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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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press, we are now giving the floor to our colleagues who have prepared relevant and fresh information, we are giving the floor to anna eva melnyk, who is already appearing on our airwaves, we congratulate you and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, we will tell you about the most important things, in particular, the results of the investigation into the death of zaluzhny's assistant, more about this later, stay with us. a powerful explosion rang out in odesa during an air raid alert, local media reports edition of dumsk. previously, the air defense system was activated in the place. the armed forces shot down an enemy missile. in the meantime, the det company reported that after the night attacks... power outages
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have already completely restored power in the city. during the morning attack, air defense forces shot down enemy missiles in the chernivtsi region. the main targets of the occupiers in the region were energy facilities - said the head of the regional military administration, ruslan zaparanyuk. thanks to our armed forces, our air defense. er, rockets they were all completely knocked down, the appropriate services are working at the place where the debris fell , taking measures to eliminate the consequences of the fall, thanks to god and our armed forces , no civilians were injured, we will report the details later. the death of zaluzhnyi's assistant, the state bureau of investigation closed the case against the officer who gave the grenades. assistant to
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the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine gennadiy chastyakov. the extra was charged with negligent homicide. the sanction of the article provides up to 15 years of imprisonment. previously, the crime was classified as illegal construction of ammunition. the tragedy happened on november 6. 39-year-old serviceman gennadiy chastyakov died as a result of a grenade explosion in his own house in the village of chayki in the kyiv region. his 13-year-old son was injured. one of the six donated grenades detonated. on that tragic day, he gave the deceased an explosive gift with grenades in honor of his birthday. at the same time, he did not warn his colleague about the authenticity of the grenades and did not make sure that he and others were present in the office realized that he was giving explosive devices. as a result, while unwrapping the gift at home, one of the grenades exploded in the hands of chastyakov, who was confident. that these are
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souvenir glasses. the renewed composition of the national security and defense council under the leadership of the newly appointed oleksandr lytvynenko began work. according to president zelenskyi, the new tasks of the council include increased attention, sanctions policies and cyber security, as well as the work of the commander-in-chief and control over the implementation of decisions made by it. the national security service has everything opportunities to combine analytical. the potential of ukrainian intelligence and other bodies that function in the field of national security, we need to strengthen ukraine's ability to forecast and influence the processes on which the national security of our state depends. personnel changes in diplomacy: the president dismissed the ambassador of ukraine to the republic of moldova, mark shevchenko, the corresponding decree is posted on the website of the president of ukraine. shevchenko has been an ambassador since 2019. before the diplomatic mission in moldova
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, he was a temporary attorney in canada. reasons his release is unknown. the wreckage of the drone was discovered in romania, the ministry of defense of the country reports. a fragment of the drone was found on a farm near the danube river, which separates romania from ukraine. local residents saw the drone fall and managed to record it on video. the police are already investigating the incident. in the russian city of belgorod, a drone crashed into a residential high-rise building, the locals published a video of the uav hit, which was recorded by surveillance cameras. telegram channels say that the place of the incident immediately surrounded by rescuers, ambulances went to the house. the regional authorities do not comment on the situation. japan extended trade sanctions against russia for another year.
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independent japanese media kyodo news informs about it. thus, increased taxes will be imposed on all imports from the russian federation, in particular , imports of salmon into the territory of japan. have to pay 5% duty. the term of validity of the anti-russian restrictions established by tokyo will be set for one year, after which the country's government will extend them again. the current decision was the second at the beginning of a full-scale aggression occupiers against ukraine. to pull india out of the clutches of russia's influence. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba met with his and his indian counterpart. subramanian together , they held negotiations to strengthen bilateral ties, discussed in particular the ukrainian peace formula and steps for its implementation. koleba called on india to support kyiv in the fight against russian aggression. let me remind you that the ukrainian head
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of the department arrived in new delhi yesterday for an official two-day visit. we will look forward to the restoration of that one. labour, that was between ukraine and india before the beginning of the large-scale invasion of russia, we will wait for the discussion of new areas and projects of our cooperation, because i believe that these relations have a strategic perspective. in the spring in poltava region, they plan to plant more than 5 hundred hectares of forest, forming a mixed forest of pines and deciduous trees. foresters say that it is important to expand the land now because of the war and the need for wood among those on the front lines. zones, more in anna morosova's material. i hold in my hands small children of scots pine. these babies are raised from seeds, we collect them on the territory of our branch, from cones, then the cone is processed and we get seeds. a
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forestry engineer and her colleagues went to the lutensk community to afforest an abandoned pasture. this year they need to cultivate almost 20 hectares of forest. this is one of the areas prepared in advance for planting pine trees. foresters work with this type of machine, it is a wheeled one, it is driven into the ground in a certain area and in this way a hole is made for a pine seedling. foresters say the weather contributes to the work, because the frosts are over, there is enough moisture in the soil and trees that are in a state of rest. we are now creating such a pit for a seedling. it is made with a sword, a wheel, they make it. such a hole, then we insert a seedling into it, the root system so that it is completely hidden there, we fix it so that it straightens, and a sword is driven from the side, and due to this we remove all the excess air from the hole, the local residents also join in the work, mrs.
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natalya says , weeds and wild trees have been growing here for more than 15 years, well, we have this one the place, it is flooded, here before the river overflowed its banks, all the meadows were completely flooded, when we planted... cornflowers a little further there, well, beauty, we will have fresh air, we have forests, you see how beautiful the mixed forest is here, here there will be pine conifers, so the community decided to transfer the hectares to the balance of forestry, previously this area was used as a hayfield and pasture, and before that people received many animals and agricultural cows, and they grazed them, then well... the livestock decreased, and of course , it stopped being used and it was overgrown with pears, children. now it is very important to create new forests, because every year several hundred cubic meters of forestry wood are transferred to the construction of fortifications , says ihor fedyai. in the near future
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, the branch of hadiatsk forestry is going to transfer 400 cubic meters of wood there. god willing, the war will end with our victory, and these areas too. will serve no longer for fortifications, but for our children and grandchildren in the future and will be used, well, serve as lungs for our planet earth. this spring in poltava oblast plan to plant more than 500 hectares of mixed forest, which is almost 4 million trees. work in the region will continue for another two weeks. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. love wins, the ukrainian border guard confessed his love during the ceremony. awarding, despite the injury , he, as befits, knelt down in front of the chosen one and offered his hand and heart, the girl answered yes, this touching story was told in the state border service, there it was noted that 21 border guards were killed that day in the garden, and the collection of the tv channel continues
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espresso, urgently needed car repair for the 65th separate mechanism. they are brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, destroying the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost health or even life. thanks to you, we have already paid for some spare parts and product assembly. it continues, join us, there are no small donations, every hryvnia is important, you can see all the details on the screen, read more about important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks, like, be close and meet marta olyarnyk on the air and antina borkovsky. infoday of the tv channel in rozpala,
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well, the enemy fired a rocket in the direction of odessa, this was reported by the air force, the head of the odessa military administration, cyprus called on odessans to stay in shelters, according to public information, explosions rang out in odessa, well, from that, we will start our conversation with elley yavlash, spokesman for the air force command, armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. speaker, congratulations, let's leave odessa right away. let's start, is this a local story now, or is this some massive, massive attack? yes, it is known that the enemy attacked odessa with their missiles, it is likely that these missiles were launched from migs, about what type of missiles are being installed, our air defense was working, we are currently waiting for clarification, the details of what kind of missiles they were, and we will be able to speak in more detail later, but we can say , that the enemy... does not stop, as we can see recently, the last days and including today,
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carries out massive attacks, uses drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and even its daggers for this, of course, which worked quite well today, i would say even very well, our air defense forces, together with the defense forces, managed to destroy 84 out of 99 targets, including 50... 60 shahed-type attack uavs, also managed to destroy all four iskander-type cruise missiles, 17 of the 21st kh-101 guided missiles and kh-555, and it was also possible to detect and eliminate five of the nine kh-59 missiles. the enemy continues to deliver powerful massed attacks from the nago in order to pierce our shield and exhaust it. our air defense system, and to find out the weak points, and of course, that different targets at different speeds, they constitute
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a certain difficulty for elimination, and of course that the enemy is trying to break through such combined attacks, and even if one or two missiles are there, they will reach their targets, fortunately, we succeed in most of them thanks to the skillful actions of mobile air defense groups and our anti-aircraft... missile troops to eliminate, but the enemy is insidious, we see that he does not stop for a second and continues to attack various peaceful cities of ukraine. we urge citizens to follow the air alert and not to ignore the signals, to go down to the shelter, because different situations happen, sometimes they are shot down rockets, but the warhead falls to the ground, and that leads to quite significant consequences, to detonation, see, the enemy's logic is clear, that is... for example, if you take the regions where they are currently most actively poking around, i don't know,
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this last week? well, this week they focused their attention, of course, on the capital, since the capital remains one of the main such key, priority targets, because the capital is of course the key city of any country, in addition, they tried to attack our critical strategic infrastructure objects, thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, various storage facilities tried to attack more western ukraine, including by identifying different targets, so and so in these massive attacks, directing large numbers of missiles moving at different speeds, ballistics, of course, was , well, nevertheless, everything we can and cannot, of course, our air defense forces show and inflict losses on precisely these missiles that... the enemy launches on our territory, mr. spokesman, and finally we would like to ask whether really on the territory of the neighbors
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states, in particular we are talking about romania and moldova, there were enemy air targets, did you receive any information, can you clarify whether the russian air targets really flew over the territory of romania and moldova, this day, or rather in the morning, we saw several targets moving in the direction moldova, however , currently the air force does not confirm the crossing of the border, now it is being clarified and... information about the general use of the air space of neighboring states, then yes, the enemy cynically uses their air space to use their chess. rocket, we recently saw it in poland too, now we see how their fighter jets go up during such massive attacks to protect their airspace, their territory from russian enemy missiles, of course the enemy continues to attack and sometimes they lose control of their missiles, and
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this leads to such and such consequences, and with regard to romania, this information is circulating, but with regard to whether... what kind of wreckage was found, what kind of wreckage is it, let's find out later after the official statements in the official representative offices thank you: ilya ivlash, the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us and promptly informed us about the situation in odesa and also about the consequences of massive nighttime attacks by the enemy. we will now add oleksandr krayev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, to our ater. now we are waiting for inclusion together with him in order to talk with him about... yes, while we are waiting for krayev, important information has arrived for kiyan, so on the north bridge from tomorrow, march 30 to 15 in june, traffic will be partially restricted due to repair works, the kyiv city military administration reports. traffic restrictions on the northern bridge will take place in the direction from the left to the right bank, in the right part of the roadway with a structure
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blocking the public transport lane. yes, the changes are related to the repair of the stove. of the canvas, which will be carried out by the communal enterprise, so kyivavtodor, i apologize for the inconvenience, well, tomorrow, from march 30, traffic will be restricted on the northern bridge in kyiv, so dear kyivans, be take this information into account, yes, and we continue to inform you, now we are waiting for the inclusion of oleksandr krayev, an international, with whom we will talk about the last interview, in particular, president zelensky, i will remind you that... in this interview to the american tv channel cbs, zelensky said that russia will attack, most likely in may-june, but unfortunately, ukraine is currently not ready for this offensive, and he says that it is difficult for ukraine to fight the russian army due to the shortage of artillery and shells to her, and also due to the fact that the artillery of the russian federation is more long-range. zelensky
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also stated that our american and european partners. very happy to receive the information when we say that we managed to stabilize the front, but it actually cost us a lot of effort, and ukraine expects help from the west, from the western allies in order to have something to fight for, because we understand that the western allies very often complain that not enough people are mobilized for the army, well but actually it still needs to be provided with something, so we understand that... well, if zelensky's signals were understood, this was most likely an interview aimed at westerners, without a doubt, it was designed for a western audience in order to to speed them up. oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism. glory to ukraine, oleksandr, congratulations. he became a hero. well, the interview of the president of ukraine, very clear signals, yes, at one time, similar signals
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were sent by the head zaluzhny until recently, yes, when he said that we need more adequate help, and as soon as possible, now the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi has voiced this whole matter, and accordingly the reaction of our friends, do they really understand the seriousness of the situation? they are beginning to understand it, and the new package of german aid, which was just announced, shows this understanding, the new package from the french shows this understanding, the fact that macron began to talk even more actively about the involvement of both french troops and troops of other nato countries shows it. what happened, honestly, impossible before moreover, let's say this, the call of johnson and zelenskyi also shows what the situation is, yes, they regularly express their concern there on a daily basis in various pipes, they blow this concern, so to speak, here the questions are about specific real military, practical solutions at a fast pace, here
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europeans do not make these decisions quickly, and really the main one. the problem we have, the main question we have is with the americans, because we see that what johnson is negotiating with the white house to push through at least some aid package for of ukraine, at least in the version presented by the republicans, well, what causes it is that his own party, his own trumpists , are thinking about removing him, that is , in reality, for europeans, this threat is absolutely adequate, understandable and forces them to increase support for ukraine, and political, and resource, and military, the only ones who are still behind... inhibited in this regard, the only ones who do not quite promptly and adequately respond to these changes, are, unfortunately, our american partners, we see that they they are trying, but zelensky had a conversation with the speaker yesterday. representatives, and actually i would like to understand, do you think that after the vacation they will still put the aid package for ukraine to the vote? should be carried out, must be carried out for
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several reasons, if johnson, here is the first reason, it is cynical and political and depends on johnson himself, and therefore it is the most likely. if he doesn't, he 's going to lose the support of the conservative part of his party, he's going to lose the support of the democrats, which he's apparently now negotiating with the white house in exchange for the democrats... not voting for him withdrawal, he will submit this bill for a vote. if he does not do this, then his political future will be under a very, very big question, because the trumpists are clearly aimed at stopping all these processes and keeping johnson busy. this time. the second big reason, we saw how the american economy reacted positively to the passage of the budget. that is, normal fiscal actions provoke a good full-fledged growth of the economy. and acceptance of the package in ukraine, across the border, in israel, and in taiwan, the report. the same growth of the economy, and it will also be very positive for the americans, so these two rational reasons from the point of view of the americans, in my opinion, will exactly provoke the fact that after this next short break
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, the ukrainian budget in one form or another, we will not we know what the package will be in the end, but still this package should be put to the vote, and we literally have half a minute . see... we see that some members of the polish delegation tried to provoke ours, we see that the poles are not ready for a full resolution of this issue, it's good that we met, it's good that there is communication, but honestly, the road ahead of us is still very and very long and very, very complicated. it's clear, thank you, oleksandr krayev, he was in touch with us, an expert of the council of foreign policy, the ukrainian prism, well, there are a lot of events today, but unfortunately, we are going on a break now, but after the break we will watch with you a conversation from so... so we will tell you in more detail after the break, there are
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a reliable and convenient tool for everything: from uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, a powerful strong saw and what you need, call, the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together. well, now for your attention, dear viewers of espresso, an extremely important conversation between our colleague vitaly portnikov and the speaker of the parliament of estonia. let's look at extremely important signals together. welcome to ukraine. 10 years ago, when the baltic countries joined nato,
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many believed that it was already. absolutely such an ironclad security guarantee that neither estonia nor neighboring countries are under any threat from russia, now we see many saying that the baltic countries may become new russian targets if ukraine fails to resist, why are there such fears , why is there no faith in nato's fifth pillar? thank you very much for your question. i am very pleased to be here in ukraine and see. the current state of affairs, as well as your efforts in the fight against russian aggression. of course, nato's collective defense has always been a cornerstone alliance this year we celebrate the 75th anniversary of nato. nato was created in 1949, the same year that the soviet union carried out operation
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surf, which... led to the mass deportation of estonians, latvians and lithuanians to siberia, over 20,000 indigenous people were taken to siberia at the same time that it was created nato, among them there were many women and children, and many never returned to their homeland, this cannot be forgotten. comes from russia and how all this can affect other countries is obvious. therefore, when 20 years ago we had the opportunity to join nato, we saw it as a guarantee that russia would never again be able to occupy estonia or the baltic states.


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