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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time . khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. during the night and morning, the enemy launched 60 shaheds across ukraine. 58 of them were shot down by our air defense. the soldiers also destroyed 26 rockets of various types. these are 17 kh101 kh-555 cruise missiles, five guided aircraft kh-59 and four cruise missiles from... the air force of ukraine announced.
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in total, the muscovites used 99 means of air attack, the attacks were carried out kursk, ryazan, belgorod, and saratov regions of russia, as well as the temporarily occupied crimea. the occupiers hit three thermal power plants, an energy worker was injured as a result of the morning russian attack. this was reported by the dtek company. equipment damaged by shelling. consequences continue. and prykarpattia also came under enemy attack. the invaders again attacked the objects of critical infrastructure - said the head of the regional military administration svitlana oneshchuk. according to her, over ivano-frankivsk region air defense neutralized air targets, the number was not specified, no one was injured. at night , lviv region was attacked by 11 drones and two kinzhal missiles. our air defense. it was possible to shoot down all the drones, due to
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falling debris, the object of critical infrastructure was damaged, - said the head of the lviv region maksym kozytskyi, according to him, there were no casualties. shahed hit near a residential building in the zhmarin district of vinnytsia region. this was reported in the state emergency service. as a result of the attack, the windows in the house were also blown out destroyed garage and gas pipe. a man lives in the house with... fortunately, they are intact. during the night attack, air defense forces shot down three enemy targets in the khmelnytsky region, the regional military administration informed. there are no previous casualties and infrastructure damage. according to detailed information, air defense forces destroyed 12 missiles and the same number of drones over dnipropetrovsk region. damaged energy object. in the dnipro,
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kryvyi rih and kamian districts. a man was injured on one of them, said the head of the region, serhiy lysak. also under a summer cottage cooperative in the kamian district was hit by an enemy strike. five people were injured there, including a five-year-old girl. a house and two cars caught fire. firefighters have already extinguished the fire. six shaheds were shot down by our defenders above the sky. over cherkasy region, a non-residential premises and a private house were damaged due to falling debris, said the head of the region ihor taborets. air defense also destroyed a cruise missile in the uman region, but there are also hits on an energy facility. previously, no one was injured. and in the kyiv region, as a result of the morning attack, they were damaged two private houses and an outbuilding. fortunately, no one was hurt. this was reported in the regional military administration. thanks to skillful air
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force hits on critical infrastructure objects were not recorded, the consequences of the attack are currently being eliminated. the air alert lasted 8 hours in kirovohrad oblast. the russians attacked the oleksandriyskyi district with shaheds. this was announced by the head of the region, andrii raykovych. as a result of the shelling , the premises of a private institution were damaged, and the car was also missing. fortunately, people are not suffered a 67-year-old man was injured due to a drone attack in the pologiv region of zaporizhzhia, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. the russians made 386 strikes on populated areas in the region. as a result of shelling, 56 residential buildings and infrastructure objects were destroyed. moldova has not confirmed information about the flight of missiles over its territory during russia's attack on ukraine. an official statement was made to
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the border police of the country. however , the law enforcement officers added that the patrols at the checkpoints heard at least three explosions on the territory of ukraine. according to the department. the ukrainian side confirmed that three air defense missile launches took place near moldova. a 45-year-old man was hit by a drone in beryslav, kherson region. in the morning, muscovites attacked the city, the regional military administration said. within a day , one person was killed and eight others were injured as a result of the russian attack. the occupiers targeted the administration of the building higher up in the educational institution, object. tertiary infrastructure, cell tower, agribusiness and residential quarters. 21 private houses were previously damaged. by the magician's day, 860 russians prepared a cool trick and disappeared from ukrainian land.
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however, our defense forces know the secret of this trick, so none of the eliminated occupiers will ever return, as they have joined their own in hell. there, at first... a full-scale russian invasion , 440,790 occupiers are already burning, and with them their scrap metal, only yesterday the defenders destroyed eight tanks, 27 armored fighting vehicles, 28 art systems, 50 vehicles, two rocket launchers, six air defense equipment and seven units of special equipment. also, 56 enemy drones and five cruise missiles landed on the wings. in the general staff, reference data is recalled. directed air bombs on sumy oblast. the security service of ukraine exposed a pro-russian agent. the attacker adjusted the blows on the defensive positions of the ukrainian defenders. recorded and transmitted to the occupiers data on the strongholds
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of the armed forces. law enforcement officers caught the traitor red-handed during her regular reconnaissance. a local resident turned out to be an enemy accomplice. at once, the woman's trust is threatened. in the spring, they plan to plant more than 5 hundred hectares of forest in the poltava region, forming a mixed forest of pines and deciduous trees. foresters say that it is important to expand the land now because of the war and the need for wood in the front-line areas. more in anna morozova's plot. i hold in my hands small children of scots pine. these babies are grown from seeds, we harvest them. on the territory of our branch from cones, then the cone is processed and you get seeds. a forestry engineer and her colleagues went to the lutensk community to afforest an abandoned area pasture this year they need to cultivate almost 20 hectares of forest. this is one of the areas
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prepared in advance for planting pine trees. foresters work with such a unit. this is the wheeled sword, it is driven into the ground in a certain area and... in this way, a hole is made for a pine seedling. foresters say that the weather favors the work, because the frosts are over , there is enough moisture in the soil and the trees are in a state of rest. we are now creating such a pit for a seedling. it is made with a sword, a wheel, a hole like this is made, then we put a seedling there, the root system so that it is completely hidden there, we fix it so that it spreads out, and a sword is driven in from the side, and due to this we... remove all the excess air from the hole, the local residents also join in the work, mrs. natalya says, weeds and wild trees have been growing here for more than 15 years, well, we have this place in general, it is floodplain, here before the river overflowed its banks and all the meadows were completely flooded, since we planted gooseberries a little further there,
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well, beauty, we will have fresh air , we have forests, see how beautiful the mixed forest here is there will be... a coniferous forest, that's why the community decided to transfer the hectares to the balance of forestry, previously this area was used as a hayfield and pasture, and before that people received many animals and agricultural cows, and they grazed them, then the livestock decreased and of course its they stopped using it and it was overgrown with pears and trees. now it is very important to create new forests, because every year several ... cubes of forestry wood are transferred to the construction of fortifications , says ihor fedyai. in the near future the branch of hadiatsk forestry is going to transfer 400 cubic meters of wood within the limits of that area. god willing, the war will end with our victory, and these areas will serve no longer
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for fortifications, but for our children and grandchildren in the future and will be used, well, they will serve as lungs for our planet earth. this spring , they plan to plant more than 500 hectares of mixed forest, which is almost 4 million trees, work in the region will continue for another two weeks. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov from poltava for espresso tv channel. let's summarize the morning. at 12 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, then my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the show, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we are coming back and now we will try to summarize everything that happened that night. we are talking about a mass rocket and shahe attack on ukraine, oleksiy kucherenko,
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people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy. congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine. on sorry, it's really not a good morning, not a good day, well, let's analyze what 's going on. how critical, according to your analysis, according to those open data, because both ukrenergo and the ministry of energy have already given a little information. how critical was this third wave of a massive strike specifically on energy-generating facilities? well, look, unfortunately, there is already an accumulation effect here, you and i understand, yes, that each blow is not fatal, but there is an accumulation of destruction, and it really becomes critical, if you take into account that , unfortunately, they definitely achieve their goal, and already in open for... open information there is an understanding that these are primarily
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thermal generation facilities, this is the frankiv region, this is vinnytsia, of course which objects, this is dnipropetrovsk, these are hydro-regeneration objects , they are on the waiting list, previously there was dnipro-hes, now there is another hydro-generation object on the dnipro, and this is again a loss of power, to the extent that it will be possible to restore it there, because there is... destruction that cannot be quickly restored. well, let's say dniprogest that's right, kharkiv t-35, that's right. there is damage that can be repaired, but certainly the reliability of the power system will be lost and will be lost with each impact. therefore, the situation is, well, very dangerous, in my opinion, you can see how much the enemy has concentrated on attacks on the energy system. and another very unpleasant one. the news is that for the second time in a row, as in the previous one there a week ago, an attack on the objects of the gas
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infrastructure, on the objects of our storage, let's call it that, and they actually wanted to ask us at one time, people in the know said, because we didn't see with our own eyes, that these are underground gas storages, one of the largest in europe, they are so deeply buried that such blows should not... be dangerous, well they not that they are buried, they are natural reservoirs, from which gas was extracted, you see, these are natural storages, but they are not as deep as we wanted, and there are certain depths, well, let's say, quite close to the surface, because gas was close to the surface in its time, when they began to mine it, this i was there in the 1950s, i will remind you what huge volumes there were at that time. there, a record 76 billion a year was mined precisely in western ukraine, that’s why the bullets are falling now, that
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’s the irony of fate, yes, they mined gas in order to give it to moscow, to moscow, yes , everything that we mined in western ukraine, we gave ukraine to moscow, now moscow plows through these warehouses, it is really our largest warehouses, and you understand why this is extremely dangerous, because there is an obvious scenario to stop it. transit from january 1 of the following year, so to speak, and russia has announced this, and the ukrainian leadership, politically , the european community has also made such announcements , the energy commissioner has also announced, and if it does not happen at the same time, well, this is the physics of the process, transit from russia, that is, pressure from there, and our stores in the west will be damaged, but it will be a real threat of what will be lost. the gas supply system, you understand, that is , it will be unbalanced, i would say so, and
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it will not be able to work in a stable mode, there will be such local islands, islands technological gas supply, and that is why the fact that for the second time in a row such a powerful blow to that exact place is evidence that the enemy, unfortunately, understands what he is doing, mr. oleksiy, the enemy understands, and they even announce it, you say that one the blow is non-lethal, we agree. but this was more than one such massive attack specifically on energy infrastructure objects, more than one night was like this, and we cannot rule out that they will not repeat it, especially since they are laying the groundwork. these routes are also studied by our air defense forces, how long we can withstand such nights, and can our power engineers, in fact, can emergency workers come up with something to prevent these strikes, to counteract, to save something in advance? thank you, well look, first of all, it's not that we can't rule out that
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there won't be a blow, but on the contrary, we have to assume that it will happen. and the next blow, you see, it's a system of blows, and it's so a little strange to me that it's done not, at the peak of the heating season, yes, conventionally, when it was cold there, and it's done now, when ozp essentially ended, that is, it is clearly such a political and demonstrative step of the enemy, aimed at increasing psychological pressure on ukrainians, precisely at destabilization... here it is socio-political, that is, it is a way to, well, influence the fact that the despair of ukrainians is a positive outcome for us of this war . now the second thing, well, let's be realistic again, energy workers are doing everything possible, but it is guaranteed to prevent
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damage, no matter how much concrete is poured, well, it's impossible, that's all . to do in a short period of time shelters, this is a separate conversation, i would not like to look for treason there now, how effective, how effective was this program of construction of these shelters, which was carried out by the agencies, we are not looking for, mr. oleksiy, because this is actually a different topic, we will not, yes, there is someone to deal with, undoubtedly, the main factor of energy security is air defense systems, well, we understand. this is a 90% guarantee that the objects will survive, and here is the fact that today, unfortunately, our system is like this, we knock down the chess, but the rockets break through, well, we understand what's going on we need patriots who are more or less guaranteed to protect space, respectively our objects, and this is already a question of global relations with our partners, actually about relations with our partners, we will
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talk a little further on our airwaves, mr. oleksiy, thank you for the conversation , people's deputy of ukraine, oleksiy kucherenko was there. with us, and we will continue to talk about communication with other countries, about certain diplomatic relations, and what ruslan osypenko, a diplomat, knows about us on that front, mr. ruslan, we welcome you, i congratulate you, studio, mr. ruslan, we were recently with you, you told us, more precisely, all the questions that concern, in particular, the chinese direction, but now we are looking at... eh , the next steps are interesting, it is about the export of oil, we were watching, there there were very different cunning schemes, the indian scheme, well, it is obvious to everyone, that is, by dumping, and then we pretend, we make a poker face and say that this is our oil refining industry that offers you oil refining products, and the tankers in general
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look fantastically russian, they still have tankers ... to north korea despite everything sanctions, we see that there are some difficulties in china and the united arab emirates, well , what about this oil export, something worked, something changed, how to explain it? this is explained by the fact that, firstly, for two years of the war, since the beginning of the war, the united states did not have a plan to defeat russia, and they imposed sanctions. but there were no by-laws, let's say, on secondary sanctions, and therefore it gave space and maneuver for russia, she, if, for example, she was blocked there on insurance through british companies, she insured through her companies without reinsurance, as it is necessary in european companies, and bought tankers or leased tankers and physically delivered
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this oil to those who needed it, who bought this oil and thus... earned money and it lasted for two years, ours noticed partners, finally after two years, that this gives russia the opportunity to replenish its potential and continue the war at such an intensity, despite the fact that the europeans and americans have not resolved the key issues with help, that is, if russia replenishes its potential, increases the pressure, then you need automatically give and find more funds, more shells, more... finances of all kinds, and that is why the americans signed the bill biden in the second year of the war. which limits the financial ones, limited the financial settlements with the companies that are under sanctions, having realized that
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there is no point in chasing after insurance companies, tanker companies, these logistics companies, all the same, everyone is settled through finance for these operations and it is necessary to be in finance, and when they hit the finances, when the representatives went around there the ministry of finance, the united states of america, turkey, the united arab emirates and... china, as the main hubs, financial, then the russians had non-transfers, and they slowed down, on the one hand , operations slowed down, and physically tankers in the seas became filled with oil, so that the settlements have stopped, you can bring oil, you can bring oil and pour it, but you will not receive money, the settlements have stopped, and that is why it is clear, that is, they went through the bank, yes, but we also saw there all the time there was news in recent weeks about what and there... they stop serving cards, payments, or they can't make a payment in yuan there, and we were quite seriously worried about the global south, because there
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the russians always played seriously both with billion-dollar china and with billion-dollar india, and that's where kuleva went to do some kind of interview, and we looked at india we are at this interview, quite competent messages were addressed to daly, i just want to understand to what extent... which india is ready to get off russia's information agenda under the threat of the same sanctions or under the arguments of kuleba? our pressure is not the pressure that can to force india to change its position, india is offering and generally even the united states of america is now interested in india more to balance china, which is becoming more aggressive, and the united states is looking at india. as a territory that will be, where enterprises from china will be transferred , where additional investments will go to india, in order for there to be a plan at all, remember,
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the g7 met in japan, adopted the declaration there, and the declaration contained one of the points , 600 billion was planned for the creation of a parallel chinese silk road from india to europe, through the middle east, and when this decision was made, we saw a war in the middle east in order to... there was no alternative to china's one belt , one road, so i'm leading to the fact that the united states can influence , but only through the encouragement of india by giving them some , let's say, opportunities there in trade, some prospects, if you don't give that, india takes a very independent position and influences, she was actually the leader of the accession country at one time, when there was a confrontation between the united states of america and the ussr, let me remind you. and they influenced all the countries of the south, because they took such a neutral position, they did not join any alliances, and a separate such position was introduced, they also now take a very
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serious serious position in international relations, and that is why the united states is trying to encourage india, but instead of pressuring, that's how they explain and explain where the red lines are, but understand, i'll remind you that we had a pakistani contract, and in... india and pakistan are historical enemies, and we put tanks there pakistan once, so india broke off economic and political relations with us, we had no relations at all for 9 years, we did not hold intergovernmental commissions, and only there in 11-12 years did we manage to restore bilateral relations, we started holding bilateral intergovernmental commissions are held on a regular basis, and india has traditionally maintained friendship with russia. relations, plus 70% of russian weapons go to india, so to break, let's say, in one visit, to break india's position, to change relations there,
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the architecture of these relations is impossible, it is possible with such visits, the development of bilateral relations, to gradually slow down this indian ship and turn it around a little, but it is impossible to turn it radically by 180°, so that it is impossible. for them to stand there, for example, tomorrow already stand in our position. mr. ruslan, but now after this, let's call it the warming of relations between ukraine and india, we can count on the fact that some projectiles from there, something that we really need now at the front, will arrive precisely from india, well, because india used to buy a lot from russia and from sofka, some time ago it was discussed what india could do so that, of course, not... officially, not publicly, so as not to spoil relations with by other countries, but in principle, what are these ways, third countries, when they are voiced, it was
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sometimes about india. i think that india will not take such risks, which means it will close, close the friendly relations with russia that it has been building there for decades, this is the first point, and the second point, after all, weapons are this is a very sensitive area of ​​cooperation, this is the transfer of technology, it's not just that you bought shells there or bought tanks and that 's it, technical documentation, maintenance there, a lot of things, and you can get rid of, well, undermine your... the combat capability of your army , if you have 70% of it made up of russian weapons, then you will lose the opportunity to service tanks, planes and the whole world, so i do not think that india will take such a risk, rather pakistan, which we once helped, he can, can we make some concessions there and to help, they also have military industry at the proper level. thank you, mr. ruslan, for the conversation, diplomat ruslan osypenko was with us, now we will have a short break, then we will
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plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. especially. look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15, on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts,
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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back, further, our focus will be poland and ukraine's relations with poland. in fact, almost agreed, yes, almost agreed, the poles with us about a compromise, but there are nuances, but as they say, the farmers have almost unblocked.


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