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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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the first capital she visited was kyiv, so moldova is very important for us now, because it is a transit country for us, and we are participants in the essence of such a security scenario for moldova, er, because the border with transnistria is blocked i, plus now successful actions at sea, we actually created the circumstances under which... in moldova it will be possible to eventually bring these stormy regions to common state legal standards. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr tsibulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, you can participate. in the survey, today
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we ask you about whether you are satisfied with danilov's work as the secretary of the national security council, yes, no, if you have a personal, special opinion, you can leave it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take hold your smartphone or phone and vote if you are satisfied with danilov's work, 0800-211381, no, 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program. we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vaskor unian in moscow. mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. hello, serhiy, congratulations. i would like to remind you that roman tsymbalyuk has a powerful youtube channel, if you are not yet subscribed to this youtube channel, please join. roman already has 1,190,000 viewers. i think there will be more. roman, let's start with orthodox jeh. which
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patriarch kirill gundyaev announced at the so-called universal russian people 's council, and there at this council an order was passed, and this order reads that the entire territory of modern ukraine should enter the zone of exclusive influence of russia, and russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine is called a holy war , i will quote this one. moment: from a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation is a holy war, in which russia and its people, protecting the single spiritual space of holy russia, perform the mission of a deterrent, protecting the world from onslaught of globalism and the victory of the west, which has fallen into satanism, and gundyaev himself said that this order is aimed at strengthening and developing the so-called russian world, while denying that it was open. and frank nazi
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character, let's listen to what he said, the main task of these orders, as well as the long-term activity of the entire world russian people's council, is the protection and strengthening of the russian world, the division, weakening of the russian people, deprivation of their spiritual and vital forces, always led to weakening and the crisis of the russian state, therefore restoration of the unity of the russian people, as well as its spiritual... and life potential are key conditions for the development of russia and the russian world in the 21st century, and let no one scare us with russian nationalism, russian nationalism does not exist in nature, everyone knows this, but everyone knows romana, that there is racism and russian fascism, how do you perceive what gundyaev says and this is the "holy war" flag, let's go to...
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ukraine, because there are those satanists who need to be defeated. the translator must be careful that russian peace is in the ukrainian language it is necessary to translate russian peace, because these are two big differences between the word russian and russian, because the russian nazis are speculating on this. next, i looked very carefully at gundyaev, at this main moscow pope, and especially here at... or i looked at him, here, here, here, here, and it seemed to me that there, after all, here they finally appeared, these fsb epaulettes , it is clear that these are far from colonels, but obviously colonel-generals, but in general we must say to these moscow popes that they are well done, they burned down this office, and this is the second time confirms that there cannot be any moscow popes and their representatives in ukraine, and here attention, what they have done, in fact,
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surprisingly, will benefit us, the fact that they use their comrades in cassocks, in the interests russian the development of the russian state here , well, most of them already understand, and the fact that they made a document and said that the war is very cool, now we can such figures as tucker carlson, who very much likes to think about the oppression here in our country signs of faith and so on, to say, look, takir and druze are friends who were brainwashed by the russians, they are terrorists, they are war criminals, and this story, it has nothing to do with faith in god, and on the other hand, what the moscow priest kirill said about crisis in russia, it is very good for this word, they should get used to it, i
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heard a phrase here today that if you want to find the answer to what awaits us, look to the future, oh, look to the past, well, in the russian federations... in the russian federation, they have everything one in one, that is why russian nationalism, it is a it exists, only it is too precise and involved in all these fascist ideas, so there will be no big new difference for us to do our own thing from the moscow priests, the only thing is that we have raised this topic now, i remembered the film that was released on the russia tv channel. don't ask why i watched it, but there they told about a priest whose husband, that is, a moscow priest , was destroyed, killed in ukraine, and among other things , the following phrase sounded: he was from
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the landing brigade from one of the landing zones, and among other things the following phrase sounded there: he has been going to donbas since... 2014, well, actually, we collected all this and now we have a general picture, and no one will be able to play the game anymore, and the moscow popes, they are there, but they are not there, they are for god at all, no, they serve hell, and that’s more once we saw, well damn, what can i say? in principle, and it is difficult to name these people in a different way here, in these clothes, but here are those who were recently connected with them, and now say that they are independent, this is the ukrainian orthodox church, the moscow patriarchate,
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they say about that this statement is sacred war contradicts the basic principles of christian morality and distanced themselves from the ideology of this russian world, which is what is said in... uocp. the ukrainian orthodox church does not support and distance itself from the ideology of the russian world. moreover, the attitude of our church to this idea was publicly expressed a long time ago by the most blessed patriarch, the metropolitan. grant onufria of kyiv and the entire movement, we will not build any russian world, we are building god's world. ocu spokesman metropolitan iv stratiy wrote on facebook that the structure of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, led by metropolitan monufry, quite... resembles a person who suffers from domestic violence, but is unable to break up with the abuser, whether or not this is one of the, could be one of the good reasons for the uoc to decide after all, they are there , where
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, according to them, they consider the roc church to be canonical, or are they from the ocu and some... there is a dialogue about unification, about the fact that the church should still be ukrainian, and not moscow, it is not russian, and it does not have these, as metropolitan evstratiy says, its features a person who suffers from domestic violence , but is not able to break up with the rapist, well here, to understand who is the rapist and who plays in which team, you need to... come to the website of the russian orthodox church and look at these moscow priests, and among the list we will see these moscow priests, including anuf, actually everything , the russian orthodox church, so you know,
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there will be no russian church or branch of the russian church here, not in the lavra, not in kyiv, not in pachaiv, not in to someone else, it's all clear, the question remains, how is it... er, how to act well, there are two basic, two basic approaches, i.e. the evolutionary approach , at some point, people will think, come to the conclusion, why the moscow popes, if we... ukraine, in fact, the majority of people who go there and really love to believe in god, this does not mean that they want putin to be here, the russian army and so on, well, this is how it happened historically, that is, this story is objectively more complicated. the second approach is to ban the russian orthodox church, its branches in minmen are much closer, because there were too many examples of what muscovite... they are fighting, spying and so on and so on, and you see
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, for now, these issues have been suspended in the council, i am not sure that they themselves are so urgent, although during the war , everything must be decided quickly, but globally, that is what stopped the ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine, one thing is that it was believed that some people in the west would think that it would be... this is the reason why we oppress the church here, the russian-speaking, the pope, pasha mercedes, that they are suffering, they are very they beat their foreheads hard on the floor and prayed to god, but we do not interfere with them, now you look, everything is a piece of paper, they are for the war, period, so, you see, let's just talk about it again out loud and for everyone, us, i personally don't care about anything at all. which church do my neighbors go to and do they go there at all, i want
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security for myself, my children, for my country, if there are people walking here who put on cassocks and say, and have crosses attached to their bellies, and at the same time they reduce security of this state, then they should be responsible in the same way as the rest, and not hide behind their ... and here it is not necessary, here it is somehow like this, i formulated it so harshly, but it is, it is simple, why do they have to point russian missiles at us and talk about who is there, we are satanists, there is something else, that is, to explain to a certain part of ukrainian society, who have problems with their heads, which is not here... there may be other options, who is to blame for the fact that russian missiles are flying here, who
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is launching them, is to blame, period, here, this is not a political discussion, it is the matter of the actions of law enforcement and special bodies, and the matter of national security, of course, of ukraine and the security of the citizens of the ukrainian state, during the week we see how putin tries to play the role of a victim, after... for the terrorist attack in crocus, we see that he is trying to convince everyone that idol is either controlled by ukraine there, or that ukraine is somehow involved, although biden clearly says this week that putin is a butcher, a butcher and all, there can be no other language here, for whom this image of a victim putin has prepared and for whom it will be convincing. in a situation where he is the number one terrorist in the world, but he is trying to take over the role of well
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the number one victim i would say in the world? i do not think that they will be able to do this on the international stage, of course, there will be states that take a neutral position on this matter, and we also cooperate with them, first of all, this is an influence on the russian masses, stand up, you are a huge country, you see with such... these cunning ukrainians hired guys from takzhi who shot people there, if they really shot them, if they really shot them, then of course they are terrorists, but usually this requires a court, some kind clarification of the situation, here what we see, we see the cut off ears of beaten people and there is an opinion that if vladimir putin's ears are cut off, then he also admits that he is actually an agent and a pimp, and i don't
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know, the main thing the intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, well , i just thought that what kiril budanov did was somehow unworthy of kiril budanov, so be it, that is, all these statements, they are again, but if you distance yourself from this propaganda part. means all the evidence they got from these people and who were asked publicly, in fact , russia had not reached such a level yet, they only asked without a camera. here they cut off the fly and so on, so now they have the latest information that these tajik guys, they were going to kyiv to receive awards, and they said that this is proof, because one of these people said it, he testified on this matter,
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well, in fact, the wording of the question itself, it is not surprising, but what kind of reward did they want, if before that they talked about money, but once again, we are in a situation where we do not it is necessary to make excuses, in general, because this is a sword, and if someone makes any accusations on the basis of the words of these detainees, then they are obliged to present them to the public, in particular, so that they show how much they have, whether they have an ear or there is no do they have all their fingers, or do they have all their nails, or do they have them on their body, because these same cats, well, they will force you to sign any, any document, these shots that we see, well, it is immediately visible, well, it is immediately clear that they were going to kyryll budanov to receive some award, and those who are telling something there, and this
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victim, we must not allow... these actions somehow, you know, here i am, i just want to remind everyone when this tragedy happened, we have the right not to sympathize, but a tragedy is a tragedy , they shot many civilians, children there and so on, the house burned down, well, let it burn better, but what did the russian invaders start to write on their fabs, they wrote for crocus and... here the question arises, if they threw bombs for crocus then , then why do they throw them today, and the last two years, two, two and a half years old, so everything is clear here, and let's note that no matter how much they are there, no matter how hard you make an effort to make everyone feel sorry for them, there is masha zakharova, not
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shmara midovska, but the official speaker of the russian federation, she everyone is there. and found out who, when, what words, expressed sympathy to the russian federation, and branded it with shame, respectively, ah , anglo-saxons, that is, the question, nothing has changed, they are simply using this situation exclusively in order to manage the hatred of the russian invaders, russians men, and no, by chance, we had the first assumption that this would be the basis for announcing a full-scale mobilization, and by the way, this can be used including, but a little later, thank you, i have to finish the broadcast, thank you, roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, friends, during the broadcast we are conducting a survey, we will now see
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the interim results of the survey, whether you are satisfied with danilov's work as the secretary of the nsdc, 22%. 78 dissatisfied.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, it is a guest every day ship district of kherson. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is none. of the political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two
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hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, attack. drones on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly
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5:25 am
greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following the footage may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is none. of the political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda live, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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the security and defense system itself will work out other elements, such as regular or supply or repair at such a fast pace in order to stop the enemy in the directions in which we now have questions. mr. pavle, there are proposals on the one hand to create there there are special experimental units
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that will take these new samples. to work out optimal tactics for using them on the battlefield, and the other version is, as you say, just take people, train them and then return them to units already with new samples, which scheme do you think is more optimal? the scheme should be combined, but the legislation is built in such a way now that a person can get a military accounting specialty in one or another direction only in specialized educational centers. of the armed forces of ukraine, a this is absolutely wrong, it simply reduces the speed of training people to use such automated systems on the battlefield, so the solution has to be comprehensive, we have to use private companies that are weapons manufacturers in order to train people faster, in feedback, which will come from the divisions, of course, should be summarized in the relevant scientific centers, we have them, they
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work on these issues more. moreover, scientific centers are preparing the corresponding statutes, because now it will be a separate type of armed forces, and it must have a law that determines how these units interact, communicate with each other, join as forces and means of the senior commander in order to effectively manage these units, if they will be created separately, although first first of all, they should appear in those combat brigades , which are not already us, there are bipaks, at least, yes, separate turnovers of unmanned aircraft complexes, they can be expanded to battalions and this can be done quickly enough, and when we talk about commanders and the military themselves, because, linguistically speaking , a model of equipment must be perfect enough so that during the execution of a combat task it is not burdensome and does not create problems for the commander himself and for the military himself, this means that it is certain that at a certain stage
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still... .. it is necessary to add a component that ensures such a vital constant connection with the developers, in order to quickly bring the development to the level that will really help on the battlefield, and not hinder the performance of this or that task. well, this is everyone's fantasy commander, but such interaction between the developer, the weapons manufacturer and the military is mutually beneficial, because by receiving feedback, we can improve this or that product and... instead, using this or that means in the field, we effectively transfer this information to other units that can be delivered tomorrow, receive these complexes, the same tandem or saber, and use them not from scratch, but to have the experience of both the manufacturer and those combat units that have already practiced, well, worked on these...
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systems, i think that the training centers that have already been created, i say again, at the manufacturers, they will be the first absorbers of this, this information in order to properly prepare the charter for the automated units, and quickly change the staff, whether the operator, whether it is an assistant operator, whether it is a gunner, or a loader, as it should be properly called, accounted for and , accordingly, how a person should be paid. his work, but the fact that it fundamentally changes the situation on the ground in terms of entering the battle, the style of conducting the battle, allows commanders have more, well, more imagination to approach the placement of combat, fire weapons, it is true, and the most important thing is that it is directly related to mobilization, we often say that there are no people.


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