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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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outraged by the fact that water was being served to the salon , he did not know about it, and he gave an order to our local authorities, that is, the mayor, and the military administration to let people use technical water, well, this is honestly already reaching the point of absurdity, even commenting, let's say there is no common sense, there is no strength for it, because funds have been allocated several times to thoroughly repair the water supply. then they said that this is just the technical project documentation being made, that this is a technical task, to date, that the last there is information that people have saline water in their taps and it is allocated, there will be a process of allocation of funds again to make a water supply project, so for now there is no positive result on the water, the water is technical,
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in some places it is really salty, people still buy drinking water, there is transportation of drinking water, so this issue has not been resolved, it has not been resolved, and when it will be resolved, it is not known, no one gives any forecasts, comments, or press releases, so for now people live with what is and can to say, well, even though we are already used to this, because to be without technical water at all is generally e. they actively, timely and regularly deliver drinking water, well, drinking water is delivered according to the schedules that were, well, let's say that those people who can afford to buy potable water bottles, they buy, and those people who followed this, according to this schedule, i can't tell you exactly now, but there were also certain interruptions with this, then they were evened out, that is, people stocked up. they have,
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let's say, people simply stocked up earlier and have small reserves, so that they have enough to warm up water, cook food there and everything, because let's be honest, all hygiene procedures there are done with this technical water anyway , because there is no way out, there just won't be enough opportunities to do it with the water that will be brought, so here the main thing is though b remind, drink tea, and still she's boiling, well, that's a problem with... of course it's a big problem, it's just that we understand that most people with small children, they, especially after these recent shellings, have started to leave again, who is in the village, who is where they were, for example, there is kyiv, although now it is everywhere shelling, shelling everywhere, but with the water, i hope that some kind of end will be put, well, for sure it will be dealt with more and more, let's say, and people will pay attention to it and pay attention to it when... we
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get a victory, that's why that now it is profitable to say that there is a war and not before that, but the services must do their work , because money is allocated for this, now, for example, there is information that the city council is preparing to equip a press center for 800 hryvnias, that is, money for these moments that could be waited for and could be postponed are released, and with water the problem is open, the impression is that, you know, it is profitable for someone to keep this problem in order to... make some money from it, well, such thoughts happen, they just creep in, well, although, let's say, people in social networks, in news, they say about it openly, that it is simply that the authorities are not finalizing it, and thus it is profitable for them to receive this problem openly in order to simply pour budget funds into it. thank you, mrs. victoria, very much, victoria moskalenko, well, i still have 40 seconds if possible, i will just ask briefly, because i talked some time ago, well, maybe a week, maybe more, with the head of the regional military. administration, well veteri here
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of course, no, no, no, no, not personally, he said that there are problems with the fact that budget funds, on which, on which we count, which may enter the budget there for a certain time, well, because a lot of businesses left , it was rumored, then we can count on money until about september , and this is of course worrying, this is not only about the mykolaiv oblast, but the region has suffered, of course, and yes or no, and then how to solve this problem, well because september is not far away, six months here and that's all. what conversations are there, the fact is that now the problem is that we deputies of the regional council do not influence the distribution of budget funds at all, but we only see the expenses that are taking place today, which are literally completely unreasonable, and we can say that the expenses that can wait, for example, i told you now, yes, that 800 uah is almost a million for equipping the press center, so it is needed, but it is possible to save money and it is possible, until this time these press centers somehow worked, so... i
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always, having access to the budget and having certain administrative functions, i always understood that there are those items of expenses that can be cut, on which you can save. and direct them in the right direction, so if the fact that globally, of course, the budget-generating enterprises left mykolaiv oblast, is such a thing, but globally the fact that spending during the war is absolutely wild and absolutely unnecessary is also a thing, so if you take away these two circumstances are put, then you can put a normal military budget and thus survive. thank you very much, ms. victoria, for your comments, for your frankness. moskalenko , a deputy of the mykolaiv regional council, was in touch with us, now we will move a little further east on the map of our state, by the way, on the map of our state, we now have an air alert, including vinnytsia, if we speak in the direction to the west, vinnytsia cherkasy,
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poltava, sumy, kyiv, chernivtsi, zhytomyr have not yet been affected, so in fact half of ukraine, more than half of ukraine, now there is an air alert, stay tuned in the shelters, take care of yourself, pay attention to the fact that i don't know there... and that's it, finally we are now, my god, kateryna nemchenko is in touch with us, thank you for waiting, mrs. kateryna , deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, congratulations you, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, you also have an air alarm, i hope you are in a more or less safe place, i would like to ask, well, this is how we sum up today and the day, and the week in general, because today is friday, enemy shelling , damage caused by the enemy to energy and infrastructure. the community, the community, first of all, the russian troops were also fighting in kamiansk, we see, now a drone killed a person in nikopol region, also the enemies, please, yes, in fact, the last day in dnipropetrovsk region seemed simply terrible, shelling,
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we have bad ones almost all day news with victims, this day today, unfortunately, even the dead, well, first of all, i want to thank our air defense, because... 24 air targets were shot down over our region, this is simply one of the most massive attacks that we have had lately, and she was all aimed at energy facilities, well, facilities of energy infrastructure in our region, that is, we understand well that this is not just civil terror, it is the terror of energy facilities in order to cut off dnipropetrovsk region from. normal communication and normal functioning, enemy attacks were recorded over five districts of our region , well, that is, somewhere shot down, somewhere, unfortunately, there are also hits, these are kryvorizhskyi, dniprovskyi
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district, kamianskyi district, kryvorizhskyi, nikopolskyi and pavlogradskyi. if you say about the greatest such terrible consequences, that is what we know. what i hear now is kamyansky, well kamyansky district, damage was done to the summer cooperative there and five people were injured to private houses , luckily everyone is alive, well, what is the truth there, a five-year-old child is also injured, but people are treated at home only well, on an outpatient basis, only one person was hospitalized in a moderate condition, that’s at least without casualties, but... we already have such a terrible consequence for the day, let’s say, an attack, not even a missile attack, but just a drone, into a car in the nikopol district, and there he died, a 39-year
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-old man died, unfortunately, well, it’s terrible, a person was just driving his car on the road, and a drone flew into him, and another man was in a moderate condition, mr. . that is, the news in dnipropetrovsk region today is not so bad, there is nothing to be happy about, the only thing that can be noted as positive is work, well , personally, and in general i want to thank our utility workers, energy workers and in general all the services that work, because after such an attack very it was difficult to resume work as electricity supply, water, gas from... well , gas supply, but basically everything stabilized overnight, the only thing is that there are emergency power outages since noon , well, but this is almost nothing with the consequences, which in principle succeeded overcome for this terrible night. well, tomorrow in
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dnipropetrovsk oblast there will be these emergency power outages all day, are there any schedules, have people been notified, is it true, or is this a one-time action just a hoax. well , you know, this day it will be like this, we don't know how it will be, there will simply be no light, somewhere more, somewhere less, but it won't be there, get ready, how is it now, if we are being watched, i think the residents of dnipropetrovsk region are definitely watching, prepare, what can we count on? no, well, actually there are shutdown schedules, although they are emergency, but they are officially announced, there and on the dtek website, there, well, you can look at your address, understand what, when and how it will be, well, of course, we we understand that sometimes schedules of disconnections and inclusions do not work directly from minute to minute, we have personally encountered that there, for example, the light should be 12:00, and it is given at 12:20, well, but... this is the situation, and thank you for that, it is, well, now we have to really appreciate the work of energy workers and, well
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, still enter into the position, people can prepare, that is now there are such , well, there are problems, but compared to the fact that, in general , what was the critical problem today and what was the attack, then these are almost like small problems, frankly speaking, but there are problems with water in some areas, well, that is to say about dnipro, it's straightforward... what you feel on yourself both personally and with the light as well there are blackouts, well, but there are graphs, you can look, that is, it’s better to collect water so that it stands there, a bottle or a bottle will not be superfluous, well , everyone is ready for the light plus or minus of blackouts, i think that everyone there has power banks and that well, after all, somehow i didn't go completely out of communication for those few hours. when they will be turned off, and i would also like to ask, well, again, without revealing
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any secrets here, how actively the work on the construction of protective structures continues, well , of course, this should be done by the army, of course, that there with the help of local authorities, there are some companies that provide equipment, i communicated with, well, with the military and so in general i copy sometimes it's not easy, well , i don't know how it is in dnipropetrovsk region, it's hard for me to judge by... well, actually it happens under shelling and unfortunately there are losses and damage to equipment, but first of all there are losses among those people who do it, so maybe it should have been done earlier, but it already is as it is, in dnipropetrovsk oblast, how about this the question is whether at least it is moving, there are funds, there are jobs, there are people who do it, and the most important thing is that there is a result, that there are certain fortified areas that could stop the enemy's offensive, which the president of ukraine and the supreme commander-in-chief spoke about yesterday. volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi. yes, this is an urgent issue, an extremely important
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issue and a big and strategic mistake. and in my opinion, and in general in the opinion of any person with common sense, i think that fortifications in our country, unfortunately, only begin to be built when they come very close to those areas where they are being built, that is, dnipropetrovsk region should prepare for this in advance. we said that a long time ago. the government does not always hear the voice of reason in time, let's say this, unfortunately, unfortunately, well, but i can say that now in dnipropetrovsk region these fortifications are being built, budgets are allocated for this, public information, or specific, well, unfortunately, this is in principle correct, but it is actually very little, well, even to control this issue. unfortunately, i cannot say, well, at least not say, or understand exactly where and in which
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state it is in, and exactly how much is allocated for it from where, but they are being built on the borders of the region, let's say, around the city of dnipro, well, if they don't think about it yet, it's still about the borders of our region, but in fact it an urgent question and it will definitely not be superfluous... and, well, let's put it this way, in my opinion, more funds and attention should be allocated to this issue, because when this issue will arise, it will be very acute and urgent, then i think , that there will be no more opportunities to build, and all that will be left is to clap your hands and say: oh, so what we were grilling, preparing to grill barbecues, yes, for... in order to really prepare for defense, so they are being built in our region, but i would still like
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the authorities to pay more attention to such issues, i will very briefly the very end, we did not talk with mykolaiv oblast, the situation there, well , maybe somewhere with the filling of budgets is more difficult, although again it is not for me to judge, well, dnipropetrovsk oblast, of course , is a larger economically powerful region and was not partially under occupation, but, but there are problems and there are many problems, plus... there are a lot of areas, by the way, dnipro is among the leaders, if not the leader in aid for the allocation of funds for the defense force, for defense in general, this is really cool, but is there... the projected or expected filling of the budget for the most important thing and how much now and all the more so that we are already seeing strikes on energy there , those problems have destroyed houses, we also need additional funds, is it now possible, as they say, to reconcile debit and credit , please? well, if we talk about the elimination of the consequences of shelling, then yes, of course
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, budgets have been laid for this, let's say so, such emergencies well, i will say. about the regional council, it’s better, probably, that , well, the regional council, it can’t cover all local budgets, because communities have their own budgets, local, yes, everyone understands that well, but in the regional council, in the budget, which is in principles we accepted at the last session, where all the deputies gathered physically, voted for the budget, i.e. for such expenses that should be allocated from the regional budget, i.e. everything is fine with this, for repair works and liquidation. there are no consequences of problems, regarding the allocation of funds for the armed forces, it is generally like this in the dnipro, well a very pressing question, everyone has seen the rallies under our city council regarding redistributing funds to the armed forces, after all, and not for any communal needs there, well , i won’t say for the city council now, what i can say for the regional council, but for
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at the last session, our european solidarity faction managed to push through a very... decision, and we are very proud of it, and we are glad that we allocated 4 million from the parliamentary fund of our faction for military brigades directly and transferred, well, we transfer, more precisely, for procurement drones, this is very important decision, and we consider this to be our victory, and i would strongly advise all parliamentary factions in communities to pay attention to such decisions. and take as an example, because this support is necessary. ms. kateryna, thank you very much, thank you for your work, first of all, hold on, take care of yourself, katryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, about the difficult situation as a result of enemy shelling, the construction of fortified districts, which is very important, and about the fact that dnipro, dnipropetrovsk oblast is in the leaders, if not the leader in ukraine in allocating funds to
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defense, the closer to the front, the more funds are allocated, well, although kyiv also allocates. and lviv highlights, in a word, we can only defeat the enemy together, but how is the situation with the enemy at the front, we will talk with serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency. greetings, serhiy. i congratulate you, vasyl , i congratulate our viewers, today we will really talk about what happened on the front line during the week, whether we have the opportunity to repel another russian counteroffensive, what the western press is writing about, about the great oleksandr syrsky's interview in ukrinform, extremely interesting material, and about the fact that the czech republic... announced that next month we will start receiving the ammunition that we desperately need on the battlefield, more on that in a moment. well, let's start, let's start with the topic that has been discussed since yesterday evening, in serhiy there he also
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learned a lot about what the president of ukraine meant. and here it is interesting that after that we received not only an interview of the president, as the supreme commander, who globally has give some kind of strategic vision, and we also heard the general, colonel-general of the armed forces of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces, oleksandr syrskyi, who also provides a strategic vision at the front, and this is an operational-strategic level leader in general, come on serhii let's start with the statement. vodymyr zelenskyi for the western zmi, and sibes, if i am not mistaken, he said that the enemy is preparing an offensive for may-june, and we may not hold out, we need help, it is not that we are weak or are we bad or what are we , it's hard for us, in fact, everything is going very hard, but it 's not because we are, because it's just difficult to fight in a war without weapons, without enough weapons, please, well, really, this is an interview it turned out to be quite resonant,
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because everyone latched onto the phrase that ukraine is not ready for a russian ... offensive, in fact, if you carefully review this interview, it was not said by volodymyr zelensky, but it was said in the summary of a journalist who speaks that the ukrainian military is currently not ready to defend itself against another big one of the russian offensive, which is expected in the coming months, and volodymyr zelenskyi then says in an interview that today the situation on the front line has been stabilized as much as possible and talks about the shortage of weapons. and appeals to our partners to speed up the provision of military, military-technical assistance, he also mentions supplies for artillery and talks about patriots, which are extremely necessary. to protect our cities from enemy missile attacks, and indeed he says that russia is preparing a major offensive, but about this offensive, by the way,
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volodymyr zelenskyi has spoken before, if we remember his press conference on february 25, he also spoke about the fact that the enemy may start offensive actions at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer, and actually this thesis is repeated. and in this interview for cbs news. now, when we turn now to another interview to a large material that appeared in ukrenform, where oleksandr syrskyi already assesses the situation on the front line, there are a lot of interesting theses, i advise everyone to actually read this material, it is such consistent enough, where it is said that the enemy has a certain pere'. in numbers , in aviation, first of all in cabs, but the main task now facing the armed forces is to hold territories, ensure
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maximum damage to the enemy, prepare reserves, and this is what the armed forces are currently doing, which is interesting, its there they ask if it is really necessary to mobilize 500 thousand personnel, he said that an audit has now been carried out. and in fact the number of both mobilized and volunteers will be much smaller, but the details does not announce the indicators, although he says that every man of draft age must understand that the very existence of ukraine will depend on his position. he also says that an audit is currently taking place in certain brigades, the number of people who , well... will fulfill, is changing, they were not on the front line, but they will fulfill these obligations on the front line, that is, there is a certain rotation, and he also
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repeated twice in the interview that the main priority is to ensure all the conditions for combat operations to be effective and the priorities of preserving human lives, it is extremely important, because we treated syrsky differently there, but we see that in fact the priority is... preservation . i know who referred to whom, who said this, i didn't fight at the front, so i can't speak, but you say that it happened in different ways, well , they frankly said that general myasnik will be there now, so let them under the knife of war, and these words were, that is, here it is, it was filled with it, social networks, about it it was said, well, but what can we say as of now, it has been several months and in the position of colonel general where... yes, and there , by the way, correspondents ask him if it is possible to talk about certain results, and he mentions avdiivka, and he says that the decision to withdraw from avdiivka was made
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in view of the fact that the enemy had certain, shall we say, advantages in terms of the use of aviation, manpower, but he also says that where the widow could be kept if we had sufficient artillery and... air defense means, and at the same time syrskyi says that he says this: i am not accusing, i am simply stating, and gives figures regarding the destruction of the number of enemy personnel near avdiivka in these five months, he is talking about 47,186 russian soldiers, who were killed or wounded on this part of the front, let me remind you that it is on a narrow part of the front. that's literally three by five kilometers there, the thief concentrated about 80 thousand personnel, it was this that allowed the enemy
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to just push through our defenses, so, because the interview is extremely interesting, it says that that such a calm, rational approach of usyrskyi to understanding the situation on the front line exists, certain transformations are taking place, but he also says that not everything depends on... the military, much depends on society as well, this applies to both mobilization and fortifications, and other components of security and defense, by the way, regarding fortification, for the first time it was recognized that when our troops went beyond vdiyivka, they went, relatively speaking, into a clear field, here he says: we managed to stop the enemy near avdiyivka, using positions which were equipped during the battle, that is, he... now he says: the main line of fortifications is equipped and placed much further, when we are talking about avdiivka, in the depth of our defense. currently, the preparation
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of powerful defense lines for almost of all threatening directions, of course, the question arises why this was done, is being done right now, and not done before, and why in fact those of our heroic brigades, which are now receiving the line of defense west of avdiyivka, at the first stage, did it in extremely difficult formations conditions, that is, they were buried in the ground under the cabs and at the same time restrained the enemy's advance. well, here the question is open, but there were times , sergey and i also talked, when there is a request for construction, well, to... dig a good trench, it takes a long time to do it there with shovels, and employees of some company come there, they say how much you pay, well, you say, and they say no, they go, and you, well, it’s not an occupation where the russians could just drive the equipment and say, either you do, or you don’t have anything left in life at all, here just then place of state structures in order to to ensure the construction of these fortifications at the expense of state bodies and commercial structures, and i will simply remind you, if you read the constitution of ukraine, there is a law on...
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the peculiarities of carrying out activities there under martial law, well, what are we actually in, all bodies local authorities , bodies, they must be subordinate to the heads of regional military administrations and heads of military units, that is , if they tell you to dig, then you dig, and not start telling you how much to pay and you don't have a tractor, that's it it's just laws, that's how they have to be obeyed, then everything will be much simpler, easier, and the way the military told, how they got out of avdiyivka and randomly searched at least somewhere there, well, that was also the case, but... it was, it is good that it is recognized, and here, as they say , well, it is not syrsky's fault, obviously in this matter, but, but even now what is being built on those lines that are close to the front line, there are also, unfortunately, well , when the people who are engaged in this die, what are the engineering troops who carry out this work, and we now let's talk more about let's talk more about the situation in different areas of the front, well , bergy will say what he planned for himself in order: avdiyivka, luhansk region,
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marinskydarsky, direction, well, i will probably add kupyansk as well, because talk about the fact that the enemy wants to seize kharkiv, because general syrskyi said about it, by the way, that kharkiv will become for the enemy, well, just a big problem, a big mistake, yes, if he tries to enter kharkiv, but the question is that the enemy, because what i've been reading lately, plans to make kharkiv like, well, they like symbolism, leningrad, i.e. blockade it in connection with the offensive on kharkiv, what sirsky said in the interview today, he says we... evaluate different risks, and today we are carrying out a large complex of works on the construction of fortification barriers for the equipment of the position in order to minimize such risks, and with regard to the big offensive , i literally mentioned the american position, but literally yesterday there was a meeting of the chairman of the committee of the joint staff of the united states
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states general. brown, and he, by the way , gave an assessment of the hostilities in ukraine, and among other things, he said that, in fact, her expectations of this russian major offensive are somewhat exaggerated, this is exactly the american assessment, he says, he says, i don't know whether will the russians be able to provide a major offensive with their resources, i mean, he says, if you look at what happened during the last year, that is, and ... it is about the offensive actions that began in october of last year and continue until today, that the russians directed a lot of personnel, a lot of equipment, weapons and other things, and de facto they got, as he says , a meat grinder on the front line, that is, in fact , an american general, the chairman of the joint staff committee admits that ukraine has been conducting a fairly effective
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defense all his time, the enemy has... there is practically no advance, we can talk, except that there 3-4 km from avdiivka, just this new, new line of defense, which is obtained by our brigades, and actually, one way or another , the conclusions that are apparently not worth to expect the enemy's offensive, but rather his it is worth waiting, preparing for the worst , that is, these words that the enemy is preparing a group of about 100,000 in order to ensure offensive actions, the main answer from the... ukrainian side is that these resources that are being prepared now, they are burned precisely in those areas where our military is now holding defense, it is exactly avdiivka, there and west of avdiivka, and maryanka, there is kupianskyi and ugledar, and here i think, again, i am a small specialist , it's just that serhiy and i have been talking for two years now, something like that i'm trying to understand, i think that if we had, say, long-range missiles, i'm not saying, there should be thousands of them, but to hit...


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