionally, and one runs away, well, actually , the enemy was remembered by such, such tactical actions , guided aerial bombs are very widely used, in fact, along the entire line of contact, the enemy chose this as such a great tactical tool, which they are trying to completely erase the settlements of peaceful ukrainian cities. forces well, of course, as i said, fpv, they are all over the contact line, there are a lot of them, and our means of
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electronic warfare, well, they are trying to cope with it in every way. well, i will ask two questions in one, we literally had three minutes left, but then i will give you the opportunity to decide for yourself which one to answer first and which one to answer second. the use of air bombs, especially we see, we know about the tsikaba, are already infamous, unfortunately, but yesterday we also saw the use new bombs in kharkiv, with which the enemy first hit the city, and on the civilian, well , on the housing stock, civilian infrastructure there, and perhaps the enemy is already using these on the front, well, and from here , poisonous gases, various chemical compounds that the enemy uses it to dislodge our defenders from their positions, and then to strike artillery there, whether with cluster bombs or whatever , when the fighters are already in the open area, please, here are the first and second, well, i want to say that on... our shade was used as a cab, and regularly, on in our area, they used poisonous , poisonous drops of various grenades there, in our
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area, literally during the last week, phosphorus was used there several times, that is, they actually use everything that is available, well, i can already say for sure that in this war the enemy used all available types of weapons, well, maybe except for nuclear weapons. yes, well, please tell me if there is a possibility, at least to try to get these planes that are dropping bombs, is it a distance of 30-40 km, but today we saw, a little later we will show a video of how this su-35 fell the russians themselves, as they say , shot down their plane too much, i think, i don’t know for sure, but i think this plane also launches guided aerial bombs, is there any way to combat this, or is it already, well, at this stage it is only shelter, concrete, iron, what is there , or... hope that it will not hit you, well, we all saw the february plane crash, how many enemy planes were shot down, well,
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actually, we all understand... that it is thanks to our system, it is today in the black sea in pavlo, so i am just telling our viewers, well, i am glad to see such footage, it seems to me that somewhere in the air defense are sitting, including our compatriots, and god willing, such plane crashes will continue, and enemy aircraft will become less and less, well, of course , we are waiting for the arrival of f-16s, i hope, thanks to them, we will we will be able to control the sky more and better. thank you very much. mr. serhiy, for joining, thank you for your comments, serhiy voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom, was in touch with us, and on behalf of the entire ukrainian people, i can only thank you for your service and loyalty, and in the defense of ukraine, well, let's say, just to protect you and me, it 's important, well, just in a moment, i 'll continue with the news, and in general, we're going to have a second hour of big ter, there will be important information, stay with us, i 'll be back soon. good evening, we are from
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ukraine, well, actually, let's look again, as they say ups idgen, engulfed in flames, went to the bottom, in sevastopol , a russian fighter jet fell into the black sea, it can be about sud-27 or sud-35 . the local occupation authorities have already managed to report that the pilot allegedly successfully ejected himself the plane fell a few hundred meters from the coast, so far it is not known exactly what could have caused it. the aircraft carrier, well, at least it was burning, which already means that it didn't just run out of fuel. well, unfortunately, the russians are not only falling, but also dropping their bombs and shelling. in kherson, russian invaders fired at a taxi car. unfortunately, the driver died on the spot. the head of the region oleksandr prokudin informed about this. he also added that two passengers, a 36-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman, were injured and were taken to the hospital. we wish of course
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recovery one person died and three were injured due to russian attacks in the kharkiv region. in the morning, the enemy attacked kupyanshchyna and vovchansk. this was reported to the regional police. a 57-year-old resident of the village of monachynivka died in the kupyan district. at the time of the shooting, she and her husband were in the car. the woman died in the ambulance, and the man in the hospital. and in vovchansk, an enemy projectile hit the yard of a private house of a gunshot wound. a 60-year-old man was injured, another resident was contused. and he will spend eight years behind bars resident of kharkiv. the court found a 49-year-old woman guilty of disseminating information about the armed forces of ukraine. in the interests of the enemy, she betrayed the positions of ukrainian soldiers in the region, through a social network banned in ukraine to her classmates. there she kept in touch with an employee of the russian fsb curator, the traitor
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was interested. first of all, the location of the equipment of our army, as well as the ways of movement of manpower and equipment of the ukrainian army. in october of last year, employees of the security service of ukraine kidnapped a woman, and she was elected preventive measure in the form of detention. the drogachiv district court sentenced her to eight years of imprisonment. ukraine needs quality information about the intentions of the enemy volodymyr. zelensky introduced the new head of foreign intelligence oleg ivashchenko and announced new tasks for the department. according to the president, ukrainian intelligence services should work everywhere in the world where our interests are, and where the putin system is trying to win something for itself, ukraine should win. oleg ivashchenko, combatant general, he replaced oleksandr litvanenko in this position, who was sent to serve in the nsdc. time. wars are completely non-public things
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that the service must provide promptly and qualitatively, it is this kind of potential, measures to influence the intelligence work and actually the military activities of ukraine that i expect from you, and it is for this purpose that the foreign intelligence service was headed by a combat general. we wish you success in this position, in the interests of ukraine, first of all, a marathon of military vacancies and opportunities lviv border guards invite you to serve in motivated ukrainian men and u... ukrainian women told about their proposals in the recruiting center of the ukrainian army. what are the advantages of voluntarily joining the army, how and who can join? see further. from the driver to the inspector of the border service and control. military personnel of the seventh border carpathian detachment are recruiting for various positions. the department says that they are looking for strong-willed and motivated people who are ready to stand guard over state borders.


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