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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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lived in 2022, we will never return. on february 24, 2022, this ukraine died under the blows of russian troops, and we can only build a new ukrainian state, post-war ukraine, no matter when this construction began in the 20s, in the 30s - those years of the 21st century, we have to do everything so that this new ukraine, which will emerge from a terrible and exhausting war, will be a strong and successful state for those citizens of ukraine who will make the choice to stay in the... territory, it must also be understood that this not all will be those who live today in the ukrainian region of the state, many will simply not live to see this new state, many will want to leave it, but we will fight for every citizen who will make the choice to live in such a difficult post-war situation, in any case, in any case if the west helps ukraine, if ukraine is a fortress of those who actually protect the civilized world from possible ambitions of russia. then this means that we will be able
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to wait for russian exhaustion, well , at least some part of ukrainians, those who will remain, but those people who think about negotiations, they must clearly understand their recipe, the recipe is to wait together with the event until russia's forces decrease, and again it may be, we simply do not know this, as we never know the real situation in the authoritarian world, that these resources are in russia not so big. that you and i talked about 10 years, or maybe it's a year or two, maybe it's two or three years and that's all, two years have already passed, but two or three more years, and this will lead to moscow's real desire to put an end to this struggle, once again, we must remember that ukraine is not a lonely country in this war. what
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we are part of the coalition of the civilized world, that the civilized world decided, let's say , with the help of the ukrainian armed forces and with the readiness of ukrainian citizens to withstand all the difficulties of a long-term exhausting war, thus proving to russia that a country that violates international law is a country that occupies foreign territories , a country that took a course to exterminate a people, a neighboring country, and does not see anything immoral in this, that it does not win in such a situation,
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a big way out, so what is the lord, if we go to such terminology that the lord wanted to prove to pharaoh that he who mocks, uh, those who are weaker, those who cannot defend themselves, those who do not, gets respect for his human dignity, that he cannot win, he loses . this pharaoh, tyrant, dictator, such putin of that time, relatively speaking, he is simply shown there in the bible, you can think that this is a civilized world, but the lord himself does not go to the battlefield, he creates the conditions, he does not meet with pharaoh never once, as biden does not meet with putin, he sends moses to pharaoh, of course. this kind of conventional zelensky
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, who can't even speak very well , the head of his office aaron speaks for him, well , in fact, a very similar story, and here and there moses explains to pharaoh there, we must let him go, we want to leave, pharaoh says no, not at all , who are you, but the jewish people in this story are an instrument to prove that civilization, where the truth always wins over tyranny, and again, when the jewish... people leave egypt, what happiness awaits them, well, you have to read, that there is nothing good no, this is a journey through the desert that the ukrainians went on, this is when independence was declared, and then when the war began, and this is when the real journey has already begun, so will they reach the promised land, of course, those who are here will not, this well, everything is done for the sake of children and grandchildren, what a promised land, and this is a journey through the desert, for the sake of the journey, for the sake of changes in myself, well, it’s not me...
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it’s generally sunday, i apologize, the sermon, what i’m saying is everyone , every priest in orthodox and catholic, even protestant church, he tells about it. and why, why do we have to walk in the desert for 40 years, why non-nubians, and because they stayed in egypt, why did you leave, you wanted freedom, took it and left, but if we sat, we would say that we are the same russians as you , everything would be fine if they elected putin. they prayed to the bear, to the patriarch of this idiot cyril , and by the way, he declared a holy war, well, this is the cause-and-effect relationship, this is what moses tried to explain to the jews when they were in the desert, you decide you agreed to go, what did you want to see here, and they told him, by the way
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, ukrainians can do that, so we were going to go for 10 days, the road there is 10 days, well , excuse me, in three weeks, two-three weeks, two- three weeks, well, oh, it turned out that we have been going for 40 years. why, because no, because it was your wish to get there in 10 days, and there is a certain problem, it’s a different route, you have to cross the sea, it’s in the direction of everyone who knows the geography of the near east, they know what’s there in general there is nowhere to go, even now we can walk from egypt to israel, well but if you go around, it’s a long time, well, this is such a story, this is how we go to our freedom, yeah, and you have to understand it as such... a geopolitical challenge, you can not read the history of the country, you can read the bible, everything is written there , the result is also known, but of course the people who want to enter the kingdom of freedom enter it, but in the form of their slings, their descendants, in case they do not make
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mistakes, in case, not even if they make mistakes, then simply it takes longer, it goes, just every mistake is plus 10 years, in what way problem, and the next one. generation, i am calm here for the ukrainian people, but look, regarding the mistakes along the way, well, we understand that we are not saints at all, and of course we allow them when we talk about the people to whom we delegated power in this country, as a people, they can also miss certain mistakes, can we say that in our country, at least in the context of recent personnel rotations, there is an effort to correct something. that is, we are not completely sure whether these are errors, but in order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the logic of personnel decisions, since we do not understand it since 2019, then i think that we should not comment on it, we cannot comment on what we do not understand, because we do not understand how some people
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get into certain positions , how do they get rid of them and why do new people come, we know that the president of ukraine is solely responsible, it is, it is a ukrainian decision. what is going on there, you see, it does not matter, when 73% of citizens vote for one person, then even then they are given a parliamentary vote the majority, then by and large this is the road to electoral autocracy, you know that in the rating of world democracies, ukraine also occupies a prominent place as an electoral autocracy, and not as an electoral democracy, well... that’s how it happened, there is nothing good there, by and large ukraine is the only european state, if we do not consider lukashenka's belarus , which is on this list, as european russia, then we have a long way to go at least from the point of view of electoral democracies, like our neighbors, and by the way, this is not an easy
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task, you you know why i mentioned this one list, because just this year israel was included in the list of electoral democracies for the first time, it is not... a bigger defeat for him in 50 years, because israel was on the list of liberal democracies, and thanks to the judicial reform, the conflict between political forces and so on, he lost that seat, so it's, it's not easy, it's not easy, we'll, i hope, get to the point where we'll be an electoral electoral democracy after the war, maybe sometime there in the 30s and 40s and a liberal democracy, we've got all opportunities for it, but what i'm saying is that... as a result we can consider him in such one-man rule in monarchical, so to speak, in monarchical comparisons, well, here is king
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louis, whom everyone knows from the novel the three musketeers by alexander dumas father, he had a wonderful favorite, er, cardinal richelieu. well, he chose him as a favorite, the cardinal was a great minister, he built half of paris, remember, well, seriously. a serious job, you might say, as the head, the head of france, but it was the king's choice, the king could have chosen another person, and he chose the cardinal, in the end died, and another cardinal was elected, cardinal mazarin, he was no longer so successful, and the french did not accept him. just like richelieu, but he had the same completeness of power, and
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again, this completeness was the responsibility of the monarch, right? well, it should at least be like this, well, well , but this is god’s anointed, and here too it is the person who has such a national mandate, he chooses who works with him based on sympathy, well, ludovyk was far from interested in government work , but he with... rechelier was an impeccable statesman, and then he sympathized with mazarin, well, what are you going to do here, well, if there are such opportunities, well, of course, it can be considered that this is a republic, but it is a conditional republic in such conditions, when we cannot hold elections, when we do not have an electoral process, we well, we can't even make a claim here to president zelenskyi, well, in connection with the war, he turned out to be such an uncrowned monarch of this country, well, what can you do, especially since other institutions were degraded back in... 15- this year's parliament, it was already degraded 5 years ago, but not now, it has been gone for a long time, because these people
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who sit in the parliament, i mean the majority, they read the names of the ministers from pieces of paper, they could not even pronounce the names of the people they voted for correctly, this is not a parliament, this is a kind of kindergarten, well, the government doesn't exist, many people can't even remember the last name of the previous prime minister of ukraine, well, most of them don't remember the names of the current ones. now there will be a reshuffle in the government, who to whom, who are these people, who, who is this, well, but the president he exists, he has monarchical possibilities , he has the right to choose favorites, it is not a question of what positions these people hold, it is a question of what influence they enjoy, it is not constitutional, in order to solve the constitutional, unconstitutional, you need to hold elections, the war will end again in 20 there, i don't know, in the fourth year or in 34. because of the preparations for the elections and the people will decide. well, mr. vitaly, i understand that you are avoiding
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commenting on these changes, because i don't know who these people are. you don't know who the boss is? we have been talking about this since the 19th year we say that i know who the chief is, but i absolutely do not know the extent of the influence of the chief, who was such a business partner and friend of zelenskyi. no, as far as he is generally connected with the position of the first assistant to the president. so i don't know, i really don't know, and you don't know. for some time, he was the deputy secretary of the security council of the russian federation, he was the executive secretary of the cis, from whom such a fright, well , also, forced me to analyze, as you do it, how or why he was not able to give in, he was removed from the post of deputy secretary of the council. russia's security, did he leave the cis there, did that reduce his influence? no, it's not clear, roman abramovich was the governor
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of chukotka, it has some great significance, well, i don't know what he needed there in chukotka, that is, i know, but i won't say, but it is, but it's definitely not related to politics , and in this case it is the same, the shefir should be removed from the position of first assistant to the president, he generally performed these duties. lately, where is he, uh, he's working with the president at all, maybe he's not working, maybe he continues to have a good personal relationship, but we're not we don't know anything, we don't know anything at all, you see, we don't know what's going on there , in the inner circle, in the office, it's the same as doing kremlinology, but when we were doing criminology, we had at least 15 portraits of politburo members. well, yes, they were hung on the houses, it was a politburo,
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they voted differently from time to time there, and since they were hung on the first october demonstrations, we could at least understand who is not, who has more influence, who has less , because for reasons still unclear to me, they they were posted by level of influence, announced alphabetically, and posted by level, there is nothing like that, there is no politburo, we do not know. who are these people, what was their real influence, did it exist at all, what did they do in their positions, this is anonymous power, well, how about this in many utopian novels, where there are people about whom ... we know nothing, there is a first person , we know everything about her, beyond words, she exists, she appears, she gives an interview, we comment on this interview, and so on, we also do not know that apart from the interview, what she thinks in real life politics, because it is not known, but few people , she does not meet, as a rule, with ukrainian journalists, that is , only westerners are met, who you look at in the first person as a symbol of resistance,
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well, that is, we do not know anything either, this is a fantastic figure, which is known to most ukrainians not so much from political activity as from television. serials, where she played roles, and was not a real person, that is, it is also an image, an image, then generally people who are shadows, they are shadows, we are nothing, we only know the surname, everyone fills this surname with a person, which is rife with the president with its own meaning , its own, you know, like a balloon, someone gives it, and that means it is a fair ball, and someone gives it, it means a strong manager, a serious person, a person who can really perform certain management functions, someone surprises in another ball, the fair says , the favorite, he exerts a bad influence on zelenskyi, protects some corporate interests there, and we don’t know who rules, we don’t know anything about it, the ukrainian government is generally detached from society’s knowledge of its essence, and so with every person, with each, we don't read interviews, we don't see the real level of responsibility, ministers appear, disappear, they are also not
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public figures by and large, even in the armed forces of ukraine we can only count on certain... short public appearances military leaders, here is the interview of general syrsky, the first in recent months , an official interview, yes, of general zaluzhny, who for many ukrainians, for the majority, is a symbol of victory and so on, you have seen it once or twice, and at a press conference from was once, once, once, that is, we saw him in real life, a person who speaks something, but we just saw a living person once, that is, there is a person who is an image, huh. and everyone is on it, yes, i don’t know, i just remembered, but for the military it seems to be normal, there are no questions, but we are not, but there is no need to invent, there is, by the way, but this is not an incorrect comparison, but i will try, there is lina vasylivna kostenko, a very non-public person, you have seen at least once in my life, see,
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you have not seen, but once in my life i spent with lina vasylivna... uh, i talked to her once, no, i talked to her many times on the phone, it’s true, uh, a lot of times, i have to say that lina vasylivna lives up to her image, which many people put into the image lina kazenko, then there are poems, yes, yes, but you know that a person, who is a living person, and poems are different images, absolutely, i know many poets who absolutely did not correspond to their literary image. but these poets were famous, they were there all the time , you could see them there, they appeared, lina vasylivna almost never appears , there is an image, but i'm really saying, most people have never seen it, huh, but they put in her image what they want to put in accordance with what they read, it's an image, but it's an image in culture, this is our right, you know, we create an image for ourselves, we
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create images for ourselves, poets and writers, artists that we have never seen, who were in the 19th year. just in the 19th century, just alina kostenko - this is the image of our contemporary woman, here she is, you can go somewhere to see her, but we don't see her, she is some people who see, but the majority have never seen and will never see, so in politics it just has a different meaning, absolutely true, but these are very similar situations, yes, we do not know anything about these people, all politicians , who were there in ukraine until 2019 and managers, we knew what we were talking about, then we could sit and analyze it, now we... we don't even know the meaning of the actions, but we are discussing some deputy there, who is with the former glakomovich, the armed forces of ukraine is fighting, then with the right to meet with foreigners, and we are not we know, she does it herself, or is she just a tool for people from another department
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, relatively speaking, from the non-legislative power, this is an image, but together with her co-author on this law, such a well-known civil activist, yes, who has appeared on television many times , which i had many times on the air, she, i talked to her a lot, she is smart, sensitive, a person who understands exactly what she is doing, i don't need an image, but what she, let's say, does there, it doesn't match what i know about her, so i i try, that's why i have this knowledge of a real person, there is an image, an image. the current one does not match what i know about a real person with whom i am a real person, i treat with great respect, how, how can i treat without respect when i have a real. about a real person, of flesh and blood, and this is a huge problem, how should i analyze it? then i have to say, no, you know, i have to retrain as somebody else,
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because it's kind of crazy, it's good, but i warned in 2019 that it's not professional governance when you vote for people who who have never dealt with this in their life, who do not understand what public administration is, one way or another, even people who are in their workplace, who can understand it all, they are forced to act in this logic, if... you put them in a professional in this story, he will act in this logic, and ours he will not resist, well, how do you understand, well, how, well , if you come, well, i don’t know, if you come, well, to kindergarten, you are there, let’s say, an adult person, and you are told that you will be in this group, you say to raise, no, sit down, you will eat with these children porridge, well, you eat, but what are you to do, as if you will be kicked out, if your career depends on it. uh, opportunities, and so people who are adults and fall into such a situation, the younger ones of the children's group, they just try to pretend, now i'll eat everything,
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what a wonderful chocolate, i'll eat it now with fruit and with nuts, you see , it's still interesting what these people are really guided by, i.e. just their own career, someone can be guided by the fact that they want to save the state administration, people have different intentions, people are different, okay, but that's different. systems we don't have public administration and there won't be until the end of the war , after the end of the war the voters have to decide whether it suits them or not, if the voter doesn't grow up, that's how it will be, ugh, there's nothing like that, these are historical processes, mr. vitaly , i actually wanted to finally note with you quite interesting things that are happening in... relations, well, despite the blockade, despite the fact that we did not agree again, despite the fact that the rocket flew for 39 seconds and there was no reaction, but this is a separate discussion ,
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after all, we have a statement from poland that she actually doubles its contribution to the czech munitions initiative, on the one hand, well, i got a little lost in the polish logic, on the one hand, i did not buy into the polish logic, the polish logic is very simple, there may be war. in europe, so poland should help ukraine to stand up against russia, because while ukraine is fighting russia, european countries can feel safe. ukraine is, as i have already said, such a night watch, relatively speaking, from the game of thrones. well, yeah, and you should, if, excuse me, guard, he needs to have guns, to have shells, the wall is good, there is still everything, everything was everything, but it does not mean. what is necessary, that if they grow their own wheat there, then they should sell it to us, we will grow it ourselves, that's the logic, it's simple. so, the polish government understands
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this danger, since prime minister tus speaks about it out loud, although the europeans do not like it, that we live in the pre-war era, and it is true, a war can really start in europe, there is no need to even doubt because there is also the possibility that european countries will not accept refugees, but send them somewhere further south. of europe and this is a separate story for the future, it will be a very interesting story, of course, if we witness it, but this is reality, and tusk is one of the first european politicians who says that this is the pre-war era, okay, so we need to help with weapons, with on the other hand, there is polish society, which believes that agriculture should not be destroyed, it believes that any politician should somehow be aware of the interests of this society in order to not to lose... power, well, it turned out that the current government, it is in the same logic as the previous ones, which also did not want to lose power, realizing that it has competitors on the right, and by the way, this government too
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understands that he has competitors on the right, it's just that that government had a confederation, this government has rights and justice, that's the logic we have regarding the missile, it's also a completely understandable logic, because the polish military assumes that if a missile flies on the territory of poland, on the territory of ukraine, it is not a threat to poland itself, she wants to get laid. even on the territory of ukraine, and if it is shot down on the territory of poland, it can harm ordinary polish citizens. i don't think this logic is fair, but it is there. and i think that now, when they are discussing the issue that there should be joint control of the air defense system of poland and ukraine on the territory of ukraine and that these targets should be destroyed when they approach the polish border, that is , in the airspace of ukraine, but on the territory ukrainian, but possibly polish. air defense system, it also had would be a logical approach, and we have to work with it too, i think that such joint control is a good way out of the situation, well
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, in the end it is you... it looks symmetrical and fair, if a russian missile can fly over poland, then why a polish one the air defense system cannot work even over those territories that are not russian, but ukrainian, of course, but again, this must be the political will, the decision of the north atlantic alliance, because what will they think, and how will russia react to it if its missile will be destroyed, her missile will be destroyed the polish anti-hail defense system is not in poland, well, not in poland, because if it is in poland, then there are no questions, right? russia cannot tell poland why, why did you damage our wonderful missile, that it crossed the airspace of poland, but we see that the russians are becoming more and more defiant, the fact that the ambassador of the russian federation in warsaw, serhii andriyev, simply ignored at the invitation of the ministry of foreign affairs of poland, which never happens at all, diplomats usually go, which we were not b, no matter what the relationship was, the russian ambassador to poland disappeared for a few days, he
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appeared by the way, i'm somehow not absent. meets with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs in the country, who, he declares war, yes, by the way, the german ambassador in moscow, played von shullenburg, ugh, arrived at the ministry of affairs of the soviet union and proclaimed about the war commissar of foreign affairs vyacheslav molotov, that's right generally accepted in dep'. even in such conditions, there are no such conditions here, the parties support each other diplomatically, but he behaves in such a terrible way, so the russians have already decided that they don't care about everything and everyone, and this is also an important point, and in your opinion, will tusk be able to effectively convince all his and european partners, until recently, recently he was in united states, can he be considered an advocate of this strategy, russia is a real
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danger, cannot be allowed... i think at least our central european neighbors should be more interested in this than anyone, but we see an old story, pam you know when poland and the baltic countries for years convinced their european partners that there was a threat from russia, and they said that it was paranoia, so this point of view of the baltic countries and poland was always perceived as paranoia related to their previous negative historical experience, which has nothing to do with modernity, when you just have to trade peacefully, relatively speaking, and then it turned out that they were'. and their neighbors did not, but now we heard that tus spoke about the remark of the prime minister of spain pedro sanchez, very incidentally, a strong politician and a great friend of ukraine and a person, which has an obvious desire to help us. and sanchez said, well, listen, you don't have to talk about war, because it scares the europeans, you don't have to just talk about it. and it is absolutely obvious that the prime minister of the country, which is located very far on the poronetsky peninsula, far from the theater of war, well , he does not want his compatriots to live in...
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a state of some kind of danger, even more so, maybe they just there will be no danger, but if we talk about allied relations in the european union, the north atlantic alliance, then there must be solidarity among those who is directly in the line of fire, and you , who are close to the war, and those who are far from the war, and this should also be the logic and what we would do, should draw as a conclusion from the history of the 20th century, mr. vitaly, thank you for this analysis, it was... the saturday political club, vitaly portnikov, our guests, thanks to everyone who made it possible to record this program, and we invite you to join the saturday political club next week, be with espresso. i greet the viewers of the tv channel,
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in the studio. winter for your attention summary news release first, about the events at the front , the situation remains tense on several fronts. the russian invaders are trying to advance west from avdiivka and seize novomykhaivka in donetsk region. the enemy is trying to dislodge our troops in the direction of kryminnaya in luhansk oblast and on the left bank of the dnieper in zaporizhzhia oblast. intensive fighting continues in these areas, according to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi , the situation at the front is under control. however. the russians have significantly increased the activity of aviation, they are using guided air bombs that destroy our positions, and they are also shelling heavily from artillery, at the same time, ukrainian troops are strengthening the borders and defense lines. in particular, in order to minimize the risks of the russian federation's attack on kharkiv, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with the american tv channel cbs that ukraine will not win the war against russia without the help of the united states of america. and


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