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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! we are back, and as promised, we will continue to talk about energy. dmytro sakharuk, executive director of ttek, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro. aron, glory. well, first of all, we want to be with roman. to thank all energy companies for how quickly and efficiently they work in such a way that the whole world admires them and says that it is impossible, simply impossible to restore, even more admired by the people of kharkiv, odessa and the days from the dnieper, they also said very quickly, yes what is this thank you, and actually further we want to ask, in particular, about how it all works out, so for the second week there is a massive attack on our power system, about the consequences of the latest attack, please tell us what you can say? of course, in order
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not to do any favors to our enemies, first of all, thank you for evaluating the work of energy workers, i believe that they are really heroes, they do the impossible even at the cost of their health, their lives, and as for energy in general, indeed, the two weeks that have passed have led, as a result of the russian attacks, to very significant, significant. ruin was experienced by generation, i.e. electricity production in almost all regions of ukraine, and at that of different types, and thermal generation, hydro generation, as well as electricity distribution and transmission facilities, which do not allow, in fact, to transmit electricity in the required amount to those regions, where it is needed. if we speak concretely, five out of six states about our company. were severely damaged, some blocks
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were destroyed, some damaged almost 50% or more, and this applies to both the western regions and the central regions, and both the equipment needed for the production of electricity and for transmission from the station to the grid, as for distribution, were also damaged. these substations occurred almost all over ukraine, as a result , several regions now have such stabilization or emergency shutdowns, of course, kharkiv is the biggest problem now, because all energy sources and transmissions, transmission facilities, etc. were destroyed there this is dnipropetrovsk region, kryvyi rih region, odesa region, odesa region was also very, very seriously affected and. unfortunately, it is not possible to transmit
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electricity in the required amount, so stabilizing or emergency shutdowns are used depending on the situation, this night there were shelling again, both in odesa region, where we work, and in dnipropetrovsk region, restrictions were applied in odesa region, it, for example, this morning , 68,000 consumers were restored to power at the power company, due to the fact that there were attacks during the night and it was damaged. distribution network, we continue to work, we continue to dismantle rubble, defects, losses already reach almost our company 300 million dollars, this is only the equipment, not counting the work, the work is 40-50% higher, and we have 80% of the installed available generating capacity, which are not working now, i wanted to ask you now also about the fact that
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each of the facilities of thermal or other generation have unique equipment, how do you assess the possibility of manufacturing and replacing it in, as they say, in the shortest terms and the longest, that is, what period of time? of course, we will gradually restore the equipment depending on its condition, if something is possible restore faster, then we will restore faster that... it takes longer, then it usually takes months or even more, if we talk about the need for equipment, it is primarily turbines, generators, transformers of various types, of various types, yes indeed you can't buy them in a supermarket, because it's custom-made equipment, usually, and the preference is usually given to ukrainian manufacturers, because they can do it the fastest. if ukrainian manufacturers
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cannot produce, but there is such a nomenclature goods, or cannot keep up with the volume, then such goods may be. to be visible abroad for abroad , it will usually be such a specific order somewhere, it will require more time than for ukrainian manufacturers. we really count on the help of donors, because the funds are very large, we as a company spent almost 110 million dollars before last winter and restored 10 blocks, unfortunately 2/3 of the blocks that were restored are now destroyed again. one of the units was restored almost there a month ago and it was the schent was completely destroyed by the attacks of last week, so it is very important here not only to restore, but also to defend, because to preserve is no less a task than
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to repair, and preservation, of course, directly depends on the effectiveness of anti-aircraft defense, because missiles. are now powerful, hit the target exactly, and none of the civilian infrastructure objects, such as a station or a substation, can withstand a missile that hits the target directly, even if there is a civilian defense, but he, unfortunately, is not very good at it case works effectively, well sir dmitry, prime minister shmyhal says that the power system is still intact, but we understand that it is only the end of the first month of spring, and... this may happen more than once in approximately, let's say this, if it all happens again, when loan and buy a gasoline generator, or buy 100 power banks, when will you say? i think that
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ukrainians are already used to the fact that it is necessary to be ready for everything, and the past winter, the past winter taught us to be ready, everyone who wanted and could buy a generator. they have all these things, the ukrainians have these things, questions, questions here, probably, in other things, we need to look at how the country will work as a whole, and how the industry will work, which provides jobs, taxes, the production of goods, which in the end necessary for the front, for the ukrainians, because the population is limited, there is a large shutdown, but... against the background of this , industry is completely shut down, and industry - this means that in 2-3 months it will not be able to pay salaries, but with european imports we we cannot overlap, let's say this,
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we have at least a part of industrial production, imports, but if we talk about the volume of imports, unfortunately, it will not be enough to cover the entire deficit that will arise, especially in winter. yes, we will cover some part, but it will not be enough, if there are new shelling and new damage, then in principle, imports will provide only the basic load, not to mention the peak hours, for example, from 6 to 11 p.m., even in the summer, when people just physically consume more electricity because they cook food or come home from work, so here it is a complex task, on the one hand, to recover as quickly as possible and energy workers on this... are constantly working, and on the other hand , to provide the maximum possible protection against further new damage, of course, this requires not only air defense as such, and they need missiles, ammunition, because the problem is not only that there are not enough installations
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to shoot down missiles, but often there is simply not enough ammunition to shoot down these missiles. mr. dmytro, we have already talked about kharkiv. what is needed, for sure not one year, perhaps much more, to restore the supply in the region, in fact, so that they can provide themselves with electricity on their own. in general, what can you say about the restoration of the ukrainian power system, about the restoration of your power system, how long it will take and whether there is a prospect that at the time when peak usage will begin, they are talking about july, mostly august, we may be left without electricity . yes, the situation is not easy, it is impossible to talk now, there will be such a disaster that we will do everything here and everything will be ready, that and the degree of destruction that is now, it does not allow us to say, honestly, professionally
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speaking, responsibly speaking, that it will be a recovery within weeks or days, no, it is physically impossible, because some blocks, they are destroyed completely, some of them are damaged, therefore of course... which are damaged, they can be returned to work earlier, we can talk about months, and some, some objects, they will need a year or a year and a half. the reason is that there simply won't be any equipment that can be installed to restore, because to make a turbine or a generator or a transformer, it takes time, so you have to prepare for the fact that the systems will gradually return the power that was damaged, but certainly to talk about such a quick recovery from these attacks within weeks or months is not... impossible, just physically impossible because of the volume damages that occur.
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but the last thing i wanted to know is whether we can increase generation by nuclear power plants, add wind, solar, that is, a green component, so that somehow you balance it out, or it will still not be enough? no, this is a strategy that should definitely work, we are talking about... there is a medium-term perspective, because it is impossible to build a solar wind farm very quickly, but i will tell you that very many regions of ukraine live now without blackouts due to the fact that near the corresponding city or district a wind farm or a solar farm is built, and it provides these cities with electricity during the day, of course, only from... it is impossible to do without the sun, because there are periods when there is no sun and no wind, so it is necessary
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to build them separately, these are batteries that store electricity and have the ability to transmit it when there is no wind or sun, gas plants, but not small 20-30 megawatts, it is necessary to build 100-120, because if we talk about the fact that we lost 2 g after the first attack, what the press wrote about, it is impossible to replace it... with one gas turbine installation of 20 megawatts, it is simply 100 times, 1000 times less, that is , it is physically impossible to replace it, so it is necessary to build many quite powerful, but distributed facilities, but now , for example, if we look at the wind, wind installation one, that's 6 mw, 6, that's if you build 10 vityaks, 60 mw is almost half of a thermal unit, and those projects that our company built, even during the war, we... last year show that 100 mw in a certain area, as in the built distributed
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generation, save the situation, people with light, because it is quite difficult, or very resource-intensive, let's say, to beat distributed generation, which, unlike thermal stations, is not concentrated in one place, it is necessary there are a lot of missiles, so there is a strategy, it must be applied, good, good strategy, dear, but... mr. dmytro, thank you for the clarification, the executive director of detek dmytro sakharuk was with us, a short pause, we will get back to you with information about sumy region, they are leveling so much there and bombarding them with such bombs that you just need to find out how people survive, how to evacuate and what can be done to help, be with espress.
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plantain for you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. strong together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn into... countering the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends,
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most current topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, war. in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because... there is nothing to quarrel about, let's get out, help to understand the present and predict the future, for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more
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analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we are coming back, and we have not reminded you for a long time, so we remind you that we are currently collecting for three cars for our defenders, uah 9,000 must be collected, and we have almost finished collecting, because... now the account has accumulated uah 877 and 86, less than 23 236 gr everyone who watches us, let's just for curiosity, so that we can understand how many of us are watching then, here is a card below under the qr code, if it is inconvenient to use the qr code, here is 2 hryvnias, let well
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, 2 hryvnias is not scary, that's right, it's games quite a bit, and in this way, maybe we will already hand over this combat vehicle to the guys... what do they call jeeps, a pickup truck is needed, that's all, and we will close this collection, we will start tomorrow , a festive new one, well, we promised you to find out more, what is being done on the northern border, a huge border the head of the bilopol territorial community yuriy zarko, mr. yuriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to all the heroes of the sumy region. well, you have, as they say, shoot a couple of times with a grenade launcher and it’s russia, and 10 keme to do, to this, to border, what they are throwing at you now, because while these various russian volunteer partisans were walking there, we understand that everything came to you here, including jets, artillery, bombs, and everything else, now how and
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what, eh- well, artillery has become more and less recently. for certain reasons, there are positive moments, unfortunately, there have been more bombs and , well, shahedis, it’s true, let’s say, probably a couple of sundays, like the last time, but bombs, really kabi, it’s more often, and it’s already like that today thought that the night was calm in the evening, but recently it was loud, and heard the rszv heard the artillery, so we'll see what happens in the evening. well, let's hold on, look, opposite you tyotkino, we saw what was being done on the russian territory around tyotkino, how then the russians bombed the russians and tyotkino too, accordingly they began to pound the bilopol community, and there is one more thing, this is grayvoron, this is another area, and there on velyka piserivka they
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used a very terrible soviet bomb for the first time, at least there is video confirmation. it is thermobaric, one and a half tons, and they used it precisely as control eyes slates, you have never been shot at in your community so badly, we had almost that, we had 1010 kg each, two bombs, but that was on may 22, 2022, yes, well, that is, since that time, such a heavy one has not been thrown , well, only from the heavy, it was fab 500, mr. yuri, do people manage... under this dense, daily, powerful shelling to evacuate, leave, or at least get out of their basements somewhere, so that, first of all, they can breathe. to breathe fresh air somewhere, maybe some medicine, buy groceries, but what about that? eh, well look, not everything is like that, let's say it's scary, on the one hand, as you describe now
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, in fact, people really, let's say, come out, people have information and have information from my ee there social networks, the bilopol community group, and from others, which give more or less accurate information, and that is why we always have two minutes... even if there is already, well, let's say, information that the cable cars have already started running along bilopyl, or step by step, on bilopyl, then we have two minutes, in two minutes, people already have time to quickly go down, say, to a shelter, and among people very excellent communication, so a little is enough, we say, mr. yuriy, and what have you decided to do with the school and with the school, we, we, we... we watched the destruction, will you do something now, restore it, is there no point? well, look, at the moment , the only thing we have done before winter is if
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it is bad there, well, the schools that can still be restored there, for example, there was a support school there, we restored the windows, because we could not leave them alone the school is open, because we received a damaged combustion system, for the school, if we take from... it is almost completely destroyed, if you take the basic one, this is bilopilli, tutfu, it will work and it works, so we understand that all schools are exclusively online, it is not possible even now to talk about offline education, that is why and how in you with electricity, because we see that we just talked about energy, something actually today. the other day, well, the ministry of energy says that emergency shutdowns have been canceled in sumy oblast, how is your electricity? eh, we are dealing with the fact that there are emergency shutdowns in which
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plan, where there are damaged, damaged lines, we have such a record holder of a kind, it was a rut, where there was almost a year, there was no light, but now there are five people in total, the rims have been without light from the windows for almost 9-10 months. the village has also been without electricity for several weeks, there are old circuits, there is an opportunity to rebuild them, but as for the bodes, part of pavlivok, it is really very problematic there, because the high-water support lines come very close to the border, and that is why it is dangerous, since minimum needs in addition to electricity, the population is provided, so it works, we understand that educational institutions do not, but online works. which establishments are open, are the working hours reduced, or is this the usual work schedule? well
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, look, the local self-government bodies , well, that is, the police, all the services that people can receive, they receive, unfortunately, there is a migration service, a passport office, but this is a security factor, they are in the sums now, so, well, for certain reasons, administration of justice as well. but the main thing is that this is how stores work, hospitals are working, primary, secondary, pharmacies , well, people can rely on all the basic services, and you know, we talked with people from other similar border areas of sumy oblast, and there is a strange story, people are told, well, that’s it, well , you see how much arrivals have increased , plus these cabs with whom it is impossible to fight , we offer you evacuation, but people say no, well, here’s the garden and and... and instead of evacuating , awards come out, even in shelling mode, they say that farmers are already working in the same kilometer zone, like in your community, well
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probably, probably the same, well, it seems that we , we, even with you, talked about this, that, for example, in ryzhivki, a man, well, theoretically wants to evacuate, but says, well, for now the goose is sitting, of course, that he will not go anywhere , as it rises, then they will already hatch, then maybe someday. in other words, gardens are sacred , potatoes are sacred, and of course the tubers are the tubers, this is our mentality, you can’t overcome it, but uh, regarding agricultural producers, you understand, for many it’s the only way to survive, if there are some small farmers, we do not say where there are 1000 hectares, there is of course an opportunity to survive somewhere more at the expense of safer areas, but those who have 20, 30, 50 hectares, or cultivate human food, this is... the only source of income for them, and therefore people are you really ready to take risks, and are you compensated? uh, not ready to say, because there is
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, you know, uh,... a difficult situation when, for example, on our side we exempt people from paying taxes, but this if it concerns lands, communal lands, if it concerns private lands , uh, there, well, the tax inspectorate, well, we also help, so that people get some compensation, well not compensation, at least tax exemption, but in terms of compensation, i've heard, well i haven't heard whether anyone has received it or not, there is a certain process as far as i know, but so that already ... has ended, i guess i haven't heard it yet, but some numbers have already been announced to producers, you mentioned farmers, farms, and we understand that even last year's harvest is not exported or sold all at once, for the whole during the winter season, they are delivered to customers in batches, or even that last year's harvest was left and how can it be transported under the same attacks, not all of it was left, some
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was burned, because... they were constantly coming to farms, warehouses, farms, machinery was burning, crops were burning, sunarniks were burning together with my own with piglets and other things, so there is a bulk , after all, i think, they were able to relocate their business somewhere in a safer area and advertise some leftovers there, let’s say the harvest that was, that is, basically i think this problem is solved, but really there are some... farmers who have lost even machinery, and farms, and crops, are they resuming their activities, taking loans somewhere, some other ways to resume work, or are they switching to something else? no, as a rule, those who are used to working on the land, work on the land, look for different er moments, well , let's say, to still work, well, they will continue to work, the only negative, well,
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let's say for them such a nuance. now a five-kilometer zone there will be removed from cultivation, we are looking for an understanding with various, let's say, institutions so that after all people were allowed to cultivate the land where possible, especially, you know, given such a safety factor, eh, if we launch these lands, well, conditionally a five-kilometer zone, we understand that these are thousands, even tens of thousands of hectares, and the storm rises 'yan, the weeds are going up there 1.2m, so we're providing... a great opportunity for maybe going in, so in this case, if the farmers gave them the opportunity to work and grow low-growing crops, then it would be much more beneficial, well first of all, for the state, because there will be them bread and security factor, because it is control over certain territories. mr. yuriy, thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, yuriy zarko, the head of bilopolska
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otg from sumy has not yet been with us. we have a message from the air force about the threat of using ballistic weapons from the north, in fact the entire east and central regions have already turned red, so do not ignore the alarm signals, in sumy oblast, with which we just spoke, an air alert was also announced, so actually on a large scale, and i i will also add that natalya gumenyuk previously reported that during the night attack, the occupiers tried, tried to expose and bypass ukrainian systems. air defense and i actually assume that this may indicate that they are preparing new massive shelling. we do not want to scare, but simply warn that you should not ignore the air warning signals. and we are also waiting, maybe news will appear just now , there was a missile directly at the dnipro, 10 minutes ago it was detected by the air force, what will be the result, i think that it is now in the news, maybe even our colleagues may already have updated information. so it's time for news. and olyana, sir. ready
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to share information about the most important thing at the moment. ulyana, i congratulate you on the word. yes, congratulations colleagues, i will tell you about what has become known, in particular, what new bomb the russians are using to attack sumy region, and let's continue the topic of your broadcast. the actions of the occupiers are shockingly brutal, do not switch. 3 p.m. in ukraine, news on espresso, ulyana penasyuk works in the studio. congratulations. russians killed two residents of krasnohorivka in donetsk region. another resident was injured. the enemy shelled the residential private sector of the city from artillery a 73-year-old man who was in one of the houses died, his injured 50-year-old daughter was taken to
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the hospital. on another street in his own house from rosy.


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