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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 2:30am-4:01am EET

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a small drone blew up under the bridge and did not become part of the freeway, but one way or another, this does not seem to be the case as far as the logistics of the american army are concerned, you know, this country probably has the best military logistics in the world, and i am sure that they will manage somehow, even if a similar case happens there, because this is one of the components that they are... always proud of, that they have always been strong, this is logistics, it was really such a terrible video with this bridge, it turns out that the bridge in principle it's like that the structure, it looked terrible, people died there, but the structure is also very vulnerable, i didn’t even know, but i want you to clarify, mr. dmytro, and what is the difference, that this bridge is not on concrete structures, yes, the crimean one, well, it is... well
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, it is 10-20 times longer there, but what is the key difference, concrete is so powerful there, metal is here, right? well, you probably saw the video of him, how he fell, in fact, there i am, again, my opinion is not an expert, i am not a design engineer, but you can notice that there is a structure, it was all connected. the elements were connected, and we have already seen what happens on the crimean bridge, when the so-called, when one section knocks out, well, the rest remains, as a rule, and these were connected, there was a lot on the internet among engineers, i have read complaints about the structure itself, i.e. the engineering decision regarding its construction, we have already seen in practice that if one falls.
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one of the spans of the so-called crimean bridge, with such and such a result, as is not the case here is happening, so yes, they are structurally different, and mr. dmytro, i promise , at the end, let’s go back a little to the russian fleets, there the commanders change quite often recently, after sokolov disappeared somewhere, pinchuk was appointed, and we received confirmation of this when shoigo arrived in sevastopol, and... a certain moiseyev, who until 2019, if i'm not mistaken, headed the black sea fleet of the russian federation, became the general commander of all the naval forces of the russian federation, are we following a change in the enemy's tactics in connection with the changes leaders in the respective directions and fleets, well, we saw it on the pier, drew a submarine, why not, also tactics, in fact. here it must be understood that the school is one
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and the same, they all come from the same department, of course , the minister of attack and murder of the russian federation came on a reindeer with bellmen, told them that it was necessary to deepen, expand, they began to deepen, expand, of course, some measures may look purely demonstrative, some measures will be real, it may be... there may be an increase, for example, of aviation flights, slow-moving, returned to service, those that once were already going to write off seaplanes, these be-12s, which are rather slow, which simply observe the water area, also helicopter flights, it seems, have increased, from the same quite old mi-8s, training they had a whole work on surface impressions, trained on a drone. and by the way,
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in that video that they posted themselves, they never hit him, the number of radar observation points may be increased, well, that is, in fact, they have staff resources, measures that they can strengthen there, what will be the result of this is a separate question, now the season of serious storms is ending, and accordingly, what, for example, was the problem with the use of the same drones, this is the weather, and even... in bad, bad weather conditions in the season of storms, they were used and quite successfully, now the weather will be better, that's why, that's why we actually don't see exits to the sea, maybe a new tactic is to just hide behind the boom barriers, in the bays, well, we like it , why not, they actually are today they went out in the morning, it seemed that they could still go to the sea and immediately return to the base, now there is not a single unit in the sea. therefore, most likely now they
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are looking for a way to counter it, and in fact it should be noted that they usually find a way to counter it, and that's the problem. the topic of the use of combat from our side, that the enemy, he actually draws conclusions, he actually learns, actually tries to counteract, and therefore each time these operations are different, as the head of the security service of ukraine also said, that they are never they repeat, all this is so, that's why, that's why and in fact, sometimes it's so difficult and it doesn't happen so often, because that's how they react in reality. mr. dmytro, thank you for your comment. dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, a captain of the third rank, joined the together beraber project, they talked about the water area of ​​our seas, and of course, they even went a little out of bounds today, because it is important to understand what
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challenges are now facing the civilized world in connection with the aggressive russian federation and and in general extraordinary various events. now let's take a short break, yes... let's get back to the discussion, there are still many important topics ahead, stay with us, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the ship district of kherson, the inclusion is live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00.
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vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and
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sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, big... vasyl's air in winter is a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening at espresso. we continue the together beraber project, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel, raider muzhdabaev and khrystyna yatskiv together with you, and we are now adding to our conversation denys chisstikov, the deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in autonomous regions. republic of crimea. congratulations, denisa. glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. salam aleikum. we began our program by announcing a collection for the needs of the 48th shab named after noman chilibjikhan. and, unfortunately, we continued this topic. in particular,
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information, an information campaign, which, in my opinion, is now being developed very inappropriately. where are the crimean tatar battalions, why are they not fighting? in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we understand that a large number of the kremlin are involved in the defense forces, some of them are involved in the context of all other battalions, units, groups in the armed forces and not only, but there is also a separate battalion created precisely on the basis of people for whom crimea hurts and for whom crimea is important. mr. denys, is our discussion slowly maturing? and whether it is timely on the topic of where the residents of the occupied crimea are, and why they are involved in one way or another in the defense of the whole of ukraine, ayder and i tried to start a careful discussion about it. well, it should
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be noted that this thread began to appear after a full-scale invasion, it does not have a permanent basis, but from time to time the latest appearance of this thread appears, i i know, it was at... a discussion at one of the public events, but again, this is the perception of an individual, and not the general opinion that exists in the community, it should be noted that what we... see and understand , that after the full-scale invasion , a large number of crimean residents who had temporarily left as internally displaced persons joined the armed forces of ukraine, a large number of them lived in the city of kyiv and took up defense, and among them there is a significant number, including representatives of the crimean tatar people, indigenous peoples in ukraine who lived in crimea. as for what was given from the information experts, in relation to the number of representatives of the indigenous people, it is much more than there is in the ratio
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of the indigenous people in ukraine, so this is manipulative, and this effort, conditionally, or misunderstanding of those persons who raise the specified topic or attempts to provoke, provocation, in addition, it should be noted that in these discussions it influences, and where are they, as you noted, as an example, narimana chilijihan, that is, they want to see without... average some crimean-tatar battalions, but it should be noted that a large number of crimean tatars are fighting in the ranks of the armed forces and in other units, as we know, there are also active in the units of the main directorate of intelligence, the crimean unit, which also actively participates in this and active measures that took place on the territory of crimea last year, so this is periodic, but should not be paid attention to, should be paid attention to, but it is not so much. to worry about something for the time being, well
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, we want to note that it is absolutely an artificial topic, baseless and very funny, but not funny, that during the presentation by the president of awards, soldiers and officers, including a large number of orders, namely the 48th oshb named after naman chilidzhikhan, whose commander is lenur slyamov, and... . at the same time, in two or three days, a video will be released on public television, where the presenter, i don’t know, he is a military serviceman himself, but he is simply not aware, probably says that where are the crimean tatars, and where are these battalions, and why are we them we do not see, but that is, the question and even such an opinion have been expressed, that this is widespread, the widespread opinion that crimeans do not fight, in which circles is it widespread, i have a question, well, it’s not for you, but just to the wall, yes, in which circles do people communicate, where is the widespread question of the participation of crimeans in the army ours, first of all, there are chiefs of staffs of brigades,
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commanders of individual assault units, it was actually discussed there, but where is the assault unit, here is the assault unit, it was created more than six months ago, this is your ignorance, it is a fact, and i am there i say to my colleagues, but you don't have to give your opinion away facts, i don't know where it is spread, among people who... in the 48th, whether there are crimeans, ukrainians, even foreigners, no such thoughts are spread, because surely they know each other and are interested in life, perfectly there from some editors who ask these provocative questions, that this worries society, this is almost the main opinion about, but where are the crimeans, the crimeans among you, and do you know what, you know, friends, the hypocrisy of this matter, i just remember very well, and maybe someone's memory is not very good there... i would like to remind you that immediately after the blockade of crimea, it was the 16th year, the blockade began in the 15th, in
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the 16th year, lenur slyamov, together with mustafa dzhemilev, and proposed to create a crimean brigade, first a battalion, and then a brigade in the composition, or nsu, or zsu, for defense there were two roads in the chunkgar direction and others there even before the blockade, and for some reason neither in the 16th year nor in the next... we were not given anything or a concrete answer to this, they gave it only after a full-scale invasion, fortunately, but then nothing moved, and they told us right in our eyes, so yes, we don't a national unit is needed, although it was not about the national thing, they also invented it, yes, from a smear, it was about the fact that people from crimea, the most motivated people, well, they can be allowed to gather together, why does the georgian legion exist, there is no crimean one, so now only this corrected yes, i would just like to clarify, this is very important, and this
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can be a very important accusation, we need to understand from whose mouth it came, it is not, it is the then leadership, the leadership of the armed forces, i do not remember the names, it does not matter, i'm just talking about the process, yes, at that time we were told that there was no need for national battalions, although they were not discussed, it was a deliberate manipulation and also from the side of journalists, i remember very well, my memory works well, but now they say where . intelligence, we will not contaminate our intelligence with the michna, which works only for xenophobia and discord and for the benefit of the occupier. mr. denis, we are just starting this topic, we are trying to approach it very carefully, and thank you for your reflection, you are one of the first speakers that we talk to at all about this, there are a few more important questions, we can see how much
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islamophobia is growing in russia in general in connection with recent events. they are trying to attract, well, actually residents of central asia who work in the russian federation, and it is scary to imagine what they can do to those who practice islam in the temporarily occupied territories of our country, in the crimea, are we already observing the consequences of this growing islamophobia on the peninsula, well , the world... it should be noted that the threat to ukrainian citizens living in crimea, including representatives of the indigenous people and the crimean tatars, it has never, never disappeared, it is constantly, large and only gaining momentum, as we can see, before the start of the so-called presidential elections of the russian federation, there were mass detentions and arrests in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this is again after all, for the purpose
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of intimidation, that they are, this is an imperialist perception of the russian federation. a desire specifically for the indigenous peoples, the crimean tatars on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and again the element of intimidation. in addition, as we can see, for more than 10 years, they have been actively and purposefully paying attention to and persecuting the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea, in particular, today we know that more than 220, 210 political prisoners are being held, specifically residents of the temporarily occupied crimea, of which more than 120 are specifically crimean tatars, as the president of the russian federation rifat chairman manchelis orifat chubarov recently noted after the conclusion of the illegal elections, which is again expected to target mobilization on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, that is , a large number of summonses will be issued precisely in the places of compact residence
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of residents from the crimean tatars, this practice was used by them as early as september 2022 and it... is used not only for the purpose of being able to demonstrate and attract the crimean tatars, since we understand that they are trying to avoid involvement in the armed forces of the russian federation as much as possible, but precisely so that they leave the specified territory, that is, this is a hidden and modified deportation of indigenous peoples from the territory temporarily occupied crimea. at the same time, it should be noted another feature, for which, as already noted, they are now actively using the pretext of a terrorist attack on the territory of the russian ... federation, this is precisely for the introduction of the death penalty, the restoration of the death penalty, specifically in the russian federation, and here again, it is necessary to observe and talk about it with international partners, international organizations, in order to monitor the situation regarding the current prisoners and further detainees and the persecution of our citizens on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. as we know
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the russian federation, russian law enforcement officers are trying to create an appearance. the image of the residents of crimea, who are detained specifically as terrorists and prosecuted under article 205.5, for creating or participating in a terrorist organization, and it is for this article that it is proposed to renew the death penalty in the russian federation, and this is already a big risk for our citizens who live in the territory temporarily of the occupied crimea and can be detained at any moment based on the fabricated materials of the russian law enforcement officers. in addition, it should be noted that although they, russia says that... again , there is a manipulation, that there was a decision of the constitutional court to suspend the execution of the death penalty, but now hot heads are actively discussing that the constitutional court can renew it, review the specified decision and accept another one, so we must , as i mentioned, as ukraine, as a state, as well as the international community, monitor the indicated situation in order to protect our citizens, if
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possible, as we can, who are in crimea, as well as those who are in prison. denis, thank you very much for this one important comment. denis chistykov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, was in touch with us. i will also remind you that on the website of the ukrainian president's office of the ukrainian people's republic of ukraine there was a notice that the deadline for applications for the training program for public managers for future work is already in the de-occupied crimea, and of course in the eastern regions of ukraine. the program is called the reintegration management program, it was extended until april 1, that is, until april 1, if... see yourself, among those people who will carry out, in particular , the state policy of ukraine in the currently occupied territories, you can apply and... and i think we will get some kind of answer, we are putting an end to this at least in this program, thank you ayder, thank christ, we will meet together, berber , be with us, donate to
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the armed forces, during several years of russia's so-called trench warfare against ukraine before the start of a full-scale invasion, losses from sniper fire accounted for the lion's share of the total number of casualties, but the last two years of specifics the work of elite shooters has changed radically, we will talk about exactly how and why in this issue of donbas-reality, and we will also show a new unique rifle designed specifically for ukrainian snipers, congratulations, yes. oleksandr practices shooting at the range, despite the fact that he has not yet recovered from a recent combat wound, explains that
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it is absolutely impossible to lose sniper skills. it flew, even, it flew, it’s even hard to answer whether it was a mine or an rpg, there was something like that, in general, it slightly wounded me and my friend, well exactly i remember that it's like adrenaline is playing, you don't understand what's happening, but at least you didn't abandon your friend. his injury was much more serious than mine, i could at least move, he couldn't because his arms were broken and his leg was broken, and i want to say hi, if he sees this, i will tell about him . this is what i tell about him. such situations at the front since the beginning of a full-scale war have become commonplace. the intensity of hostilities was also evident during the busy period. now they are under aiming constantly from the air on... the ground day and night, the war that was at the beginning, ato, oos and so on, it was one type of war, it was a more positional war, when you could
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come to a position, prepare there and could dare to come by car, but when the full-scale war began, you already realized how much of a sniper you are, because before that, all the exits, so to speak, to work, they were more like that, well, that... it’s easy to move around with a gun there, well, no calmly, but you were more or less sure that you were going to your position, cars drive there, groceries are brought there, you could sit down with someone and drive up, and so on, when the full-scale war began, all this was gone, you couldn't drive up calmly, here you are, you learned to crawl in a new way and ... if before it was possible to exchange for some diggers, observers and so on, anything, anything, anyone, the main thing is to destroy, a camera, and so on, well,
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surveillance cameras, someone will catch the change somewhere, but already with the beginning of a full-scale war, there are no diggers, observers, that is, there are already priorities, some certain priorities, where you go, and tread all. at full scale in order to destroy the cap, it's a fan at all, it's not a job, that is, if the seryak has already appeared, then at least the target should correspond to some certain level. the principle of sniping is an accurate shot, it is desirable to hit the target with the first or second shot, it can be done, well, with any firearms, there are only limitations. well, the physical accuracy of this weapon, that is, with a mortar, even if you really want to, you won't be able to hit it with the first shot, but we
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we strive for exactly that. conor says in the russian-ukrainian war since 2014: she became a sniper not because she really wanted to, it's just that it was in this part of military science that she showed herself to be the most effective. now, in addition to direct work, the girl transfers her... combat experience to newcomers, in most cases their women shoot better, well, at the range, brothers, if you give me zero men and zero women, according to statistics, the best result will be, if i work with a man and a woman, yes, well, there was such an experience, woman will do better, but on a combat exit, well , men have an advantage, and here you can argue, there is an exception. certain women, but it's a few, in most cases, it's banal physiology, it's just, well, i'm in the years of a full-scale invasion, i clearly
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understand. maybe the problem is that the beginning of the war was 10 years ago and my health is not the same there, but i feel that men can do more, they can carry more, more ammunition, more food, more, well there techniques on myself, that is, sometimes i am a burden in such, well, in such operations, a fighter with the call sign largo is a star-awarded hero... he says, in the conditions of a full-scale war , a sniper is not only a hunter for a specific target, he fights on an equal footing with the rest both during the offensive and during the defense. it was the kyiv region of moshtu, the task was to clean up and neutralize any targets that reach the crossing so that the enemy infantry did not cross the irpin river and did
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not... run into the village of moshtu, that is , only infantry could be called the priorities here , which appeared on the bridge, everything that ran out onto the bridge, everything had to be destroyed, absolutely everything alive, but what was returning in the direction from our side, well, not from our side, but from our shore, so to speak, to the other side was also destroyed, two such sniper pairs could keep the city under control for three days, i see behind a bush. oh, stop, i see, i’m shooting, if it’s normal, if you took a position normally, you can completely stop the entire assault, not one, of course, so to speak, but if several groups of snipers, well, several pairs, let’s say, are concentrated in certain places , if they have everything well, that is, no one burned them, they have a normal shelter, so in principle they can cover the area, the front of the work normally, that is, everything works out normally, it all depends simply on the choice of the area and
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on your position, because... when shot, let's say this, a branch in the little finger by the thumb, if the bullet hits it, it's all a ricochet, it 's not a hit, so if there are a lot of bushes in front of you and you shoot from the ground, well, it's just like shooting, but snipers still have priority goals, it can be as animate and inanimate objects, priority targets, rather than priority targets, most likely machine gunners, because machine gunners do a lot of damage, if you can take out... the machine gunner, then the infantry will just say thank you very much, or even the same cameras, many now cameras that are simply hung on poles, and here are these cameras, they just see certain movement, they have a large field of view, and they simply burn the movement when our guys are moving somewhere, or for provisions, for bc, or, let's say, an approach new people to the position, they smoke it all, and if you you help, if you neutralize these cameras, the infantry, including their commanders,
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will say thank you very much. or the senior group, the senior commander is always easy, or, for example, the behavior of an officer, it is always different, it is not the same as the behavior of an ordinary infantryman, an ordinary infantryman on the russian side is more stooped, more bent, and when he appears. commander, they always lower their heads, and this is like a characteristic for the enemy, it had a great impact, because we, we study it, that is , they have a soldier, an infantryman who can raise the head of a senior officer, that is, officers are always dressed cleaner, always neater, more fit, if it is an ordinary officer, that is
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, a military ... discipline, it distinguishes an ordinary infantryman from an officer, so we already manage, guided by this, our experience, we choose a priority target, therefore it is more profitable to destroy an officer and leave a stronghold without a command, than to destroy some talu, an observer, but there are other priorities, this is when eh... at the position we see both an officer and, for example, a pilot of some mavics there unmanned aerial vehicles, here it is already a priority to destroy, for example, the pilot, and not the officer. 11 days in winter, that's how much time largo waited for the same moment to eliminate one of the commanders of the cossack regiment of the lpr group. it was one of the most difficult tasks
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of a ukrainian sniper. these 11 days are mine.


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