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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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helped a lot, i will tell you that we literally have one more minute to talk and i wanted to ask you, you mentioned that people are moving to shelters, because the situation is really unpleasant in odesa now and in general in the south, and how is it affects the industry, the same shipments of grain of agricultural products, it all works, is it also suspended during the shelling and after the shelling for the time of recovery, everything works with the rules of compliance with security. such a situation, ugh, and the shipment of grain? when, when is appropriate security situation, ugh, thank you , thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, serhiy bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was with us, with an always optimistic mood for us and for the russians, because this optimism, what they will leave us, they must divide, the russians also have little optimism in the morning. i deliberately
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looked to see what they start writing about in the morning, well, they say that since the beginning of this year, they have occupied 100 km of the armed forces of the russian federation, as they say of ukrainian territory, so oksana and i looked at it, well, it is 10 by 10 km, that’s all due to the efforts they spent, i’m not even talking about its biofertilizers that fell into ukrainian soil, you yourself see the statistics from our journalists, but here the russians themselves calculate that this is what they write, they start the morning, you see, the russian army lost more than 1,500 units of military equipment in ukraine, there is something to be proud of, well , i don’t know how many afghans there are, they need to be pushed in there along with all the other conflict zones, where russia came as an occupier, that's just in a record in their history, okay, a short pause, after which we will go to dnipropetrovsk region and the dnipro, it was loud there just today. with
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poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. take in the present and to predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko , from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can to express one's opinion at the expense of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko. on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special.
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proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. we are coming back, thank you for the donations that arrived, we are asking for more, because we haven't collected them yet. in the meantime, we will talk about the center of our country, with us is the deputy of the dnipro city council , danylo miro, mr. danylo, we welcome you, oh, we can't hear you, but we can see, maybe you turned something on by sound, no, no, i hear you, great, there is a connection and we want to ask about how the days pass, how the last day passed in dnipropetrovsk region, and how the region is recovering after these... powerful shellings, uh , well, let's start with what happened that night in the region, in principle, it was more or less calm, if you count four downed drones over the region, two of them were shot down over the dnipro districts and one each in
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kamianskyi and in kryvorizkyi, its fragments fell, there was a small fire at a small enterprise, but everything was liquidated very quickly and at the moment there are no problems with the strikes that night, fortunately, there are no casualties, because this is the most important thing human life. what as for the previous one, a very massive and powerful terrorist raid, i can say that our heroes of the energy industry very, very quickly, well, you can say already by the morning of the next day, eliminated very, very heavy, powerful consequences of this kind, from the debris, from the explosions. which led to the fact that a large number of people in the region, a very large number of people, were left without water and electricity, but for now everything has been restored, everything is working normally, there are no problems. and what is the margin of safety, as assessed by
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energy specialists of your local services, the state emergency service, because we see that their logic about total destruction is the syrian logic. there about woke up in the russians and they are beating and beating and it is in the objects, first of all , of heat and electricity generation, in some regions it has hit quite hard, that is, there is some kind of solution, you have at the level of local authorities, what to do about it, i.e. try to protect critical infrastructure objects with air defense more, or try to decentralize, while there will be a warm period, decentralize over... niche generation, look, well, i think that the tactics of our region are correct, because we , the residents, are always with light and warmth, that means that everything is located correctly, everything goes astray correctly, and to date,
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the information that i have with the heads of the detective there are no problems with energy in our region, but there is an emergency shutdown schedule, no. we haven't had a preferential blackout schedule since last that critical year, uh, not a single one, not a single day we had problems with energy, that's electricity, there were, i'm saying, when hitting the first times, maybe the first there, the first night in in some areas of the region, there were moments of blackout, but it was a one-off, let’s say that the actions and the fact that their blows, despite such massiveness and power... about smash against our shield, but i knocked your thoughts, so anyway where you see more of a strategy to protect the sky, strengthen air defense, or try to disperse various critical objects into smaller ones, you can bury them, change locations, look, we have done it, we
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have done it since last year, we have them since last year they are buried, they have an additional one through the generators there on the edge of the edge case. emergency connections, all this was basically done in our country and probably because of that, our population does not feel any such serious discomforts. and the population that we are now talking about is not actually engaged in production, at all the objects that we are talking about, we will not name where they are located, whether people can relatively have any safe hiding places, safe places, whether there are enough shelters , or at that time. when their drones fly deeper and deeper, especially reconnaissance drones in the rear, people have the opportunity to protect ourselves, well, we have no problems with this, we have shelters, our schools have been open since the first of september, even schools,
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now we have added kindergartens, that is , i say this because for people, in principle, there are problems there is none at all, there is a shelter, everything basically works in a constant press mode. constantly works under control, that is , we have no problems with this, thank god, well , we have been preparing for this, take care, mr. danylo, but what about your colleagues, what are they saying, colleagues, i mean the city deputies from kamiansk? from a crooked corner, how their situation is, they too then under these waves they were hit by shelling and it looked a little more powerful there, how is the situation with them now? yes, you can even say that they got quite a bit more, but they also have everything under control, everything has been fixed in kamiansk and in kryvyi rih, in principle, a little different weapons can reach there, because of the proximity of the location, but at the moment it is also in principle under the control of the krivoriv military administration and kamiansk. there are no
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such global problems at this moment in the dnipropetrovsk region. all working mode. very briefly, we still have a few questions for you, mr. danylo, do you remember this discussion when they said: stop spreading panic, it is not necessary to do this on the border of the administrative border of dnipropetrovsk region, to build defense lines, but it seems that common sense has won, it has won, it is building dnipropetrovsk region and its lines. of defense , i am right, yes, the dnipropetrovsk region is now very concentrated and powerfully building defense structures, it is now that there is really a lot of emphasis on this, and i hope that it will be very, very powerful, what what it was not, it is not clear why, but at the moment it is all done so that there are allocated funds, and in principle, very, very large forces are directed. and that's exactly it. okay. and you also mentioned that we talked about the fact that in
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some neighboring settlements, things are not as calm as it is in the dnipro. less, nevertheless, we see that the railway connection is also expanding, and more transport is appearing, and the actual connection with the same kamiansky, senelnikov from the dnipro is becoming more frequent and regular. there is now such a great need for so that people move between all these settlements? is it related well, you know, in principle, this is due to the fact that our region, today, it is not a secret for anyone, has the largest, the largest number of forcibly resettled people, then in principle, this is necessary, and i i will say that dnipro, well , the place is crowded, kryvyi rih, the city was crowded a few days ago, a lot of people, in fact, a lot of people left either from the occupied territories, or from territories that are... at the moment very close to hostilities, and they go either to dnipro, or to kryvyi rih, or also to kamianske, so in principle
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there is a need for this, thank you, mr. danylo , danylo miroi, a deputy of the dnipro city council, was with us, the situation in the city itself and in the dnipropetrovsk region, and during that time i watched another dose of fascist schizophrenia, just so you understand, yesterday you were all the director of the fsb. all kinds of patrushevs and even deadbunkers, they all shouted that ukraine was behind the terrorist act of the cityhol step. at the same time , he immediately takes responsibility again wilayat khorasan is an afghan sub-division of the islamic state. after that , the spokesman of this terrorist islamic state in abu hutaif al-ansari will confirm again. that it was their attack, he highly praised this attack,
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that is, all statements come from the islamic state and the more they go, the more bots russia includes to prove that it is the ukrainians, according to which they did it all, well, by the hands of combat tajiks, well, simply i don't understand how to proceed with this, what should happen next after that, the ability to persuade is not their strong point, we're going for a short break and we'll be back in a few minutes, we'll... talk about the front, about the donetsk direction , stepan barna will be with us, we hope that we will be able to include him in the conversation, stay with us, what is bakhmut? bakhmut is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end.
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these are boys who never cry, lemberk, mom, don't cry, a book by the writer elena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. tune in to hbo's new satirical series on mekogo. regime. can her tyranny lead to freedom? watch in ukrainian in the megogo subscription. there are discounts on lyzak - 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on otrivin spray - 15% in
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plantain pharmacies, you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the war continues, and not only that. territory, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become countering the information attacks of the russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. every week
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, gurska meets. the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine, pavel koval. as always we we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu, how we should perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like, in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. we return, we remind you that we are collecting. cars for our defenders, for air reconnaissance, for gunners, big cars are needed, a land cruiser, a jeep, so that it is possible to move more comfortably, faster and safer, in the end, in the east of ukraine, south and north, wherever there is a front line, we have 43,780 hryvnias left to collect,
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quite a bit, in fact, roman calculated in the morning that 2 hryvnias and 17 kopecks should be donated. some of you have obviously already done it, some, maybe more, we ask the rest to also join this collection, the matter is important and maybe today we will even announce that all this money is in the account, well, in the meantime, we will start collecting axles for you from the eastern front in the direction of donetsk, our next guest, a serviceman of the armed forces, is us we are installing, now i am already being told the connection, it is not yet visible, but we actually already have it during that time. but there are southern shimarinka and west of avdiyivka, and what about the new russian developments, i
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will now ask stepan barna, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, in connection with our studio. good morning, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, congratulations, friends, mr. stepan, and you, do they have any progress, because on the one hand they report that they were able to overcome as much as 100 km in these three months, that is, 10 out of 10, as they say some of our farmers, we have a field more than what you got for this price, but on the other hand we see some small advancements on the map of youth. they are a little later, you see it with your own eyes, so tell me how it is? well, it is obvious , one must understand, a certain usual advance of the enemy can take place deep into ukrainian territory, and it has obviously been observed for a long time, unfortunately, this is due to
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certain circumstances, including the lack of means and... in order to carry out the defense of ukrainian land, but nevertheless, it should not be done like this a catastrophe, why, because in the conditions of the field, conditionally speaking, its departure there from the positions there within a few kilometers, this is clearly not an attempt to surrender ukrainian land, in many cases it is, on the contrary, an opportunity to improve, let's say, the terrain. the location of the position, and therefore to save human lives and more to impress, destroy the forces and means of the enemy, and whether there are, or do you see signs of what the foreigner is talking about. said president zelenskyi, he said in an interview the day before yesterday that may, the beginning of june, is exactly the time when
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the russian-fascist occupiers will overthrow the entire front line and even choose places, and it will be a big summer offensive, that's what he was talking about, intelligence officers don't tell us this, neither do experts, glavkom syrskyi, well, in an extreme interview. he did not mention anything like that, so we will ask you if you see any signs that they are preparing for something, well, first of all, the president of ukraine obviously and the supreme commander-in-chief obviously know more information about what forces and means of the enemy are concentrated on whether another direction, it is obvious that he owns deeper information and can talk about it as much as possible, regarding... our direction is directly the siberian direction, we observe the concentration of certain brigades of the russian federation, and it is quite a large
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number, which are here in this direction, and it is clear that they they do not stop trying to carry out assaults, and these assaults are not happening there, they are not planned for may, they are happening yesterday, today and will happen tomorrow, because every day they try to feel a weakness in this or that position or in that or another line of responsibility of the brigade, mr. stepan, did you record, or do you already notice , along the front line, the use by the russians of such nets for catching ukrainian drones, we have already heard about this development of theirs for several days. their drone flies from above, when it detects a ukrainian uav, throws such a net, and in fact, then our drone
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is captured by them, so to speak, and now they have even started using such drone detectors, or do you already have something like that in your direction works for them, well there are many such cases, but one must understand that this is a war. of creativity, the war of technologies, and every day technology is being improved, just as we are improving seven, and obviously the enemy does not stand still, and he tries, and in many cases in quotation marks, to tear through it, even our experience, including the conduct of military operations with shock unmanned aircraft systems, so-called drones, and i don't... that such means will also be used by the enemy, especially since he has the opportunity to put them to the maximum
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to the so-called industrial level, and this is quite a dangerous precedent, therefore it is very important today to unite intellectual efforts, unite forces, authorities, armies, volunteers in order to search. well, the solution to these issues is simple, if they are developing something, it means that they need it , that the ukrainian drones are bothering them in this case, and they need to deal with them, they want to fight with them in some way, which brings you the most trouble on your part of the front to the russians, that is, it is the most effective in the fight against them, it happened there, unfortunately, it happened on today's moment the most effective means is...
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we're going to resume it now and we want to hear you very clearly so that everyone understands what you 're talking about so that we can listen, we'll reconnect in a moment. well, what i was actually asking, just to clarify for our viewers, who may not have a map of military operations and the eastern front at hand right now, there is a small advance that mykhailo was talking about, this is in stepan, then this is novomykhaivka, this to the south of maryanka, they are there all the time, but these are positional advances, there are also on the deep state maps development, attack of the russians near the thin one and , as they say, they are going along the bare field in the direction of umansky, this is a little west of avdiyivka,
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these are the ... directions of the strikes, we cannot verify what can be called a gray zone so far, these are the heights to the north from georgiivka, this is marinka on the way to kurakhovo , georgiivka is over there, it is now there, well, these are such and such positional things, although commander-in-chief syrskyi said that now the armed forces are at such a stage that we manage to repulse such operational positions in a larger number than the enemy. well, that is a total plus on the minus one, the armed forces seem to be in the plus, and this morning's information from the russians about their results of the first quarter is a confirmation of exactly that, it's just that in their opinion 100 km sounds good, but to think and delve into how much it really is, what kind of area it is and so how many battalions burned down and went to the kobzon concert, the square? a small
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field, in fact the result of all that, that's why they are so mad, that's why such terror is rocket in the body, they fire at night, it's the only thing they can do, because it doesn't look like that at the front, even though that the number of strikes is high, stepan barna is just in this northern direction there too, it was hot, it was belogorivka, so the intensity dropped a little, but the enemy is forming some new battalion groups there, will this be the case? the summer offensive, that is, in the northern direction or in the kupinsky or lymansky, well, we will talk about it today in our program with the military, it is obvious that this is the logic of war, this is how each side always prepares an offensive, and in fact it looks like this there are alternately, first some advance, others are defending, then the other side is on the contrary, the second side is advancing, and the first is defending itself, and actually only when we manage to gather both a sufficient number of people and a sufficient
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number of weapons. equipment, everything that will allow us to make a bigger leap, then this offensive can be longer and the return of our territory can cover larger and larger areas, we will now tell the audience that we will not even be able to establish contact with mr. stepanov, well, not the best he is there near the front line, you had the opportunity to see for yourself, but how will i return to my own? favorite fighting tajiks, only now i don't even know if they are tajiks, because the morning is good today. of the order of stalin , the czech fsb reported that in the stavropol region, and the authorized representative said, three citizens were detained , from, as they say, from the countries of central asia, as i like this russian version, you know there, a man of caucasian appearance, who is he, a citizen central asia, that's who, well, they twisted three and say that in this way they stopped another
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terrorist attack, in general, now in russia. sheza mows, maybe avitaminos, or maybe just traditional russian spring games, they now have children even doing this, that is, they throw garbage, you half a million rubles, because they heard from the fsb that this was the reward, and you blow up so-and-so, or replace that , well, the challenge is great, just don't stop, as they say , at the end of the day and get down to business, as the fighting tajiks from idilo used to say, well, neither do our military men. in fact , over the last day, 730 more russians eliminated 29 tanks, a lot actually, and that too well, in fact, the fees that we announce are what also make their small, but still , share in the results reported by our defenders, unfortunately, we also have losses, and in fact, every day at 9:00 a.m., we commemorate
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to all fallen ukrainians, we remember... all military and civilian, all who died, who died earlier than him, than he could have lived in a peaceful country, if not for the russians. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war unleashed by russia.


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