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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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united by football, stronger together. let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine , the news veteran khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. during the night and morning, the enemy launched 60 shaheds across ukraine. 508 of them were shot down by our air defense. the soldiers also destroyed 26 rockets of various types. these are 17 cruise missiles kha-101, x555, five guided aircraft kh-59 and four cruise missiles is. - said
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the air force of ukraine. in total, muscovites used 99 means of air attack. the attacks were carried out from the kursk, ryazan, belgorod and tarativ regions of russia, and also temporarily occupied crimea. in the kyiv region, as a result of the morning attack , two private houses and an outbuilding were damaged. fortunately, no one was hurt. this was reported in the regional military administration. thanks to the skillful operation of the air. forces no hits to critical infrastructure objects were recorded. currently, the elimination of the consequences of the attack is underway. at night, lviv region was attacked by 11 drones and two dagger missiles. our air defense managed to shoot down all the drones. a critical object was damaged due to falling debris infrastructure - said the head of the lviv region maksym kozytskyi. according to him, there were no victims. shahedlu. near
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a residential building in zhmeryn district in vinnytsia region, the state emergency service reported. as a result of the attack, the windows in the house were blown out, and the garage and gas pipe were also destroyed. a man and a son live in the house. fortunately, they are intact. prykarpattia also came under enemy attack. the invaders again attacked the objects of critical infrastructure, - said the head of the regional military svitlana onyshchuk. according to her, over ivano-frankivsk region air defense destroyed air targets, the number was not specified, no one was injured. a 67-year-old man was injured by a drone attack in the pologiv district of zaporizhzhia. this was announced by the head of the region, ivan fedorov. the russians made 386 strikes on populated areas in the region. as a result of shelling, 56 residential buildings and infrastructure objects were destroyed.
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during the night attack, the air defense forces shot down three enemy targets in the khmelnytsky region - the regional military administration informed. pre- victims and infrastructure damage there is no a 39-year-old man was killed by a drone strike in the myrivska community in the dnipropetrovsk region. another 43-year-old was wounded. he was hospitalized in moderate condition. an enemy drone targeted a... car - reported the head of the region, serhiy lesak. the shelling of the area has been ongoing since morning, and during the night, air defense forces destroyed 12 missiles and the same number of drones in the area. energy facilities were damaged in the dnipro, kryvorizka and kamian districts. a man was injured on one of them - said the head of the region, serhii lysak. also under a summer cottage cooperative in the kamian district was hit by an enemy strike. five people were injured there, among them a five-year-old girl. the house and... cars caught fire, firefighters
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have already extinguished the fire. a 45-year-old man was hit by a drone in beryslav, kherson region. in the morning, muscovites attacked the city, the regional military administration said. within a day , one person was killed and eight others were injured as a result of the russian attack. the occupiers targeted the administration building of a higher educational institution, a critical infrastructure facility, and a cell tower agricultural enterprise. residential quarters, previously damaged 21 private houses. moldova has not confirmed information about the flight of missiles over its territory during russia's attack on ukraine. an official statement was made to the border police of the country. however, law enforcement officers added that patrols at checkpoints heard at least three explosions on the territory of ukraine. according to the agency, the ukrainian side confirmed that it is nearby. three launches of
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anti-aircraft missiles have taken place so far. the wreckage of the drone was discovered in romania, it is reported ministry of defense of the country. a fragment of the drone was found on a farm near the danube river, which separates romania from ukraine. local residents saw the drone falling from the sky and even managed to record it on video. the police are already investigating the incident. there have been power outages in kharkiv for more than a week. after a large-scale russian attack on energy infrastructure. the city was first plunged into complete darkness, and later... switched to scheduled emergency shutdowns. how people live in the difficult conditions of the russian missile terror, let's look further. it is noisy on the street, all the markets and shops in the city are working while there is electricity in normal mode, and how it disappears with generators. saleswoman svitlana
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says that she has no fewer customers. on the contrary, they walk when there is no light. now there is half day, there is no half day, it is normal before that. we deal with the supply of products, there are interruptions, sellers are divided, but everyone has enough bread, it even remains on the shelves, they do not stock up, yesterday it happened that the bread was brought later, because in connection with the lack of light, deliveries were delayed, but everything was exactly the same, bread was brought, there was bread. in the first three days after the attack, the subway was not working in the city, additional buses were put on the routes, which duplicated the traffic in the direction of the subway lines, and now the subway has returned to its usual work schedule, and there is no more commotion at the stops of ground transport. naturally of course, what about without the subway? although you can walk here from the subway, some people live here, right? no,
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we will do without trolleybuses, without ground transport somehow, so that there is light. due to power outages in the city , the heating season had to be ended early, but the temperature on the street rose to 10 degrees, houses are supplied with electricity according to the schedule, on average there is no electricity for 6 hours every day, but the townspeople got used to it, it’s fine, it’s fine, we signed up at all power banks, light, lamps, we hope that everything will be fine and very well, everything will be great, and everything will be great, i think that everything will be perfect when the war is over, i think that everything will be over soon, the energy workers are asking for... to deal with the situation with understanding and not to overload the network once again, repairmen do not currently predict how long the city will live in the mode of emergency shutdowns. for the espresso tv channel from kharkiv. air bombs were directed at sumy oblast, the security service of ukraine
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exposed a pro-russian agent. the attacker adjusted the strikes on the defensive positions of the ukrainian defenders, recorded and transmitted to the occupiers data about points of the armed forces. law enforcement officers caught the traitor red-handed during her regular reconnaissance. a local resident turned out to be an enemy accomplice. by treason threatens a woman with life imprisonment. and we have good news. together with our viewers , the collection for the 65th separate mechanized brigade was closed. uah 160,000 for walkie-talkies and accessories have already been received by our defenders. the press thanks everyone for their help, the military is grateful for your support. thank you for your support and help to those who care about the espresso tv channel in acquiring these radio stations. glory to ukraine, glory to the hero. and we also encourage you to join
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the collection for the repair of cars for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. they destroy the enemy in the southern direction. faulty cars at the front can cost health, or even the lives of soldiers. thanks to you, we have already paid for some spare parts and the collection is ongoing. so please get involved, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. this is the end of the issue, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health for the next hour we talk about... about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. increasing missile attacks. in the cities of ukraine, additional measures are being introduced without what is the aggressor's army preparing for? a threat to national security. ukrainian intelligence warns of harm from telegram. how to regulate the activities of an information platform with russian roots. orthodox jihad. the moscow church declared a holy war in ukraine. why is a branch of the russian orthodox church still thriving in ukrainian orthodoxy? about this and other things in the following hours we talk with our guests, with the major of the armed forces of ukraine,
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special officer ihor lapin, british political scientist taras kuzyo and military expert oleksandr musiyeenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of the russians shooting down their own su-27 plane over sevastopol, it was probably a russian anti-aircraft missile. eh, the so -called governor of occupied sevastopol , mykhailo razvazhaev, confirmed that a military plane fell into the sea, the pilot ejected, unfortunately, he did not name the cause of the crash, but let's see how this plane fell beautifully.
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friends, during our broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about whether the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine should be banned, well, it seems like a rhetorical question, but still we will ask... because yesterday patriarch kirill, also known as gundyaev, declared that russia should
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wage a war with ukraine, a holy war, he says that all of ukraine should be the territory of russia, of course, with a branch, or not with a branch, as he believes, with russia the orthodox church, that is, we are asking you whether it is necessary to ban the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, since this activity is not prohibited by law, so? yes 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211-382, this is, if you watch us on tv, dial this number, or one or the other, and vote, at the end of the program we will sum up our tv voting and youtube voting , er, and most importantly, remember that we have some great social media that you can follow right now, we're on pretty much every social media, so join of our large information space. well,
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in the meantime, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent ihor lapin, joins our television space. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i will not even ask you what we ask our tv viewers, because it is a rhetorical question, whether the activities of the roc should be banned in ukraine. let's start. our conversation from zelenskyi's statement that a major russian offensive is expected at the end of may or in june, about this the president of ukraine said in an interview with cbs news. let's listen to what zelensky said. and looking at the fact of the shortage of appropriate weapons and ammunition, from this fact and looking at the fact that we are starting to prepare the brigades for the relevant actions that are important to us. we have stabilized the situation, it is better than two or three months ago, but it is important that
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we share all the information with our partners and say that russia will prepare counteroffensive actions, and it may be the end of may, or it may be the month of june, well today, an economist writes about it, about what a new major offensive is possible in... june, and ukraine's ability to contain it this time looks much less certain, writes this publication. how, mr. major, should ukraine prepare for this offensive, or have we... already lost that time, and how can ukraine stop this offensive? well, look, the question was missed or not, this is already a rhetorical question, i can hear the echo very strongly, tell your audience, i can hear myself very loudly, so the question is rhetorical, because in principle we should build defense structures all the time, you
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will notice, as soon as the russians squeezed out some a piece of territory, the equipment immediately goes, they immediately begin to cover it with concrete... the skunks and they actually bury their infantry in the ground, ours lives in holes dug by shovels. we remember how the commander, having stopped our counteroffensive, seeing its futility, without aviation support and superiority, total superiority in artillery, as well as demining systems, said even then that it was necessary to prepare for defense, that the front was becoming static, and i said , a static front without an advantage in artillery is our undoing, so if we, if he... then he has be buried in the ground enough to save the infantry. unfortunately, president zelenskyi most likely concluded in the context that why should we prepare for defense if we are only going to attack and liberate our territories, so that at some possible istanbul-2 turkish negotiations, we have realities on the ground looked better than putin can imagine. the result,
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the result is that we put in the best infantry in the world, we put in a syruk. land, i am talking now about my brothers and sisters, well, but nevertheless, nothing has taught zelensky, and now he of course says that we are better than three months ago, of course, we have already left avdiivka, we have left the lastochkino redoubt, and we have not built new defense lines there, and we see how the enemy is constantly pressing in the avdiiv direction, if we look at what is happening today in the time of vyara, there are very good defensive structures at the expense of... let's say, it has its own opportunities, but if we look, for example, in the south of chasiv yara , also ivanivske, then the russians are beginning to press there, and the question is why the flanks should crack again and hold on at the expense of the bodies of my brothers and sisters. the russians will not attack head-on, they could not take avdiyivka head-on, they
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did not take bakhmut head-on, and the same story will happen this time, they will take him head-on. will not be, how the situation improved a little bit, if you believe the words of the president, i see only one direction, that of kupina, and it improved in that the russians stopped, did not begin to press more, well , they say that they transferred some units to belgorod region, although in principle it is no longer necessary to ask ihor lapin, but in intelligence, so summarizing the above, if we are talking about the fact that today it is possible that something... has improved, then it is only thanks to the fact that even in january , only in january, despite the august declarations of the still active, only in january did the cabinet of ministers allocate funds for the construction of defense structures, and they started digging, and they did not start digging everywhere in january, as i have already told you, in zaporizhzhia, they played with tenders for a month from january to february, they have 40 km to the front, they are from
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they toyed with tenders, by the way, they never held tenders, but i guess now i think it's right. when the zaporizhia regional council dissolved itself there and handed over all the reins to the military-civilian administration, well, really , 40 km to the front, which council is already there, which votes are already there, all power must be in the hands of the military there, as they say, because otherwise zaporizhia it is also not so far from a possible defeat by the russians, so the issue of defense structures will be acute, the issue of mines will be acute, and of course air defense systems, much... the situation will improve if our helmsmen stop sitting and waiting for the congress to vote or not vote there, and ask questions about the conditional purchase of patriot or sumpti in order to cover kharkiv, in order to cover sumy , in order to cover odessa, zaporizhzhia, well, such big cities, because the russians, as far as i can see, they are starting this theory of great chaos in large
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metropolises, in order to increase the flow of citizens. internally displaced persons from certain cities, well, look, they are they are already bombing kharkiv, not the infrastructure, they are just knocking down residential areas, why? well, that's probably why they 're doing it, and they're hitting our front-line territory not only with guided aerial bombs, but also with missiles that we can't shoot down, the same s-300s, and so on. sumy is suffering in the same way, so it's time for us to work in this direction, and while there, the united states is voting. do not vote, but to press the story with frozen russian assets, for at least the purchase of air defense, i think it is expedient it would be on the part of president zelensky to turn to france based on... the situation, after hearing macron's readiness to introduce troops, well, troops are not troops, but air defense systems together with service personnel could work, covering
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odeschyna, for example, and this should be done , but for this you need an address from the president, the deployment of troops on the territory of ukraine - this requires a vote of the parliament, well, we see what our parliamentarians are doing, they come up with bills to usurp power in ukraine. i'm so sorry i don't see the prospect of adopting the law of ukraine on mobilization, i don't see such a prospect yet, well, today yaroslav zheleznyak reported that more than 400 of these amendments have already been adopted, that is, 97 or 98% of this bill has been passed, but there are so many different and contradictory things , that as a result, as you think, even if the verkhovna rada decides. in this form, this draft law will become a law, will zelenskyy sign it, why is zelenskyy now, when he says that there is a danger of a new
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of the russian offensive, does not say that let's urgently adopt a law on mobilization, because we will need people in the summer. zelensky became a politician, not a statesman. he never became a statesman. these are not popular theses. look, regarding the lowering of the conscription age from 27 to... 25 years, this draft law has been voted on and is lying in dirmak's office for the president's signature and he hasn't signed it for almost a year, so what else can we talk about there, the same story can be here to be, you will see how it will still go in the hall, you will see what will be done with with those corrections, some, i say, some did not decide to become a politician, but decided to become a politician, politicians think for ratings, statesmen think for the state, unpopular decisions should be taken upon himself... in the period of such a war, it is supreme commander-in-chief zelenskyi, well, now let's talk frankly, do we have a law on mobilization in ukraine, do we have one, and what are they
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considering now then, well, they are considering additions and amendments, and are there any points that can be regulated without additions and amendments only thanks to the resolution of the cabinet of ministers, yes, there is, well, for example, the list, this is a sample of the sttsk employee's certificate. the rights and duties of an employee of sttsk in the context of serving subpoenas, the algorithm for serving subpoenas is something that the cabinet of ministers can do, you don't need to gather 226 deputies for this, but they haven't done it for two years, and that's it, so what, well for which we still lack reforms, well , allow me, using the opportunity regarding the russian orthodox church, the russian orthodox church, their this russian patriarchate of moscow over there in russia on the 27th. well, that's their document, i don't know how they are there everyone mentions that russia's war against ukraine is sacred, that's how they used the terrorist attacks in that korokus, and for them the question
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of destroying ukrainians as such a nation is already at the level of the orthodox and their moscow patriarchate, this is genocide in its purest form, appeals to the destruction of the nation - this is genocide in its purest form, that is, orthodox jihad, you can also call it that, yes, yes. look, mr. igor, another topic is quite relevant in the context of what the russians are going to do, since they are now leading a lot of information work, and the center for countering disinformation at the nsdc says that the russians are throwing out a lot of information about the attack on kharkiv, and this is part of the enemy's fear-mongering campaign and does not correspond to reality, but here is the tool that the russians use from... more in ukraine, through which they are jumping in, is a telegram controlled by a russian idiot, and as general budanov says, the telegram is actually
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a national security issue, and now i suggest that you listen to budanov, what he said about the telegram, in terms of of national security, this is definitely a problem, it must be understood, despite the fact that i am absolutely against oppression... of freedom of speech, but well, this is already too much, that is, in our country, any person can create a channel, start announcing on it everything that he wants, absolutely anything he wants, and when they start doing something, he hides that this is the freedom of the people, but it is not the freedom of the people, it is a little different, it is called differently, people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi has prepared a bill that proposes set for... service for messenger, telegram, and similar services have approximately the same requirements as established by the ukrainian media law for youtube and the eu legislation for the rest of
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the services, i.e. not... to ban it, but to regulate it when it is clear who runs these telegram channels , how they are used in , let's say, in work and whether against ukraine or for ukraine, and accordingly, to normalize the existence of this service, how do you perceive these initiatives and do you think that telegram in some cases is simply an evil that helps to the russians to wage war against us in... the windward dimension, informational? oh, listen, well, you know, i want to tell you that for me personally, the issue of the media in general is the issue of freedom of speech, but in ukraine , behind the freedom of speech, there is freedom of propaganda, freedom of lies, and there are absolutely no mechanisms to solve this, well, a small example , that is, if you have any media in the media, not even in telegram, in the media, they scolded, filled with shit and published
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false information. you go to court in good faith, litigate for three years, and the court obliges this or that scumbag, because it cannot be named in another way, to refute the information presented, and if the scumbag does not refute it, then there is no algorithm and mechanism to remove the fake, even by a court decision, especially if the scumbag is some the internet resource is registered, relatively speaking, it can be in any country in the world, but it can be managed from... a ukrainian ip address of some kind there, well, that is, it is not an option, if you listen to budanov that way, then in principle he said that the kid we do not have a provpriratny, because it turns out that there are telegram channels in our country, and the counter-intelligence of the sbu cannot determine who is behind the propagandistic things, well, everything is clear to me, the kid is not useful, as for the draft law of mr. mykola knyazhytskyi, well, he carries risks to a certain extent, because he is tied to... certain people
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too may have risks, well, for example, i read a critical article from such a network, we have information, well, you understand that we receive information from the president's office, remember the thesis, we planned a counteroffensive and it was lying on putin's table, i.e. it flows in yermak's office, then you can imagine how it flows in this one the national agency for the regulation of television issues there or in any other structure, if the roof leaks in the presidential office, then what else do we want to regulate there in other mechanisms, a debatable issue, well, for me personally, i emphasize once again, if we cannot regulate the media issue , then the issue of russian propaganda, that is, it is no longer some kind of personal slander about a person and so on, but rather the fight against propaganda, if the kid can't cope, well, let him file
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a report, write that he can't. deal with with this story, that's all, can't figure out who's behind the card office, can't figure out who's behind telegram channel joker and so on, well, if he can't figure out, well, we all know, and he can't, well, what are you going to do, well, life is like that, by the way, the center for countering disinformation has published a list of the main tiktok channels that spread hostile propaganda, another network, a social network, which is being fought, by the way, in the united states of america, which is in tiktok. .. the center for countering disinformation notes that there is this list has a long list, they identified the personal channels of russian propagandists, such as volodymyr solov'ov and margarita simonyan, the leading kremlin media are tas, vesti, rntv, etc., the russian shaman artist and blogger anatoliy shariy were also included in the list. this is in the general context of how russia tries to influence the information
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space. ukraine continues to influence, because russian television was closed, at one time vkontakte social networks were closed, classmates were closed, they still use tiktok, they still use telegram, and obviously, the biggest network, i will also call it the kremlin network, it is still the roc, it is an even greater danger that threatens ukraine than any other social networks. are there services, messengers, why hasn't a clear decision been made so far that there should not be a branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, no matter what it is called a church there, ukrainian orthodox church or ooc mp, well, such a church should not exist during the war. well, i want to say that, to our great regret, first of all , the law of ukraine has not been implemented in our country for several years, by the way, ihor lapin, the author of this law, so that it does not exist in our country.


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