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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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yes, within the framework of the western partners there, but on the other hand, i think that countries such as turkey also play an important role here, such as, well, china now not particularly, we observe included, again in this process, but here just an element mediation , it either speeds up certain formats of communication, or it doesn’t, it’s the first, the second, really... well, we also understand who is analyzing the situation, how the russian federation, the aggressor state, is now also determining its strategy, therefore discussions and discussions they may take place, but again well, here the question is in a different context, a wider one, on which the further course of events will depend, and this is again the usa, first of all, the elections, this factor from... plays
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one of the key roles, i would say so, well, the actual situation at the front, that is, it is also one of the key factors that plays the most important role in further dynamics, both at the military and diplomatic-political level. mr. bohdan, to what extent can india now be included in the process? we see a very good signal when kuleba went to india this later this week, a follow-up global peace summit, too. can give good results, what can we expect, what can we count on? india is a serious player, definitely claiming its place on the global agenda now, i do not expect india to take the lead now in the context of the russian-ukrainian war with its proposals, although i do not exclude that some may be formulated as it was with china, for example, yes, but we saw that especially... it did not give results, although
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china is also a powerful, serious player that directly cooperates, unfortunately, and continues this communication with the aggressor state, the same applies to india, india is balancing, on the one hand, it deepened cooperation, unfortunately, in the energy sector, primarily with the russian federation, receiving serious excess profits from this, that is, on the other hand, she is interested. unequivocally in the west, in the united states of america, in terms of strength, potential and financial capabilities, so this balance is observed, by the way, in many countries, which are often called the so-called of the global south, but that's also very conditional wording, so india could be a serious player as well, so to speak, but will it really be prioritized. the desire
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to achieve a just peace in the russian-ukrainian war, while i do not follow such dynamics at least, even if we analyze the previous more than two years. well, we are glad that india manages to balance, but the question of who to call and whom to call, zelensky or someone else, in order to actually sway, drag india to its side, a huge country, a huge population, and after all, they also have some weapons. not a little, they have a lot of weapons , and very large volumes of soviet weapons, and because traditionally there was close cooperation between the soviet union and india in this area, but on the other hand, india is also modernizing significantly in the military-industrial complex, and here, too, they have common interests with the russian federation, the aggressor state, again, unfortunately, that is why the world is so pragmatic, everyone thinks first of all about their interests, if they coincide... that is, for
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india's image too, i think it may be quite logical to take a more active part in a possible future summit of leaders on the peace formula that has been announced, which may actually be implemented with the support of our swiss partners, where this particular place was chosen to host, here it is also important that india is more actively involved in this, because they also have super common interests with us to achieve. food security, yes, to minimize the nuclear threat, that is, all these issues, they are important for such a powerful country as india, they see stability in the global context as a priority for themselves in order to develop further, and india's economy is now one of the most powerful, and well mr. bohdan, i will now one such big jump to another part of the globe, the french president macron flew far there... far away
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to meet and convince, as he said, brazil that before the russian-ukrainian war, he did not convince, but why is it here.. it is important and it's interesting, because brazil is in brics, putin had a lot of hopes for that at one time, well, in brics, brazil will play a role as a place where the g20 should take place, let's theoretically just imagine that, because they discussed there, whether russia and putin will participate in it? as i understand it, brazil is a signatory. of the rome statute, as far as we understand, no one canceled the warrant for the kidnapping of lviv and bilov and the terrorist vladimir putin, theoretically, if putin appears there, will he be arrested? let me i will start with the first question, because there were
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several of them, first of all, in some places it can be decided that macron traveled with the main goal of persuading president luga to change his cardinal position there. i think it is unlikely that this is the case, because first of all macron's visit is a visit within the framework of the restart of bilateral cooperation between france and brazil, which was at a rather low level under president bolsonaro, the previous president, and here first of all, again, here a two-way format context is required to be considered as the main one, as part of which macron visited brazil. although the format of communication was definitely important, i think , both public and non-public, regarding the context of the russian-ukrainian war, i am not sure that after this the position of brazil will definitely change drastically and so will the lula
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, and this position is similar to the position of such countries, which we have just discussed, how india, for example, sees its priorities and... within the framework of the brics, unfortunately, they also continue to cooperate with russia federation, with the aggressor state, but on the other hand, they are interested not only in not losing the potential of cooperation with western countries, but also in deepening it, and interpersonal relations, which are quite friendly now between macron and lola, they can help, at least in positioning and in the role of brazil, as a country that can also... say its word in support of ending the russian-ukrainian war. sir, thank you for participating in our broadcast, for answering our questions. bohdan ferent was with us, an international expert and candidate of political sciences. in we will have a short break, then we will return to the polish-ukrainian affairs, we will
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talk more, that is, such an international level remains on our airwaves. damn you, stepladders, it will catch up already. come on, wait, i'm suffocating that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixties, and i thought so until i tried gerovital, gerovital+ - a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body, gerovital+ - good health, an active life, the new herovital energy - even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once a day, yes discounts on broncolitin fito, 15% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings. there are discounts on wood. yes, 10% at podorozhnyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on maridoza, 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as
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distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we, the security service of ukraine, fight to to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all crimes and taken lives. every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places, sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, destroy thousands of invaders and their equipment at the front, eliminate war criminals, arrest agents and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger until the time of victory comes , sbu, enemy, doomed, retribution is inevitable. 878.5 is already in the account,
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remember, there are still almost 22, 21.5 need to be collected, please be active every time you see the qr code and card number, come on, here it is on the screen, because it 's on a car, on three cars that our defense attorneys are asking for, and remember, it 's not like we're helping the defense attorneys, no, no, no, we do just my part of the same case, the easier part, because it is much more difficult and difficult to be there at the front and defend our independence with weapons, well , in the meantime, we have yet another negotiation, about which we have already gathered a little information, more details have become known, including emotional and political ones, so now about ukrainian polish, many experts call it a trade border war, the keys to which lie in brussels. and is called the euro. olga popovych, editor of the annual,
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annual such almanac, the ukrainian almanac, published by the association of ukrainians in poland, in connection with our studio. mrs. olga, we congratulate you. good day. yes, well, yesterday there were already some optimistic notes, but it turns out that they did not agree on anything from the point of view of unblocking the ukrainian-polish border. we correctly understand the dry summary of these victories. on sorry, yes and here it is necessary. to separate two things , these are government talks between representatives of the governments of poland and ukraine, as well as representatives of ukrainian and polish agribusiness, and the protests of polish farmers, who themselves negotiate with the polish government, who discuss with the polish government, and accordingly, not everything that is even offered to them the polish government, can be accepted by them, that is, if we are talking about yesterday's government. and more precisely , the day before yesterday's government meeting between poland and ukraine, accordingly
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, there was no compromise as such until the end, we see that it was achieved, although a certain step in the search for this compromise, or rather in the agreements, has already been made, but, unfortunately, the emotional component that you mentioned, namely the behavior of the deputy minister of agriculture of poland, michal kolodziejczyk, who is very active in these negotiations, as well as... . speaks of one of the negotiating parties with polish farmers, once a polish farmer himself of agricultural production, more precisely he was engaged in the production and sale of livestock, he behaved extremely emotionally and with his emotions, his not, as they say witnesses, both with the polish side, by the way, and directly with the ukrainian side, of course, he did not bring it to finalization. their negotiations and the signing of a specific agreement
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that would suit, that is, a specific negotiation document that would suit both parties. ms. olga, can we even talk about some kind of, i don’t know, monetary or subsidy equivalent that polish farmers would go for, that’s what they need, in fact, we understand that the issue is money, that it is constantly they want more and more, i.e. is there any in poland understanding how it is possible. buy off? well, actually, this is a difficult question, because when we say farmers, the notion may arise in our imagination that it is something unified, and that it is possible to agree with all farmers. in fact, these protests are led by various representatives of farmers' organizations. and if some stop the protest somewhere, others continue. we see that, for example, the polish-belarusian border, the polish-russian border, it is not blocked now. but the ukrainian border with poland continues to be blocked, moreover, that the farmers recently at the meeting
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on march 20, at the meetings with representatives of the polish government, they admitted that indeed russia mainly affects the price change on the market, and accordingly, it is russia that causes the most damage to them in the sale of their products and is a competition for them, so talk about some specific preferences , even finan. owl, it is probably very difficult and it will be wrong, in general, the main demand of farmers, so key, i would say, is a change in the legislation of the european union, it is so... the so-called green paw, which has to make it so that there are fewer emissions of negative, harmful atmosphere, accordingly , it will hit the incomes of farmers and their farms, which they are currently running, they are protesting against this, these conditions were previously approved by the previous government of poland of law and
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justice, so if you look at to the survey. uh, as to who they blame, whether the current government or the previous one , indeed, the previous government had more negativity from both the farmers and even the public, who believed that it was law and justice that led to these protests, with his policies, led to these farmers' protests, and we should not forget that in a week in poland there will be elections for local authorities, local elections from... respectively, politicians, due to the fact that they are extremely delicate now in some specific declarations, and they try to balance on the border so as not to end up quarreling with ukraine, or even if they privately support the ukrainian side somewhere and do not fully agree with the demands of all farmers, nevertheless,
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they do not talk about it publicly, because they are afraid, that it may affect the results of the upcoming elections. now, and also, perhaps, it can also affect the elections to the european parliament, which will be held in poland, in two months. i wanted to ask you, ms. olga, and we understand that various players, er, are political, we understand, because we saw how it is done in ukraine, you know, with the help of all kinds of aunties and others, with the money of hired workers, looking at the few, but these blockades are aggressive, well, it is very hard to believe that there are 18-year-old boys, these are these well-known farmers who have their own agricultural vision eu politicians, we see that they are playing with them, in fact the state could, the government somehow solve this within the framework of this strategy, remember, tusk's government decided that it now
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belongs to the critical infrastructure now at the border crossings, that is, the first step was... . done , the police should work further, right there, because the critical infrastructure is blocked, and where necessary, the abu should work, well, to look for these various uncles who go to the ambassador of the russian federation in warsaw for a salary, but for some reason these steps are not happened, yes, you are absolutely right, that is , it is worth taking legal steps, regarding those illegal forms of protest, i... which we see with the scattering of ukrainian goods, and with the blocking of the border, they do not happen, and i think that after all, this fear , the fear that dominates the ruling party now, or rather the coalition of ruling parties, that if any forceful methods are used against illegal, illegal forms of protests, it
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can provoke an even greater wave of dissatisfaction among farmers and in general. society, because we do not forget that too polls, i already mentioned this on the spresso broadcast, they indicate that the majority of the population does support the protests, but the situation may change now, because the farmers, realizing that they are supported by society, are starting to annoy their society more and more , blocking internal roads, blocking highways, blocking cities, in the end, and accordingly, when this situation will change. my assumption is that if the government sees this in the opinion polls, it will be more then, maybe more radical, regarding the actual persecution of these illegal forms during protests, and i repeat that before the elections it was futile to expect that the authorities, even having the right and the opportunity to apply these legal forms
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of stopping an unnatural form of protest and... would apply them, because they expect the elections to be held, and maybe then we will look at something and be able to do something about these illegals, actually you started talking about what i wanted to ask about, the reaction of the society, because after all they are farmers, these protests, they are very much in the way, first of all, this it is uncomfortable to simply get to work, when there are traffic jams, when something is constantly blocked , we saw what the reaction was in europe when... farmers drove tractors to paris or brussels, so warsaw also stood, warsaw stood, people are not ready to argue with their own, what is the reason, i.e. they... are silent, silent, silent, somewhere it will explode, or they hope that it will end quickly, maybe they know that these protests will be there until a certain time, and then everything, well, for now,
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as i said, these are these the internal obstacles started recently, when they started to block, it actually started in march to block internal roads, before that, it was mainly a protest on the polish-ukrainian border, and drawing attention to this part. perhaps, again, society will react when this is systematically and permanently repeated, then this scale of support or condemnation of these forms of protests, it will shift to this form of condemnation, to this aspect of condemnation of such a form, but let's not forget that poland itself is agrarian. and a large part is really engaged in the agriculture of the society or uses it agriculture, accordingly, there is such
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a thing in poland, in general, the thesis that we support our own dominates in poland, it dominated very strongly under the previous government of law and justice, where a specific policy was carried out, which was called polish, polish, we support. this was manifested in the fact that narratives were spread that polish products are better, and it is necessary to pay for polish products, and to refuse even european ones, after all, not only from products of third countries. so, accordingly, this is this thesis, it is also so strong in poland that to support their own, that somewhere these postulates of the protestors, they do hit in part. society, they speak, or rather, to society, and they have this grace . ms. olga, we have one more moment to see how, for example, it works in uncivilized countries, the ministry
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of labor of tajikistan is already calling all its citizens to leave russia urgently, and they have already migrated, because now all tajiks and everyone who looks like they are spanked. are these all situations when ukrainian, ukrainian agricultural products are part of all these protests? or does it somehow affect the mood of those who support her now? 71% support the protests of the poles, but is there any deduction to the effect that ukrainian-phobic sentiments are growing or there are other problems? you know, the last one actually just cbos, the polish center for sociological research released data on the survey of attitudes towards other nations, ukrainians in... lost popularity in the previous 22nd, 23rd year, after all, but i think it's not so much the protests farmers have been influenced by, by and by, that's a little bit
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rather, the negative attitude towards ukrainians, such as the number of ukrainians who are now in poland and daily communication with poles, various domestic problems arise, various domestic problems may arise, accordingly, domestic problems grow somewhere there, that is, ukrainian grain in this case did not become some kind of induction those sentiments, it is more likely, there is no, you understand, there is no solid data, so that we can say that it was actually ukrainian that had a direct impact on the negative attitude towards ukrainians, ms. olga, thank you for participating in our program, olga popovych, editor of the annual edition of the ukrainian almanac, published by the association of ukrainians in poland, was with us. we say goodbye to roman and you too until tomorrow, but we leave you in the company of our khrystyna yatskiv, she asked the head of the branch archive of the sbu andrii kogut about very
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important things, because the branch state archive of the security service of ukraine is actually turning 30 years old. so, about the documents that have been under the knife for a long time secretly and about working with them, literally in a few short minutes stay with espresso. greetings, this is a press interview project, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and these are our conversations on the most important topics for ukrainians and not only. today we have an opportunity to talk about the preservation of national memory, about debunking many myths and... i would say about digging up real historical facts, a large number of people in our country are engaged in all this, it is
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painstaking work, painstaking... and one of such people is today's guest of my studio andrii kogut, ukrainian historian, publicist, public figure and director of the branch state archive of the security service of ukraine. i congratulate you. good day. well, we will probably start with a brief reminder to those who already know, and maybe someone who is not yet familiar, what the branch state archive of the security service of ukraine is, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. i say celebrating because... this is a really great achievement, 30 years of enormous work and the fruits of this work are already in the minds of ukrainians. yes, thank you, indeed, this year marks 30 years since the creation of the holotsevo state archive of the security service of ukraine, and actually, our archival institution is known in ukraine and in the world for the fact that we store documents of the former kgb, those that were created directly by the kgbists themselves, their predecessors, predecessors, but also those
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documents that were accumulated. by them during various repressive and other operations, and in fact, this is the mass of documents that is generally known in the west, and in ukraine as well, as the archives of the kgb. at the same time, they cover virtually the entire century of bolshevism, starting from its establishment in 1918-19 and ending with the moment of restoration independence of ukraine in 1991, when the actual former building and everything, all the property of the former kv was in front of it. the new special service of the newly independent ukraine. in this way, these documents got to us and we are now giving everyone the opportunity to work with these documents and not only work, research, but i think we will talk about it later. necessarily. and, you know, the question has always bothered me, and people often ask it. the disintegration of the soviet union, it seems, is due to deposits from nenatsk, even representatives of the soviet special services, and i do
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i understand, this is precisely the reason... that they simply did not have time to destroy or take away with them a huge number of documents, and we understand that representatives of the kgb very often later during independent ukraine were already representatives of the ukrainian special services, well, they did not yes, that is, indeed, the collapse of the soviet union was unexpected for kgb employees, but at the same time, when we actually talk about those archives that were accumulated and stored in ukraine, they were not planned to be exported to... the situation in ukraine was radically different than in the baltic countries, for lithuania, latvia, estonia, actually 90-91 was a time of discussions about the renewal of the soviet union, what it would look like in the future, and at that time no one had any doubts that the baltic states would restore their independence, and regarding ukraine , there were no such doubts, everyone in moscow was convinced that ukraine would continue to be a colony, a polite colony of the kremlin, and the fact that ukraine
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managed to restore its independence... was truly a surprise, and thanks to this, that it became a surprise, thanks to this these the archives in ukraine have been preserved, and today we can actually work with almost the entire volume of the documentation that was created by the communist special services on the territory of ukraine. the archives of the kgb were widely publicized already with the start of decommunization in our country. in fact, one of the four decommunization laws was directly related. of open access to the archives of repressive bodies, the archives of the kgb are exactly what they are, that is, the concept is broader here, but still the basis of this effort is the archives of the kgb. and please tell me which are the most common e the historical lies of russia and the soviet union have already been scientifically and factually refuted by gaining access to the kgb archives and making them public. oh, it's true.
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such a very, extremely broad topic since the very collapse of the soviet union, that one of these myths is that ukrainian independence, as they say, somehow happened by itself, just fell from the sky, no one fought for it, no one from it, no one i did not expect this, and in fact, if you look even at the documents of the kgb there from the stagnant 80s and 70s, if you read communist newspapers, it looks like everything is stagnating, nothing is happening. on the other hand, if we look at the documents of the kgb, we see a completely different picture, we see a lot of such grassroots protest, which actually protests against the introduction of visas to czechoslovakia, and is in solidarity with solidarity in poland, and generally talks about many important points, including about the independence of ukraine. of course, it was not the mainstream that was visible, but it was constantly, and actually this struggle, which all
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one thing... it lasted and eh and


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