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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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even by its own motion, so the situation with this is complicated, so these installations are mobile, but we can point out from our department that, for example, those missiles that are compatible with launch shafts on ships, they were not used in this way, at least at the current state of such facts for sure there are no confirmed ones, mr. dmytro, and as a joke, of course, and we are already conducting some negotiations with the crew. in baltimore, well, it was just amazing, it was amazing to watch how the bridge was destroyed, unfortunately, and by the way, what is important, about this colleagues from defense express wrote, in fact, this extraordinary event blocked almost a third of all the possibilities of the american army, in case of any escalation in europe, to transfer
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its troops across the atlantic, and can you comment on this in any way? well, i usually don't comment on such international events, i can only point out that the construction of the so-called crimean bridge is a little different, if not completely different. uh, so basically, uh, you see, even recently, they actually don't protect her from the water. there was a way out one there, a small ship, can even be called a coastal boat. fsb guards, if they used to be there, they constantly kept a dozen or more, now this picture is gone, the last person who went out there to control it was serhiy kotov, as you know, he was controlled until he went to the bottom, and now they, i as i understand it, aviation observers have placed more bets on that, on other components that are less vulnerable to the same surface drones, of course it is controlled and... it is not
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a fact that a similar situation can lead to the same so-called extra bridge is out of power, so it is actually difficult to predict similar situations, last time, sorry, in general , a small drone just came under the bridge, blew up and did not become part of the freeway, but one way or another, it seems that this is not the case that concerns ... the logistics of the american army, you know, this country probably has the best military logistics in the world, and i'm sure that they will somehow manage, even if something like this happens there, because it's just one of those components that they always pride themselves on, as they have always been strong, it's logistics, it was really such a terrible video with this bridge, it turns out that the bridge is basically such a structure... it
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looked terrible, people died there, but the structure is very vulnerable, i didn't even know, but i want , mr. dmytro, please clarify, what is the difference, in that this bridge is not on concrete structures, yes, the crimean one, well, it is 10-20 times there , its length is longer there, but what the key difference, there is concrete, so powerful, here is metal, right? well, you probably saw the video of him, how he fell, in fact, there i am, again, not my expert opinion, i am not a structural engineer, but you can see that there is a structure, it was connected with each other, all the elements were connected, and we have already seen what happens on the crimean bridge, when the so-called, when one section is knocked out, well, the rest remains, as a rule, and these were...
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connected with each other, there were many on the internet among engineers, i read about it complaints about the structure itself, i.e. the very engineering decision regarding its construction, er, we have already seen in practice that if it falls one, one of the spans of the so-called crimean bridge, such a result does not happen here, so yes, they are structurally different, and mr. dmitry, i promise at the end. let's go back a little to the russian fleets, the commanders there change quite often lately, after sokolov disappeared somewhere, pinchuk was appointed, and we received confirmation of this when shoigo arrived in sevastopol, and a certain moiseyev, who by 2019, if i'm not mistaken, headed the black sea fleet of the russian federation and became overall commander of all naval forces forces of the russian federation, e. are we following a change in
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the enemy's tactics in connection with changes in leaders in the relevant directions and fleets? well, we saw it on the pier and drew it. well, why not, tactics too, in fact, here you have to understand that the school is one and the same, they all come from the same department, of course , the minister of attacks and murders of the russian federation came on a reindeer with bells, told that it needs to be deepened, expanded , they began to deepen, expand, of course, some measures may look exclusively... demonstrative, some measures will be real, maybe, maybe there will be an increase, for example, of aviation flights, low-speed, they have returned to service, those that they were once going to write off, seaplanes, these be-12s, which are quite so
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slow, which just observe the water area, yes the very flights of helicopters seem to have increased from the same rather old mi-8s, training. they had an impression of surface targets, trained to work on a drone and, by the way, in the video that they posted themselves, they never hit it, can be increased the number of radar observation points, well, that is, in fact, they have regular means there, measures that they can strengthen there, what will be the result of this, is a separate question, now the season of serious storms is ending, and accordingly... what , for example, was the problem with the use of drones the same, it's the weather, and even in bad, bad weather conditions in the season of storms, they were used and quite successfully, now the weather will be better, that's why, that's why we actually don't see exits to the sea, maybe a new tactic
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is just to hide behind the buoys barriers in the bays, well, we like it, why not, they actually came out this morning, it seemed that they still... can go to the sea and immediately return to the background base, now there is not a single unit in the sea, so most likely they are now still, uh, they are looking for a way to counter, and in fact it should be noted that they usually find a way to counter, that's the problem with the use of combat on our side, that the enemy, he's actually drawing conclusions, he's actually learning, he's actually trying to counter, and so every... time these operations are different, as the head of the security service of ukraine also said, that they never repeat, then all this is the way it is, that's why, in fact, sometimes it's so difficult and it doesn't happen so often, because that's how they react in reality. mr. dmytro, thank you
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for your comment. dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, joined the project razom beraber, they talked about our water area. seas and, of course, even went a little beyond the limits today, because it is important to understand what the challenges are are now going to the civilized world in connection with the aggressive russian federation and in general extraordinary various events. now let's take a short break and come back to the discussion, there are many more important topics ahead, stay with us. you have this country is ruled by a real dictatorship. turn on hbo's new satirical series on mekogo. regime. can her tyranny lead to freedom? watch in ukrainian in mego's subscription. april 6.
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hours to learn about war and how the world lives, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. channel espresso. and ukrainian pen present their own project names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, close-quarters war in the east crisis on the border between ukraine and
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poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's find out how to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. we continue the project razom beraber - it is a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel. muzhdabaev and khrystyna yatskiv, together with you, and we are now adding to our conversation denys
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chisttikov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea. congratulations denis, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. salam alaikum. we began our program by announcing a collection for the needs of the 48th shab named after noman chilibihan. and, unfortunately, we continued this topic. in particular, and... information, an information campaign, which, in my opinion, is now very inappropriately unfolding, where are the crimean tatar battalions, why are they not fighting in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we understand that a large number of the kremlin are involved in the defense forces, some of them are involved in the context of all other battalions, units, groups in the armed forces and not only, but there is also a separate battalion created precisely on the basis of... people who care about crimea and who crimea is important.
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mr. denys, is a discussion slowly maturing with us, and is it timely on the topic of where residents of the occupied crimea, and why they are somehow involved in the defense of the whole of ukraine. ayder and i tried to start a careful discussion about it. well, it should be noted that the topic is indicated. started having to happen after the full-scale invasion, it has no permanent basis, but it appears from time to time and the last appearance of this topic, i know, it was in a discussion at one of the public events, but again, this is the perception of an individual, not the general opinion that exists in the community should be noted, what we see and understand after the full-scale invasion , a large number of crimean residents joined the armed forces of ukraine. at that time, those who left as internally displaced persons, a large number of them lived in the city of kyiv, and they
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took up defense, and among them there is a significant number, including representatives of the crimean tatar people, indigenous peoples of ukraine who lived in crimea. as for what was given from the information experts, in relation to the number of representatives of the indigenous people, it is much more than it is in relation to... indigenous people in ukraine, so this is a manipulative effort, conditionally, or a misunderstanding of those persons who raise the specified topic or an attempt to provoke, provocation, in addition, it should be noted that these discussions influence, but where are they, as you noted, as an example, nariman chilijihan, that is, they want to see directly some crimean tatar battalions, but it should be noted that a large number of crimean tatars are fighting in the ranks of the armed forces and in others. divisions, as we know, are also active in the divisions of the main directorate of intelligence
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the crimea division, which also actively participates in the active activities that took place on the territory of the occupied crimea last year, so this is periodic, but should not be paid attention to, should be paid attention to, but it is not so relevant that, for now, something to worry about, well, we... want to point out that this is a completely artificial topic, baseless and very funny, but it is not funny that during the presentation of awards by the president, to soldiers... to officers, including a large number of orders 48th oshb named after namanovyjakhan, the commander of which is lenu roslyamov, and at the same time, in two or three days , a video will be released on public television, where the presenter, i don’t know, is a military serviceman himself, well, he just doesn’t know, he probably says that where are the crimean tatars, and where are these battalions, and why do we not see them, well
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, that is the question and even such an opinion has been expressed that this is a spread, a widespread opinion. that the crimeans do not fight, in which circles is it common in my question, well, this is not for you, but just to the wall, yes, in which circles do people communicate, where is the question of the participation of crimeans in the army widespread ours, first of all, there are chiefs of staff of brigades, commanders of separate assault units, that's where it actually started, but where are the assault units, here is the assault unit, it was created more than six months ago, this is your ignorance. in this, it is a fact, and i tell my colleagues there, but you should not pass off your opinions as facts, i do not know where this is widespread, among the people who fought in the 48th, there are crimeans, ukrainians, even foreigners, none such thoughts do not spread, because surely they know each other and are interested in life, on different from some editors who
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ask these provocative questions, that this is a concern of society, it is almost the main thing. business, i just remember very well, and maybe someone there has a bad memory to remind me that immediately after the blockade of crimea, it was the 16th year, the blockade began in the 15th in the 16th year lenur slyamov together with mustafa dzhemilev and proposed to create a crimean brigade, first a battalion, and then a brigade in the composition of either the ngu or the zsu. for defense in the chungar direction and others, there are two roads even before the blockade was and for some reason, neither in the 16th year nor in the following years, we were given anything, no specific answer to this, they gave us only after a small-scale invasion, fortunately, but then nothing moved and they told us right in our eyes, so yes, we there is no need
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for a national unit, although it was not about national matters, they also invented it, yes , excuses like that, it was about... about the fact that people from crimea, the most motivated people, can be allowed to gather together, why does the georgian legion exist, but the crimean one does not , so now only this is fixed, yes, i would like to just to clarify, it is very important, and this can be a very important accusation, we need to understand from whose mouth it came, it is not, it is the leadership at that time, the leadership of the armed forces, i do not remember the name, it is not important, i am just about process, but then we were told no... we need national battalions, although there was no mention of them, it was deliberate manipulation and also on the part of journalists, i remember very well, my memory works well, but now they say where are these battalions , well, there probably would have been more of them there, if the state had known about it in time it was necessary, yes, but, but, but, that is , let's leave these artificial questions to artificial
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intelligence, let's not pollute our intelligence with michnya, which works only on xenophobia and on... disassembling and benefiting the occupier. mr. denis, we are just starting this topic, we are trying to approach it very carefully, and thank you for your reflection, you are one of the first speakers with whom we talk about this at all. there are still some important questions. we see how much islamophobia is growing in russia in general in connection with recent events, they are trying hard attract, well, the inhabitants of central asia. work in the russian federation, and it is scary to imagine what they can do to those who practice islam in the temporarily occupied territories of our country, in crimea, are we already observing the consequences of this growing islamophobia on the peninsula? well, it should
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be noted that there is a threat to citizens of ukraine living in crimea, including representatives of the indigenous people and beyond. tatars, it has never, never disappeared, it is constantly, large and only gaining momentum, as we see, before the start of the so-called presidential elections of the russian federation, there were mass detentions and arrests in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this is again for the purpose of intimidation, that they, this imperialist perception of the russian federation, the fear of the indigenous peoples, the crimean tatars in the territory temporarily occupied crimea, and again an element of intimidation, in addition to what we see... for more than 10 years , they have been actively and targetedly drawing attention to and persecuting the residents of the temporary occupied crimea, in particular, today we know that there are already more than 220. 210 political prisoners of the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea, of which more than 120 are crimean tatars, as
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the president of the russian federation noted recently, after the conclusion of the illegal and illegal elections head of the forest ryfat chubarov, that once again targeted mobilization is expected in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, that is , a large number of summonses will be distributed precisely in places of compact residence residents from the crimean tatars, this practice was applied by them back in september 2022, and it is used not only for the purpose of being able to demonstrate and involve the crimean tatars, since we will understand that they are trying to avoid involvement in the armed forces of the russian federation as much as possible, but precisely to they left the specified territory, that is, this is a hidden and modified deportation of indigenous peoples from the temporarily occupied crimea. at the same time, another feature should be noted, for which, as already noted, they are now actively using the pretext of a terrorist attack on the territory of the russian federation, this is precisely
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for the introduction of the death penalty, the restoration of the death penalty in the russian federation. and here again it is necessary to observe and talk about it with international partners, international organizations, in order to monitor the situation regarding the current prisoners and further detainees and... the investigation of our citizens on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. as we know, the russian federation, russian law enforcement officers are trying to create the appearance, the image of the residents of crimea, who are detained precisely as terrorists and they are prosecuted under article 205.5 and the creation or participation in a terrorist organization, and it is for this article that it is proposed to renew the death penalty in the russian federation, and this is already a big risk for our citizens living in the territory. those of the temporarily occupied crimea can be detained at any moment based on the fabricated materials of the russian law enforcement officers. in addition, it should be noted that even though russia says that
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manipulation is taking place again, that there was a decision of the constitutional court to suspend the implementation death penalty, but now hot heads are actively discussing that the constitutional court can renew it, review the specified decision and accept others. therefore, as i mentioned, we must, as ukraine, as a state, and also internationally. to monitor the specified situation in order to protect our citizens, if possible, as we can, who are in crimea, as well as who are in prison. denis, thank you very much for this important comment. denis chistykov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic crimea was in touch with us. i will also remind you that on the website of the representative office of the president of ukraine , the vrk, there was a message that the deadline for submitting applications for the training program for public managers for future work is already in... occupied crimea, and of course in the eastern regions of ukraine, the program is called reintegration management program, it was extended until april 1, that is, until april 1,
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if you see yourself among those people who will implement, in particular, the state policy of ukraine in the currently occupied territories, you can apply and i think get some kind of response, that's the end of it for now, at least in this program, thank you ayder, thank you christ. let's meet together. be with us. report to the armed forces. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews. goals, saves, emotions. the project is for experienced cheerleaders. and simply for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel.
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we are looking for 12-year-old maksym katunin from kherson. the boy lived in the central district of the city. his search has been going on for almost a year and a half. information about disappeared. the child came to us in november 2022, it was then that the regional center of the kherson region was liberated from the occupiers, and it was then that the child's disappearance became known. perhaps maxim was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or even to russia, so now the most important thing is to find out the whereabouts of the child. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will succeed to find look carefully at the photo, maybe someone... has seen maxim and knows at least something about him. every little thing is important. if suddenly someone has information about maksym katunin, or knows where he might be
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now, immediately call us at... the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, from the beginning war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone in the end you will help to find. look at
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the photo, this is a 13-year-old. dmytro horovy has not known anything about the fate of this boy for more than two years, unfortunately, and there are also few details about his disappearance. i only know that when the war started, the child was in mariupol, and on the same day the boy disappeared without a trace. perhaps he, like many children, was taken to russia, or is still being held somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories. therefore, i very much ask you to look carefully at the photo of dmytro horovoy. he looks about 12 years old, he has light movement hair and dark eyes, if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he may be now, do not hesitate and call us on the magnolia children's hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. i also want to remind you that the search for 16-year-old ilya polishchuk continues. he is also from mariuppol, and
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nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the war. war contact with ilya was lost on february 24, and no one knows where he is now. so i i appeal to everyone who sees me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen willyukh or knows where he might be now, don't hesitate to call us. the line of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to chat-bot of the children's search service in telegram. any information is important. and i will ask for a moment of your attention. this is nine-year-old nikita nikolaev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement was occupied in may
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2022, but nikita disappeared already on may 23, and in fact, nothing is known about the fate of the child for almost a year. i hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. please take a close look at the photo of nikita nikolaev. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. the child looks nine years old. if suddenly someone has seen the boy, or at least knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial. from any mobile operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service is 11630. calls are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chat bot of the children's search service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and let us know, and we'll get it up and running.
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all possible mechanisms of punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. we are starting the information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. another attack on the energy industry, russian terrorists attacked ukraine with rocket launchers, rockets and drones at dawn, directed them to the south.


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