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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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koval will tell you everything that we have new, well, we will see each other in this format in a week. see this week in the collaborators program. ministries of the occupiers, whom did the rashists appoint as leaders? i want russia to be on the lands of the kherson region, and it will be. but as a fake minister... he stole millions of rubles from his masters, the accused is detained, congratulations, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia is creating its own ministries, they are illegal and illegitimate, but many collaborators prefer to take positions there, to become a minister, deputy or at least director of a department, the main goal of almost every zaprodas. today and in the coming
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issues, i will tell you about such fake institutions, who runs them and how they are used by the occupiers. this is the so-called ministry of health of the kherson region. it was created on july 25, 2023 . racists call the department one of the most important, because the issue of health in the occupied territories is very acute. to it can also be actively used for agitation, propaganda and pressure on local people. residents, for example, appointment and appointment with a doctor, sale of vital medicines, surgery, all this is available only on condition of having a passport with a chicken. positions in this ministry were distributed very carefully and only to those who proved their dedication and willingness to work for the kremlin idea. ilmiyev vadim viktorovych, born in 1966, was entrusted with the duties of the minister of the rashists. along with the soldiers on the front line and in the rear are medics.
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they often risk their lives, fulfill their duty to their homeland, providing aid to the wounded and victims. ilmiyev was born in uzbekistan, but later moved to kherson. there, in 2007, he created a public organization, the hospital fund, which turned out to be a pyramid scheme. then all managers of kherson hospitals, teachers, doctors, librarians, were obliged to voluntarily join the organization of the hospital fund. members were expected to have an obligation every year. uah from each salary to the fund of a public organization. this contribution was considered as mutual aid in case of emergency, which can be applied for by all state employees of kherson. but, as it turned out, contributions were collected every year, but no one allocated money. after that, in 2017, ilmiyev was one of the leaders of the public movement medvedchuk ukrainian choice in the kherson region. and in 2020, he ran for the kherson city council. block of volodymyr
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saldo, but did not pass. in 2021, ilmiyev tried to get a job as a specialist in the office management department of the kherson city council, where also got it from the bin. under the ukrainian authorities , this traitor's career did not go well, so he decided to try to become useful to the russian executioners. he put on a rashist military uniform, puffed out his cheeks, and emphasized his poverty with the zet symbol and a russian passport. with this entire set, the artifact. acts of an underdeveloped creature, ilmiev began to engage in propaganda. you hear that there are now incoming flights, and ukraine is now shelling the city of kherson. in this way, it takes revenge for what people want to do with their will. rashists appointed ilmiyev first head of the regional health care department, and then she was promoted to the rank of minister. under the leadership of this traitor, the kherson region. began to prepare for medical reforms
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according to russian standards. we have only one choice, and it is the choice of a peaceful path, so that peace will finally come to us on the fertile tavrian land. order, stability. this minister was in office for a short time, why? well, because he robbed his own owners of 26.5 million wooden ones. the former acting minister of health of the kherson region was charged with embezzlement funds entrusted to him in a particularly large amount. the accused is detained and remanded in custody. it turned out that from september 1, 22 to april 23, ilmiyev stuffed his wicket with money allocated for the salaries of doctors and employees of the kherson city clinical hospital named after karabelesh. during the search of his house, cash was found. decorations
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and paintings. last summer, the traitor was detained in crimea. i think that ilmiyev regrets that he fled to the occupied territory. now i would sit in the comfortable ukrainian camera and the general repented. the prosecutor's office announced that he was suspected of collaborationism, but so far this traitor is forced to try out all the kremlin's cover-up methods. if it hadn't been there, ilmiyev's place in the occupation health care system would not have been empty for a long time. rashists quickly found a replacement. the new minister is artysh sat from stavyan. but i think he won't stay in the chair for a long time, and not at all because he will steal. it's just that the fate of all these soap bubbles is decided in advance. each is spherical. the shell of the body leaves only a wet trail on the asphalt, then quickly disappears, like dew in the sun. and this is the so-called minister of health of the fake lpr natalia pashchenko. she is 49 years old, born in the city of stakhanov in the luhansk region, trained as a cardiologist. in 2014
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, she moved to severodonetsk, where she started building her career from scratch, but two years later , pashchenko was offered to lead a cardiology project in the terrorist dpr, which was financed... from the russian budget. medical workers are an industry that largely depends on the russian federation. in the 14th year, we have already made our choice. the doctors stayed here with their population. this was already the choice of the russian federation. pashchenko diligently served the red star in exchange for ghostly prospects and money. and to spend bloody rubles, she went to the territory controlled by ukraine. according to zmi, the traitor bought an apartment in irpen, near kyiv, and in 2014 she first sent her daughter to study in the ukrainian capital, then to poland and france. the daughter in europe enjoys the benefits of the civilized world, while pashchenko is talking loudly to the camera about the good life
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under the tricolor. the most important thing, probably, is collegiality and the formation of such friendly ties and the feeling that we are together and we provide medical care together. for three years, pashchenko managed the so-called state cardiology program of the terrorist lpr, until in december 2018, she was appointed a fake minister of health. since that time, zaprodenka began to promote russian lies even more persistently, for example, about the fact that our armed forces are hitting civilian objects in luhansk region, or about how bad ukrainian health care reform and what a good russian one. today's contribution of medical workers to... a special military operation to save the lives of those fighting for our homeland cannot be overestimated. it seems that nothing will help this zombified creature of the rashish regime. in april of that year , pashchenko, along with seven other traitors , was suspected by the sbu of collaboration
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and treason. so, after the liberation of luhansk region , only 15-year-old inmates, and maybe for life, will be able to talk about how good the kremlin is. this is allah barkhatno, occupation minister of labor and social protection of kherson region, 51, originally from oryol region. as a child , alla moved with her parents to the city of druzhkivka in donetsk region, finished school there, then went to study in russia, received an education at the all-union research institute of automation of meterology. after receiving her diploma, she returned to the donetsk region again. at first she worked as an accountant, later she became an entrepreneur. a powerful career development took place in barkhatnova's life in 2014, she realized who do you need to serve, what do you need to say, who to thank, who to betray? at first, zaprodanka helped organize a pro-russian referendum in donetsk
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, worked as an accountant in the so-called ministry of social policy of the dpr and was elected a deputy to the terrorist parliament from the free donbass party, and with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, she moved to kherson, where she was appointed acting head of the fake ministry of labor and social policy of the kherson region. in order to submit an application, a citizen must bring a certain list of documents, this is the passport of a citizen of the russian federation. even during the occupation of kherson, the fake minister alla told the russian media how ukraine economically destroyed the region for 30 years, and how are people now returning to the russian, standing kherson region? for this, 11 days at checkpoints, and how about without acting ? barkhatnova cries on camera, telling how she allegedly survived the shelling from the ssu. i swear, everyone will answer for their actions, i am not afraid of death, i want
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russia to be on the lands of kherson oblast, and it will be. well then, barkhatova generally let herself go and blurted out about ukraine's involvement in the undermining of the kakhovskaya gez. these sick fantasies. too similar to a serious diagnosis, maybe it should be addressed to the so-called colleagues from the fake ministries of health, so that in the end they prescribe her treatment? according to the ministry. defense of the russian federation, ukrainian militants are preparing to commit a terrorist act on kakhovsky hes. if this criminal plan is carried out, all residents of the coastal settlements downstream of the dnieper will be in serious danger. when the traitor felt that our armed forces were close, she set her sights on the left-bank kherson region, and now she pretends to be a minister there. in july 2023, the sbu completed following the case of barkhatnova, she was accused of collaborationism, for which the trafficker faces from 5 to 10 years
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in prison. now the case is being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region, and it seems that barkhatnov's head will be treated in a ukrainian prison, where there is every chance to get rid of obsessive thoughts that kherson is russia, the bloody murderers of zbolit are liberators. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin's ... agents, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship, we will see in a week on espresso. who is close to a politician, a politician, close to the world from the kyiv studio maria gurska, journalist and editor-in-chief of the ukrainian tv channel espresso.
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news week and let's start with this news: polish president andrzej duda said in an interview with cnbc that russia could attack on nato countries already in 2026, which indicates exactly such a date, which is the countermeasure plan. that is, it is about everyone finally getting together, almost the entire past.
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for the first time in my life i met german politicians who told me so clearly: the threat is now serious. if a french politician says, "paul, we have to act now, otherwise putin will be on our streets in paris." so i think it's time to take this threat seriously. just so you know, part of the problem with the event is that threats in and of themselves are part of putin's game. that is, putin wants everyone we are intimidated and often very difficult to distinguish. putin will use
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his record election victory to wage what the institute for the study of war says is a protracted war. what does this mean for us? there was not, there was a kind of plabiscite, which , unfortunately, we now have to take seriously, in general today putin has to be taken very seriously, so putin held a plabiscite in which he showed his entourage that he was supported and supported by broad social groups, that he has support. the next step against this background may be the beginning of another one war so that later, if he loses support, to say that it is necessary to start a new war, so again and again. yes, this is putin's closed circle, proving to his circle that people support him so that he is not removed
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from power, and then organizing a war to mobilize his supporters and rally the russians, and to tell his closest allies: "we can't change anything. because we are at war." this is putin's working method. the problem is that today putin is a leader who apparently perceives this situation, like he has no choice. that is, he must wage war. i think that putin for two, three, five years... that's why even putin after 2014, that is, after the occupation of crimea, could think that, well, for some time we will have bad relations with the west, but then i can start negotiations. modern putin is surely a putin who will bite to the end. he will try to act aggressively and destroy his opponents because he fears that he may have trouble surviving if he falls from power. well, make it the united states does not recognize the legitimacy of putin's presidency after the fake elections, although they say that he will have to be reckoned with.
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details, it is formally known that there are no elections in russia in the sense that it is understood in the west, because there are neither real opponents nor the opportunity to conduct election campaigns, the conduct of elections is accompanied by the pressure of the security forces, that is, in fact , the election campaign is a real voting process in which there is no choice. therefore, it is difficult to talk about
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any transfer of power, because except for putin no one can get it, that is, instead of elections, we essentially have an imitation of the process. there is no campaign, but only an element of so-called voting, that is, theater, and then a demonstrative transfer of power. i emphasize that there are no elements of democratic elections in russia, so there is nothing to talk about. as for the rest, different countries have their own strategies and approaches. it is known that western countries no longer recognize this election process. other countries trying to curry favor with putin, or, for example, counting on later playing the role of mediators, in the war between russia and ukraine.
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large countries, that is, large countries will rather maintain such a position or such an approach that putin de facto rules russia at the same time the united states, and perhaps the united states in the first place will stand in the next position, so he is not a legally elected president, his mandate is not comes from voters. fact, because he actually rules russia, has power ministries under his control, and so on. so i think that when it comes to the un, nothing will change. this week, the summit of european leaders took place union, and the main topic of these meetings was the transfer of the eu economy to military rails. what do you think this means for the eu countries, for
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their spending, defense and other areas, what is it about with this transfer to the rails of war? there are two elements: the first is to stimulate the military industry to expand the production of more weapons and ammunition. the idea is to seek to increase production, what you and i talked about earlier, the point is to have maximum mobilization so that weapons were sold, given on credit or in various forms went to ukraine, and at the same time, so that we finally created our own stockpiles, because today the key is deterrence, this is the most important word in... relations with putin, that is, putin must understand that any what attack will lead to a response, so that he understands this, he needs to get reliable information that the european union has passed an unrealistically large production of ammunition and weapons, it is clear, we are talking about it now, i got the impression that i was in this very office , because today we we are talking a little from another place. in general, this is
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a unique program, because maria gurska is in kyiv, i am in warsaw, but not where we usually write these conversations, in our office. and literally three days ago , the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabriellius lansberiks, visited me in this office, a sincere, long conversation, we talked all evening, but then i had a thought that i would like to share: you are crazy, we say, preparation is in the air to an even bigger war, everyone is talking about ammunition, politicians are orienting themselves, how much ammunition is produced, what weapons are most needed, how much they cost, what are the possibilities, our conversations are reminiscent of pre-war times, today, when someone... says that we are living in pre-war times, it is criticized, but i think it is justified, and this is the second element, mobilisation, everyone has to understand, and the citizens too, that we need to switch, partly to... the economy and quickly produce more weapons and ammunition, this is a task for the whole eu, especially in light of what is happening in the united states . there is a big risk that we are not
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we will have the same support from the united states as before. a study conducted by ibris sociologists at the end of last year in the eu shows that 34% of citizens in estonia expressed readiness to defend their country, 30% in lithuania, 17% and 16% in germany and poland. for the past 30 years, people have lived and believed that the world would be better without warriors, without this type of tension, there is no point in reading public opinion polls, scaring each other, it is time to act, today, when european
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politicians say, we still have two years left, we still have three years left, i say people, do it what must be done now, i.e. help ukraine now, act now before you all have to go to the front. this morning i had a meeting with a large number of polish-ukrainian business representatives in one place in warsaw. i told them, instead of posting on facebook that you were on vacation in mauritius, let everyone write on facebook to the politicians that ammunition should be sent today, that we should help today where the front is actually, and not worry about what will happen after three years, when putin invades western europe, because then in it won't make any sense anymore, i think before we start thinking about sending young belgians to the front... we have to explain it to young belgians to make them think a little bit, put pressure on them on social media, young americans need to explain , for example, of polish origin, of ukrainian origin, put pressure on your
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politicians, on your senators, it is possible today, when people begin to think about war, even in the information field, people think, begin to think that maybe they will be forced to fight, then their consciousness is changing, it will take two or three years, but i think the most important thing today, i am absolutely sure, is to mobilize people. i've been thinking about this all the time for several weeks, i didn't notice it before, i see how it affects public opinion, i meet a lady on the street who says that a lot of poisonous grain comes from ukraine to poland, and i say, from where you know about it, that it is poisonous, you have a laboratory at home, let 's talk calmly, she says that she read about it somewhere... she does not
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threaten anything, you can do it freely, and then worry about what will happen when putin invades belgium or the netherlands. by the way, speaking of grain, a report from the institute of public finance was published this week, which proves that ukrainian grain has a very... we had a blockade on the border, social tension, protests in warsaw, don't you think that the polish government gave in blackmailing polish farmers? no, i don't feel that way, i feel that this is what we talk about every program, i will say that we have nothing to reproach ourselves with today because we are from the beginning. they said, everything depends on how to correctly calculate the proportions , that is, poland must protect the market, and the ukrainian authorities will also do it, but at the same time we must maintain the proportions, so i have
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the impression that in the end those who kept calm will win, i.e. the media who weren't sensationalizing and the politicians who weren't tweeting nervously, just seeing pictures they didn't like, but just trying to make sense of the situation, and what's coming out today is already great, we're very helps because it shows the correct processes. in fact, i always say in ukraine that farmers' protests are not the whole of polish-ukrainian relations, but only a small part of them, i explain why this is happening in poland, i also say in every speech: well, for the polish market, it is actually difficult now times, but it is not because ukrainians add grain to the polish or european market. whether it comes through portugal or spain, because it still affects prices throughout the european union. in fact, these are the most important facts, it is simply about cheap production
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outside the eu, and by the way. and how much he will add, this means that it may turn out that there are indeed problems, because they are, but their meaning is hidden, due to the fact that a lot of cheap grain has arrived, for example, from south america or from russia, unfortunately, it will only be now embargo, finally, but for example, from belarus or from other parts of the world, this is how it works, so facts, facts and again facts, only... a few percent of ukrainian agricultural products pass through polish territory, in the eu it gets into other ways, so sometimes i even say that it will not change anything, because it will get into the eu anyway, and polish carriers, for example, may lose in transit. so it's finally time for facts, when we talk about these protests, i'm just asking you to understand one thing, i don't care, because i know how many people in ukraine, not only in...
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ukrainians look at us, market protection is the norm in the european union, when ukraine joins the eu, i hope it will be as soon as possible, because the negotiations are really should start now, when ukraine is in the eu, it will have the same problems, and it will also protect ukrainian production in various areas where it will be threatened, because there is no other way, because if you are inside the eu, you have higher standards , some are for, some are against, but objectively it is true, production is more expensive. on march 28, negotiations between the prime ministers of poland and ukraine will take place in warsaw. tusk claims that the agreement will be optimal for farmers, but also reiterates that poland will block transit if necessary ukrainian products to the eu. however, on what basis can poland make a decision to suspend transit? is poland ready to give up the funds it receives for this transit, and what does this mean for the economy.
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it is always important for the polish government to consider all the possible consequences and really agree with all the arguments, this is what i explain in poland and in ukraine, by the way also, we have to protect our market, for example wheat production, but we also have to protect pork producers or producers in the field cattle, because they supply milk, milk is made into cheese, which goes to ukraine, and from this, taxes are paid in poland, jobs for polish workers are created. that's why i'm saying this, because it's not exactly an answer to your question, but at the same time it's still an answer, because it means that there will definitely be no radical steps in our relations, there's no point in considering radical scenarios, you just have to get used to it and don't worry so much about farmers protesting, farmers always protest. we have repeatedly talked about this in this program and will protest, if not the farmers, then another group, if not today, then next
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year, if not this year.
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the elections are approaching, and it is of course normal in a democracy that everyone wants to look as good as possible at the elections, and therefore political parties try to take care of the interests of different political groups, there is nothing unusual in this, it would be the same in ukraine, it is the same in any another democratic country, and yet our actions today, including when it comes to farmers? it's real action, we're really protecting farmers, it's not just that for the election, of course, we want to show that we care about... them, but we also show it to other industries because we are already in a different situation than, for example, three months ago, everyone has already learned, everyone sees the export analytics, people cite export data , they see that polish products go to ukraine, so in reality it makes no sense to consider the government's actions in the context of one sector, you need to look at the whole and understand that the elections also play a role here, but your question is probably about something else, mają tu certain role, natomiast pani pytanie jest chyba o coš innego, czy...


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