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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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traveller, ban and saver. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock in the company of favorite presenters. presenters that
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many have become relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. football is stronger together. we are coming back, we also remind you about our collection, because uah 9,000 need to be collected, and uah 62,500 remain to be collected, and then we will be able to buy three such cars so that our defenders can move more easily, more efficiently, and safer, in the end, in the front-line area, along front line you can see the details, they regularly appear on our screen. also
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all this information is always available on our page. please join so we can close this collection. by the way, today already 24,000, more than 24,000 have flown to the account, we thank you for this and ask you not to stop, our air reconnaissance, gunners will say, thank you for the assistance, because each of us is doing our job, our part of the common. our cause is on the way to victory, now we are going further, we have you in touch with us our next guest mykhailo makaruk, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman for the international intelligence community informnapalm, member of the volunteer council at the ministry of defense of ukraine, mr. mykhailo, we welcome you, i wish you health, telegram, yes, the telegram is not on the agenda, i will give mykhailo a present from telegram now a quote that awaits the ukrainians, i will translate it later, so as not to rinse and... clean your mouth
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when they become russia, billion-dollar investments, new jobs, a high social system they have not seen, envy of europeans, nuclear family, well, and pride in it, what we see in mariupol, what we saw in buch, telegram, what to do with this thing, you know, the situation is quite... twofold, but there is one point, whether we like it or not, but telegram one of the few available methods to influence the occupied territories, to maintain contact with them , similarly to conduct information campaigns on the territory of the russian federation, in addition, it is more independent, there is a dual system, we are still fighting with you to to remain a democratic country, not as it is now in russia. is a dictatorship
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, freedom of speech is freedom of speech, the question of the telegram is also a question of freedom of speech, if everything is driven into the framework of a single telethon, god forgive me, otherwise we will never hear about the problems of the soldiers at the front, about some real unpleasant situations from the same the front, from everyday life, and here you have to act quite and quite balanced, the question is that the prohibitions... or not, are also twofold, so a more professional expert assessment is needed in this, the head of intelligence budano, he says so, telegrams from there is definitely a point of view of national security problem, but how to measure here, because on the one hand we can influence through telegram, and on the other hand they influence us in terms of the number of audiences and coordination, still it is much higher when the ukrainian state tries to contact the stupid etc. there is silence, but when something needs
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to be blocked, there is high cooperation and direct instructions . fesshniks and other structures of the aggressor country are in the literal sense of the direction. then how to measure the pluses and cons? at one time, groups of the ukrainian cyber ​​alliance hid the katyusha system. the katyusha system is a system developed by the ministry of defense of the russian federation to monitor and promote theses of the ministry of defense of russia, where a layer of loyal and disloyal, including telegram channels in russian, was discovered. believe me, they also have this problem to this day, that is, they even make a division into loyal and disloyal, in my personal opinion, in principle , everything here depends on the audience of work with it, directly the mediogram of the population, and you want whether you like it or not, it still grows with
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the war, and those publics who work for rashka, they are known, they are published, there just needs to be a more specific system of alerting the state. these bodies should have these lists, which have not been published until now, which telegram channels are safe, they were only recently published, there are only state ones, and which private ones are safe for the state, roughly speaking, they are authoritative, this should be worked on this, first of all, we have a whole ministry, there are two committees, freedom of speech, information and committee on information policy, to deal with this matter, to monitor daily. there is a whole staff of the security service of ukraine who also has to deal with this, so here is a question directly from me, as a taxpayer, where are those who hide these taxes and do not a damn thing yet in this area. mr. mykhailo, we completely agree with you that we are a democratic country, and we have freedom
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of speech, but we understand that not everyone has the opportunity, not everyone has the desire, ability and various other things to analyze, accordingly so... such a simple way as it's just that people know who is saying what, and i am talking now about the openness of telegram channels, because there are telegram channels, we do not know or do not want to know who is behind them, we cannot actually reveal the origin of these channels , is it possible to do something in this direction, that is, to simply make it all clear, if different media or specific people have their telegram channels, then we know who is saying it, and when it is some very... strict names, i would like more openness and transparency, is it possible to do now? well, if we are talking about all kinds of jokers out there , it is not clear what fakes they are posting, or they are engaged in information procurement in order to simply siphon money from companies that help the ukrainian army, as is
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happening now, i agree with you more than the openness of telegram channels , that is, who is the owner, this is a possible option, since it will also be known a... but i am one with the administrator of the telegram channel informam, the discovery, for example, who is the owner, i more or less support, and the discovery of everything the rest of the personal information about the owners of telegram channels, for example, for our community, this is a gift for the fsb, since no one will give me a guarantee that it will not be leaked to government agencies, and then it will not come to me, but roughly speaking, i definitely think that no one can refuse to give this guarantee, that is the situation. it is two-fold and you need to think about it, but look, mr. mikhail, for example, the cia, the central intelligence agency, there is a direct prohibition to work with telegram, for the political elite of the world, which i did not study at truskavets universities, for all of them, twitter is the main option
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for state communication, we have all state bodies, even those that criticize telegram for being accountable, at least it cooperates well with roskom. surveillance and the fsb , we have no options, they make all their channels, and then they also invite all kinds of scumbags and other jokers to the official press conference, it is possible to take the approach here, as the americans did where there is sensitive information for domestic politics, national security and geopolitics, there is just a straight line the ban, well, the example with twitter is also funny, you see politicians... i will not investigate which owner of twitter either, i remind you that there is c8, the ukrainian social network is developing quite powerfully, it is being identified, it is supported, you need to look for it, i always told all state bodies, what is needed
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to reach a larger audience in a state of war, in principle they use telegram, but until now there are no clear norms, there are no... there are no instructions for the same politicians, government officials, where it would be said: this is possible, it can't be done like the cia did, so here we also have a question for me, as a payer. and taxes for the competent authorities, this is the kibu, these are two committees of the verkhovna rada, these are relevant ministries, by the way, this is also the issue of fyodorov, and we, by the way, mr. mykhailo , we are the divorce community, and we are also watching how professionally it is through telegram that our special services catch these newly acquired fsb agents, mostly young people, probably fed up with the stupidity of watching tiktok, switches to telegram. channels recruit them there, then they are put on cards there, well, who will get smarter about the crypt, yes, but mostly these
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are fresh knockers and traitors, they contact their fsb supervisors via telegram, why via telegram, well, we sometimes had a case when they contacted via email, because there was a very cunning person, here depending on the agency work that is done and through... they work similarly, and these were also repeated cases, it depends only on the curator and his literacy in the technical support of this or that source of information, in principle, so if it is possible to transmit intelligence data through anything, if i tell you that a lot of information is transmitted through open chats of computer online games, well, of course, a large amount, that's why wald of tends and the like, well... somehow it works, well, we hope that it will be possible to regulate
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it, at least partially at the state level, because we see that despite what you say that there are different ways of communication and people should think, but sometimes, let's remember ten, ten years ago history, that's how classmates were banned from vkontakte, and everyone survived, and everyone survived, we were extremely involved in this, then the article was published by the palm tree. the danger of yandex and the mel group corporation became one of the driving forces when turchyno, in principle, made this decision under quite a lot of pressure, but the problem was not solved immediately, it was simply, you understand, the complex was made there, in addition to the ban, there were also introduced economic sanctions against melgru corporation and jandex group corporation in ukraine, that is, the ban itself is nothing will decide, just let's ban people. will supply vpn and will continue to screw up, but to make the presence
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of this or that thing in ukraine economically unprofitable, this will then give a result, so they will stay there for a couple of years, but as the experience with the same yandex and the mayor of the groups has shown, and they will then they will simply fall to the bottom , and here we need to work similarly, well, similarly, you actually have stupid money, as they say, you can drive it under sanctions, thank you, mr. mykhailo, he said, you see, he says that it is not in any way makaruk was with us, but the key thing is that it is regulated at the legislative level, and that is why such discussions will take place if the law on changes to the law on mobilization is not adopted, discussions will take place if the law is not adopted, they will also take place, and in the same place, the draft law, in my opinion, on the regulation of telegram work has already been registered in the verkhovna rada, yes, number four units five. a beautiful number, so this is a bill on self-regulation and
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the telegram channel, social networks in general, especially telegram, and actually on blocking telegram, although it is not exactly blocking, but you asked the author of the bill, deputy knyazhytskyi, actually, whether this is an attack on freedom of speech, it is the same as what they always say in america, you ban the slur , is it an attack on freedom of speech or not? here it is not quite a ban, here it is simply a regulation. but just as, for example , it happens with youtube, the same thing is proposed to be done with telegram for those who do not think, and there are two levels: the first is state bodies, which directly have state institutions, which directly have access to state secrets, should not have their own official channels, should have other channels of communication, this is one direction of work, and the second is of course ee and well, when, for example, there is an espresso telegram channel, it is not an anonymous telegram channel, let's be open about it just said that there are sources of information, there are mass media, there are official institutions that
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officially provide information, we know who is speaking, the point here is to find out and prevent those who are somewhere out there anonymously trying to spread, sometimes even enemy propaganda and harming our country, well , because actually here should be the responsibility for spreading information, because from that moment, as everyone had a camera in their cell phone, everyone became himself. director, that's right, everyone who can manage a page in telegram or anywhere else thinks that he has already turned into a mass media, this is not the case at all, and this is what is needed. we will talk about it with our next guest, ivan pidpalko, a student of the sikorsky polytechnic institute and a developer. mr. ivan, congratulations you. yes, good afternoon. we will briefly introduce you. you, the author-developer of such
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an evacuation ground drone, which helps rescue fighters, helps medics. please tell us how your development is, is it already working, do you have feedback from those who use it, apply it, and in general, what kind of nights are they, how can they be scaled, uh, well , look, first of all, we are not developers , there is a developer dmytro mamonov, he is an immigrant from slavyansk, he fully developed this idea and implemented it. and we are, if, i am the leader, circle on the basis of the kyiv polytechnic institute, and what is called the studentka pi formula, before the full-scale war they made cars and racing cars, after the full-scale war they decided to retrain and make ground drones for the military, our
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concept was to make a ground platform, so called but we decided, well we developed. the concept, but the solution, so we turned to dmytro , decided to start with something simple, because there was no team, we decided to take the ready-made mimonov, who develops these electronic devices, for the fact that he gave us permission to use his patent, he agreed to us , so now we will show, yes, yes, we are making them in our laboratories, he gave us consent to use them for non-commercial activities, that is, we produce them only for materials, we do not take money, that is, we are a volunteer organization, you can even say that we started making them somewhere in december, but i am happy that there were really many students who came, but the session started, because that's what we do, if after couples and all that, there are few people left, but after all, the skeleton is already formed, we still have five or six people there, and we already
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made one copy in march, by the end of the week we want to make two already... and send them to the brigades next week, and their the advantages of these knives are that they are foldable, that is, they can be folded, they are mobile , they can be carried in the trunk, that is, they do not fold, their battery lasts for 5 km, the speed is also about 5 km/h, that is, they remotely controlled, they are quite light, i.e. 57 kg with tracks, but tell me a very important point here, you just mentioned, a wise student is a student who does not fail the session and, to
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you, state structures from the ministry. of defense or others who have applied, this needs to be scaled up, we need such things in large quantities, the medics have repeatedly told us that they really, really need such nights, so that they even come up themselves, there their comrades will help a wounded soldier, for example , move to these nights and then those nights, well, someone already called you, wrote, unfortunately, i have a lot the military also say what you say, that there is a great need for such a product at the front. from the ministries, well, no one in particular to me , and it seems that no one applied to our management either for any general and i don’t know, we could even open a small production workshop on the base there, even at the university . it will be fine, well, until now , there have been no such proposals, well, our goal is to make
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five, there are already three, well, they have not been sent yet, i think we will finish them and make two more. send five pieces, then we'll see, we'll continue to manufacture, too, and we have other projects, that is, this is how you want to send it, you have some contacts, you just directly cooperate with some specific projects in our company, first of all, it's students ours, who are now at the front, that is, we promised them that, and there are a couple of other people there too, that is , they have already signed these five knives, because they turned to hand them over, so... that's it, i understand that it's easier that way, it not drones with parts, with components, components, you don't need to order somewhere far away, it's all available place in ukraine, uh, well, mostly yes, we laser... for sharp bending we ordered everything in kyiv, we have a problem with gyroboards, there are motors and boards from gyroboards, it is much cheaper and much easier
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to use them , now there is a little shortage of them on the secondary market, because all such diyers use them, because they are simple, relatively cheap, that is, we also need these gyroboards, because it is difficult to find them, in which someone can specifically hear you now and. .. and suddenly, what specific gyroboards do you take spare parts for this? production? we need 350 350-watt ones, they are quite powerful, er, they are actually very difficult to distinguish, for this we need to disassemble them, we select them by weight, that is , the more ee there is, the heavier the engine itself, the more likely it will suit us, well, but we have to sort it out, that is, when people ask us, we mostly ask them to... weigh it there, for example, we have already calculated, something about 10 kg is suitable for us, that is, the most important thing here, as they say, is the power of the electric motor and good
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battery, you talked about 5 km peres rough terrain, this is a good parameter, and there is an opportunity to somehow increase the power, if you haven't thought about it yet, well, you can take much better batteries. we take from somewhere, well, not exactly new-new ones, that is, we also take those , for example, from tesla, you know, they no longer work there, they are thrown away there, we recycle them, that is, it is possible to take more powerful batteries, you can to increase, of course, well, the battery, er, but there will be a need to change the design a little, er, but in principle, i think 5 km is enough, but in principles as for. and this tool, which is controlled in well, we know that people shoot down various fpv drones here, you have to
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control it by radio control, are there any, have you thought of a protection system there? a protection system, no, we don’t have any protection system, but , you see, many people here have asked us about the control range, if we have this invention from... if there is an escort, that is, a person next to it must go and control, no, well it is not calculated there, 100-200 m from, well , about 50 meters, maybe a maximum, that is , everything is almost close, but 50 m is all, you do you understand that in order to evacuate you need from two to four people, so that they change, so we will use one person who was laid down, or even not a person, there can also be cargo, that is, it takes some ammunition, some things to the front , back people. that is, of course, yesterday we also met with the military, who say that everything is covered with fpivifkas and it is very difficult there, uh, even just to pass, then we also took this into account,
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we will think about the next, the next five, yes these five we do this simply if we produce them and give them away, we already want the next ones to finish them a little, to improve some points and we will possibly think about protection and a longer control range, mr. ivan, thank you. ivan pidpalko, a student of the sikorsky polytechnic institute and a developer, was with us, and in fact, this is the one, the opportunity for everyone to get involved, because these are not drones, and when you use them, you can make a mistake somewhere, touch the wrong thing, and it’s already a problem and already the military they say that it is not good, everything is simpler here, and everyone can join such a business. now we will take a short break, stay with us, because there will be more news, will tell about the most important thing, and then we will return. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily
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11:00 am
of the national team represents united by football, stronger together. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. during the night and morning, the enemy launched 60 rockets over ukraine, 58 of them were shot down by our anti-aircraft defense. the soldiers also destroyed 26 missiles of various types. these are 17 cruise missiles, kh-101, kh-555, five guided aircraft kh-59 and four cruise missiles from


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