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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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yanina sokolova and kateryna nekrecha will be there in 15 minutes, stay with us. tusk warns europe to prepare for war. zelensky calls to give ukraine more weapons. will the west provide what is needed? aid to ukraine about this in the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london in the dzaferov studio. therefore, the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, in an interview with the european zmi, warned that europe has entered the pre-war period, if ukraine is defeated by russia, no one in europe will be able to feel safe and added that war is already not a concept from the past. about president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi also said the threat of war expansion the day before. in
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an interview with the american tv channel cbs, he said that if ukraine loses, putin will not stop, and the war may reach both europe and the united states. in addition, zelensky said that ukraine needs weapons to be ready to repel a possible major russian offensive, which he said is expected in late may or june. so, will the partners have time to provide ukraine with the necessary military assistance? the us congress will unblock the passage. a large aid package, that's what the british columnist and former nato analyst, patrick bury, told the bbc. exactly what most of us think russia will take advantage of this window of opportunity. sometime between last october, when it became clear that ukraine needed more shells, air defenses, missiles and planes, until at least april 9, when mike johnson could bring it to a vote. bill
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on us aid to ukraine, and then it will take another three weeks for this $3 billion in us aid to start moving. i hopefully when that happens the us will be able to secure the transfer fairly quickly, but it will still be very, very late, and that's troubling. as for when ukrainians get what they need, everything depends on their needs. if it is air defense, missiles, then everything can happen quite quickly. as soon as the order is given and the money comes in, but there are things that take more time, for example artillery shells, some can be transported by plane or ideally by sea because they are very heavy. the usa with its strategic air transport can transport a lot of things around the world quickly, but the volumes that ukraine needs to repel this potential attack complicate everything. for example, the russians shoot a dozen ti. the russians produce much
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more artillery shells, there were reports that this year it is millions, while the usa and europe together only have 1.2 million. so there is a big shortage, the czechs are doing a hard job. shells on the open market, i think they will hit a million soon, that would be great, and it could be around april as well. other countries joined the initiative of the czech republic with the aim of purchasing projectiles for ukraine, if earlier it was about 800 thousand, now ukraine can get almost twice as many, up to 15 million projectiles. the head of the czech ministry of foreign affairs, jan lipavskyi, said about such potential volumes , representatives of the czech authorities say that the first
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shells purchased under this initiative can be delivered to ukraine already in april, and we are talking more about this with the expert of the center for defense strategies oleksandr khara. i congratulate you, oleksandr, against the background of such statements by tusk about the pre-war times of european countries will they increase aid to ukraine, or will they primarily be concerned with their defense capability? good evening, mr. jafer, you know, it depends on several factors, first of all. what is happening in the united states, because it may mean that in the near future, in fact from january, europe may be left alone with a great threat from the russian federation, and we now see that even old europe, not only the baltic countries poland and romania, are talking about likely clash with the russian federation, given their aggressive intentions, and of course that this will push our european partners to strengthen themselves first of all, but also to help us, because... what we are doing
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is destroying the aggressive russian potential and thus, in this way, actually giving time to our western partners to prepare better for a possible war and thus avoid these war, i.e. deterring the russian federation, so i think the europeans understand the risks of, say, breaking up with their atlantic partners, and they are unlikely to want to leave ukraine in that state, it would mean that the putin regime would be a little encouraged, will understand that there are cracks, holes in the united nato, and that it is possible to try and further shake this organization, under... thus get something more than what they have already received in ukraine. you mentioned the old europe, but in the same interview , tusk said that, for example, the prime minister of spain , pedro sanchez, asked other eu leaders not to use the word war in statements at
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the eu summit, because apparently people do not, do not want to feel threatened . why is the rhetoric of eu countries different? poles feel more a threat than, for example, the spanish? well, you know, i think that in 1914, somewhere in the summer before august, and in september of 1939, or rather in august, europeans did not think that there would be a big war, and now we see how those fears that were among our baltic colleagues, among the poles, among the romanians, they are already taken seriously in berlin and paris, i am not talking about britain, because... britain reacted extremely and correctly back in the 15th year, after the illegal annexation of crimea, began to help ukraine, and identified the black sea as its own priority to deter the russian federation. but of course, spain is far away, and probably because they
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do not have the negative experience of famines, repressions, occupation of the same ones, for example, like poland and the baltic republics, and of course, what they hardly see every day. that the russian military is perpetrating on ukrainian territory, in fact genocide, of course, what then, and a completely different picture of the world. well, on the other hand, you know that the missiles that are in the arsenal of the russian federation, they are capable of reaching any city in europe, including spain, that the russian federation remains the largest nuclear power and that the russian federation has even more nuclear tactical weapons than the americans. and all these factors together, taking into account. aggressive rhetoric, considering that russia has been waging a subversive, so-called hybrid war against the west for a long time, it is very good that the old europe, at least closer to the borders of the russian federation, has woken up, is arming itself and helping ukraine. thank you, oleksandr,
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please stay in touch, let's talk more about france. recently french president emmanuel macron announced the possibility of sending western troops to ukraine, and this statement. caused a political earthquake in europe, then the nato secretary general, the leaders of the united states, germany, and britain opposed the idea of ​​sending troops, and this situation showed the lack of unity among nato members. oleksandr, oleksandr, time has already passed since macron's words about the readiness to send troops, what consequences did this statement have for supporting ukraine? well, first of all , we are waiting for the president... and macron in kyiv, we signed a security agreement, and there it is absolutely positive things, let's see what he will bring with him, what commitments, what agreements he will, let's say, confirm in kyiv, because now france is in 16th place, in terms of the transfer
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of arms and ammunition to ukraine, france gives extremely positive things like winged scalp missiles, or caesar howitzers, they're extremely positive, and... ukraine needs them, but it's a long way from germany, which is second only to the united states, or the united kingdom, which is third, so let's look at practical implementation of mr. macron's new approach and new rhetoric. the second point is that it is very good that nato officials are currently discussing the possibility of deploying nato troops on the territory of ukraine, whether under the umbrella of nato or individual countries. it is very important that what macron said is not a guarantee that ... will be carried out, he said that it cannot be ruled out, and in this way he is actually correcting, in my opinion, a completely wrong strategy implemented by the americans back in 22 the year they said what they wouldn't do, and so on in fact gave carte blanche
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to the russian federation, because they knew that there would be no nato troops, they would not open an anti-aircraft, anti-missile umbrella over us, western weapons would not hit russian logistics and... forces and means on russian territory, and actually all these things allowed russia, what with nuclear blackmail, to restrain that amount of aid and that nomenclature. which our western partners gave us, now, i think, there is a certain realization, at least in europe, that this is wrong, let russians are wondering whether it is strategic uncertainty, whether there will be western troops on the territory of the country, what they will do, maybe it will be just trainers, maybe it will be miners who will help exchange our lands, and maybe it will be special forces that will fight for us, let the russians better understand what this probability is. this option is on the table. thank you, alexander. oleksandr khara, an expert
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at the center for defense strategies, was in touch with us. thank you for finding time for us. thank you. and in france, popularity is growing national association. it is this far-right political force that, according to the latest polls, has every chance of winning there in the general european elections. thousands of supporters across france are now gathering to listen to party leaders' pre-election appeals. and bbc correspondent mark urban went to a small town on the border of france to find out who the french want to see in the european parliament. manbélard is a city in the jura region, located at the foot of the mountains of france, near the borders of germany and switzerland. all you see here it is customary to call the hinterland of france. these are rural areas where people have lost their jobs, the economy has moved and reigns supreme. complete dissatisfaction with the way things are going. all of these things have created opportunities for the far left,
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it is true, but mostly for the far right. the question is whether they will really achieve significant success in the current elections and change the political game in france. christian korusch worked at the peugeot car factory for decades. currently, the company is almost non-working, so the man is trying to organize resistance to the far-right. growing popularity the national front, i felt i had to talk about it because it seems so disgusting, so foul, it smells like filth, like a plague is coming, i don't want it for myself or my grandchildren, now the national front has a different name , a national association, quentin macullo is one of the local activists, led by marine le pen et al. the two
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complement each other: marine le pen is going to reach more people who are supporters of the national front. georgen bardella will speak to young schoolchildren, students and those who are not usually interested in politics. his oratorical skills and sociability make people more interested in the national association. the concert hall of montbeliard is gathering. out of thousands of people. for decades, many french people considered the far-right party to be a racist party. so they rebranded and changed their name 6 years ago and now they've been throwing out new slogans and bringing in new faces like jordan bardela, and at least here the crowd is drawn to it. finally, this moment thousands of people welcome the new bright hope of national unification. the 28-year-old party president is currently leading the election campaign for
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the june european parliament elections. france is not a country of one single way of thinking. in france, there is no forbidden expression of opinions. and we, in the national association, intend to preserve it forever. so now things are getting ready to collect votes here and across the country. what about that, or? it will become something more than a protest movement, to be decided by giordano berdelia, finally those who are accepted to the european parliament. and more about you can read about the political situation in france on our website in the article of my colleague georgy erman, how macron conquered ukrainians with the idea of ​​troops and why this is now a problem. and that's all for today, more stories on the site, and we're on the air on monday at... take care!
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greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy. rudenko, in the release today. playing the terrorist as a victim. the kremlin is trying to convince the world that ukraine is the aggressor in the war with russia. who will believe? to putin the parliamentary crisis is gaining momentum. the council did not make any decisions at its last meeting in march. why do deputies sabotage parliamentary work? uncontrolled telegram in the president's office denies involvement in anonymous telegram channels or will ban a social network with russian roots. friends, we
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work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those. who is watching us live there now, subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, are you satisfied with the work of danilov as the secretary of the national security council, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have any opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take a smartphone with you or phone and vote, if you are satisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the nsdc 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382 vote, these calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guest of our studio, this is kateryna nekreche, radio svoboda journalist, host of morning with freedom. katerina, i congratulate you. congratulations, congratulations. yanina sokolova, journalist, tv presenter, public figure, blogger and
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author and host of the millionaire's youtube channel. yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations, kateryna is also the host of the youtube channel, so if, friends, you watch us on youtube, you can subscribe to kateryna nekrecha and yanina sokolova at the same time, let's make the blogosphere and youtube channel, and sokolova and nekrecha popular and not only in ukrainian segment, and in general in the entire segment of youtube on the whole planet, so as yanina ikaterino we ask our viewers. about danilov's activities, i will ask the same question that we articulate to viewers and tv viewers, are you satisfied with danilov's work as the secretary of the national security council, yanin, well , i have to speak now, probably not too critically, because next week, mr. danilov, i hope , there is already an agreement that i will have a rendezvous, so now i need to filter
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what i will say so that he comes, actually, just kidding. mr. danilov, a man with a plume, is not directly related to the law enforcement system at all, he is not a personnel officer or intelligence before that, or any position that would be commensurate with the one he held all these four years, that is how long he is in the position of secretary of the national security council, however about the results of the work, i think there is no unequivocal answer here, it is necessary... to structurally analyze everything and tell the audience what was bad and what was not, however, in my opinion, this is a rather positive train, with which the secretary of the national security and defense council, mr. danilov, is going. a very well-known person in donbas, and you know that he was the head, led luhansk, and at one time some of the people who
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moved here said that if you can imagine there about... the ukrainian donbass, then it is precisely about danilov, a man who had a shleif associated with the management of the region in which there was a huge amount of fluff and pro-russian support of various under-the-floor processes, and not only under-the-floor processes, and public ones, then, having become the secretary of the national security council, i think i understand very well the specifics of the country we live in now, and the decisions. were adopted more than once voiced correct members of the national council of security and defense, and the secretary, so for something, a huge thank you, we remember the stories called the closing of the medvechukiv tv channels and all kinds of devils that inhabited our media space, and many
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other processes related to those who are on the forefront. there were heroic actions and who prevented all of this, danilov expressed his opinion for these people at once, so to speak, arguing this with processes, which, believe me, many people do not even guess about the intricacies, i am now hinting at who who knows understood, who does not know i didn’t understand, i said so bluntly, well , there’s an island of snakes and a bunch of different... uh, well, these whole ones, i think, are a serial story called русский корпаль go far, it’s a story, well, for which you can also thank and danilov, i think that when you see... open the interview, because a lot remains, so to speak, outside the public side, when a person is in office, and we
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have a war going on, so it is difficult, difficult to voice all that now , which, for example, journalists know, or people close to the military, the same journalists, however, i think that when let's watch the interview and that's it, he can tell something, when we watch the interview and that's what he can tell, he'll tell, it will be cool. but now it is known that he became the ambassador of ukraine to moldova, and this is such a rather interesting trend of the authorities continuing to appoint those they did not like to the positions of ambassadors, besides, serhiy, remember, we talked about valery fedorovych, a hard worker, he is in britain, danilov, by the way, as far as i know, they have a great relationship, they cooperated very well in the coalition. now in to moldova, therefore, in general, the train is positive, thank you for the work, which was very difficult, especially in the first months of the full-scale invasion,
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and what is the sin to hide for all 10 years, when you lead a region as complex as luhansk and luhansk region and you are from this region, where you absolutely understand exactly how and what can act and how to arrange it. mm defense, not only there from the point of view of media, and from the point of view of the structure of how it can be built there, so many thanks to danilov for his work, thank you, i hope so, yanina, your thanks will open up danilov to you, and you will ask him, by the way , about who made the decision to close, or rather, throw out the fifth channel from t2. i'm asking, i'm already rubbing my hands, and to be honest, tell me that i also invited him to the program, never once, by the way, did he respond, although we are friends with him on
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facebook, well, well, no, then no, i after you , i will suddenly interview him, for the sake of fairness, i will say that i did not respond either, although it is an interesting moment when you are friends with people there, well, with high-ranking officials on facebook, they congratulate you on the holidays, on your birthday, on your birthday, they give you some books. thank you, they don't go to interviews, this is the most interesting moment in the work of journalists, that's why maybe the door opened, and he wrote to me that he already has more time, and i don't think that you and i will open any chest for sergey pandora and we will learn something, because anyway a person remains in the structure and there are things that cannot be talked about, however, it will be interesting to hear about the fifth for sure, thank you, katerina, you do not have an interview with danilo? what do you say about whether you are satisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the national security service of ukraine? well, i definitely will not undertake to evaluate, because i have never been to the nsdc meetings and
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i will not suspect so, and therefore it is difficult to understand, and i agree with yanina here, because really this is such a rather difficult period that our country, and those people who are in those offices and there at rnpo, well, they worked and obviously worked. as much as possible so that the country could stand there, this is an interesting question, because we know about mr. danilov, his political path, and this is very important, that is, he is not a new star who was born in 2019, because he came there with zelenskyi’s team, this is a very important factor, that he will be replaced, in principle, also by these it was discussed for months, and maybe it could be the case that these replacements would start with him, and not with the dubious one, for example, but... well, it happened, how did it happen, that he remains in the team, we heard, we already saw the result, what is perceived in our country, well, it is such a veil, really like an exile, when there were ambassadors to such positions as
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we see that they are sent, there are also such in society, is this situation sufficiently communicated in general, why did it happen, well, i don't think there is enough communication on this matter, although we heard mr. podolyak say that now there is a need to strengthen the analytical staff. was at the nsdc and that there is a need for rotations there precisely because of this in management positions in order to more effectively respond to the challenges that exist today, well, that is, you know, it is not clear clearly, and what exactly, what do you expect, regarding the interview, i don't remember if it was in our live broadcasts there in the mornings, i had mr. danilov, my colleagues had him, but it was not always easy, on the ukrainian truth, for example, he appears there every week, he commented almost every week, well, he is a person who we all hear and know. from those statements that were heard earlier in the pocket for the word, it does not work there, well, that is, it is a fairly straightforward person, and there with its apparently firm vision of the situation,
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it is not a person there. office of the president and it seems that there are hints that there could be some kind of coincidence, there was even quite an open conflict with mr. podaluk in the summer of 22 it seems that when danilo criticized him for unprofessionalism there or something related to the military, well, that is an interesting moment, i am waiting for yanin for an interview, because in an interview, even when a person does not directly say certain things, it is sometimes these answers are read consecutively. thank you, well, actually , let's leave yanina yaninov, i.e. danilov, and we'll wait, you see, your and the upcoming interview with danilov were announced immediately on espresso, ask anyway about why we were kicked out of t2, because well, this is very serious question, but in the meantime, let's go let's move on to what has been happening this past week as we see putin try to go from terrorist number one to
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victim. number one in the world, and thanks, or rather, not thanks, but to the fact that a terrorist attack happened in the steps of city hall in the suburbs of moscow, putin is now trying to blame everything on ukraine, following the russian federation, to say that it was the ukrainian special services who organized it, that they led these tajiks, who were captured and tortured there by the russian special services, and it is clear that this whole story obviously, obviously, has aims... to convince the world that putin wants to communicate with the world in order to fight international terrorism, but in putin's understanding, international terrorism and ukraine are somewhere close. yanina, in your opinion, why do they constantly sculpt something that is not sculpting at all, and what, what they say in washington, and in berlin, and in other capitals, and european, and not only, about , that there are
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deeds there, there is no trace. there is no ukrainian on whom this delusion is intended and whether the world will really sympathize not with those who died and to their relatives in this crocus, and to putin as a person who manages the state against which the department went. i don't think that the world will sympathize with the state against which the case went, i think that people perfectly structure the fact that there are deaths of people, innocent in anything, and there is... their president is so-called, it's hard to call putin a president either legitimate in view of the process of taking over the king and the lack of opposition, that is, he is the number one terrorist, whose citizens are hostages, including those who suffer, sometimes due to the attacks of other
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terrorists, with whom he is without... looking at the way their life should have a lot to do with some kind of public opinion there, i arranged such a research of the world's reaction to it , i will tell you honestly that it saddened me that a number of american publications, quoting putin, put it in the headlines, in particular, the issue of ukraine, well, friends, how does it sound, it sounds as follows , yes committed an idol, but terrorists. with ukraine were moving towards ukraine and were waiting for them there, accordingly , there is a ukrainian trace in this, well, a number of authoritative american and british publications appeared with these headlines, the british are mostly yellow the press, but americans with status released all these materials, they quoted putin that way, but as we know, given our media activity, people often read the headlines and do not look at the essence, and this is then
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superimposed in... already the perception of this tragedy, without exaggerating the tragedy, by perceiving putin and his people as victims, here it is necessary to distinguish where the people are and where putin is, and believe me, they do it skillfully in the world. and plus, don’t forget that putin works for an internal audience, now the story is called mobilization, you and i will see it in the near future, it will have new spins, i don't think. that he will publicly announce it, because he did not have such a springboard after the terrorist attack, which he knew about back in february, he was warned by our western partners, then he wanted to use it, i suspect, to announce the mobilization , because look at what these nazis, fascists are doing with us already from idols, i.e. equating us to idols, and let's fight terrorism together, i...


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