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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] economic condition by americans who believe that they trust trump more as an economic manager, and for some reason developed such an illusion, which again is not supported by the numbers that the economy was in a better condition during trump's time and they lived better, i.e. confusing trump's presidency with the pre-covid period, which has a very serious... influence on all processes, plus it must be taken into account that the issue of migration is also brought to the fore, where trump is trusted more, and due to this, we see such a, i would say such a no rack a picture that very often does not correspond to the real state of affairs, primarily in the economy, plus biden has
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related problems. with age, there is an erosion of his coalition, which brought him to power in the 20th year, that is, the processes are quite complicated, plus you have to understand that the economy is very important, but these elections also showed that not only economic issues are very important, cultural, not in the way we understand them, but, let's say, americans' perception of their... social position, and for very many trump voters, that is those americans who do not have a higher education belong to traditional industries, there is such an established understanding that it used to be better, they found themselves on the sidelines of economic and social processes, and therefore this
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rhetoric of trump, to make america again... great, that is restore the situation that was before, and they find such a resonance among a large part of the american readership, although, if you look at it purely objectively, it is absolutely impossible, it is fantasy, but fantasy, fantasy, not fantasy, i will give you one example , such also strange to me, i have friends in hollywood, well, they work in new york, but these are big cinema productions and... i say, so who are you going to vote for, they have been living there for a long time in their 30s 40 years , citizens for a long time, and he says: you understand, well, i'm ukrainian, after all, well, i'm not , well, i don't really accept trump, but when i look at my credit cards, i think a lot about trump , and this, and he says that i specifically, i specifically spend less, something is returned to me more, well, you know this
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american one. principle, they, they are artists, if he bought a book about artists, it ’s very expensive, it’s a lot of money there , they return it to him at the end of the year, now they began to return more, well, not now, but when there was trump, in short, he says that, and a lot of people in hollywood they say that yes, we don't like him, well, it's obvious that hollywood is democrats, it's california in general, it's such a democratic, democratic state, but they say, we look at the money, oh, damn, we... see, which , after all, may not be much, but a little better, but in this case it is probably connected with trump's tax reform, and it really was and still is quite popular, and not only among those who belong to such wealthy parsherks, but for a large part of the general population, it also definitely works, another question,
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very ... this is an important question, you really asked about it, thank you, migration, in principle, it is possible to solve this issue, well, because when i see the discussion, i see, for example, only the american point of view, and what does mexico say, they too, they eat it it is profitable to pass through your own the territory of all of latin america and all of central america, which goes there, both on foot and on anything, and and and what to do with them, what are they. it is nice for mexicans to become such a huge transit area, why is mexico silent, what does it want? well, to be honest, since in my past life i dealt with the problems of migration, international migration, i can tell you that in my deep conviction, the migration problem or problems will always be there, they cannot be solved, it is very difficult, they can only be
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controlled, and now, as i see the problem crisis on the southern border, it really is a difficult situation, really under the presidency of biden. especially in recent years , the volume of immigrants, illegal immigrants, has increased greatly, this must be understood, and in my opinion , there are serious miscalculations in the regulation of these processes by the state, and trump took advantage of this, and we must give him credit, he is still in his 16th year understood that this is going to be a serious problem, this, that is, this problem is not in the... made up, it really is, now, as far as mexico is concerned, here to say, you have to but professionally for dealing with mexico , as i see it, in order to control these
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flows, to detain migrants , resources are needed, both human resources and money are needed, and, in my opinion, the position of the mexican authorities is that, especially these questions... do not bother yourself, but on the other hand, when american officials, presidents, others, make efforts to establish a dialogue with the mexican regions, set some conditions, demands, this is usually the case, but lately the biden administration has done this, and volume illegal migration has decreased somewhat, but in general it is very much the same. oleg shamshu , diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states from 5 to 10 years, ambassador of ukraine to france from 14 to 20 years, we can make a wish from one ambassador, and volodymyr tolkach, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to
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the republika srpska, now we will see him, because there is much to talk about, good health, mr. volodymyr, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, and i suspect so good, sir, good evening, mr. mykola. good health, and i have such a feeling, that we will meet with, if, maybe not so much with you, but with people who understand each other in the western balkans quite often in the near future, i will explain to the audience, kosovo can join the council of europe despite serbia's frantic reluctance for kosovo to join the council of europe, because it opens the way to the european community. and this is a huge crisis, a crisis of confidence, the serbs are very dissatisfied, the president says that everything will not work out for us there, we are terribly indignant and so on. mr. ambassador, i have a simple
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and at the same time difficult question for you: what can be done do serbia, when all of europe is on the side of kosovo, de facto? well, let's say that not all of europe is on the side. kosovo, there are five states in europe, even the european union, which do not recognize the independence of serbia, oh, excuse me, the independence of kosovo, including greece, whose representative, whose citizen she was, whose citizen she was a speaker at this same political committee, where a report on the possibility of kosovo joining the organization was considered, therefore. the question is quite complex and the question is ambiguous, since it is likely that the first case when a state is not recognized by all will be to be admitted to the organization, which is considered
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as a preliminary permission to enter the european union. so, we will have certain, uh, uh,... certain problems from this, since ukraine does not recognize kosovo as an independent state, based on its understanding, the principles of international law, including the law of ensuring territorial integrity and the inviolability of the border, well, but serbia can't, they have no chance to oppose them in any way, or the serbs, they once said that we can... then leave the european structures, if you behave like this, but more than simply making some demarches in serbia, it seems to me, because it is a single, single state, a single society, because both
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the serbs and the serbian government, they are one here, they do not want to let kosovo into any international organizations , to be recognized by everyone, then serbia has always been and remains against this... not only the serbian government, but also the entire serbian society, as far as i understand it, so the serbian society, the majority, the majority, i will say so. the vast majority of serbs oppose the accession whether or not kosovo will be allowed to join any international organizations, but let 's not forget that a year ago in ohrid , an agreement was not signed, but a road map was discussed and agreed upon as a road map, the so-called ohrid agreement, article four.
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it was determined that serbia will not be against the entry of kosovo into international organizations, this is the first, but, accordingly, let's say that uh, serbia will use, significantly, all possible, all opportunities to prevent. this, well, first of all, you know that serbia occupies a balancing position, she does not joined the sanctions against russia and continues to cooperate with russia, then the balkans, the western balkans have always been a certain trigger and always have been. were a conflict-dangerous
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, conflict-dangerous region , so who benefits from another conflict in europe, i think there is no need to say much about this , it is already clear, so the game and balancing will continue, will continue, i think until serbia already today... the president said yesterday, enough, let's say, undiplomatic, i mean oleksandr bučić, enough not diplomatically treated the speaker, who is greek, and at the same time declared that greece is changing its position, that is, it transferred its position and the one expressed in the report to the whole of greece. so,
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in my opinion, the conflict situation will only worsen. thank you very much, volodymyr tolkach , ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the republika srpska, was in touch with us, mr. volodymyr, you have creative ideas and good diplomatic work, and we will now go to advertising, well, i would just, as a result of the conversation with mr. ambassador, this is something that does not surprise me. when some problems continue in the western balkans, this is a tradition in the balkans, advertising. damn the stairs, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'll do it. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there, in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. good health, active life. the novelty of herovital
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expert in ukrainian-hungarian relations, good health mr. dmytro, thank you for finding us time, and you know, we know that... the balkans are usually, well, something there it's buzzing, it's buzzing, the sick person of europe when they said, 100-120 years ago talked about this, and now it seems to me that something has started to buzz somewhere in hungary, do i think so, is it really true, we see that the accusations of the orbán government in corruption, there are some people with a surname characteristic of magyars... so he is very actively speaking out against orbán, accusing precisely orbán, his government, of corruption, and orbán, as you remember, and we remember everyone accused ukraine of corruption, and said that this is precisely why it cannot be helped, because what well, we help, but where does this money go,
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it is stolen and so on, now it means that the hungarians themselves, how serious it is, what would you say with your expert. with your understanding of things, how serious it is, whether this challenge is real for orbán, whether he will survive it, and all the rest of the challenges of the last 10-12 years there. the key question is actually, and i can't give you a simple yes or no answer, but it's very interesting what's happening in hungary, what's happening around and with peter mader, it's really so black a swan for viktor orban and his regime. because, for example, exactly two months ago , no one knew who peter magyar was, except for this pro-orban establishment, and the only thing we could say about him was that he was an ex-husband or a husband, depending on the year of the former minister of justice hungary, viktor orban's favorite, one of the few
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women, by the way, in viktor orban's team, and that he is, you know, a fashionista, i would say so, that is, a person. pretty, but on february 10, when the president of hungary filed resignation, he suddenly started talking about politics, very harsh things, being a person , a member of fidesz, being, i use the word establishment deliberately, that is, it is, you know, such a, well, i don't know, such a political elite, a political class that was formed already in orbán's period, and that's 14 years in power, petr magyar goes even a little deeper, because he has a judicial... family, that is, his mother is a judge, but he even has such aristocratic, aristocratic roots, in he has a very good education, he comes directly from such, you know, an inner environment i studied there, for example, with gergei guyash, he is the head of it, gergey guyash, one of viktor orvan's offices, that is, he is an insider-insider, and suddenly he came out with
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an openly anti-fidesi, anti-system, anti-orban agenda, and you know, he says a lot. acts a lot, to be honest , acts quite competently, and you know, in less than two months his rating according to some opinion polls is already 13% across the country, which is important, and this is more than most opposition parties, although he himself does not have a party yet, so far it's like this, you know anger, protest, in general, it's very interesting, very intriguing, dirty laundry has come up in recent weeks, that's why, that's why it's interesting. well, what you say is exotic, i wouldn’t say, because as a rule in such systems as orban, even in the more rigid ones, right in the middle of the system, you know, gorbachev did not come from america for sure, and very very , very many such things happen in
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the fields, but i have you, yes, yes, tell me, tell me, you are very right, because this is exactly what we were waiting for, and you understand, for example, in the 18th year there, the opposition threw there was a challenge to orban the jobbik party, which, you see, strangely enough, for us in ukraine, is the most pro-russian, anti-ukrainian party, but then it was a key competitor of fidesz and fidesz was worried, so it wins, it doesn’t win, it won, in 2022 in the elections again after all, there was such a candidate, peter marchiso, who started from the city of mezar, vashergai, it’s a very complicated name, but it is such a stronghold of fidesz, he won there and then headed the opposition in 2022. year there in october, november of the 21st year, a few months before elections, he even surpassed fidesz and orban in the ratings, that is, you know, everyone believed that this opposition was finally classical. will take revenge, but again orbán won with two thirds and everyone thought, well, what will happen,
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and actually they were waiting for this protest from within fidesz, and again there were the makings, and talented, let's be honest, viktor orbán worked very skillfully in order to eradicate any opposition within the fidesz party, laios šimička suffered from this, who even well... to be honest, compared to peter madir , he can tell a lot more about corruption and some abuses and schemes, because to be honest, he most likely participated in all of this together, including the capture of viktor orban , well, but you see, viktor orban defeated him in 18, viktor orban defeated peter marquisoy himself, and here the russian invasion helped him , and now there is such an unknown peter madir, who, apart from saying that he is some kind of tyrant, a narcissist. and it is not clear who, while nothing can be blamed on him, and you see, this one, he meets the expectations of society, that the system is rotten,
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system and this is my next question, i.e. can we say that we are seeing signs of fatigue, that maybe everyone likes him, maybe he is a wonderful person for the magyars, for the hungarians, but simply when it has been on majority tv for 14 years, then somehow he is just gets bored am i right to be honest, it looks like not just fatigue, an internal protest, because you know, hungarians have been tired for a long time, but their viktor orbán, again, i will not be afraid of this word, a talented politician, he entertained them with the soros plan, migrants, various horror stories, there are lgbt people, that these lgbt activists will take your children there, and we will save them, well, that is a big nonsense, you know, viktor orban is still holding his ground with this. to be honest, the rating, but uh, that is, it is more than fatigue, it is the understanding that the system lies, that is, you know, you started with
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gorbachev, that is something in this, yes, that is, it is such a soviet union, when here is the role of chernobyl , as it is shown in this series, in general, that when people saw that the system was lying to them, so and so there is some such moment, because i remembered for a reason that peter madir appeared when katalin novak resigned as president. she didn't want to resign, she was forced, but what was the point, that a team and a system that says we care about children, the family is the highest value, pardons secretly and against the law a person who covered a pedophile, yes, that is, once , it's not only budapest, which is pro-western liberal, the whole of hungary understands oh-oh, that is, contrary to the law, contrary, as it were, to this rhetoric, you pardon a person who covered a pedophile, that is... it's immoral and you're also lying, that's about it is played by peter madir, and so far he
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is doing very well, but you have to understand that it is less than two months, it is such, you know, really a protest, an electoral protest, let's see how it will be reflected in the local or european parliament elections, which will already be in june, mr. dmytro, i have a question for you then, let's imagine, well, you better imagine, i'm worse, that orban's opposition wins. i don't know what the opposition is, i don't know what their opinions are, they are liberals, they are socialists, they are fascists, they are communists, i don't know, but this what will be the policy of hungary, they will stop territorial claims, well, these are not territorial claims, talks about a great hungary before the trianon agreements, we will not say that the oppression of the magyars is everywhere and in... romania, in ukraine, and in slovaks, ay-yay-yay, what a shame. we will see hungary, which will say: "no, no, we, we
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obey european traditions, european principles, we, we, we become a normal european country, can these remnants of urbanism remain, no, we are still different, we are cool, we have, like it, like you just apply traditional values ​​and so on and so on." i can answer you like this because this opposition is very different, as you called it, there are fascists, communists, semi-communists, socialists, there are also liberals , if we talk about peter madir, you know , here he is on march 15, when this issue is a national holiday in hungary, it is a revolution, he voiced these 12 points, and his agenda is very atlantic, yes, that is, it is anti-orban, everyone 12 points are contrary to all of orbán, you know, if... these points were announced by some classic opposition party, then it would be banal, no one would react, but peter magyar is a person from
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the system, a person from fidesz starts, as if mirroring, to talk about... against what viktor orbán is doing, it works, it 13% rating, but whether he can continue to grow, that 's a big question, and whether the opposition can unite, or who can grow, because you know, by and large at some stage, if peter magyar does not grow further there 17-15%, then it can be beneficial to viktor orban, then it fragments even more the opposition, which viktor orbán often uses this too, can't come to an agreement, can't go with one front against him, even when they go with one front, as was the case in 2022, that is, they go with one list and seem to be united, they are paralyzed inside all the work of the headquarters, because they quarrel with each other and so on and so on, so it is interesting how it will be, and you know, reassuringly from the point of view of these revanchists and fascists, there are fewer
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and fewer of them, so 2018 is the year for me was one of the most dangerous. fidesz, which already exists right and right-centered, opposed jobbik , whose separate wing was openly anti-semitic, revanchist, pro-russian, and then, you know, if almost, i don't know, under 60% of the political spectrum were represented by political parties with such a very extreme right, right- wing agenda, now it is more so scattered, but orban remains with anti-western rhetoric and... well, let's see, it will be interesting, because look, in early june , local elections will be held and orban wants to take revenge, the opposition wants to maintain its positions. in the 19th year, the opposition won the 12 largest cities of hungary, mayors, but fidesz won well there local, that is, regional councils, and at the same time there will be elections to the european parliament. peter magyar emphasizes very much that he is going to run for
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the elections to the european parliament, but the question, you know, of this party. and with whom he will go, there are procedures, that is, you can launch your party, he has now announced this platform: "become hungarians", but legally, it is unlikely that he will have time to register it as a party, maybe he will rename it, you know, these are all tricks, so watch out, everything will be great in the coming months interestingly, viktor orbán clearly did not imagine the beginning of 2024 like that, when he has to sacrifice the president, you know, like in chess, he sacrificed one of these key figures. judith varga is actually the ex-wife of madeira, she was supposed to head the fidesz list for the european parliament, and she left politics altogether, and now she is playing, well, playing, not playing, here i don’t want to speculate, if you know, but she has now started talking about bullying on the part of peter madir, i.e. family violence and that he is like a tyrant, i.e. orbán has problems, this does not mean that the chair over
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he is faltering, but he will have to work more and more. with domestic politics, it means that he will be more and more cautious in the external arena, it is in the fight with brussels, and it is in anti-ukrainian these, you know, matters, that is, now we are not, as they say, lucky, but a good coincidence circumstances, i.e. viktor orban will increasingly engage in domestic politics, and secondly, it is important for viktor orban to join the party of reformists and conservatives, ms. maloney, and she set him a condition not to block ukraine. no eu, so not that we should to relax, but the situation is now in our favor. i would like to thank dmytro tuzhanskyi , director of the institute of central-eastern european strategy , experts in ukrainian-hungarian relations, about which we actually talked, i would only add that hungary now reminds me of a dispute between ukrainian and russian oppositionists. ukrainian oppositionists can unite against someone.
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in the 14th year, both liberals and nationalists. united only to expel yanukovych, and the russian opposition only quarrels among themselves, forgetting that the main enemy, everything after all, putin, and not for each other. thank you for your attention, everyone, we will definitely meet tomorrow, and today right now you will meet ulyana panasiuk, and say goodbye to mykola veresny, good luck. it's the 19th on the clock,


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