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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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and this is then superimposed on the perception of this tragedy without exaggerating the tragedy by the perception of putin and his people as victims, here it is necessary to distinguish where the people are and where putin is, and believe me, they do it skillfully in the world, and also don’t forget that putin works for an internal audience, now the story is called mobilization, you and i will see it in the near future, it will have new turns, i do not think that he will publicly announce it, because he did not have such a springboard, after the terrorist attack, about which he knew back in mid-february, he was warned by our western partners, then he wanted to use it, i suspect, to announce mobilization, because look what these nazis, fascists are doing together with us already from idols, that is, equating us to idols, and let's include... well, in this way, first
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of all, to make relations between the western world and the citizens of the western world a little lighter, and for the internal audience to show that you see what is happening, what the ukrainians have come to, then we must destroy them all, as we planned, find confirmation of mine words, look at how many children, how many innocent people died, they were just shot, like some animals on a hunt, let's go and we will do it, well... and i'll tell you that there was a lot of fun in telegram channels, we'll talk about telegram too later , as far as i know, let's talk, but in the telegram channels of the orks, especially the propaganda wagon, they have direct ones there, who can be followed by theses, which they write the same, it was poured there that they said, now, if we take prisoners, then we will not leave them alive, but we will do what they did to ours people, that is, there is no confirmed data whatsoever. i emphasize that this is ukraine,
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even the escape route of these terrorists on a renault, which ran through the bryansk region, then they turned something in belarus to the belarusian border, but lukashenko said that they turned it around, but then they remembered that it was not necessary to go there. we need to go to ukraine, well, in short , trash and nonsense, the lies that they have been carrying all these years, for whom it played well, it played well for putin, given the fact that his... brother is in even greater fear and hatred , what neighbors in russia, resides, that is, they are even more afraid now, including him, and he is for them, just as after the terrorist attacks that were committed before the war in chechnya in his time, he is for them a person who, in their opinion, will protect them , i am now talking about the main, main layer of the population, and the rest, those who are at war. even more aggressive, and
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perhaps just as obsessed, his followers, ideological, will say that the time has come, we have to go, because i don't want this to happen to my family, well, mostly people of low intellectual status and zombified by the tv, the tv worked great too, these are the thoughts, thank you, thank you yanina, in addition to what putin says, as he says, the words of... patriarch gundyaev, this fsbshnoy, who said that we need to introduce a holy war, that in ukraine this is svo, it is actually a holy war. now we will hear a small fragment of what he said, then katerina, you will comment, please, the main task of these orders, as well as the many years of activity of the entire world russian people's council, this is the protection and strengthening of the russian measure. and the crisis of the russian state, therefore
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the restoration of the unity of the russian people, as well as its spiritual and life potential, are key conditions for the development of russia and the russian world in the 21st century, and let no one scare us with russian nationalism, russian nationalism does not exist in nature. everyone knows this, yes, there is russian fascism, and in fact, this whole hall was like a congress of the central committee of the cpsu, and the 28th seems to be the last one, and so, and so he says that the holy war, that is , the same anti-ukrainian hysteria that started with putin and these hints about the ukrainian trail, is being continued by the so- called russian orthodox church. eh
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, the church, eh, they are really getting their way in the country, that they are trying to turn everyone against the ukrainians, that this is a priest. war, that you have to go and kill, and even the church convinces you that you have to go and kill people who live nearby, well, it’s still madness, but it just doesn’t fit into our heads, but to what extent, well, for sure , such high-quality work, which has been done there in the kremlin for decades, so that, it turns out, the citizens of russia hate ukrainians so much, but it is not clear why, why, it is clear when ukrainians... hearing rockets above them, when your relatives and neighbors die there , you have nowhere to live, and you yourself almost died, and you don’t know what tomorrow will be like, when ukrainians hate russians, well, in this sense, it’s understandable, but what are the actual grounds for russians to hate ukrainians, it’s absolutely incomprehensible, that’s why all this
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is put into an unhealthy head, probably because a sane head with at least some minimal critical thinking cannot simply digest all of this, understand and somehow fix it, the internal audience, well , it warms up, this whole mood turns out like this, and the enemy is molded from someone who is actually nothing bad to you and did not do it, yes, a terrorist attack, a tragedy, besides, the western special services warned you that it was being prepared, it happened, the whole world says that it is not ukraine, you say that it is ukraine, but why? it will be shown on television, telegram channels, something and more, something here. the church also said, well, for the citizens of russia, who listen and immediately perceive what they heard, what was put in their heads, in their ears, they will continue to exist in this algorithm, and this, of course, is the fear, and this, of course, is the motivation, and what is the need
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to wage this war at all, probably, if you ask people, well, periodically we see some such polls, now we understand that in principle the media should work on the territory of russia, at least some polls from the street bring with those thoughts. what kind of people they live with, actually not they can, then there are some consequential points there, well , some connections, then people also cannot repeat them, where did it all start, and what do you hate, and why do you have to fight there with the ukrainians, well, now these are so fresh, so to speak , hot facts in quotation marks will be in their heads, the church said, this is a holy war, we are in danger, well, putin himself admitted that this is a threat, in principle, ukraine threatens the existence of russia, which means to whom, which means to all russians there, well.. .absolutely, it seems to me that this work is more for its audience. well, but the foreign audience, that is judging by what president emmanuel macron said while he was in brazil, he said that after, well, despite everything that 's going on, obviously in russia, he made it clear that the dictator putin's invitation to
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brazil's g20 summit this year , it is necessary for this to happen, the consent of all members of this association will be needed, well, he clearly made it clear that... no matter what putin says, no matter how he interprets the latest events, but still he was and remains a person with whom no one wants, well , most, no one wants to sit next to, well except for india, there is probably china. let's hear what macron said. the point of this club is that there should be a consensus with 19 other members. this will be the job for the diplomats of brazil, which will preside over this summit. if this meeting can... be useful, we should do it, but if it creates division, surely it should not happen, yanina, and why doesn't the world say that there is actually a terrorist state next to the table, that is
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, the number one terrorist, so that the idol was even offended that they were not considered the main terrorists in the world when they started there blame the ukrainians for everything that... the ukrainians are involved in this terrorist attack, and they officially started talking, yes, no, no, it is us, although the whole world sees that russia is simply engaged in terrorizing ukrainians, ukrainian territories, ukrainian people, ukrainian cities , what has been happening for the past two weeks, that is, they and zakharova put ticks there against countries that expressed sympathy, we have been so active for two weeks... energy infrastructure and are committing a war crime, terror, and no one is talking about it, because it's scary, sergey, this is the only reason why we haven't received the taurus at the moment,
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this is the only reason why we haven't received the patriot missiles in the volume that we need, and this is fear, fear of what it will be necessary, if suddenly what to enter into this whole story. again, the republicans who are talking about the fact that the united states cannot recognize russia as a terrorist country there within its system. american within the framework of the senate, congress and all possible institutions, why don't they do it, because they will have to directly, as the number one country in fight to protect democracy and the fight against terrorism, and no one wants to fight directly, but to double check and understand that we are for you, we are the only army of the world, the only army of the world that is now resisting... you have only
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to help this ukraine to do its work not at the expense of the deaths and lives of your soldiers, but at the expense of ours, if it didn't sound cynical to them, and to us as well, why don't they do it, they are afraid, i read sholtz's interview yesterday, we have already seen it. light at the end at the end of the tunnel under the name of taurus and many other issues and long-range weapons, and suddenly something went wrong here, because the yellow german publications are taking and talking about the fact that putin agreed, he said that if suddenly such weapons are provided to ukraine, then they will consider germany a party to the conflict and they will bomb not ukraine, but germany, and shit. says that he wants, why does this cause this delusion, this
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terrorist who cannot completely occupy donbas in 10 years, with his first army or the second army in the world, and why they have european leaders who are part of the largest defense military alliances, causes concern, well, it causes sergei, causes a very big one, and... we see with you the reaction of some congressmen from the united states and various opinion leaders, well there like elon musk, who say that if the war will continue, if the russians lose, then this is definitely the third world war, because they will not give this victory to ukraine just like that, because, therefore, it is not necessary to help ukraine to win, but to wait until ukraine has been struggling here for years, and then then look and putin will accumulate, god forbid, and then there will be no need to help, but
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we will stretch the time, i am not talking about fantasies now, i am telling you about direct arguments that are heard in pubs, at the table in conversations between people who are deciding something in one country or another, so it's sad that it's like that, but they're driven by fear, and so is macron, you see his statement. you are quite determined, agree, in the last month we have heard a lot, we see the prime minister of france, with not only shouts of glory to ukraine in speeches in their parliament, but also for the announcement of some decisive steps, but for now all this is exclusively within the framework of some conversations and political games and demonstrations to the domestic electorate, all these guys and... girls mainly who talk and do nothing, we only have the baltic countries and britain , these are
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those who actively help not only in word and deed, but the rest is all a game for the internal public and to earn more electoral points in europe, this is also a competition, you understand very well, despite handshakes, hugs and kisses - this also competition for the influence, for the authority, for the right... of european democracy, which they drag on themselves, nothing more, only when action is on the part of these people, and not words, we will already see the result, for now i see only fear. thank you, katerina , maybe the west can do now and not show this fear, or talk about who putin really is and treat him like that, and not allow, well, if someone... from a big twenty-somethings will be there for putin to be there, well, in principle, if there is
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a consensus decision, he will sit there next to him, as nothing happened, the fate of the world will be decided by these big twenty people who are the most important in the world, but if he is not there on the 20th, the sanctions, for example, there are world, they will not be improved now, more controlled for that , so that russia could not... earn there and could not strengthen its economy and hold on in order to continue the war against ukraine, and if sanctions are not cut off where western spare parts go there and western companies cooperate. with the russian federation, so what about the fact that he, for example, sits on j20 isn't sitting, that is, these facts are still important here, precisely some decisive actions, and, because there is now an opportunity for economists to analyze, and what am i silent about 2014 and those first crimean sanctions, how effective they were , well, we have already seen
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how russia has been preparing there all the same these years, and in the occupied crimea those siemens were so different there. for these two years, well , we can also analyze how effective the sanctions are, and whether it is possible to improve them somewhere, who continues to trade there, work and be interested in russian money, that is, these are also important factors in relation to western policies, they also take into account the opinion of people, if the population of these countries and people there, sociology itself gives certain and decisive or indecisive actions, they are also forced to react to this, for sure. thank you, and the question is, how do we react to everything russian, or related to russian, so we approached the telegram, because it is a very important issue, and general budanov at strathcom, at this year's forum, which took place just a few days ago, said that the telegram network in many respects it has a devastating effect
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inside the country, but it allows information to be conveyed to people in the occupied territories. let's listen to budanov. from the point of view of national security, this is definitely a problem, it must be understood, despite the fact that i am absolutely against the suppression of freedom of speech, but well, this is already too much, that is, in our country, any person can make a channel, start broadcasting everything he wants on it whatever he wants, absolutely whatever he wants, and when they start doing something, to cover up that it's the freedom of the snake, but it 's not the freedom of the snake, it's a little different. otherwise is called yanina, can ukraine do without a telegram? maybe, but this is not a matter of one day. let's start with that, friends, what is telegram? this is a network that was created by the russians. pavlo durov and his brother created this network, and part of the money that was invested in the existence
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of this network was russian money. even when pavlo durov, his brother and the entire team that created at first. vkontakte, vkontakte, let me remind you, was squeezed out by the russian federation as a state, telegram remained, er, and when they created it, russian the money was there. at the moment, pavlo durov lives with his family in the united arab emirates, he asks not to be called a russian, he is no longer a russian, because he received a passport of the arab emirates, and now he is developing his network there even more, this person is a billionaire and the telegram office is also in the arab emirates, and from there he relays the freedom of telegram, the opportunity for everyone to use, as bodanov said, to create a telegram channel for everyone, and thus talking about the possibilities and unprecedented protection, which he calls with a certain encryption, exists within the framework of telegram,
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but what you and i have seen in the last weeks, for example, and... we see with you how one or another fire adjuster is detained, then we see the correspondence, the correspondence of these traitors with the russian side, usually these correspondences are carried out in a signal, that is, if we are talking about some high-ranking, more or less intellectual person who thought about security, and usually for 1000 hryvnias per photo. equipment or some military object, these people correspond with the curators from the russian federation within the framework of telegram, and then with the help of a letter sent from the territory of ukraine, already by our cyber police, they get access to correspondence, including those deleted by these characters, in the territory of the russian federation there was a case, if you
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remember, ukrainian the athlete decided in the 23rd year, she seems to be a soccer player, to go play soccer. team on the territory of the russian federation, and it seems that her name was daria kravets, it seems, if i am not mistaken, in short, they hugged our daria and decrypted in her phone, the russians, and in this phone, in the deleted caches, well, so to speak, deleted files that were cleaned by daria before this phone was taken from her, they found information about what daria wanted help with... zsu, transfer all money earned in russia, called russians orcs and the like. well, they accused her there. that is, the russians easily took and decrypted the phone. er of this person, remotely, they can do that too, remotely, trust me, and what they do, therefore, to talk about protection for the 10th year of the war,
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the second year of a full-scale war, the protection of the number one network in ukraine, well, you agree with me that telegram is a network with the help of which we learn everything, from news to air alert, missile tracker and all the rest, and the ukrainian government, it talks about... how dangerous it is, but the majority of telegram channels are supervised by the bank, and were created with the help of the bank, and then the question arises, if we actually have a russian network in our hands, warring countries as a tool for building an information field in people's heads, an ideological field in people's heads, and an unprotected network, then why does nothing happen to it? 800 million people at the moment 800 million people in the world use telegram, you know, probably even more, this information was last month, and i
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will conclude by saying what we talked with the ministry of digital, with the employees of the ministry of digital, together, and i will even tell you, that millionaire bloggers, we have a chat where we communicate with the ministry of digital, when something happens with youtube, they help us and with facebook, but we also talked about telegram, and we decided with... it was such a non-public conversation and the decision that we will slowly switch to whatsapp, and we even provided data in order to open channels there , but sergey, you understand that it will not be possible to move quickly, and we ourselves, our team has a telegram channel for people to learn the truth, for people to learn about worries, about fresh interviews about our products, for now this should be all like a car, a locomotive. which of this multi-car system with a machine mechanism should be controlled with on the part of the authorities, the figures are ready, only
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a political decision remains, because the russian network should not be the number one network in the country in which the russians, the authors of this network, the direct founders, take and kill us and want our death, and we take and use their network, such. beyond any doubt, and as a branch of the russian orthodox church should not be in ukraine, well, it also looks stupid, absolutely, kateryna, how are you in favor of banning telegram, or, let's say, regulating it by law, so that absolutely everyone will understand, who owns which telegram channels, well, as is actually the case with youtube, as is actually the case with other information projects, because these are large, powerful resources, where, for example, there are millions or several millions. subscribers, these are telegram channels that decide a lot of things now and affect a lot of things, and we don’t know the owners or as if there is some public person there as the owner,
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but in fact, whether it is her or not, she deals with everything, including banking issues, by the way, they said that they do not manage any channels, and even if we proceed from this statement, even if they are not there were created there not in the president's office, they created some telegram channels, but still a certain certain process on... let's say this, it can also be seen with the naked eye, telegram set such, such a high standard, because we are really very prompt there, very... we find all the information , including where the rockets fly and useful information and, of course, that there is also useless and dangerous information, well , i think it should just be a firm decision
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of the authorities, you and i talked there before the air about and mentioned about vkontakte and classmates, this it happened, no one died there, nothing happened, it is certain that there whatsapp channels will not grow so quickly and efficiently, if there is this alternative, which everyone is used to and it is really convenient, well, i would like to have... alternatives there western messengers, they may also have improved somewhere in order for us to save files and communicate there and have some public channels and quickly receive this information, so it seems to me that this should be a clear decision, of course unpleasant, of course it should be very competent, normal to do so that the ukrainians understand and why it is being done and heard, and what is the alternative, mr. budanov says regarding informing people in the occupied territories, it is very important, and this is an issue that i , including, in the crimea project. on which i worked a lot, one of the important points is not only the internet and instant messengers, because not all people use them anyway, it is, for example, radio broadcasting, and what
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did we have with radio broadcasting in the occupied territories during these years, for example, done, that is , it must be some complex work with informing ukrainians in the occupied territories, including through the modern new media there, and including through those means that have long been known to everyone, but for some reason are not being used very effectively, thank you kateryna nekrecha and yanina sakalova for a wonderful conversation thank you my colleagues, i wish you all the best, and i will tell our viewers that we did not have time to talk about... the parliamentary crisis, i think on monday we will continue this conversation at 20:00 and 21:15 , this week, mariana bezugla said that she is not being released from the servants of the people faction, and that is why she cannot leave this faction, arahamia says about the threat of a crisis in the council, what threatens the parliamentary crisis in ukraine, we will talk on monday, now we are summing up the results of our vote, today we
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asked you about the following, are you satisfied with your work... as secretary of the national security council, 23% yes, 77% no. these are the results of this survey, it was the verdict program, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, i will say goodbye to you until monday at 8:00 p.m., we will meet on the air, i wish you a nice and peaceful weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones relatives, goodbye. let's listen to people suffering from rheumatism and arthrosis. the pain in the joints is so piercing, it is impossible to get used to it, it does not allow to move. i tried everything, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy. he saves me from the pain of rheumatism. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. tune in to
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represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations! if the kremlin thought that they would scare the russians with terror, then of course they succeeded after the terrorist attack in this crocus hall, but what also... succeeded and what the kremlin is absolutely not satisfied with is the fact that some conspiracy theories are literally spreading all over the networks, well , the biggest conspiracy theory is that it is the fsb, or the foreign intelligence service, or some other intelligence organized this entire terrorist attack in general, and it has already acquired such a scale that russian propagandists have also begun to discuss it. coming


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