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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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a super-monopolist with huge revenues of billions, and that the europeans, our partners, began to buy less russian gas and introduced sanctions a lot, and so on and so forth, and for a week, for a week, russian gazprom now loses 5.6 billion rubles a week, does not earn, loses , it works, it works, but they should do the same for oil and believe me, then it’s not just negotiations, then there will be a white flag in moscow and they will ask for everything only... buy something again, because in fact the whole regime of putin, as well as his army is terrorist, depends on oil dollars, gas dollars , that is, on the fact that, including large western countries, still buy energy carriers from the russian federation, and there is no need to look for some big conspiracy, war is always a war of resources, russia has the only resource left, this energy trade in the world. thank you, mr. valentin, it was valentin
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nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watch us on tv and on youtube. we are conducting a survey today and we ask you the following: are you satisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the national security and defense council? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your personal opinion or a special opinion, please write. comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, vote for phone numbers, if you are satisfied with danilov's work as the secretary of the nsdc 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, will be in touch with us next. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being here today. with us, congratulations, glory
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to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. volodymyr, let's start with volodymyr zelenskyi's statement , which sounded in an interview with the cbs news channel, that the ukrainian president says that the ukrainian military managed to hold back the advance of the russian invaders in the winter, while at the same time he admitted that the armed forces of ukraine are not ready for the big of the russian offensive, which can take place either in may or in june, that... this statement by zelensky, and this statement is directed at the west or at the domestic consumer, in your opinion? well, strangely enough, this is a certain admission of , i would say, the dysfunctionality of the government, because when the government begins to admit that it is not ready to resist the enemy, it means that it is not up to... working, let's see today, well,
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it was a few days ago the published results of the work of the accounting chamber of the ministry of defense, 60 billion uah of non-targeted expenditures, this is evidence that the government does not is finalizing, it is obvious that zelensky was counting on such a confession after all, well, in the words of western partners, to take pity on his command. not to pressure the authorities on the subject of anti-corruption activity, but to silently help with weapons. unfortunately, for our western partners, since they are accountable to their voters, handing over any resources to a government that is not too eager to fight corruption is a risky business, because sooner or later the voter will ask, who are you giving our money to? resource, by the way,
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experts of the american institute of studies war says that since the beginning of offensive operations in october 23, the russian army captured 505 km of the territory of ukraine, in particular, in the period from january 1 to march 28, 24, the troops captured almost 100 km more territory than in the last 3 months of the 23rd year, such rates were advanced. may be related to a combination of a lack of equipment in ukraine and more favorable weather conditions, analysts note, but it is clear that in this situation there are a lot of questions for the congress of the united states of america and the help that we have been waiting for for four months, that is, 61 a billion dollars at stake, and actually the americans cannot decide to open... us this financing, the lack
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of this money, or this help, let's say this, not even money, what does this mean and how much does it affect the mood of the russians to leave in... in may-june this year. well, look, let's start by inserting general zaluzhnyi first, and then another 16 generals. isn't this an encouragement to the russians that ukraine is weakening? serious problems have appeared in ukraine, and at the moment when there is a rotation of management troops, namely, there is time for an offensive. further. let's look at the united states, it's a strange story in general, because, for example, more than 50%, even 60% of americans, supporters of both main american parties, support the struggle of ukraine. let's see, the latest
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survey shows that ukraine, the americans call ukraine their second ally in the world in case of an attack on the united states. they believe that it is ukraine that will stand next to the united states, this means that the politicians in the white house, or rather not in the white house, in the congress, know the mood very well americans in support of ukraine, but when they do not vote, and when they organize such maneuvers, not everything can be attributed only to the pre-election struggle, they still demonstrate a certain, certain skepticism about the managerial qualities of the ukrainian government, haven't we watched how before the new year of its time, the verkhovna rada dispatched a propaganda expedition to the united states, precisely at the moment when there were no american politicians in the districts, and to be honest, the selection of characters
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who should have convinced her american politicians that ukraine should be supported, he caused, well, some skepticism and surprise, so not everything can be blamed, not all the blame can be blamed on the american congress, which is delaying aid, because along with the delaying of aid by the american congress, the european countries have now increased their aid to ukraine so much that they would try not to deceive at least their european partners. to work honestly, but when we look, for example, at the bills introduced by some representatives of the authorities, it causes simply, well, surprise, because these legislative initiatives create the image of ukraine as somewhat
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of a, well, i would say too young democracy. mr. volodymyr, and actually, you mentioned zaluzhnyi, for the first time in the last one and a half... months , general syrsky gave an interview to the ukrainian media in an interview with ukrinform, he said that 500,000 people who were going to be mobilized in 2024 year, that such a number of people is not needed, that he cannot name the exact number, but he literally says the following, i will quote: after... looking at our internal resources and clarifying combat personnel of the armed forces, this number has been significantly reduced, we expect that we will have enough people capable of defending the homeland, it is not only about the mobilized, but also about volunteers. in the same interview, syrsky said that he and zaluzhny were and
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remain, were part of the team, and he does not discuss zelenskyi's decision, because he is a military man, the supreme commander. made a decision to release zaluzhny, and he accepted it, but this is a story about mobilization, about 500,000 ukrainians, well zaluzhny never had that number either did not name, that is, this figure was named publicly by zelenskyi, he said that the military wants 500,000 ukrainians to be mobilized, but i am against it, considering the story that is happening now, that is happening around the mobilization. why do you think zelensky does not take on a decisive role, because his words, his position, his speech before the verkhovna rada would probably be enough for the verkhovna rada to make the right and timely decisions, and they would not drag it out bill for four
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months as the congress of the united states of america? well, in general, the story is very strange, because the behavior itself is like this, well... i would say fronderska from the servant of the people party, fronderska to the address of the bank, and so on. zelenskyi's active self-removal from contact with the verkhovna rada creates a strange situation when neither the servant of the people party nor zelenskyi count on each other in the event of the end of the war and a new election campaign. the impression is that zelensky does not see support for himself in this party, if he is not going to be elected. on the second term, then hardly on he will build
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headquarters on the basis of this party apparatus, the party itself now does not count on zelenskyi, because it perfectly understands that zelenskyi's popularity is not as high as even, well, in an indirect way, they try to impose an opinion about through the level of trust, avoiding the direct electoral one. because it is essentially impossible to establish it now, but the game is being played to determine who will be more important at the finish, because now there is a question with this, i say from may 20, after that it is the council itself, which is in force the fact that it cannot be carried out again re-elections, the council... suddenly removed itself, and it looks very strange, because in fact,
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the stay, well, five and a half years of the supreme ninth convocation, it projects the same low functional capacity of the banking, banking also closed, and the impression is that we have an administrative collapse, especially since in a situation where we really need... western help, after all, western partners would like to see a host with whom they can negotiate, with whom they can talk, here, when the ukrainian government swears to its face that it will fulfill what everything that was agreed upon, then turns around and acts at its own discretion, and there is no extreme under these circumstances, it is very, very bad, that is, in essence, we have such a management dysfunction. talna in the council and in the cabinet of ministers, and the cabinet of ministers simply gives less voice, he, he
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is in the shadow of the bank, but this is also evidence that the constitutional model of state management has been destroyed in the country, and unfortunately, to restore the constitutional system, with the current composition of the verkhovna rada, under the current president, it is unlikely to succeed. against this background. that, mr. volodymyr, there was a rotation in the force blocks, another rotation, since this rotation started on february 8 or february 7, well, actually it continued, the secretary of the national security council danilov left for another job, that is, he was fired, oleksandr lytvynenko came in his place, but zelenskyy now says that the work of the renewed national security council is starting and defense, and he named five tasks of the nsdc, the first of which is strengthening ukraine's ability to predict and influence. on the processes on which the national security of the state depends, the second is the continuation of all current tasks and
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particularly attentive to the sanctions policy, the third - doctoral work, the clarity of national guidelines and systematic implementation, further, cyber security and information need to do more to protect against hostile destabilization operations and the coordination of all state institutions in this area, and the work of the rate, projects of decisions, control over the implementation of decisions, the priority is the defense of the state. and the protection of society, well , let's listen to what volodymyr zelensky himself said about it. the nsbu has all the opportunities to combine analytical the potential of ukrainian intelligence and other bodies that function in the field of national security. we need to strengthen ukraine's ability to predict and influence the processes on which the national security of our state depends. well, actually, mr. volodymyr, the nsdc, as a control center
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, was probably the largest control center under kuchma, the president, that is , when, when, the nsdc was headed by volodymyr horbuli, well, probably, the nsdc during the time of turchynov under poroshenko , that is, are these all the tasks that zelensky is now articulating, or are they there? that's why what should the national security and defense council do, moreover, the secretary of the national security and defense council is the secretary of the chairman of the national security and defense council, and the chairman of the national security and defense council is president zelenskyi, so... well, it is worth reminding that the head of the national security and defense council is the president, secondly, the secretary deals with the technical function , he is the organizer, and, by the way, in the system of the state hierarchy, he stands somewhat higher than the head of the office, but it seems to me that this replacement, it was made so that the head of the office remained the vice president, according to the girlfriend,
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regarding litvinenko himself, let me remind you that lytvynenko, he is, has been working at the nsdc since its creation, when academician gorbulin brought him along as his assistant. let me remind you that lytvynenko is the co-author of many of horbulin's books , and there was also general bilov, in my opinion, they, in three, one of the books, horbulin, lytvynenko bilov created, so we can say that lytvynenko, first of all, not a new person, he was even turcha's deputy. for some time, it has been there for a long time, but during this time from academician gurbulin to the current state of the nsdc lost several specialized security institutes that were engaged in problems, for example, external, external security, well, that is, these institutions were shortened, in the end, all this security
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work was reduced to only a residual principle. what remained was the national institute of strategic studies, which was also headed by lytvynenko, which for some time, and in fact , he always prepares annual notes and messages for the president, well, that is, we can say that in terms of such an analytical bureaucracy , litvinenko will really make the nsdc quiet , an advisory body er... on the model, er, well, really, maybe, maybe an academician horbulin, only litvyanenko is not the same format , that is, he, he himself is not, not a visionary like horbulin, and secondly, it seems to me that danilov is still tied up with sanctions devices, because some of the sanctions games
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of the nsdc, they were faster raiding, and not the protection of national... interests, when western partners were surprised to discover that a set of sanctions against certain characters, which were adopted in the united states, in europe, were suddenly ignored in ukraine, that is, ukraine does not reach the level of western partners in sanctions pressure on to russia in the first place, well, we recall that danilov was one of the actual... implementers of pressure on medvedchuk, sanctions, but at the same time, for example, there were, there were, with the participation of the nsdc , redistribution of markets, in particular the gaming industry, became, in fact, well , reformatted thanks to the nsdc, and
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i want to remind you that the game industry did not pay 23. hryvnias of taxes to the budget, but the nsdc did not get their hands on this game industry, it turns out that a large part of the stolen money, including mine defense money, was laundered through it. mr. volodymyr, what do you think? the prospects of mr. danilov's diplomatic future, today there was information that he could be the ambassador of ukraine to moldova, i don't know how true this is, because a few days ago they said that he would fly to norway. well, in general, the practice of announcing envoys when agriman is not even received is essentially, well, so to speak, disrespect for the country that has to accept the ambassador recommended by ukraine, well, moldova can eat, so to speak, this insult,
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in general, kyiv is one of the first during the days of zelenskyi's election, he was very rude several times dealt with moldova. although i would like to remind you that after being elected, mrs. sandu visited the first capital she visited was kyiv, so moldova is very important for us now, because it is a transit country for us, and we are actually participants in such a safe scenario for moldova, because blocking the border with transnistria, plus now successful actions on... we actually created the circumstances under which moldova will eventually be able to bring its stormy regions to the state. ee legal standards. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for this conversation was volodymyr tsibulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth
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convocation. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, you can take part in the survey. today we are asking you about whether you are satisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the national security council, yes, no, if you have a personal, special opinion. you can leave in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you enjoy working danilova 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vaskor unian in moscow. mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being... with us, hello serhiy, congratulations, i remind you that roman tsymbalyuk has a powerful youtube channel, whoever is not yet subscribed to this youtube channel, join,
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1,190,00 viewers roman already has, i think there will be more. roman, let's start with the orthodox jihad announced by patriarch kirill gundyaev at the so-called worldwide russian people's day. council, and there at this council an order was passed, and this order reads that the entire territory of modern ukraine should enter the zone of exclusive influence of russia, and the large-scale invasion of russia into ukraine is called a holy war, i will quote this document. from a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation is a holy war in which russia and its people, defending the only spiritual simple. holy russia performs the mission of a deterrent, protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the west, which has fallen into satanism. well, gundyaev himself said that this
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order is aimed at strengthening and developing the so-called russian peace, at the same time denying its open and frank nazi character. let's hear what he said. the main task of these orders, as well as the long-term activity of everything. deprivation of his spiritual and vital forces always led to the weakening and crisis of the russian state. therefore , the restoration of the unity of the russian people, and as well as its spiritual and vital potential, are key conditions for the development of russia and the russian world in the 21st century. and let no one scare us. russian nationalism does not exist in nature, everyone knows that, but everyone knows roman that there is racism and russian fascism. how do you
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perceive what gundyaev is saying and this , this is a flag, a holy war, we are going to ukraine, because there are those satanists who must be defeated, the translator must be careful that... into the ukrainian language, russian peace must be translated russian peace, because these are two big ones the difference between the word russian and russian, and because the russian nazis are speculating on this very thing, then i looked very carefully at gundyaev, at this main moscow pope, and especially from here on his shoulder , from here, and it seemed to me that there after all, these fsb epaulettes finally appeared, it is clear that these are... no longer colonels , but apparently colonel-generals, but in general we must say to these moscow popes that they are well done, they burned this
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office, and this once again confirms that no moscow popes and their representatives in ukraine cannot be, and here is the attention, and what they have done, in fact, surprisingly, will benefit us, the fact that they use their ... comrades in cassocks in the interests of russian intelligence and the russian military state, here, well, most of us already understand, and the fact that they made a document and said that the war is very cool. now we can to such figures as tucker carlson, who very much likes to reflect on the oppression here in our country on the basis of faith and so on, say, look, tucker and friends friends, who russia... brainwashed, they are terrorists, they are war criminals, and this story, it
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has nothing to do with faith in god, well, on the other hand. what the moscow pope, cyril, said about the crisis in russia is very good, they should get used to this word, i heard a phrase here today that if you want to find the answer to what awaits us, look to the future, look to the past, well but in the russian federation, in the russian federation they have everything one to one, and therefore russian nationalism, it does exist, only it... is too precisely and involved in all of these fascist ideas, so let's do our own thing, there won't be a big new difference from the moscow priests, the only thing is that we brought this topic up now, i remembered the film that was shown on the tv channel russia 1, don't ask why i watched it, but they told about a priest
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whose husband, that is, a moscow priest... was destroyed, killed in ukraine, and among other things , the following phrase sounded: he was from the landing brigade, from one of the landing brigades, and among other things, the following phrase sounded there: to the donbass he has been driving since 2014, well , actually, we collected all this and have it now general for the overall picture, and no one will be able to play the game anymore, and the moscow popes, they are there, but they are not there, they are for god at all, no, they serve hell, and we have seen this once again, well, damn, what can i say , in principle, and in a different way , it is difficult to name these people in these clothes, but here are those
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who... were recently connected with them and now say that they are independent, this is the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, they say that this declaration of a holy war contradicts the basic principles of christian morality and distanced themselves from ideology of this russian world. what is said in the statement of the uocp. the ukrainian orthodox church does not support and distance itself from the ideology of the russian world. moreover, the attitude of the church to this idea was publicly expressed a long time ago by the most blessed patriarch, metropolitan, forgive me, of the whole movement of onufria of kyiv, we are not building a russian world, we are building god's world. ocu spokesman metropolitan evstratiy wrote on facebook that the structure of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine , headed by metropolitan monufry, is quite reminiscent of a person suffering from domestic violence violence, but is unable to break up with the rapist. or, is this now... one of
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them could be one of the good reasons for the uoc , after all, they will decide where they consider the canonical church of the russian orthodox church according to their statement, or they are still with the ocu and there is some kind of dialogue about unity, regarding the fact that the church should still be ukrainian, and not, the moscow church is not russian and should not have, as metropolitan eustratiy says, the signs of a person who suffers from domestic violence, but is not able to break up with the abuser. well, here to to understand who is the rapist of whom and who plays in which team, you need to go to the website of the russian orthodox church and look at these moscow priests, and among the list of these moscow priests we will see
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them. so you know here that there will be no russian church or a branch of the russian church here, not in the lavra, not in kyiv, not in pochaivskyi, not in any other, that is all clear, the question remains, how is it, how to act, well there is two basic, two basic approaches, that is, an evolutionary approach, when over time the people will think, come to the conclusion: why on moscow popes, if we are ukraine. actually, the majority of people who go there and really love to believe in god, this does not mean that they want putin, the russian army and so on to be here, well, this is how it happened historically, that is, this history is, well, objectively more difficult the second approach is the banning of the russian orthodox church, its branches in minmin, closer to nabaga.


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