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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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unfortunately, we also have losses, and actually every day at 9:00 a.m. we honor the memory of all fallen ukrainians, we remember all the military and civilians, all those who died, who died earlier than him, than he could have lived in peace country, if not for the russians. a moment of silence. we will honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence. citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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congratulations, the espresso information day continues. kateryna shiropoyas works in the news studio. one person died, another got it injuries in the kherson region. according to the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, the russians shelled 11 towns and villages in the past day.
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residential quarters were targeted, as a result of the attack , a high-rise building, two private houses, as well as a warehouse and a cellular tower were damaged. an elderly resident of kupyansk was also injured under the shelling of the occupiers in kharkiv region. the enemy covered the city with artillery. this was announced by the head of the region oleg sinygubov. the four-story administrative building was damaged, as well as age. and balconies of a five-story residential building were damaged from russian attacks and the village of borova, izyum district. 16 private houses and five commercial buildings were destroyed there. during the day, the enemy shelled 20 settlements. and again an attack on the ukrainian energy industry. russian terrorists tried to target the critical infrastructure of the southern regions of ukraine at night. he told about it. whether in the defense forces of the south.
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in total, the occupiers launched 15 drones, nine were destroyed by our defenders of the sky. ppo worked in kherson, odesa, dnipropetrovsk and poltava regions. in the latter has several hits on an infrastructure object. in addition, the wreckage of the downed drone fell on the territory of the elevator in the dnipropetrovsk region, and a fire broke out. and in odesa, there were problems with electricity and water supply. in addition, the russians attacked the donetsk region with drones, four s-300 and s-400 missiles, the air force command reported. the russian invaders completely destroyed the zmiiv thermal power plant in kharkiv oblast. this happened during a large-scale missile attack on march 22, centerenergo reported. enemies the projectiles destroyed all the blocks and damaged the auxiliary equipment, but the extent of the damage will be assessed only after the rubble is completely... dismantled. minister
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of energy herman galushchenko visited tec and promised to contribute to the restoration of the power plant separately through donor aid. at the same time , center-energo assured that the team, which was able to raise zmiiv tez from scratch after previous attacks, is ready for new challenges. completion of the heating season will allow ukraine's energy system to be better balanced. this was announced by prime minister denys shmegal he noted that, first of all, energy workers are working to restore a stable supply of electricity to the homes of ukrainians, and they are already starting to accumulate resources for the next heating season. shmigal added that the inviolability points continue to operate in the cities. currently , there are more than 10,000 of these operating throughout the country. the united states condemned the russian attacks on the energy system of ukraine. in the national security council.
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declared that the russian dictator putin is trying to break the spirit of ukrainians with such attacks, while urging the congress not to to delay approval of aid to kyiv , spokeswoman adrian watson said the house of representatives needs to pass a bipartisan supplemental national security bill so the united states can provide kyiv with more air defense equipment. she emphasized that ukraine's need is urgent, so there can be no more delays. and in ukraine , the minimum wage is increasing, from april 1 it will amount to uah 800, which is uah 900 more than now, the prime minister said. however , payments for working people will be increased pensioners, the head of government added. ruined roads and heavy rains caused soil drought in transcarpathia. the destruction was recorded in the villages of llazeshchyna, dilove, and the village of yasinya of rakhiv
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district. two droughts took place in the carpathian biosphere reserve. damaged highway of state importance mukachevo, rakhiv, ivano-frankivsk, lviv. the consequences are still being determined. but there is no threat to local security, said the head of the region viktor mykyta. from the council of national security and defense to moldova, oleksiy danilov was appointed ambassador of ukraine to this country. i have already accepted the candidacy president of ukraine. zelensky noted that moldova is under direct threat of russian aggression. so there will be many challenges for the new representative from ukraine. earlier, the president dismissed danilov from the post of secretary. of the national security and defense council and announced his work in the diplomatic direction. he told me exactly about this vision of his future work in ukraine. for us, moldova is an extremely
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important state both from the point of view of security challenges in the region and from the point of view of our bilateral cooperation. 100 million euros. on maintenance of the ukrainian fleet of f-16 fighters will be allocated by belgium. this was reported by the minister of defense of the country ludivinder. she noted that the funding will be provided as part of the 25th package of military aid, which was approved by the government the day before. the minister also reminded that her country participates in the f-16 coalition and plans to transfer fighter jets to kyiv. in total, this year belgium intends to participate in six coalitions with support. of the armed forces of ukraine and the training of ukrainian servicemen, as well as provide ukraine military aid in the amount of 611 million euros. and on the international day of walks in the park , another
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730 russian occupiers went for a walk, though hell. more than 441,000 invaders who died in ukraine since the beginning of the large- scale invasion have been walking there for a long time. also, yesterday our defenders burned 29 enemy tanks, 20 bmp and 15 artillery systems. one enemy anti-aircraft system and more than three dozen special vehicles and tankers were also hit. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information on the front of 72 combat clashes happened in a day. the enemy attacks most actively in the novopavlovsk direction. 25 attempted assaults in krasnohorivka, georgiivka, novomykhaivka and vodiane settlements of donetsk region. 20 times the russians tried to advance in the avdiivsk direction and 16 times in the lymansk, orichivsk directions, the ukrainian military repelled four
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attacks, three more in the kherson, kupyansk directions, the russian troops did not conduct offensive actions. during the day, the aviation of the defense forces struck one point. board, one means of anti-aircraft defense and 10 areas of concentration of enemy personnel and equipment. ukraine will be able to prepare for a new counteroffensive already this year, but on the condition that the situation at the front is stable, president volodymyr zelenskyy expressed this opinion in an interview with the washington post, according to him, in order to dislodge the enemy, ukraine is capable of arming and training new brigades in the rear. the president also... led the program to create an army of ukrainian drones, in particular, those capable of reaching more than 1,000 km deep into russia, at the same time, he admitted that the war cannot be won with drones alone. the armed forces need more powerful weapons - concluded the head of state. for now, i have all
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the news for this hour, to find out more, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, like. and comment, my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika are waiting for you on the air, see you soon. we come back and somehow it's morning, and don't forget to say good morning to you, but we start the morning with that old bearded joke, remember this is that we wish victory to both sides, absolutely this anecdote falls into our crosshairs today, because in the extreme statement made by the terrorists of the islamic state and things about that... under the name of the russian federation and the chekists, that is what they wrote in their appeals and
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in writing and video were distributed that in this way, when russia accuses western countries and ukraine of this terrorist attack in korokosikhol, russia admits its failure in the face of the islamic state of isis. well, we wish victory to both sides, preferably within the city limits of moscow and mkadu city. of the moscow ring road , now we will talk about military affairs, in particular about the front and about what we have been asking about for several days, asking all our guests, whether this russian offensive is possible and what it might be, what april and may of this year might look like denis popovych, a military observer, is with us at the front, mr. denis, we congratulate you, good morning, we understand that it is getting warmer, it is getting dry. that the earth is harder and can withstand several dozen or even several tens of tons of heavy equipment, and this means
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that the russians will be able to advance, they are now forming new units, they are talking about the fact that the army is being formed, these 40,000 are being collected, how do you assess their statements and the probability of an offensive, also, maybe you have some thoughts about what direction they can choose? well, to be honest, the russians stated, apart from certain publications in the press, including in medusa, well, i didn’t see, well, there, except that shoigo talked about the formation of new armies, but by the end of this year, well, to a large extent, we you comment now on what appears in the press, why only, mr. denys, look, you, there is such a traitor to pushila. there he has already set clear deadlines for the occupied territories, there is a number, there is 300 thousand, this is what
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we talked about before, that is, it is already happening, ushilin is great in general , in fact, a great source of information, let’s give it something else the beekeeper will be bored, and in general there will be a bomb, well, he is not our source of information, our source of information is the people who directly from the occupied... level mobilization points, that is, mobilization comes from the people. come on, let's get serious now: mobilization is going on in the so-called dpr, the so-called lpr, starting from february 19, 22, if we, if my memory serves me correctly, then mobilization was announced, like in order to to protect these territories from ukraine. it was, let's say, the last call before. at the beginning of a large-scale war, all the men who could be recruited, recruited in order to fight with
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ukraine, were already recruited there, as well as mobilization on a large scale unfortunately, it is unfolding in the occupied territories of ukraine, the kherson and zaporizhzhia regions, there too, after the so-called elections, which means they were falsified, now the mobilization will be strengthened, regarding whether there will be an offensive, where it will be, when it will be, so , today the offensive is on new fronts and new directions. kharkiv, kharkiv, an attack directly on kharkiv is causing special concern now, they say there about possible offensive actions on kyiv, in the direction of kyiv, sums and so on, so today there are no troops in order to launch an offensive on kharkiv, on sumy on kyiv , there are no troops in these directions, can they appear, they can, what is needed for this, it is necessary to strengthen mobilization on the territory of the russian federation, not on the occupied territories of ukraine, there including there up to... donetsk region, luhansk region, that means zaporizhzhia, kherson region, namely on the territory of the russian federation in order to
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form the relevant forces, so there may be 30,000 and 4,000 people there, people in order to form them, then it will take time in order to to equip them, to train them, to deploy them further , well, that is, april, may is not the right term, unless, of course, somewhere in the depths of the siberian ruts, an army has not already been assembled, and they will not be there in the near future, they will not transfer it here, but... there are no such signs yet, well, now with regard to the offensive as such, of course, the offensive on those directions that are now available, the main directions that are already hot now, this is lymano-kupinsky. direction, the bakhmud direction, west of davdiivka, west-south of maryanka, and the south of ukraine, it is possible, and they say that in particular, the commander of the ground forces spoke about the fact that there are ground forces of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, he means that there is now a group of troops that can, in the worst case scenario
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, launch an offensive in certain directions that are already , volodymyr zelenskyi said the same about the offensive. president, therefore, the offensive can be in those directions that are already hot, in order to deploy them in new directions, i say, as i have already said, now there is no strength for this in russia federation, mr. denys, but if it concerns equipment, do they have the opportunity to accumulate such a quantity of heavy equipment that this offensive, it was not 200 by 300 m there. well, this is the next question, when we talk about an offensive in new directions, again , let's repeat, kharkiv, sumy, kyiv. that is now being actively dispersed and must be, the issue of equipment, the right question is whether they have such a number, there are doubts that they will be able to equip such a group with equipment in full force, which will effectively carry out offensive actions on such cities as kharkiv, in particular, let's mention this again, that is , when i talk about equipment, about training, i mean precisely the question of the standard
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equipment equipment, mr. denis, i have been on my favorite topic for three days now. oksana says that the fighting tajiks do not allow me, but i see that it also does not allow the entire vertical of putin's power, because they work in every way the investigative committee, and the fsb, and whoever did not get along with the ukrainian in a row, and in fact they are poked like a harmful cat in what he did utapki, because idil. this morning, once again, he is letting all the security forces and russia down, in particular with his statements, they are published in the newspapers , they put it on the internet, they started a video, and the hedgehogs continue to cry and prick themselves and climb on the cactus, because the center for countering disinformation helps us, even confirms it, they spread it. for example, the information that the ukrainian post office burned down, this is a ukrainian trace, they
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issued stamps, you saw these stamps, which, they seem to show that here they are. well, kroku city hall palai are ukrposhta stamps, they say they are. well, in a word, why are they so stubbornly digging themselves in, from this, from this point of view, when already in idilivka themselves they will soon be ready to show all the participants in the preparation and implementation of this operation, what it gives them, is it really you who gives them some map - blanche regarding shelling or ee? demands or movement along the front line, i don’t understand where these stamps are sold , it became very interesting, i didn’t see the sale, maybe the special services of the russian federation will tell us where they can be bought in kyiv, this is a market, because even i was interested, here -is, for the first time, you know, i am faced with a situation when
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terrorists, well, in this case, this case, are forced to prove, provide, that is, blatant evidence, what exactly they have committed and... well , this is actually the first such experience i have , where i think that you in all the viewers, the poor thing is trying to prove with both hands, both limbs, and hands and feet that it's us guys, it's us who blew you up, we burned you, you'll finally admit that it's us, well , the russian federation is trying to pull an owl on the ground in order to prove that this is ukraine's involvement, why are they doing it, well, it's very... in fact, you need some, you know, unifying motive, in their opinion, this is a unifying motive, in the opinion of the russian special services, in order to, therefore, to build an even stronger theoretical basis for mobilization, again we return to offensive actions to influence the front line, the elections turned out to be insufficient, there i think that even in russia everyone perfectly understood that these
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data are, so to speak, very, very stretched in terms of support putin additional is needed a unifying motive, it is necessary to strengthen the image of the enemy, it is necessary to create something, in their opinion , that could be thrown on the altar of mobilization and say: here is mobilization, here are terrorists, here are enemies, here are ukrainians, so they burned our people, mobilize at last, well, it is necessary, it means that a huge side stood up, and this is what they are working on now, that is, they are trying to wrap this terrorist attack in such a way as to create even more... er reasons, create even more motives for russian society behind mobilization, i have doubts that it will actually be a unifying motive, well, but they are trying, they are trying in this way. mr. denis , strikes on crimea, on airfields, on places where their personnel and equipment are concentrated,
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strikes on ships and sinking of the russian black sea fleet, strikes on oil refineries, that’s all good, what else is needed, we were happy for engels, alas, it's a little far to olandi and we can't be so happy, where else can we reach and what are the scales... left so that we can talk about the fact that all this comprehensively affects the front as well. well, to our great regret, we will expect new blows from the pnpz. they have not been there for the last few days, the last one was, i think, a week ago, just when the refinery was struck, after that, after that we did not hear that, on the contrary, the russian federation carried out massive shelling there, so we must continue this practice, we must expand it and we must beat. even more on refineries, in order for this to have an impact both on the civilian sector of the russian federation and on the front, in order for this to have an impact on the front, it is necessary
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to hit these refineries as much as possible, that is, somewhere more than half of that power must be covered by these strikes in order for it to have an impact on the front, because we understand very well that the russian federation will primarily provide the troops, that is, it will deprive the civilian sector of fuel, it will deprive. agriculture fell, it will create queues at gas stations, but the russian army will be provided with fuel to the maximum, especially since we now hear that they want to organize the supply of fuel from belarus, so such strikes must be scaled up, and they are already taking in principle, to balance the internal market, but this is something i still want to return to the exact moment in a certain period of time i... underestimated how sloppy the russians could organize themselves and start a wartime economy, such a war of resources for a long time, and
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they thought, oh well , will be launched, but what will there be shells, cartridges to do, we see that there are not enough high-tech developments in them, but i wanted to ask about them, our military man stanislav bunyatov and pozyny osman made it public, here, maybe now we can even show them. on in the bakhmut direction, russian ground drones appeared, ground drones are something similar to what we showed, as ours spoke only to our developers yesterday, well, technologically, you have to come up with it and make it, and they do it, and in addition , it stands on them automatic grenade launcher ags-17, that is, the russians have the ability and weapons of a new generation to scale and produce in industrial volumes. well, they used to make such ground drones, they are combat robots, the only problem is that there were not many of them, well, they used to do it, why yes, but i am talking about scaling, because you see, they
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have already appeared at the front, so they have launched it industrially, it is quite possible, well , war is primarily a competition of industry, that is, we have invented unmanned naval defense, now the russian federation is thinking how to answer them and copies them and tries them, so... to reveal this secret is a ukrainian nouveau, we launch unmanned ground drones, well , let's say, ground drones of ground robots, and by the way, we, well, we don't either for the first time their, it a large-scale invasion, there were samples that we showed at exhibitions, then the russians repeat it and try to do it, here you need to be ahead, in fact, war is both technology and technology, so i would not be surprised that the russians are trying ... to create something of their own in this country, especially since they have access in principle to sanctioned goods through parallel imports, through smuggling, through whole schemes, schemes, and
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especially since these drones can also be made from goods of double meaning, i.e. that microcircuits there, which means that the elemental base, which comes, including from china, for the civilian sector of the russian federation, in the interests of the civilian sector of the russian federation, it can also be used to create such... platforms, so there are no, let's say, reasons for surprise i don't see here, ugh, we still have literally a minute left, mr. denis, and about this possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine. macron said one thing, part of the world says another, some support him, but the bundestag, in fact, we we understand that there are several such big forces in europe, in particular, we also had big calculations for germany, well, they say that... it is possible and possible that some kind of assistance there is possible, but entering into a conflict is unlikely, it is impossible.
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i didn't hear the question, the point was interrupted , we are asking about the probability, in general, about statements related to the probable entry of nato troops, their entry into ukraine, the deployment of ground troops in ukraine and participation in the conflict directly about the fact that, in principle, even those statements by macron, the bundestag and in general germany does not consider it necessary to participate in the war directly, what is possible, as trainers, training, something else? i... understood the question, so there is a circle of countries, it is france , it is the baltic countries, and what, it is possible the czech republic, well , it is quite possible also the scandinavian countries, maybe, it is possible to assume which can create a certain contingent that will be transferred to territory of ukraine. it's all a hypothetical story, although now we're seeing conversations about it, directly engaging in a foreign war, i think very, very
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unlikely if it really is, as denys said, the connection is not the best, that's how the mess happened, well, let's explain here, because here the discussion is still internally german, and that is , if scholz says, i don't want to do anything, in particular with the tauruses, so as not to they said, we have a renewed connection, mr. denys, please continue the thought, because unfortunately, something interrupted us, so in the report, that is, i named the circle of countries, france, the baltic countries, the czech republic. they can theoretically form a contingent that can be, again, theoretically, hypothetically transferred to the territory of ukraine, not in order to directly participate in hostilities, this is not the case, even these countries do not talk about it, but in order to stand on certain borders, let's say, on the northern border with belarus, or in the odesa region, as it was heard from france, and after that, these troops, which are currently engaged, are transferred, the ukrainian troops, which are currently stationed in these territories, as
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reinforcements in order to... create, that is, certain reserves, or there may be use for offensive actions in other directions, and the logic is clear, release reserves in this way, this is how the french talked about it theoretically and experts drew us even these maps, mentioning the foreign french legion. thank you, mr. denys, for participating in our program, it was denys popovych, a military observer, with us. we will take a short break and another specialist will be with us, but we will talk about threats and forces in the air. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. her yes convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home.
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