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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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the development of both the manufacturer and those combat units that have already trained, well , worked on these systems, i think that the training centers that have already been created, i say again, at the manufacturers, they will be the first absorbers of this, this information in order to the charter should be properly prepared for the automated units, and the staffs should be quickly changed, whether it is the operator, or the assistant operator, or the gunner, or ... the loader, as it should be properly called, accounted for, and accordingly, how the man should be paid for his work, but what it fundamentally changes the ground situation in terms of the conduct of the battle, the style of the battle, allows the commanders to approach the placement of combat firepower with more imagination , it is true, and the most important thing is that... it is directly related to mobilization,
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we often say , that there are no people to conduct combat operations, there are people, let's carry out technical mobilization, and then part of the people will be freed, because the work on the battlefield will be performed by robots, be it unmanned aerial vehicles, or ground-controlled complexes, such developments in there are us, me too once i say, it is necessary to help lebedenko so that these contracts are concluded as soon as possible. people, that is, manufacturers, are waiting for this, people who are on the battlefield, the military, are waiting for this, and i, from the meetings that i attended, heard the complete conviction of the commander-in-chief that this is the right direction for the development of our we will never have armed forces, another option, another advantage, such as numerical, for example, we don't have 20 or more men, now there will be five.
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60 more than the enemy. we can only have a technological advantage, let's give it we will provide if any bills or legislative acts interfere with us, prevent us from quickly adopting certain types of weapons , put them into service. they must be abolished, they must be changed. i don't think legislation should interfere with the military right now. legislation should help to receive as soon as possible. new and new models on the battlefield, especially since these are unified models, because our small arms are one and the same, they are placed on a saber, and on a tandem, and on other shooting complexes, we have one, the same and the same munitions are hung from the bombers, yes i insist that it is necessary to use more intelligent means, in the same fpv there are types of ukrainian weapons developers that allow. bombers, which allow
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the comprehensive use of this or that technique, not only as a bomber, but also as a kamikaze, can work as a scout, and such high-tech solutions that are long- lasting on the battlefield are needed, they provide a technological advantage over russia, by the way, by the way, you mentioned decisions that need to be made more quickly , and there are unique cases when the system exists, it has not been adopted, but now we see there... nettle nettles, and nettles have created the sos army, there are specific people whom we know, but do not name, who have made efforts for this project, it is still being improved, but it is not in service, although there are tens of thousands of users in the armed forces, how to explain this paradox, should the ministry of defense not contribute more finances, some approaches to stimulate the developer, to further improve the product not only at the expense of his own initiative. look, i'm in favor
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radical changes, i am in favor of turning the system the other way around, that is, if we know that nettles, hysarta, there is a whole series of complexes for management, the introduction of artillery fire, unique in fact, the same, my lord, i have already forgotten everything, complexes, which allow you to very quickly direct artillery for damage. the enemy fired a shot from the place where he applied, and these ukrainian products should accompany the units of the armed forces to the point that, well, scientific units, for example, in order to put them into service, and not a leveler, because this system that exists now does not work in our country, when the developer goes, does not know where to submit documents, and then he is sewn up, or they say that the indentation is wrong, on the left or on the right, everything should be the other way around, well, everyone uses it. on the field dill, well,
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yes, why is it not in service, people from the dvtp should be allocated, whether it is in the research institute, the relevant units that took these documents from. the developer and brought them to accept the deployment to the order and that's all, because it is beneficial to us, as a military, it saves our lives, no, no, not the developers, the developers help us, and i am for this picture of the world to be turned upside down, the pyramid turned upside down, and we started these units that are in the structure of the armed forces, worked with the developer directly to achieve the result, maybe i explained it difficult, but actually. when you were in the project office, which dealt with technologies, something was done there, things were done, developed, decisions were made, and now it seems that the ministry of defense has a certain pause with this, but it has become more active at the level of the general staff and at the level of the minister of finance, although in my opinion the ministry of finance
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is a cool ministry, but it partly takes over some military tasks, it is not always clear to me how to speed it up, whether the accelerator works, or some nuances with... slips, now all the developments have been transferred, i will say it again, andriy lybedemko, i think that he will have a certain pause in reviewing these decisions and reports to the commander-in-chief, but these are days, all the same, these are days, it should happen very quickly, and we are very grateful for such fruitful cooperation, and today i i will say that the documents for the tandem already have ttx and the corresponding ones, so we have moved. where we worked for months, we now completed the work in 10 days, and the tests were carried out, and the documents were prepared, and the technical characteristics have already been approved by the relevant military commanders, that is , it will be a unique experience if we work out at least three or four
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nomenclature according to this scheme, i think that it is necessary to write a separate order of the minister on such a procedure, because it will actually work, so it is a big challenge for us, but... it is a vital need, and once i say, if you don’t do this, if you don’t put your feet and hands on these documents and don’t do it, then nothing will happen, there will still be infantry on the battlefield and everything, without any technological advantage, but the decision regarding the technologists, the acquisition of the technological advantage of the ukrainians yes, let's take them and use them, i say once again, there is such an order from the commander-in-chief, and that's why we work day and night so that these contracts... appear and, accordingly, as the next step , the equipment will go to the front, well, for me it's news actually, because i didn't think there was one progress began with the decision of general syrskyi, against the background of the actions of his deputies, i see that the situation really, if we take into account
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your conclusions, is progressing quite quickly, it is extremely positive to hear from you, i will say it again, mr. serhiy, we must approaches this very comprehensively, because it is also a change in staff. the organizational structure of units, and training, and logistics, and repair, these are all interconnected, you can't just push the complex to the front and say: that's it, use it, it's very, well , in general, a combined military battle is it is a complex thing, and one must be ready for all this, including the commander, he must understand how he will use it in combat, we will now complexize and conduct this training, i think, on the basis of the defense university. will be conducted, which is true, no, well, those units, if the old ones want to help, please join, because combat experience is needed, but for now we will conduct it with the forces and means of the manufacturers, therefore both the saber and the tandem will be involved in these processes, i also once i say, it is a terrestrial
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component that has signs of a technological one advantage over the enemy, and we will do our best to have it pro-contracted within weeks. and entered the army, well , this is very positive news, i wanted to ask you how an artilleryman has such a thing, i have seen many videos where military personnel work in so -called exoskeletons, when they take burdens, weight and carry, well, with a much smaller load for their own backs, when i look at our gunners, i always remember that it would not be bad if our developments related to exoskeletons were somehow developed. and found implementation, whether do you have any general range of problems in the military that require certain technological solutions there, so that our developers know this list of these problems and orientate themselves on what to do if
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the armed forces need it? yes, today the work on the generalization of developments, it has been carried out and is being conducted 24x7, this data is all transferred to... for the commanders of chiefs for consideration, if they are interested in it, they react to it or not, i think that even the commander-in-chief has time to review these developments, such a report exists. she seems every two days comes, regarding the implementation, for today, the solution to the issue, in particular, with the mobilization and training of new military personnel is much more important than generalization, that is , generalization is a daily activity, but the changes we expect with mobilization and human, and most importantly - technical, i would generally issue a separate order on the introduction of technical mobilization in the armed forces. and other military formations, because it can radically change the situation, if
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the developers do not need some additional contact, i just don’t have it now i see, now all developments are open and the ministry of defense and the ministry of defense are open to interaction, and the department of military and technical policy often issues clarifications regarding those foreign developments that come to us for use, therefore... commanders simply pay more attention to the fact that what we offer for review, and if you are interested in this feedback to appear on the relevant senior boss, we, for our part , will usually conduct this generalization work always in a constant mode, so if something appears somewhere necessary for the troops, it is definitely necessary to move into the phase of putting into service and contracting, and my, my boss is troublesome. to minimize this time, in my deep conviction, two weeks is enough for
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a finished product at the level of the seventh, eighth or even, well, higher, to reach acceptance into service in two weeks, not 45 days, as stated in the 348th, for example, on uavs, i think that we have already passed this stage and we have to react, you see how often the control frequency spectrums change there. drones, as with on our side, as well as on the enemy's side, that 's why everything should be, well, a very quick reaction, and you mentioned that the equipment, yes, the equipment that is already fighting and has not been adopted into service, in the same procedure is quite complicated and the problem is, i think that by reducing the number of units and signatures in this procedure, we will achieve the fact that such ready-made samples of weapons will be accepted in two or three... for use in the armed forces. mr. pavle, thank you very much for these explanations, for
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new and important accents related to technological progress in our armed forces forces, and let me remind you that it was pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces of ukraine, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander. we talked with him precisely about the technical mobilization of the ukrainian army, and we actually understand that this component also extends to... the fact that this equipment, samples of weapons need to be repaired and serviced by ukrainians abroad, and this has certain nuances, such as to understand these nuances, how to solve these problems, we will talk about it in the second part of our program, after the advertising and information block.
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political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoborlai openly and without prejudice. you draw your own conclusions.
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we continue our "war and weapons" program. in the first part, we talked about new solutions that the armed forces need to reduce the procedures for accepting weapons equipment for security. arming of the armed forces, then we will talk about whether foreign weapons take root in the ukrainian army, because on the battlefield we... see the effective use of foreign weapons, but we forget that in fact, now the ukrainian army has a situation that no other army in the world has, given the fact that the weapons park is extremely diverse, and each type of weapon must be repaired, serviced, this is actually such a nightmare for the logistics structures
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of the ukrainian army, and there are ukrainian companies that have some experience of interaction with... border suppliers, and then the question arises, how to choose the best practices in order to solve the problems that exist in the armed forces. and now we are joined by vladyslav belbas, general director of ukrainian armored vehicles, mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you on the espresso channel. good afternoon, thank you for the invitation, nice to hear from you too. i'd like us to talk about the topic at hand first. maintenance and repair of foreign equipment, and then to what your company actually does, ukrainian defense equipment has such a certain limited experience of contacts with turkish defense equipment that was supplied to the armed forces, and in fact there is experience of working with other foreign models, which are served on the ukrainian market, how
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would you define the most sensitive ones. problems of maintenance of foreign equipment and how to reduce the problems that are currently faced by our repair units, which do not have spare parts, repair documentation and so on, and this significantly affects the combat effectiveness of those samples that we received in significant quantities from our partners. the question is correct, in its essence and in terms of the impact, which logistics support, repairs, how they affect combat capability army, er, indeed, if the first time there, the 22nd year of supply was relatively fast and relatively without support at all, we see that we were then provided with warehouse samples
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and weapons and so on, starting from the second half. in the 23rd year, many manufacturers are working to attract local companies, whether from the private sector or ukroboronprom, to create joint ventures for the organization of service, the supply of spare parts, and our company also joins such work with american companies, and with turkish companies, as you said, and that is why such a process is going on, i would probably give the palm of the hand here to the germans, who have already created three joint enterprises and continue to declare such support from such, let's say , now france is also in the lead in the plan support, declaration of support for ukraine, but the equipment we received from
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france, most of it was still in such a relatively poor condition'. because of this condition, it was necessary to carry out the finalization, maintenance or repair of this equipment, and that is why i also think that it will now be some kind of such a wave of uh and supplies and it is possible and we can do it in ukraine, these restoration works or this equipment that they can provide us, because they are really declaring now and are at the forefront of supporting ukraine. that is why such work is being carried out, such work is expanding, and these defense forums held by the ministry of strategic industries, it also gives certain such understanding to companies with whom they can work on the ukrainian market, the only thing i
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would add here is that it is necessary reduce a little bureaucracy. of this process, and still increase direct communication, manufacturers, manufacturers, well, i mean foreign manufacturers with ukrainian manufacturers. mr. vladyslav, but for your company , this segment is interesting, or is it, relatively speaking, too costly, because there are many legal subtleties, nuances associated with each model of foreign equipment, and at times, it may even be economically unprofitable, or on the contrary, this segment can really be? to be interesting in addition to the main profile activities provided by ukrainian armored vehicles? this segment is interesting from the point of view of getting to know them. technologies and operating experience that foreign companies have, the technologies that are used in their products, but of course you started with
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the fact that we have different and very different products, a very diverse fleet from radically different countries, radically different approaches to the formation of this park of armored vehicles, and everything has now accumulated in us, and we also have everything... you have no experience in using it, yes, that is, we have used soviet equipment for many years, we understand nuances, problems and so on, more or less, in order to understand the nuances of the operation of a bradley there, you need to operate it, and therefore there is, let's say, such a problem, but it is somehow so actively solved and for... the use of technology and the fact that companies gain certain experience, it is also important here that cooperation with such, well
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, that is, it is not so easy to get the opportunity for such cooperation, you need to have certain competencies, you need to have production capabilities, you need to have trained personnel, you need to be ready invest in special equipped tools, premises and so on, well, in principle, you are ready to enter this segment, believing that it will give you both new knowledge and actually new opportunities regarding joint projects, maybe even with foreign companies, yes, of course, and not only our company, our company is actively engaged in this, and not only our company, there are a number of other enterprises that are also engaged in this direction, but well... as far as i know there are no, let's say, contracts with manufacturers, so as for, for example, m113, then they are repaired in the majority, as it is called,
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in an artisanal way, but what is important is that what i was saying is that we are acquiring such competences, this is quite such a simple technique, and it is very important to organize the rapid repair of such technique in a relatively... short distance from the front line, because precisely that logistical provisioning is very important, and repairing equipment there at a depth of 1,000 km or more and spending several days there for logistics, bureaucracy, and so on, will have a negative effect on the battlefield. of course, mr. vladyslav, i would like to inquire about the ministry's policy of defense, regarding the purchase of weapons, literally... at the beginning of the month such a powerful tender was announced for the purchase of pickup trucks for the armed forces of ukraine, then a memorandum was signed with a korean manufacturer,
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perhaps in view of certain capabilities of this company, how do you view this procedure tenders that are currently going through the system of the state arms procurement agency, is it efficient, perfect, are you going to participate in... tenders related to pickup trucks, because we remember your developments, on which your company has spent a lot of money and there were good developments, i wonder if they are now in the field of view of the ministry of defense? well, here the situation is twofold, it concerns the fact that, of course, we, as a company, are for the openness of the market, for the openness of purchases. i have already said many times that, let's say, openness, it creates competition, competition creates a decrease in cost and
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an increase, an improvement in quality, which concerns pickup trucks in particular, do you really remember that research and development work was launched in the 21st year saigak, the results of which turned out to be that, by the way one of the first open... in general, the first open tender of the ministry of defense in relation to them, and in this tender a conditional victory, because there was no such final, ukrainian brentechnika won by presenting its solution, which passed a number of factory tests and was presented to the customer, but the customer at that time refused, and it is necessary to say that, for example , the cost gave up the high cost, and it must be said that the expected value of the car then. was approximately the expected cost, which was announced in december at the tender in december, purchases there are more than 100 pickup trucks, i think, the defense
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procurement agency for. announced, that is, er, there was a deliberate manipulation in the 21st year regarding the overestimation of such a cost, ah, but here it must be said that now they were planning to buy ordinary civilian pickups that are not adapted, let's say, to i'm not saying that it's bad, yes, i 'm just saying that the difference is why, yes, that they are not adapted for e different kinds and and forces, e, and because, of course, that the machine, modified, retrofitted, adapted to driving or using in the war zone, she has have some other price parameters or, since some of its technical characteristics are changing, that is, in fact, if there were purchases of seigaks in the 21st year, then you would have production now and maybe the ukrainian army would not have problems with such samples of equipment, yes , that is, if
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the correct decision was made then. well, i can't do that, it will be manipulation on my part, since at that time it was planned to purchase 150 cars, and we now understand that over the years thousands and thousands were purchased with volunteer funds, then ignoring the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, for the entire time of ukraine's independence, it is still being given notice, and that car fleet is completely absent, it is a global problem and a tender. which was expected to be carried out by the ministry of defense, it would not be noticeable at all on the volume that it is now, but ah, here you have to, you know, think through, because we could already get some unification, we could get all- better technical parameters and so on, of course we will work, the only problem there now is the legislation in this regard,
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since it is a bit... it is chaotic in our country is accepted, and, for example, the same tender that was announced in december, it provided for both taxes and duties, due to the fact that the legislation at the moment is as it is, in my opinion, it should be simplified as much as possible and removed all customs and taxes there. for the equipment that is supplied to the defense forces, by the way, we found a video of your car that was being tested at the time, and then the feedback from the military was quite positive, even when we ourselves drove your car, the impression was very positive , and that's how she passed, she passed a full cycle of tests, and she also, what was the peculiarity of this decision, since we took a car that passed...
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was also tested for nato countries, that is, it was more or less a unified car for the armed forces and armed formations of the countries of eastern europe , and therefore such a decision seems to have been good. we have literally 3 minutes and i want to ask about the production of ammunition, because there was an interesting publication in a foreign publication. the news agency asked and wrote about the fact that the enterprise melitopol auto tractor parts plant makes 20,000 shells and mine cases per month and wants to increase that number to 100,000 per month, somehow this company is affiliated with the national ordnance manufacturers association and would like to ask you if there are opportunities to increase by five times at one enterprise, it
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is possible... for two, you can produce 2,000 cases for a mine, finally close this problem, it is closed, it is closed, this market is saturated, the only thing is that, well, you should all understand that metalworking is, let's say the simplest component of the technological process of ammunition production, there are more complex ones, this is powder production, there are more complex ones, these are explosives. detonators and so on, that is , of course we can produce very significant amounts of metal, there will be a bottleneck in another, and now we are actively working on its elimination, that is, you are looking for options so that we get more gunpowder and explosives for those bodies that manufacture our companies, yes, mr. vladyslav, thank you very much
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for these explanations. because your company does for the armed forces.


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