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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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are working to attract local companies, either from the private sector, or from the ukroboronprom, to create joint ventures for the organization of service and the supply of spare parts. our company also participates in such work with american companies and with turkish companies, as you said, and that is why such a process is underway, i would give the palm here. the primacy probably goes to the germans, who have already created three joint enterprises and continue to declare such support, from this, let's say, france is now also in the lead in terms of support and declaration of support for ukraine, but the equipment we received from france, most of it there was still in such a relatively non-working condition and necessary. was carried out just
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before finalization, maintenance or repairs of this equipment, and that is why i also think that now there will be some such wave and supply and maybe we can still do it in ukraine, these works on restoration or this equipment, which they can provide us, since they are really declaring now and are at the forefront of support of ukraine, therefore... such work is being carried out, such work is expanding, and these defense forums held by the ministry of strategic industries, it also gives a certain understanding to companies with whom they can work in the ukrainian market, the only thing i would add here yes, it is necessary to reduce the bureaucracy of this process a little, but... after all
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, direct communication between manufacturers and manufacturers, well , i mean foreign manufacturers with ukrainian manufacturers. mr. vladyslav, this segment is for your company interesting or, relatively speaking, too expensive, because there are many legal subtleties, nuances associated with each sample of foreign equipment, and sometimes, perhaps, even economically unprofitable, or on the contrary, this segment can really be interesting in addition to... the segment is interesting from the point of view of getting acquainted with the technologies and operational experience of foreign companies, the technologies that are used in their products, of course you started with the fact that we have different, very different products, very a motley park from... but different countries,
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radically different approaches to the formation of this park of armored vehicles, and everything has now accumulated in us, and we have no experience of using it before all this, yes, that is, we have used soviet equipment for many years, we understand the nuances , problems and so on more or less, then in order to understand the nuances of some operation of a bradley, it needs to be operated, so there is such a, let's say, such a problem, but it is somehow actively solved both by the use of technology and by the fact that companies acquire certain experience, it is also important here that cooperation with such, well, that is, it is not so easy to get the opportunity for such cooperation, you need to have certain competencies, you need to have production capabilities.
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trained staff, you must be ready to invest in special equipment, tools, premises and so on, well, you are ready to enter this segment in principle, believing that it will give you both new knowledge and actually new opportunities regarding joint projects, maybe even with foreign companies , of course, and not only our company, our... company is actively involved in this is engaged in, and not only our company, there are a number of other enterprises that are also engaged in this direction, but as far as i know, there are no contracts with manufacturers, so as for, for example, the m-113, well, they are repaired in most, as it is called , in an artisanal way, but what is important is that what i said is that we acquire such...
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competences, this is quite such a simple technique, and it is very important to organize a quick repair of such technique in a relatively short distance from. front line, because that's it logistical support is very important, and repairing equipment there at a depth of 1,000 km or more and spending several days there for logistics, bureaucracy, and so on, will have a negative effect on the battlefield. of course , mr. vladyslav, i would like to inquire about the policy of the ministry of defense regarding the purchase of weapons, literally in march at the beginning of the month... such a powerful tender was announced for the purchase of pickup trucks for the armed forces of ukraine, then a memorandum was signed with a korean manufacturer, maybe given the certain capabilities of this company like are you looking at this tendering process that
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is now going through the state arms procurement agency system, is it efficient, is it perfect, are you going to participate in these pickup truck tenders because ... we remember your designs, on which your company spent a lot of money and had good results, i wonder if they are now in the field of view of the ministry of defense? well, here the situation is twofold, er, it concerns the fact that of course we, as a company for the openness of the market for open purchases, er, many times already spoke uh, what, let's say, openness, it creates competition, competition creates cost reduction and increase, improvement of quality. as for pickup trucks, indeed, you remember that in the 21st
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year , the saigak research and development project was launched, the results of which were that this, by the way, was one of the first open, in general, the first open tender. .. the ministry of defense, regarding them, and in this tender, a conditional victory, because there was no such final, was won by the ukrainian brentechnika, presenting his decision, which passed a series of factory tests, and was presented to the customer , but the customer at that time refused, and it must be said that, for example, the cost of e-e refused from a high cost, and it must be said that the expected cost of the car at that time was approximately that. .. the expected cost, which was announced in december, at the tender in december for the purchase of more than 100 pickup trucks, it seems to me that the representative of defense procurement announced it, that is, it was a deliberate manipulation in the 21st year regarding the overestimation of such a cost, and- ah, but here it must be said that
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now they were planning to buy ordinary civilian pickups that are not adapted, let's say, to i'm not saying that it's... bad, so i'm just saying that the difference is why, that they are not adapted for different types and forces, and therefore, of course, that the car is somehow modified, modified, adapted for driving or use in a combat zone, it should have some other price parameters there or, since some of its technical characteristics change, that is , in fact, if there were purchases of seiga in the 21st year. then you would now have production and it is possible that the ukrainian army would have no problems with such models of equipment, and that is, if the right decision was made then , well, i can’t, it would be manipulation on my part, since then it was planned to purchase
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150 cars, and we now understand what these thousands and thousands were bought for years with volunteer funds, then ignoring the needs of the armed forces of ukraine for the whole. at the time of ukraine's independence, it is still given notice, and that car fleet is not available at all, this is a global problem, and the tender, which was expected to be conducted by the ministry of defense, it would generally be imperceptible in the volume that it is now, but here you have to think, you know, since we could already get some kind of unification, we could still get better technical ones. parameters and so on, of course we will work, the only problem there now is the legislation in this regard, since it is somewhat chaotically adopted in our country, and for example, the same tender that was announced in december, it provided
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for both taxes and duties due to the fact that the legislation provided. the moment is such, such as yes, yes, in my opinion, it is necessary to simplify as much as possible and remove all customs and taxes for the equipment that... is supplied to the defense forces, by the way, we found a video of your car that was undergoing testing at the time, and then the feedback from the military was quite positive, even when we ourselves drove your car, well, the impression was very positive, and so it passed, it passed a full cycle of tests, and she also, what was the peculiarity of this decision, since we took a car that passed in ... testing also for nato countries, that is, it was more or less a unified machine
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for the armed forces and armed formations of the countries of eastern europe, and therefore such a decision seems to have been good. we have literally 3 minutes, and i want to ask about the production of ammunition, because there was an interesting publication in the foreign edition of sociate press, the news agency. asked, wrote about the fact that the enterprise melitopol auto tractor parts plant makes 20,000 hulls, shells and mines per month and wants to increase this amount to 100,000 per month, one way or another, this enterprise is connected with by the national association of arms manufacturers, and i would like to ask you if there is a possibility of a five-fold increase in one enterprise, then perhaps two can reach 2,000 cor'. sat down for a mine, to finally close this problem, it is closed,
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it is closed, this market is saturated, the only thing is that, well, you should all understand that metalworking is, let's say, the simplest component of the technological process of ammunition production, there are more complex ones, this is powder production, and the more complex ones are explosive substances, undergrowth. and so on, that is, of course, we can produce very significant amounts of metal, there will be a bottleneck in another, and now we are actively working on its elimination, that is, you are looking for options so that we get more gunpowder and explosives for those cases, which are produced by our enterprises, yes, mr. vladyslav, thank you very much for these explanations, for what your company does for... the armed forces and for the defense forces, and i will remind our viewers that it was vladyslav belbas, the general director of the
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ukrainian armored vehicle company, which supplies to of our army, various models of armored vehicles, mines and mortars, this is what is now desperately needed on the battlefield, and in general, if we summarize the conversation with the director of the enterprise with our military, then we can say that really technological solutions are now desperately needed on the battlefield battle, and it is very positive that in the general. at the headquarters, there are also changes in approaches and assessments, and when pavlo kishkar said that it was necessary for a new model to appear on the battlefield in two weeks, this is precisely a sign that the military leadership is determined that we defeat the enemy at the expense of technological solutions, and not at the expense of the number of personnel on the battlefield. stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be a lot more to come.
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ukraine already felt the taste of the first asymmetric victory while at sea, where relatively cheap ukrainian drones destroyed a quarter of the black sea fleet, drove its remnants to novorossiysk and guaranteed the safety of the ukrainian maritime corridor without the mediation of turkey. it is much more difficult to implement this strategy on land: on the eve of the so-called elections vladimir putin, russian volunteers, assisted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, launched a raid in the belgorod and kursk regions. it grew into large-scale hostilities. the russian army at least has to divert its forces in this direction and turn it into bakhmud and avdiivka, i.e. raze its settlements to the ground. by. the task of at least transferring the war to russian territory has been accomplished, the task of at most shaking
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the situation inside the russian federation, sowing despair about putin’s ability to protect his own territory, both among the russian population and among the local elites. as far as we know, they are not going to finish anytime soon and will do whatever they have the strength for, and as we can see, they have enough strength lately. kyrylo budanov, head of gur, ministry. defense of ukraine. after the start of the raid, the aggressor intensified terrorist attacks on sumy oblast. for two weeks, putin's forces have been massively shelling border towns and villages controlled by aerial bombs, missiles and kamikaze drones. artillery, mortars and small arms are also used. the community of velikopysarov is suffering the most. the civilian population is evacuated. central square, velykaparivka, sumyshchyna. the settlement is destroyed, destroyed, bombed. our border villages, the russian army is trying to simply burn them to the ground,
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only from the beginning of this march and until today , the russian aviation dropped only on the communities of sumy oblast. already almost 200 guided bombs, just in villages, in cities, on civilian infrastructure. another way of asymmetric struggle is to deprive the aggressor of income, which he finances the war. western sanctions do not cope well with this task, so ukrainian drones come to their aid, or rather, they fly. since the beginning of the year, drone strikes on russian oil refineries have resulted in capacity failures of 600 to 900 thousand barrels, i.e. 10-15. of daily oil refining, such estimates are published by bloomberg. some targets were hit at a distance of more than 1000 km. russia is already experiencing a shortage of fuel. it is possible that this is precisely why
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the russians once again launched large-scale attacks on our energy system, because if they had such opportunities before,... it is logical to assume that the rockets would have flown into ukrainian tec and hydroelectric power plants in winter, when ukraine was especially vulnerable to such strikes, the night of march 22, when the temperature outside was positive , the enemy launched more than 60 shahed missiles and almost 90 different missiles across ukraine. in particular, according to the office of the prosecutor general, eight rockets arrived at the dniprovsk hpp, the one that during the second. the facility is out of order, but there is no threat of a dam breach. the enemy does the largest attack on the ukrainian energy sector in recent times. the goal is not just to damage, to try again, like last year, to cause a large-scale failure of the country's energy system. herman galushchenko,
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minister of energy of ukraine. in such a situation , the support of allies is especially important. ukraine will suffer sharply. there are more ammunition and air defense systems. and if europe has finally begun to wake up from its lethargic sleep and increase supplies, our main ally, the united states, is paralyzed by the pre-election struggle. life-necessary assistance package in more than $60 billion still hasn't been approved, and congress is on recess again. against this background , president biden's national security adviser, jake sullivan, paid an unannounced visit to ukraine. he promised once again that the help would be agreed upon in the end. but avoided answering whether the us would provide long-range atakams missiles. as for atakams, i may disappoint you, but i have nothing to announce today. when we can share something, we will, but i will say that we have had very constructive discussions about our military support and the necessary capabilities that will make this support
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effective. jake sullivan, national security advisor to the president of the united states of america. already after the visit, the financial times, citing its own sources, reported: washington allegedly called on kyiv to stop attacks on russian oil plants, saying that the biden administration is afraid of a possible increase in world prices for oil and petroleum products and a rise in the price of fuel in the united states on the eve of the presidential election, as well as an even greater escalation on the part of the russian federation. ukrainian officials denied this information. at the request of the voice of america, bely div avoided a specific comment, saying that... in general, they do not encourage attacks on russian territory. whatever the real position of the us, ukraine must continue to look for weaknesses in the defense and economy of the aggressor and use them for asymmetric struggle, even if some allies do not like it. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. the most odious offending judges, like
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to retain the position while in sizo. they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. but why does vrp kvolo consider complaints against the servants of themis? the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, not to clean up the renewal of the judiciary . congratulations, this is judicial control, a program to ensure the declarative and real rule of law in ukraine. the foundation for the further development of our state is, in particular, high-quality judicial reform. ukraine's chances of joining the eu depend on it. about those who approach for us this introduction. who, on the contrary, postpones , let's talk today, but first to the news. the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court against... the acting head of the comintern district court of odesa, pavel dobrov, who was found guilty of bribery a year ago in september. according to the investigation materials, the judge promised for $1,300 to assist in making decisions on
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securing a claim in a civil case in favor of a citizen. tell me what you said for security? that's two things. both for demand and for software? so. if the court finds pavlo dobrov guilty of corruption, he faces a prison sentence of up to up to 10 years with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions. the odious judge of the kharkiv district administrative court, olena izovitova vakim, is trying to challenge the results of her qualification assessment, which found her unworthy of the position. the judge appealed to the cassation administrative court with the lawsuit. we will remind, the higher qualification commission of judges recommended to the supreme council after the interview justice to dismiss izovito vakim from his post. as a result of her dismissal, she will also be deprived of... life support. in his statement of claim, izovitova vakim demands that the actions of the higher qualification commission of judges be recognized as illegal. izuvitova vakim, maidan judge. in 2013, it passed a decision to
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ban peaceful gatherings in support of euromaid in kharkiv. at first, the judge vetoed the peaceful actions from november 26 to 29, 2013 , and the very next day she banned the protests indefinitely. previous composition of the supreme council of justice. admitted that the judge violated the norms of procedural law, but was exempted from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. judge olena izovitova vakim has a lot of property, the appearance of which is difficult to explain by income. and not only her, but also her children, who, with the minimum salary, became owners of expensive cars. mother of judge lidia izovitova, head of the national association of lawyers of ukraine and associate of putin's godfather, viktor medvedchuk. more than four months ago, the supreme council of justice. finally, she renewed the auto-distribution and consideration of judges' disciplinary complaints. however, during this time i did not consider it the most high-profile cases of the most scandalous servants of themis, behind whom are corruption
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scandals and property of dubious origin acquired during the judiciary. what's more, these judges are often involved in high-profile criminal cases themselves. they are suspended from the administration of justice, but they still work as judges, and you and i continue to pay them a considerable salary. we are talking about... judges whose names and surnames we all know, in particular the judges of the former already liquidated district administrative court of the city of kyiv, some of them have dozens of disciplinary complaints against the head of this court, pavlo vovk, is the only one open, as far as i know, and the question of whether it is being considered or not is, well, at least we do not know, because there is no result, it is pavlo vovk, the odious the former chairman of the liquidated most scandalous court of the country, district. of the administrative court of kyiv, the same one that annulled the new edition of the ukrainian spelling, blocked the renaming of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which by the decision of the verkhovna rada
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had to add "connection with russia" to its title. and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, the judges of the district administrative court of kyiv took into consideration a lawsuit from viktor yanukovych regarding his return to the post of president of ukraine. the head of kyiv district administrative court pavlo vovk appears in the case of interference. in the work of the court and influencing the adoption of certain decisions for money. in 2020 , nabu announced to vovka, his deputy yevgeny ablov and five other judges of oask, suspicion of creating a criminal organization and kidnapping authorities there is a huge problem in the fact that the judges of oasku, even after the liquidation of the court, they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. the district administrative court of kyiv was liquidated at the end of 2022. since that time pavlo vovk. doing absolutely nothing but still getting paid. over the past year , taxpayers paid
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more than uah 1.5 million to a suspect in serious corruption crimes and an attempt to seize power. and he is, of course, not the only one, his first deputy yevhen ablov, also involved in a criminal case, and also received about 1.5 million. i, as an outside observer, get the impression that simply no one is interested in this, more precisely, the supreme council of justice is interested in the opposite of keeping tandyr, a wolf, in positions. i would like to be wrong about ablov and other figures like him , and i would be happy to be wrong, all that the supreme council of justice needs to do is to start considering these cases and dismiss those judges who should be dismissed. the matter is pending before the supreme council of justice the judge, the culprit of the fatal road accident. last year , on may 26, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, oleksiy tandyr , drove a lexus car into a national guard soldier. vadim bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv. the military serviceman, who was originally from cherkasy and raised three children, died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the driver was traveling at a speed of 100 km.
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for an hour, the tandoor himself was intoxicated. this case caused a great public outcry, but not attracted the attention and priority of the supreme council of justice. oleksiy tandyr is in a pre-trial detention center, will probably be found guilty and sentenced to a real term of imprisonment, but he still remains a judge. the most interesting thing is that the supreme council of justice itself included in its regulations a rule according to which high-profile cases, cases that have public weight, significant public interest. should be considered first or at least as a priority, unfortunately, we do not see this, and in fact, in this way, the members of the supreme council of justice themselves violate the new regulations. a special category for dismissal is judges-collaborators, those who betrayed their oath and went over to the side of the enemy during a full-scale war. they should be released immediately, but the supreme council of justice is in no hurry here either. the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, volodymyr kuksov, who is accused of collaborationism, after the liberation of kyiv
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region from the occupiers. but it seems to me that only the fucking bandera people can rape, and we have such a situation here, we have half-salaries like these, the supreme court decided to give half wages for the war, why do i need this war, damn it. kuksov was detained by law enforcement officers back in september 2022, since then he has been in a pre-trial detention center, and the prosecutor general's office still has not found time to consider his release. as well as the case regarding another collaborator, the former head of poltava. district court of larisa bogomolova, who is suspected of treason due to alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. she was detained last year in august. according to law enforcement officers, she called on the employees of the berdyansk district court, where she previously worked, support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them. and those who refused to cooperate were handed over to the fsb. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariuppol to the mangusha district. the russians killed these
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servicemen. today i heard information that three people from azov got out of mariupol by some trick. can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in mind. if the court finds bogomolova guilty, she faces life imprisonment, but so far she is still ukrainian judge. i repeat, all these same judges will continue to administer so -called justice, with very rare exceptions. you can imagine how they do it. currently, the supreme council. the judiciary has considered only a few applications for dismissal from the disciplinary chamber, but key corrupt members of the judiciary still remain in office. it was a judicial control program. if you want to report corrupt or unscrupulous judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email the address see you in exactly a week.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the mind. and those who care about espresso in the evening. see this week's collaborators program. ministries of the occupiers, whom rashists were appointed leaders. i want russia to be on the lands of the kherson region, and it will be. but how a fake minister cheated his owners out of millions of rubles. the accused is detained. greetings, i am olena kononenko and this.


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