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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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congratulations, i am asking for your help in finding this boy, his name is vanya gorbachevsky, he is 13 years old. and he disappeared in the temporarily occupied skadovsk of the kherson region. we only have this photo of him, apparently taken a few years ago. now the living room looks a little older. but i ask you to look carefully into the boy's face. you may recognize him. and ivan disappeared on june 1, 2023, and since then there is no news about him. of course, it is not excluded that vanya could be taken to russia, as it, unfortunately, often happens with...
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children in the occupied territories, but this is only an assumption, and in fact, the boy may still remain in the occupation, or we should not rule out the possibility that he ended up in the territory controlled by ukraine, but for one reason or another, nothing is known about him. therefore, i am asking absolutely everyone, especially the residents of the occupied part of the kherson region, who can see this video on the internet, to look carefully in the face. year ivan if you recognize him, do not delay and please notify us immediately on the tracing service hotline children by short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. if it is inconvenient or there is no possibility to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. do not remain indifferent and let's do everything possible to find it together. the missing boy i really
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hope that everything is fine with vanya, that he is alive and well, and with your help we will be able to find him. and, by the way, it may well be that a boy, for example, together with someone from his family, fleeing from the war, ended up in one of the european countries. so please remember or write down this number. 116 30. this is the only european hotline for missing children, which works in 20... eight european countries, so if you are in one of the european countries and suddenly see a boy who looks like vanya gorbachevskiy, immediately report to the short number 11630. i told just one of the many difficult stories of missing children. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find see on the website of the children's search service.
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here are pictures of children who are missing and need our help, so please don't be indifferent, look at the faces of these children, and if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, number hotline of the child tracing service 116.30, calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear that now the vast majority of the children we are trying to find have disappeared. missing due to circumstances somehow related to the war, in occupation, in front-line towns or villages , or during evacuation, but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often disappear due to running away from home, mostly boys and girls in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different, conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary , excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search
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for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips: parents' respect for the child. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we do not notice how our children grow up, and what was normal in behavior with a small child is completely unacceptable in behavior with a teenager, for example, we cannot enter the room of a teenager without knocking, even more so we cannot enter to the bathroom when he 's there, you can't rummage through his personal things without permission, you can't read his messages, it all violates his privacy, violates boundaries, makes him feel insecure and prompts him to run away, prompts him to seek safe places somewhere outside the home, do we need that? so, building a healthy relationship
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between parents and child. the child should have his own space, where the parents should not interfere without consent, and most importantly, the sister from the czech republic calls. sister, my sincere condolences, i fall on the floor, i scream, my grandson too, i understand what happened irreparably, i lost the most precious thing, it turns out that my child died on the 17th, when he stopped contacting me, where documents testify. when sashkov was a little over a year old, his mother, that is , serhiy's ex-wife, left the family and moved abroad with another man, that's all. the boy spent his childhood with his grandmother and father, however, immediately after the funeral , sashka's mother returned to ukraine to issue compensation from the state and a survivor's pension, olga krakalo says, she writes to her grandson that she borrowed the house, she borrowed the furniture , she hasn't paid off the car yet, and here
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's a freebie for you, money, and it's money that's not hers, payments on the child of the fallen hero does not go to sashka, the boy did not receive a single hryvnia penny, and out of 180 thousand hryvnias, my mother transferred only 50 thousand hryvnias to her son's bank card, and she can drop a couple of hryvnias 100-200 there from time to time, i do not maintain any connections. olga krakalo decided to fight for her grandson's future, so that the child would have a separate card, which he would have a pension and payments on behalf of his father, because there is none. merit, and no one would dispose of that money, so that it would go well with him as if he were provided for, because i am not eternal. in in april 2022, mrs. olga applied to the guardianship and guardianship body of the starosambir city council. there they checked the situation and
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established that the mother really did not take care of her son for many years, in order to deprive the woman of parental rights to sashka, the grandmother filed a lawsuit. not even that elementary. the question was that the mother didn't know about the child's vaccinations, nor who took him to the first grade, she didn't know about the class teachers, well, she wasn't interested, that's all, it was all discussed and discussed at the commission meeting. in june 2023 the sambir city and district court refused to deprive sashko's mother of parental rights. in four months, the lviv court of appeal overturned the previous decision and deprived the mother of her rights to the child. however, grandmother. did not have time to formalize guardianship when the supreme court annulled the decision of the court of appeal. the case was considered only on the basis of written evidence. the ruling of the court of cassation entered into force on february 7, 2024, is final and cannot be appealed. that is,
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the mother is currently the legal representative his minor son. we tried to contact oleksandr's mother, but the woman did not respond to messages and calls. meanwhile, young oleksandr is received by his grandmother for her small pension. the family is looking for dedicated human rights defenders or activists who can help in this fight. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. there are discounts on parafast, 10% in psyllium pam and oschad pharmacies. there are discounts on spasmal tablets of 15% in pharmacies of travel bams. and saving exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. on air politclub on the espresso tv channel. the most
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welcome to the espresso channel. today is ours. in the war and weapons program, we will of course talk about new domestic and foreign weapons and equipment
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used by our military on the battlefield, but more about what usually remains in the shadows and limits this new potential, because first of all, all new models and equipment need appropriate tactics of use and necessary structures in our army, as an example, attack drones appeared and after that in our the brigades still had to... create separate companies of reconnaissance and strike unmanned systems, and people are now appointed to specific positions and, most importantly, with a specific military accounting specialty , a drone operator, but when it comes to the use of trench warfare tools, or, for example, ground robotic platforms, in the army so far has such constant improvisations and so far not always successful. and new weapons, both domestic and foreign, require an effective system of repair and maintenance. there are more and more samples and more and more repair problems, because sometimes there is a lack of spare parts, and sometimes
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there is even a lack of repair documentation, so the newest models sometimes do not fight, but wait for repair. so, can our army quickly adapt to new weapons and technologies , and can this entire new arsenal, especially of foreign production, be quickly repaired, maintained and even modernized. we will talk about this in our war and weapons program with our military and manufacturers in the next issue of our program. my name is serhii zgurets, i am the director of an information and consulting company defense express, which now, together with the espresso channel, aims to cover the most relevant trends in the life of our army and our defense-industrial complex. and now we have our first guest, pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander of the armed forces of ukraine, joins us. people's deputy of the eighth convocation, mr. pavle, i welcome you to the espresso channel, glad to see and hear you.
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congratulations, mr. serhiy, congratulations to ukraine. i would like to start our conversation with the fact that about a week ago i had a conversation with an officer of one of the units, it was a battalion in vovki davinci, where the officer said that we need new technological solutions, they were the first there, it seems that they are buying these de... saber guided modules, now they are counting on the fact that they will finally arrive robotic platforms , no less, hope that such platforms will reach them, and he told me that there really is a problem, there are enough grenade launchers in the battalion, but ground platform operators do not exist at all, and this creates such certain nuances in the future service and using these new types of weapons. i would like to ask you, you have a lot of experience, you also want to make your division with... innovative, you also have experience in the department of defense, where you were the person who was involved
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in the advancement of technology to for these technologies to be quickly used on the battlefield in the format of this project office technology accelerator, and i would like to ask you if there really is a problem that our military or our structures are not keeping up with the changes that are happening today either the developer or the suppliers offer, and sometimes such... harmony does not exist, mr. sergey, this element of our defense is called technical mobilization, if we react quickly and in detail. how tandem-2 or saber will be supplied and used on the field, in this way we will gain a tactical advantage over the enemy in details and in particular in positional defense we will have an undeniable advantage. these complexes that i have named are already in use, albeit
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in limited quantities, and today the work that is reported, in particular, by the deputy commander-in-chief andriy. debedenko , it is aimed precisely at the fact that these tandems shoot at the enemy on the battlefield as soon as possible, and a whole set of measures is being taken in order to prepare the personnel as well, because this is the introduction of changes to the staff rosters of the units, and to prepare the repair base and the vehicle base , and to provide these units with ammunition in time, and the same davinshi wolves have problems. not only with the supply of the complexes themselves, but also with the provision of ammunition, so this is a complex solution, and it must be approached in a different way, training can be conducted already now at these complexes, for this you do not need the state or the ministry of defense or any decision, the state should allow private individuals to conduct their own training, and then
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admit them according to their own exams, for example, or exams in units directly. people to use automated systems of defeat and firing, that is why such complexes exist, they will appear in mass production in the near future, we expect the signing of the first contracts for both tandem and saber from week to week, and we hope that the security and defense system itself will work out other elements, such as regular or maintenance or repair in such a quick manner. in order to stop the enemy in those directions in which we now have questions. mr. pavle, there are proposals, on the one hand, to create special experimental units there that will take these new samples and work out optimal tactics for using them on the battlefield, but the other version is, as you say, simply taking people,
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preparing them and then return to units with new samples. what is the scheme for your... opinion is more optimal? the scheme should be combined, but the legislation is built in such a way now that a person can get a military accounting specialty in one or another direction only in specialized training centers of the armed forces of ukraine, and this is categorically wrong, it simply reduces the speed of training people to use such automated systems on the battlefield, so the solution has to be comprehensive, we have to use private... companies that are weapons manufacturers in order to be faster to prepare people, in the feedback that will come from the units, of course, it should be generalized in the relevant scientific centers, we have them, they are working on these issues, moreover, the scientific centers are preparing the relevant statutes, because now there will be a separate type of armed forces, and to it there must be
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a law that defines how these subdivisions interact. act, communicate with each other , join as the forces and means of the senior commander, in order to effectively manage these units, if they will be created separately, although, first, first of all, they should appear in those combat brigades that have already been created, there are bipaks, at least, and separate turns of unmanned aircraft complexes, they can be expanded to battalions, and this can be done quickly enough, and when we are talking about. .. commanders and the military themselves, because , linguistically speaking, the model of equipment must be perfect enough so that during the execution of a combat task, it is not burdensome and does not create problems for the commander himself and for the military himself, this means that, for sure, that at a certain stage it is still necessary to add a component that ensures such a vital, constant connection with the developers, in order to quickly
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bring the development to a level that will really help on the battlefield, and not hinder the performance of this or that task. well, this is already the fantasy of every commander, but such an interaction between the developer, the manufacturer of weapons and the military, it is mutually beneficial, because by receiving feedback, we can improve this or that product, and in return , using this or that means on the battlefield, effectively, we transfer this information to other units that can already tomorrow receive training to receive these complexes, the same tandem or saber, and use them not from scratch, but to have the experience of both the manufacturer and those combat units that have already... already practiced, well, worked on these systems, i think that the training centers that have already been created, i say again, at the manufacturers, they will be the first
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absorbents of this, this information in order to properly prepare the charter for automated units, and quickly change the staff, either operator or assistant the operator, whether the gunner or the loader, as it should be properly called, account? and, accordingly, how a person should be paid for his work, but the fact that this fundamentally changes the ground situation in terms of the conduct of the battle, the style of the conduct of the battle, allows the commanders to be more, well, with more imagination to approach the placement of combat, fire means of destruction, it is true, and the most important thing is that it is directly related to mobilization, we often say. that there are no people to conduct hostilities, so there are people, let's carry out technical mobilization, and then part of the people will be released, because
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the work on the battlefield will be performed by robots, be it unmanned aerial vehicles, or ground-based guided complexes, we have such developments, i say once again, we must help lebedenko so that these contracts are concluded as soon as possible, people, that is manufacturers are waiting for it. the people who are on the battlefield, the military, are waiting for this, and from the meetings i attended, i heard the commander-in-chief's complete conviction that this is the right direction for the development of our armed forces. another option, another advantage, such as a numerical one, to example, we will never have, we don't have men from 20, now there will be five to 60 more than the enemy, we may have...
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i don't think that the legislation should now hinder the military, the legislation should help , as soon as possible to receive new and new samples on the battlefield, especially since these are... fixed samples, because our small arms are one and the same, they are applied to the saber, and to the tandem, and to other shooting complexes, in we are one, the same ammunition is hung from the bombers, so i insist that it is necessary to use more intelligent means, in the same fpv, there are types of ukrainian developers, weapons that allow bombers to return, that allow complex use. or other equipment, not only as a bomber, but also as a kamikaze, can work as a scout, and here are such high-tech solutions that are long-lasting
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on the battlefield, they are needed, they provide a technological advantage over russia, by the way, by the way, you mentioned about decisions that need to be made more quickly for service, and there are unique cases when the system exists, but not for service accepted, but now we see tablets with nettles there, and an army of sauces has been created from nettles. there are specific people that we know, but do not name, who have put effort into this project, it continues to be improved, but it is not in service, although there are tens of thousands of users in the armed forces, how to explain this paradox, should not the ministry of defense to contribute more finances, some approaches to stimulate the developer, to further improve the product not only at the expense of his own initiative. look, i'm for drastic changes, i'm for the system. to turn it the other way around, that is, if we know that nettles, hysarta, there is a whole series of complexes for controlling the introduction of artillery fire, which are actually unique, the same,
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my lord, i have already forgotten, complexes that allow you to very quickly direct artillery in order to defeat the enemy from the spot, where he fired... fired a shot, and these ukrainian products must accompany the units of the armed forces to the point where they are scientific, for example, units in order to put them into service, and not developers, because this system does not work in our country, which exist now, when a developer walks around, he doesn’t know where to submit documents, and then he is stitched up or they say that the indentation is wrong here, on the left or on the right, everything should be the other way around, well, everyone uses nettle in the field, well, so why isn’t it on... armed people from the dvtp or tsvndi of the relevant units should be selected, who took these documents from the developer and brought them to the acceptance of the deployment
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to the order. and that's all, because it 's beneficial to us, as the military, it saves our lives, no, no, not the developers, the developers help us, and i am for this picture of the world to be turned upside down, the pyramid turned upside down, and we started these units that are in the structure of the armed forces, worked with the developer directly until the result was achieved, i may have explained it in a difficult way, but i simply know that when you were in the project office dealing with technologies, something was done, was being done, was developing, decisions were made, and now it seems that the ministry of defense has a certain pause with this, but it has become more active at the level of the general staff and at the level of the ministry of finance , although in my opinion the ministry of statistics is a cool ministry, but in part it takes over a part of the military tasks, which is not always clear to me, how to speed it up, does the accelerator work, or are some nuances with this still
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slipping? there is no slippage, now all the developments have been transferred, i will say it again to andriy lebedenko, i think that he will have a certain pause in reviewing these decisions and reports for the commander-in-chief, but these are days, all the same, these are days, it has very quickly take place, and we are very grateful for such fruitful cooperation, today i will say that the documents for the tandem already have the performance characteristics and the corresponding ones, well, that is, we have moved where we worked for months, we will now complete the work in 10 days, and the tests were carried out, and the documents were prepared, and the performance characteristics have already been approved by the corresponding military chiefs, that is, it will be a unique experience if we work out at least three or four nomenclatures according to this scheme, i think that a separate order of the minister should be written according to such a procedure, because it will actually work, so it is a big challenge for us, but it's a vital need, too
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once i say, if this is not done, if... what if you do not put your feet, hands on these documents and do not do it, then nothing will happen, the infantry and everything will remain on the battlefield, without any technological advantage, and the decision to acquire a technological advantage there are advantages of the ukrainians , let's take them and use them, i say once again , there is such an order from the commander-in-chief, and that's why we work day and night so that these contracts appear and , accordingly, the next step is for the equipment to go to... well, for me, this is actually news because i i did not think that such progress began against the background of the decision of general syrskyi against the background of the actions of his deputies, i see that the situation really, if we take into account your conclusions, is progressing quite quickly, it is extremely positive to hear from you, i say once again, mr. serhiy, it is necessary to approach this very comprehensively, because there is also a change in staff, the organizational structure of units, and
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training. and logistics and repair, it's all interconnected, you can't just push the complex to the front and say, use everything, it's very, well, in general , a combined military battle is a complex thing, and he must be ready for all this, including the commander, he must understand how he will use it in combat, we are currently conducting this training, i think we will complex it and conduct it on the basis of the university of defense , they will conduct it, which is true, no, those units , if there is anything else... they want to help, please join, because combat experience is needed, but for now we will use the forces and means of the manufacturers, so both the saber and the tandem will be involved in these processes, i say once again, this is a ground component, which has signs technological superiority over the enemy, and we will do everything possible so that it is pro-contracted and entered into the troops within weeks, well, this is
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very positive news, although... ask which gunner.


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