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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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all possible mechanisms of punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings, we are starting the information day on espresso with news. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. another attack on the ukrainian energy industry. russian terrorists tried to target the critical infrastructure of the southern regions of ukraine at night. this was reported in the defense forces of the south. a total of 15 drones were launched, nine were destroyed. our
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defenders of heaven. air defense forces worked in kherson, odesa, dnipropetrovsk and poltava regions. there is a hit in the infrastructure facility in poltava region. also, in dnipropetrovsk region, debris from a downed drone fell on the territory of an elevator. a fire broke out, which was quickly extinguished. and in odesa , there were problems with electricity and water supply. in addition, the russians attacked the donetsk region with drones, four s-300 and s-400 missiles, the command reported. air forces completion of the heating season will allow ukraine's energy system to be better balanced. this was announced by prime minister denys shmehal. he noted that, first of all, the energy industry is working on restoration of stable electricity supply to the homes of ukrainians. and they are already starting to accumulate resources for the next heating season. shmal added that the inviolability points continue to work in the cities, for now all of them. more than
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10,000 of these operate in the country. in ukraine, the minimum wage is increasing, and from april 1 it will amount to uah 800, which is uah 900 more than now, prime minister denys shmegal said. payments for working pensioners will also be increased, the head of the government added. ruined to... roads, heavy rains caused soil droughts in transcarpathia. the destruction was recorded in the villages of lazeshchyna, dilove, and the village of yasinya, rakhiv district. two droughts took place in the carpathian biosphere reserve. damaged highway of state importance mukachevo, rakhiv, ivano-frankivsk, lviv. the consequences are still being determined, but there is no threat to local safety, said the head of the region viktor mykyta. from the national security council. and defense in moldova oleksiy
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danilov was appointed ambassador of ukraine to this country, the candidacy has already been approved by the president of ukraine. zelensky noted that moldova is under direct threat of russian aggression, so there will be many challenges for the new representative from ukraine. earlier , the president dismissed danilov from the position of secretary of the national security and defense council and announced his work in the diplomatic direction. told me precisely about such a vision of his further work in ukraine. for us, moldova is an extremely important state both from the point of view of security challenges in the region and from the point of view of our bilateral cooperation. 100 million euros for maintenance of the ukrainian fleet of fighter jets f-16 will be allocated by belgium - said the minister of defense of the country ludevin de donder. she.
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noted that the funding will be provided within the framework of the 25th package of military aid, which was approved by the government the day before. the minister also reminded that her country participates in the f-16 coalition and plans to transfer fighter jets to kyiv. in total, this year belgium intends to participate in six coalitions in support of the armed forces and training of ukrainian servicemen, as well as to provide ukraine with military aid in the amount of 611 million euros. and to the operating room information on the front 72 combat clashes took place in a day. the enemy attacked most actively in the novopavlivsk direction, with 25 attempted assaults in the areas of krasnohorivka, georgiivka, novomykhaivka, and vodiane settlements of the donetsk region. 20 times the russians tried to advance in the avdiyiv direction and 16 times in the lymansky, orichiv direction, the ukrainian military. repulsed four attacks,
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three more in the kherson, kupinsky direction, the russian troops did not conduct offensive actions. during the day, the aviation of the defense forces struck strikes on one control point and one on... means of anti-aircraft defense and 10 areas of concentration of enemy personnel and equipment. ukraine will be able to prepare for a new counteroffensive already this year, but only if the situation on the front is stable, said president volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with the washington post newspaper. according to him, in order to push back the enemy, ukraine is capable of arming and training new brigades in the rear, the president. also spoke about the program to create an army of ukrainian drones, in particular those that can reach more than 1000 km deep into russia. at the same time, he admitted that the war cannot be won with drones alone. the armed forces need more powerful weapons - concluded the head of state. well, we ask for
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your help. repair of a car for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine is urgently needed. which destroys the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost health, or even life. our goal is uah 55,000. so please join the gathering. your help is essential. you can see all the details on their screens. the patients of the titanovi rehabilitation center on the basis of the complex endoprosthesis center received a modern ranger rover for use. bionics and osseointegration, the actress of adult films, the center's ambassador josephine jackson, joined the fundraising for it. our journalists found out how the car will be used.
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artem looks closely at the brand new range rover with convenient controls. he is a patient of the titanovi rehabilitation center, and from now on he will be one of the owners of the car. the car was handed over to the center by lithuanian partners, her. they converted the manual control so that veterans with amputated lower limbs would be comfortable to drive it, very cool, very convenient, because you can go about your business without hindrance, you don't need to call a taxi, besides, it's prestigious to drive such a car, i think, those who will drive this car will like it and will have positive impressions. this is already the second car from the lithuanian partners for the titans, last year the veterans were given a mercedes, which the boys take turns driving to solve their own affairs. this machine is fully responsive standards of convenient management. and she
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came here, the main thing is the message that our military veterans, they... should feel no worse than our deputies, businessmen, and powerful people, you can say that this car is a challenge, and their ambassador, a film actress, came to cheer for the boys 18+ josephine jackson, on a volunteer basis, she helps veterans with rehabilitation, provides moral support, swims with them in the pool to help them improve coordination of movements, increase muscle strength. and relieve tension. it seems to me that when a person reaches at this peak, when she can already provide for herself, the next stage is to help others, so it seems to me that i have already passed the level when i helped myself, and now my mission, especially during the war, is to help others. we talk about everything in a row, in
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principle, i talk about myself, they talk about themselves, we make videos, shoot tik-toks, they are all also very active in social networks, so they are all very happy. it is also interesting to cooperate with me in this way. patients of the rehabilitation center are already planning trips in the new car. the first to sports center to play basketball. i hope that this machine will serve the boys for further very good socialization, rehabilitation, so that they feel confident, well, so do i, and the future boys who will enroll here, so that they too can realize themselves. saw themselves in the future between, as it were, between people in a socialized world, further from this war. today , about 30 patients are being rehabilitated in the titanov inpatient department, all of them need attention and support. tetyana
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golunova, dmytro nikiferov, tv channel espresso. this concludes the episode, read more on our website and stay with the espresso team on our social media. good saturday morning, or as we say, shabbat-sholom, orthodox. we welcome you to our airwaves, pick up the information relay and inform you, first of all, that we are very, very close. we came close to completing our collection of 85,290
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hryvnias, that much is already in the account, we need 900,000, that is, not even 48,000 need to be collected, we are convinced that if not for saturday, then for saturday and sunday, it will definitely be possible to do it, pick it up, and from monday, just start buying cars and for a jeep, a pickup truck, and a refrigerator, three cars at once for our defenders, but here if everyone now donates 2 hryvnias 17. then we we will close the collection right before the end of this hour, this is from those who are watching, well, in the meantime, we will start the morning collection of information for you from all corners and areas of the front, tonight they launched a large swarm of drones, there were no missiles, but with drones on south, everyone beat, but there is information for the morning from the poltava regional military administration, unlike the southern... regions, the enemy attacked an infrastructure object in the poltava region at night, and there are several hits, this is
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the information as of now, and now we will start from zaporozhye, and in zaporizhzhia, just so you understand, one day is 442 strikes by various different systems, jet artillery, conventional artillery, cabs, all together - this is only one day in part. zaporizhzhia region. alisa, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, is in touch with us sysoeva. mrs. alice, good morning. glory to ukraine. good morning, glory to the heroes. and how did the night pass in zaporizhzhia itself? the night passed peacefully in zaporizhzhia itself. the monitoring groups were informed at night that the mopeds had taken off, that they flew past the zaporizhzhia region, but they moved on to the dnipropetrovsk region. today indeed. we had 442 strikes in the zaporizhia region, but fortunately there were no casualties or deaths, you
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know, given the situation in the zaporizhia region, it can be said that this is good news, because as you can see, it does not leave peace is the enemy of the zaporizhzhia region, and therefore a day when there is no news about injuries or deaths, well, we consider it a good one for us, may there be more such anger, and here is another news that is very ambiguous for me personally. feeling from her. magate, their experts, recorded the sounds of artillery shots from the territory of zaporizhzhya as. there, in nikopol, it is regularly recorded, but magate has just discovered it now. and what? the shooting was still small arms and cannons. and after that, here is the magateshny leader. heard and wrote it in the report. really made it public reports, you know, given the work of the magath, this is
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probably one of their strongest statements that they recorded these shots, but again, no one says who fired, who actually is the enemy, and they also reported that the russians still they don't give them access to the entire station, and we know that there are also equipment and russian soldiers at the station, you know, the russians are so... they are so brazen that they don't even hide it anymore, they periodically post videos on the internet, in general, it is very absurd that there are even russian soldiers there, then they do sports there, then they record some of their videos, of course you can see this technique in the background, well, you know, on the one hand, after all, no matter how soft agat is, no matter how much they hug the russians, but that's all after all, this is an international organization, and perhaps the world will pay attention to what is happening, nuclear power plants, but of course we would like more decisive and tough statements and we would like
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them to call a spade a spade, because the whole civilized world recognizes that russia is an aggressor country, it attacked us, and until there is at least one russian armed soldier at the station, we cannot talk about any security at all, but for now, as of now, there is no reaction, the truth is, that is, there was a statement yesterday, it spread, and what, and nothing. nothing at all, you know, even the people of zaporizhzhia, they are already very skeptical of these statements, you know, i remember the first time magat's place went to zaporizhzhia, this column, it is to, i apologize to... a gift, this the convoy was passing from zaporizhzhia, you know, we watched with bated breath, we really thought that something will change, because such a respectable international organization, but time passes, and in principle, well , nothing happens, and the softness of magate and their statements regarding the occupiers, well, they already know, become a reason for some
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sarcastic statements, right there in the immediate ordinary zaporozhians, rather than the fact that they instill hope for... that something will change in the russians there, somehow they will start to behave differently, and they will not pay attention to any statements of the magnate, no matter how many rich people go there to drink seagulls in the kremlin, in these are just statements, but then from people from nikopol, from margentets, well, in fact, every shelling, they know where they are coming from, if not from dniprovsk, then from the energy donation and from the nuclear power plant itself, and grosiy saw it only after... two years , well, fine, fine, but tell me, have you been able to drive through the dniproges in recent days, how does it all look there, through the greje, that’s how i drove, of course, you know, but i want to note that in general the movement of the dam, it was partially restored, even on the day of the shelling, already on march 22, well, they actually reacted quickly
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all services, and very quickly a session of the city council convened, which allocated additional money for repairs and ... an alternative road, because we understand that, despite the fact that the movement of the dam is partially restored, it is still such a huge transportation artery for the city , now there is traffic there, it operates in two lanes, it is not full, but it is possible to drive and there are not even such huge traffic jams, but we are informed that it will really take years to restore dnipro-oges and in general to restore even the road surface the dam will probably have to be closed anyway. therefore, now, firstly, zaporizhia has allocated funds for the repair of an alternative road, because dniprogest, it connects the two banks of the city, it is a very important transport artery, and secondly, they will change the traffic a little on the bridges, well, they promise that, in principle, from the transport on the other hand, it will make life easier for the zaporozhians and it will not be such a significant problem, and the thunder
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will be restored, miss, at least a little in the opinion of the majority of ukrainians... late, but still we are all now admiring how they are building fortifications all over the country, we know that this also happens in zaporozhye in three shifts, yes, who is involved in this, it is the responsibility of the military administration, local, or the military along the front line also help, you attract specialists from other regions, but the leader of the military administration, ivan fedorov constantly talks about the progress of fortification works, he says that it is... such a mixed format of work that both specialists and the military are involved, and in general there are several lines, as you can see, that are strengthening, well, very serious works are being carried out and very recently they began to form the public, because in general, the issue of fortification was very urgent in the last two years, and
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in general, well, a well-trodden zaporizhian did not understand whether something was being built for some defense structures, or was it occupied at all? this is the military administration, today the public and journalists are constantly reporting, so we can say that they are really doing very significant work, let me remind you that they have allocated uah 300 billion specifically for the construction of fortifications in zaporizhzhia region, and we have just one more question for just a minute: school studies are going to be resumed offline, it will be a mixed format, because both children and parents are already asking for it, this is from september, i understand. will take place, and how will it be, will it be some underground options, well, with the constant shelling of zaporizhzhia and with the duration of the flight, it is very difficult to imagine, you know, such a controversial issue for many, it will take place in a mixed format of training already from april, from on april 1, in 24 schools of zaporizhia, children will have the opportunity
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to learn, classes will begin directly in the shelters in some april. not on september 1, that is the day after tomorrow, that is, from monday, ugh, yes, this is exactly how this mixed format of education begins, but the ambiguous opinion of zaporizhzhia, because after all, on the one hand, we understand that zaporizhzhia, it is under permanent, under constant attack by the enemy, and we were often fired at by the s-300, when first there was a flight, and then the alarm sounded, on the other hand, parents complain that it will greatly worsen... the learning process, so here it is for now such a mixed format is being introduced, moreover, online learning will not be interrupted during air raids, as we were informed that if the child is at home, then ... the parents are responsible for him, if the child went to learn the mixed format and is in lessons in shelters, it is the educational institution that is responsible for it, thank you, we
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heard the important thing is that it will be from a shelter, that it will not be somewhere like that at the schools we are used to, alisa sysoeva was with us, a deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, we are transferring a little further south, serhii bratchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is also with us, mr. serhiy, we welcome you. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations. glory to heroes. we see that odesa and kherson region somehow fought back, but three of those russian drones and mopeds went further, and dnipropetrovsk region, in my opinion, and poltava region accepted. this is how the morning picture looks so far. the attack was softer. well, i understand that they must have, let's say, exhaled , they are probably preparing for another, more massive attack. but they don't give rest, that's all exactly, they are trying to attack as much as possible during the day and at night, we have missiles during the day and attempts to attack odeshchyna have already become commonplace,
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in fact, yesterday, during the day, the enemy did so, two kh-52 missiles from tactical aviation from the black sea equator flew by, but exploded. because they were destroyed, unfortunately, there are hits from the fragments of these rockets, we have three teenagers who were on the street at that moment. well, actually, the fact that the facades of the corresponding shops or the corresponding objects were broken is not the most terrible thing, the main thing is that everyone is alive of health, the health condition is critical, everyone is more or less normal, they provided appropriate help, but it was loud, which once again confirms the thesis that the air alarm signal is sounding, especially early, it is still h59 not ballistics, it is necessary to go to the shelter, because contemplation... is not the best, let's say, not the best pastime during an air raid, it's just that in odessa you can't play like that, it's not un-odessa, but in belgorod
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it's such a tradition, like anything else, that is as soon as something flies, it is necessary to go out, shoot, so that we can show, correctly, as it was shown, we always talk about it, since we showed it burning, burning, falling and bubbling, we really thought then that it was... the su-35th, it turns out that it is still the su-27th, well , it's hard to find out when it burns and falls, but all the stages were there, first, that they shot down a drone, then that they shot down a ukrainian plane, then that nothing was shot down, and then that the pilot was good, he ejected, he was swimming well, the ukrains made a curse, so it still turns out that this russian air defense has shot down its own, well , there are no analogues for it, which should be shot down his own do you remember how last year even belgorod released relevant videos, video appeals with the participation, by the way, of children who said how much they love the belgorod air defense forces,
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well, we actually see what this led to, not all that glittering gold, not all that pppo, which is russian, of course, so we are grateful for the fact that they are doing some of our work, but, as we say, let's do ours ourselves and... the enemy tried to attack our energy facilities there again today sometimes, but we have worked hard and i want to proudly say that until the fighters of the ukrainian volunteer army are also involved in this, for which i already thanked the boys in the morning, and accordingly i think they will thank the people of odessa, who today, although they were worried at night, but we did not get hit. it seems to bon that the barriers are no longer that effective or the russians don't believe in them that much, because it looks like they are building some kind of fences. in the vicinity of this kerch bridge, what it looks like, how important those fortifications are and what they can protect this
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bridge from, and what the fortifications are for, well, now we will find out, well, the fortifications are probably being prepared to the new summer season, but i hope that it is still the age of ukraine and the season will gradually come there, i am not saying that this year, of course, there is still a lot of work, but nevertheless and... in any in any case , i am sure that russian corruption will get there, these, let's say, powerful fortifications will not be like that, as it actually happens in them in different directions, and we saw when such a universal storm was roaming over our crimea there last year , what did it lead to, all that was washed into the black sea and to restore now, well, of course, they are glad that it is necessary to restore, because this is an opportunity to finally steal something from the so-called federal budget. and as for the crimean bridge, i will say this, they don't even discuss it in their own homes, as it was before, they don't shout about the fact that it is a symbol of great russia, somehow...
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they talk about it very modestly now they are promoting more the map of that railway, which is being built along the so-called land corridor, although the work there is also proceeding quite quickly, but information is being received that that somewhere something was not dug, somewhere the wrong material was filled in, i certainly do not expect that only corruption will overcome this railway, which, i say again, they are very actively building, so here we must also react, including . but i think there will be a reaction, because it has already been definitively determined for the defense forces that this railway is illegal, which is being built by the enemy, along the so-called land corridor, it is a legitimate target for our firepower, i hope that in due course an operation will be planned, it will take place as it should happen, effectively. mr. serhiu, but basically he cannot understand any logic, although logic and russians, they do not stand in the same row, but build. are they the ones
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who think that the armed forces of ukraine will leave krasnodar at the drop of a hat, drive a tank battalion into yevpatoria, or ride on the ipetria or whatever, what is the logic of all that? well, there really is no logic here, because everything that is being done, you know, now looks more like some kind of certain imitation, first of all for its people, that everything is under protection, everything is controlled and everything will be good, but on the other hand. we see that problems are starting to grow, primarily with fuel and lubricants, so far civilians are feeling it, the military is not so, the military is just fine with them, but it is so until a certain time, when already with civilians, as they say , everything is drained from them, then they will move on to providing units, and without fuel, who will move, which army can move, none, therefore there is a lot of hectic activity, a lot of informational throws,
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but... the fact that they have problems with appeared, this really true but they have now transported a bunch of missiles to the crimea, they say that it is easiest to hit odessa directly, there is some idea now, how to counter this, that is, i mean, can we practice in them there now, and there are no such reconnaissance planes, but we see better every day. can we practice these launch sites in odessa? of course, this requires powerful artillery, i mean cruise missiles. which will also hit the control points, in particular, this is what will help odesa to exhale and breathe a little easier than this is happening now, because, unfortunately, ballistics, i am not revealing a military secret here, ballistics is also for the rooster, not only for the south, in general for ukraine, today is a painful issue, and something really needs to be done about it, especially since the enemy is not standing on place, this is also true, he, despite his weakness in many respects, still
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tries... they have already started talking about it more actively, because the enemy is modernizing it, of course this raises a certain, let's say, combatant i take his spirit from the so-called russian army, and on the other hand really from what needs to be done about this, what needs to be done, i have already said, in advance, as far as crimea is concerned, these are the well-known sites with mines, these are the launchers, which, of course, they drive them over. throughout the crimea, but intelligence is also working in this case, i hope that after all, well, our neptune, he is also not sleeping, of course, he is modernizing, and we have seen it, which proved that everything is fine there, everything is hardening, as it should be, but the same attacks that have been talked about for days, including the fact that the president of ukraine mentioned it again the day before, after all, they very necessary, i am already silent about those tauros,
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they forgot and forgot, maybe. yes, but others, i think they helped us a lot, i will tell you this, we literally have one more minute to talk and i wanted to ask you, you mentioned that people are moving to shelters, because really in odesa now it is very and in general, the situation in the south is unpleasant, and how does it affect industry, the same shipments of grain for agricultural products, it all works or is suspended also during the shelling and after the shelling, for the time of recovery, works with the rules compliance with the security situation, ugh, and the shipment of grain, works when, when there is an appropriate security situation, ugh, thank you, thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, serhii bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was with us, with an always optimistic mood both for us and for the russians, because this optimism, the fact that they
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will leave us, should be shared. too little optimism in the morning...


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