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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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teferofe the seventh, as the monarch is called, signed the historic declaration drawn up by the leaders of the polynesian communities. the document was called the declaration of the sea. it is in it that the official call to give whales legal personality and a comprehensive plan for their protection is laid out. at the same time, the king explained this by the need to recognize the individuality of each of these sea creatures and equate their rights with human rights. by the way, earlier in new zealand , laws granting rights were already passed. the status of rivers and mountains, therefore recognition of the same for whales seems to me not far off, well, to put it mildly, well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, after all , i will meet with you this week already next monday, but don't switch, because there is still a lot of interesting stuff on our air. thanks
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to yuri fizer, and now i still have a plot for your attention, exactly 20 years ago , seven countries of the post-communist bloc were admitted to the north atlantic alliance at once. this expansion became the largest in the 75 years of nato's existence, while ukraine is in the midst of its struggle for independence and is still waiting for the dreamed and long-suffering membership in the alliance. katryna galko will talk about the historical events of twenty years ago and our path to nato. on behalf of my colleagues from the north atlantic council, i would like to welcome the presidents and prime ministers of bulgaria, estonia, latvia, lithuania, romania, slovakia and slovenia to this special meeting of the north atlantic council. 16th nato summit. seven states of the former communist bloc are invited to join the alliance. and already
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on march 29, 2004, the prime ministers of these countries delivered the instruments of ratification to the president of the united states. immediately after the ceremony , the warplanes of the alliance began patrol flights on the territory of the new member states. when nato was founded, the peoples of these seven countries. were captives of the empire, they survived bitter tyranny, fought for independence, won their freedom through courage and perseverance, and today they stand with us as full and equal partners in this great alliance. at that time, close proximity to nato did not excite the kremlin either. experts from moscow was worried whether the alliance has no intentions to build new military bases in the baltic region? although naturally, they
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appeared there. it turns out that nato is advancing its advanced forces to our state borders, and we strictly fulfill the terms of the agreement and do not react in any way to such actions. i think it is obvious that the nato enlargement process is not at all about the modernization of the alliance or ensuring security in europe. on the contrary, it is a serious provoking factor that reduces the level of mutual trust. by the way, it was in 2004 that the ukrainian government. led by in fact, for the first time, kuchma announced her intention to become a member of the alliance, but everything did not work out, her successor viktor yushchenko was denied an action program regarding membership, and viktor yanukovych adopted non-alignment altogether. today it is unrealistic for our country. in 2014, the ukrainian authorities finally decided on a pro-nativist course. in september... 2022, president
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zelenskyi, the speaker of the parliament and the prime minister of ukraine signed an application for accelerated entry into the alliance. today , ukraine's rapid membership in nato is supported most member countries. according to surveys, almost 90% of ukrainians support this decision. we help make your armed forces and equipment more compatible with nato allies in preparation for ukraine's entry into the alliance. it's not a question of if, it's a question of when. while ukraine struggles to defeat its aggressive northern neighbor, nato continues to expand. currently, the alliance includes 32 countries. sweden, once neutral, has recently joined. however, we only hope that during the 75th anniversary nato summit, which is to be held this july year in washington, ukraine. finally,
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they have a clear path to membership. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. who is visiting every day? this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. a foreigner inclusion experts from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, well, let's continue, and this is great ater, i would like to add oleksandr morchyvka to the conversation. today is the economic results of the week. alexander, congratulations, please. i congratulate the audience, thank vasyl for his words. so, the important topics of this economic week are energy, as well as assistance to internally displaced persons, and of course, international issues money, where it goes, who has already given the next part of the loan for our state. more on that in a moment. i am oleksandr morchenko. greetings, this is a column about money. during the war , during this week i monitored the ukrainian energy system, the situation is really difficult. analysts say that after the russian attacks, so-called fan blackouts are possible already in the summer. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, made such a statement, because the system has already
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lost 10% of generation, i.e. electricity production, in the last few days. she was available even before march 20, now ukraine has made the most of it. current from european countries, which provide us with additional kilowatts, helps our network to survive. consumers who suffered from the shelling on march 22-23 are already receiving electricity, have recovered, and have also recorded a change in the tactics of attacks on the power system, says oleksandr kharchenko. the russians have been directing many of their missiles at one object of our energy industry at once. let's listen. we're lucky right now that we're in the spring off-peak, because that's when consumption is traditionally pretty low, and at the same time
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, the hydropower that can work is now working at full capacity, there is a lot of water, everything is quite comfortable. in the summer, unfortunately, the situation will change, we expect the summer peak of consumption. will be in the second half of july in august, and even with maximum imports, it is very difficult to predict how big the deficit will be in the power system, well, experts are already saying that now we are putting our hope in vasyl for the work of nuclear power plants, which work clearly, also function some more thermal power plants that generate electricity for our power grid, well, for now, for now we will receive... maximum help from european states, but how long will it last and which countries will it be possible to replace each other in order to supply their kilowatts precisely to help our state , well , this question is still open, but here are the emergency power outages,
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it should not be confused with the forecast of oleksandr kharchenko, regarding the severe blackouts in the summer, these emergency power outages will take place tomorrow in dnipro-petro. zaporizhzhia and kirovohrad regions, the ukrenergo company informed about this. there will be no light in the houses from morning to evening, well , you can go to the websites, find out from which hour to which time on the websites of your suppliers, this is in particular the detek company. therefore, energy experts say that they are forced to take such measures due to the insufficient amount of kilowatt current, restrictions continue to apply in the kharkiv region, in the cold ... consumers in other regions are also asked to save light, of course, we have a single unified network, therefore even if there are no certain emergency shutdowns in transcarpathia or lviv oblast, the energy industry still asks, asks them to save electricity.
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international aid continues this week ukraine received 880 million dollars from the international monetary fund. the fund is money that will go to budget expenditures and support macro-financial stability, prime minister denys shmyhal said. in general, ukraine has already attracted a third of the planned funds. the program of extended financing with the imf, it totals 15.5 billion dollars, well, they say that the money arrived because our state essentially fulfilled, at least for this tranche , the recommendations given by the international monetary fund for active financial reforms in ukraine. well, i'll just add that the loan money arrived this week as well. er, with the support of the world bank, this is money from japan and great britain, this is approximately
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1.5 billion dollars, this is also the support of international partners and support, in particular, of the ukrainian hryvnia. of course, i am sure that these infusions will strengthen the exchange rate a little next week, will strengthen the national currency, and the dollar, despite all forecasts that it may reach the 40 mark, will become cheaper, well, we are watching it, we are going further, a record year. for the army in 2023, revenues to the state budget from the agency for the management of seized assets amounted to more than uah 18 million, which is almost four times more than the year before. this was told by the head of the agency, olena duma. she presented the report for the past year this week. in particular, she noted that in 2024 they plan to receive from the management of seized assets billion hryvnias. well, but they have certain problems. not all property can be so actively implemented, sold off and receive income. let's hear what they are saying.
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the numbers are actually dynamic, it will grow, i think it will be bigger next month. asset discovery searches are ongoing. i spoke about the fact that 13,000 were searched only by requests in 2023. well, as we can see, they are really trying to fill the budget with various means, including the sale of sanctioned property, in particular , the state, vitaliy koval he heads the derezhmayna fund, he told about it, he also participates in the sale of sanctioned assets, as well as the agency for the management of seized property, well, but, as i told, they are also trying to attract international funds, and the authorities are also now looking for various ways to fill. the treasury with taxes, so
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the ministry of finance is now proposing to increase excise taxes on tobacco products, the tax is going to be set at €90 per 1,000 pieces, while on electronics it is €72 per 1,000 units, and this creates, experts say, non-competitive benefits for manufacturers precisely electronic cigarettes. according to the calculations of experts of the non-governmental organization of life with the share of the market held by manufacturers of electronic devices, there is a shortfall in the budget. can amount to uah 5 billion per year. let's listen to the direct speech. moreover, when we investigated who controls who has what market share of these tobacco products, we found that 80% of the electric heating tobacco market, actually, for which the government offers a lower rate, is controlled by a company that is an international sponsor war and which is the largest. taxpayer on russia, humanitarian aid to ukraine from
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next week will be possible only through an automated registration system. according to oksana zholnovych, minister of social policy, over 12,500 users used the service during the four months of testing. in addition, 800 organizations were registered in the register of rubber aid recipients. the ministry confirms all comments made by volunteers. after testing will be taken into account. let's listen. we would like to combine the need with the help itself, because today it is quite chaotic. everyone is so lucky as he thinks, as he deems necessary, without seeing the overall picture. including what other donors have already brought, for example, to that part or to that settlement or to that community, how much has been brought in, and whether there are any white spots of individual communities. or communities that nobody cares about, those things that technically can be
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fixed immediately online are fixed immediately, those things that need a more systematic approach are systematized, and we have such a created list of improvements of what we need to improve, i.e. it happens online, that's it applications started this week for a project to help veterans and internally displaced people open their own. business. the non-governmental organization time of action together with its partners will select 60 participants and train them in project management. and the 10 most active people will receive a separate grant. these are funds for development or simply starting, starting your own business. the requirements to participate in the project are simple: you must be a veteran or an internally displaced person under the age of 35 to participate in this initiative, you can now see on qr code on the screen, follow the link, the application deadline is april 30. if you already have
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a business plan, don't delay, join the initiative. let's listen to the direct language, it can be any person, or who already has a business, or who does not have one, but wants to open a business, that is, we do not have any restrictions, everyone can submit, who enters according to the criteria of a veteran or internally displaced persons. our project specifically to support young veterans and internally displaced persons, specifically aimed at supporting their social rehabilitation, we we want to bring them back to life through work, through work, we want to connect them with business, will help them rebuild their lives, hire them. and then about the bank on wheels. in the donetsk region , a mobile branch of oschadbank was created on the basis of an armored car. residents of the communities closest to the front lines can receive social benefits, wages, issue, for example, a bank card or pay for their pocket money there.
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the head of the region, vadym filashkin, told about it. the department has the necessary communication, so it will be able to work in the most distant in populated areas, the routes of the mobile branch will be determined according to people's applications, that is , a certain number of applications with certain services will be collected, and such a mobile branch of oshchad will go to that village or district center. the world's largest brick maker sold its business in russia this week. we are talking about the austrian concern wienerberger. he worked in ukraine as an aggressor for almost 20 years, total project power. the existence of two factories in moscow, more than 450 million bricks every year. the new owner of the facilities became local businessman oleksiy filin. the amount of the deal is not disclosed, but really, vasyl, here is an important number: the company worked for 20 years and in fact now left russia, complying with sanctions and not wanting to work with
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the aggressor. yes, well, on the other hand, tsekhla is always a weapon of a revolutionary, so if there was a revolution in russia. bricks would be appropriate, but there are a lot of cobblestones there, although no, the cobblestones have already been taken from red square, well , in one word, congratulations, of course, but in principle, congratulations to all the businesses that are leaving muscovy, but unfortunately, these entrepreneurs, enterprises, concerns, corporations bear losses, the exit from the russian market after putin's invasion of ukraine in 2022 cost, in general, to all foreign companies that left the aggressor country more than 107 billion dollars, losses in the form of asset write-offs, unrealized profits that were planned and in which funds were invested, certain investments. these are the data from the reuters agency, the kremlin demands a discount, for example, at least 50% during the sale of property by international enterprises, these requirements are constantly increasing, that is, either a 50% discount, or you won’t sell anything at all, and you won’t be able
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to take any of your income or funds from the sale of certain capacities to... for example, this year shell, polymetal had to sell their assets in russia at a discount of as much as 90% in order to close all deals and get out of the kremlin's power. last week, danone, for example, announced that it had received permission from regulatory authorities to sell assets at a loss of up to $1 billion. in general, more than a thousand companies left russia after the start of the great war. well, here is only thanks and respect to them. to horses that do not work with ours the enemy this was the last information of the column about money during the war, this is how i saw the economic week, i will say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, there were certain disturbances in
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the office of the president, which means that the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky fired two deputies head of office of president andriy yeermak, corresponding decrees number 205-203 are on the website of the president's office, and andriy smirnov and oleksiy dniprov were dismissed from their positions. currently, it is stated on the website of the people's liberation army that yermak has 10 deputies. yermak currently has 10 deputies whole and there are also freelance advisors, advisors of freelance advisors, advisors of freelance advisors, freelance advisors. many people are, actually. it is not prescribed by law, especially in any responsible way. all for actions, for inaction, well, but there are many people who are engaged in something, well, let's see, other people have been appointed there, about whom you will know nothing just as much as about these people, well, but we hope that they will be.. to carry out some of his activities provided for by the law on the president, because some individual there is no law on the office of the president, in fact, there is not, but now according to sports news
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from yevhen pastukhov, let's find out the most important thing, after a break for the national team matches , football is back in the domestic arena, during the next three days 22 matches will be played... in the second round ukrainian premier league. on saturday, obolon-shakhtar, polyssia chornomorets, veres kryvbas. on sunday , mynaye oleksandria, vorskla dynamo, zorya metalist 1925 and kolos dnipro-1 will play. the final match of the tour will take place on monday, the movement will be hosted by lnnz. xabi alonso is taking his time to leave leverkusen, bayer's head coach will coach the pharmacists for at least one more season. in the plans of the spaniard, how best to develop the work with... the structure of the club. the specialist himself announced this at a press conference dedicated to the upcoming match in the bundesliga against hoffenheim. the players gave me so many reasons
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to keep believing in the team. their commitment, their desire to have a great season. i feel like my work isn't done here. i want to help the team, i want to help the young players develop. and if i participate in this process, i am happy with it. xabi alonso took over at bayer in october 2022 . in the current season, pharmacists under the leadership of the spaniard have not yet suffered a single defeat. 33 wins and five draws. bayern confidently leads the bundesliga, 10 points ahead of bayern. the club also continues its struggle in the europa league, where it will play against west ham in the quarterfinals. liverpool and bayern were interested in alonso's services. considering the spaniard's decision, both clubs... plan to move on to other candidates. gold remains in the capital. kyiv sokil won its 15th ukrainian hockey championship title. in the fourth match
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, kyiv closed the final series with a victory over kremenchuk. 3:2. on thursday, the meeting was not completed due to a long-term air alert in ukraine. so the name of the champion became known on friday after the play-off. the score in the series is 4:0 in favor of the falcons. for kiyan, this victory in the championship. ukraine became the third in a row and the 15th in history. kremenchuk became the silver medalist of the championship for the sixth time. face to face. ukrainian serhiy bogachuk and american brian mendoza held a duel of views on the eve of face-to-face confrontation. the boxers looked into each other's eyes for more than a minute, after which they took several pictures together and shook hands. the match will take place on march 30 in the usa. the title of interim champion will stand on kona. of the world according to the version of the wbc in the first middleweight division. bogachuk was supposed to fight for a full-fledged championship belt against sebastian fundara, but the fight fell through,
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as the american was appointed as a replacement for keith thurman in a match against tim dzew. at the moment, bogachuk holds the wbc continental americas title and is ranked second in the wbc rating. mendoza ranks eighth in the ranking. thank you for being with us this difficult week, i wish you a good weekend, in any case , stay tuned to espresso to know more, read, like, share, comment on us on various platforms, and the weather is from natalka didenko, literally a moment for this weekend, what to expect, you will find out, and also at 20:00 the verdict program by serhiy rodenko, spend this evening with espresso, definitely do not regret it, goodbye, take care, all the best. "synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, spring continues, spring
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gains strength, momentum, bright colors, and very, very beautiful flowers and bushes appear, and the first, actually spring bush, of a wonderful sunny color, for us is forsythia, i have been for several years." learned the name of this bush, but now i remember it very clearly, but i have been admiring it for a long time, and therefore today we will talk about one of the first signs of a real already warm spring, this is about forsythia, so the history of cultural cultivation of forsythia began in 1770 year, when the botanist william forsyth brought this plant unusually from china, it is the scientific generic name of the plant itself. and it was named in honor of this scottish botanist william forsyth, who was one of the founders of the royal horticultural society,
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a unique plant with... well, i read with pronounced heterostelia, that is, it means that the pollination of one plant, well, a bush or a tree, must necessarily pollen of another species of plant, and without this seed, an ovary in a forsythia occurs very rarely, and this complicates, of course, its natural reproduction. forsythia is a descendant of a very ancient family plants, they write, that grows on the earth even before the appearance, before the appearance of man, and is found scattered everywhere at very long distances. if it indicates that it has really been growing for a very, very long time. forsythia is a beautifully flowering tea tree that is often grown for greening squares, parks, gardens and allotments. well, in korea even musical instruments are made from the wood of this plant, it is the color of the sun, a beautiful forsythia, although forsythias are not only yellow, actually. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. there will be small fluctuations tomorrow,
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but they will really not... them, so they should not have any negative effect on our health and well-being, especially since we must feel good during the weekend, because the weekend is promised simply synoptically ideal, and we will actually talk about it, so in the coming days of march 30 , sunny, dry and very warm weather is expected in the western regions of ukraine with an air temperature of +19 +23°, although it will be... a bit of a breeze, but agree, the sun and + 20-23, so be it, in the north of ukraine, in zhytomyr oblast, kyiv oblast, sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, dry, sunny weather with a high air temperature of +18, +22° will also prevail. in the east of ukraine in the coming night, there is a chance of rain, but during the day it will also be dry, and the maximum air temperature is slightly lower than in ukraine in general, somewhere between 12, 15, 12, 16°.
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warm, in the central part of ukraine tomorrow without precipitation, a lot of sun, +18, +22°. and in the southern part of ukraine it will also be dry, sunny, 18:21, but let's not forget that on this period of the year, the cold seas still give their coldness to the coastal coastal areas, so it may be cooler on the coasts, and in kyiv tomorrow, saturday, great weather is expected, the air temperature will be plus... uh, 18 +20°, no precipitation is expected, sunny, and on sunday this synoptic delight, so to speak , will continue throughout ukraine without precipitation, there will be a lot of sun and the air temperature will be even higher by 2-4°, so of course use the coming weekend with maximum benefit and pleasure, everyone have a safe, good weekends and always follow our detailed
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forecasts on the channel. espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. oh yeah. we had water, i was the one who fetched it, it came, came to us, from the other side. and here, the higher she went, the higher she was there. here it was at such and such a distance, and there it was a little higher. elena's house is located at the lowest point of the village. in the mykolayiv region. when the russians blew up the kakhovka hydroelectric plant, water almost completely flooded the residence. i had to run away quickly and almost empty-handed. by the walls of the building got damaged due to flooding, the furniture was ruined, the garden was simply washed away. all this floated in the once cozy yard. we didn't do anything, because it was impossible to enter here, here, here, all the sleepers were here, here, they
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are all here... it was, it was lying there until it dried out here, because here we did not touch it , and tried to do something there in the house. at least some clothes, a few chairs and two tables were taken out of the house. the water went away in just 9 days, but it was able to restore its cozy nest a very difficult task. there was nothing, everything was gone, the whole garden was in line. there were whole piles of reeds and in order to do something we had to call the emergency services, they checked with change detectors and walked, and then we walked, it was so scary, who knows what drove him here. at the same time, olena and her husband oleksandr had to move to another house across the street. olena's mother used to live there, it was also flooded, but the water was only up to her knees, it is suitable for living.


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